tv Headline News RT June 8, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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which is why you should watch only. president obama defines a recently revealed mass surveillance program that monitors almost every aspect of people's internet and phone activity saying security goals are justified and invasion of privacy. a love hate relationship with the u.s. oppressors china over suspected hackers attacks as america's shaky recovery becomes increasingly dependent on tiny's investment. and the lads' mags in the u.k. may soon be going under the counter as well because groups descended upon the industry to have them removed from the high street shops.
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it's a very warm welcome to you if you've just joined us here on r.t.m. to bomb with saying on live from our moscow headquarters. president obama has defended his administration's sweeping surveillance program in response to reports of revealing i'm president to scale spying on americans phone and internet activity the us leaders setting crunch meant on people's privacy was modest and necessary for the country's security his remarks however led to some congress members accusing him of betraying the values you once advocated an association he now reports from the us. and a massive leak on the extent of surveillance on hundreds of millions of people dubbed breathtaking by civil rights groups and outraged americans more revelations on what exactly u.s. officials have been popping into the light america's national security agency has been using three of the biggest u.s. telecom companies verizon and sprint to monitor all phone calls made by subscribers
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now combined keep in mind these three companies have a staggering almost three hundred million customers and the spying is reportedly done. reason to suspect scriber is of any criminal activity and this is of course shocking this includes all of the phone calls being made within the united states as well as between the u.s. and foreign countries making really the scope of this tracking system even wider than american territory and of course this comes at a time after the obama administration acknowledges the existence of an n.s.a. and f.b.i. program dubbed prism in a nutshell this program what it entails is nine major internet companies that include google facebook yahoo microsoft skype you tube apple a.o.l. and pal talk have been used by u.s. officials to monitor photos videos e-mails and audio and all other sorts of information tracking a really sweeping scope of individuals online activity and the n.s.a. is of course you know traditionally understood to gather foreign intelligence so
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the tracking of hundreds of millions of americans online accounts on u.s. territory through american companies is certainly a pugil revolution to put it mildly but because of the popularity of these web companies such as google and facebook for instance it's absolutely obvious that communications spied upon does not just include americans and overall just staggering all consuming monitoring of personal data that is a major eye opening example of what obama's administration has been up to we have heard comments from europe mainly germany for example about the need to clarify the scope of this u.s. program law questions are also being asked about the extent of the knowledge of the british government in terms of what kind of knowledge it had on the surveillance activity and how it might have cooperated and dealt with the u.s. on this as well and it's important to note that online freedom fighting group anonymous has leaked a total of thirteen documents curiously one of them the u.s. department of defense so-called strategic vision for controlling the internet and on an intelligence sharing network which shares data with partners around the world
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and obama's comments on this major scandal have also been pretty curious basically the u.s. president in a nutshell says that absolute security cannot walk hand in hand with privacy and lack of inconvenience and. you know putting aside the claim of absolute security in the west certainly something that has reason to be widely questioned this is to be a statement completely opposing a belief voiced by our founding father benjamin franklin that those willing to give up liberty for some safety don't deserve either one but apparently the roots of the american history that the country prides itself in now irrelevant as obama's administration tries to wash off the amount of dirt released under a leader who swore by transparency as well as present of us practices of democracy to the rest of the world as absolutely stellar well this is not the first time the national security agency has come under fire for methods of infringing people's rights we spoke to william a beam who worked for the agency for thirty years and helped expose some of its practices he told us the sweeping nature of the program can in fact make ensuring
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security more difficult the direct violation of the constitution always has been that's why i left in a say in two thousand and one they started to do this the fact it is more more of a problem because what that means quite simply is if you go into a larger database you get more data back to matter what the query is it's like making a query with google if you go in with a google where you can get tens of thousands or hundreds of driver or even a million returns where there's no way you can go through that all of that to see what what you're really interested in so what that does you complicated no way makes them really you less less proficient at doing being borne by the taxpayer right the u.s. government is likely to open a criminal investigation into the leak that revealed the scope of the surveillance operation to british and american newspapers paul rosenberg the author of the free
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man's perspective newsletter things despite this bombshell most americans are still in denial over the state of things. the problem with the people in the u.s. right now is that they're not emotionally prepared to deal with the possibility of an electronic police state it's just something that they've never that something that happened in east germany something that happened in china but they never think such a thing is possible in america and it's a good question over how many people will just find a reason to pass it off there was terrorism one hundred years ago there was terrorism thirty years ago these organizations spent billions before nine eleven they spent billions before the seven seventh's bombings they spent additional billions before the boss boston bombings and they occurred just the same there's going to be terrorism one hundred years from now too so it's a fallacious trade the sale give us out give us all of your privacy and we'll give
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you security they haven't done it may can't but as always will we are interested in your take on the issue you can vote in our online poll to let us know how you think u.s. citizens will react to the mess of aliens revelations let's take a look at what you've been saying so far on the line now sixty percent of you think that the government surveillance was no secret to most of americans while at twenty two percent that's a fifth say that people must be outraged and a backlash is inevitable only nine percent believe that it shows that the government is a best protecting its inhabitants while the rest of the nine percent says that the question why is there being their lives are being actually looked into online tell us all what do you think have your say and are.
