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tv   Headline News  RT  June 12, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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cia whistleblower edward snowden values to fight extradition from hong kong in his first interview since being forced into hiding for lifting the lid on a massive secret u.s. surveillance program. his poor back into east bulls tags him square yet again despite twenty four hours of the most brutal crackdown by turkish police so far. and debt ridden greece shuts down its main t.v. and radio broadcaster is part of a cost cutting drive of thousands who were sacked have labeled it as a blow to democracy.
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hello there it's good to have you company you're watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow with me andrey farmer now our top story in his first interview since disappearing in hong kong edward snowden has vowed to fight any extradition attempt the former cia worker who told the world about a huge secret u.s. surveillance program was speaking to a local newspaper from an unknown unknown location u.s. lawmakers meanwhile a compiling a list of charges against him snowden admitted he gave up his family and a six figure salary to expose what the national security agency was doing stephen m. cone executive director of the national whistleblower center told my colleague matt traitors that people will continue to expose secrets regardless of the crackdown against them. well i think the government is going to charge him probably under the espionage act and they're going to try to make an example so others who have
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information about wrongdoing and crimes in our national security system are intimidated and don't blow the whistle but we can set or julian a songe also weighed in on this and he said stone is likely to be persecuted by the u.s. for many years into what you say your fears are let's take a listen to his comments before you respond to an amazing time. just three years after the united bradley manning revelations with bradley manning in trial and the snowden revelations come out after. i and a many others had called for the exactly such revelations to expose the surveillance state so i think we're winning i think that's part of a new international politic that is developing. do you think there is any kind of like i said any kind of victory to be made from any of this or do you think that it's more of a hinderance that this war to
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a chilling effect on whistle blowing i think short term there may be a chilling effect but at some point the american people need to stand up and say that whistleblowers need protection at the american people have a right to know if their government is committing crimes if their governments are violating the constitution if their leaders have perjured themselves to congress all of these are implicated in this case the american people have a right to know and our civil servants paid by our tax dollars have a right to blow the whistle and that's a right that we have to fight for and protect and i hope that a case like this helps to mobilize support for the change we need here in the united states. well among snowden's revelations are the details of the program called prism which allows u.s. security officials to see the private data of virtually anyone and leaked documents
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suggest washington's been keeping a close eye and a secret eye on europe to let's see what kind of reaction that has received while many german officials were outraged by the spy program some even compared it to even a tourist ministry for state security in communist era in east germany the head of the italian data protection authority accused washington of sleeping on innocent europeans without any evidence a crime has been committed and a french socialist euro m.p. highlighted that americans have begun spying on europeans before getting permission we have the latest updates on the n.s.a. route available for you at r.t. dot com such as the unintended consequences of the american surveillance scandal is a boom in people by sees a boom in people buying george orwell's dystopian classic nineteen eighty-four sales of a novel about the reach of the big brother state are up by seven thousand percent
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according to amazon read the full story on our website. york based antiwar activist don de bar believes the close watch on europe especially germany is fueled by washington's economic interests rather than security concerns. germany of course is the center of the european economy and the european economy is both a partner and in many ways an appendage to the very same economic interests that dominate the american economy and consequently the american political system so with all of the changes that it's taking place in various parts of europe the pressures in greece and spain and portugal and italy and on and on and on the and an uprising of sorts already among german people themselves in solidarity with the people of those other nations against the interests that are sucking the blood out of the economy and europe the interests of the united states are very interested in
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watching that the politicians in germany do what they're supposed to do that the media do what they're supposed to do that the gatekeepers basically keep keeping the gate safe so they can keep sucking the money out a europe. protesters have returned to attacks him square with the unrest in turkey showing no signs of dying down these are live pictures stream from istanbul right now this evening in a few minutes we'll also hear from our correspondent about the latest in tank scene on tuesday demonstrators suffered what they say was the biggest police crackdown since anti-government rallies began almost two weeks ago police stormed tax in square overnight releasing take gas and firing rubber bullets against protest is professor hussein backed chief from the middle east technical university in ankara thinks the government's reaction only divides the country from. because the. uprising against the enroll man or intervention of the dish prime ministers in the
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life of citizens from the right of speech to drink of alcohol or any other thing for i think the turkey is experiencing new trouble than five would call it in portugal terms the government is responsible to get out from this conflict but not to organize. big demonstrations like richard says for the recount on saturday and sunday i think it is the wrong move of the government to bring one side of the society against the other side of the society it can only lead in the long grass to the free world. we have been following the events in turkey since the beginning of the process and artie's international crews you had with take gas along with other demonstrators are unable caught up in the violent clampdown you can find at the latest developments online at r.t. dot com. greece
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is maintaining the am radio channels have been pulled off air after the government decided to suspend all state run broadcasts to cut budget costs or two and a half hours and employees have lost their jobs while the authorities slam the company as a haven of waste the broadcaster is largely state funded with every greek household paying a favorite darkness of whether they know large crowds joined in a protest against the decision is calling for a nationwide strike georgia to call is a professor of constitutional law things athens is using this scandal to distract public attention from the government's economic fails. the majority of the.
