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tv   Headline News  RT  June 7, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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washington defends its sweeping surveillance of millions of internet users over seventy years the saying it only spied on foreigners outside the country. america in china ready for an informal meeting in california and made up pointing over cyber attacks and flaring tensions over washington's military build up in china's backyard. and the present region is said to become officially the single after he and his wife announced their marriage is over and what they called an amicable split after thirty years of being together. a i. that is
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a very warm welcome to you if you've just joined us here on our do you live with me to one would say it's good to have you with us. u.s. intelligence confirms is collecting the private messages of internet users but defense the move claiming the mass of aliens was targeting only u.s. persons outside the country earlier british and american papers reported that the u.s. was tapping directly into the service of leading american internet companies getting access to personal e-mails photos and documents allege a court order has become the first hard evidence of washington's sweeping data collection program r.t. so much that she is sure can one has more. after eye popping news that america's national security agency has been collecting information on millions of customers of one of the country's biggest telecommunications providers verizon further information of the extent of surveillance conducted by u.s. officials has leaked out nine major internet companies they include google facebook
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yahoo microsoft you tube apple a.o.l. and pal talk have been used by the f.b.i. and the national security agency to monitor photos videos e-mails audio and all other sorts of information tracking a sweeping scope of individual's online activity as reported by the guardian and the washington post a highly classified program dubbed prism accounts for almost one in seven intelligence reports made by the n.s.a. to the u.s. president and congress this is of course the first time that this prism program has been publicly brought to light u.s. officials in particular members of congress aware of this program have been keeping quiet about the sweeping activity of violating the privacy of american citizens and of course so all of this comes after secret court order was obtained by the guardian and uploaded online this document revealed that u.s. telecom giant of arise and has been giving the n.s.a. information on absolutely all of the phone calls being made within the united
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states as well as between the u.s. and foreign countries making really the scope of this tracking system even wider than american territory at according to the secret court order which was issued as we know in april and expires july nineteenth phone calls of millions of americans are being traced through horizon absolutely regardless of whether or not there is reason to suspect that subscribers are involved in any criminal activity and it's also been disclosed that this operation has actually been ongoing since two thousand and six and renewed every three months. employing an activist for the civil rights organization onsite coalition says the scale of the surveillance might not only have a domestic but also called noble implications they can make apparently a very very massive database of millions of citizens of almost all of their activities what they're doing and there's quite a bit you can construct from knowing every single place you go every day who you talk to and how you talk to them i can tell you quite a bit about and this is being collected on millions and millions of citizens
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completely indiscriminately which means there's a giant database of american citizens activities on a daily basis that the government has under its control and is keeping under secret lock and key and we have no idea how they can use it can be used in many of our whole lives there's a wide range of people around the world who could be affected by this i mean imagine something as simple as your college and roommate was from russia and you stay in contact and you continually talk to each other back and do something or to go on record decide. create some sort of pattern about you given what happened in the boston bombing and then they can use that as a pretext to search your entire house and so i think certainly that not only national international will see some concerns. turkey's prime minister seems un shaken by the protests against his rule that have swept the country but everyone branded the demonstrations on lawful and i.q. some of searching into vandalism calling for an immediate end to the end arrest he
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was cheered by thousands of supporters upon returning home from a trip abroad gathered at the airport chanting that they are ready to die for everyone meanwhile tens of thousands of anti-government demonstrators are packed cities across the country again calling for his resignation what began as a peaceful sit in the park demolition is in istanbul's taksim square has turned into the west under arrest in decades consistently filled by accusations of the police's heavy handed dispersal of protesters at these are three people who were killed and thousands in the weeks that clashes some as our revenue voicing fears it might not be long before the military is called in to quell the unrest. many generals and even former chief of staff of turkey are in prison now i mean this is a very special situation when they are waiting for the developments because the army will take control although if there will be more
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serious disturbances there way they may be the prime minister and the president will start negotiating with the demonstrators maybe it will be some peace and process i mean they're still waiting for something good to happen but if instead of negotiating with his own people the prime minister will keep conveying to them he's tough message even storing them up more then the you will see next week a week after some saying from the army and turkey as you know has a culture of kind of fiction military regime democracy democracy military regime these things happen to them in the past and nobody will be surprised that it will happen again now. one of the main things the protests as i can see the government of is forcing conservative islam make the use on taking that has been staunchly secular for nearly a century and they also do cultural center in taksim square also said to be
