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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  June 6, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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you live on one hundred thirty three possible so food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch i got so many i mean family and i know that i'm. really not. the all or it's all. the worse for the little things. like the. radio guy and. what. to do never seen anything like this until. everyone i'm having martin and this is breaking the set so this is getting a brand spanking new state of the art military facility in israel but oh wait we're
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not supposed to know that in fact tempers are running high within the israeli military after plans for what otherwise would have been a top secret facility were disclosed by the u.s. defense department wait a minute what the u.s. government leaked information about an israeli military facility actually it's now you'd think because you see the department of defense is actually building the facility for the israelis and publish information about the site that includes a brand new arrow three ballistic missile defense system so that private contractors could start their bidding on the twenty five million dollars project israeli officials however been expressing their concern about information about the top secret project being made public what i guess is not enough that the u.s. is using money we don't have to build yet another defense base for israel it's barely not enough that israel receives more aid annually from the u.s. than any other world nation combined yes today this. country has given israel one
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hundred eighteen billion dollars in aid most in the form of military assistance nope not enough that the us has to borrow money we don't even have from china to fulfill its promise to provide the thirty billion dollars worth of aid to israel throughout twenty eighteen that makes perfect sense doesn't it no no no no all of that insanities parentline not enough israel wants to keep it all secret to . look at where you are going to be like. oh. i've talked a lot on the show about the us military everything from the defense budget to foreign policy to veterans' health care but there's one aspect of the military i have yet to cover and it's a growing epidemic that's currently undermining everything this country's armed forces are supposed to stand for. right now i'm talking about the rampant sexual
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assault taking place in the in the military according to a report released by the pentagon last month the number of military personnel victimized by sexual assault has surged by thirty five percent over the last two years and in fact the defense department estimates that there were over twenty six thousand sexual salts in the military last year alone fewer than fifteen percent of those were ever reported it's an epidemic that's finally getting attention from congress which has expressed some concern over the military is handling of the problem with a number of lawmakers now pressing for drastic changes one such changes proposed just two weeks ago in the form of a bill which calls for the complete removal of sexual assault cases from the military's chain of command it's a piece of legislation that my next guest is very passionate about someone who's been a victim of sexual assault herself while serving in the u.s. air force her name is jennifer norris and she's
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a national victim advocate with the military rape crisis center earlier i spoke with jennifer and i first asked her to talk about her experience and how she was able to internalize it. was. raised as an equal i grew up in belle hill maine and i had two prather and so i really didn't know that there was discrimination in and massage any in this world until i joined the military and right from the get go it was. a bad scene in the first instance. it was actually an actual rape after my recruiter and write me to a new recruit party he tried pressuring me to train and when he couldn't pressure me to drink he dragged me and then was was able to rape me because i was you know pretty much chemically restrained i couldn't. that was the first instance and i
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thought i haven't even left for basic training. and i didn't know what rape was i was like just like what just happened. very very young and naive and then i thought well you know i want my career i want to you know do this and so i went ahead and i left for basic training and unfortunately after leaving basic training going to technical school at keesler air force. i was assaulted a second time by one of my instructors. and the instructor didn't leave it when i rejected his advances he threatened to fail me if i did not comply with his demands and i all i could think then was why are you doing this to me why are you doing this to me i don't understand so i thought if i could just make it through here and soldier on and get back home were felt more see because i did serve in the main air national guard that i could continue with you know
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a career again. at least a career without you know these assaulters and when i got back to maybe the same thing happened again when not only my supervisor who was the. commission officer in charge of saddling communications but also another national guardsman that i had to see one week in a month you know two weeks a year so it's just never ending and the way that i internalized it was when i was in technical school i saw other females complain about. the mood remarks or sexual assault or harassment and what happened to them was they get quickly trumped out of the air force i mean a literal which kind that i witnessed before my very eyes so because of that. what would happen to me internally was if i say anything i'm going to lose my
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career if i see anything i'm going to be the odd man. and after two years of enduring one assault after the other an escalating behavior i finally broke down one day and someone said to me you know what's happening you jennifer you've gone from you know super true. performer to you just all even want to be here anymore and then that's when the floodgates opened and i finally told someone what happened to me well jennifer you're very strong i mean i mean you are working now with people who are victims of rape of course in the military but only fifteen percent of sexual assault or even reported why do you think the number so low. is lower than that. of the twenty six thousand estimated cases that the d.o.d. reports three thousand and three hundred seventy four reported. that said
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and the d.o.d.'s was hoping that they could increase reporting by instituting these new training programs of which we're not going to be able to train our way out of this in obviously when the two thousand and twelve numbers came out it showed that in fact not only a sexual rise by like thirty percent but the amount of reports that came in only rose by like six percent so it went from three thousand one hundred ninety two to three thousand three hundred seventy four and we know why it's because of the fair for tally either see how they how people get treated when they report that they were assaulted and fewer than one percent of sexual assault cases actually result in a court martial conviction why that's right. well as it
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stands right now there's a few reasons you know first of all they're not people are reporting that when they do report they're retaliated against and so they lose their you know their gumption even want to move forward because they're basically getting re trama ties again by those in their chain of command because it's if you think about it in civilian terms it's basically you've got to go report the crime to your boss and then your boss makes the decision as to whether or not he's got here she is going to move forward. and then so if they don't move forward with the case you have no recourse you can't do anything if they give more for the case then you're going reach dramatize by the defense attorneys the judges the prosecutors because these folks just don't have the sensitivity needed to handle you know these special cases of sexual assault. you know the special victims unit mentality is just not there.
