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tv   Headline News  RT  June 10, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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you can't come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies. completely free of risk. the man who exposed washington's all seeing spy network justifies his actions saying he'd rather lose freedom watch his government destroy privacy. u.s. isn't the only one pledging no mercy for those who speak out it's golf friends are taking internet crackdowns to much greater levels and we report on that. violence in mali and spread the studio stabilize the whole of north africa according to the u.n. even as international business vultures seek to get all the gold they can from the country's minds. have a storm over syria as military advances speeds up the baiting and washington and
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arming the rebels while u.s. gathers troops jets and missiles nearby. this is r.t. coming to you live from the russian capital marina josh welcome to the program now the man who blew the whistle on an unparalleled u.s. surveillance webb has identified himself saying he expects to be made to suffer for his actions twenty nine year old former cia technical assistant ad words snowden is now holed up in a hong kong hotel afraid to leave his room for fear of retribution but he says he has no regrets and that exposing washington spy network against hundreds of millions of its own citizens was too important. i could be you know rendered by the cia i could have a people come after me or any of their third party partner you know they would they
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work closely with a number of other nations or you know they could pay off the triads you know any any if their agents or assets we've we've got a cia station just up the road in the consulate here in hong kong i'm sure they're going to be very busy for the next week. and that's that's a fear i'll live under for the rest of my life however long that happens to be you can't come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be completely free from risk because they're such powerful adversaries the no one can meaningfully oppose them. if they want to get you they'll get you in time the united states criminal chase has begun with top officials calling for snowden to be prosecuted to the harshest extent of the law intelligence analysts graham or trainer harvey told us washington will try everything to catch the whistleblower they will use all the palos available to them both legal and dare i
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say it illegal we've heard of rendition well he's he's too high profile at the moment i think to be spirited away so i do think that they will pay for the legitimate operation but there's no surprise about this it's a huge embarrassment it's a political embarrassment there is a phrase players in the stable door after the horses bolted well the thing is that with that was snowden he has given away so much information it is difficult to stop things now but they they will not stop this is the way that the intelligence services get their information nothing will change. well here on r t we always want to know what you think of the stories that we covered for you here and on our website r.t. dot com we are conducting a web poll about the future of edward snowden and what it might hold for him let's
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now take a look at what we've got here so far and how the votes look this hour well as you can see almost a third predicts that snowden might actually share the same fate as bradley manning that is if i go to prison a little just on a quarter reckon he'll follow julian assange example and he will seek an asylum in a friendly embassy and stay there. and the same number actually at this point believe that the case is too complicated to predict what will be the next step for him and exactly twenty percent and fierce know to my be eliminated to prevent any future leaks well deal let us know what you think on this issue by logging on to our website dot com and when it comes to getting heavy with whistleblowers and free speech advocates the u.s. need look no further than its own gulf allies several countries there have cracked down with the rest and and course ration to keep people quiet on and off line as
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your piskun off explains. let's now take a look at the u.s. friends who are known to have somewhat suspicious methods of upholding democratic freedoms of their citizens the united arab emirates kuwait rain and saudi arabia now in saudi arabia local media reports that the authorities asked the mobile providers to find ways to monitor encrypted messaging and apps like viber skype and whatsapp and said that if these applications could not be monitored then they would have to be blocked while last month senior saudi religious clerics declared those who use twitter are risking quote demonstration and lose both this world and their afterlife let's move on to qatar now seen by many as a regional media hub which openly supports radical freedom fighters in syria while it's now looking at punishing web sites and social media with a new internet coach under the new draftee of dorry's will be allowed to remove news videos or posts even factual ones if they think the violate the sanctity of
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privacy now this brings us to the united arab emirates a country ruled by seven hereditary rulers were political parties are banned by law and their citizens can be jailed for tweeting like the recent case of a man who received ten months behind bars for describing the legal process around a group of civil society activists quote in bad faith now in kuwait this year alone at least six journalists and dozens of activists have been arrested on charges that include insulting the mirror on twitter other widespread charges for criticism online from users are threatening national security and offending religion all on the web but the jail sentences are anything but virtual and sometimes stretch to two years behind bars despite being party to the international court and on civil and political rights now finally last but not least rein six bloggers were given one year in prison each after they were found guilty of