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today. game flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing cooperation throughout the day. while barack obama is facing scrutiny at home over large scale spying on americans he's still pressing his chinese counterpart over the suspected hacking of u.s. secrets thorny issues like signboards and the u.s. military buildup in china's backyard are said to dominate the second day of the historic summit in california are. reports. president obama and chinese president xi are marking on a historic meeting in the sun the last retreat here in the desert of southern california one of the main topics during this meeting will be cyber security now the u.s. government has been highly critical of china accusing it of hacking into u.s.
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military weapon systems and getting information from private companies here in the united states now to china has denied that it is responsible for state sponsored hacking and in fact internet insiders within china have said that they have also been victims of cyber attacks which have come from the united states now the united states has been very secretive about its cyber weaponry however it has been noted that the u.s. was behind the stuxnet virus which caused major damage to iran's nuclear facilities it is also known that u.s. cyber command is trying to recruit thousands of hackers in order to create cyber warfare or to protect the united states from hackers themselves and even president obama has proposed in his next defense budget nearly five billion dollars for cyber
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security one of the hot topics during his historic meeting which will also touch on trade and on the conflict on the korean peninsula chinese president xi is also likely to raise concerns over the u.s. military buildup in the pacific something that has caused great concern in beijing . there's also another issue staring concern in washington china is about to complete a deal which could become its biggest takeover of a company in the u.s. beijing's expansion has drawn a lot of criticism from some quarters in america but some are actually welcoming the deal now on your screen right now you can see an exclusive response to our team from todd has more the secretary of agriculture in virginia he believes that the agreement is going to be beneficial for the state as it will provide american producers with more access to the chinese market george could move out of
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international strategic alliances says the criticism towards china is in many cases simply un justified it is always going to be a segment of the american politicians and pundits that are always looking for something to criticize when it is involving china and sometimes the criticism comes from left field with no basis whatsoever certainly in this case that there's an opportunity to. comply in this deal they point out that chinese fork is not safe for their dead pigs flowing down a river in shanghai it's also for the intention is not to supply the americans which a eastport but really is to supply american pork in china too says the growing market there for for high end products so again it's a win for for the american industry and it's
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a boost for the american economy. in about fifteen minutes and stacy herbage of the clothes the ad who profits the most from trade war. turkey's prime minister has accused the hypocrisy and double standards of the demands for an investigation into the use of excesses falso to disperse protests in turkey mr everyone says police in europe and the us are using the same methods to deal with violent demonstrators so using anti-government reza running into a second week with thousands gathering in the capital ankara overnight this time there was no police interference in stark contrast to previous nights when the gas and water cannons against protesters the clashes have led to these three people
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dead and thousands more have been injured foreign policy law then says anyone's defiance and refusal to address criticism is undermining the country's image internationally. so far i don't think he's doing a very good job and this is a huge blow to him personally to his image and also to the turkish model which he has been touting around the middle east as something that arab countries should emulate he wants to change the constitution to create a sort of imperial presidency and then run for two terms as president this kind of behavior is alienating people who are religious as well as those who are secular so i think he's taking a big big risk by deepening the divide among turks and he really should i think quit while he's ahead because obviously the longer he's there the more people even people who are predisposed to like him at the beginning begin to tire of his manner of governing he's somebody who lectures who sermonize is he doesn't listen very
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well in my experience and i think this is really not a good model for a country. what purports to be a modern islamic democracy i think this is left a lasting damage to him personally and to turkey which of course is. you know very successful economically it's attracted many many tourists from around the world people may think twice now about going to istanbul if there's tear gas going up and down is to call avenue and in taksim square. coming up the israeli arabs feel they're being walled off from the country's economy so late as you would would say is the best of them live a bit though the poverty line is really authorities claim the arabs just don't want to be held. and india is set to launch nuclear reactors shrugging off massive protests over safety concerns well it's russian manufacturers claiming it would withstand a passenger jet crash that story and more coming up. well
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. it's technology innovations all the developments around russia we've got this huge you're covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew. i'm charged welcome to the big picture. download give up location here so choose your language stream quality and
