tv Headline News RT June 11, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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thank you thank god. thank you. hundreds of turkish riot police again storm is trimble's taksim square with a crew from archie's arabic channel caught up and they have a crackdown. supporters of edward snowden the whistleblower who exposed the true extent of america's bought surveillance network people washington not to prosecute as he disappears from his hotel in hong kong. and two suicide attacks all wrong damascus a killing fourteen and wooden dozens more as he was considers approving the people arms supplies or to the syrian opposition.
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line from moscow this is our deal with me tom would say it's good to have your company with us no more tolerance for the protests in turkey that announcement comes from prime minister ed one of the hundreds of riot police stormed to istanbul's taksim square raining tear gas and rubber bullets down on protesters who've endured that nearly two weeks of heavy policing policy or has the latest. well number of protesters are back in taksim square while at the same time several dozen white police are maintaining a presence at gezi park what we've witnessed throughout the day is police withdrawing protesters moving forward it's almost like this game of push and shove now the turkish prime minister erdogan has called on protesters to disperse he told a meeting of his party and to quote him we will never allow people to force things onto us and we will never force things he also said that he has no more tolerance
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for these protesters inside turkey now one of those comes just hours after the police moved into taksim square in the early hours of tuesday morning they easily broke through barricades that only been put up by protesters it was an exchange of police firing tear gas rubber bullets and also water cannons why a hardcore group of protesters fired fireworks firebombs and also threw stones at the white police the governor of istanbul has said that the police are prisons only to remove the barriers that are on the out to buildings and placards not to physically remove people from the area and police have repeatedly throughout the day been saying on loudspeakers we will not hurt you or intervene urging protesters to stop throwing stones bottles and tear gas at the riot forces now all of this comes a day before and the gun plans to meet with a group of leaders of the opposition and certainly what it does seem as is as if the police presence is more a show of force than an effort to actually physically push the protesters out of
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this area where they've been camping for almost two weeks a crew from margie's arabic and network was among those caught up in the violent crackdown. well that's the start of the crackdown on protesters attacked seems where early in the morning they used tear gas and broke the tents tear gas canister hit the cameraman broke it our cameramen fell to the ground i also suffered badly from the tear gas violent clashes are happening right now in the streets of istanbul it's like a war zone. has just returned from istanbul after reporting on the anti-government rallies earlier she told me about her experience they. taksim is a unique place absolutely because it was nothing like any of the protests that are ever seen before it was going to be feeling like of camaraderie a lot of people were there but there were so many people and they were there night
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after night that i couldn't help but ask the question that at some point it obviously had to somehow end and obviously the protesters weren't given any of their any of their demands or any of their aspirations at the same time you had the prime minister who first left for four days just when the protests started just when people really have stated and angry that he came back and said we're not going to budge we're not going to make any concessions everything's going to be just like it was and then just a couple of days later that said fine if you don't want the park to be demolished we'll think about it but we will not make a shopping mall that's as far as the government has gone and even now i mean yes there have been some semi apologies from the mayor or from the ministry of interior when it came to the excessive use of force and this is something that the government was criticized for in turkey but they haven't. they haven't really promised any was to geisha into that this started off as an environmental protest and it's now gotten into what we live in these pictures why do you think the people are so angry well because you have to understand that even though everyone in never
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ceases to repeat that you know he won by what half a percent margin or something like that there is still about how few of the population in the country core extremely unhappy with the direction that he's taking they're saying that there is an increasing islamisation there saying that he has absolutely no no regard for the freedom of speech we have to remember that turkey does have an incredible number of journalists jailed and it does come under scrutiny under fire from a lot of international organizations and from other other countries for not quite living up to the european standards which is that it aspires to live up to but i don't want just doesn't seem like he really can make up in his mind whether he wants to go with the ottoman ideal or that he actually wants to join the e.u. so it's interesting to see how this situation will develop further because i think there's going to be a lot of pressure there. prime minister ed on has slammed to the protesters as mobs in a speech to parliament he also blamed the media and social networks will star in the end rest journalist neil clark who's been following the events in turkey told us
