tv Headline News RT June 9, 2013 8:00pm-8:46pm EDT
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if they want to get you they'll get your time a former cia a technical assistant to expose non-power the u.s. surveillance network comes forward and says he now faces his life it insists he's done nothing wrong. and these charges through clouds of tear gas in the turkish capital as clashes erupt again on prime minister warnings that his patience with protesters is limited. mind you all mountains u.k. police are warning twitter users off to a flurry of arrests for abusive messages including one concerning the soldier to death in london which claims he may have deserved it.
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could be events which shaped the week candidates as developments this is. the identity of the man behind the leak of the global mega surveillance network run by the u.s. government has been revealed edward snowden the former cia technical assistant has come forward despite fears for his knife and the knives of those who are close to him. i could be you know rendered by the cia i could have a people come after me or any of their third party partner you know they would they work closely with a number of other nations or you know they could pay off the trial for you know any any if their agents or assets we've got a cia station just up the road in the consulate here in hong kong i'm sure that they're going to be very busy for the next week. and that's that's a fear i'll live under for the rest of my life however long that happens to be you can't come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be
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completely free from risk because they're such powerful adversaries the no one can meaningfully oppose them. if they want to get you they'll get you in time. well details of the seven year old prison system are slowly emerging sparking outrage in the u.s. and abroad potentially hundreds of millions worldwide may be having the information to septa by washington phone records online browsing history and even credit card transactions or portably being tracked and using data obtained from internet companies a presence of army has defended the program saying some privacy have you sacrificed in return for security former m i five officer a whistleblower. says those in the security services see injustice every day and that's what spurs some of them to act. and this happens time and time again and as the the powers of state and the power of the corporate corporate estate become greater and people come more concerned about civil liberties not just within their
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own countries but also the implications around the world people are worried about this the implications so i think that more young people within the intelligence agencies are going to think well actually we doing this for good reason for bad reasons and they will speak out well often people who do blow the whistle do try and deal with it in-house and certainly we did it and you go to your boss or you say this is wrong you say that you know perhaps we should learn from mistakes made or whatever it is and they tell you just to shut up not rock the boat and follow orders now particularly we're looking to situation where intelligence agencies are being asked to spy on their fellow citizens or to draw up cia drone kill lists across the middle east or to kidnap and torture people terrorist suspects and we have a situation now where young people are going to be coming into this and thinking all is this right should we be doing this to our fellow human beings and if it's not right what can you do raise the boxes that goes no way you're told to shut up. the only other way in in this internet age i think is to go public and get the maximum exposure. and across the atlantic details of the surveillance network has
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caused shock and the e.u. officials now demanding answers from washington brussels has long been suspicious of american internet giants and she believes has been too flippant with regards to privacy some government figures have even called for a boycott of certain corporations and britain has also been implicated to its sources saying its intelligence service is a direct access to the prism program civil rights activist says the implications are immense legal make of clearly a very good massive database of millions of citizens of almost all of their activities what they're doing and there's quite a bit you can construct from knowing every single place you go every day who you talk to and how you talk to them i can tell you quite a bit about and this is being collected on millions and millions of citizens completely indiscriminately which means there's a giant database of american citizens activities on a daily basis that the government has under its control and is keeping under secret
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lock and key and we are no idea how they can use it legally used in many harmful where there's a wide range of people around the world who could be affected by this i mean imagine something as simple as so your college and roommate was from russia and you stay in contact and you continually talk to each other back and do something or to go on record decide. create some sort of pattern about you given what happened in the boston bombing and then they can use that as a pretext to search your entire house and so i think certainly that not only national international concerns. well meanwhile the trial of another major whistleblower started in earnest this week in the u.s. the wiki leaks source bradley manning was accused by the prosecution of knowingly aiding the enemy but among the files he leaked was this video of an apache helicopter gunning down journalists and civilians in iraq his disclosure also revealed a much higher civilian death toll in the iraq and afghanistan campaigns and was previously admitted by washington running insists he was motivated by the need to
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show the public the truth of the alleged war crimes ortiz report now has more now on the government's preference for secrecy over transparency. the military court martial against private first class bradley manning begins at a complicated time for the obama administration u.s. journalists have been spied on an unprecedented number of whistleblowers have been imprisoned and access to the truth many say grows increasingly harder by the day we have a severe problem with transparency and secrecy in this country that's for sure our problem is a cult of secrecy extreme levels of dystopian secrecy washington classified ninety two million documents in the year two thousand and eleven that's the last count we have to put things in perspective what bradley manning leaked is less than one percent of that manning pleaded guilty to ten of the twenty two charges he faces the twenty five year old said he wanted the public to know how the u.s.
