tv Headline News RT June 5, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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do you believe you. will coming up on our t.v. while the one ton of moby hunger strike continues i tend to close the detention facility appeared to be going nowhere house republicans have suggested legislation that would keep the facility open and block transferring suspects into the u.s. were to other countries more on that battle over get mode just ahead. it's day three of the bradley manning trial and manning's defense explains that sharing information with wiki leaks was for the public good while supporters of bradley manning still gather outside the court room for updates on this case just ahead. protesters are still out on the streets rallying against turkish prime minister there's growing criticism of the turkish police is excessive show of force and clipping the use of the u.s. made tear gas more on those clashes later on the show.
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it's wednesday june fifth four pm in washington d.c. i'm margaret held you're watching r t the house armed services committee began consideration this morning of the national defense authorization act for twenty fourteen the bill will propre funding to the military of this coming fiscal year and some highlights in the current draft bill involve the detention facility at guantanamo bay the language of the current access that congress maintains the bipartisan prohibition against transfer of detainees from guantanamo bay to the united states or to countries with confirmed cases of transfer detainees returning to fight. well this sums up the earlier sentiment from earlier in the week that congress wants the detention facility kept open and funded ostensibly barring the administration from transferring its terrorist suspects to prisons within the united states order a foreign country without the use of the national security waiver with me to
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discuss the n.b.a. and its future i'm joined now by our team political commentator sam sacks hi there say i'm going so talk to me about this new version of the n.b.a. how's it going to impact get mo your old to new version for two thousand and fourteen of the national defense authorization act but it contains the same provisions from last year's n.b.a. when it comes to guantanamo and that is you know as you mentioned explicitly ban on any of the funds are authorized in the national defense of authorization act to be used to transfer any prisoners from guantanamo to the united states or to any other country that has seen release prisoners really engage in terrorist activity one of the ranking members on the house armed services committee democrat adam smith immediately took issue with with this language i think we have a clip of it right here. the continued presence of want on a mobile a prison i think is a stain upon this country it's becoming unsustainable it was built as
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a temporary facility ten years ago and there is two hundred fifty million dollars in military construction requests just to keep it temporary given its location and given the difficulties of maintaining it that's always going to be a challenge but urge members then really a congressman smith went on to say that he doesn't have the votes though i mean this is a committee that's dominated by republicans and you know so if president obama wanted to reengage with congress on this issue of guantanamo he's not off to the best start because republicans don't seem to want to do anything but they did still leave this national security waiver in the n.d.a. which gives the president obama the authority to start transferring prisoners out of guantanamo bay he says it's in the national security interest the nation he can do it right now we just choose not to name a cent has some authority there that he may not want us to know about ok so the broader war on terror i want to take you to that now in afghanistan why does the m.t.a. mean for future conflicts if you're talking about here so the n.d.a.
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authorizes funding for our wars clean our war in a denniston now it does put some strings attached in this year funding for afghanistan that basically says that any funding to train afghan security forces is contingent on the fact that we come up with a bi lateral agreement with afghanistan to make sure that we keep troops there beyond twenty fourteen some sort of safety agreement there which could mean you know anywhere from twelve thousand to you know even more troops that remain in afghanistan moving forward as far as this broader war on terrorism. i guess the war against associated forces of al qaeda as the obama administration has to find it in the math this particular india does have some language that's going to require the administration to require the department of defense to have to identify who these associated forces of al qaeda. our that we are at war with we learned from the wiki leaks release a few years back that there are over sixty organizations that the department of
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defense has labeled as associated forces about it and they include things like the iran iranian intelligence pakistani intelligence has a blog hamas so congress wants the department of friends to come to them and say you know explain why we are at war with these associated forces and grabbing a lot to get see when this bill sam i want to taking out of the drone killing program does the n.b.a. mention the us then has congress put any additional oversight in place regarding. kind of when the president gave a speech a few weeks ago he said that he has consulted congress on on drone strikes and on on missions that go beyond our traditional war theater about gamma stand and that's partly true but there is a provision in this by max thorn congressman mack thornberry he's a republican he's the chair of the armed services subcommittee on emerging threats and it basically codified this requirement for the administration to come to congress and tell them of any any targeted killing strikes and capture missions
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that happen around the world not in countries that were directly at war with like afghanistan so this is something of the administration is kind of already been doing but this codified that and make sure that future administrations do it do it as well so this is slight oversight of the drone program but it's after the fact it really doesn't give congress any leeway to determine you know how these strikes are carried out it just allows congress some insight into you know what the administration is doing as far as it comes to this targeted killing program ok a hodgepodge of issues under this bill moving out of the. war machine and i met some pretty vast topic i ok so moving quickly now to syria i understand that congress has mentioned syria in this upcoming bill is that correct sure there's this is of course we're talking about the house version of this bill. here and there's language in the bill to require the department of defense to come to congress and lay out all the options that are on the table when it comes to syria.
