tv Breaking the Set RT June 4, 2013 7:29am-8:01am EDT
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to the lesser of two charges explaining to the judge that the leak was meant to expose the u.s. military's disregard of human life in iraq and afghanistan he said that he would have hoped it would prompt a much new debate on u.s. foreign policy unfortunately this guilty plea doesn't seem to be enough for the obama administration which is now seeking to convict manning on the more severe charge of aiding the enemy and violating the espionage act if convicted manning could go to prison for life it's a bleak reality in that former whistleblower daniel ellsberg knowledge of the bradley manning rally this past weekend there he spoke to r.t. about the administration's handling of the case. really cheesy and done it with children and if so listen it was and is a constitutional the supreme court in those closer to the supreme court has never ruled on that and the coalition principle or not it to read it in the constitution by day forty years ago read almost surely it would have been told. he's going to be
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put a living will but. the president after all the commander in chief called him guilty before he years before he was on trial that's under command influence to the judge in this trial who was a military officer indeed manning was deemed guilty by the administration before the trial had even started and after three long years bradley manning will finally have his day in court it doesn't matter when your future has been sealed with a pre-determined fate let's go time to break that set. so a lot has happened over the weekend guys but what you know what there's one story is so captivating that the corporate media just can't seem to get enough of it check it out. just as a new embarrassment at the i.r.s. emerges the release of a twenty ten. video showing agency employees line dancing employees reportedly
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stayed in the presidential suite plus tens of thousands of was spent on producing videos for the conference their dream to become the next great sensation the music to the line dancing that was the tune the cuban shuffle that one is line dancing with a broken with a. credit you know what to do in the market for perky oh my lord. while weight the number one news story of the week it was iris agents doing the mocker wreck you know oh all right i get it the i.r.s. is wasting taxpayer money just like every other government agency so you want to know why this story was repeatedly covered because it's mindless and it's easy meanwhile a revolution is going on in turkey one that's barely being covered by the corporate press you may have seen the story get back page or scrolling across the lower third of your t.v. screen while i.r.s.
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agents are doing that cuban shuffle but it wasn't just media here in the us censor in the news it was local media in turkey to check this out the same time that c.n.n. international was there in the harsh police crackdown on protesters c.n.n. turkey was area documentary about penguins but square dancing and penguins aside how about we give some due diligence to what's really going on last week hundreds of people got together to occupy. the park in an attempt to prevent its demolition in order to make room for a new shopping center after a four day sit in demonstrators were met with brute force with reports of riot police burning tents and attacking protesters with pressurized water cannons pepper spray and thousands of tear gas canisters many times aimed at people's heads will be gammoned as a small demonstration has since erupted into tens of thousands of protesters across two hundred different cities throughout the country and you wouldn't know it by watching the mainstream media but throughout social media we've learned that
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thousands have been beaten injured in a rested by turkish police despite conflicting reports of the death toll of thus far you're looking at footage right now of water cannon tanks barreling through crowds in broad daylight obviously killing people in their path. the grievances people had over the park of now evolved into a war the largest government movement in the country's recent history earlier today yet another round of attacks happened against protesters in taksim square using stalin are to contributor who's on the ground in turkey has an exclusive update for breaking the set. i know i'm standing overlooking. tens of thousands of people now feeling this way which is perhaps coming as a bit of a surprise to the government because yesterday the numbers probably about five thousand in and i guess they expected that monday everybody would go back to college or the normal life and it was really seen as
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a kind of test day is just how much momentum this protest movement which starts at seven days ago with gezi park has. been the scene of the faces between protesters and police over the last few days it is where the palace is located where the prime minister of the gun has an office and police said a few hours ago that tonight would be the night where they finished protests. way expecting a very tough night bad for protest is now the demands of the protesters have morphed if you like from what started as a setting gezi park with a protest against. what was essentially an anti gentrification protest trees being cut down to make way for a shopping mall and now the demands of the protesters is no less then they're going
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to go for the a.k.p. government to to resign i was with lizzie phelan on the latest from istanbul look the government's crackdown at the park was merely the straw that broke the camel's back from years of suppressed discontent and anger after ten year reign and more. resembles a dictatorship the islamic ruling party has been accused of running in the thor tarion regime censoring media outlets violating turkey's secular constitution and jailing thousands of dissenters including people who simply criticize the government on social media yes he's jailed people for tweeting in fact prime minister erdogan has said to me social media is the worst menace to society so with all this insanity breaking down in a country that's experiencing a late arab spring why is it being relatively ignored here in the u.s. well it might have something to do with the extremely close relationship the u.s.