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decision of going to be made soon as a blow to democracy of course to the independent source of news for our society in my opinion it's a clear act of very very soon the government is facing a period of its economic policy. guided by this attempt to distract the political appearance from towards another goal as you know we are living now in our very dire economic situation he's so. good government really for its inability to control the situation susan to walk like about you know decisions that even its allies. but we have two other parties. the political coalition out of this operation. we've got plenty more coming up including unprepared. despite living through decades of conflicts is right the citizens often don't have anything more
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than a gas mask the security i'll report is coming up shortly plus the hidden dangers of justice system reform in the u.k. we look at plans to recruit private companies to supervise offenders release back into the community.
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least be cool language. the programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the r.p. interviews intriguing stories are you. trying. to find out more visit our big. dog called. welcome back activists in syria say rebels have attacked severely in the east of the country killing more than sixty people have on. insist seen as retaliation for an earlier attack by villages it comes after government troops returned control of the northern town of qusayr last week with their sights now i've said on recapturing aleppo recent army gains have alerted the west with france and america
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now seriously mulling over the idea of sending little weapons to the opposition the arms embargo on syria was lifted last month while efforts to push both sides to peace talks continue to stall political analyst a matter what half thinks the rebels have no interest in negotiation. weakening the rebels on the ground may actually be a positive thing in any political dialogue or a new political negotiations because those people have the power to stifle or kill in the political process and the order of invisibility should be reduced it would be good for the political representatives of the opposition to have any meaningful say in a negotiation table and actually being able to keep their words afterwards but as long as there are promises of weaponry and support towards those rebels on the ground. that they won't go to the table or the more at all in fact with the
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ideology behind what they're been doing since the very beginning is specially al-qaeda affiliated groups they are not interested in negotiating with the regime anymore or the syrian government at all they see it as an infidel regime that must be toppled no matter what and with many of the world's leading financial states deeply submerged in debt developing economies are taking center stage signaling big changes in the world of finance business presenting katie pilbeam now looks at how emerging markets are surpassing developed nations. developing countries now account for overhaul of the world's economy and with this growth comes power so which nations are we talking about that well if we look at this map we can see that the developing world is overtaking the developed world and if we wind the call back we can see that back in one thousand nine hundred eighty two the developed world account of the sixty nine percent of the world economy while the developing world
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took up just. false forward all in thirty years the a mugging economies will make up nearly three quarters of the world economy by twenty seven tane so is this economic shift changing the balance of power i asked legendary investigative raja's exactly that. we're already seeing it it's not just the faster the world economy it's creditor nation or the new nation as well historically people like great britain america finance developing nations as if they could grow but now it's the developing nations which have the money to develop the i don't know if you've been you've been to hong kong or singapore or career or some of the places that the standard of living in many of these places much better than america right now why the j.f.k. in new york when you realize you're not third world airport but it's in your were born you're are going to birth we're airport is already happening. so from the
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sounds of it these so-called developing countries don't need to develop any mole maybe it's the countries which have held the post strings to so long who could now a day with a little maintenance. an r.t. dot com has the u.k.'s financial woes continue and you report says the past five years have brought unprecedented pay cuts to british workers more on the daily life of brits under financial pressure is available online also there you will find the guantanamo hunger strike still on the u.s. government is scaling back its prosecution of the cancer captives saying there's not enough evidence to bring the men to call for a full time line of the story and much more is available at our website r.t. dot com. offenders on probation in the u.k. could soon be placed under the supervision of private companies and does artie's sarah firth explains that's led to some to accuse the government of putting cost
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cutting ahead of public safety. ability revolution that's what the coalition governments promised and in a bid to cut re-offending waits the government's now planning to turn to private companies like de forest with plans to outsource a large chunk of the service by twenty fifteen that might come as a surprise to some given the less than gold standard performance of g four s. at last summer's olympics when they failed to deliver on promises. and the plans are being met with fierce opposition from across the public sector with many warnings that far from the revolution disaster waiting to happen and we're extremely concerned about. proposals to private two thirds of the workforce two thirds of the work load. on trying to private sector providers the proposals will leave the public probation service with around fifty thousand defenders he
