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tv   Headline News  RT  June 3, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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outcome of western middle east outside intervention. coming up on r t accused wiki leak of bradley manning finally gets his day in court three years after he was arrested the latest from inside the courtroom and his supporters who are surrounding fort meade next. signed stamped and sealed one time of a hunger strikers write a letter to their doctors demanding better treatment we'll speak with an attorney representing some of those men just ahead. of. the massive demonstrations rocked turkey to its core hundreds of thousands flood the streets and protest without least two casualties and no sign of this unrest slowing down anytime soon the sights and sounds from this unbelievable scene coming up.
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it's monday june third five pm in washington d.c. meghan lopez and you are watching r.t. more than three years after he was arrested in iraq an accused of the biggest leak of classified military documents in u.s. history private first class bradley manning is finally getting his day in court today the twenty five year old former intelligence officer is facing twenty two charges ranging from possession a transfer of documents to violating the computer fraud and abuse act to his most serious charge aiding the enemy if he is found guilty manning could spend the rest of his life behind bars and if you're wondering why you haven't heard much about this historic trial from the news today here is why it has been thousands and thousands of years since the woolly mammoth walked across the face of the earth but guess what it could soon return next road warriors what happens when a former president pedals one hundred kilometers in three days we'll talk to the only reporter who went. with this guy it's bush and some veterans i know you have
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seen the internet sensation known as grumpy cat the same success i think on to this kid he said that new photo surfacing of the bloody crime scene where a libyan oscar pistorius shot his girlfriend a few months ago they show that blood spattered bathroom in which reveal steenkamp was shot well if there's one thing we now know is that noose is in the eye of the holder but bradley manning his trial will no doubt make the history books or team has sent an entire team down to for me today to cover this monumental trial where producer andrew blake was in the courtroom this morning and he joined me just a little bit ago i asked him what was happening today. but you said this is three years in the making and it's it was may twenty sixth may twenty fifth twenty ten i believe a man who was first picked up in baghdad he's been in pretrial custody ever since and if i may i do believe this is way more important than grumpy cat. p.f.c. manning was in the courtroom today for the fischel start of the court martial we've
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been doing these pretrial hearings going back to december two thousand and eleven but things are really start to take shape today already the event started off this morning with some basic housecleaning going over the rules of the court what we're going to expect during the next perhaps twelve weeks here in fort meade outside of baltimore and then from there we heard opening statements from the prosecution and david coombs the civilian defense attorney for p.f.c. manning who is actually being represented being supported thanks to over a million dollars worth of donations that have come into the bradley manning support network and those supporters were outside today at fort meade rallying they had a vigil starting around seven am this morning and it was great it was disgusting a lot of them are in the courtroom right now in offsite facilities watching live there's a lot of people here and actually for once a lot of media too which is great for the case of p.f.c. manning who could spend the rest of his life in prison for blood many people say is a heroic act now as you had mention and you know i understand that it started off with the prosecutor presenting his case were there any surprises there. you know i
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would really say there were many surprises but we did see from the prosecution was for the first time in a while they were really trying to drive home this argument that p.f.c. manning actually conspired with wiki leaks conspired with julian assange and more or less took orders from him he he went to no you wanted to know what we wanted to release he looked for that information allegedly and then provided it to wiki leaks in turn prosecutors say that al qaeda in the arabian peninsula benefited do to keep the mannings actions now keep in mind they're saying that al qaeda in the review benefited because osama bin ladin received files that were published on wiki leaks and if you know anything about how the internet works if something is published on the internet on a public website and. one anyone osama bin ladin or myself has access to that file so by saying that releasing the material to wiki leaks by having this information published on the internet in that aided a terrorist organization there's no be a really dangerous precedent here for journalists whistleblowers all sorts of sources people of all sorts depending on the outcome of this trial which is
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expected to run for another twelve weeks and andrew who was in the court with you today and what was bradley manning's demeanor. you know you know it's actually kind of funny for the first time the media center the facility near the court room here at fort meade actually had every single seat full at least this morning all seven seats were booked until around lunch recess a handful of journalists have left but you know there's there's a journalist in the courtroom itself their supporters in the courtroom itself. pulitzer prize winning war correspondent chris hedges here dr cornel west was here i heard daniel ellsberg was here michael ratner the attorney for wiki leaks was here. because there was dozens and dozens of people here this morning marching outside holding up signs trying to gain support there is support for p.f.c. manning and you know that's something that we've been seeing build up and build up and build up for the course of three years no it really pinnacle to sweep and when they were rallies here in fort meade and dozens of cities across the world and you know it might have taken three years to get some media attention but slowly but