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misusing the right of free expression and insulting the king even though apparently their angry tweets were merely criticism of the authorities. now one activist from iran has managed to get asylum in britain a corps back home sentenced. to fifteen years jail and he's absence because he matters she escaped before the police came knocking on his door all we asked all you why have fallen foul the authorities but everything you do it is upsetting the government unless you are supporting the regime that said what they did is sure that website. for people to. participate in that exchange their ideas and brainstorming and things. for them to move towards the twenty one century that's what doesn't want one it in bahrain they don't they don't want their people to be educated and to know they are right i went
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into hiding for two years and i was applying high living securities to protect myself and behind is very very strong you can see more than three hundred thousand on this it's just because it's peaceful and because of this or the money no one is talking about to ten nights of gassing in turkey as a country singer hits out of government for task force labeling them marauders who lack respect for islam and that's coming up here in r t. a roadside bomb has struck lebanon's main beirut to damascus highway damaging some vehicles and came shortly after syrian troops with the help of has fighters regain control of the town of qusayr near the lebanese border the syrian soldiers advances seem to be pushing rebel supporters to spur washington into action supposedly are now reports. bomb administration could decide this week whether or not to approve
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lethal aid for syrian rebels the u.s. secretary of state john kerry has postponed a mid east tour to participate in these talks now according to officials they will also weigh the merits of the list a likely move of sending a u.s. air power to enforce a no fly zone which of course would be a very controversial decision at the same time lady a falls in the u.s. marines have been deployed along jordan's border with syria and this is according to israeli and iranian media this deployment is unrelated so we're being told with the joint military exercise that started on sunday now the united states has deployed if sixteen jets and missiles which can be used against planes and other missiles to jordan and according to washington it might keep going in the country off to these drills the action of course has raised concerns in the international community russia says the deployment is and i'm a construct of state that threatens to expand the conflict and many are questioning whether or not the u.s.
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is preparing to carry out an incursion in syria and if so this of course will only further worsen the situation there many complain and incite far more kentucky assume we continue to hear reports of direct foreign involvement in fact we're just hearing reports now of three belgian citizens who were killed in syria fighting for the rebel front now experts say that as many as two hundred belgians could be fighting in syria right now they would have come in through the turkish border and belgian police have a really a waste of civil citizens who have returned to the country after fighting and being radicalized inside syria this is not the first time that we're hearing of foreigners fighting in syria we have heard of americans fighting there in the past all of this is happening in light of the moves made by the syrian president bashar assad's forces in fact we're hearing reports that assad's troops are poised for an attack on the key city of holmes which could cut off syria's. position from the south of the country we're also hearing that as many as five thousand hezbollah
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fight has reportedly now inside syria helping the machine place on with its campaign off to capturing the town of course song we haven't lebanese border last week. international lawyer and political analyst dr franklin lamb believes the decision to send arms to syrian rebels will return to the hall and president obama i think the obama administration is willing to do this in a modest way only to placate some of the neo cons and some of those in congress as you know the american people are behind this only twenty four percent in a recent poll said that they would think that that would be a wise path for the americans over a half want to stay out of it so i think there is some chance but still there's a remaining problem for the administration finding a reliable group to give these arms to that would really do any good given all the all the divisions and whatever obama does he's going to get
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burned on this because the congress to a certain faction of the sudan has a lot to game to the wrong ones and then we're going to have these arms i'll use. you know some sort of massacre and then it's going to bite by. and plan b. comes to greece quite literally a half of the founder of a new party offering an alternative to greece tells our team what's at stake for the austerity iraqi state as a troika inspectors arrive to push for more cuts. i would rather ask questions for people in positions of power instead of speaking on
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their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more. news if she could laboratory to mccurry was able to build a news most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach me the creation and why it should care about humans and worry that this is why you should care only on the r.-g. dot com. welcome after watching r.t.
