tv Headline News RT May 31, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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russia holds for an end to political games over chemical weapons in syria raising concerns over the import of the rest of canada links syrian militants in turkey with highly poisonous sorry gas. protests thirds of received the eurozone financial capital while ranks of riot police stand with the town dogs and water cannon and the ready pace and have stereo passions get out of hand. state of emergency birds a furious goldmine of workers threaten the blackout of the facility to force its canadian owners to share the wealth. and president obama's vow to speed up one time of closure fails to spark hope among more than one hundred hunger strikers the
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father of one detainee tells r.t. about his son's deteriorating condition. what you largely coming to life from moscow i'm marina joshing russia says it's time to stop playing games regarding syria's chemical weapons and is demanding a sir investigation into every case of their use suspect this year in militants were reportedly arrested in turkey this week with a cylinder of sarin nerve gas the men are believed to be members of the al qaida linked on us for a front fighting against president assad's government here is our middle east correspondent paul sleazier with more. was seized in southern turkey and that is according to local media reports the media also saying that they carried a two kilogram sunda with the nerve agent sarin now turkish authorities haven't
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commented on this report and we are waiting to hear from them questions the united states and france in the past have said that they believe it is a sound however that is news in chemical weapons but they haven't been able to who to produce any kind of evidence to prove this the british government has written to the united nations spanking new alleging we knew incidents of chemical use by assad's forces and at the same time the french government says that it is testing samples of f. was smuggled out by journalists but all of this is hearsay at the moment whereas on the other hand we have them here what we're seeing is fighters from the al nusra front allied with the syrian rebels court with the siren a nerve agent guess it is important also to point out in the mind of you is that the united nations did launch an independent investigation and what that investigation concluded was that there were signs that rebels have been using these sounds nerve agent in a massive investigation that was initiated by the u.n.
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chief banking room that was criticized by damascus because they saved that what banking mean was hoping to do was to investigate every site in syria and the syrian state of reminded them of the iraqi style investigation into weapons of mass destruction when you're looking at. we've warned repeatedly of provocations connected with chemical weapons we've also insisted on investigations into any case related to their possible use including the incident reportedly took place near aleppo we're very disappointed that because of political games the u.n. has failed to act on this we expect our turkish colleagues to quickly provide a full report on this latest case this situation is too serious for those who constantly talk about the chemical weapons problem to keep playing games around it each and every incident needs to be investigated. the use of chemical weapons is bad and under international law when there are concerns that any kind of
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suggestions or any kind of proof they use will trigger international intervention reports have emerged that a u.s. and british citizen have been killed while fighting among rebels in syria damascus estimates that around one hundred thousand mercenaries have joined the battle against it are going off takes a closer look at who is being armed by the opposition to fight against government. since britain and france blocked attempts to extend the e.u. embargo on supplying on's to the syrian rebels there have been growing fears that the weapons could end up in the wrong hands and this is why the syrian opposition is made up of many divided and often competing factions and truly there's no force that can represent it as a whole there's the syrian national council the national coalition for syrian revolutionary and opposition forces the supreme military council the free syrian army the international coordination committee the. brigade and many more like to
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point out that only the n.c.c. says it's open to dialogue with the authorities while all the others have officially proclaimed their goal is to topple the regime the only difference being how extreme their approaches are and here is where these two rebel groups stand out . is officially recognized as a terror organization by the u.s. it's also known for its links to al qaeda and for being among the most highly trained rebel forces currently on the ground in syria and the fire brigade perhaps just as notorious after one of its leading commanders was shown eating the body parts of a dead syrian soldier on video but despite warnings raised by international human rights groups including the international and human rights watch the rebels have been receiving weapons for some time now according to western media reports the rebels have received one hundred sixty planeloads of arms shipments from jordan saudi arabia quarter via turkey and then with
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a cargo smuggled across the border here with syria but no matter which rebel group or the arms may be destined for it's also widely recognized that they usually end up in the hands of the best trained and most radical brigades. historian an international relations expert gerald horan believes that the opposition's foreign backers have already launched a massive buildup towards intervention if the syrian government had been caught with sarah i guess you would have her work from washington london and paris but of course this should not come as a surprise to anyone been paying attention we know that the internationally respected civil servant carla del ponte a had basically made a similar discovery and revelation on behalf united nations just weeks ago which then was refuted by the white house we also know that in recent days senator john mccain of arizona entered syria illegally and news reports indicate that he
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consulted with the white house before answering syria this is a very dangerous turn of events it's clear that there are those in washington who would like to intervene in syria on behalf of the rebels which is quite curious since al nusra front which has been designated as a terrorist organization by washington is at the tip of the spear in the opposition against president of the saud. based political alice rotella joins us now for more roles thanks very much for joining us here on r.t. so what sort of consequences can we expect if it is indeed confirmed that way has obtained chemical weapons. well the consequences are going to be dramatic in the region dramatic for all parties engage in the conflict it is also going to be. very decisive for the opposition's future. i think that with days the opposition.