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surely people are starting to pay attention at least they were this morning before launch manager we have a short amount of time left but what's next for this trial. twelve very very very long weeks his trial is expected to go into august going around nine thirty to six every single day we've only heard from one witness so far today there's another two expected to take the stand later and then from there really don't know what's going to happen the prosecution is going to call a number of army peers of p.f.c. manning we're going to testify about his access this information what this information was what the serious of this information meant when going into allegedly the hands of the enemy i know. the. the correspondent to who spoke with with bradley in may two thousand and ten is expected to testify at some point now where producer andrew blake meanwhile hundreds of manning supporters have been demonstrating all weekend in defense of the private first class members of the bradley manning support network mark to
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march to fort meade on saturday to demand his release the man behind the pentagon papers leak daniel ellsberg was present at the march and so was artie's very own liz wall she followed the protestors tracks and she brings us this report. supporters of bradley manning marching in solidarity chanting carrying signs calling for his freedom but. the twenty five year old army private admitted to leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wiki leaks the prosecution accuses him of aiding the enemy for putting the information on the internet for everyone including terrorists to see and the three years since bradley manning's arrest there have been protests held in his support today as one of the largest we've seen so far it's one of many protests happening across the country and across
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the globe it's just two days before his trial is set to kick off hundreds here at fort meade maryland calling for his freedom he boldly stood up and told the truth about his true calling. took full responsibility did not implicate anyone from the wiki leaks organization took it upon himself to expose all these lies at tremendous personal risk is somebody that we should all support critics see manning as a traitor who put american lives and national security at risk but his supporters here as a hero i think the american people understand a lot of these issues and what's really going on with you know they support this man among his most vocal supporters daniel ellsberg he's a former defense official who leaked the so-called pentagon papers that spilled government secrets on the vietnam war of course pled guilty. and. the law under which he. was
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unconstitutional ellsberg doubts manning will get a fair trial evidence of the crime he revealed is not going to be allowed so it's a. no they may look into why he did it and what we should thank him for our mission from this trial. ok manning support network has raised more than a million dollars for his defense and public outreach if convicted of aiding the enemy the army private bases a sentence of life behind bars in fort meade maryland liz wahl r.t. well thirteen inmates participating in a lengthy hunger strike at the guantanamo bay detention facility have written a letter to their military doctors demanding better treatment in the letter the detainees wrote that they are competent to make their own health decisions when it comes to the ongoing hunger strike they are also demanding for the u.s. to send in independent nonmilitary doctors to treat part of that letter reads quote
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i do not wish to die but i am prepared to run the risk that i may end up doing so because i am protesting the fact that i have been locked up for more than a decade without a trial subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment and tonight access to justice i have no other way to get my message across you know that the authorities have taken everything from me more than one hundred detainees are currently participating in the hunger strike many have become extremely sick in the process david remes represents several of the detainees who wrote that letter and he joined me earlier to discuss the condition of the prisoners at guantanamo bay. first time that i saw my clients after the hunger strike began was in early march they had lost an average of thirty pounds each as measured by the clinics and it was just obvious to the army that they were much much thinner when i went back again at the end of april early may they had lost even more weight they were saying that they
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had lost up to fifty pounds each and it really showed they were weak one of his arms were like sticks it was really quite a horrible situation and i understand it thirty seven of the one hundred three people that are participating in this hunger strike are now being force fed so let's talk about the idea of their demand of an independent non military doctor why is that so important because the military doctors have to put the military's interests ahead of the individual interests that they're serving the most glaring example is whether or not to force feed detainees under the strictures of the american medical association the world medical association and others the detainees supposed to have that choice himself there are other questions whether it taney should be regarded as a hunger strike or when the intervention should occur how the force feeding should be administered those all involve. medical issues that independent doctors can make
