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tv   Headline News  RT  June 14, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the u.s. military to provide it or the u.s. for a minute provided military aid to syrian rebels claiming it is evidence the assad regime used chemical weapons moscow calling washington's reasoning was. planned development is then ballpark that weeks of protests across turkey have been frozen but no clear agreement on how to prevent anti-government demonstrations from continuing. the onions elect their new leader we take a look at the controversial legacy left behind by the nation's outgoing president mahmoud ahmadinejad.
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four pm in moscow i met treasurer good to have you with us here on r t our top story washington will put lethal weapons in the hands of syrian rebels it's concluded that bashar al assad's regime has used chemical weapons all beat on a small scale and so will offer more help to those fighting against him marty's marine important has more. this is quite a game changer being announced by the obama administration what we know is that the u.s. has decided that it will provide military support to syrian rebels but u.s. officials would not specify what that support will involve the national security council that the pfizer ben rhodes says that the new assistance to the syrian rebels will be different from the non-lethal communications type of quitman that the u.s. has given before and this of course leads many to believe that the united states will now be arming the syrian opposition now these decisions are being made after the u.s. intelligence community has independently concluded that the syrian government has used chemical weapons including the nerve agent gas sarin on
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a small scale against the opposition however washington so far has failed to disclose what specific evidence they have what has led them to make these conclusions and this announcement but this is counter to what a chief u.n. investigator said just two months ago during our investigation for crimes against humanity and war crimes. we collect. weakness to money. the made to appear that some chemical weapons were used in particular. in what was. what appear on. to our investigation that was used by openings by the ribbons and we have no known indication tool the government. of the city government has used chemical weapons but
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i want to be the. first the first indication we got. to the use of never open in the united states decision now to provide more military support to the syrian opposition comes ahead of a peace conference that's supposed to take place geneva at the end of this month or be they have named next month that conference was organized by the united states and russia and it was aiming to get both sides from syria to come together at the table and talk about how there could be a transitional government forms and ultimately end of the ongoing violence that's been taking place in syria according to the united nations ninety three thousand people have been killed since this civil war began more than two years ago we should know that many experts have indicated that and believe it argued that adding
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more arms to such a heavily violent conflict that's ongoing in syria would actually fuel an arms race it would make the circumstance there the environment there so much more dangerous spots as we see from the the announcements made by the obama administration that washington plans to aid syrian rebels militarily and they won't give specifics but it looks as though that the united states will be arming the syrian opposition. washington says it's shared its alleged evidence with several allies including russia but the head of the state duma foreign affairs committee says the findings aren't convincing. we have no reliable confirmation the asset government used chemical weapons the us national security council that made this announcement so it's intelligence reports the problem is that one time the bush administration also cited intelligence to prove to the entire world that saddam
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hussein had weapons of mass destruction but as we all know this became the basis for aggression against iraq and for iraq's occupation but no weapons were found there neither nuclear material nor chemical weapons so how can we trust these empty phrases after iraq it's completely impossible but this is part of the us political line aimed at toppling the said government. and you've got the plan for a u.s. u.s. no fly zone over syria has been drawn up it would be costly with up to fifty million dollars per day and unlikely to have any effect on things on the ground but the white house thinks it's necessary in order to reduce the risk of arming the risks of arming the rebels restricted areas could stretch up to forty kilometers into syria just one hundred kilometers short of the capital damascus even without a no fly zone washington could send arms through jordan with patriot air defense batteries and f. sixteen jets already deployed there author and historian gerald horne though things
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washington's allegations of chemical weapons use only escalate the conflict. it seems to me this is a very dangerous and ominous moment particularly since sunni clerics of just met in cairo egypt in a call for a holy war against the regime in damascus and instead of trying to calm things down it seems to me the obama administration is about the throw gasoline on the flames keep in mind also that just a few weeks ago the turkish authorities found that some of the rebels housed in turkey had serious weapons that's weapons in their possession keep in mind as well that it's difficult to say if these weapons were used if they were used to use them for example what was the chain of custody that allows the obama administration to conclude that it was damascus and not the rebels how did those samples get from the battlefield to washington how do we know that some really great soldier in the
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syrian military used these weapons precisely to invite intervention by washington there's so many questions i look forward to seeing the evidence although i don't think that the administration will be able to provide it we're asking on our website what you think of arma syria's rebels let's take a look at how the vote is stacking up so far on r t dot com so far more than a half think it's just tough talk from washington almost thirty percent think it's to help ante assad fighters after their recent defeats five percent feel obama's decision has come too late and just a few of you approve the move of chemical what the move if chemical weapons use is confirmed well what do you think dot com and cost your vote with the e.u. is called for a new u.n. led mission to actually verify whether washington's allegations of chemical weapons are true europe already dealing with the fallout in conflict in syria at least twenty thousand syrians seeking shelter from their from the ongoing bloodshed among
