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tv   Headline News  RT  June 1, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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thousands of protesters descend on europe's main banking hub frankford highly the pressure on financial institutions which they say are defending the wealthy while pushing millions of people into poverty but also here on our. royals a panic entail a guest in turkey terminal spread as a protest against the destruction of apology it is them both as skilled labor into a nationwide display of anger against the government. the u.s. confirms an american woman has been killed in syria reported view while fighting alongside the rebel forces there and incident that it illustrates of the growing international impact of the civil war. and hunger striking one ton of detainees demand new doctors accusing military medics of breaching big spy
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performing inhumane force feeding procedures. you're watching a live of from moscow it's just gone past one o'clock right down in the capital and you're with me to say. europe the banking capital is gearing up for another day of street blockades with angry crowds are protesting against the way the e.u.'s financial woes are being handled thousands cut off access to frankfurt made financial institutions on friday voicing their anger against the european central bank over the painful austerity measures that are affecting millions across the continent argues peter all of the reports. front but is close to many large chunks
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one of the world's largest fund sectors not thousands have come out to voice their anger against the banking sector the way that europe's financial institutions are in their eyes being mismanaged also. drawing people's anger has been the latest big is coming out so we're gonna see unemployment in the euro so now we're hearing all of a staggering nearly twenty million people out soup work inside the countries that make up the monetary union just twelve just over twelve percent of the population now to find out just why people are here in front good to demonstrate i'm joined by contadina principle of the left policy in germany the student. thank you very much for talking to me. why are people coming out in such numbers to to but there are i think what is happening here in frankfurt today is that twenty million people out of clients in the eurozone especially. we understand that there are no solution no
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national solutions to this crisis we understand that there has to be international solidarity and international strabo if we are told the banking crisis and the austerity politics that have been completely destroying the social states around and around europe do you think that's a concern amongst the young at those levels of unemployment that we sitting in the southern european countries like your own could eventually migrate to the problem yet so it's already happening it's i mean in germany it's not a paradise in europe anymore that. the wages in time an extremely low compared to that for the t.v. level and at the young people i met two thirds of students had to work in order to finance their studies people had very very bad working conditions they were simply can't stop at the end very very few and all go to the social state in time it still exists it will not last forever if we don't do anything today in offense before the . the student wing of the left party in germany thank you very much for talking to
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me to put some of those figures into a little bit more context twenty million we're talking about the population of a a large european nation all out of work and that's being coupled with just recent news of a rise in inflation around the eurozone most most notably when it comes to food just last month alone the price of the food rising by three point three percent so all of these problems seem to be increasing and that's why we're seeing more and more people coming out to show just how unhappy they are with the current situation . michael emerson from the european financial blog m m news a says the under arrest was seeing in frankfurt as just the beginning of a global uprising against financial tyranny and i think this is one step more towards six in the eurozone the eurozone and you has nothing to do with democracy anymore and what i fear most is that all this crisis is you a crisis leads to structures which are far far away from democracy i mean i don't
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want to euro zone boss i want somebody whom i can believe whom i can trust and who i'm also able to elect but what's going on at the moment is that there are people in front of us like in the home when you do this is our politicians and their political people decide what's going on i think that's not good for the future i'll take also the japanese take an american united states of america fifty million food stamps there this is not a no sign so we are we have all of the same problem and maybe the occupy and these protests that we see are only the beginning of a vast protest and demonstration all over the europe all over europe but also all over the world in jan and united states as well. well discontent degrees on the streets of europe they are whining cracks on the political level the latest from brussels have been accused of a land grab of their complaint coming from the u.k.