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there is nothing in this bill about funding the syrian opposition interesting way a few weeks ago the senate foreign affairs committee passed. passed a provision legislation that would fund the syrian opposition so in next week the senate will take up their own national defense authorization act they'll begin debate on that and they might throw something in there abouts about arming the opposition we don't know yet in which case the house and the senate will have to kind of work that out but so far nothing in the house bill about funding the syrian opposition just a requirement for the department of defense to lay out all the options that are on the table for congress this seems to be so much going on in the n.d.a. coming up i want to talk to you know about the sequester it seems to impact everything except for the n.d.a. and its provisions certainly hasn't seemed to affect it get any you know has the money slash across the board affected any of these programs well that's going to i think that a lot of the legislators in the house armed services committee still have this
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strange belief that the sequester is not going to take hold that somehow congress is going to come to come to a deal republicans will agree to tax hikes that's not going to happen the sequester is going to kick in and. a lot of these funding levels are going to be cut by about eight to nine percent. in each each defense program so that there will be an impact here it seems like lawmakers are trying to boost spending while spending levels in certain programs before that sequester takes takes effect there was a lot of concern about certain money that's being being spent there was huge opposition to any base closings even though we know that sequester is coming down there's still a lot of money that they want to spend on missile defense programs only on the west coast in east asia and so a lot of money going to israel's iron dome missile defense system still despite all the cuts that so much to talk about it that you know we are out of time unfortunately thank you for that with our team political commentator sam sax. well day three of the court martial of private first class bradley manning continues
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today manning twenty five is accused of handing over hundreds of thousands of classified state department cables along with sensitive government documents to the website wiki leaks a disclosure that amounts to the largest breach of classified information in u.s. history back in february manning pled guilty to ten lesser charges of misusing classified material it is still accused of aiding the enemy a charge that carries a life sentence if convicted in his opening statement on monday manning's attorney david combs stated that manning's motivation for leaking the information was saying quote that he believed that the information showed how we value human life in iraq he was troubled by that and he believed that if the american public saw it they would be troubled and maybe things would change. the prosecution disagrees with him saying that manning gave vital information compromised u.s. national security interest for more on the latest joining me now is our t.v. producer. who has been at fort meade covering this trial hi there are giuliana so
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what's the latest coming out of all there's just a lot on tap today we saw more testimony from the witness list of the prosecution including. a showman who was manning's immediate supervisor in iraq also. going to their senior intelligence officer that worked with manning in iraq as well in his same unit and also another target an officer in the intelligence unit in iraq with him now moving you know going back a little bit this isn't the first time the drily a showman was actually at ford me and she actually testified before hand in one of the first pretrial hearings back in october of two thousand and eleven there she actually talked about a physical articulation that she. had between her manning where there ended up in physical assault and manning was actually subsequently demoted he ended up punching her in the face that's what court documents say she didn't go into that specifically today however she did go on record saying that she believed the man
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who should have never ever been deployed in iraq due to his mental instability and his actual emotional state and see i know you've been following this really closely i want to talk about the prosecution i'm sure that you're noticing a pattern with them a strategy if you talk to me about that absolutely now that it's you know day three of the trial things are sort of coming into focus and there are two very big things that the prosecution is trying to really hammer home which is a that private manning knowingly leaked classified information and he knew the record that that would bring to him as being you know being an intelligence officer being trained in that and that he also intended to harm by those that release and b. that he actually aided the enemy by. giving that information to wiki leaks as the prosecution said in their opening statements they are trying to prove that the documents that he released that were posted on wiki leaks were actually found in the compound of osama bin laden hence read by al qaeda so they're trying to make that trying to
