tv Documentary RT June 5, 2013 12:29am-1:00am EDT
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right out of the. radio guy for a minute. what. we're about to give you never seen anything like this so. let's there guys i'm having mark and this is a break in the set so let's talk about drones you know those unmanned robots that have taken over almost every military operation abroad and are set to darken our skies in the near future well video footage just released captures a terrifying moment where a german drone almost collided with a passenger payne plane carrying hundred people over afghanistan but guess what this was no fluke for some march of this year another unmanned drone came within two hundred feet of crashing into a commercial jet flying over new york look these are just two examples of the horrifying reality that set to face all near future flying robots of all shapes and
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sizes potentially quite in with real planes carrying a human life right now as i speak there are already at least sixty three authorized drone launching sites across the u.s. and according to the federal aviation administration there are three hundred twenty seven active operating licenses thus far and over fourteen hundred have already been granted to entities ranging from police to farmers to schools and of course private corporations the guys we ain't seen nothing yet according to the f.a.a. is very own estimate thirty thousand drones could be gracing us skies by the year two thousand and twenty so if drones are already narrowly missing passenger planes what the hell do these people who are pushing them think is going to happen when there are thirty thousand robots flying above us collisions accidents even the potential hacking of these drones in a missiles yes last year
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a group of researchers from the university of texas successfully hijacked a civilian drone. think about it what will happen when that technology gets into the wrong hands look guys things are about to get real crazy skippy eye on the sky and it's great to see that. where. are they going to be like. today marks the eighth consecutive day of demonstrations and clashes with riot police in turkey all of which initially erupted as a result of the government's plan to demolish gezi park and east end goal so to give us some insight on what's going on i was joined earlier by justin read a educator and citizen journalist who's on the ground reporting in his temple i first asked him how the protests have evolved and where they stand right now take a look at what began as a peaceful sit in
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a number of environmentalists and and young people who were concerned about the destruction of this public park one of the last remaining open green spaces in a very very crowded and heavily populated istanbul came out to put their bodies on the line and try to stop the bulldozers that the developers had already sent in to begin to build a shopping complex in taksim square and gezi park and they were faced with some very brutal police repression water cannons tear gas we many of us have seen the videos and youtube and the pictures and the very very over. really over over arching and excessive police force that was used garner the young people and really people of all ages
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a huge amount of sympathy in the country and around the world and as the images and videos streamed out ricocheted all around the internet people came. and they joined the protesters in support and really it's grown every single day that i've been here there have been more and more people streaming into gezi park into taksim square and the streets around it and now are all over the province and all over the country people are coming out and it's become really a referendum on the administration on the entire government of prime minister you know what is the proportionality of the riot police the turkish riot police and the protesters i mean give us an estimate roughly about the numbers that you're seeing yeah well it's just difficult for me from my particular perspective here in taksim because the police really have retreated since about the time i arrived on saturday the police really totally left taksim. and in part that was i think.
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a tactical response to the real backlash that they got from social media as people broke through the media blackout here in turkey and transmitted these images they didn't want to provoke even more protests. as more and more people came and what happened was people then as the police left and then also the police started to crack down on the growing solidarity protests in other cities and in other parts of the city for example in which is just five kilometers from taksim there have been daily clashes street clashes with police and the protesters have been incredibly. restrained in terms of there there's just so protection really i mean we saw. street is one of the main thoroughfares coming out of taksim square and this is where a lot of the clashes went down when the police began to tear gas and water cannon
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people and as they fled. many people ducked into shops local bakeries and stores where they were given protection by by the local owners and if you walk down the street now really you see a small amount of men of vandalism but it's really only to the foreign owned shops and the messages are really. you know shame on anti eat shame on president iran for having sent in these police there is really a huge amount of anger at the at the excessive police force here i don't blame them just because on social media we've seen reports of thousands of tear gas canisters i mean it's a real when you look at what was the remnants of the initial clashes i mean being launched directly at people's heads bloodshed i saw videos of water cannon tanks barreling through crowds appearing to have crushed people on their path official reports say that only one or two people have died is this an accurate count and what about anyone else i mean have you seen any other brutal tactics that we