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after the european commission took the country to court to to defend the rights of the e.u. citizens living in the country it claims britain is discriminating against people from the other e.u. countries while london says it will fight every step of the way to protect its own laws are he says also your reports. the european commission is once again looking more closely at the affairs of its member states now one that's making particular noise especially while the citizens of that country is the commission's decision to launch a case against the u.k. at the european court of justice because the commission says that the u.k. has the discriminatory against nationals of other e.u. countries in receiving welfare now there's already been reaction from the u.k. particularly angry ones from the government i want to from the work and pensions secretary who says that he will want cave in he says a brussels is once again launching a land grab and over reaching its areas of responsibilities and meddling into the affairs of national governments now we have spoken to a legal expert to explain to us why the commission has done what it has this is
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a case where the commission has found. for filling the treaty obligations we. know that he wants to have a referendum in two thousand and seventeen you want to renegotiate the tradition. i mean with. respect to this latest move by brussels has once again brought to the forefront issues like sovereignty of member states immigration or the pressure put on social welfare systems the very issues that really have led to an increase in support for your skeptic parties and countries like the u.k. how can the commission is looking also at another country spain it says that it has received complaints of health card which is supposed to entitle e.u. citizens to free health care in public hospitals while they're traveling to other countries within the block and it has been refused by some spanish hospitals so one the one hand you have the commission maintaining that it's simply implementing the rules on the other you have accusations that brussels is once again dipping into
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the affairs of national governments and in the context of the great economic crisis and very public displays of social dissatisfaction this is yet another stress test for the e.u. as it tries to move forward reporting from brussels i'm tester cilia. later today man skies and stacy herbage a look at some of the unconventional ways in which the greeks are hoping to dig their way out of the debt crisis. restrains libor accounts for poor taxpayers so if you owe back taxes and you don't have any money to pay it well the government is looking for an army camp in the attic or region two people who have debts to the tax authorities serving their sentence confirm the deputy minister for justice in the greek parliament now he's saying this is a more humane solution because they're building these unique death camps. at a former army base but there won't be any rapists and murderers and other sorts in there so we'll just be these bad but you're going with this is compare and contrast
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here's a country like iceland maintain its sovereignty number one and then recapitalized and they're smooth sailing toward growth period with their currency intact unemployment is looking good greece unfortunately is locked into the euro and they're just they've been taken over they become a vassal state from the i.m.f. and from the troika of these global institutions so they unfortunately lost their sovereignty. three protests golfing turkish cities swat started a few days ago as a peaceful environmental rally has snowballed into the largest outpouring of public anger the country has seen in the as dozens were injured when police violently dispersed a thousand strong crowd from a park in istanbul and that heavy handed response to trade good rallies in several other cities now the initial protest was prompted by government backed plans to
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demolish a park in the center of istanbul to build a shopping mall then it's grown into the an all key part style read against the islamist leaning government in the capital probably as. also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling justice and development party we can now go live to assemble to discuss our protest with their denise at grinnell of the general secretary to kids and media association done as a how are things in istanbul looking now is there any signs of the situation calming down. well hello. this situation istanbul is getting complicated every day actually. these projects started two days ago with some small scale protests as a sit in protest actually the protest was peaceful but escalated after the police used tear gas to get people out of the cost reduction area so now two days after
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you know what began as a small scale peaceful protest to clear this year's eve party one of the few remaining green spaces left impacts in has escalated in some of the biggest problem is ordered and and and while it seemed to probably sooner or later years. and you know so what if the protests was as peaceful as you say it was why did the police and resort to such a heavy handed response to what was going on actually we still don't know we still don't know why these. these police why don't you see why they're so nervous why is . this whole why the spark we still don't know and i think the government has to make. in this situation. true why this has escalated at such
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levels because it was a peaceful protest and did the municipality or government or the police forces could have responded in a peaceful manner but if they didn't and now these protests have sparked to different cities of turkey such as uncle its tree roots or or other now or several other parts of turkey which is i thing is that a good thing to see there so let me ask you this this is this protest the peaceful protests that you speak about is sort of about protesting over the city park and what do you think now looking at what's going on now what is the roots of this cause the cause of the public anger that we're seeing right now well as i mentioned earlier what began as a peaceful protest as a as a nation will protest would say you know just to save some trees because of the
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excessive force or to local security. the call is has carved into something like a local enragement movement against the government and against the police forces so it became like a political movement actually and now there are many people from different sides of the political spectrum are involved in the protests and may need there are some extremist groups as well but there are also people who are just of forcing the out for the government are also on the streets it's not only marginal groups i'd say but there are all new people just coming from out of. houses with iraq assist in just trying to show their protest against the current government so it can be called or something like when you pressure people just. express their ideas
