tv Headline News RT June 12, 2013 8:00pm-8:28pm EDT
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coming up on arts here after days of unaddressed what's next in turkey as night falls we'll have a report on the violent clashes between police and protesters just ahead. there's a growing fallout from revelations of the n.s.a.'s massive surveillance apparatus here in the u.s. the a.c.l.u. is filing a lawsuit against obama while the director of the n.s.a. stands by the intelligence gathering a deeper look coming up in the bradley manning trial continues today the court reviewed the video and files that were week to week the leaks and what was found on manning's computer updates on the case coming up later on in the show.
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it's wednesday june twelfth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm margaret hello you're watching our t.v. . we begin now with the violent clashes between police and protesters in taksim square which erupted in chaos after police armed with riot gear and tear gas forced thousands of demonstrators to disband yesterday and today what began as the protest against the development of an instant ball park evolved spring turkey citizens to take to the streets and protest the prime minister or to once a government calling it an authoritarian regime for the eleventh straight on the streets arrest are underway lisa also been cracking down on protesters who've been taking to twitter and other social media sites accusing them of inciting terrorism turkeys authority armed with riot gear sprayed protesters with water cannons and tear gas aimed at dispersing them well fire ripped it on the ground an instant poll to discuss what's happening in turkey i was doing earlier by arena. i started off
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by asking her what she's seen on the ground an instant pool starting with the protests crackdown beginning yesterday. well at this point the official figures though are the figures that we're getting from the doctors association of turkey say about more than forty six hundred people have been injured and we're talking about people who have suffered from the tear gas inhalation people who have gotten scratches bruises who may have may have been beaten by police but also these are people who have sustained you know damages or i was the injuries from being from just falling on the ground as well i mean you can understand that when the police arresting people when there is thousands of them out here at the scene is incredibly chaotic everybody's running and you have to remember that there were barricades was the protesters have been building steadily over the past almost two weeks so obviously there is a lot of room for damage as far as that is concerned but we do know that there have been just least four deaths so far mung the protesters we're looking at a total figure so of course the casualties i don't know if they will be rising at this point or not a but we are looking at thousands of people who have been injured
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olver turkey as a result of the protests all right so everyone can you tell me what the police are saying versus what the protesters themselves are saying. well you can see that the police aren't really talking to police who was the protesters are the purchasers are basically camped out here and guess the park there's an increasing number of them right now in taksim square so it does look like we may be in for another interesting night of possible clashes and maybe tear gas as well the police are insisting that they made their brain problem with protesters is that they're obstructing the movement the traffic right here on taksim square which is actually a very busy thoroughfare for the city the protesters are saying that their demands are not being heard their rights are being violated they want their rights to be able to say that they're protesting the government's plans to get rid of gezi park their want they want to keep the park and they are absolutely determined to stay here until they get assurances from the government that the park will stay here so
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at this point we also have of course the prime minister who won who says that this is. situation will be over within twenty four hours so obviously doesn't really matter probably what the police are saying it doesn't matter what the prime minister is thinking and is directing because he is actually the man who does make all the calls in this situation ok i read as i understand it there's a war being waged in three places there's a conflict going on in the ground there's a war on television and you know the state run channel that would rather run images of penguins rather than the protests happening in their major cities stations. been fined by broadcasting watchdogs because they're showing protest and finally that war waged on twitter where police have actually arrested protesters tweeting about these protests how are protesters responding to this. absolutely. well they're not watching the local t.v. that is for sure they don't trust their local media as a matter of fact so they prefer to watch international channels actually we've
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gotten a lot of response from people who say we go to our t.v. or or other channels in order to get information about what's happening but also of course nobody is going to tell them to stay off twitter. twitter as far as they know you cannot trace through a person's ip address so unless you actually confess to posting something on twitter nobody is a nobody actually has a right to arrest you so they're right there on the internet and they're of course out here on the streets as well i guess there is there is confrontations on the streets of course but there are the protesters are absolutely determined to stay here for as long as it takes and i don't know if you can hear them behind me but they are yelling and clapping and cheering i think think this is some action is about to start to a matter of fact i read it can you tell us what they're chanting. over in turkish but i do know i haven't heard the cry that they have been sounding for a while but they did have. they did have a cheer which was. which means to go away or basically resign that did sound
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throughout the last ten days on taksim and pretty much all over turkey so that does seem to be the underlying message that the people in taksim and other places like carollo are is me or are directing the turkish government at the moment i read it we're running out of time here i want to get to this quickly about what's fueling this chaos now i understand that the prime minister erdogan said that he would sit down with protesters and discuss this crisis and immediately he send special forces to talk to them as we saw with those flash bangs and the water cannons are people scared or do they feel like they're putting strong pressure on him. i don't think people are scared i think people are getting more angry that is the correct i think that is the correct word there if they were scared there wouldn't be five thousand people in gezi park right now or in. estimated five thousand people there would be people out here on the street obviously there's a lot less of them there than there were before the violent dispersal on tuesday but they're still out here and people are still obviously walking around and they