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has with turkey first of all turkey's currently hosting an estimated ninety u.s. tactical nuclear weapons furthermore the country is a launch pad for u.s. proxy wars in operations in the region and with borders running along europe central asia and the middle east what happens in turkey matters so really this boils down to international politics and global chess and guess what after all the havoc was wreaked the prime minister has compared the protesters to terrorists has stated that quote the taxiing project which is the project demolition will go ahead if you bring one hundred thousand al bring out a million wow but the rhetoric like this violence is only expected to continue and as more people seem to be galvanizing against the government it seems like the story is just beginning so how long will the corporate media be dosey delving into irrelevancy. i
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do you guys ever heard of the trans-pacific partnership where the t.t.p. chances are probably not because it's one of it's not the most secretive trade deals ever devised what's being called nafta on steroids now encompasses twelve countries have taken to negotiating table along with six hundred corporate advisers and now china is considering joining the trade talks china's participation would mean the merging of the world's three biggest economies accounting for forty percent of the global g.d.p. but the fact that these negotiations have been routed in secrecy and raises much criticism among everyone from activists to trade attorneys who claim that the t.p. p. is nothing more than a corporate coup to talk earlier i spoke with kevin zeese attorney and co-founder of it's our economy who currently is speaking out a forum about the t.t.p. and i spoke to him about why this issue isn't getting more coverage and i first
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asked him how public banking fits into the concerns over the t.t.p. . is really a part of his asian were. a little kind of also the privatization of all search services. they don't want to go to state owned enterprises. hard time i mean just in. this and it also gives a great deal of power to wall street. it's no controls controlled but i don't want to go into you're out of countries which really gives you a little small countries of canada is under a lot of regulation. and we don't want renewable on there are and. they are it's really simple it's a real conflict with private banks versus public service. and economist joseph stiglitz points out that another thing the t.v. people do is manipulate tag. laws unhide profits by creating tax havens can you
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break this down. you know attacks you have a problem for countries all over the world so much marty is hidden in these countries that have and are very lax tax laws and as i said p.p.p. will have no war money to flow with no controls and so does make it easier for these high profit margin you know based on low wages and investors to hide their money in these attacks that is what we were robbing other people on the resources of to actually is there as there would be for basic services a classic case of what's wrong with the direction that it puts profit and the personal of the needs of the people and protection of the planet and we have to do it protection when it in the people's need for profit unfortunately that trend seems to be going the opposite of heaven and what's the latest news on the team about china because i was kind of surprised they're considering joining on given that china is already on top economic way and still
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a growing economy what would be the pros and cons for them to join on board well i think that's a really interesting question and it's a complicated one i mean china is you know the fastest growing economy they're kind of these and you already have the number one and three economy in the united states and japan so people who are further into this as the you know. china and there's a reason she has been the scene there is almost part of the obama strategy all been circling trying to move terribly those who are returning china for and eventually and economically now because real problems are trying to come in because the state owned enterprises. against you know the you know to the energy sector the transportation sector health a lot of big sectors in terms of our state no so would be a radical shift in their economies i just i would be really surprised to see how that works with almost either way the p.p. will hurt. they come into the program more and more toward. privatization the
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finance capital controlled economy which is not there or they left out of the t.v. and green it allows for all these countries in the asian area to be sure that china and a country like to be it now more malaysia you know can take a bunch of money from us banks money flows easily and their countries. navy base or you're only using their space for military she has. to take their money out and so it gives a lot of power to the united states and big finance over military strategy as well as economic surge is a big problem john i mean china smartly negotiated through a treaty with japan to do their own fifteen nation asian treaty i mean those are much more important now than he did i was trying to stay out and build of asia without the united states although definitely putting china in a tough situation where they have to make a choice and to me really interesting to find out what choice they make and i think a lot of people you know were sold the t.t.p.
