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tv   The Truthseeker  RT  June 14, 2013 2:44pm-3:01pm EDT

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when i've done your bush or water food and pope foolish in control highly disturbing footage in this program bill gates eugenics planned caught on camera kids in reaction to genetically modified organisms and apply for food riots are expected this summer. should not be a human rights according to food joint mislay it's both admitted in an interview for a big think he has no place for philanthropic ideas and. bang on about declaring water a public right that means as a human being you should have a right to water personally i believe it's better to give it
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a value and then one should take specific measures for the population that has no access to this want to mange so it's not just true to enter the natural thought you thanks a lot for coming on would you make of this i mean if water should be owned by these major corporations then why not the air that we breathe why can't the air be privatized then why can't every aspect of our lines be turned into corporate owned by the walls of wall to investment films about to call commercialized the element key to life we know what takes place when the single most critical result is on the planet get commercialized it's already happened an investigation by frederick kofman the hope was magazine found off the wall street cleared the housing market in zero eight the big banks turned to something even more essential food thanks to the regulation and removed trading limits goldman sachs started a trend of buying and holding code of amount of the most critical crawl. weet.
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royce. pool. now with prizes once again nearing historic caused the mess the truth is the institute of technology reports everything is now in place for another world roy it's their restructuring of these commodity markets pushed two hundred fifty million new people into food insecurity and starving and brought the world total up to over a billion people this is the most abysmal total in the history of the world it was not only. in berkin a fast this was in america you had one out of five children in america at soup kitchens and then. be seen trying now patented property of one corporation called one cent cotton seed used to cost fire a piece seventy two pieces. then one cent to enter this bt cotton it shocked the price up to three thousand six hundred rupees a kilogram. but now they bring the only sadness. on
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their order over five thousand dollars in debts three days ago she tells me he hung himself over the eighty percent of key u.s. grown foods like cool already genetically modified when g.m.o. is good from the lab to the table doctors and scientists consistently warn of extremists theorists every single independent study conducted on the impact of genetically modified food shows that it damages the organs it causes infertility it causes immune system failure it causes holes in the g.i. tract it causes multiple organ system failure britain in the ninety's gave three million dollars for testing the safety of g.m. most of the leading global experts in the field talk to push type the germ or ticking time bomb documentary reports within just ten days. to exhibiting horrific
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changes it became clear. that the gene had a slower growth it had problems with. development of its. knocked at the immune system for two days he was a hero to the world's media pushed i was fired after thirty five years with threats of a lawsuit and the industry loads. smear campaign if independent. companies are usually expected to test for safety curve of this is what nonsense who admitted . monsanto should not have to validate the safe the safety of biotech food our interest is in selling as much of it as possible regulates in the us is the food and drug administration the if a poem is made month voice president taylor the food dissolved in charge of
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america's food safety its filth this documentary knows some of the consequences the u.s. government's weak program provides free formula to over two million newborns but only the genetically engineered varieties like you can go. in my kitchen only that i think is going your i mean is turning red you can freeze properly on the i thought it was an i told me no no no i was just thinking since having it always a good time. and i knew that we took them to the doctors and i. know this test i'm sure happens to be working for now. twenty five thirty thirty five years ago no one was allergic to anything now everything had people that allergic to parsley when you link it to the g.m. always shoot it resonates like you would not believe the villain in this is obama today because he's seen first what he promised blatantly that he would look into
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this and do something and he didn't let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified because americans should know what they're buying he also appointed what is the guy's name michael taylor used to be a v.p. at monsanto the seat of evil to be the food czar the f.d.a. deputy commissioner of food and of course monsanto's latest frankenfood got speedy approval because this guy is in charge of it because it's like putting jerry sandusky in charge of chuckie cheese a person who monsanto's the couple who told us that p c b's were saying. they told us that agent orange was safe they told us that was safe and now they're in charge of telling us if their own genetically modified foods are safe because the f.d.a. doesn't require a single safety study they leave it to a new bombshell e-mail is even more when investigative journalist. questioned athenia g.m.o. executive on shocking evidence that genetically modified foods caused in the foot here's how he responded. if this causes infertility awesome the world is