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make those dots trying to connect those dots rather in order to show that he could be enemy and that you know he actually helped terrorism move forward those are the most important things that they're trying to they're trying to hammer home they're basically they're saying that manning aided some of the. terrorists in general that by giving that information to wiki leaks he was able to actually aid the enemy because everyone had access to that but also we are reminded that not only to terrorists read that that same information was published in the new york times in the guardian so everyone had access to that information so bad brings up a whole other host of of sort of problems and. actually we can go on and on and on and on and to talk about ok so we understand the prosecution side talking about the defense i know that they're melting a defense for private and i am absolutely well they're trying to take another
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approach to that as we all know manning already pled to ten lesser charges however he still faces life in prison for aiding the enemy what david is trying to do and trying to portray is another and completely different picture of manning that he had no intent to harm when releasing that information that he knowingly did release information but he was trying to as you put it earlier changed the world trying to create more debate and that he saw wrongdoing and he wanted to to change that that was one of the big issues yesterday in. testimony where you could see coombs trying to sort of you know trying to paint sort of you know make allusions towards between him and. and private manning as if to say that they were both they're both just very naive young men that were caught up in something that was too big for them and that they really had no idea that this is what would end up being and we're running
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out of time but i want to get at this really quickly what's the support for him like were there people outside supporting him and what's next for him absolutely they're you know they're very dedicated people that not only go every day to witness the court proceedings of the court martial but have been going you know since day one of the court i'm sorry of the pretrial hearings back in two thousand and eleven so there are people there that are that feel very strongly about this case but now after today it seems that the trial will be on recess until next monday it seems the prosecution is ahead of schedule so we shall see a speedy trial indeed right we have to leave it there thank you so much that was our to producer utterly sero staff sergeant robert bales the soldier accused of the deadliest work crime by an american soldier in the post nine eleven error pled guilty today to murdering sixteen afghan civilians most of which were women and children to avoid the death penalty fails entered his plea in
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a military court room south of seattle this morning to sixteen counts of murder six counts of attempted murder and seven counts of assault the charges allege that just before dawn on march eleventh of last year bail snuck out of his remote outpost outpost in qana her afghanistan and went on a killing spree in two nearby villages leaving sixteen dead including the children during the hearing military judge colonel jeffrey nance will question bales about what happened allowing the sergeant to give his account of the massacre firsthand before deciding whether or not to accept the guilty plea. if fails plea is accepted the thirty nine year old father of two from lake taps washington will face a sentencing hearing later this summer it is there that a jury will decide whether he will be sentenced to life in prison with or without the possibility of parole. or more emerging more is emerging about the government protest underway in turkey protests stem from the sit in at task and get the square and instant bull over the government's plans to plans to develop
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a shopping mall in the current park turned violent last friday after police crackdown the relics of spread throughout the country in what's being called the largest protest in recent turkish history and they're not just talking about demolishing a park protestors are calling out turkish prime minister. erdogan for what they're saying is increasing authoritarianism last night turkish police arrested twenty five social media users who posted updates about the protest on twitter alleging that the tweeters are inciting hatred police also rated at least thirty eight homes cracking down on activists after finding them through their ip addresses well twitter is played an intricate part in organizing demonstrations the turkish deputy prime minister bullet aren't has apologized on behalf of the police for their violence towards demonstrators but it's done little else to curb the violence that arrests that's been happening at the hands of police well arty's more important was
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on hand in new york for a protest rally in support of turkish demonstrators she brings us the story. for six days the world has seen video and images of turkish police cracking down on thousands of anti-government protesters and while on arm activists of all ages have been targeted indiscriminately with tear gas and pepper spray critics say that behind closed doors the united states has long played a major role in aiding the police brutality that is currently unfolding in turkey he's reporting to reports turkey has bought twenty one million dollars worth of tear gas and pepper spray in the past twelve years and the united states is listed as a main provider c. the u.s. is one of the world's largest manufacturers and exporters of tear gas and whether sold or given tear gas shipments from the united states to anywhere in the world must be approved by the u.s. government the three big american tear gas manufacturers non-lethal technologies