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military campaigns in iraq and afghanistan had little regard for human life it should be clear to anybody paying attention to bradley manning. thought of himself at the times in whistleblower that he did what he did because he thought he was making the world a better place he's in no way anti-american and has never expressed in ten americans sentiments in any way in fact he's always said that he is and was driven by a sort of sense of patriotism and prosecutors however are pursuing a court martial on the remaining charges including the espionage act and aiding the enemy which carries a life sentence in prison in an interview with democracy now julian a songe addressed washington's allegations that manning aided the enemy by going to wiki leaks if that president is allowed to be directed there into things closely. it means it's a potential death penalty for any person who treats preaching to. a sensitive.
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secondly it also the orioles' of the journalist and the publication sharing of communication they would say to the enemy and therefore making him susceptible as well as being knowledge act which also has capital offenses and that is why it was the. us that latter part is part of the us attack. including myself broadly we hope this letter finds you healthy and strong daniel ellsberg known as the original whistleblower leaked seven thousand government documents to the press in one thousand nine hundred seventy one revealing the truth about the vietnam war more than four decades later he says the u.s. government is going to even greater lengths to keep the public in the dark call of the war on truth telling truth telling specifically about truth that the government
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doesn't want. truth about government crimes or that the public needs to know. if military prosecutors successfully prove that whistle blowing is aiding the enemy then bradley manning could spend the rest of his life in prison a verdict handed down under a president who promised to usher in an era of transparency when he stepped into the white house according to new york maureen up or not martin. griffin the former trooper with britain's elite special air service says nothing decided to take action on illegal under more than cities in iraq and afghanistan. manning had access to a huge amount of information and did and do thousands of other employees of the united states government he saw that information within the information actions and activity that were illegal and immoral and he thought he should do something about that he was the only one to take action on that he thought that if other people
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could see what was really going on in iraq in afghanistan and in the relationships between u.s. government and other governments around the world that something would happen you know i grew up thinking that britain was a great country and our armed forces were you know the good guys that's what i was brought up believing and my experience in iraq you know so pace that bubble i realized you know things are a lot more complex than that what we're involved in in iraq the actions were involved in were in effect illegal and i decided as a matter of conscience i can continue to do that and you know manning is in the same vein as myself this is a guy who's joined the military to do the right thing and then realize that actually the actions of that military are immoral irrational and illegal and he's decided to do something about it. meanwhile drones strike again they're killing seven more people just days after the newly sworn in pakistani prime minister called for a halt to the u.s. is washington remains silent to the intended targets were it in the program we look
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at the plight of civilians all victim to america's war on terror. that night of violent protests is underway in ankara with riot police formations charging stone throwing protesters tear gas and water cannon already in action the demonstrators appear to be undeterred a record number of protesters was reported on saturday night and more and they're expected more teaser english school reports from turkey. well again the protesters have come under fire from police and on karate this is the second day in a row that such such an event has happened in fact all cries one of those is the one of the turkish cities which has been under a lot of pressure when it comes to public reacting to the protests in fact it has been gassed or somehow the water cannons have been used some protesters almost every single day off the protests which have been going for more than a week at this point almost two weeks in istanbul there worrying trend here is that the prime minister don't want continues to talk about his supporters who are also
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getting ready to go to the streets according to a don't want to use their patience is running thin and those who are siding with the prime minister are ready to take to the streets and express their points of view if that of course happens then all of allister experts are predicting a sat at extreme civil unrest in the country and all of them of course are hoping that that will not be the case as it stands at this point people in istanbul show absolutely no determination to go anywhere they have been camping out here and axiom and in gezi park for more than a week at this point their main demand is also to see the prime minister leave his post but the prime minister obviously has made it clear that he is not going anywhere exactly how things have been developing for for for more than a week of protests in turkey particularly in istanbul and of all the main points of the protest here is the report that we have filed earlier. i feel that i was hit
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so i put my hand up to get away there was blood gushing down my hand everywhere i saw my friends in boston to get me out of that so he put me in the taxi i don't remember what happened next because i passed out i woke up in hospital where i stayed for the next day. photojournalist doesn't she quiz there when the peaceful protests spiraled into knoll out standoff between the police and protesters in taksim square more than forty seven hundred. people are said to have been injured during clashes with police over the past week with amnesty international calling for an investigation into how the turkish police handled the protest rallies spread to squares and parks all over the country by then the message was no longer just about the trees. i will go on to have they change their plans about the park and give us our freedoms. ergo i think that there are. but the prime minister knew exactly who he wanted to blame for the ever growing protest movement