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do a little bit like protesters and they're obviously protesters so they're they're getting angrier they're not scared they're just getting more determined and most of them are young people so they obviously have a lot of us durations in towards i guess making their voices heard in making their mark in their country's history that's what they have actually been telling us i really think you so much we have to leave it there we're out of time thing here that was our to correspondent irenic a little girl. as the turkish protesters and police came to a had yesterday the u.s. mainstream media was all over it take a listen to people who are incredibly angry frustrated and say that the government effectively lying to them so where are we now richard the prime minister said we're going to stop this as you can see a very different scene here it is where an easy come not at all like yesterday that what we're seeing right now is at least for these few hours after
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what really was the worst violence since this demonstration began but what about the turkish media well they have been staying far far away after the turkish broadcast media watchdog find media outlets who cover the ghazi protest because it quote is harming the physical moral and mental development of children and young people ironically enough the turkish media is covering the n.s.a. surveillance scandal rather than the violence gripping their own country. the fallout continues from last week revelations about the national security agency's unprecedented mass surveillance and collection of domestic phone records yesterday the a.c.l.u. responded with a lawsuit against the obama administration for these actions the e.c.l. deputy legal director general jeffrey said that the program goes far beyond even the permissive limits set by the patriot act represents a gross and frenchman on the freedom of association and the right to privacy
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members of congress are weighing in on how the government should respond to edward snowden the booz allen employee who leaked documents detailing n.s.a. surveillance to the guardian and the washington post well most of them are calling snowden a traitor who should be punished and charged for his disclosures will congressman peter king took a step further take a listen if they were we knew that this was caused by this nation i think action should be take associations are something of this magnitude and i know that the whole issue about leeches and god is over the last month i think something on this magnitude there is an obligation both tomorrow so we go i believe. to discuss these and other new developments i was floored earlier by stanley cohen an international human rights attorney i started off by asking him just what he thinks of this lawsuit by the a.c.l.u. . well i think it's unprecedented in scope because the the criminal wrongdoing of this administration is unprecedented in scope i'm thrilled to see the a.c.l.u.
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move as quickly as it has hopefully congress at least some congressional representatives will grow a backbone and will order a complete open and transparent hearing into what i consider to be an on president a violation of the first and fourth and fourteenth amendment rights of all americans ok well as we've seen congressman peter king is calling to criminalize not just people who leak the classified information but also the journalist let's bring glenn greenwald who published the information so is king an outlier here sir do you think that this idea is going to catch on. peter king lives in a fantasy world where he expects americans just to listen to his nonsense peter king's favorite ally of secrecy peter king's favorite allies intimidation peter king has long been in the tone of the free speech he's long been the ponens of the most important aspect of our government which is the fifth estate which is robust discussion and the role of journalists in peter king's world where to leave
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everything up to him everything up to the government and just blink our eyes and blindly walk forward committing heinous crimes all over the world peter king was outraged over the investigations that had to do with weapons of mass destruction which we know did not exist in iraq peter king is always outraged over anything and anyone who dares to challenge him and others like him who believe an ignorant public is a say public right mr cohen some some strong opinions there so what would happen to the quality of journalism do you think in this country if congressman king had his way if congressman king had his way there would be no journalism of congressman king had his way the president would simply issue press releases where the congress would issue press releases and we would go quietly into the night blinking our eyes starstruck would dictate so mom hi this is a. who has spent his lifetime living behind closed doors in secret congressional hearings spewing forth absolute nonsense that were never reaches the air of day
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shows that it's ridiculous well some as we know are focusing on the leaker snowden and the leaky greenwald but others on capitol hill are zeroing in on the director of national intelligence james clapper he remember back in march clapper denied in front of the senate that the n.s.a. was collecting u.s. citizen data clearly has been disproven here's congressman just an amish of michigan's response to that he says perjury is a serious crime mr clapper should resign immediately well clapper said that he responded in the least truthful manner is that enough for do you agree with congressman a machete resign well i've seen the transcript and resignation would be an easy way out for someone to took an oath and lied to congress the bigger question is did he lie to congress to protect the president that he lied to congress to protect other politicians that's why you need a complete hearing a transparent hearing it's not about throwing one person under the bus this is
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ministration has embraced the most repugnant the most restrictive the most illegal surveillance techniques of any administration in history with this particular program and others it's about time that the american public's treated like citizens that we are that we're allowed to weigh in that we're informed and that we get the truth and get the truth quickly before this goes any further down the wrong road ok what do you think's responsible here then is that clapper or is that president obama or both obama it's obama obama's is someone who is as on wall street the c.e.o. of the united states government either one of two things has happened either obama was kept in the dark which means that it's simply an outrage or he knew about it he condoned it he ordered it proved it there's nothing that this administration has done that obama has not ultimately been responsible for. including the prosecution of whistleblowers including the n.b.a. including all attacks on free speech in this country today the buck stops here mr