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on the basis of the patient's best interests but military lawyers doctors have to make on the basis of the military's best interests now i want to be a part of this letter to you that your clients wrote it says quote you claim to be acting according to duties as a physician to save my life this is against my expressed which as you should know i am competent to make my own decisions about medical treatment when i try to refuse treatment you offer or do you force them upon me sometimes violently for those reasons and you are in violation of the ethics of your profession as the medical american medical association and world medical association have made clear now the competency competency. part of this letter of this statement specifically is really important here because they are saying that once detainees or somebody that is on a hunger strike becomes incompetent of making their own decisions then that's when they start force feeding so does the slaughter and this claim of competence and see debunk what officials the medical officials at one time obey are saying you can
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never be sure whether or not the judgment of whether somebody is competent is being made with military interest in mind where the patient's interests i think that really underlies or and underscores the concern that we have. ok and so let's talk about the comp and see in general who decides when a man is competent and when he's not competent medical doctor psychologist or psychiatrist is that ok so in this letter they expressly say that they are willing to die should they have that option and should their possessions respect their wishes some are willing to die others want to be hunger strikers but keep themselves alive the i.c.r.c. that's the great cross plus the organizations you've mentioned require the position to respect the choice that an individual makes in this regard and therefore should not be for speeding these detainees now on the other side of that token suicide is a legal in most us states most except for three i believe so if american citizens
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don't even have the privilege of letting themselves die of choosing suicide whether it be assisted suicide or otherwise should the detainees reliably expect to get that right as well well. suicide may be illegal i'm sure it's a very hard law it would force but on a more serious note it's a right under the constitution the supreme court has held a number of times that the state cannot put things into your body can't touch your body even for good motives. now what kind of pressure would you say the obama administration would be under if one of these men actually did die what would it do to us domestically and internationally so i think you put your finger on the motivation for for speeding these detainees it would be disastrous to the united states from a political standpoint if one of the detainees died in addition to the fact that it would make kuantan a look really bad it would create martyrs that the men who did die as
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a military commander said it would turn zeros can two heroes as i understand it there are it's other men are still on hunger strike i was one hundred sixty six people total in that detention facility and you haven't had contact with your clients over a month well that's right to refuse to take my telephone calls last friday because of a new search policy so we're really we're really under challenge here david remes human rights attorney thank you for bringing us that story. still ahead here on ars the protests rage on in cities across turkey thousands in the streets clashing with police the sights and sounds of this unrest after the break.
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i would rather as questions for people in positions of power instead of speak on their behalf and that's why you can find my so larry king now right here on our t.v. question more. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that the americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares an awful lot of money comes from you sir are a fool you know what kind of terrorist cells in your neighborhood now want to give us a feature is an see on wimpole the christian point comes. to secure beliefs about if the islamists are going to distract us from what you and i should care about
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because they're a profit driven industry that sells us and facials that garbage because that breaking news i mean martin and we're going to break that. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture. the. time of the new alert animation scared me
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a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of the well i. think that they're proud. of what the ground zero is a story made for the movies playing out in real life. welcome back to turkey now where protests went from peaceful to precarious over the weekend as thousands of demonstrators clashed with police protests began on the last day of may when a group of people gathered to ask the government not to demolish a public park and put a shopping center in its place since then the demonstrations have swelled over two hundred and thirty five protests have taken place across the country and counting
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seven hundred hundred people have been arrested so far and this protest is not slowing down any time soon many are demanding that the prime minister a democratically elected prime minister at that to step down u.s. secretary of state john kerry spoke about the protests briefly today he expressed concern about the reports of the use of excessive force by turkish police he also urged the government to exercise restraint in dealing with these demonstrators are to regulate producer lizzy feel and join me earlier today with the latest from the ground i'm standing now looking i have attacked him square which has been the scene of protests for the last seven days which began in. and any hopes really by the government that this would have been over on monday the day the day that everybody goes back to work and then no more life. definitely proven not to be the case just in the last hour there was a baggage of take at about
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a kilometer away from here and there was so much take us to use that it flooded the square and people are still recovering from the effects of that and in itself there's still ongoing clashes between protest protesters and police. of course about two pilots but the pilots is where the offices of the prime minister again located and the police have released a statement saying that through night will be the night that they finish the protests. so we're really expecting even more. obvious things than we were. we've seen over the last three days and of course there's also been the statement earlier today by one of the trade unions here that which has a quarter of a million members they are going to go on strike tomorrow and a day off in protest at what they say is a government crackdown on peaceful protests even a prospect seems to be the prospect here and talk about the reason for this protest