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armed separatist groups in northern mali pose a serious threat to security across the region and african u.n. peacekeepers don't have the equipment they'll need when they deploy next month those damning conclusions are from a u.n. report released on monday but security is not the only concern for mali's people there have been also reports on the fear that global gold diggers are ready to plunder the country's precious resources little mina and attains herself while her entire family is at work her mom dad brothers and sisters are all miners and one of molly's many so-called traditional gold mines. will make a hole the size of a body would this and then we dig deeper and deeper. the industrial mines series investments from big foreign companies who work with machinery although often referred to as government mines their role in fact private was only twenty percent of the revenue being paid into the country's coffers those who work in
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traditional mines don't have to pay the authorities but at the same time they don't get any help either the hell is narrow and deep they dig until they strike gold or some of the mines here go down to the depth of sixty metres they go and over fifteen or a twenty story building the tunnels are so cramped there is barely any room for movement here with no support structure it looks like it may collapse and it was scary here you were serious about. that was i was overseas she. got her this minor tells me here is ten here working on the ground for hours it wasn't really what i'm asking that if you're minutes bridge becomes difficult with a lot of oxygen. this is the hardest part of a very long process rocks are extracted before been pounded sifted and washed i'm not happy as i work more hours than i get for having spent around five hours here
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we are dirty exhausted and terribly dehydrated people here usually work from ten to eleven hours per day every evening they're paid but not in cash they're given rocks taken from the mine this may contain gold if it doesn't just left empty handed this game of luck is for many mullins of their only way of getting paid but it seems the dreams of wealth in one of the poorest countries on earth could be dashed as the government moves to ban traditional mines that it's on a huge scale with a lot of money the black market is growing there's no proper tax system and we don't get a penny from the mall is gold experts have more than tripled in the last decade yes mullins indeed seem not to be man the beneficiaries. but not all believe the authorities intentions will diminish property. values that are the only care about a big corporation so i don't want to come in and take over the interest mineral
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wealth and certainly ordinary people suffer just about that is that this november joint mollen suisse venture will start operating the country's first gold refinery with a monthly capacity of half the country's any oil production it will require a huge increase in exploration at least seven chinese geological agencies have already arrived in the country with many more likely to follow the future of these people remains uncertain like their income and it's not clear whether they'll still have even their meager place under the african sun. from mali all they have endured ten nights on tear gas and water jets but the tens of thousands who've puir to guarantee is samples taksim square remain resolute continuing their call for the prime minister to resign but premier the ones maintaining his tough stance warning demonstrators that his patience was wearing thin arches are an illusion reports from the heart of the unrest. this is still
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going on people are saying they're not backing down they're going to continue to protest and it's not all fun and games protesters have come under fire from police in on caracas is the second day in a row that such such an event has happened in fact was one of those is that one of the turkish cities which has been under a lot of pressure when it comes to police reacting to the protests in fact it has been gassed or somehow the water cannons have been used some protesters almost every single day off the protests which have been going for more than a week at this point almost two weeks in istanbul the worrying trend here is that the prime minister don't want continues to talk about his supporters who are also getting ready to go to the streets according to or don't want. their patience is running thin and those who are siding with the prime minister are ready to take to the streets and express their points of view if that of course happens then all of allister experts are predicting that extreme civil unrest in the country and all of
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the courts are hoping that that will not be the case as it stands at this point people in istanbul show absolutely no determination to go anywhere they have been camping out here in taxi man and in gezi park for more than a week at this point their main demand is also to see the prime minister leave his post but the prime minister obviously has made it clear that he is not going anywhere. and the grassroots protests were first sparked by plans to bulldoze a park in taksim square in istanbul but spread massively with people angry at the president islam is leaning government prime minister to want vows to push on with the redevelopment regardless political science expert jeremy salt from turkey is bill can't hear versity says the prime minister's combative stance is just making things worse. one has not changed his position of. saying that the new building he wants to put up a new old building he wants to put up square one have
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a shopping mall was he hasn't backed off one little bit and he's very kind of aggressive language against to demonstrate this is called terrorism vandals wreckers marauders loses social and so on does than say that they dare to insult him as the prime minister the opposition party over the party is so very very careful not to conduct thought so too closely to these demonstrations but like all messed them instructions as we sort of talk risk where there's no kind of sense of body people gather the streets and that the whole nature of the protest is spontaneous the grassroots people want to join the political part of the political movement they represent a broad range of interests that will come together again in taksim and that of course have the spillover effect across the country. now days after admitting it had miscalculated the devastating effects of a stare at a young greece the international monetary fund delegation is returning to athens and they'll be joined by e.u. and european central bank chiefs will still demand the greek government fire four thousand more state employees in return for bailout cash but the former leader of