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defense technology and combine systems inc have reportedly exported tear gas to dozens of nations rocked by widespread protests including egypt bahrain tunisia and yemen and now as the uprisings in turkey grow more dangerous by the day dozens of octopus have taken to the streets in new york city rallying across from the turkish consulates to condemn what they call the government's brutal and deplorable use of tear gas against its own citizens they are not zeus for protecting our lands our prosection are humans very not no use for destroying our human to just us can toward their regions region also feature problems that they're using to cure guys that expired since two thousand for their pictures of it there's evidence of that is a problem every day they're using gerson worse worse and worse chemicals american activists
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also know what it feels like to be targeted with so-called crowd control technology tear gas. canisters were widely used against protesters participating in the occupy wall street movement and experts say that the corporations manufacturing those technologies are profiting at home and abroad by assisting governments around the world that aim to repress freedom of speech and democratic movements running from new york or in a fortnight or to the capitol building in sacramento california had some interesting visitors yesterday members of the federal bureau of investigation late last night california senator chief sergeant of arms tony beard issued a statement confirming that agents from the federal bureau of investigation serve search warrants in the state capitol at the office of senator ron calderon and the legislative office building at the latino legislative caucus office those warrants were sealed by order of a federal court therefore we have no further information remains unclear what the
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f.b.i. was looking for during its raid on the california state senator office of ron calderon a democrat serving montebello and the chair of the senate insurance committee the f.b.i. removed boxes of evidence as well as a beaten up black briefcase calderon is a member of the latino legislative caucus the f.b.i. has confirmed both raids are part of the same investigation well this raid is the first of its kind in more than twenty five years calderon's attorney mark geragos said that the f.b.i. search quote is showing that the government is out of control concerning the sealed search warrant served his client we'll keep you updated when we learn more about what's going on with this investigation. well in a new twist on the obama administration's battle with transparency a recent investigation led by the associated press found that some of president barack obama's political appointees are using secret e-mail accounts to exchange information and conduct official business instead of their official government
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e-mail accounts and the white house is defending it. the associated press says that the practice of having multiple e-mail addresses to separate internal or external correspondence complicates the offices legal responsibility to hand over e-mails under the open records requests the a.p. says that they've identified secret e-mail accounts from government officials including secretary of the department of health and human services kathleen sebelius the associated press sifted through hundreds of government e-mails received through the freedom of information requests that the organization was unable to find any material turned over from the secret addresses white house spokesperson jay carney acknowledged the e-mail practice and said that it wasn't a big deal take a listen. this is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties and as the story itself may clear any for you request or congressional inquiry includes a search in all of the e-mail accounts used by any political appointee so the
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answer is all of this information is provided having alternate e-mail addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high profile officials makes eminent sense he went on to say that even he has some separate government e-mail address for his own internal dealings so now the practice is out the open what will this mean for the future of government transparency the freedom of information act requests are powerful tools for the citizen to learn about their government but loopholes like these could a row there effect of this. today marks the eightieth anniversary of the gold standard ending in the united states with which comes at a time when states are individually pushing to return it the gold standard tied to the american currency value to gold holdings it's a fixed ratio that increased over time as the dollar is periodic lee devalued well in the wake of major recession a massive deficit and a drop in our current currency value and april gallup poll shows that americans