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system is rigged in favor of the perpetrator everybody knows it and they just think why even bother especially if you see these numbers you know one percent live out there and you've been working with some legislation on the hill that would remove that chain of command i would remove you having to go to this military officer who you know would favor and i'm sorry would rule in favor of the perpetrator why would this solve the problem. because we can't get people to report their crimes to their chain of command because they're getting retaliated against or they're not getting the justice that they deserve so. they don't want to lose their careers in during their retaliate from the chain of command and be. they don't think they're going to get justice so why bother risking your career by reporting if there's not
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going to be any justice so and as a result of that problem with commanders not moving for these cases these predators have risen in the ranks and now they're the people that are in charge and jennifer you know as you mentioned threats intimidation i don't blame people for not wanting to go forward and talk about these horrific experiences within the military and you know when i hear things like this recently georgia senator chambliss called on the military to do more to crack down on sexual assault but then followed up by saying this and i want to play this for you ok. your own folks that are coming to each of your services. anywhere from seven to twenty two to three with. the level of the hormone level created by nature. sets. employees the possibility for these types of. so i mean how can the rate in the
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military ever and if elected official. continue to spout the notion that rape or sexual abuse is just a case of normal men unable to contain their hormones. that's the whole problem that's what we're at that's basically what's been happening within the military as well is there minimizing the crimes and because the commander is the one that makes the decision he he or she usually knows the big i'm in the perpetrator they're choosing victims that are young because they don't have any rank and they don't have any credibility compared to those that are doing each crimes i mean each one of my perpetrators had like eighteen years of service plus and so if i had when i went to my commander i was basically reporting someone who appeared to be his best friend is right and man that in and of itself scared me to even want to go in or or
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because i just thought he's not going to believe me i've only been in for you know six months you know a year two years i'm just a little low eat three and that's the problem that these crimes are being minimized this is not about sex at all it's about how work and violence and that's what was happening i was in my uniform every single time i was assaulted jenner funny orange jennifer norris i appreciate your courage and thank you for staying up and being a voice for the voiceless jennifer norris of the national victim advocate military rape crisis center really appreciate your time. much more ahead including the one major thing the corporate media fell to tell you about susan rice will tell you about it next. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you
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don't know i'm timer is a big. british
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. headlines. so president obama just announce his pick for national security advisor former u.n.
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ambassador susan rice and what did you know it raises controversial background perceives her in a corporate media is running with the story. susan rice the u.s. ambassador to united nations will be his next national security adviser she has been controversial as all of our viewers know as a result of what happened after the benghazi attack the controversy over ambassador rice stems from her appearance on five sunday talk shows following the september eleventh terror attack on our consulate in benghazi the appointment which does not require congressional approval or bringing rice further into the inner circle of policy decision makers at the white house but the pick is already drawing criticism from some republicans who spent months targeting susan rice for they say was her role and the talking points her role moving gazi talking points that's what you're concerned about him i'm not surprised kudos to all the corporate news anchors out there takes a lot of talent and guts to spend an entire day regurgitating the same trivial
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rhetoric needless to say if you think benghazi talking points is the extent of susan rice's controversy you haven't heard the full story so who is susan rice while she's a member of the highly influential think tank the council on foreign relations she's a former senior fellow at the brookings institute and she served in president clinton's national security council but perhaps rice were never of the leg up were not for her mentor secretary of state at the time madeline albright who helped propel the rice's career look this woman's been working behind the scenes in government for the last two decades and while she may appear to be a very smart the neverland and qualified leader the truth is that she is nothing more than a war monger and in fact she's never once. stood in a vocal opposition to any u.s. military intervention throughout her career so let's just go back through her resume a little bit more first serving at the brookings institute rice openly declared her support for u.s.