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pays the greatest risk with private and voluntary services looking after the rest can sort the contracts on a payment by results basis the fear is that placing this vital parts of the criminal justice system into the hands of private companies could be putting community risk. but there is a risk because although we have a number of prisoners who will never be released the vast majority of prisoners will be walking out of those gates behind i'm coming to. you many of the low to medium risk offenders go on to commit much more serious kline's to say called revolving door every offending and he's just finished his second stint. just three months after his release from prison the first time he found himself right back inside. because he said he'd been on probation before an event she then
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called back inside the prison when wrong and what happens there were trying to put in the right i was trying to get a training scheme. but they were waiting funding from the government like prince charles and so forth now that took time to between to trust and then to analyze and to do and all that to three months why didn't i was i was i wasn't even anywhere at the time when. it's this really offending cycle the government's trying to break and they say that payment by results innovates the system the question is the way he carries the risk if things don't work out at the end of the day those product companies are going to be accountable to shareholders not to the public and this will be splits in fact it will be for the full interview. if not. today. the plans of all so you
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can tease many in the public probation sector which won the t. thousand and eleven pushes quality foundation gold medal to excellent. public private good. at the end of the day i still appalled the idea that anybody makes any profits out of the suffering of other people in the criminal justice system. trying to treat where we have to but the government insists the plans are an evolution of the justice system these on the front line a warning that this bit to cut costs could come as a very high price. on the london. first about one of our top stories nivea ongoing unrest in to where protesters have once again returned to taxing square we can join our. live from there. are you know what is the situation right now in tax him square. well it's actually rather tense i have
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to say off course there's a immense police presence all over this is here especially in the taksim square area there are literally on every single corner in every nook and cranny there is a policeman or a police officer and it's riot police and they're fully prepared they're actually at this moment lining up. along the border of section of square and gezi park and some of the protesters raise which by the way have been growing increasingly number over the past several hours they're lining up kind of sort of right in front of them so we're looking at a very serious tension a very you know sort of a brewing confrontation at this point at the same time ride just a little bit several hundred meters away from them also in taksim square there's a man playing a piano and there's a huge crowd around him as well and he's playing some beatles music from what i can tell so it's a very bizarre sort of feeling right now in taksim of course the protests were just were protests were dispersed yesterday very violently so a lot of people ourselves included are actually expecting to see something very similar so everybody's kind of on the edge of their seat and yet there's
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a very peaceful music you're also coming from tech seems so it's really a sight to behold or even to hear it's completely unbelievable in the cheers that you may be sharing are for their piano player in the midst of this of this chaos ready to happen. in the temperatures over his crisis we do know that it has been trying to talk to the protesters hasn't he is anything come of that. absolutely not you can say there is a first of all we have to mention the fact that there are there is word out there and get the part which just kind of the home of the protests is that if you were there at the meeting where there don't really represent the people who are here on the square or who are out there in the park and that actually has been the problem from the get go is that what every time there is a government official meeting with members of the opposition people and guess who say they don't really represent us yes there are members of the of the acknowledged opposition but they're not people who have spent hours upon days here in the tents
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under the open sky protesting or letting their voices be heard ah then to end it all into one really said that anybody who who who is protesting against his rule those protests will be over within twenty four hours now that was some time ago so we're really we're really in for an interesting kind of interesting night i would say because there's a lot of people out there on the square who are unhappy where there are one and there are there are obviously letting their opinion be heard and let and they're letting it be known so again what's going to happen when the within the next several hours i guess we can only rule out a peaceful resolution at this point unfortunately because it doesn't look like neither the protesters nor the turkish prime minister are ready to back down ok thank you very. life from. let's look at other stories now from around the world a motorbike bomb in a restive part of southern afghanistan three people injured fifteen when it