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there is a problem called twitter right now and you can find every kind of lived there the thing that is called social media is the biggest trouble for society right now according to the thousands and give the park are looters and alcoholics being spurred on by foreign spies who infiltrated crowds of demonstrators to spread dissent among the turks reportedly fifteen foreigners were arrested for their alleged role in the protests. i know what he's thinking when he says what he does he wants to show that he's still got power to those who support him but he doesn't know what to do with the protesters large as they were for the first couple of days the demonstrations went ignored by the turkish media. from c.n.n. international. protectors you get the poll is the people and i knew. there was a commentary. it's. actually the pressure of the prime minister that is
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reflected on the media and we think it's unfair other channels international channels sharing this information and we have to find out about it on the internet and also it's unfair to the people at this point the protests are so huge they're impossible to ignore pretty much just like the barricades that people continue to build the lower the city to keep the police out and get to everyone insists that the destruction of the park will continue to go on as planned and that leaves one to wonder what exactly is in the future for the turkish prime minister with his seeming disregard to the opinion of hundreds of thousands of people in istanbul and in a party. but he has been among those demanding a thorough probe into the use of excessive force to crush the. demonstrations but the prime minister rebuked brussels saying some of the process would be met with far greater brutality in any country where videos and. does have emerged on the internet throughout the week showing riot police firing tear gas using pepper spray
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and beating campaigners it's also been reported that over the past twelve years to has increased its tear gas stalk fifty fold of mostly american made supplies that's bringing the total arsenal to six hundred twenty eight tons something that will cost turkish taxpayers around twenty one million dollars spoke to one man who says he felt the full force of a heavy handed policing as a protester i am one of the more that has been exposed as i did cheer gas and water cannons it were used. and of course crying and sneezing and since i had asked a man during the event i had multiple severe assem actually acts and i can say that the main provoker police and government they want to create fear and there is a very ordination they cannot scare us we are the people we are nation we are turkish we are turkish they cannot change that they know that and this is i can say
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that i mean i love to explain that this is a peaceful event we do not do any harm to anyone or anything. but however provokers such as government the police officer calls us and shows us that we heard every word without any reason that's we cannot accept that on our web sites we have more on her anger against the government has been spreading across turkey and r.t. dot com you'll also find images and photos from our film crew in istanbul which is closely following the unrest you can browse there footage in the in vision section .
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i would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more. news a secret laboratory jim mccurry was able to build the news most sophisticated robots which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why you should care about humans and worry that this is why you should care watch only on the r g dot com.
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the newly sworn in pakistani prime minister has summoned the u.s. envoy to drone strike killed seven in the northwest of the country came just days after knowledge sorry for once again called on washington to halt the strikes and respect the country's sovereignty and while the u.s. president continues to defend the deadly program claiming it actually saves more lives and it takes the latest attack only adds to a worrying tally of america's drone war in pakistan almost nine hundred civilians have died in the attacks which supposedly only target terrorists or those almost two hundred were reportedly children when number of strikes has risen sharply to iraq obama's presidency six times more than under his predecessor we see catherine off looks at the impact on those who are getting caught in the line of fire. the
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locals call it death in the skies in pakistan's northwest tribal region an american drone as seen from the ground it's become the weapon of choice in the u.s. war on terror and this is the damage it can wreak under president obama more than three hundred such strikes on pakistani soil against alleged al qaeda and taliban suspects. but ordinary civilians also pay a price this man is one of them i mean it was on his way to work at a mine near his village when a drone struck the area he lost his leg in the attack three other miners who were with them lost their lives we live in constant fear of another strike we are simple villagers who are stuck in a war that we didn't ask for it's a hopeless feeling death is above our heads all the time. although the attack took place three years ago i mean new laws says the pain is still severe the sight of his injuries upsets his four children meanwhile depression anxiety and lingering
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fear have pushed him to take up tranquilizer pills. in the americans should be able to tell an ordinary person from a taliban leader what they should know who they're killing what did we do to deserve this. this isn't my. drone arctic it's a question echoed by now dar who lost part of his hearing his short term memory and nearly his foot in. the drone shockwave was so intense that it threw us outside far from the place where we were sleeping after several minutes there was another strike and it killed many more people in many ways the epicenter of the cia's highly classified drone program as a black hole on the map a region of pakistan off limits to outsiders especially westerners now evidence of the drone strikes is almost impossible to get but these four smuggled to islam about from the tribal areas there are believed to be fragments of actual hellfire missiles retrieved from a war zone most americans never get to see fragments collected by nor behind