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as a free trade agreement but really it's creating these international court bodies that would override national sovereignty and outlaws in this country and also effects everything from internet privacy to environmental regulation maybe the three most damning aspects of the t.t.p. that you think are not being reported enough well it's not being reported much at all very little times they haven't actually happened. is it really became quite clear. that big very first term you see in the corporate media really cover there's trade and so it's very important because if you get a story you mention i think the worst which is the trades right your whole system this is really a global corporate it will allow for cooperation become more powerful and governments these tribunals will be three person judges mostly the judges will come from our corporations i don't believe in the corporation but on the room rule for the corporation to go back to the corporation so it's a totally corrupt tree. system that can overrule environmental laws labor laws
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consumer protection laws. and you should we want to be regulated and controlled and where you need support first when it protection workers that t.v. can overrule. corporations more powerful ruling governments it's really not a treaty only only about five or so of the thirty eight parts of the treaty are doing a trade the rest deal internet privacy to totally destroy internet freedom alone. to congress like sopa now they're trying to do on the back door of the t.v. saying with a lot of financial regulation a lot of the limited funds really should got there dodd frank is trying to be undone through the trade treaty and even something like health care systems or you know which one the best in the world they could never be stuck with the u.s. dollar health care system which is among the worst of the bill will sort of it's a disaster for every if you care about we're doing what exam together in solidarity our website popular resistance to work is what is going to bring people together to start with you and i believe we can start the t.p.t.
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people can beat these terms national corporations. out of our cabin one more yes or no question are you guys as a sentence or two since we have limited time left but you talked about how it's a possibility that obama will fast track the team completely bypass congress is this still a possibility oh no question was what was the first major party we have to when we need to have the constitutional checks and balances protect and congress to do their job thank you so much kevin these would be following this more this story more and dad attorney co-director of it's our economy appreciate your time thank you very much. all right guys for taking a quick break but when we come back we'll talk about the raid three years ago on the flotilla headed for the gaza strip.
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like the market is one of the other thing i mean like on the right. i mean. this week marks the ring years since the violent unprovoked assault on the gaza freedom flotilla comprised of six ships the flotilla was sailing international waters from turkey to palestine all in an attempt to break a naval blockade and bring much needed band goods to the people of gaza but the ships and hundreds of human rights activists aboard never saw their destination because during their voyage they were blindsided and attacked by the israeli military unfortunately the footage you're seeing now was the only footage ever released from the raid and it pushes strictly the israeli narrative of what took place on board which was a command airing of all six ships with a particularly horrific assault on the mavi marmara or nine turkish activists were
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killed including one u.s. citizen israel claims it was self-defense some of them were shot at point blank range or from behind and fifteen more were injured and to. a one more activist remains in a coma but the nightmare didn't end there after the attack passengers and crew were then taken to israel put in prison held incommunicado for several days and then deported for quote entering israel or legally since the incident activists have been seeking justice from the atrocities and there is really government but on surprisingly israel claims no wrongdoing so where does the fight for accountability stand today to talk about all that and more i'm joined by animal rights former u.s. army colonel who was on board the gaza flotilla that got attacked that day thank you so much for coming on thank you. so what emotions come to mind and what thoughts come to mind when you think about this event as i just outlined three years ago well it's a very poignant time that nine people were killed fifty people were wounded many
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others were brutally assaulted people were beaten up they were tasered it lives put on them faces bashed into glass on the floor paint balls blown in their faces and so it was a very horrific brutal attack and thinking thinking now about the families of those that were murdered and when they were murdered it was execution style murder particularly for three of them that were murdered point blank range including an american citizen for condo on an you know as a mention of course as we know that video is the only one you ever see of kind of justifying same soldiers are being hit with metal poles and you know being thrown off the board all the other footage was confiscated from the passengers how was the public supposed to understand what happened if israel is so tightly controlling the narrative here well indeed i mean they have all the footage actually there is one there's one hour long segment that was done by an american journalist named yarra louis and that's the only one besides what the israelis have put out they have the
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rest of the footage they have all of our cameras all of our films i believe made in less requests through the u.s. state department to try to get our possessions back but absolutely zero has come back and. why was the narrative of self defense not true you said that people were executed i mean talk about that as someone who was there well lee israelis were the only commandos were actually firing from the helicopters before they even landed anyone there they were people that were already shot in lying in their own blood before the israelis came down there they were they were going after blood they wanted to scare everyone which they certainly did i mean when you have commandos with military weapons that are shooting at point blank range at civilians that have no no weaponry at all it was a very scary time do you think that israeli government has achieved that chilling effect that they wanted to prevent the pro palestine struggle from growing not at all that it's done the opposite rage the world to see what the israelis have done