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obama your responsible you should be held accountable let's see what congress does with its obligation now i will be watching on the surveillance and i want to take you quickly now you've represented as i understand it a lot of non u.s. citizens and quitting those that the u.s. government has deemed terrorists how does the surveillance of some of your clients compare with what's going on and uncovering about the n.s.a. surveillance on american citizens i've got to tell you i've done more so-called terrorism cases real and fake than any lawyer in this country over the last twenty years ninety nine point nine percent of all the classified information is rubbish it's nonsense it's one person saying something to a thirty second person saying something to a third person it has no integrity it has no by ability it is this very type process that brought us weapons of mass destruction and killed a million iraqis once and for all the people of this country have to stand up and say to people like obama and say to peter king not on our watch secrecy is no
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longer the password to the democracy that we live in where we're supposed to live in error the information let us select let us be informed all right i want to take you now sort of these potential companies that were involved these internet companies who were named and these leaked documents for participating and the n.s.a.'s data collection have been speaking out to google send an open letter to attorney general eric holder and f.b.i. director robert mueller asking if the company could make its national security requests public do you think that publicizing these or quest would be helpful. we live in a free and open society at least that's what we're told err it's transparency publish it let us decide we had the church hearings thirty years ago the last time the president ran amok deciding that they could keep secret cointelpro. oh and keep secret the cia involvement in the united states these are matters that are not to be kept secret google and other companies should take those national security
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letters and throw into the fireplace we are above all else supposed to be a free and open society the whole mark of that is the truth will always wise in the marketplace of free ideas enough secrecy enough misleading enough weapons of mass destruction in iraq enough whistleblower prosecutions enough persecutions of journalists all right sir i have one final question for you i want to take you back to that a.c.l.u. lawsuit do you think that they're going to make any headway oh i think they will i in fact i think that they'll probably force congress to try to preempt it in some way i would expect over the next week to ten days a congressional investigation to begin it's not going to move out this lawsuit and the president will claim sovereign immunity and other defendants will say we're held above and beyond the law because of national security but ultimately a lot of this is public a lot of this is information that that sits properly in the court equal branch of government a co-equal branch of government and let the light of day hit the secrecy mr cohen
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we have to leave it there thank you sir that was international human rights attorney stanley cohen thank you so much. the foreign intelligence surveillance act created what's called the feis accord back in one hundred seventy eight in the face a court is task forcing the government to comply with search warrants before they spied on u.s. citizens here in the states following the september eleventh attacks over the patriot act gave the fights a court a lower legal standard to obtain surveillance warrants and otherwise increase the court's power if i support operates with a veil of secrecy has citizens even know it exist political commentator sam sachs brings us more on this powerful court and how it affects all of us this program by the way is fully overseen not just by congress but by the pfizer court. a court specially put together to evaluate classified programs to make sure that
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the executive branch or government generally is not abusing them and that their it's being carried out consistent with the constitution to really know what sort of oversight is applied to the n.s.a. and f.b.i. as domestic spying operations and you have to know it goes on inside a pfizer court unfortunately we're not allowed to know what goes on inside a pfizer court the court meets in secret sometimes right here at the district courthouse in washington d.c. that issue secret warrants it right secret legal opinions there is no jury there is no defense which makes you wonder why it's even called a court in the first place the pfizer court was created with the one nine hundred seventy eight four and meanwhile off the hill several organizations have taken up similar fights the a.c.l.u. filed a motion this week to force the pfizer court to reveal its legal opinion behind granting the verizon warrant the electronic frontier foundation has been fighting since two thousand and twelve to declassify certain fi's
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a court opinions but it shouldn't be this difficult senior obama administration officials have promised to make the legal opinions available in two thousand and eleven the former assistant attorney general of the united states lisa monaco promised members of the senate intelligence committee that she would quote work to ensure that the department continues to work to make this important body of law as accessible as possible but so far nothing so now that a series of bombshell leaks have revealed the inner workings of the n.s.a. there's a renewed call for more oversight but the best of the white house and congress can offer is a secret court with secret legal proceedings that issue secret warrants and right secret legal opinions so that sound like oversight to you in washington same sex are to. it's a six day in the trial whistleblower and for me armor until officer first class private bradley manning which continues today the court is considering whether