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demolished as part of their redevelopment plans has become a symbol of the current struggle i'm not going to school reports. it's been a week since the violent dispersal of protests here in taksim square and then goes the park and let's take a look at one of the most important fixtures or other structures that have been here for quite some time and it's right behind me the ataturk cultural center now it's decorated with posters and slogans but that's not how it was a week ago it backed it was slated for demolition so why is it important for people in taksim what kind of significance does it carry for turkish people not just in istanbul but all over the country well let's go inside and take a look and find out the a.t.m. used to house ballet and opera and was essentially a source of pride for the turks people for them it was the representation of the cultural and political heritage left over by kemal ataturk but everyone said ballet is not an arch worthy of the turkish people not something that turkey should be looking inspiring to and decided to demolish this art house you can see in order to make way for a new op or house
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a lot of people are seeing this demolition as an attempt by anyone to go backwards instead of going forwards to do away with the with the ideas that were brought here by the church and to bring in early one's own ideas into reality basically you can say that at this point a key am is sort of assistance for the protesters be you can say took this fortress by force on saturday evening or the protesters in istanbul this really was a pivotal moment this was the moment when they felt that they are at least for that particular moment are winning the battle it's a symbol of resistance it's a symbol of protest it's a symbol really of the turkish people coming together and saying we will not let go of our heritage we will hold on to it even if it is dilapidated and is slated for demolition doesn't matter what the prime minister wants in the symbol. for we're closely following the situation in turkey as we have been the from the very beginning the timeline of the unrest and live updates available twenty four
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seven on our website dot com. smiles and a woman. and shakes i expected in california later in the day where the u.s. and chinese leaders meet for their first summit but behind the diplomacy has a range of prickly subjects between the team with washington accusing beijing of launching a cyber war against it and as our g.'s marina but by all reports of the u.s. is countermeasures go well beyond being purely defensive after months of muscle flexing comes the handshaking u.s. president barack obama and chinese president xi jinping will likely play nice for the cameras but behind the closed california mansion doors of this first bilateral summit a tense talk over cyber espionage hacking and rules of virtual engagement think of it as well as a jumble of biological weapons convention so one can make fuel sorts of weapons but most countries agree not to do so or to use the. same thing is true of cyber
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everyone's going to be asked nations or we can agree not to attack the jurors infrastructures or at least not to start doing however the u.s. has repeatedly accused the rising asian giant of widespread computer hacking just last week a report by the defense science board said nearly forty pentagon weapons programs and almost thirty other defense technologies were compromised by hackers some directly tied to the chinese military and government u.s. manufacturers have also accused china of stealing patents and designs of high technology we're also hearing about the challengers in china. united states has expressed our concern about the growing threat of cyber intrusion some of which appear to be tied to the chinese government and military china's defense ministry has consistently denied claims that its military is engaged in hacking and in turn pointed the finger at washington the country's top internet security official
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recently claimed to have mountains of data pointing to extensive u.s. hacking aimed at china later this month the country will be holding unprecedented military drills with special i.t. units and even nato is debating whether it needs a manual on cyber wars while washington casts china as the world's most dangerous virtual threat the u.s. has been cementing plans to take down the enemy billions have reportedly been spent to create forty teams of cyber agents that will allegedly serve to thwart hackers while simultaneously launching offensive attacks against adversaries a cyber battlefield that many believe the u.s. can't affectively control you have a government with many secure security holes in it you have a corporate sector that can't keep its information secure you have defense contractors taking contracts from the federal government to provide cyber security
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and they can't even provide cyber security for themselves i am seeing this as a war in which the united states is not winning no matter the amount of resources it is putting in or the tough talk and even experts at home say now is the time for the u.s. to be working together with leading nations like china to establish norms for cyber space activity you know i think i'd open the conversation rather than boom. we know what you've been doing and knock it off and if you don't here's the things we're going to do i mean you can have a conversation if you want to but i think you've got to think through about whether that is really the best way you're going to achieve what it is we want to accomplish we want a global resilient open and secure internet if the u.s. and china fail to reach consensus on how to cooperate in cyberspace the consequence many believe could lead to a virtual cold war between the world's two largest economies and charted territory
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that could inevitably turn the internet into a dangerous platform where friends become foes reporting from new york marine upper nile r.t. . coming up think twice before becoming a modern day robin hoods in the u.k. there's a chance he might end up in jail for a decade for showing movies and songs of plus. balancing the scales of justice as a self defense and also israeli settlers in the west bank these violence in the region i mean the young going territorial disputes that and more often the break.
