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tv   Headline News  RT  June 10, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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secret laboratory. was able to build most sophisticated. anything tunes mission to teach me the creation of why you should care about human to. dish is why you should care want your only job. you can come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be completely free from risk the whistleblower behind it is closure of a massive u.s. surveillance operation comes forward saying he'd rather second fives all the night
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he wants the american government destroying people's privacy. the u.s. also comes under fire for its johnson the gulf monarchies aware activists claim new controversial internet regulations have led to arrests and for the curbing of freedoms. and interest police crackdown on protesters for ten tonight in a royale with security forces rounding on activists not only in the streets but in the social media as well. plus hungry for mali and mineral wealth as global policy being drawn to one of the poorest countries on earth to exploit its natural riches archie has a special report from the war torn nation. this
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is archie with me to mahmoud. the source of the bombshell leaks of that revealed the massive scale of the u.s. surveillance has on mosque to himself twenty nine year old former cia ted. because assistant edward snowden disclose the documents that proved washington was secretly collecting phone records and spying on the internet activity of millions of people exposing himself to possible prosecution he explained his motives were the needed to inform the public although the operation and president obama's failure to provide the transparency that he promised i could be you know rendered by the cia i could have people come after me or any of their third party partners you know they would they work closely with a number of other nations or you know very big could pay off the triads for you know any any if their agents or assets we've got a cia station just up the road in the consulate here in hong kong i'm sure they're going to be very busy for the next week. and that's
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a fear i'll live under for the rest of my life however long that happens to be you can come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be completely free from risk because they're such powerful adversaries the no one can meaningfully oppose them. if they want to get you they'll get you in time. meanwhile the you with department of justice has already launched an investigation into the leaks you talk to a former m i five officer and whistleblower any much sean about what's making people in the intelligence community reveal the truth despite fears will be a future. this happens time and time again and as the the powers of the states and the powers the corporate corporate estate become greater and people come more concerned about civil liberties not just within their own countries but also the implications around the world people are worried about this the implications so i think that more young people within the intelligence agencies are going to think well actually we doing this for good reasons or bad reasons and they will speak out
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well often people who do blow the whistle do try and deal with it in-house and certainly we did it and you go to your boss or you say this is wrong you say that you know perhaps we should learn from mistakes made or whatever it is and they tell you just to shut up not rock the boat and follow orders now particularly we're looking to situation where intelligence agencies are being asked to spy on their fellow citizens or to draw up cia drone kill lists across the middle east or to kidnap and torture people terrorist suspects and we have a situation now where young people are going to be coming into this and thinking all is this right should we be doing this for fellow human beings and if it's not right what can you do raise the boxes that goes no way you're told to shut up. the only other way and in this internet age i think is to go public and get the maximum exposure. as always we're eager to hear your views on the story we covered today in our online poll we're asking what the future might be for edward snowden now that he's come forward let's take a look at what you've been saying so far right almost
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a third of you predict he might ship bradley manning's of fate and will be thrown into jail just over a quarter of you reckon that the case is too complicated to make predictions a little less of you believe he'll follow julian and sandra's example and seek refuge in a friend the embassy at seventeen percent a fear snowden might be eliminated to prevent any further leaks dot com to let us know what you think. but it's not just the infringement of our peoples our privacy that's put washington under fire support for several gulf states where crackdown on internet freedom has reached a new high it's resulting in arrests and bans is also causing deep concern artie's you've got a piece going off explains. let's now take a look at the u.s. friends who are known to have somewhat suspicious methods of upholding the democratic freedoms of their citizens qatar the united arab emirates kuwait bahrain and saudi arabia in saudi arabia local medias reported that the authorities asked
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more providers to find ways to monitor encrypted messaging and apps like viber skype and whatsapp and said that if these applications could not be monitored they would then be blocked while last month senior saudi religious clerics declared those who use twitter are risking their nation end quote lose both this world and their afterlife let's move on to torah now seen by many as a regional media hub a state which openly supports radical freedom fighters in syria is now looking at punishing websites and social media with new internet codes under the new draft of the authorities will be allowed to remove news videos or post even factual ones if they think the violate the sanctity of privacy this brings us to the united arab emirates a country ruled by seven hereditary rulers were political parties are banned by a law their citizens can be jailed for tweeting like the recent case of a man who received ten months behind bars for describing the legal process around a group of civil society activists quote in bad faith in kuwait this year alone at
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least six journalists and dozens of activists have been arrested on charges that include insulting the emir on twitter other widespread charges for online criticism from users are threatening national security and offending religion all on the web but the jail sentences are anything but virtual and sometimes stretch to two years behind bars despite kuwait being ported to the international covenant on civil and political rights finally last but not least barring last week six bloggers were given one year in prison each after they were found guilty of misusing the right of free expression and insulting the king even though apparently their angry tweets were merely criticism of the authorities. given this disturbing string of incidents across the gulf states many wonder why washington is ignoring the persistent human rights violations the artes marina point now takes a look addressing these gross human rights violations is problematic for the obama
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administration you see america has military bases throughout the gulf region which not coincidentally helped form a strategic envelope around iran additionally the us is in the midst of a major buildup of american military forces in the persian gulf more warships additional attack aircraft and most recently a laser weapon systems have been deployed to the region in two thousand and ten president obama struck a ten year sixty billion dollar weapons deal with saudi arabia and despite bahrain's bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters the u.s. has reportedly continued to provide tens and tens of millions of dollars worth of weapons ammunition vehicle parts and communication equipment to the country now critics accuse the u.s. of conveniently turning a blind eye to human rights violations in the gulf region for its own interests and geo political purposes. when it comes to.