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is not is no longer in the hands of those we see on t.v. or attending meetings for syria. the real reality on the ground in whether it's in syria or in some parts of lebanon is about and also and al qaida actively present and will dictate the future of the region and the future of this called revolution any idea as to where the chemicals could be coming from. the friends of spring. are so many one cannot predict anything you know they could come from anywhere and there are so many parties willing to destroy the region for the sake of. some. to gain to gain ground over here we are witnessing
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a world war on the soil of syria and lebanon well if the use of such weapons is proven do you think for a no power should interfere or to prevent a potential chemical catastrophe in syria. might be very much a catastrophe in syria and also in lebanon. i think the international community should take drastic measures the security council should take that measure. and this got passed fifty from happening very soon. so what do you make of the reports that a u.s. and british citizen were killed while fighting against the syrian army and why would an american and british nationals go to the war zone in the first place. you know i was in in europe a couple of weeks ago and i heard from very knowledgeable friends of mine and some sources within the government and the security services.
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and the. swedish by hundreds are joining the jihad because somehow you have very. very. popular these days mosques and. actively working to recruit peons to become not not muslims but extremist muslims and calling them for jihad and some of those who were brainwashed just just you know like they went to syria and they are fighting over days but i think it's more than the american and british there are hundreds of. others well one more question very briefly if you could is president and justify when he accuses the rebels of attracting mercenaries into their ranks when fighters from iran and hezbollah are backing his own army. well. nowadays it's not about who is backing who is. in a war it's
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a war that will define the face of the middle east and in some parts of the world this war is not going to stop in the middle east it's going to spread and africa and some from other places in asia and even very close to russia so today some forces in the world decided to to stop this plan this evil plan from from being achieved and they decided to just turn it into an open. force has been protecting its own people and syria you know that could save the. thousands of us who were killed. for for a few months before hezbollah entered the enter the confrontation so it's only their legitimate rights to fight for the future and for the identity of the teachin and what i will have to leave it there unfortunately but for now though thanks very
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much indeed for reviews they were based political analyst rule of. the financial hearts of the euro zone is under siege today with thousands of protesters descending on vital banking institutions in the city of frankfurt riot squads are out in force to bracing themselves for clashes with water cannon and police documents ready you know all over reports from germany's financial hub. thousands of demonstrators have come out onto the street to the front of the friday to take a look twenty thirty they've essentially shot. to the european central bank which has its headquarters in the german city front that is close to many large banks one of the world's largest banking sectors not thousands have come out to voice their anger against the banking sector the way that europe's financial institutions are in their eyes being mismanaged also. drawing people's anger has been the latest big
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is coming out because the unemployment in the euro so now we're hearing all of a staggering nearly twenty million people out soup work inside the countries that make up the monetary union not just twelve just over twelve percent of the population now to find out just why people are here in front good to demonstrate i'm joined by contadina prince paper the left in germany the student wing of the left thank you very much for talking to me. why are people coming out in such numbers to you tonight there are i think what is happening here in frankfurt today if there are twenty million people have influence in the eurozone especially young people we understand that there are no solution no national solution since the crisis we understand that there has to be international solidarity and international strabo if we act of overcome the banking crisis and our city politics that have been completely destroying the social states around and around europe do
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you think it's a concern amongst the young that those levels of unemployment that we sitting in the southern european countries like your own could eventually migrate to the will be a problem yet so it's already happening it's i mean germany is not a paradise in europe anymore that that. the wages in germany extremely low compared to their productivity levels and the young people i met two thirds of students had . to working hard to finance their studies people have very very bad working conditions they were jobs at the end very very few and although of the social state in time it still exists in a lot last forever if we don't do anything cuts it in offense before that the students winning over the left body in germany thank you very much for talking to me to put some of those figures into a little bit more context twenty million we're talking about the population of a a large european nation a whole house of work and that's being coupled with just recent news of