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those bearing the brunt germy as artie's peter all of our reports from berlin. these protesters behind be ample in a campaigning for better rights of all refugees here in germany and the number of refugees in the country could be set to rise by around ten thousand now that's the number of people escaping violence in syria that's expected to come here to germany when it comes to the international response to the own going crisis in the embattled middle eastern country germany has certainly be more reserved and its criticism and some of its european partners they have kept their involvement purely diplomatic however there are those in germany that fear that the actions of countries like france and like the u.k. could see germany drawn into the conflict further by the back door and would like to stay away from this conflict but there are some attempts to drag the country in as far as i know there are right now thirty six fighters in other words terrorists from the free syrian army are getting treatment in german military hospitals only
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to be crushed and sent on their way back to syria to terrorize the civilian population. the authorities in berlin say that they know that people have left from germany to go and fight in syria and they also confirm that many of these are fighting with radical islamic groups against the assad government forces there is now a worry that these people could return home and pose a potential terrorist threat on the streets of germany i think it's a double threat the first threat is of course for syria and for syrian civilians as well as for the syrian army that really comes from europe holding european passports are traveling there are fighting and of course they are learning they are terrorists fighting skills when they're out there and the danger that those people will come back to europe one day sooner or later and will practice their skills in germany and britain and france and those whom we know from all the countries now these terrorists are traveling to syria and they will come back so this might
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become a really big challenge and a big danger. for also for the security in europe with no end in sight to the violence in syria it seems very likely that ten thousand won't be the final number of refugees fleeing the violence that find their way here to germany and we could see that rice in the future. plans to develop in istanbul park that led to weeks of protests across turkey have been put on hold and it will be left to a court to decide whether or not their legal five people of died in often violent demonstrations the decision coming after the prime minister held a meeting with activists although there was no agreement on how to end the wider discontent protests started because of a plan to cut down trees and build barracks in gazey park you soon evolved into empty government demonstrations with crowds rallying against the country's prime minister erdogan the european parliament heavily criticized turkey for its quote disproportionate and excessive use of police force against protesters for more on
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this i'm joined live by jason jones editor in chief of the internet based instead old bizet thanks very much for joining us so it's the middle of the day in istanbul now what's the mood out on the streets especially in the taksim square area well right now it's very calm it has been calm for the last twenty four hours or so even though there was a lot of tension. a lot of tension last night. with the prime minister's threat to come in and shut everything down within twenty four hours luckily the. opposition groups leaders met with everyone and managed calm everything down so now it's very calm in texas where it's raining in the waters washing away a bit of the residue of tear gas so does this mean that problem solved everyone can go away now or is this symptomatic of a wider discontent that's going on there now. well i think a simple meeting is going to solve the greater issues which are. varied
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in response that you've seen the people. there have various reasons and various complaints about the way the government has handled certain situations i think the larger problem is with the government state government oversight of things in a municipal nature like this park now public discontent with the government growing as we've said out of these demonstrations in a wider sense what are the people angry about again i said as i said i think people have their various different things that a recent poll that was just conducted the people in the park they told about five hundred people and. about seventy percent of them had either a problem with their don't want to sell it or with the government in general so that's the bulk of the protesters that are out there now i think it's also important to note that in that poll it was revealed that roughly the same percentage of people were voters in the opposition column last time around and
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voted against the k.p.c. so what we see is we see a lot of opposition party groups that have come together under this one particular cause but within that group of people you see a splintering a very differing causes the anticapitalist muslims the socialists the. various representative groups from every friend. out there now heir to one met with the activists last night was that they were they able during this means to touch on the issues that go beyond the future of just as the park. i think they probably did the things that have come out in the in the media about the talks or have generally been focused on the issues and as you mentioned in your in your introduction there's a court injunction to stop the construction in gezi park and essentially what it came down to was the government saying that they would not step in to stop that process and they would let the courts handle it from here so we we have a pause in the action but by no means is it over how do you see the conflict
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eventually being resolved. that's really hard to say i don't think that they. just go away i would i would hope that they can find a peaceful way to get life back to normal and to get people at the table talking to one another however as i mentioned those marginal groups that are there these are professional protesters they protest all the time they're generally ready for a fight so i don't think that those people are going to just walk away. like news editor gates and jill and joining us live from istanbul thanks very much for your perspective thank you matt. stay with us here on r t still to come in a couple of minutes the u.k. reportedly blocked whistleblower edward snowden from traveling to the country of the former cia man the revelations looks set to test relations between the u.s.