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manning's first charge the release of that of a video of a deadly attack in afghanistan could be challenged because of the conflicting dates and times of when the video was transmitted they're attempting to determine whether manning began sending classified information to wiki leaks within a week of starting as an intelligence analyst in iraq in two thousand and nine from or on this article is wall with me today covering private meetings trial. well today is day six of bradley manning's court martial here in fort meade maryland today we heard more forensic computer analysis from mark johnson he's an army computer crimes investigator and he testified about what he found on manning's personal laptop what he found when he combed through the hard hard drive of manning's macbook pro a couple of interesting findings johnson said he found chat logs between two elio says below believed to belong to julian a son to the founder of the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks these two names are press association and in this daniel franken he says he found
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a long list of chats between manning and songe he said that they discussed everything from iceland to iraq to guantanamo bay to wiki leaks much of this information is classified the defense then cross-examined the witness asked if there was any evidence that a saudi asked for specific information the answer to that was no also asked of the witness if there was any evidence that manning was searching and he american websites johnson said the answer to that was no also in continuation to major developments yesterday. in the beginning of this trial the prosecution said that they were going to be able to prove this link between bradley manning and a man by the name of david katz that manning actually sent this video of a deadly attack in afghanistan and the farah province resulted in mass casualties mass deaths that they were going to prove that manning sent this video classified video to caps yesterday when asked when the witness was asked if there was any
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evidence of that the answer there was no today that was reiterated. it was asked johnson was asked if there was any connection found on this computer again johnson said no there was no evidence now this is seen as a big blow to the prosecution's case they allege that this is this was all done in a conspiracy all part of the charge the most serious charge against manning which is aiding the enemy a sentence which carries a life sentence so we will keep you updated with all these new developments here and for maryland was wall art to you. and now on to quantum obey a hunger strike amongst attention camp detainees is that it's worth since it began in february according to the military statement of the one hundred sixty six detainee is one hundred four on hunger strike and of those forty three are now being force fed ensure there are two that runs through their nose and into their
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stomach four of these detainees are now being observed at a hospital the prisoners are on hunger strike to protest their continued detention of the conditions of the facility but there's a new twist as well the chief prosecutor for the work crimes tribunal tells reuters that only twenty percent of the one hundred sixty six detainees twenty rather could face charges fewer than the thirty six that president obama's guantanamo review task force said would be tried army brigadier general mark martin's said that the court does not have enough evidence to convict many of the detainees originally thought to have committed international workers. seven of the twenty detainees were expected to face charges finish their trials and six are facing pretrial hearings this next week president obama reviewed his promise to shut down the detention center during a speech last month despite pushback from congress and he lifted a moratorium on sending detainees back to yemen where the majority of the detainees
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are from at the protesting detainees can't see this coming soon enough. there's nothing that if you don't want to do the time don't do the crime but what if the time given is way more of a crime less heinous than another or more in that residence for a harvest has more. you . know. you. too high school football stars in steubenville ohio were recently convicted of the horrible sexual assault of an unconscious young girl at a party dozens of people witnessed the assault and then posted pictures of it online mocking the girl throughout the case to the town of steubenville and the
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mainstream media actually rallied around the guys who committed the crime because this is america and they did play football we can shatter someone's dream of playing football right. people who are outraged and worried that the perpetrators but get off did something about it one such person is hacktivists derek most other who helped post a video on the football team's website which outed the two with felons. his actions were illegal citizens can't hack into other people's computer networks under the law but his actions did help prove the guilt of the football stars and he didn't raid sensitive by hansel files or put innocent people at risk still the f.b.i. treated him as if he were bin ladin with twelve swat team agents in riot gear pointing assault rifles with the safety off as head swarming in to arrest him that's of far cry different from the treatment of the actual rapists but here is
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the worst absolutely most disgusting part of this story the guys who were convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious girl at a party with and bragged about it online they're facing up to two years in prison for sexual assault the hacker who helped expose their guilt he could face up to ten years for hacking that's where the american justice system is at right now under the computer fraud and abuse act the u.s. government has made it very clear that hacky is one of the worst federal crimes you can commit of course they are allowed to do it on every level and they do it ethically to all of us we know that now but still they view hacking as one of the worst things you can do ever. every generation has their method of civil disobedience of their way to fight a corrupt system today it's computer hacking and since it exposes actual
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irrefutable data and information hacking is arguably more effective than face to getting topless which might be why the government treats it worse than rape they are allowed to hack for information but we are not clearly they have a lot to hide tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the resident. that does it for nell for more on the stories we've covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america check out our website at r.t. dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at m underscored j underscore how for now have a great night. wealthy british style. time to write for.
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the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our nobody chooses to be homeless nobody chooses to be an s.r.o. . isidro's for the show to. get in the six pm get out six beat six.
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