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a local journalist who spent years documenting the civilian toll of drones especially on children disturbing images of the living and the dead for nor it's personal. whenever my three year old daughter hears a plane she runs inside and won't sleep that night the children here have been traumatized by the drones the sound of a door banging shot is enough to terrify them. and that fear can turn to anger a new generation radicalized by the war carrying no drone strikes killing innocent people who are not part of the conflict you're just why did the conflict you're giving a reason to people who were not part of the conflict to become part of the conflict . of course this is made me hate the americans we are angry and want revenge. they've destroyed our lives my parents my wife my children we all see america as our worst enemy now while promising to rein in their use the white house says drones are both legal and effective this holiday on.
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its. own as. when translated by defense that's cold comfort for the victims lucy caffein of pakistan stefan son and his electorate stanford law school and the co-author of living on the drones he says pakistan is now see the us as the enemy and the individuals that we spoke to talk to us of feeling as though they were in a state of war and this is very different from how the u.s. typically describes a drone program in international humanitarian law there are a number of conditions that have to be met before you can claim that we are out war the american population is led to believe that the us is currently ending all of its military engagements or its war its war efforts in afghanistan iraq elsewhere
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and unfortunately though the people in pakistan certainly don't perceive that to be the case in their country and if we are behaving as though we were at war with pakistan we're at war with with elements in pakistan then we have to then it is a whole different paradigm from what we're seeing as as the american population. on our website right now dramatic footage from the syrian com video showing a russian t.v. crew coming under fire from rebel forces traveling with a mostly civilian convoy towards the streets going in highlights and save yourself on our website plus. is a case of too little too late the international monetary fund admits its handling of the greek bailout is far from perfect you know what one of the world's most important financial institutions things go wrong not to. think twice before you tweet that's the advice from police and media experts in the wake of a number of arrests in the u.k. posting offensive messages on twitter and under correspondent sarah firth reports
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on how british police are playing catch up when it comes to laying down the normal and how to counter abusive online comments. we trust our officers with a baton we trust some of the c.i. sprit and yet for some reason we can't trust some of the twitter account in the wake of the recent willet murder a number of arrests were made across the country after police responded to tweets it was the latest clear sign that police are in placing social media in a way they never have before twitter might be new police territory but their actions tread a fine line already some unfamiliar with the legal ramifications of their tweets or felt the full force of the law one notable example came after a tweet to footballer james mcclean joining in online anger at the footballers decision not to wear a remembrance day poppy katie aiden lucky tweeted he deserves to be shot dead alongside a picture of bullets two weeks later and he was arrested by manchester police do
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you feel like you crossed the line looking back on their. time. i think i ought. to consequences they katie's cases since being dropped it's easy to see the cyber threats can cause real fear and often is deserving of punishment but other cases have ranged from the confusing to the downright ludicrous and figures obtained by r.t. show a steadily rising number of prosecutions in person under the communications act two thousand and three including phone calls emails and social media posts within the police service and with another public sectors but it really is more about leadership than technology you know the technology needs to change absolutely fundamentally one needs to change is the attitude that leaders have to lourdes
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social media many see as a huge risk what they feel to recognise is the fantastic opportunities and to really display the great skills great problem solving skills. in a great leveller service new guidelines set to be made final by the criminal prosecution service in the coming weeks but with the explosion of social media leading british little fighting to catch up many in the legal profession a warning that social media uses now need to tread very carefully i mean it is very deeply concerning i think people expected and i guess it would be interesting to see your advice to people that actually even though it's a case of faith and everything and things when it comes to say she made it better and she bad thing they say well i'm afraid twitter simply isn't the right thing for . me the response book and your activities. like never before so. the advice to be extremely tough for. sarah to
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say london on afghan colonel was arrested this week over at least eleven deaths in the country's water province it's also handed over locals to a death squad working for u.s. special forces have been tortured into the victims seen a u.s. army official has confirmed the alleged torture is to work with american troops in separate incidents a british court martial has sentenced to u.k. soldiers who admitted abusing afghan civilians one of them was fine and then the other his rank reduced both have been granted anonymity to keep their families safe altie contributor returns he expects the case to have a long lasting effect. it's kind of but it will respond around the world for in any country and amongst any groups of people that think that britain shouldn't be involved in afghanistan at all to some of the case and reports of the case some of this abuse. amongst lots of soldiers so they're abusing children in
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front of groups of soldiers is these cases they've obviously have withheld the name soldier x. soldier why not just reprisals against the families of the soldiers people will no doubt be trying to figure out who the soldiers were your sentiments towards the british military will be locked in stone and generations of afghans who despise only the british military but everything britain is. coming up another obstacle in a path of closing guantanamo bay congress votes to make it more difficult to release prisoners. mates to stop themselves different detention just ahead.