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and china details shortly. told him a language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports. and know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point to say to mr kerry you have a car as i'm going to talk you know gonna. take you know more weasel words. when you need a direct question he prepared for a change when you have to. be ready for a. freedom of speech a little down to freedom to watch. well . this month high tech means good health whether it be the latest laser cutters or
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lifesaving heart russian innovators are working hard to keep you healthy for some companies it's been a winding road from car simulators to cutting edge streaming systems for others it's been a lifetime of work along the mysteries of this chicken run technology we've got the future. sixty minutes past the hour security tight across iran as people choose a successor to president ahmadinejad who's coming to the end of a second and final term analysts don't expect much change though in the country's political course mainly because all the candidates are loyal to the supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei artie's maria an ocean air has more from tehran. oh iran's supreme leader is among the first protests today the country chooses its next president i hope you have a go to see how tall a company has just cast his ballot and of course no one knows who he voted for you
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can see many journalists are here clued in foreign reporters many have come to iran to cover the event and most of them are reporting on the show that the supreme leader has cast over the country's politics and today's events accolades and that's that offering a choice for days vote will unlikely to bring your radical change to the country all together there are six candidates in today's you know race but of course no one can say a big score and who's likely to win opinion polls predict iran off but as it sat in there were these leaflets we found distributed on the streets of tehran the future president of iran should believe in god be able to protect the country from its enemies have high moral standards and have a good plan to improve the country's economic situation here's our report on where aftermath is as legacy leaves the islamic republic akbar has been in real estate business for years in iran when we ask him to summarize the legacy of president
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ahmadinejad he talks about it so if you compare the price increased by hundred percent since last year we have no hope for the future the economy's bad and it's getting worse one of the president's promises of the taking office in two thousand and five was to make iran's vast oil revenues felt at the dining table of every single family was he leaves behind is a country heated by the worst financial crisis in years but the us some who say it's not what it is just who's to blame for the downturn and sanctions were tough recently is hard to keep afloat but the president united the people i'm sure that iran is able to resist international pressure the iranian economy has been hit hard by a string of ever tougher sanctions imposed successively by the. the u.n. and the u.s. over accuse ations the countries trying to develop nuclear weapon something which was never approved as a lot of ahmadinejad has been able to stand up to the whole world over iran's
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nuclear program and the country is better off for it and other battle the departure in libya will be remembered for is his rhetoric about israel and iran sixth president relations reached the point when even war seemed very possible and while ahmadinejad has not exactly been friendly towards israel the way facts have been gentle devout him has done more damage to his reputation than his own wards years ago a statement was mistakenly attributed to him which was inec earthly translated as israel must be wiped off the face of the map and actual words were that israel must vanish from the arena of time and didn't even belong to one ishant anyway the objective is to make up with the new judge a villain he stands for universal rights where every country would have an equal say but some powers want nothing but dominance and they focused on blocking the name of our president one of this year's presidential candidates doesn't agree. that during the two thousand and nine elections campaign he criticized his advisors
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and they were after a race that's not the best and most honest way to get the power within. the deadly protests that raged across the country after the elections are also thought to have undermined as many jobs image the result many people were frightened of rather let me not talk about my job at all. even those who don't totally support or when a judge say there is little he can actually do here according to our constitution the supreme leader has much more powers in this country almost every step the president takes should be supervised and blessed by the ayatollah so despite all the controversies surrounding president ahmadinejad it looks like iran will continue to be a force in the region and therefore will remain the first. signs of the u.s. and its allies. presidency provokes mixed feelings a very controversial leader and he was equally hated iran has been a. defender running policy. is
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hopeless but his legacy will cost a shadow over the next president some time. tehran iran remember you can find most of our stories a click away at our t dot com including this questionable confession a young man tells police in bahrain he was a hired assassin but only after being tortured into owning up to it according to human rights activists. and the cause of a plane crash that killed yuri gagarin the first man in space revealed to the public for the first time walked on to r.t. dot com to find out what actually happened. the news today. these are the images. from the streets of canada. before asians rule the day.