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haven't already talked about. yeah i think that the death counts are underestimates to be honest and a lot of this information is flowing in very quickly and as with all things on social media and in real time it's very difficult to kind of cleave the information and the misinformation but from what i'm hearing just anecdotally and it's being you know confirmed on the spot by third parties there have been multiple deaths there are many many injured there's been many arrests many of the folks arrested are unaccounted for still and this is all being documented really thoroughly i mean that's the amazing thing this is a very technologically savvy i'm tree almost everybody that i see in the park has a smartphone they're using text messaging they're using what's an app they're using facebook and twitter to really in real time document and really care for each other in a big way we're seeing it in the barricades that have come up around the park for example
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a really sophisticated use of technology by just young high school students who are guarding the park against the police and they're holding them back they're really they're really winning and what are the main grievances you've been finding from people you've talked to i know that you mentioned it's really more of the you know anti gentrification protests or something very much larger in pyar lee would you say that there's still spontaneous at this point is there more organization emerging and have there been any demands listed so far they're coordinating very closely and they're using facebook you know and also many other tools to really coordinate and what seems to be emerging lately is an attempt to try to build a political coalition to unite all of these disparate groups and really the opposition and the police repression has done wonders to bring together groups that were formally quite in opposition and so i think in the coming days we're going to see a real kind of political upheaval here as all across this. and all across
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turkey you have political opposition uniting in demanding the resignation of president everyone so it's really the initial stages of that coronation of that organize and i'm sure as someone who is involved in occupy wall street new york a lot of parallels are being drawn to how this is playing out and you mentioned the tools social media being these tools for the spirit of dissent kind of growing you know i can't help but think of how that the c.n.n. turkey was a documentary about penguins and sort of showing showing the clashes on the streets doesn't is this signatory of of how censored the press is internally in the country . yeah there's a there's a great sign last night in taksim square a woman holding up and one of the few that's actually in english that said the fear that the media in turkey is run by money and fear and i think that that's a sentiment that many of us in many different countries chen can agree with and the
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reality is in here in turkey you've got a media that's a very very tightly wound to the government and also to some very powerful corporate interests it's important to note that through social media people especially young people like i said have been taking the images and the video of this very very violent repression and actually turning it into a sort of new twenty first century propaganda we're seeing the penguin mean come out as well as the media blackout you've got pictures. being water cannon which is kind of reminiscent of the pepper spray cop from occupy u.c. davis you know members of emerging now today there's a new mean where you spent tear gas canisters which by the way are sent from the united states so that's a bit of sort of national shame for me those tear gas canisters are now being you
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know re reinvent. as a new thing someone made one into an air freshener and that is personal our vase. just almost out of time but i just wanted to get one last point in there you know there's been some pretty strong rhetoric from the prime minister has called social media a menace to society he's referred to the protesters as terrorists even said that you know if they bring one hundred thousand he'll bring out a million is this rhetoric feeling the fire and if you can't even concede on the park which he said the project will go through anyway are is expected to make any concessions at all. i think that his rhetoric is indeed fueling the fire and i think that the deputy prime minister who today took a much more conciliatory tone is trying to be the counterpart to that and really it's been many days coming that the prime minister has taken exactly i think the wrong tone instead of being attacking the protesters continuing to call them jerks drunks. extremists radicals what he should be doing
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is is embracing the the religion of missy and justness of their eyes and saying that this is a real concern of the turkish people and really say i want to sit down with you in earnest and negotiate these things and discuss these things instead he's taken the opposite and it's really throwing fuel into this fire and the young people are more and more losing any faith that a sort of small tweak or even an end to this gezi park development would it would satisfy their their growing demands and so this is this is definitely a protest in a center right now it's definitely feeling more and more like an uprising a national uprising while we'll be following your twitter you've been on the ground reporting minute by minute of what's going on there just and we do as co-principal paul robinson freedom school and citizen journalist on the ground in turkey thanks so much for taking the time. all right guys stick around after the break we'll look at the prison conditions for whistle blower john kerry off to but his lawyer just
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one right back. well. it's technology innovation all the lives developments around russia we've covered. the civilized world produces more food than it needs. well people die of hunger in other countries. millions of victims every year. where a meal is the most value treasure. is flood or droughts to blame. it was a bad year without a train. we couldn't plods anything but that. we would it all but there was great hunger. is
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a good help comes too late and without good intentions. charity diplomacy and business to. a. turkey in turmoil a sudden upsurge in intensity of protest against the church government has caught many by surprise and critically prime minister aragon we witnessing still another arab spring play out of course it more simple than that is it all about their guns his politics and political start. choose your language. of choice make it with zero if. someone. chooses to use the consensus you. choose to get to. choose the stories that impact your life choose the access to your office.
