tv Headline News RT June 7, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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documents flush out the true extent of the united states surveillance network potentially blanketing the online world by the government insists it's protecting america. prime minister remains to find over a wave of protests against him calling the rallies illegal but sparking fears of further division and the country. talks between the u.s. and chinese leaders are overshadowed by the country's fiery exchange of accusations and espionage and growing tensions over america's p.r. campaign in beijing's domain. divorce over duty president putin says being in the top job is behind the split with his wife which the couple insist was amicable.
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this is already coming to life from the russian capital i'm marina joshing welcome to the program now the sheer scale of america's surveillance and pyar is coming to wide with a new detailing a global system that logs potentially people's entire online life with some help from a few internet giants telephones haven't been spared either with the authorities purportedly collecting and storing the call records of americans on mass and washington is furious calling the leaks ripper hansel and the surveillance necessary here's our. after eye popping news that america's national security agency has been collecting information on millions of customers of one of the country's biggest telecommunications providers of arisan further information of the extent of surveillance conducted by u.s. officials has leaked out nine major internet companies they include google facebook
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yahoo microsoft skype you tube apple a.o.l. and pal talk have been used by the f.b.i. and the national security agency to monitor photos videos e-mails audio and all other sorts of information tracking a sweeping scope of individuals online activity as reported by the guardian and the washington post highly classified program prism accounts for almost one in seven intelligence reports made by the n.s.a. to the u.s. president and congress this is of course the first time that this prism program has been publicly brought to light u.s. officials in particular members of congress aware of this program have been keeping quiet about the sweeping activity of violating the privacy of american citizens and of course so all of this comes after a secret court order was obtained by the guardian and uploaded online this document revealed that the u.s. telecom giant of arise and has been giving the n.s.a. information on absolutely all of the phone calls being made within the united states as well as between the u.s.
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and foreign countries according to the secret court order which was issued as we know in april and expires july nineteenth phone calls of millions of americans are being traced through horizon absolutely regardless of whether or not there is reason to suspect that subscribers are involved in any criminal activity and it's also been disclosed that this operation has actually been ongoing since two thousand and six and renewed every three months now law lecturer dr a been i can mark says he finds a strange how some officials have gone about ascending the surveillance network. very curious remarks that been made by some of the senators one of them a senator chambliss for example is no one has made a complaint about what is being done but obviously people have not made complaints because they've absolutely no idea that the material that they're putting forth. through social media for example actually being tapped into by the annus a the national security agency and the officials of the administration claims are quite different from the bush administration but what george bush jr did was
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essentially a case of warrantless surveillance so there was no warrant it was supposed to take an on the house and then what do you about an administration as john this taken a defectively each one of a level example using such acts as the protect america act two thousand and seven and the fisa amendments act two thousand nates we're talking about extensive surveillance all coming up here on r.t. browsing online lying through your favorite t.v. shows could become a thing of the past if you were in the u.k. that if the police their way they're cracking down on torn websites and threatening to put the people writing them behind bars for years. thousands of protesters have shown their anger in france they enraged by the murder of an eighteen year old left wing activists after a brutal attack by skinheads details a little later here in the program. turn against prime minister is looking unlikely
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to easy as hardline stance towards a swelling nationwide protest against him. the one says the movement's illegal and the queues this it's members of brutality and provocation as he addressed a cheering crowd of his supporters after returning from a trip to north africa some of those who gathered at the airport chanted let us go let's cross to the plaza in central istanbul has become a symbol of a flourishing anti-government drive in turkey the demonstrators have been packing cities across the country for. now after police crushed a peaceful environmental sit in an taksim square that ignited street battles which have left reportedly three people dead in clashes which saw tear gas water cannon and electric baton deployed some are already voicing fears that my pal be long before the military is called in to quell the unrest many generals and even former chief of staff of turkey are in prison now i mean this is a very special situation when they are waiting for the developments because the
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army will take. control although only if there will be more serious disturbances their way they may be the prime minister and the president will start negotiating with the demonstrators maybe it will be some appeasing process i mean they're still waiting for something good to happen but if instead of negotiating with his own people the prime minister will keep conveying to them he's a tough message even storing them up more then the you will see next week a week after a somewhat saying from the army and turkey as you know it has a call sure all kind of fiction military regime democracy democracy military in the past and nobody will be surprised if it will happen again now. answer to one protester say the push to turn secular turkey towards conservative as long as it