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a rise in inflation around the eurozone most most notably when it comes to food just last month alone the price of the food rising by three point three percent so all of these problems seem to be increasing and that's why we're seeing more and more people coming out to show just how unhappy they are with the current situation . fifty five people injured are just on barton is across a story. tom so how bad is the situation tell us more. hi there marina yes we've been following this story according to the latest information we have from a variety of news sources including local journalists on the ground that we've managed to get in touch with around two thousand protesters attempted to storm the mine in eastern kurdistan resulting in violent clashes with riot police at the at the site dozens were wounded including protesters and police exchanges of rubber
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bullets stun grenades and of stones one police bus was set on fire another was completely destroyed a state of emergency has been declared by the government in kurdistan the latest we're hearing from some of those news sources reports that most of those protesters have possibly now dispersed only the leaders remain and they say they'll stay there until their demands are met these follow earlier protests where protesters came to try and blockade the mine and cut the power to it earlier the canadian company centerra gold which owns the mine say's these actions are illegal but the protesters have a variety of demands of their own ranging from the redistribution of some of the wealth from the mine to the state's budget increase social benefits nationalisation and concerns about the local ecology and lack of infrastructure the mine itself
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which brings about twelve percent into stands for me has been the subject of heated debate in may two thousand and twelve a similar protest your creations of a mind that was just one of a number of similar kinds of protests and the government very nervous about these kind of situations because of political unrest in the country in recent years ethnic uzbeks and kroger's splashed in the south of the country in two thousand and ten and those clashes followed the overthrow of the president also in two thousand and ten in a short but violent revolution. all right tom thanks very much indeed for in this sunday tom gardner it's morning. so how does this hour here on our t.v. on the streets of england a schizophrenia man who claims to have killed hundreds back in his native kenya but he's allowed to stay in the u.k. because of your piano agreements out of its control despite concerns over public safety.
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well talking about language at all but i will only react to situations i have read the reports for unlike the players i know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point the monthly's to secure a car is on the dog's. nose i. think you know more weasel words. when you made a direct question be prepared for a change when you punish the ready for a bad. freedom of speech and a little bit of the freedom to question. back
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to watching r t barack obama promised to speed up closing guantanamo bay more than a week ago but the hunger strike situation at the prison is only deteriorating not a single inmate believes the pledge is enough to break their months long protest against mistreatment and indefinite detention the number of protesters being force fed a procedure considered as torture by the u.n. has increased to thirty six more inmates have had to be taken to hospital as well r.t. spoke to the father of a guantanamo prisoner who also have the kuwaiti detainees in guantanamo committee. told us what happened to his son after he resorted to starvation. my son been there
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for eleven years without having justice and he is there. without committing any crime no charges again it's against him it is very difficult for him to tell me what's going on there because there is a surveillance on the it is the district shoes for all the detainees not to talk about the conditions inside the camp but i can tell by the way he looks he was so skinny this is the fairest time for him to put some glasses on his eyes. looks he looks horrible. he could not concentrate while he's talking to me. i have sometimes to repeat simple sentences to him. to old to three times
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just to bring his attention so he could understand what i am saying he has. affected his body his thinking his brain it which is really really we are very concerned very concerned about his life and britain's embroiled in a round about its own guantanamo kuoni after it was revealed that up to ninety afghan nationals are being detained in secret and without charge at the u.k. scam baskin base some have been held there for more than a year british m.p. jeremy corbin says similarities between the facilities are striking. people are collected all rested. and recall but it's held for very long periods and not so large nor will the judicial process just go on time to move and i think that the legacy of two thousand and one of guantanamo. and the
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extraordinary rendition process is something that's going to live for a very long time international more has been seriously undermined by britain and the u.s. in their behavior over afghanistan for the past twelve years the afghan government is supposed to be in charge of the country and those british american and many of the soldiers allegedly fighting to protect this government they claim they can hold prisons over to this government as they will be tortured but instead they're held illegally in these two bases. with some other stories from around the world a small passenger plane ran out of fuel this wide on friday before plummeting into the living room of a house outside washington d.c. two people were injured in the accident want to board the cessna and the other in the department emergency crews are now helping several adults and children forced to evacuate the building. crowds of environmentalist's and
