tv Documentary RT June 4, 2013 1:29am-2:01am EDT
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some view this creature as an object of hunting others see it as a miracle of nature they could disappear for good. and the harp seal verse process is complicated. to be born only on the ice and exclusively at the beginning of march the mother clambers up onto the ice flow to choose the best spot the pain that she endures can be seen in these bloody tracks. before turning a completely white a newborn seal is green in color. the mother can tell her offspring's call and a smell from a long distance she won't approach a pump that is not her own. the newborn who grows quickly its mother's milk
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is almost fifty percent sure that. the pump remains a white coat for only two or three weeks before it molds its fur and turns grey this is why a juvenile pub is called a grey coat they keep this coat for a year. the hub seal is an absolutely wonderful species. could begin concentrates in three locations for breeding to go around greenland and in newfoundland for i'm here in russia people in three populations you don't need to go to places like africa you don't go up to lions and touch them with the you could come to the seal and touch it fantastic. it is in this straight that harp seals are born the so-called throat where the white sea meets the baron's. husband and wife sergei on a phillipa from moscow are preparing for their first joint trip to the ice fields of the white seem. you know where my slippers have you seen them.
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what slippers. they're gray and they're somewhere in the rucksack give it to me please. it's their slippers are a great place to keep ice cores in with the glib careful or very sharp. yeah that's them. what about gas bottles do i take them. i know is a biologist protecting harp seals is one of the projects she works on at the international fund for animal welfare her husband works for the russian ministry for emergency situations they often travel north but still haven't seen white coats in the wild. one of. those so cute look big guy who is that. why do you think that. question it was
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so on ice or in water it's papa who. and they tell line moves as white of course anna is also a rescuer except she works to rescue little seals one of theirs and we even had a white coat for hat in our office once they used white coats for that even though it's hard doesn't last long when it's not soft it goes yellow quickly and it stinks that's why they did this is puzzling. in the soviet union white coat skins were delivered to first factories however hats made from white coats for weren't in great demand they were died in two red green or black colors. green coats and adult seals faced a different fate their skins were used for clothing seal blubber was used for industrial purposes like the lighting in houses or as a lubricant. industrial scale hunting of harp seals that started in the u.s.s.r.
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in the one nine hundred twenty s. at its peak at the yield reached nearly three hundred thousand seals in one season hunters had plenty of ammunition to spare. at the same time the first aerial survey of harp seals in the white sea was taken the total number was three million now the population has shrunk to one million. there is no huge demand for fat in the world and no in spite of this fact hunting is still practiced in canada and norway their governments provide the hunting industry with financial support adult seals and gray coats are hunted nevertheless white coat hunting has been banned there. for a long time already. in two thousand and nine
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a russia imposed a ban on the trade of white coats and gray grounds this meant that hard hunting came to an end completely changing individual adult seals in the open sea is unprofitable before hand it was economically worthwhile as they could hunt in the areas of seal rookeries this idea is popular among the opponents of the ban on white coat in grey coat hunting and they are ready to return to the practice at any moment. has this population lived with better life sense hunting stopped i think its life hasn't changed a bit. why because well basically it's the condition of the ice that regulates the birth rate and now the part that man played and regulating the birth weight of the lives of these animals is being taken over by nature simply as a result of the environments intrinsic processes. according to one theory climate change is the culprit evidence for this is that the ice is thinning and the harp
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seal population has started to decline with. judy when the seals were lying on the ice the ice was so thin that it began to sink under them into the water there were losses. however there is more than one reason for the massive deaths man is actively invading the habitat of the harp seal. grill in the ropes raise the ramp. on the ropes raise around. every spring. it receives reports on animal breeding grounds from the headquarters of the ice operations of our. alternate routes are then drawn on the nautical charts and they are adjusted along the way. this is all done in order to avoid crushing the white coat. here you cannot cover every area and see where they are exactly it's just that the
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majority of them are here but the rest are spread all over the sea. the situation is constant. and any time a change in course can occur even because of one seal it's a living being of course the way you feel especially stories since they're just pops. out here preparing helicopter for winter conditions of a minus twenty five degrees celsius is a long and difficult process. a good pro to organize is expeditions to the birthplace of the harp seal he has to find in the first patch of ice to drop tourists on to. god as well as the pottery. be careful with this. here at the white see the past comes in contact with the present in modern eco settlement now neighbors at the small old houses of former hunters this settlement
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was created as an alternative for hunting the objective was to provide locals with the ability to earn a living through tourism. for the old timers on one side life is not easy even as snowmobiles have difficulty starting in these conditions. on the other side in the eco settlement you'll find environmentally friendly toilets a boiler house and even a quail farm. you can sit in a city and guy is a tourist and a private pilot this is her fourth time here but these adventures don't come cheap here she can combine several interests like her love of the north and the chance to fly a helicopter in x. . stream condition so. i feel.