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overpopulated this is why i g m o is actually saving the planet i am doing humanity a fun favor sincerely ed. questions are now being all still month. injected a permanent infer to lety gene into call the corporation's name is at the site at this site patented a product patent. which crosses both men and women even. in the form of any product. to produce antibodies rendering them irreversibly sterile now dupont and monsanto. formed a joint venture. purchased the episodic firm and. commercialized the epicenter gene do you want to know if the food that you
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are eating contains the episodic gene the f.d.a. the fraud and death administration has made sure that under current law it is illegal for you to have that information. only remarks of bill gates twenty three million dollars of. globally g. the vaccines collection he calls the solution for the world has been recorded explaining this solution is actually to cut the world's population of the world today has six point eight billion people that's headed up to about nine billion now if we do a really great job we could lower that by perhaps ten or fifteen percent the density in the poor areas is greater than they can grow the food benefits are in terms of reducing the population growth the only things that reduce the population
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those thought prison planets are ones that they realize people to be his foundation's funding big vision programs such as this one the scrotums with ultrasound to. their gaze that she calls for the so-called this panels to decide where the folks should live as he puts it they have no benefit whatsoever and a lack of willingness to say you know is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that petion would it be better to see which ones actually have no benefit whatsoever but that's called the death panel and you're not supposed to have that discussion because that she brags he's doing god's work both the government's exactly the same thing wolf and millions into starvation it is going on his father was one of the main grandfathers of the whole entire eugenics movement here inside the united states and it's still going strong today my dad was head of planned parenthood and it was very
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controversial and bill gates is here once again pushing the g m o's and everything else that is also reducing the population because that's what he says if we do a good enough job with the next nations and everything we able to reduce the population the polio vaccines now are the number one cause of polio there's no question that bill gates is not doing god's work and if he is doing god's work i would ask which god you know how if we moved to open plains to take away our water hole. food and pope relation controls they speak to us as if we are piano and peasants in medieval times and they are the kings queens and nobles why did they target the low income portions may twenty fifth of zero two million people across forty eight states and six continents most against month and so what do you make of the company refusing to talk to us because we cope with the mulch they can't stand up to the fact they wouldn't come on this show i would love to debate among boy and
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shown that email i mean what would they say they have nothing they go into these poor communities and then of course reduced yields so what happens to these farmers they end up killing themselves by drinking the bio perhaps the size that monsanto gave them so every thirty minutes while we've been talking someone has killed themselves execs now boast about infertility from g m o's hold food and say water shouldn't be a human rights when sense who has publicly stated it was to control one hundred percent of the world's food supply the government isn't stopping them so who will this is the truth they go.
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mission free could you take three months for charges free. range month free free. studio type priests download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media oh god r t dot com. dangerous experiments on prisoners they want to make money and they have healthy guinea pigs in the regular society and i label the use prisoners i mean more they wish they could. drug tests on human guinea pigs. paid
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to pop deadly pills he didn't pass away he was killed. he didn't pass away they let him down. is pharmacy really about helping people. they all told him a language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports and let you know what is the no i will leave them to stay current comment on your latter point of the month to say it's if mr k.l.a. car is on the docket no god. ok no more weasel words when you made a direct question be prepared for a chase when you throw a punch be ready for a battle freedom of speech and down to freedom to question.
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away builds on the bones of its makers. through one of the wildest and most beautiful regions of russia a place that's home to less than a million people. the great frosts. join me. as i travel the coldest inhabited place in the world. and meet some of the toughest people i'm told to. just make sure that you keep your eyes on the road.
3:00 pm
brace. us all provide military aid to syria's rebels are claiming it has evidence of the assad regime used chemical weapons moscow called washington's reasoning flawed. plans to develop a balkan istanbul that calls weeks of protests turkey has been slow but there's no clear agreement on how to prevent government demos continuing. and with polls now closed in iran's election we examine the controversial legacy left behind by the nation is all going.


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