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with impunity the united states protecting them. the you know not being able to get real sanctions against israel for violations of international law of murder and our own country in the united states protecting them but that just enrage so many more people the next summer in two thousand and eleven we had another gaza flotilla with ten ships senate. only two of the boats actually sailed then because the israelis had co-opted the greek government to keep us out poor are both the audacity of hope . yes and named and they actually tried to sail out of the athens harbor but we were stopped by the greek coast guard three miles off shore to talk about what goods are being brought into gaza because of course israel says that they're they have to do this because weapons are on board damaging materials that could harm people what was on board well they knew exactly what was on board if it was saad is as good as they say they are they knew exactly what was onboard and what wasn't
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there were no weapons at all they didn't find any weapons. but was on board all of the ships were symbolic amounts of humanitarian cargo there were there were some wheelchairs electric wheelchairs. where they are that never made it into gaza parts of them the israelis through kind of over the border but not in a way in a way that they could ever be used there were medical supplies that were on board all symbolic compared to the great me that there is for these products of course wheelchairs medical supplies it's astounding that these things are prevented from entering gaza talk about the case as it stands right now because you testified it is then both four years ago one of the four israeli generals who were behind this this brutal attack ever held accountable and what they've you know the four generals that have been identified by the suit that has been brought by the survivors and families of those that were killed. the suits still going on and the testimony of over two hundred of the passengers on all of the ships has been taken
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by the the criminal court in istanbul the four officers have retired now one of the good things about this is that they can't really travel because their arrest warrants that are put out for them and it is important that we try to use legal means to go after people who are violating international law and particularly those that are in charge of making plans to murder and execute people and you mentioned that an american citizen had been killed turkish american citizen has the u.s. done anything to seek justice or retribution for his death no it's outrageous what the united states has not done they haven't done anything they haven't tried to hold the israeli government accountable they haven't tried to get more information they didn't conduct their own investigation instead saying we will rely on whatever the israeli government's investigation show so totally outrageous and it's a real blight on the credibility of the u.s. government that it won't even investigate the execution of one of its own citizens just like rachel corrie dressed in the israeli government in court and one of the
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boats on that flotilla was called the rachel corrie it was a cargo ship that had come out of ireland. and you're not only an activist for palestine you are a very fervent antiwar act. as i just saw you at the drone rally right here in the white house a couple weeks ago in fact you were the highest ranking military officer to resign on the onset of the iraq war what made you do this what was your turning point actually i was in the foreign service when i resigned i was a u.s. diplomat i had already retired from the u.s. military and i resigned because i felt that the decision to invade and occupy an oil and oil rich arab muslim country that it not done anything to the united states and that had no weapons of mass destruction that i could figure out even though my boss colin powell had given this impassioned plea to the u.n. general assembly but it didn't convince me and it didn't convince a lot of other people but there were only three of us that resigned over that here it is ten years later and i am glad that i took that stand of conscience because as
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it's all played out those of us that were very concerned about what this was going to do to certainly the reputation of the united states as a small part of this but in the larger scheme but it was going to do that to those countries that the united states had invaded and occupied the numbers of people that would be killed wounded maimed we talk about the the the tragedy for our own u.s. servicemen and women who have p.t.s.d. who have amputations who have a think about all of the hundreds of thousands perhaps millions of people now in afghanistan and iraq who have those same then juries they were the innocent. armed civilians in this that have really taken the brunt of the war and truly destabilized both countries i mean look at iraq and afghanistan today it's truly a travesty thank you for standing up for what's right colonel and right retired u.s. army colonel former u.s. diplomat appreciate your time thank you. well if you like what you see so far head to our you tube channel you tube dot com site breaking news that can be sure to
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subscribe to so you do not miss a single episode we also have all of our interview segments have doubt if you want to catch those separately and encourage everyone to check out our think tank segment from last week on the war which. when i interviewed journalists often at tongues in alsa big on the ground in london you can also look at every segment we've done separately under the tab section almost all the page from big brother watch to weapons of mass destruction tried out all that and more at youtube dot com slash breaking news set and speaking of you tube i want to give a shout out to this network arctic who just reached one million views good to know that more people are turning to this channel for their news that's it for tonight show you guys will see right back here tomorrow subscribe you tube so we get thirty thousand subscribers tonight.
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she could leverage jury to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only on the. wealthy british style sun it's time to write. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. week with the influential some of
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tear gas sickens and trade unions joined a nationwide protest against what they called state terror by the regime the violence has claimed two lines up with the latest killing big blamed on the p.b.s. . washington says it will send patriot missiles with f. sixteen fighters to jordan for exercises and made bays then that afterwards just to hold across the border from comfort stricken syria. prosecutors move against u.s. army private bradley manning saying he knew full well that hundreds of thousands of state secrets lead by him could fall into the wrong hands.
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