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enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television well it just doesn't matter how would your mobile device so you can watch your t.v. anytime anywhere. thanks for staying with us here on our men in the u.k. could soon be about to do some of their favorite magazines stop sending so-called lads' mags could face legal action for sex discrimination and be forced to take them off the shelves as a result. you're allowed mags it's a booming industry aimed at young men featuring lots of pictures of scantily clad women here in britain you can buy them in your local high street shop girl that could be about to change because two feminist groups armed with the support of several prominent british lawyers say that these magazines objectify women and
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could underpin harmful constitutes that had lead to discrimination or even violence against women so they're calling on high street retailers to stop selling the publications if they don't they say they risk being sued by the raftsman by customers and shop workers the light can you really be harassed by an inanimate object sure they rank hotness of naked ladies and features chauvinist jokes but would removing them lead the line of censorship we hit the streets of london to find out what the public think choose i'm older and getting paid for what she's doing and that's what i did and more and more guys are in those pictures and well it's not just girls i post you can be all quiet and sees things just a culture that we're in though i don't i don't like seeing them if i walk into my as happened for i walk into my local news agency and i've seen like just boots everywhere and i have asked them to turn them over and ask me to put them higher i don't want to see and should be a choice i don't think it's harmful or school i mean it's for certain kind of person you reach that sense or any for the press whether it's political or images
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or whatever within reason obviously there's the legal issues. is a dangerous is a dangerous route to go down editors on to readers of the last minute they're up in arms their argument against removing them is simple since the magazines became popular in the mid one nine hundred ninety three incidents of domestic violence in the u.k. have actually gone down and if lads' mags a deemed to be harassment then how long before fashion magazines and advertising images are deemed to be harassment as well and what's to stop men from being offended by pictures of naked males also on the covers of other magazines playboy k p. london. there are more stories on our website at r t dot com including of the rage of slauson is in france fearing procedures for the death of a teenager a left wing activist was it a random attack or a case of liberal politics reading far right extremists and read the details on our
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website. also while you're there is some parts of the world may have to brace themselves for months a long gleg out as the sun could soon reach a peak of activity flying electric lines all over the planet on the bright side spectacular result from. violence between palestinians and israelis has become a common occurrence in the occupied lands of the west bank meanwhile inside israel authorities say citizens of any nationality are treated equally arabs but to defer saying not enough is being done to economically integrate them and record property numbers seem to support their claim reports is really leaders may claim jerusalem is the undivided capital of israel but try telling that to the city's two hundred eighty thousand. a one and one year old with rules. the jews have everything
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garden tools children go to camps in the summer but we did not have these things. this school sports ground is typical of facilities for jewish children but a stone's throw away arab children. spend their afternoons playing him in the street in front of his house in the first a study of its kind the u.n. found the palestinian poverty in jerusalem has risen steadily over the last decade eighty two percent of arab children live in squalor three times as many arab families live below the poverty line compared to jewish neighbors part of the problem is this wall and that israel started building a decade ago israeli say it's necessary for security and to separate israel from palestine but what it's also done is isolate arab jerusalemites from their traditional economic sphere in the west bank and so whereas once you had daily visitors coming from palestinian cities to shop in jerusalem that's all but dried
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up add to that the discriminatory policies which see the cities arabs paying high municipal taxes for poor services and it's no wonder arab jerusalemites are suffering the worst poverty rate of all time the jerusalem municipality has an arab affairs department but critics say it pays less attention and money to the very citizens it's meant to serve something the municipality acknowledges but refuses to shoulder the blame yes by a because it is very difficult for us to give services to those communities behind the wall there is a security issue with sending city employees or contractors' into those neighborhoods in the past our men were attacked that while trying to provide the residents and services. but many arab jerusalemites feel it's a smokescreen they say the municipality's real intention is to kick them out to make their lives so uncomfortable that they venture to leave ms our lives here in the java neighborhood on the border between east and west jerusalem jewish groups say his family's house like many others was once owned by jews and they want them
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back but. they are doing everything they can to kick us out of the city their goal is to make it just a jewish city with no palestinians and it's israelis say and see that arabs of jerusalem are citizens who are equal when in fact we're not equal at all. and so far from promoting the fact that he's playground is just one street and these are fears he could one day be left in his home city without any way to call home policy r.t. east jerusalem. some one news from around the world in brief now former south african president nelson mandela has been the richard to hospital in pretoria the ninety four year old is being treated for a lung infection that has recurred after his last visit to hospital in april doctors say his condition is serious but stable in one thousand nine hundred all mandela became south africa's first black president after a long while for the battle against apartheid and spending twenty seven years in