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that everyone doesn't feel threatened by the protests because as international backing. one hundred feels emboldened really to act in a very harsh where gets protesters uneasy and bold inquisitive member of nature and a u.s. ally and i think he very interesting to see just how move muted the criticism of her down it's been over the last week john kerry braids mutterings about not using too much force but william hague for example has been silent the french have been silent and i think we should bold to come down hard on protest in the police or in the water cannons plastic bullets etc his deputy had said that he wants to meet with the protesters the protesters therefore hoping that maybe something could be sorted out reasonably amicably and then today we see this force absolutely i think go home field really there's no real pressure on him to actually negotiate to meet with the protests why should he because he's got the backing of nato and the u.s. the u.s. will do everything to stop him from falling from power and. that's a very important factor the other thing is of course elections here in turkey for
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two more years the opposition is divided so he thinks he's in a very strong position. right meanwhile i had to lease twenty lawyers have there been arrested in what eyewitnesses are described as a blatant police attack at a courthouse and it's them bomb they were reportedly detained for joining the protests let's bring in a denny's can acquire he's an occupy gezi protest and was there taksim square during the mornings a police a crackdown dinies a u.s. attack seem a square yourself or how would you describe the police's actions. well from texas curry in fact what happened today if i should tell you briefly what happened from the early morning. through tweet to the governor of a stumble send a message that they're not going to intervene in the gezi park but the only texan square so they want to remove the barricades and they said they're not going to
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intervene in the peace of protesters but what the scene in the following out was that they came in the square and they started to intervene in gezi park which was unexpected this was quite a big surprise and now the texan scare the central center of istanbul is this all over tear gas and out even myself have been tear gas while i was coming here while i was on the way to the studio well we can definitely see the mosque that you've been wearing there we've seen pictures of protesters hurling stones and molotov cocktails at police how else offices are supposed to react well regarding this most of coke there is there were quite a lot of rumors on and on social media early in the morning today there was this guy who supposedly throwing molotov cocktails was a policeman and he was from the s.t.p. the socialist socialist democracy party and then the following out was run fifty
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people members of these party were arrested and the headquarters of the spots in central istanbul but some rumors say that this guy who was throwing molotov cocktails and another people actually who were doing that were undercover policeman but the governor of a stumble denied this claims and said that they were absolutely clearly a protest is whom they want to clash with the police. denise and nearly two weeks of protests of violence and riot police why i campaign as a day going in so much what do they want. the major problem at this point i think is to remove the barricades and open the texan square for traffic to to kind of make everything normal as if everything is going normal but what we've seen today is is not really. this and it's it's actually going worse as far as i can see for example in the in the biggest
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courthouse of istanbul today there were around fifty lawyers who were possessed protesting against the police while ins and they were all arrested a few hours ago so it seems that the clashes will continue all over is the at least for today the prime minister everyone says there's no more tolerance of the protesters out what do you expect security forces to do next to end these of these protesting. while the security forces especially in the first few days of the protests they seem to be very very violent which causes in fact even more people to come here and join and if i don't i'm pretty sure you can now hear what's going on behind me right behind me the tear gas is thrown by the policeman so far as i can see the security forces the reaction. seems not to be decreasing in terms of the in terms of the level
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of violence. if if if my friends who are right now protesting in gezi park are correct in what they are saying to me a few hours ago one of them said to me there were rubber ballots have been used by the police today and one dead might be ok so one people might have been dead although i should state that this is not and not an official information antony said just how far the protests as a willing to go now that you've mentioned that unofficial reports that there might be a death involved from today's protests and the police trying to get everybody seems that way. are you ok can you please repeat i can't hear you how far are you willing to make a how far are you willing to go. well the as you might hood it's more of the prime minister is is is is to meet with the
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a representation group of the protests in gezi park so there were some certainty amongst that that there's a part of the taxes or put that they put onto the table so the prime minister the government will will absolutely discuss with them but they are possible to be much of these demands or what kind of. concessions can be made through the negotiation process so we'll see what's going to happen tomorrow tomorrow's meeting is i think it will be very pretty much it will be a turning point denise a canned kaya occupy gezi protest so they just painting a picture for us what is happening day in taksim square in istanbul.
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right for more international news just stay with us on our t.v. will be back in just a few minutes. well don't talk about language at all but i will only react to situations i have read the reports but i'm like. no i will leave the state department to comment on your minor point. to carry out a car is on the job here no guns. thank you no more weasel words. when you made a direct question be prepared for a change when you should be ready for a. critical speech let down the freedom to watch.