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intervention in iraq being quoted as saying that it's a clear that iraq poses a major threat here but its weapons of mass destruction need to be dealt with forcefully and that's the path we're on up to now they're handling it largely the right way while we all know what happened there don't we but let's fast forward to two thousand and seven when rice left brookings for a spot as foreign policy advisor for then senator barack obama and shortly thereafter was appointed to be u.s. ambassador for the u.n. in two thousand and eight as ambassador she was the leading force behind u.s. intervention in libya a move that overstepped congressional authority shell so assured mubarak egypt's president that he should stay seated in office despite his notorious a brutal dictatorial regime and let's move on to whom douras rice became the only embassador in the world to support a military coup in two thousand and nine and fear of tampering the relations with the country's oligarchs and of course most recently she's been instrumental in
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ramping up the war rhetoric with iran and it's particularly interesting considering she's done this all while profiting from oil investments from several giant oil and gas corporations is a quick break down financial disclosures reveal that rice has anywhere from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand invested in the royal dutch shell a long time purchaser of iranian crude oil rice has additional investments and norsk hydro norwegian aluminum that has been awarded one hundred seven million dollar contract for iran's oil bloc but that's not all of course rises another fifty grand invested with yet another iranian partner called b h p bulletin which in two thousand and ten was investigated by the securities and exchange commission . ford's dealings with iran in fact susan rice has done so much investing in iranian oil so she currently has the highest net worth of all executive branch members that's right court of the center for responsive politics misreads has
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a fortune that's estimated to be between twenty four and forty four million dollars that's a lot of it and apparently much of that fortune is based on investing in the resources of oil rich countries so should it come as any surprise at all a miss rice is given a thumbs up to invading iraq or that she's been fervently beating the war drums to attack iran so before getting all wrapped up in the corporate media is over sensationalized coverage of obama's future pick let's make sure to look a little deeper at the risk resume that defines her past a neo con in sheep's clothing. in the world of politics there are new mobile think tanks organizations and front groups that serve as an influential guide to lawmakers oftentimes drafting the very
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policies that shape the direction of this country and the world now most of these groups operate very transparent transparently istari they release policy prescriptions online or host forums over the public but there is one group that stands alone unique in its total lack of transparency it's called the build a bird group for the last half century its members have met annually behind closed doors for four days summit with no official press coverage it's an invite only list of about one hundred forty or so people that constitute the world's top only in politics banking media oil and national defense the meeting of the world's most powerful minds started in one thousand nine hundred fifty four and hotel bill de burgh in the netherlands one of its founding members was prince bernhard former nazi party member since then there have been countless prominent figures who have attended the forum. most notably bill gates colin powell bill clinton tony blair george soros queen beatrix among many many others billionaire mogul david
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rockefeller and his cohort henry kissinger are members of the builder berger steering committee and are intimately involved in constructing the elite guest list every year is hyper exclusive group operates as a nonprofit called the american friends of building berg and according to its own tax documents received sizable donations from corporations like exxon goldman sachs and b.p. according to its website build a bird two thousand and thirteen will be attended by the head of the international monetary fund the president the european commission prime minister of holland chairman of swiss induction national banks and a multitude of trans national see yet despite this same powerhouse gathering there is virtually no coverage from the mainstream media about the policy summit which is especially interesting considering how media moguls have routinely attended the builder board meetings over the years in fact steering committee member david rockefeller allegedly said that he's grateful to media outlets like the washington
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post in the new york times for keeping the meeting discretionary for almost forty years so what do we know about the build a bear group and the severe lack of transparency surrounding the event has fostered multiple theories and much speculation about what's really going on behind the meetings closed doors many journalists now activists who have been following the group for years claim that it's members use the meeting to plan global policy domination of the subjugation of the rest of humanity citing multiple world policies put into effect that they allege have come out of its annual sessions but others including event members of the idea claiming that it's nothing more than a harmless discussion group and build a berm also stresses its harmlessness on its own website it details the conference as a form for informal off the record discussions about mega trends and the major issues facing the world adding that there is no. detail the genda no resolutions are proposed no votes are taken and no policy statements are issued however that