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it in the wild nature untouched by anybody. secondly for me it's the mystery of the press of the white coat there something foamy in there. during this aerial i say expedition no seal rookeries were found produce a team that finds only one mother with her. drift on ice and they set up a radio beacons to help the search for breeding grounds.
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and observe the seals has begun. with on google the situation is quite difficult this year. even though the ice is very good the seals a late first flights will be sergei yes the doctor in the rescuer myself. and also we talked and discussed the issue of your coming with us. and as it wishes to see her first white coat in the wild has come true. oh my goodness i've been waiting for this moment for many years and now i've seen this white coat with my own eyes but no course it's great when so many extremely positive emotions. one of the thoughts that i have had within that though is that i just can't understand why people would do this. hurt these animals.
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harp seal hunting took place in the soviet union on a grander scale in the fifty's sixty's and seventy's for the most part it was helicopter seal hunting which was completely subsidized. after the collapse of the u.s.s.r. government subsidies ceased while the price of aircraft fuel made helicopters hunting unprofitable. with the help of their norwegian neighbors hunters from both countries began to head into the sea to hunt from ships again this practice continued until the beginning of two thousand and nine. the seals less than one year old they're called grey coats and their skins have
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always been highly prized a special way of harvesting them originated in the u.s.s.r. live white coats were collected. next and taken on helicopters to special enclosures ecologists later called of these places concentration camps the seals were grown until they turned gray and were then clubbed to death at the same time they weren't fed because they had enough subdermal fat to last for two to three weeks. advocates of the renewal of hunting agree that hunting white coats only made sense in the state controlled economy but they are ready to return it to the practice of special enclosures if they believe that it's a very profitable. not that other thing you should allow enclosures for white coats again to let them grow into adults and harvest the seals accordingly as it was traditionally done these methods didn't appear out of
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nowhere during the soviet union the profitability was very well calculated so this method justifies itself among norway our closest partner is continuing perfectly well to hunt and sell cereals you can go to a shop in norway and see the price and you can estimate how much a person can earn by working in this sphere. however other european countries including russia have since two thousand and eleven rejecting the import of any products made from the harp seal. the last mass slaughter of these animals took place in canada in two thousand and three to two thousand and five fulfilling of the entire quota allowed by the canadian government according to fishermen seals have sharply reduced of the car population. is something is a totally controversial issue there are interesting investigations conducted by biologists that show that food chains are very complex that winston seals eat squid while
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squid live on young cod fish ski. boat. musicians and t.v. hosts. pictures of people climbing the baby seals can not leave anyone unmoved just like killing children simply and durable to watch and do nothing the arrival of celebrities didn't produce any enthusiasm from the local population their trade that existed for generations was now being outlawed. we have nothing else to live on don't take the last thing we have from us don't let our children starve canet in skill up to three hundred thousand seals and well we get no more than
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twenty thousand eight hundred thirty min there and put well modern rifles and all these new helicopters don't exactly match well with the concept of tradition. your guinea and a foreigner is a former hunter he tracked down white coats by helicopter for many years. after i was paired with. your first i was pretty damn scared too well to hit them but i was already on the base there just like little babies they cry. so scared he said i asked them alexei how do i hit him like this you come up to him