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can cause for there has still a towards a prime minister's rule art is there any explains why. it's been a week since the violent dispersal of protests here in taksim square and then goes the park and let's take a look at one of the most important fixtures or other structures that have been here for quite some time and it's right behind me the ataturk cultural center now it's to create with posters and slogans but that's not how it was a week ago it backed it was slated for demolition so why is it important for turkish people not just in istanbul but all over the country well let's go inside and take a look and find out the a.t.m. used to house ballet and opera and was essentially a source of pride for the turks people for them it was the representation of the cultural heritage left over by kemal ataturk but everyone said l.a. is not an arch worthy of the turkish people not something that turkey should be looking and inspiring to and decided to demolish this art all this you can see in order to make way for a new operate house a lot of people again see this demolition or the plans for the demolition of them
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as a as an attempt by anyone to go backwards instead of going forwards to do away with the with the ideas that were brought here by god to turkey and to bring in everyone's own ideas into reality basically you can see that at this point a key m. is sort of assistance held for the protesters it's a symbol of resistance it's a symbol of protest it's a symbol really of the turkish people coming together and saying we will not let go of our heritage we will hold on to it even if it is dilapidated and is slated for demolition doesn't matter what the prime minister wants in the stumble. over a full briefing of how turkey's troubles have developed from head to r.t. dot com where you'll find coverage analysis and updates twenty four seven. president goodness put an end to a frenzied speculation about his marriage announcing that he and his wife are divorcing after almost thirty years together the couple both told russian t.v.
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that their decision was amicable more details from marty's life here. well if we say that this bit of news came as a complete surprise i would say nothing at all mainly because in the history of modern russia the history of soviet russia and in the times before that none of the top officials have ever made their family problems public in fact never voice their divorce in the case of putin's family there has been mounting speculation in the media especially the tabloid media about the that the climate of relations between the president and his wife this has been going on for several years already the couple has been rarely seen at public at the different public events and have rarely been making comments about each other well now officially all these rumors have been quashed by the president and his and his wife my children and all my activities mean i'm an absolutely public figure some people enjoy this and some don't some people simply incompatible with such a lifestyle my wife luke miller has done
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a nine year shift by my side basically the decision was mutual. to tradition. siddons legs are the most said it was in sex unusual decision a marriage is over because we barely see each other his job keeps him completely busy our children have grown up they need their own lives now we oldies i really don't like being in the spotlight all the constant travelling is difficult for me we simply don't see each other. the internet in the morning literally exploded with comments and reactions on the presidential divorce with the president getting a lion's share of criticism for making such a strong decision public there have also been of those who have been supportive of the president mainly because i'm certainly going all out going public with such a strong decision concerning the private life of a top official is a very brave move but regardless of how you look at the presidential divorce news this may actually be
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a sign of things to come that by going public with details of his family life in may signal the whole new approach from the russia's top official still words we're private lives and maybe we don't know for sure but maybe the general attitude of the russia's top officials still words their private life will be less secretive as it has been for many years now i have more world news for you in just a couple of minutes here in our team so stay with us. seals are born to right on the ice fields of the white sea. throughout the twentieth century the pumps were hunted for their snow white furs. russia imposed a ban on this trade and hunters have since been replaced by tourists but will these pups stay safe forever. saving seals on r.t.e.
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at historic meeting there is a chill behind a warm smiles in california where the two countries clashing over a range of divisive issues including accusations that china has launched a cyber war against the united states there is more explains. after months of muscle flexing comes the handshaking u.s. president barack obama and chinese president xi jinping will likely play nice for the cameras but behind the closed california mansion doors of this first bilateral summit a tense talk over cyber espionage hacking and rules of virtual engagement think of it as well as a jumble of biological weapons convention so one can make you a sort of weapons most countries agree not to do so or to use the. same thing is true of cyber everyone's going to be asked nations or knowledgeable we can agree perhaps not to attack the children's interests or at least not to start doing however the us has repeatedly accused the rising asian giant of widespread computer
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hacking just last week a report by the defense science board said nearly forty pentagon weapons programs and almost thirty other defense technologies were compromised by hackers some directly tied to the chinese military and government u.s. manufacturers have also accused china of stealing patents and designs of high technology we're also hearing about the challenges in cyber. united states has expressed concern about the growing threat of cyber intrusion china's defense ministry has consistently denied claims that its military is engaged in hacking and in turn pointed out the finger at washington the country's top internet security official recently claimed to have mountains of data pointing to extensive u.s. hacking aimed at china later this month the country will be holding unprecedented military drills with special i.t. units and even nato is debating whether it needs
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a manual on cyber wars while washington casts china as the world's most dangerous virtual threat the u.s. has been cementing plans to take down the enemy billions have reportedly been spent to create forty teams of cyber agents that will allegedly serve to thwart hackers while simultaneously launching offensive attacks against adversaries a cyber battlefield that many believe the u.s. can't affectively control you have a government with many secure security holes in it you have a corporate sector that can't keep its information secure i am seeing this as a war in which the united states is not winning no matter the amount of resources it is putting in or the tough talk and even experts at home say now is the time for the u.s. to be working together with leading nations like china to establish norms for cyber space activity we want a global resilient open and secure unit if the u.s.