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the u.s. government versus private first class bradley manning what is this trial all about protecting state in military secrets for a show trial scapegoating one individual says this trial sent a chilling warning to would be whistleblowers and journalists and what does aiding the enemy need in the age of the internet to. speak the language. the programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the r.p. interviews intriguing story for you. in troy arabic to find out more visit arabic. it's called.
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thanks for staying with us you stay away the president of letting me to which it has announced that his marriage is a is up and in months of speculation about his private life the announcement came in a joint interview with his wife on russian state television where they called it an advocate split or am i called the bill dog discuss the high profile divorce with artie's you got a piece going up. generally the idea of a president getting a divorce isn't something so out of the warden especially in the west with the likes of z. and silvio berlusconi but for a president of a country like russia this is a major event since the majority of the population or at least a large part of russian citizens are still very conservative and we heard from the couple's themselves on t.v.
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it could easily have been a press release from the kremlin couldn't it well exactly right even to put in his personal life has always been out of the spotlight out of the public eye but i think it just shows their decision just to come out and announce this on t.v. for everyone to see is just to show that he wants to be open and public in this very personal matter because well the last time we saw the couple together was a year ago during his inauguration and just to cancel out all the possible speculation that just came out and while. this source and all personal event which is so. my job and all my activities mean i'm an absolutely public figure some people enjoy this and some don't but some people simply incompatible with such a lifestyle my wife has done a nine year shift by my side basically the decision was mutual.
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appreciation. cygnus like saddam i said it was in stocks mutual decision a marriage is over because we barely see each other his job keeps him completely busy our children have grown up they need their own lives now we oldies i really don't like being in the spotlight all the constant travelling is difficult for me we simply don't see each other because it was a long marriage that was a very long marriage thirty years this couple has been together they have two daughters they both said that they loved him very much they're still going to be really close people to each other for the rest of their lives but i think it could really. raise a lot of respect even for the president for again this conservative society to do something like that openly editor in chief of g q russia to hell and off says uproot his announcement of a private matter as
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a commendable step putin is the kind of person who has of course made his reluctance to disclose his private life. so public that it has you know become a matter of i think general public interest and so going you know going so public with something as i would imagine personally uncomfortable it's not painful as divorce is definitely a step towards openness to pretty positive step i think for all parties concerned it's a relief you know for us it's probably really for him it certainly relief or for the militant. i there's more on that story on our website here's what else you can find on r t v dot com russian airport style for discover a stall weighs a dead body in the landing gear of a plane while it was apparently there for days and made several journeys of find
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out where and how. and it's a breeze abuse of a spanish lawmakers after public outrage plus a stop to discounted strong drinks in parliament cafeterias the politicians all have to content themselves with beer wine and coffee saying they don't want to show their frivolous image. today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying corporation throughout the day. and want to make a living showing movies and music allow be prepared to pay
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a hefty price in the u.k. owners of money making torrent websites are facing up to ten years behind bars for cutting copyright the holders out of profits are to serve further has the details. well there is one single favorite d.v.d. in the park or listening to music or maybe sharing that music with a friend file sharing is growing ever more popular and as its popularity grows so you too does the file sharing sites the torrent sites that host those links but as a grain of popularity we've seen the u.k. authorities alone with record company labels launching an precedented anti torrent site campaign now the first sign of the clampdown by the u.k. authorities came in the form of a letter from the national intelligence bureau and in it it was that they found guilty of certain offenses to face ten years imprisonment now campaign is a saying that everyone the torrent site founders when it comes to file sharing
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should be treated fairly and that's only able to happen if people understand the law and with the law being so you can using their full perhaps this isn't a fair system now i'll see if you can see the founder of one of the torrent sites that receives and publish the less the sense of than by the. i know he's asked to remain anonymous but let's take a listen to what he said i think it will i mean and maybe also. part of the strategy that they're trying to make it is difficult as possible for people to end this threatening as possible for people to start the site so i think just may stop a few people from starting new sites and it might mean if you stop if you decide to specially have to. do it on a whole i don't think it's going to stop well here to talk torrents with us on doing by digital policy blogger. thank you for joining us i think of you first of
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all let's clear up because you can see here you know people on their phones in on their computers listening to music watching videos when it comes to torrents and sharing fights what's the legality here what's legal what's not to you. well that's one of the problems it's a completely gray area it's clear if you take a copy of somebody else's picture or music and stick it on your website that's copyright infringement if you provide a link to somebody else's storage of that same content then providing that link on the u.k. law is technically not illegal however if you create a website with thousands of such things and sizing around to make money from that website then under british law under u.k. law there has been a prosecution for. the torrent sites and see has anything to the level of seriousness i mean this is a ten year prison sentence they're talking about that seems incredibly serious you know it's