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sometimes the best heroes are the ones that you never hear about today that hero is john dryden or should i say mr dryden a teacher had bought a via high school in illinois unfortunately right now dryden has been reprimanded for sticking his neck out to protect his students interests you see he recently told his class that they had a constitutional right to decline taking a school survey a survey that the administration said would be used to gauge the emotional and social condition of the students but it wasn't just any old anonymous survey contract with the school administration told parents the one page questionnaire had students' names printed clearly on top followed by thirty four personal questions many of which were about drugs and alcohol abuse so doing what any responsible
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teacher should do dr and told the students that they had a fifth amendment right to decline filling it out explaining to them that if they did it could potentially incriminate them for misconduct for driving was temporarily suspended for doing what he felt was right and he has no regrets he's been speaking out in his defense ever since saying that he had been extremely apprehensive about distributing the survey he said quote this is a state institution collecting data but what they do with that how long is that on the record indeed those are exactly the questions teachers should be asking because they see by doing that teachers are doing their students justice by writing them how to be critical thinkers and make critical decisions after all is that the way young minds should be developing in the world so hail to the local hero to my hero mr dryden for being bold enough to stand up to us and start entire school district all for the sake of the students so if he's the hero who's the villain while
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sticking with in the vein of education let me introduce you to someone who's recently hinged his entire critique of the educational system on what else women his name's erick erickson and he recently appeared on fox news to talk about a new pew research center study. regarding women in the workplace you see the study shows that women are now the primary breadwinners in forty percent of households with children and the dobbs asks mr erickson what this all says about our society david our high school dropouts here's what he had to say. look if you look at the natural world the roles of a male to female in society and other edibles that the male to the is the dominant role the female it's not that this is or is not competing it's a complimentary role we as people of smart society have lost the ability to have complement of relationships in nuclear families and it's tearing us apart of it what i find interesting in the survey is that three quarters of the people surveyed
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recognize that having knowledge is the primary breadwinner is bad for kids and bad for marriages in reality shows us that's the truth dude the one nine hundred fifty s. are long gone welcome to the twenty first century bro where men and women are equal and actually share roles in raising a family but sexism aside even the assumption that a family conservative now soley on the income of one parent is downright absurd considering the economic climate we're living in today you're talking about something that's more of a luxury my friend mothers and most families now have to work there's not even a choice in the matter so mr erickson i think it's about time you turn off mad men and you step into this reality a reality where the problems with education go far beyond some one nine hundred fifty s. fantasy and needless to say that makes you today's easy villain. i i i i in two
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thousand and eight a former cia officer named john kerry aku made national headlines so he had blown the whistle on the u.s. government's secretive torture program to the media and in the process he revealed the name. the covert cia officer the move turned kiriakou into the target of a federal investigation with government prosecutors alleging that he had violated the intelligence identities protection act and he was found guilty and sent to prison making him the first cia officer to ever serve jail time for leaking classified information yet no one else that was actually involved in the torture program was ever punished point made himself right here on the show shortly before getting his prison sentence. i can't help but think if you had been in the media supporting waterboarding would this be happening i've always thought that if i had actually tortured someone i would be free today. just hit the three month mark it
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was two and a half year sentence at a federal prison pennsylvania and recently he released a disturbing letter describing his experience and treatment and confinement so to discuss his letter more in-depth and why his case remains so important for the rest of us i'm joined now by whistleblower personal friend of lawyer john kerry who just one reacts thank you so much for coming out to us thank you for having me always a pleasure let's talk about john's letter greatly disturbing letter he was told he was going to serve a sentence out of work camp but when he got there he was told he was a threat to public safety and would have to serve in jail instead why do you i mean i can't imagine him going so mild mannered being a threat to public safety all right well apparently because the people at the bureau of prisons who decide your designation had never heard of an intelligence identities protection act charge and they didn't know how to classify it so they just said espionage which somehow bumped him up from the prison camp that's more
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lenient into the actual prison itself so it's a situation we're trying to get corrected but obviously prison is much more restrictive you think that that would have happened before he even when he could have figured out about a home going to look at it that i mean again the. both the attorneys for the prosecution and defense all agree that camp would be appropriate for john it's very interesting and john suggests that the only real trouble using encountered so far in the correctional officers themselves in fact he said that they dangerously pit him against another person in the prison can you talk about the story that this is actually quite disturbing he talked about being summoned to to the head warden and told that the uncle of the times square bomber had an order from pakistan to kill him. and then meanwhile that particular prisoner was told that he had an order to kill john and that they were both in other words we have the president orchestrating at a minimum