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and then whack when a new green pup was born you can't help but to feel sorry for him you take them under your arm and go and you can take him anywhere and only the devil knows how but his mother will find him but if you take a white coat under your arm it will bite into you had once. seal hunting. the whole working day and paid well. pay off your debts buy something for the house like some furniture we used to buy t.v. sets and refrigerators but now they tell us don't kill the white coats don't catch seals before we had fewer seals of a bear left at once and we had fish but now that they've banned seal slaughter seals go into the river and they can even crawl into the forest on the lakes white coats and females crawled on the coast before dogs chase them away now they don't even look at them the dog will lie on the ground in the seal will crawl right
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beside it it's better to live like we used to before we caught seals and brought them to the slaughter house they should be hunted little by little. founded his settlement in order to provide jobs for those people who made a living through this trade in the past. i think the generation that lived by this trade. people with the war syndrome. these people have a kind of mental disorder just imagine that an adult man that's capable of taking decisions who's strong willed who took a post individual expeditions to the arctic seeds and so on. who was most of his own life. and this man was made into someone i want to repeat this he was forced he didn't do it himself he was forced to kill children.
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in the eco settlement alexy co-chaired helps keep the place functioning he lives in the neighboring village. alexy didn't go see all hunting on the ice although he worked with the seal skins. he thinks that his present job and previous one can co-exist and so seal hunting should be resumed. on a small scale it can be resumed without harming the seals. we don't need to kill them all and if some amount should be reduced otherwise there will be no fish nothing. all. these villages belong to the soul of it scheme on a string and they work for the monastery you know everyone works here an altar everything was abandoned. so no one gets unemployment benefits and that's enough
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for him. it's easy to stop working but getting back to a regular work schedule that's very difficult. for the bit. much good you got so the coolness sixty five nineteen one nine six zero three seven two n.t. three and eight six seven. there's one seal lying there very close to here next to her there's another one of our heads are all in these crevices. and the way everything here has changed so dramatically more ice ridges and there's practically no open water.
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you think i'm your mother you know. what the top is yellow it means he's very young when you first five days right yeah he's around five days old you can see that the placenta still there. not long ago you'd get the other four that wasn't certified as a first class able seaman now he goes fishing from more months but this job doesn't last of the whole year he can hardly wait for another voyage here in his home village there's no permanent work together with former hunter alexander any used to
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go hunting with white coats. he would beat white coats with hooks pile them up and the helicopter would take them in a big net it would usually finish on the eighth of march. on the ninth we returned home like all forms of fishing in the north coastal fishing in the white sea has a seasonal character in march a small breed of condit comes close to the shore. here's our catch. is there a hole in the net. through. you know missiles go through the hole and suck up the fish only the heads are left.
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it's not important for the locals which breed of seal tour the net they are unhappy that now the seals have more rights than they do you. just insist that the biosphere is under great strain at the moment. the times when men could simply take from nature have come to an end. meanwhile artificially supporting the harp seal population to the same level is impossible. with harp seals a fertilized eggs implant to the uterus only after three months it means implementation takes place in march while the implantation takes place and the beginning of september when the embryo starts to develop it's not that easy to a produce this in a lab with. a leg protein brings the march expedition to
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a close every tourist that landed on the ice receives a certificate confirming they met a white coat. it was amazing to see those little white coats because in fact they're just like us like we were when we were children. it's the same feeling their eyes are tearful they look fat and they squeal they're really hot but i think us. of this will to do it today yeah that's a gift. of thought thank you maria you're wonderful people still well done. this spring on the ice of the white sea you can not only see but hear the breathing of the white coat c.-o. pumps which are now free from being hunted.
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