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a ratcheting up of the rhetoric and it's actually nothing more because nothing has changed in the law since these letters of being issued so anybody running a tour of websites are prosecuted under similar legislation could expect to receive a sentence which is four years in prison thank you very much for that says i mean you look around the for the people long gone and you wonder how are they going to have a sort of right now and if he thinks it's ok well we're certainly going to be very closely on what happens with the investigations i will bring you all of. london. to other international news now the number of hunger strikers or guantanamo bay detention camp who have been force that has risen to forty one nearly a quarter of all the inmates according to the military the total number of protesters is now at one hundred and three as despite their president obama's pledge last month to shut down the camp and move the detainees that have been cleared for transfer the process as force of feeding has been condemned by the you
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went and many times described as inhumane by the international medical community. south korea has accepted an invitation from north korea to open talks on restarting joint projects because she is sions are expected to include a closer case song industrial zone where production came to a halt in april the closure led to tens of thousands of people without work as pyongyang pulled all stars from the area seen as one of the last symbols of cooperation between the north and south the date for the talks has yet to be announced. hundreds of left wing activists have staged a protest in paris of following the death of a teenager allegedly beaten to death by members of a far right group lament marie nineteen year old student belong to the n.t. that is to actually rent interior ministry announced that four suspects have already been arrested. the united nations
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a human rights agency is reportedly working on a plan to compensate palestinians harmed by israeli settlers in the west bank as well as increased violence recently with attacks resulting in injuries and bridging to property the new un plan could help offset the apparent bias of israeli law concerning settlers and palestinians policia has more on the story. in the wild west bank gunslinging news release and palestinians do not stand equal before the law they live a dude. even less so now a settler and a palestinian living side by side who commit the same crime a put their entirely different legal systems the settlers have when they fight to have the so-called gloomy law apply in the west bank shai dromi was an israeli farmer who in an act of self-defense shot and killed a trespasser and wounded thirteen others he was eventually acquitted of manslaughter and the law that was later named after him supports the notion that
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any action taken against an intruder is considered self-defense but until now it wasn't clear if it applied in the settlements it's an issue that's now back on the table the limits of when a septic can and cannot use a gun to protect himself or his property jacob taylor lives in the disputed hebron hills he moved here from south africa two decades ago with seventy four members of his family jacob claims more than six hundred of his pedigree sheep have been stolen by palestinians from his farm the rifle that the army supplied me but they don't even go out and walk with that i feel like shit night time when like when they stole my ship i took their rights i went out i mean for self-protection but the palestinians have a different version. of are you going to go i was in the mountains feeding my sheep in our land and the settlers attacked me and hit me on my back they did not just attack me they attacked everybody every day they attack people in trees in animals
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they are trying to take our lands but we will not let them. the law says jacob's case gets heard in an israeli civil court hundred in a military one the palestinian could be barred from seeing a lawyer for up to thirty days. the palestinian could be held and interrogated for eight days before being brought to a judge after which the detention could be extended and extended and extended by comparison the settler would immediately be allowed to consult with his lawyer he would have to be brought before a judge in order to continue interrogating him within twenty four hours and he would have all the sense of due process that we don't see in the military court almost a day doesn't go past without at least one violent act between citizen palestinians being reported many fear a third intifada might be on the cards all the more possible now that cities have been given the green light to shoot and ask questions later policy r t in the way
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spend. right to stay with us for special report coming up after the break. the school board in batavia illinois has decided to punish one teacher for his bad behavior by putting him on a strict probation play or what did he do to be deserve be part of this probation plan to need to select punch a student in the face or to go in some sort of horribly racist or sexist rented from the class no he just reminded the students that as americans they have the right to not incriminate themselves to put it more simply he told the students that they didn't have to answer a question will survey about drug and alcohol use and their emotional state since the data from this questionnaire would be sent back to the private company that created it this raises even more privacy issues than just the school knowing about the students personal lives i would like to commend this teacher john dryden for
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actually going above and beyond and telling the children something they need to dial you know if you're going to live in a society based on individual rights it would help to actually teach children what those rights are but that's just my opinion. jenny unspent law and i have eleven children nine of them are adopted seven of the adopted kids hiv positive along with if kennie.


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