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police who has been running. thirty. jails people towards murders. no repercussions will leave. so the bahraini government on that once we saw in them all sorts of. you know to enforce their brushing. who is it's silent in the united states most americans do not know we are supporting this all referred to as long as the gulf states continue standing under america's protective umbrella experts believe those nations will remain emboldened to violate human rights and democratic principles with impunity reporting from new york. r.t. . coming up later in the program rosy estimates the french president suddenly declares the end of the eurozone crisis but that's cold comfort for those facing
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record high unemployment and top a sturdy across the continent. a roadside bomb has struck levanon main to be rude to mask as highway this comes shortly after syrian troops with the help of his beloved fighters regain control of the town of qusayr near the lebanese border analysts say be advances made by the government could prompt washington to approve a lethal aid to the rebels as early as this week let's wind out more now from our middle east correspondent policia who joins us live now paula so what exactly is going on with the opposition now dead seems to be gaining ground. well as you correctly say the a bomb the administration could decide this week whether or not to approve lethal aid for syrian rebels the u.s. secretary of state john kerry has postponed a mideast tour to participate in these talks now according to officials they were
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also the merits of the a list a likely move of same to me a u.s. air power to enforce a no fly zone which of course would be a very controversial decision at the same time lady a falls in the u.s. marines have been deployed along jordan's border with syria and this is according to israeli and iranian media this deployment is unrelated so we're being told with the joint military exercise that started on sunday now the united states has deployed if sixteen jets and missiles which can be used against planes and other missiles to jordan and according to washington it might keep him in the country off to these drills the action of course has raised concerns in the international community russia says the deployment is and i'm constructive state that threatens to expand the conflict and many are questioning whether or not the u.s. is preparing to carry out an incursion in syria and if so this of course will only further worsen the situation there many complain and incite far more controversy.
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and other any indications of all four of those direct involvement on the ground in syria. so we continue to hear reports of direct foreign involvement in fact we're just hearing reports now of three belgian citizens who were killed in syria fighting for. rebel front now experts say that as as many. could be fighting in syria right now it would have come in through the turkish border and belgian police have a really a waste of civil citizens who have returned to the country after fighting and being radicalized inside of syria this is not the first time that we're hearing of foreigners fighting in syria we have heard of americans fighting there in the past all of this is happening in light of the moves made by the syrian president bashar assad's forces in fact we're hearing reports that assad's troops are poised for an attack on the key city of homs which could cut off syria's armed opposition from
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the south of the country we're also hearing that as many as five thousand hizbullah fighters are reportedly now inside syria helping the regime press on with its campaign after capturing the town of qusayr are nearly lebanese border last week. middle east correspondent a with the latest development in and around syria. with france in the middle of a troop withdrawal from mali and the u.n. peacekeeping force is still deployed there the country is facing growing uncertainty and it's not just security that's on people's minds many fear that international involvement might not be limited to military operations with one of the country's few thriving industries apparently being i'd buy foreign corporations archies maria for national digs into the story. little mina and attains herself while her entire family is at work her mom dad brothers and sisters are all miners at one of molly's many so-called traditional gold mines. make a hole the size of
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a body with this and then we dig deeper and deeper. the industrial mines with serious investments from big foreign companies who work with machinery although often referred to as government mines their role in fact private with only twenty percent of their revenue been paid into the country's coffers those who work in traditional mines don't have to pay the authorities but at the same time they don't get any help either the hell is narrow and deep they dig until they strike gold or some of the mines here go down the depth of sixty meter is the equivalent of fifteen or twenty story building the tunnels are so cramped there is barely any room for movement here with no support structure it looks like nick loves it and it was carried here so mysterious that one. that was it was easy.