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the news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations to rule the day. welcome back you're watching our team the ex cia man who blew the lid off america's vos n.s.a. public surveillance net is promising more explosive revelations edward snowden supporters are mobilizing to what tens of thousands a signing a petition to part in the whistle blow up artist i'm worried about my i was at a rally in new york with schools have been launching in his defense. braving some
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very whites and chilly weather dozens of new yorkers have come out into the street to show their solidarity and support with n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden this of course coming just twenty four hours after the twenty nine year old revealed himself as the man who handed over classified documents to the guardian which then exposed the national security agency's program prism i think the public is owed an explanation of the motivations behind the people who make these disclosures that are outside of the democratic model now prism allowed the national security agency's extensive internet spying on records of digital communication and allowed the government agency to surveil us citizens in real time now the revelations that have come about through snowden's legal course challenges the ongoing war on terror for nearly twelve years the u.s.
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government has changes policies change legislation in the name of which they said was to keep americans safe wars waged overseas and our privacy a roving here at home those american citizens that we've spoken with say that snowden sacrifice should not be in vain and there needs to be a bigger dialogue about the way in which the u.s. government is acting behind the backs of its own citizens now of course this blockbuster story has caused many to wonder if the u.s. government will still move forward on lecturing and pointing fingers at other countries such as iran and china for the way in which deals with its citizens are now it has been revealed to the entire world that the u.s. is keeping very close tabs on everything that americans are doing at home and even abroad reporting from new york marina r.t. . reports say u.s.
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officials are already in the process of filing charges against the twenty nine year old less than a week off the whistleblower revealed america's a citizen spying to britain's the guardian newspaper that the momentum no one knows with snowden is he was last seen checking out of his that this hotel in hong kong that's where he remained for a while after revealing his identity to the global media it's going to he may still be in hong kong the chinese territory has an extradition treaty with the united states but the process could stretch out for months and could potentially be blocked by beijing michael ratner a lawyer for julian assange just says there are many more young americans that a got to show the nation and to the world a washington media pray. this shows you how bad the situation is and how much courage these people have after the u.s. has had these people would say jammers i'm manic my son i am and you still get people like like smell like. snowden coming out again so it indicates
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that there's a tremendous amount of courage of young people to try and reveal the criminality and surveillance and the state that we have here the legal part has to do with the laws that this country passed post nine eleven in particular courts that are essentially and pick and decide to all those and a president who is willing to or so apparently approved this massive surveillance i think the terrorism is used as an excuse to be able to surveil and keep tabs on every single american to prevent or really a change in government what's happening is they've hired thousands tens of thousands of young people into this network of there is the surveillance network and a lot of the people have contracts it still takes courage once you have conscience but we're seeing we have happen not snowden manning stond hammond those are heroes . the fallout from edward snowden's expose is developing rapidly and we'll cross it it with for you get the latest updates and global reaction here and r.t.
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dot com i report to online how does his whereabouts may be unknown but he could well end up in russia that's our place for excitement for president putin said the country would consider going to political asylum to the with the glow if he asked for it. and british foreign secretary william hague is one thing i can say sions that the u.k. surveillance agency was allowed to dip into american citizens by nat get more on that and r.t. dot com. two suicide blasts have rocked of the syrian capital damascus killing at least fourteen people and wounding thirty one more explosions targeted a police station in the heavy heart of the capital with reports that one man blew himself up inside the building the attacks come after the syrian army richards the strategic town of the stuff from other rebels last week and wants some see as a turning point in the war regime forces now plan to recapture aleppo in the north
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and the rebel held districts of homs. there are judges in washington over the recent gains by us troops who are now backed by hezbollah fighters that you as a could approve are sending weapons to the rebels as any as this week with a no fly zone also among the options that's despite an international peace conference on syria planned for july foreign minister sergei lavrov has been outlining russia's position on the latest developments as archie's tone barton explains. lever all spoke of double standards when it comes to the west's approach to various regimes saying that whilst they support it some dictators because they were considered their dictators in his words other dictatorial regimes were not considered worthy of support and therefore they were considered right for toppling this is a thread you do what must be done and those who are the us and russia c o two out
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of. every single stupid you know that there were also the position which is called through syrian government there is the realizations for. one of their was because there is a ration by united to the job and the need to be political leaders of the positions for the cause of the spirit good really because europe and most of europe because there is because the ocean as well because of the codes and the regime double standards if you wish but over. here on the buso whom you work and whom you build or you agree to become one. person of international gurus these comments come as the there are reports that the forces of bashar al assad are preparing for a massive assault on the city of aleppo currently held by syrian rebels that is one of the reasons that the us is considering as early as this week possibly supplying weapons to syrian rebels they have suffered