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proclamation stands contrary to what former leaders of the build a bird conference have claimed according to the london telegraph while they rankle at the conspiracy theorists former leaders of the billboard conferences they were the most important events they ever went to and the freedom of speaking away from the ears of whitehall officials and the discussions that took place decisively shaped modern europe wow doesn't sound like another policy meeting to me so what's going on here and what's going on this year today is the first day of the summit and heard ford shyer england sort of go over some of what we've learned so far and what implications all the secrecy could have for the rest of humanity p.t.'s producer mental got below normal is just. you know just getting just getting so so i think this year it's really interesting because i think the enormous amount of pressure i covered in two thousand and seven and then i went last year to chantilly virginia both times there until the virginia. and then the year before that was actually in zurich switzerland last year i saw the amount of protesters
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and i mean astronomically increased from from a couple years prior to when i was there and i think that the pressure from independent journalism protesters for transparency has really caused them to change their tune they started to release a partial list of attendees they've released this kind of big policy prescription that they're kind of detail on their website they have a media tent now they have they had a media contact that was briefly on the website and dropped off and you know i would actually argue the contrary i would i would say that everything that we see is being a win for these protesters that are all you know all but. getting bigger like these demonstrations are getting bigger there's more independent media coverage but what we're getting as a response as far as you know what we're seeing on the web site for build a bird which we were looking at earlier today it's a guise of transparency you know these talking points that they say we're going to be talking about today. u.s. foreign policy national has been populism cyberwarfare current events and you think
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they are all the more ambiguous they're just saying we're going to be talking about current events follows yeah i mean so really this is this is a way for them to say hey look we're making efforts so that you guys can know little bit about what we're what we're doing but really we don't want you to know anything this is entirely off the record and even you know people that you reach out to that are there that you would think you know people from policy groups here amazon google these folks are all attending c.e.o.'s from all these organizations are attending so like what you're getting a response from them is sick i'm sorry this is off the record so i mean. all you have left is speculation and that has its own dangers absolutely and just to talk about the police presence there it's been going on for eighteen months the security detail in city people are forces for their passports to get to their own homes there is a now netted protest area so i guess you could say you know even though they're appearing to be more transparent even media tenach cetera now they have this protest zone very far away from even the syllabi netted around it almost looks like some weird you know berlin wall type area with like guard towers i mean it's just
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it's really creepy really dystopian looking the operation called operation discuss the police there you know you bring a little you know the same gather let them have a little bit yeah it's really disappointing that that the mainstream media the corporate media isn't there because you know when we're talking about the things that build a burger other secret groups like bohemian grove people either ignore it which is what the corporate media does or they ridicule it but it's really important that we have a discussion even if it's a discussion of whether or not this is a conspiracy theory or if it's not it's conspiracy fact we don't know what it is but there should be a dialogue in place so that more pressure is put on it so that we know exactly what's going on and more people are covering and i saw one in telegraph coverage guardian charlie skelton's out there and really i think a lot of people are saying that it's a violation of federal law called the logan act which says that it's actually a felony for u.s. citizens to negotiate with foreign. government unauthorized us on all sides is that is and so when you carries a three year federal the person spent six hundred forty people from everywhere from
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banking i mean foreign diplomats and public officials i mean all these people getting together and talking about policy that they admit and you know you're telling me that these people are planning policy and really like making connections here anyway thank you so much man rob lowe follows another time b.t.s. producer judith. all right guys that's it for today's show make sure to follow me on my team on twitter give us a like on facebook for me on a. little . technology innovation all the developments around russia we. covered. she was looking for love and she found marriage she wanted children
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a mil she has eleven. widows but and seven adopted children are a joy to be causative. over my long list me in the maternity home i had a disease so she gave me hope. i made sure to be close to the future so nobody wanted to make friends with me chased me spam and threw stones. my dream was to have parents. mom and dad. that i know many people read today to take kids like this. they found a new kind of medicine they call it oh. please don't follow my example because you know it can be dangerous for your health .
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welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser you know germany's longest word has sixty three letters it's officially ceased to exist of course being so long was never in common use in fact it was so long only a computer could possibly speak it. because that's indeed any word that takes longer than five seconds to say is just too fricken long not to fail. maybe it was so long that it failed as the headline on the telegraph germany drops his longest word.


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