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got her this mine it tells me here is ten here working on the ground for hours it wasn't great was why i'm asking that if here minutes bridge becomes difficult with a lot of oxygen. this is the hardest part of a very long process rocks are extracted before been pounded sifted and washed. if the team gets lucky their hours of back breaking work will produce some grains of gold the money raised by the say you will then be divided between all those who went down the pit sometimes as many as a thousand miners. are not happy as i work more hours than i get for having spends around five hours here we are dirty exhausted and terribly dehydrated people here usually work from ten to eleven hours per day every evening they're paid but not in cash they're given rocks taken from the mine this may contain gold if it doesn't they just left empty handed this game of luck is for many mullins of their only way
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of getting paid but it seems their dreams of wealth in one of the poorest countries on earth could be dashed as the government moves to ban traditional mines. it's on a huge scale we lose a lot of money the black market is growing there is no proper tax system and we don't get a penny from it. at the moment but officials complain the traditional gold exploration is not about helping the poor to become more affluent but about exploding them to make the wealthy much richer than they were before molly's gold expiries have more than tripled in the last decade yes mullins indeed seem not to be man the beneficiaries. but not all believe the authorities intentions will diminish poverty and that by using guns is the only care about big corporations i don't want to come in and take over our country's mineral wealth certainly they don't care about ordinary people just pick up on their part of it is that this november a joint mollen suisse venture will start operating the country's first gold
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refinery with a monthly capacity of half the country's any oil production it will require a huge increase in exploration at least seven chinese geological agencies have already arrived in the country with many more likely to follow the law will these others change anything for the better for people in the future of these people remains uncertain like their income and it's not clear whether they'll still have even they made their place under the african sun or a fashion r.t. from mali. coming your way here on r.t. as police in turkey continue to crackdown on public protests we have a lot of comment in a few minutes time do stay with us. big
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of gold popping to what degree is big pharma hijacking captures the western medical establishment what is the real aim of the pharmaceutical industry to make people healthy or to generate healthy profits for themselves and is there anything we can do to bring this on toby but your question. is we've. come. to.
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welcome back here you're with us on our team police have once again clashed with protesters in turkey is capital on attend the night of nationwide anti government demonstrations what started as a local environmental campaign last month the soon escalated into violent clashes but even tea i guess and want to can and has failed to dent in the activist mood that you're not going to school with the details now. this is still going on people are saying they're not backing down they're going to continue to protest and it's not all fun and games protesters have come under fire from police and on kharaj this is the second day in a row that such such an event has happened in broad is one of those is one of the
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turkish cities which has been under a lot of pressure when it comes to public reacting to the protests in fact it has been gassed or somehow the water cannons have been used some protesters almost every single day off the protests which have been going for more than a week at this point almost two weeks in istanbul worrying trend here is that prime minister don't want continues to talk about his supporters who are also getting ready to go to the streets and going to go on. their patience is running thin and those who are siding with the prime minister are ready to take to the streets and express their points of view is that of course happens in all of allister experts are predicting. an extreme civil unrest in the country and all of them of course are hoping that that will not be the case as it stands at this point people in istanbul show absolutely no determination to go anywhere they have been camping out here in texas seam and in gezi park for more than a week at this point their main demand is also to see the prime minister leave his
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post but the prime minister obviously has made it clear that he is not going anywhere. thirteen activists have been arrested in turkey for what authorities describe as social network posts that incited hatred and invited people to stage of publications to talk more on the latest events and we're now joined a live. results from a bill clinton university in. mr sold to turkey's prime minister called facebook and twitter evil is this the beginning of a clamp down on the internet i don't think so but the number of people have been arrested in istanbul and thirteen people were arrested were actually charged and it is my dream negative comments about so. he's blamed a lot of. organizations individual situations for this crisis and they include the social media has had very harsh things to say about. it with us saying that it's not did they not clamping down on the internet and now the opposition is also
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taking advantage of the situation even going as far as calling for prompt election is that reasonable i mean is that is that according to the law can they do that. and when i talk about social media i didn't mean to say that they're not cracking down on the social media because i don't think this is going to. crack down on the social media the central problem is very serious differences within the government what's going on between the prime minister between the president a very very deputy prime minister bullet marriage but he has not changed his position in. saying that the new building he wants to put up a new. one has. he hasn't backed off wonderful bits and he's very kind of aggressive language against the demonstrators. marauders looses so forth and so on does that say that they dare to insult him as the prime minister. going on behind the scenes here within the ruling party the stock market. for technical