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exploded in a marketplace it comes less than twenty four hours after another suicide explosion took the lives of seventeen people at the supreme court in the capital kabul in recent weeks has been a wave of attacks by the taliban and other militants against afghan security forces pushing volumes to a twelve year high. elsewhere french air traffic controllers are in their second day of strike action causing over one thousand eight hundred flight cancellations workers opposed to e.u. plans to centralize european airspace rather than leave each nation to control its own skies also railway workers are expected to walk out on thursday leaving much of the country's transportation routes paralyzed. and the egyptian president says all options are open when dealing with any threat to his country's water supply ethiopia is currently building a four point two billion dollar hydroelectric station which threatens to cause egypt to lose up to twenty percent of its now water over the next five years
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ethiopia has slammed the presence accusations as irresponsible and says it plans to continue with the project. with tensions high in the region israelis are used to living under the constant threat of conflict but how prepared are the people of israel should they come under attack artie's paula slayer investigates. israel is the most fertile and country in the world we're talking about fifty to thanks to thousands of rockets. into israel and this is the reason why we have to be prepared but if the bombs start falling the only thing menachem penske can do is pray because like other orthodox jews this father of two is bristling with anger he's had to choose potentially save his life with a government supplied gas mask or keep it off and rely on prayer as things stand he can't do both
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a cannot cut off my bid to fit the gas mask the beard is part of being a jew growing a beard falls under respect of human life and i should not be forced to remove it in times of war just because the gas mask the government gives me doesn't fit over it but even if you are a clean shaven israeli only slightly more than half the population has a gas mask and if that's not indication enough recent drills organized by the home front were ignored by most people around the television residence and most people here will tell you that in times of war they know they miss grant the gas mask if they have one and one interesting case but what happens after that no one seems to have a clue no one is olbermann is typical she lives on the second floor of an apartment block with no shelter or any idea of where to find one i think i was supposed to go to the stairs or something i don't really know i have my. guess mess. and i'm supposed to have it somewhere but they don't really take it it's not as if
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the powers that be are unaware of the threats a record number of exhibitors converged on television recently hosting the largest offensive expose the country seen in years a wake up call that citizens need to be protected or an air of. priorities. and their priorities because of this it's never enough. very. your brother would do more but that's still no excuse complained residents of the streets village not far from the israeli lebanese border forty percent of israel's arab population are without shelters and when dozens of his bill missiles rained down here during the last lebanon war there was only one public shelter to protect five thousand people. without a doubt the state is the only responsible and guilty party in the past people were killed in the line of fire like slaves as targets with you today or this is the situation for arab citizens who live in israel's north. in the face of any
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intensive rocket fire on the country which just goes to show that behind the class of israel's well polished military facade the population dangerously exposed the r.t. tell of. the cup which will hold the olympic flame during the torch relay ahead of the winter games in twenty fourteen has been unveiled all moscow's red square this torch relay will be the most extensive ever traveling sixty five thousand kilometers and carried by over fourteen thousand people on the way to its final destination in the russian city of sochi traditional and unorthodox means will be carriages pulled by reindeers and russian troikas are among the modes of transport up to ninety percent of russia's population will be able to watch the torch on the streets of the city setting another olympic record such a games will be the most expensive. there's
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also talk it might even go into outer space with watching russia's president visited artie's new h.q. in moscow on tuesday and after it's all putin spoke to some of our correspondents the highlights of that chat coming up in a few minutes. admission is free accreditation free. for charges free arrangement free. free. free. download free blog a lot of video for your media project a free medio dog r t dot com. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so please you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything
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you thought you knew you don't know i'm charging welcome to the big picture. is leave. you believe me. when you see that at least our views are generally excited about today is this meant in case a man who is now being dubbed a second to sound has exposed total surveillance practices employed.


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