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the series a party that now leads the opposition says the time is drive for plan b. . you know one come in the boat has a plan the in the boat going to sing. for the plan b. . victory was racial we have to find it would be because a lot of the. destruction for. the most twenty five seven you know would be there before five year we've. four or five times the unemployment rate we've heard before we ever. hold you for without employment research. and a surprising show of optimism the french president's declare the end of the
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eurozone crisis but francois lon's words are unlikely to sound convincing to europeans enjoying record high unemployment and painful belt tightening measures across the continent as does our silly reports even brussels the heart of the e.u. has few opportunities for those left without a livelihood. i'm forty seven and never seen a goal from though to go through as for was nobody. nobody needs me you know how can i say i'm messing around. i don't see any future for us here we have to go back and back to their native rumania nico at the mill you ran into financial trouble after denny backman four years ago in order to repay their debt they thought they'd try their luck elsewhere a fruitless journey that took the italy to germany denmark and i'm sure done before finally ending up here in the e.u. capital brussels we can find anything. they tiny and
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people complains they don't have anything to work we try to go to germany. he's much tougher when you know it's an unpleasant situation that's quickly becoming the norm in the course of stricken european union and the seventeen nations euro zone in april the jobless rate went up yet again to twelve point two percent compared to twelve point one percent didn't march that's nineteen million men and women in the whole e.u. twenty six point five million people are out of work the figures are even worse for the other twenty five's as youth unemployment in some countries has gone through the week. in greece any strange thing out there and young people are out of the job that is just incredible labor mobility has to eat grease so that they can move from a high unemployment area to open employment area like for example in germany
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clearly that's easier said than done for people like nicole and his wife what these latest unemployment figures show is something already known that europe is struggling to find ways to create jobs but what they don't show are the day to day lives of the twenty six and a half million unemployed europeans many. who are desperately finding ways to put an end to their struggles to end up taking. yes yes if you compare the youngest group with the middle age group or with the only stage group is not the youngest one of the biggest problems is to middle age category was most problems after forty forty five fewer chance of the funny jokes is really really made me feel you're almost for the life being unemployed until you're mentioned and that is exactly why mika is now forced to think about woodturning cool to me via i want to go back home because the. i don't see anything here.
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is very hard to find the job and everybody who could chew like you don't we want to war like you are how can i say like a suspect you know i don't understand why we have idea we have here of luggage a man who want to steal something we don't go we drug him away it's the same see you don't belong here this is you supposed to be like a big family but nothing but. i'm very sorry to say that but. does or sylvia or t. brussels. look at some other stories from around the world in a british court has sent six men to nineteen years in prison after the admitted plotting an attack in a march other far ride english to fans league five of them of a man took a bomb and sawed off shotguns to the rally last year but arrived two hours after the march and their conviction comes amid increased religious tension in the u.k.
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following the gruesome slaughter of a british soldier by islamic extremists in london. pastors in bosnia are continuing their fight to force the government for a new law on issue national id numbers marching in their hundreds through the capital the previous law laughs and so. and babies born since that haven't been given official they just ration documents like passports demonstrations began more than a week ago when thousands of angry parents parliament in sarajevo. well it brings us up to date here on our t.v. and in just a couple of minutes some way to sports news with kate. six san diego residents were thrown off of an airplane not for what they said but how they said it because they said it in another language russian in fact
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a paranoid and cowardly steward on the plane told them that they had to clear out just for speaking another language to be here yes of some group of people were to commit a terrorist act then speaking in a foreign language would be a good tactic i can't deny that and for those who come to america better get on the ball and learn to speak english adequately but there is a problem about fifty million tourists visit america every year according to the u.s. department of commerce and trust me not all of them are canadians if the u.s. is going to have millions of tourists arriving in traveling by air that don't be surprised when they speak their own languages if you're going to throw foreigners off of airplanes just for speaking their native languages then you're going to have to basically throw people off of half of the planes flying over the united states but that's just my opinion. wealthy british style sun it's time to.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy kinds of reports on our. hello welcome to the r t sports show twenty six action packed minutes of sport from russia and around the world coming up to me kate partridge and here are the top stories. no problems while number one serena williams beats defending champion maria sharapova in straight sets to clinch her second french open crown. plus a lisbon loss portugal will be russia one nil in the world cup qualifier to go top of group best tabio capello's men have two games in hand.
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and top give frenchman yvonne le extends his lead in the overall standings after dominating russia's first touring car race in moscow. all weeks football and racing to come but first to tennis after world number one serena williams beat number two maria sharapova for the thirteenth time in a row to clinch her second french open title her up of zero was the defending champion in paris and took a two love lead before losing in the first set six four while a single break of serve in the second was enough for williams to take it by the same scoreline and secure her sixteenth major title but only her second on the paris clay courts after last winning the event eleven years ago the american sealed the deal with ace number ten it's thirty one she's the oldest winner at roland garros in the open era and hasn't lost to sharapova since two thousand and four are in my position to be in the final and i did put up or for.


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