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prison for his beliefs. a deadly shooting spree miguel of orleans city of santa monica has ended with these five people killed including the gunman several others were also injured in the incident reports first emerged after by officials recovered two bodies or from a burning house before discovering a wounded woman at the scene the suspect apparently made his way to the city college firing at passers by he was then cornered into the library by officers and shot it. police have opened a criminal investigation after forty seven people were killed in a bus fire in southwestern china early reports say there were traces of petrol found on the diesel run vehicle if proven with this would not be the first arson attack on a bus in china in two thousand and nine twenty six people were killed by an unemployed man in a similar incident. a nuclear power plant is said to go online in
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india and it would seem a welcome relief for countries suffering form a critical polish shortage but construction was repeatedly delayed by protests but it's in the public safety concerns and the needs of a growing economy has not been easy as artie is maria for national reports. the few has been loaded and the first customers will soon get the first energy from the could on nuclear plant a joint indian and russian venture and it seems the launch of the station to be the biggest in both. india and the world couldn't have come at a better time defeats it a little in that there is a huge energy deficit in this particular part of the country in the tamil nadu province and across all of india industries are suffering they're already quitting for energy they need of course the station will help with things there. the government estimates that the country's power supply is about ten percent behind
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what it actually needs last summer half of india's population more than six hundred million people lost their electricity for two days major indian cities are still often plunged into darkness right now india gets fifty five percent of its energy from coal but the fossil fuels future is bleak state owned coal india the largest producer here is under pressure to sell below market price and can expect production one of the world's fastest growing economies is struggling to meet its increased energy demands and he's trying to diversify its coal dependent energy sector experts estimate that india needs around four hundred billion dollar investment into the industry to reach is developing. the station has been under construction for a decade but could have been launched earlier thousands of protesters outside couldn't columb mainly fisherman here in environmental damage have delayed the launch for more than a year those protests grew louder after japan's fukushima disaster in two thousand
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and eleven but couldn't gloms designers insist its one point five meters thick protective concrete could withstand the impact of a large passenger jet. is the only nuclear station in the world that not only has active security features but also the most up to date safety systems which activate even of the electricity supply is cut or there is no one to control them repeat of the fukushima disaster is impossible here at. the two thousand megawatt couldn't columb plant is just phase one. delhi and moscow have already signed off on another station to be next to eat to help feed his insatiable appetite for energy and to keep its economy fully challenged. from india. coming up silicon it's the kaiser report with financial. and.
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new york magistrate judge gary brown has ruled that it's ok to track people's location via their cell phone the judge supports his decision by saying that there is no legitimate expectation of privacy in the perspective of a cellular telephone where the individual has failed to protect his privacy but kicking the simple expedient of powering it off the statement seems to hint that cell phones are some sort of luxury and that people are just too lazy to turn off their phones when they want privacy this ignores the fact that there are many people who have to be on call twenty four seven like surgeons and server technicians these people can't just turn off their phones so does that mean that certain professions can't have privacy also this presumption that people have no
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expectation of privacy or what about people who send images of text messages of a sexual nature to each other joy think that all these people just assume it's all public goods i don't think so the fourth amendment says that people have the right to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects and i'm pretty sure that's cover cell phones too but that's just my opinion. welcome to the kaiser report well in mexico as are you know the american dream is
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the national if those of the united states life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth of course as the late great comedian george carlin said it's called the american dream because you have to be frickin asleep to believe it right stacy the dream is dead long live the dream of course you know in our first headline really captures quite a bit of this larry ellison has completely screwed up the america's cup by selecting an expression the expense of complicated and fast type of boat a seventy two foot catamaran called ac seventy two ellison has effectively made the two thousand and thirteen cup too costly for many competitors so this is set to begin july fourth out of san francisco and only fourteen have signed up where organizers are expect.
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