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and china fail to reach consensus on how to cooperate in cyberspace the consequence many believe could lead to a virtual cold war between the world's two largest economies and charted territory that could inevitably turn the internet into a dangerous platform where friends become foes reporting from new york marina port and i are today. well there could be n. other front opening up in the cyber conflict between the u.s. and china with for the actions of a trade war china is about to complete a deal which could become its biggest takeover of a us company s.k.t. pilbeam from our t.v. business explained to me earlier. these guys have been in serious competition for a long time now we know china is set to take the top spot by as soon as twenty twenty seven face rivals in terms of business we also know that billions is traded between these countries as well actually more than ten billion already this year
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marina so you follow them for us that is very in prices actually doubled this time last year and triple the year before so what does that matter if it's you know about it and it makes up a fifth of all foreign purchases that china buys up so it's very impressive indeed and i say phenomenal growth and i want to talk about a few tensions because the one that springs to my mind has to do with the yuan we know that the u.s. is always accused trying to deliberately manipulating their currency in order to keep the export is the offer has always been that tension a rumbling in the background there but plenty of billions traded box the fact that what china is buying from the you all right let's have a look because they are going up the ante as we can see that is all the technical stuff it's the mobile flies the computer the equipment or did the vision and also some of those products are actually american apple comes into the accounts as an import even though it's actually an american brown is it's made in china as we know that a sustainable right yeah that's actually what is it that irritate some people because it's the biggest most valuable company absolutely soybeans would you believe it
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that is the biggest import for china from america the end of the day they've got a lot of mouths to feed the number one thing that china buy is debt they have a quarter of it from america they also buy up with state oil companies satellite companies and big hawk actually china is the biggest consumer of pork in the world and at the moment there's a four point seven billion dollar deal actually pending at the moment we've got sure and high international the biggest meat company in the world wanting to buy a made to the u.s. company and if it does go through be the biggest trade deal between us and time in history. well let's bring in asia times correspondent pepe escobar now a very think you very much for joining us here on our t.v. well as renault were trading with the charter is vital for both united states and china so does that mean that the two will be keeping up the moralists friendly veneer despite the differences that exist between them. now there's not going to be
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a trade war between the u.s. and china same thing about china and european union by the way european here is the largest trading partner of china it's not the us this is the fact that we're going to have a virginia have owned by chinese is not a big deal even for people who live in their jetta it's part of post modern capitalism the problem is if these tree palaces keep being sold inside us usually by politicos in washington has a huge do you dare not even europeans already know about this the big big problem is this is reconfiguration of the so-called cyber war don't forget that did jihad until a few months ago in the us against china was center all you want so do you want out pre-shared of this fast few months so now the new jihad is cyber war from china so
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how serious is their cyber war a so-called cyber war between the two is likely to gather then given all that. the saying goes you know what's going to happen between should aim for more in california obama is going to head the president see a dossier very detailed go see about all the alleged cyber attacks coming from china and how much this whole scene cost in terms of u.s. business this ng is how is the president she going to act appalled this dossier is it going to get somebody trying to the usual two or three scapegoats so he can satisfy obama person to person of course is not going to do a thing or in fact these a few leave it hackers which can have a military connection or not in china are going to keep on improving what they're doing while citizens object of cyber war happy you know the u.s. has been very active in the field of cyber espionage lately in fact quite
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a grass of so why does it have to be then so aggressive then when somebody uses its own methods and methods against it. it sector don't forget that. even a half ago they start talking about cyber war from china but before that u.s. had already lost already loosely vicious cyber war play of the stuxnet virus against iran so if we're going to have cyber war from now what it's like going to come all these rogue us or from china it's going to come from the european union as well some of our leadership is going to come from iran and for other developing countries that's well so if countries see that they are have the extrema broad looks great problems financial problems could counter attack and on cyberspace it's true that america controls most of cyberspace it is true also that america is vigilance in cyberspace with the leads as it has the scandal and i'm not
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at all would have as well well i would be interesting to see of course probably what the two will come to while they are talking california discussing different issues both trade and cyber related for now though thanks very much indeed for your thoughts a few times correspondent pepe escobar here in r.t. . britain's police are going for the online pirates even if they just point people to where they can download content they are climbing down on torrents websites that put up hundreds of thousands of links to copyrighted material as sarah for three ports it could now land the people that run of these businesses in jail. well there is one single favorite t.v. . listening to music or maybe sharing music with a file sharing is growing ever more popular and as its popularity so you too does