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as i understand it the prime minister has made numerous democratic and economic changes for the betterment of the country but also has made several social changes that have for strict in the people can you talk about some of the reasons. well i know there are some people say that these are very spontaneous protest really there's been a month if not years not since ten years ago when i was again came into office of underlying tensions entirety and the policies of the a.k.p. government just in the last few months as being several big protests against the infamous i again a country which notorious and that they have the government has arrested and sent to prison hundreds of people including. old high ranking soldiers journalists. trade unionists and on top of that there's a lot of opposition growing to the government foreign policy in relation to what
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protesters say are collaboration with the opposition in syria and even people who might previously have been in support of this current government are really getting fed up with the fact that there are. fighters coming in from opposition fighters from syria streaming over the borders of course not not long ago there was and attack and right hundley in which what was previously seen as an a.k.p. stronghold and that really provoked a lot of opposition and people here blaming the hate. government for that attack in that they have been openly opposing the assad government and facilities and allowing people to come across the border they say that refugee camps people here say that they are harboring terrorists and speaking of those terrorists and harboring them in the syrian fires can you talk about how dangerous these protests have become over the last week.
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well really the only time that is it seems that there's any danger is when the police show up because. i mean texans square since saturday evening there's been no police presence and the protests have been essentially has been like a festival in texan square for the last couple of days and even that you know the buildings around the square they haven't been smashed people carry on because normal and really there are no incidents of violence is only in places where police show up and start using water cannons and take gas that provokes obviously a lot of anger and protesters bag so at the moment there's a police helicopter cycling over tax and tax in square so it looks as though the last couple of days of peacefulness and the kind of threats festive atmosphere in types it may be coming to a close now are roughly producer lizzy feel and thank you so much for that report.
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one american muslim who was detained in the united arab emirates is now suing the u.s. government for the part she believes it played in his arrest and alleged torture thirty three year old eunice fixity claims that she spent more than three months in detention in the u.a.e. back in two thousand and eleven he says it was orchestrated by the f.b.i. because he refused to become an informant at the mosque that he attended in portland oregon hears describing some of the torture that he endured. you know most people. or. someone who listens. to you beyond the detention and torture who is a naturalized u.s. citizen says he has also been on the no fly list for years and has been prevented from coming back to the u.s. all this he says as a way to force him to help the f.b.i.
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now last year the justice department filed charges against his brother and a serb man for conspiring to hide seventy five thousand dollars worth of money transfers to the u.a.e. and saddam on you know speaking he is the fourth american muslim from portland to claim that the f.b.i. tortured him. well it's a big day for our tea our sister station r t international has passed one billion viewers on this you tube channel since two thousand and five correspondents have taken you around the world to bring you today's top stories to your living room from iraq to lebanon japan to portugal reporters have pushed journalistic boundaries to bring you the underreported stories and to always question more here are some of the highlights from our team over the past eight years.
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please update this point by any means terrorism free speech is not absolute in my money the moment that we start reforming our democracy it ceases to be a democracy to spy on everybody and keep all the time the usa released tyranny but israel is in synch with little to do this is fundamental to our constitutional order and the government doesn't interest spying on you just. think you people are . very very dangerous people in late. august of the become. an aircraft carrying the triple champion russian ice hockey team lokomotiv yaroslavl.
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call it a quid pro quo that bernanke made at the bank cameras really i'm sure in safety or is it just about making money again gaza is under military assault what did the israelis hope to achieve this time where these cuts come from simple. i. julian assange does hezbollah have a red line. they still can't tell. you
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these occupations. and plenty from inside libya the muslim. extremist last time pliable to the minute i would. take an interest in my. play.
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so congratulations to our sister station our to international and harris to a billion more and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america and for the latest and greatest information coming out from around your world check out our website r t dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez and don't forget me just forget to send me your thoughts feedback and story suggestions i'm always listening
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. well. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future are covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't. charge is a big picture.


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