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a fight between inmates and you know something far worse you know including murder of each other by spreading rumors i think a day one he was called told they told the general population that he was a muslim or because he had worked for the cia so this kind of thing is not new and i know people have far bigger problems than prison for sure but it's still very disturbing or it really just shows the microcosm of the bigger problems happening with the systems i mean it's astounding and he also mentions the fear of being sent to solitary confinement or the whole why would this be a concern for a law abiding prisoner because you really have to make nice with the correctional officers and on the tiniest of infractions you can put in a special housing unit what they call the hole so i think he's really trying to keep his nose clean but at the same time trying to maintain a connection with the outside world john's a very smart guy very insightful has
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a lot of interesting observations and things to say so i think he's trying to maintain that connection and give people a glimpse of what's happening behind closed doors in this federal facility and since john has been in prison we've learned about the a.p. hacking scandal the fox news reporter get it rose in getting hacked what is this most recent crackdown on the establishment press signifie well i've always been saying for the past three years that the war on with the blowers is really a war on journalists whose names appear throughout the indictment so it was no surprise to me that the a.p. subpoena had to do with a week investigation and that the rosen search warrant also had to do with the leak investigation into. yet another whistleblower i do feel like the war on leakers whistleblowers has always been and drawn around press rules that normally were maintained up until this administration in terms of healthy respect for the first
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amendment and what i thought was interesting character actually told me the classification of course is drawn drastically under obama it's also a crime to over classify has anyone ever been held accountable for over classifying . vacations are under george bush a guy named william len nervous actually after the thomas street case brought against his old office for improperly classifying information and that was dismissed this is amazing because of course the more things that are caused by the harder it is to find out what you can talk about and remain secret about what exactly i mean you're just like looking for a needle in a haystack and you just keep making the haystack bigger balls of what was up in the world and speaking to a bit of secrecy of course bradley manning's trial finally started three years after his arrest even though he pled guilty to one charge there of course still charging him under the espionage act with aiding the enemy just one as we know or
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as we know of right now is there any evidence to support this allegation that he was indeed eighteen whatever the enemy is well it depends on how you want to prove that up and the government is cementing that well mission that because media. was found at the compound of osama bin ladin and therefore bradley manning aided the enemy but as laid out in the first day of the case they're saying the fact that manning put media on the internet then that was enough you put it on the internet into the hands of terrorists which is such a broad argument i mean if you think about that anything you can put up on the internet it's available to terrorists it's available the serial killers and child. molesters are lots of a unsavory people and as such a broad argument and scary argument that i wish more people would pay attention and i know you know i can't even really take that seriously because i haven't seen any
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evidence of even found the information out osama bin laden's compound so it's like they're going to really just take that and use it against them and it's really unfortunate thank you so much to us in writing here attorney whistleblower thank you thank you so much. if you like to see so far how do our you tube channel at youtube dot com breaking the set be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode you guys are almost thirty thousand subscribers and also all over and your segments tapped out if you want to catch those separately i suggest everyone to check on my interview with colonel anna right where we discussed her experience on board the gaza flotilla when it was attacked three years ago and also look at every segment we've done separately under the taboo section on the top of the page from big brother watch to weapons of mass destruction turner all that and more at youtube dot com site great insight and speaking of you tube check out this video of two young girls who were inspired by this show. i know that and this is fake out. right now in this. nation
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he's. every day and john kerry is trying to force him into best buy milk to close artificial sweeteners such as partake in children's school lunches without standing up along the course that got him. to stay in and. out. so let me just say that ana makes a fantastic cosigner e excellent skills at such a young age gives me hope that there are more aspiring journalists out there who are hungry for the truth that's it for me tonight you guys we'll see you right back here tomorrow to break the set.
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is it all for the show to. get in the six pm get out six b. the six. day war room in. school or. to me the class people and. there's no rule against it. it's tough to think about all of them comes to us and to know that many may not have only been lost to choose won't never been me but there are also do different closures that never should have. seals are born or right on the ice fields of the white sea. throughout the twentieth century the poles were hunted for their snow white furs. russia imposed
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please. police arrest dozens. in the meantime the media is accused of turning a blind eye. to keep the guantanamo bay prison. undermining president obama's promise to lift the transfer restrictions for some detainee. on social media posts resulted in arrests. of abusive so-called trolls by british police concerns over the freedom of speach.
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