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the file sharing site the torrent sites that host days link that's a great unpopularity we've seen in the u.k. authorities alone with record company labels launching an precedented anti torrent site campaign now the first sign of the clampdown by the u.k. authorities came in a form of a letter from the national intelligence and then it was that they found guilty of certain offenses to face ten years imprisonment all see if you can to the founder of one of the sites that received and publish the left a sense of them by the. i know he's asked to remain anonymous but let's take a listen to what he said i think it will i mean maybe also. part of the strategy that they're trying to make it is difficult to supposable for people to and that's threatening as possible for people to start the site but on the whole i don't think it's going to stop well here to talk torrents with us on to invite this little
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policy blogger. thank you for joining us today and i think of you first of all let's clear up because you can see here you know people on earth. on their computers listening to music watching videos when it comes to torrents and sharing fights what's the legality what's legal what's not legal well that's one of the problems it's a completely gray area. where you could if you take a copy of somebody else's picture or music and stick it on your website that's copyright infringement i would if you provide a link to somebody else's storage of that same content then providing that lead you through law is technically not illegal however if you create a website with thousands of such stories and you can advertise ring around to make money from. that website under british law under your care law there has been a prosecution it's a ratcheting up of the rhetoric and actually nothing more than that because nothing is turned in the more since these lessons have been issued so anybody running
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a tour of websites prosecuted under similar legislation could expect to receive a sentence which is four years in prison ok well with i think it very closely on what happens with the investigations i will bring you updates as. the death of a young left wing activist who was brutally beaten by skinheads has spurred a wave of protests and fear for french society the teenager's murder has also pushed thousands of anti-fascist protesters out onto the streets as are silly reports now from paris. the police in france are investigating a case where an eighteen year old left a student was killed had died from injuries after being attacked by what police are calling a group of skinheads members of extremist fringe the far right parties and france has been a seeing a violent protests in recent months with the legalization of gay marriage coming to the forefront of the political discussion let's get some more insight from
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journalists an expert on terrorism and extremism claud money thank you very much for joining us today this incident of the leftist student killed by far right extremists police are saying what does this tell you about what's going on in france basically of course it's an. eighteen being killed for political reasons. but it's. not. a fuel which. of course. groups groups organizations are using advocating. that this is a case of a rightist extremist group having killed a leftist student and you would have members of both sides weighing in on the issue of course the sure would be explosives. and.
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they would use dispose. that would explain that. which is of course not the case that it's not it's a problem of a few elements a few. spectrum of the society so i think to exploit it politically would be a mistake well you have now thousands of leftists who are protesting on the streets asking for those groups to be banned and what is your position on banning groups political groups in france i fink in a democracy. you can say what you ones. in a democracy. ok thank you very much for that well with incidents like these of course the questions will be raised on the what are the root causes of things that happened like this on the streets at a time when france is facing
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a recession economically a deeply unpopular president in place this is yet another issue that france will have to seriously deal with reporting from brussels. and up next the story of a family living with it here in r.t. . the school board in batavia illinois has decided to punish one teacher for his bad behavior by putting him on a strict probation play or what did he do to be deserve be part of this probation plan to do select punch a student in the face or to go in some sort of horribly racist or sexist ranted for the class so he just reminded the students that as americans they have the right to not incriminate themselves to put it more simply he told the students that they didn't have to answer a questionable survey about drug and alcohol use and their emotional state since
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the data from this questionnaire would be sent back to the private company that created it this raises even more privacy issues than just the school knowing about the student's personal lives i would like to commend this teacher john dryden for actually going above and beyond and telling the children something they need to dull you know if you're going to live in a society based on individual rights it would help to actually teach children what those rights are but that's just my opinion. download the official publication if you so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television just doesn't do now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. any time anyway.
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