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six san diego residents were thrown off of an airplane not for what they said but how they said it because they said it in another language russian in fact a paranoid and cowardly steward on the plane told them that they had to clear out just for speaking another language to be here yes of some group of people were to commit a terrorist act and speaking in a foreign language would be a good tactic i can't deny that and for those who come to america better get on the ball and learn to speak english adequately but there is a problem about fifty million tourists visit america every year according to the u.s. department of commerce and trust me not all of them are canadians if the usa is going to have millions of tourists arriving in traveling by air that don't be so. i's when they speak their own languages if you're going to throw foreigners off of airplanes just for speaking their native languages then you're going to have to basically throw people off of half of the planes flying over the united states but that's just my opinion.
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the age of pill popping to what degree is big pharma hijacking captures the western medical establishment what is the real aim of the pharmaceutical industry to make people healthy or to generate healthy profits for themselves and is there anything we can do to break this fund healthy for addiction. back and us no makers threw up another hurdle to close the guantanamo bay prison this week the house armed services committee voted overwhelmingly to make it more difficult for mates there to be transferred out of the prison that's despite repeated promises from president obama to close the facility one hundred inmates have been on hunger strike for months now in protest at their indefinite detention many without even being charged. with battery when it says that at the very least the u.s. government should be open about its plans for the prison. it's trying to get
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between estrangement politically they were put up or to at least tell us what's really going to happen to the president the authority to release from guantanamo bay cuba including like structure armor back you london now i have the united states hunger strike there's no sign that they're going to come to negotiation going on. hunger strike i mean my client reports that all of the personal. complicated. or i should get letters from home in attorney client mel that are privileged. between each other and all been taken and not returned he asked me. to find predicting that ninety five percent. haven't been charged with a crime that there have been in it for years to carry forward. while the number of hunger strike in guantanamo inmates being force fed has been forty one that's
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a quarter of the camp's entire prison population and practice has been condemned by various international organizations including the u.n. it's not just the detainees suffering the prison stays open auntie's arbitron all went to yemen to meet the family of one of the inmates. some might argue there's not all that much difference between the physical torture that many prisoners undergo in one town of mosul and the emotional toll and their relatives are forced to deal with at home like the family of rock monash batty a yemeni terror suspects held at the controversial detention center since two thousand and two after his arrest the whole family was accused of links to terrorists omar and now we have them america's support for human rights is merely is about its own people well it destroys the rights of all others who have been suffering for thirteen years now. in yemen president obama's recent promise to lift restrictions off get detainees specifically from the country was greeted with
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nothing but sneers. start of these nonstop lies a bomb remembers about guantanamo only during election campaigns and on holidays he promised to shut it down several times and to forward their cases to their home countries these are all lies. meanwhile back in one town away itself as the thirty yemeni prisoners wait for the u.s. president's promises to come true the four month long hunger strike against their indefinite detention continues person is have been demanding fanaa military doctors to be allowed to treat them more than forty out of more than one hundred protesters are reportedly being force fed something they claim is torture in itself they are close enough to death that the military sees a need to force feed them none of them enjoy being forced but i can tell you that and they have described being force fed in such terms of having
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a knife run down their throat. back in yemen the relatives all say they are going to believe another word from president obama until they see their sons brothers and husbands finally return home that's a love that i know more than this family's case is merely one of several dozen where people can only suffer and cry helplessly inside their homes but hope dies last. page him on a sunny yemen. that's what the world news for you now protesters in sprained her rallied against continued cuts to social welfare and on going to move actions demonstrators fall through central madrid waving placards and chanting slogans against the impunity of winter financial figures and institutions it's a year since spain asked for help from you and i left to save its banking system. a . group of danish students have been injured in the double decker bus crash in the