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cia was a blow or a word snowden has reportedly been stopped from flying to the u.k. with airlines ordered to keep him from boarding and on who lifted the lid on the u.s. secret service is being pursued by washington which wants to prosecute him for his latest revelation he told a hong kong newspaper the u.s. reportedly repeatedly hacks into chinese computer networks he claims the u.s. has been hitting hundreds of targets in hong kong in mainland china since zero nine is particularly sensitive because washington is constantly accused beijing of being behind a series of cyber attacks on its government departments u.s. officials have been unrelenting about the threat of chinese hackers some leading. u.s. industrialize have called for a serious response demanding beijing face consequences those demands echoed by lawmakers who say cyber attacks from the chinese government won't be tolerated president obama touched told beijing to follow international law over
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a cyber security threat threats marjorie cohn a professor at the thomas jefferson school of law think snowden's revelations and his fight against extradition will make the u.s. chinese relationship difficult snowden could provide valuable information to china about american hacking into chinese communications it puts the chinese government in a i guess an awkward position but in powerful position as well it puts the united states in a very awkward position and so i'm sure that the american leaders are scrambling right now to decide how to deal with this how to deal with the chinese authorities there will be tremendous pressure on the chinese government by the american authorities to extradite him time will tell what they decide to do edward snowden this fellow whistleblower wiki leaks founder julian assange praised the former cia man for obtaining solid proof of what many have suspected for years
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here's a preview of a songes exclusive r.t. interview where where most of the snowden revelations bought in a thousand pieces from one court case here from a whistleblower the family documents here the thousand different revelations looking closely at like but it's on putting all this together. and so those people deeply involved in some surprising we. have written about this but. what is surprising is to see such clear direct proof in simple documents. in court orders secret court orders by united states for massive deception and that the various different forms of massing to section from when they're from. the high tech companies from fiber optic lines from the rise on another carries the united states to these are rolled into mish together now into one system integration into
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one system. is surprising. you can catch a full interview with us and a little later at fifteen thirty g.m.t. let's take a look now at some other stories making global headlines this hour a violent clashes erupted in brazil's largest city is people took to the streets angry at a public transport price hike police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd detaining at least forty more than a thousand activists also protested in the country's capital. two people dead after a ferry sank off the philippines fifty four others and crew pulled from the water by rescuers report say the ferry could have been balanced by two buses on a truck that warm board the coast guard is scanning the area searching for people not on the passenger list but who are likely aboard the vessel. next cross talk with peter lavelle stay with us.
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you know when i was in school they would tell us stories about that other goofy economic system in the eastern bloc and about why it was doomed to fail they tell us how terrified communist bureaucrats would work very hard to give the illusion of a fish and see when their bosses were in town a century out of fear they would try to convince the state that everything was just fine they promise of a fresh coat of paint on some stuff bump up their numbers in the books and get employees to put a smile on for the cameras so they wouldn't lose their jobs you know this our teachers told us was a sign of true doomed economics rolling the clock forward twenty or thirty years the bosses of the current global economic system are in town and many locations around the upcoming g eight summit in northern ireland are doing their best to hide their economic downturn from the media according to our t.v.
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news the government of northern ireland has. spent two million pounds dealing with derelict buildings some of these buildings have simply been knocked out but some have been spruced up like butcher shops with images of meat stuck over the windows to hide their barren interiors or the now famous local office supply store which contains no office supplies at all but it sure does look nice and i guess that's what counts spending two million pounds to hype economic downturn from the g eight and other eyes whether than spending it actually you know improving the local economy seems like doomed economic practices to me but that's just my opinion. speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic in school here. reporting from the world talks about six of the c.o.r.p. interviews intriguing story are you. trying.
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to find out because it arabic. is a. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle when the president does it it means it's not you legal these are the words of richard nixon when defending and even defining the rights and privileges of the american presidency barack obama appears to be saying the same defending massa the electronic surveillance of citizens all over the world defenders of prism in boundless informant claim these programs protect lives but who is looking out to protecting our rights.
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cross of the most recent u.s. surveillance scandal i'm joined by eugene per year in washington he is a national organizer with the answer coalition also in washington we have sharon bradford franklin she is a senior counsel at the constitution project and in new york we cross the coral grossman he is an investigative reporter writer and professor of journalism at the state university of new york ok crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i very much encourage it sharon if i can go to you first in washington has mr obama been truthful with us and has his national security team actually perjured themselves when it comes to these programs well we're certainly very concerned about the director of national intelligence clapper as responses to senator wyden recent health testimony where senator wyden asked directly is the n.s.a. gathering any data about american.


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