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for a place to show all of the protests you just using so it has become something much more much bigger the protest part of it has become a political movement against the current government dennis goodell of the general secretary of turkey's a media association joining us a lifer from istanbul thank you very much for that update site. right on our website r.t. dot com you can find live live updates on the unrest in turkey including footage and photos of the overnight clashes and witness accounts from all across the country. continue into our next story international peace talks on syria that were originally set for early this month have been thrown into doubt to syria's main opposition factions says it want to enter negotiations until the lebanese group hezbollah stops fighting alongside a syrian government troops meanwhile it's been confirmed that several four in
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a national zoo including an american woman and a u.k. citizen have been killed fighting on the side of the rebels archies marina partner as a details. the american woman that killed fighting alongside opposition forces in syria has been identified as thirty three year old nicole lynn mansfield her driver license photo in which she's pictured wearing a headscarf was broadcast by a syrian television station mansfield reportedly converted to islam after falling in love and marrying an arab immigrant according to her family mansfield to forced that man three years ago now the u.s. is reportedly working via the czech republic mission in syria to obtain more information about mansfield's but this is not the first case of an american fighting in syria earlier this year eric harroun a former u.s. soldier made headlines when he posted videos of himself online in which he appeared
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to be fighting with rebel groups holding weapons and driving with fighters through contested parts of syria shirl's your days are numbered you're going down in flames you should just quit now while you can and leave. you're going to die no matter what where you go we will find you and kill you ironically the u.s. state department recently demanded that hezbollah immediately withdraw its fighters from syria saying that their involvement on the side of president assad signaled watney of the war but in the meantime the u.s. state department it seems can't keep track of its own citizens involvement in the civil war reporting from new york bring up or not partake. the needs of the westerners killed or fighting for the syrian rebels backs up a recent study that showed hundreds of europeans have traveled to syria since the start of the civil war to fight against president assad's regime melt of those of
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the largest number of believed to have come from the u.k. and the latest incident involving an american woman shows that the conflict is getting mall internationalized and this is according to stephen is it is a professor of politics at the university of san francisco well there have been foreign fighters coming in know more and more the majority of people the armed resistance of course are syrians but they're increasingly we are seeing some westerners involved as well. you know this is fairly unusual though to actually have americans coming in in fact ironically just as there are some elements within the u.s. government pushing for greater u.s. involvement support the rebels we have other branches the government that have actually been no intercepting in prosecuting americans that have sought to join some of the more extreme elements of the opposition with a lifting of the e.u. embargo with a lot of domestic pressure against the obama administration which up to this point has been some reluctant to get more involved i'm afraid we are going to indeed see
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more and more western intervention in a greater and greater internationalization of this. morning is a coming your way when we come back to stay with us. a clear image of iraq after a facial. twenty day taxi trip through the country. the road full of danger. here evidence from north to south. the roots of iraqi tragedy. after the war waiting for peace. like taxi on our t.v. . please.
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please. please. thank you thank you. welcome back you're watching our team now a group of hunger striking prisoners at guantanamo bay have written an open letter to the military doctors condemning the force of feeding procedures they've been subjected to and demanding independent humane medical treatment thirty six out of more than one hundred detainees who have been starving themselves for almost four months now are being force fed let's all take a close look at how the inmates of disquiet a procedure that the u.n.
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and international medical organizations have branded as torture in that open letter the prison is a start by insisting that they would prefer death or to indefinite detention without trial and treatment that they call inhumane and degrading they also go on to talk about the force feeding situation that the doctors have imposed on them saying that. the process of having a tube repeatedly forced up on noses and down our throats in order to keep us in a state of semi starvation is extremely painful and the conditions under which it is done are you serve the letter finishes off by accusing medics of performing on ethical experiments and putting the duty to the military above their duty as a doctor's earlier we talked to and rich's similar training for a guantanamo detainee who described what her client is being subjected to. if you
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ginny's are really attempting to have treatment be restored to them as human beings and rather than being punished and treated like animals i have had my client tell me many times they treat animals better than they are treating the detainees my client has been kept in solitary confinement many of his items were taken away from him including attorney client mail he was not allowed to have a tooth brush toothpaste or so in his cell for many many weeks i don't know yet even if he's got enough to this day. they have made the conditions a dime's very reason cold for them in the cells they are requiring that they submit to their humiliating searches of their genital area in order to meet with their attorneys or talk with them on the telephone. it is just humiliating it's been difficult for them to sleep at night they are sometimes taken for their showers in the middle of the night so they have to decide between sleep and getting a little bit of clement us it's just then very cute though. back to europe now