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german city of music the students all aged between sixteen and nineteen were in the top part of the bus with one off as it passed under railway bridge regency services that will leave a driver may not see the height restriction sorry. of them after negotiations north and south korea are certain hold two days of high level talks later this week and so new south korean president says she wants to reestablish trust with pyongyang after months of growing tensions while the north says it's looking to kick start a joint commercial links along the border which were closed off the country was hit with more sanctions. leaders of the u.s. and china tried wrapping up their historic two day summit on a lighter note on the lying atmosphere remain tense in the cyber espionage around because of the bomber tried to press his counterparts on the issue saying they should stop funding hackers and he denies doing china in fact says it's fallen
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victim to us about cyber attacks itself the political analyst william mendel thinks washington is being aggressive not only in the digital world. the u.s. is probably the number one cyber warfare force on the planet right now and china has probably pointed a sense of good but i don't i don't think the so i think that's a red herring issue right now that's signed by a washington by the obama administration to put pressure on china at a time when the u.s. is doing just that would be so-called asia pivot which is really a china pivot that obama announced in australia back in two thousand and eleven to redirect the american military force posture toward japan with the missile defense which is directly against china towards supporting japan on the earth the deal you island dispute in the south china sea which is very critical for china's access to potential mineral dust minerals sources.
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as well as high tech china is also staring america's trade sector having agreed to meet industry deal that could become beijing's biggest ever takeover of an american company the size of the transaction has given some business experts the jitters but others see a massive opportunity on the horizon strategy analysts towards coup and greenies there's no reason to worry. there is always going to be a segment of the american politicians and pundits that are always looking for something to criticize when it's involving china and and sometimes that criticism comes from left field with no basis whatsoever certainly in this case there's an opportunity to. to blacken this deal by pointing out that the chinese
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court is not safe for their dead pigs flowing down a river in shanghai and so on and so forth the intention is not to supply american pork in china to says the growing market there if it's a win for for the american industry and it's a boost for the american economy and i mean to hear about the consequences of austerity and the backlash against migration in the u.k. that's off the bat. colin. i live. at the speed. of her.
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. in britain right now immigrations are looking to be an election shaping issue we're joined today by david good heart the director of course party think tank demos and the author of the book the british dream which talks about post-war multiculturalism national identity and of course immigration ever a controversial topic david thank you very much for joining us today in the book you make the case liberal immigration less undermining the bonds the whole person together can you elaborate a bit on that for us how so why did you write the book now. world is trying to look at. historical economic social arguments around immigration sort of see huge controversial fascinating subject only looking at the post-war period. and how it's affected british society
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or tried to look at it as objective as possible. and look to the success stories and the failure is not only from the point of view people coming here but also from the people that were already here. and we tend not to look at immigration from point of view of how it's affecting the or exist already existing communities of britain as you say yourself very controversial topic why do you think this is such a divisive issue particularly. i don't think it is any more divisive here than it is in any other place when people overwhelmingly are not in favor at least of large scale immigration throughout history that has been true and it remains true even though our society today on the whole much more liberal much more tolerant much less much less racial discrimination that people do not like they have a you know they have a bias in favor of the familiar people always have and i think always will do. so it's not particularly controversial here at the moment but i think we're talking
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about it a lot more remote partly because it has become politically very sensitive. the outcome of the next general election in britain in twenty fifteen could well hang on the number of people that come here when our labor market labor market is fully open to them from rumania in bulgaria beginning of next year which fiscal policies if any actually on point with this issue right now on i think one of the big stories of british politics in the last generation is that the gap the difference between left and right has narrowed the gap between the whole political class and the ordinary voter has widened and immigration is a sort of emblem of the widening it applies to. well there is too like well for europe. and these receipts that labor in particular is rather sensitive on rather exposed on the instincts and intuition and m.p.'s and activists are often a mile away.
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