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reasons dropped nearly three percent in value so there's a lot of pressure on the business not the as well as. to change position so. that this protest that could these protests form into a real force for the opposition and lead to a kind of dialogue. when you talk about the opposition are supposed to talk with the people in the in the streets not talking about. yes well the opposition party the main opposition party is so very very careful not to kind of talk softly into closer to these demonstrations but demonstrations as we saw on talk risk where there's no kind of central body people gather the streets and that the whole nature of the of the protests the spontaneous the grassroots people who want to join the political party of the movement they represent a broad range of interests that will come together again. in taksim and that of course have the spillover effect across the country but most all these protests have drifted away and now from what the missionary where it was an environmental
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protests now why do you think the situation has escalated to where it is right now i think because of the last decade the government has taken control a very very different path and this is funny find events in the guese protests which is you just noted about environmental reasons chopping down trees but then there's been a threat is the second issue which is what they want to do it. in the symbols are very important here because tax in the developed in the one hundred twenty s. is symbol of the modern secular. republic now mr odum wants to turn it into a symbol of something else he wants his old often the most but the most or totally change the face of taksim square but it will represent what he wants to become which is a must for religious society. thank you very much a jeremy salt they associate professor bill kinda university in on craig giving us his thoughts on the situation in turkey. in
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a surprising show of optimism of french president francois hollande has declared the end of the eurozone crisis but his words are unlikely to sound convincing to many europeans facing record high unemployment and painful belt tightening measures all across the continent then as he says i feel your reports even the heart of the e.u. brussels feels fails to offer any opportunities for those left without work and the means for survival. i'm forty seven and never saying i will go from no to go through as for was nobody. nobody needs me you know how can i say i'm messing around. i don't see any future for us here we have to go back and back to their native rumania nico at the mill you ran into financial trouble after getting a bank loan four years ago in order to repay their debt they thought they'd try their luck elsewhere a fruitless journey that took the from italy to germany denmark and i'm sure done
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before finally ending up here in the e.u. capital of brussels really can't find anything. they tiny and people complains they don't have anything to work we try to go to germany. and he's much tougher when you know because we don't know the language only nations in the sand like an eatery everybody say we don't have anything to work everybody complains. all of this part of the field where we've been. it's an unpleasant situation that's quickly becoming the norm in the course of stricken european union and the seventeen nations euro zone in april the jobless rate went up yet again to twelve point two percent compared to twelve point one percent in march that's nineteen million men and women in the whole e.u. twenty six point five million people are out of work the figures are even worse for
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the other twenty five's as youth unemployment in some countries has gone through the roof in greece any strange thing out of state and beyond people are out of a job that is just incredible labor mobility has to increase so that they can move from high unemployment area to open employment area like for example germany clearly that's easier. said the done that for people like nicole and his wife what these latest unemployment figures show was something already known that europe is struggling to find ways to create jobs but what they don't show are the day to day lives of the twenty six and a half million unemployed europeans many of whom are desperately finding ways to put an end to their struggles to end up taking. yes yes i know that a lot of people are telling about the loss side of a lost generation if you compare the youngest group with the middle age group or
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with the only stage group is not the youngest. the biggest problems is to middle age category what's most problems after forty forty five fewer chances a funny jokes is really very meaningful still you're almost for the life of being unemployed until you're your pension and that is exactly why mika is now forced to think about woodturning cool to me via i want to go back home because. i don't see anything here. it's very hard to find a job and everybody who could chew like you don't really want to war like you are how can i say like a suspect you know. the same way we have id we have here for luggage a man who want to steal something we don't go with love give them away because they seem to see don't belong here this is too close to be like a big family but nothing like but. i'm very sorry to say that but. does our
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sylvia r.t. brussels. coming our way peter lavelle and his guests are ready to raise the temperature up cross-talk is a right up to the spray can it's fine for me. six india residents were thrown off of an airplane not for what they said but how they said it because they said it in another language russian in fact a paranoid and cowardly steward on the plane told them that they had to clear out just for speaking another language to be here yes of some group of people were to commit a terrorist act then speaking in a foreign language would be a good tactic i can't deny.


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