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where the financial crisis has led to some of those same charge having to cut back on luxuries most precious and lawn to make his own contribution that an auction selling vintage wine from his collection but they are going towards helping keep the country's budget of lowered more details that are. supporters of private bradley manning accused of passing off a classified materials to the whistle blowing website wiki leaks i said to really over the weekend just days before his court martial more on that story at our dot com. the this is the follow through. on to other world news now a new barrage of ten natives has hit the outskirts of oklahoma city damaging
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buildings and killing at least five people disaster struggle during the rush hour cutting off a major highway and leaving drivers stranded the storm system spread from nearby i consult with twisters and flooding claimed three lives in the two weeks ago a series of tornadoes hit the same area and sit in widespread devastation. nigeria's the military has released fifty eight people suspected of having links to this mr group boko haram in a bid to move towards peace talks the military claims to have destroyed boko haram is major cancer given a blow to the insurgency in the country's north east but the leader of the movement said that the army assault is fading many civilians were reportedly killed in the latest military raid including women and children. russians who enjoy a street to music and movie downloads could be in for a shock the country's ministry of culture has threatened to publish online pirates
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with fines of up to thirty thousand dollars r.t.c. got to come up explains why the government is ready to take such drastic measures. everyone likes music but far from everyone likes to pay for it and why bother so many different online file swappers and torrent websites that offer your favorite for free online piracy has become so widespread in russia even experienced and internationally playing bands have long stopped counting on any serious profit from the seals their album well for russian people it's kind of obvious to download music for free now on the internet and they don't have. such thing in their mentality as if you're a support. artist you like. records online buy c.d.'s vinyls stuff like that so. this is not happening here how do you
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end up making money. concerts according to official statistics a shocking ninety nine percent of online media content in russia is counterfeit and nearly seven out of ten citizens openly admit they download for free when the social mogul movement the financial losses are just as big as the black market itself and not only for cinema but music literature everything connected with intellectual property it's simply impossible to calculate how much we will lose until it's legalized the illegal media market doesn't just sap the entertainment industry's profits but it's also affecting the way theatre projects are financed it's no secret a big blockbuster movie needs a big budget the decorations alone need sufficient investment of both craft and cash to completely transport the audience to a whole other reality but right now in russia this cinema magic is a largely possible due to state funding since private investors are mostly scared
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away by piracy last year alone the russian government invested over two hundred million dollars in the film industry but even that level of investment struggles to tempt audiences back into theaters and away from the pirates now the president is getting involved looking for ways to legalize the content without harming internet users personal freedoms for media bosses a lots at stake. we believe that without piracy films will be able to return twice more investment state and private will say one month after a movie premieres in cinemas it could be released onto the web for free but with adverts and legally. parliament is set to review a new anti-piracy draft a bill that punishing. all internet users not only those uploading illegal content but downloading it as well but that's not the end of the story a lot more is in the frame to ensure the pirates don't get the happy ending you go to school for moscow. right prime interests is next and that's it for me i leave
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you with a movie. a u.s. senate committee has passed a bill that if signed by obama will allow the u.s. to put a lot of weapons into the hands of syrian rebels this seems rather odd because many of the factions that are revolting seem like bad people to be arming in fact one rebel faction al nasra which according to the guardian is an islamist organization with links to al qaeda is quickly becoming the most powerful rebel faction of all of them the b.b.c. even declared that al nasra has been designated as a terrorist organization by the u.s. government itself has it started something like a bad idea to ship weapons into syria on american taxpayers' dollars yet let's just pretend that somehow all these weapons will magically not fall into the hands of al
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nasra well the free syrian army is that much better they seem perfectly happy to use rape and beheadings and genocide against christian alawite minorities with great glee to get what they want arming radical groups always has blowback if you remember back to just the one nine hundred eighty s. the u.s. funded and armed the taliban and those mujahedeen fighter guys and look how that turned out the u.s. government seems way too eager to arm radical foreigners and disarm average americans when they should be doing the exact opposite but that's just my opinion. early early.
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good afternoon and welcome the prime interest i'm perry and boring here and washington d.c. let's get to our headline. demarco at vandy and friday made headlines back in september of two thousand and eleven when he got the f h f a to sue a seventeen banks and broker. transgression that they were bilking a taxpayer while they recently settled with citi group but they've declined to tell a federal judge much less to taxpayers how much the settlement is worth or any other details for that matter bloomberg inquired as to why it was told that the f.a.a. the f.a.a. might never disclose but her well i guess we'll have to see if mel watts brings some transparency to the agency when demarco reeves but we're really not holding our breath on that and the jobless rates in seventeen countries that use the euro rose to an all time high twelve point two percent but prime.


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