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a defeat recently in the town of qusayr with assad's forces being helped by hezbollah militants from lebanon also could have a knock on effects to a planned peace conference trying to be organized by russia and the u.s. with the military victories of assad's forces it's thought that assad may have less inclination to try and work towards a constructive peace the rebels also with splits in their ranks struggling it seems to. we get a delegation together for that peace conference also questions raised about possible chemical weapons use all of these factors affecting a possible peace conference coming up and possible intervention with weapons supplies to rebels by the worst in north africa mali remains on a knife as even though french troops they declare their operation against extremists a success the u.s. is now planning to deploy
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a new peacekeeping force because leaders are locked in another battle difficult talks with the separatists over the disputed north korea for national reports from . france says it's done its job well in mali killed most of its islamist insurgents destroyed the infrastructure and pushed the rest out of the country but the people who gathered here in the center of the northern city of gal think france's mission isn't complete. the french are making excuses because our enemy is holding the doll they must resolve this before any elections or negotiations take place france should defend our community not try to keep us in our place. the desert capital of kiddo has been out of governmental control since last year first it's been captured by terrorists indigenous african people fighting to create
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a breakaway state in the north of mali then the radical islamists came the un sardine group believed to have ties with al qaida the two factions came to an agreement to establish an islamic autonomy when the french military came they drove out most of the islamists but tour except protist are still there mali and forces haven't been able to enter the town for months now something that's never been a problem for french troops who have an air base in the baltic or by the criminal who have contacts with the separatists but we don't have coordination with them we don't discuss things with them they don't attack us and we don't consider them enemies but we don't have any reason to attack them what the touring separatists do attack is the mollen military the areas around and kid else to witnesses heavy fighting yet the french army so far refuses to engage with the rebels and can tell regardless of the threat they may pose to molly's territorial integrity and next
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month's presidential election probably they will do you think of your make our military part is over the rest is merely an internal problem. the mali tour of conflict is indeed very much a local fight after independence from france the tour of territory across more than mali and algeria was divided in mali it led to years of violence but our eggs mostly populate the north of mali here in the thousand part of the country you will not find many whites this is how other ethnic moland groups with significantly darker skin call their nomadic neighbors and this geographical division only deepens antagonism but some believe this internal conflict could never stay as intense without outside help france has been openly supporting what it regards as an oppressed and discriminated minority shortly after the french intervention of the defense minister in paris suggested ethnic tour rigs in northern mali should have some autonomy. political muscle the war will begin all over again because of
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the behavior of the french the support of the torah group balian against all the tribes and cities in the north of mali which just alienated them from the rest even more. in doubt we meant to separate groups which claim there is so aim is to defend the towns from the armed to riggs what they say their own belongs to them but you don't agree so with their arms to defend our homes you know. they came first then the islamists arrived after them they opened the door for radicals to come to our land. last week president a laundry sieved a peace prize for the operation in mali but it's still unclear whether what the french troops will soon leave behind can truly be described as peace and what peacekeepers officially coming to the scene this july will have to maintain.
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from mali. the damage limitation squads are out in force at the big internet firms after they were named for sharing people's private data with the u.s. government prime interest looks at that next an r.t. . six and eagle residents were thrown off of an airplane not for what they said but how they said it because they said it in another language russian in fact a paranoid and cowardly steward on the plane told them that they had to clear out just for speaking another language to be here yes of some group of people were to commit a terrorist act then speaking in a foreign language would be a good tactic i can't deny that and for those who come to america better get on the ball and learn to speak english adequately but there is a problem about fifty million tourists visit america every year according to the us
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department of commerce and trust me not all of them are canadians if the usa is going to have millions of tourists arriving in traveling by air then don't be surprised when they speak their own languages if you're going to throw foreigners off of airplanes just for speaking their native languages then you're going to have to basically throw people off of half of the planes flying over the united states but that's just my opinion. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you. are looking for the big picture.
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good afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm hereon boring and washington d.c. good for heaven. so apple is not snooping on you they promise along with microsoft and other tech giants this is after the now. now infamous security leaker edward snowden went public over the weekend allowing his name to be revealed we reported friday that nine at tech companies face the whistle blowing allegations and the press they allowed directed government access to their servers which they now strenuously deny snowden the twenty nine year old booz allen employee has drawn support from some unlikely that such as michael moore and glenn beck and microsoft's former chief privacy officer advisor caspar bowden went as far as to compare crowded data outside the u.s. as a privacy guantanamo bay will dig into the fine print of the security of mobile payments and just a bit.
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