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stamboul have squared up to the bulldozers to save a city park and trees from being flattened and turned into a shopping mall many of the campaigners have camped out of for three nights running to try and head off the demolition police tried moving them on with water cannon and tear gas but there were injuries this sounds like an activist trying to flee by scaling a wall. braveness failure to expel immigrants to pose a potential risk to society has again been thrown into sharp relief and reports a mentally unstable man from kenya assassin has killed hundreds is now free to walk the streets of england. he says he's murdered up to four hundred people with a machete in his native kenya killed police and taken part in female genital mutilation but a court ruled that twenty seven year old john is free to stay in the u.k. he arrived illegally back in two thousand and three but when the home office tried
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to deport him he appealed and an immigration tribunals ruled that hugo suffers from schizophrenia and had made up the atrocities he was granted leave to remain in the u.k. because he's at risk of committing suicide if he returns to kenya you would think this is not appropriate to bring into the problem if you look at the european convention of human rights it is possible for him to stay here because criminal of the sort we've seen. this is one of those he. he's going to be. and that's the problem john here as potentially dangerous individual that the home office of tried and failed to deport jordanian terror suspect abu qatada has avoided extradition for over a decade patatas lawyers argue it's against his human rights to return to jordan
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where he could face torture not all the countries signed up to the european convention on human rights choose to follow it the french and italian governments deport dangerous individuals first and then hear their appeals i think one of the problems we have this country. is drastically wrong we don't seem to want to find the adequate solution or effective solution for the problem things are all the problem is bigger. in the sense that some streets. people but it did happen over here in the soldier lee rigby was hired to death in broad daylight by two men. wielding meat cleavers as the mud of the country the suspects have been known to emergencies and questions have been asked about whether or not the police could have done more to prevent the mind and yes a week later that we learned that a mentally unstable man who claims to have killed hundreds of people gets to stay in the u.k.
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the ruling once again raises questions about who's safety the british immigration judges are protecting. auti in london i'm doesn't pay so the phrase goes but russian police have found otherwise after hitting the jackpot during an investigation into an allegedly corrupt official bags and boxes stuff with millions of rubles in fact around four point five million dollars worth were found hidden from the house which was searched the official in question only xander oversaw road construction projects in the southwestern russian region of iran it is accused of blackmail and coercing construction companies to pay him bribes to secure a local government contracts fortunately you'll be able to appreciate the very roads he helped build as he was driven to court to face charges of abuse of office bribery and froth. well you have today here in our next shady chicago deals and radicalization any ok in breaking the set today this.
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distraction is one thing the media does very well we all tend to focus on one spicy issue of the moment and ignore the rest geale those are definitely worth the media attention but let's not ignore the fact that the food people eat around the world is an attack from multiple fronts antibiotics are often overused and cattle which can and eventually said they will lead to anti biotics resistant bacteria evolving animals are also injected with various hormones which can make their way into our stomachs and speaking of mysterious things getting into our body pretty much any crops that you we are doused with all sorts of pesticides and sit on top of powerful fertilizers which can affect bodies of water far beyond the fence of the
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farm obviously technology has been and should be used in farming so we all don't starve i get why pesticides exist and why they start giving diseased animals antibiotics but there comes a point where out putting a lot of poisonous food will kill you just as dead as slowly starving will there is a healthy middle ground out there somewhere but if we only worry about just the g m o's and only won that battle then we'll still be eating food loaded with bad stuff just other bad stuff but that's just my opinion. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch i got so many i mean the town i know that i've seen the same thing really messed up. in the old story so personally. it's. the worst you're going to see in the
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white house or the. radio guy minestrone. what clothes for a politician to do never seen anything like this i'm told. what is going on guys i'm having martin and this is breaking the set remember the mysterious story about the f.b.i. killing a young chechen man in florida over fresher memory in the wake of the boston bombings the f.b.i. began to investigate him but i deem twenty seven year old man who had been in the same social circles as the main suspect tamerlan sign a corner to initial reports the f.b.i. want to question to dodge of about his association with the bomb plot that's when he allegedly went crazy for city to put a knife and stab one of the agents f.b.i. then shot.
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