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have less trust in the federal reserve to handle the u.s. economy than either the president or congress where return of the gold standard help or just lead to chaos artie's those wall looks into it. stubborn unemployment rates of devaluing dollar and waning trust in government policy is is leading to a golden trend more than a dozen states have introduced laws to recognize gold as legal currency in two thousand and eleven utah was the first to make it legal to do business using gold and maybe arizona legislature voted to recognize gold and silver as legal tender and would become the second state to do so if the governor signs the bill the point is that we are stimulating our economy we're. our bills by printing more money he is referring to the federal reserve and ben bernanke his decision to implement round after round of quantitative easing bernanke is quantitative easing policies
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means the treasury printing more money but critics worry that this printing frenzy will lead to the dollar continuing to lose its value of d.r. took the u.s. off the gold standard in one thousand nine hundred thirty three the federal reserve took over the money matters their first role was supposed to be the stability of the dollar but we haven't seen that we've seen a steady devaluation to a fraction of a cent of what the nine hundred thirteen dollar was worth of the time and fact critics like peterson blame the federal reserve for the most recent economic recession but when you look at what happened in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight the monetary policies of the federal reserve wiped out the enormous parts of the financial industry and people from main street to mall wall street were wiped out among bernanke is most outspoken critics ron paul do you think gold is money. no the former presidential candidate called to end the fed we have devalued our paper currencies gold has gone up and that's why there's
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consideration for many not only ron paul but steve forbes and others to talk about having some sort of modified gold standard where fiar currencies are anchored by hard assets though there is a renewed push to go gold some economists say a move back to the gold standard would be disastrous it doesn't make any sense at all i mean what caused the great recession united states was an eight trillion dollar housing bubble a housing bubble that led to less construction and consumer consumption those opposed to bringing back the gold standard say fears of inflation are overblown the federal reserve created over two point three trillion dollars since two thousand and eight and inflation is running at about one point one percent annually right now over the last twelve months so. it's kind of. the unworkable solution to a not exist in problem but the problem real or perceived is triggering
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a gold rush of sorts but more citizens and states losing faith in the decisions made here in washington liz wahl r.t. . let's talk about fast food so just what's enough softer and pure ordering the next time you patronize a fast food joint make sure you mention the whole the ice if you're planning on ordering a fountain drink report out of the u.k.'s daily mail found that six in ten of the u.k.'s most visited fast food chains serve ice and drinks containing more bacteria than the restaurant's toilet water the ice in question from mcdonald's burger king k.f.c. and even starbucks was classified as having enough microbes to constitute a hygiene resta patrons well it's unclear whether factors led to this alarming trend albeit employee hygiene failure to clean the ice machine or other factors that the i have may come from machines that aren't cleaned or restaurant employees that scoop ice with unwashed hands. what is clear is that the united states has its
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own share of questionable fast food practices do you remember this one the taco bell employee caught licking a stack of talk i shall xina what not to do viral picture one thing is clear you may want to skip the cubes and settle for a lukewarm so soda to avoid the cold. that's going to do it for now for more on these stories we've covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america check out our website at r t dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at m underscore j underscore how will stay tune prime interest is next. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew or you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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i would rather ask questions for people in positions of power instead of speak on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more. wealthy british style site. last night was free. markets why not this scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons are for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on r t. good afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm perry i'm boring and washington d.c. let's get to today's headlines. there's been a lot of economic data that was released today and a bit disappointing on the housing and unemployment front first the private payrolls company reported only one hundred thirty five thousand jobs were added in may it was expected one hundred seventy one thousand that we were in that mortgage applications were down the week over the week by eleven point five percent capping a four week downward trend in a related story a federal housing administration stress test which was previously undisclosed and been released and projected up to one hundred fifteen billion dollars in losses over.
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