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tv   Keiser Report  RT  June 15, 2013 3:29pm-4:01pm EDT

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charge was a big. welcome to the cuz a report. on much of the western debt fuel consumption addicted world with we were row row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily that life was but a dream for in fact the reality is that we're up creek without a paddle stacey. max keiser literally if you listen to this first headline sold down the river how thames water diverts its tax liability via the caribbean despite five hundred forty nine million pounds profit and six point
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seven percent price hike u.k.'s largest water company received five million pound treasury rebate as well so thames water put up customer bills by six point seven percent they paid their chief executive a two hundred seventy four thousand pounds bonus and made profits of five hundred forty nine million pounds on a turnover of one point eight billion pounds yet customer satisfaction had dipped and hundreds of people's homes were flooded with sewage. yeah whoa this story's got it all here you have a basic utility that was built for built by the taxpayer built by the people in britain through their taxes over the years as part of the common wealth part of the public domain essentially that gets privatized through corruption in government what this government or the previous government or the previous government it's corruption then you've got private contractors then they destroy it they load up with debt and it doesn't even function anymore as an operating agility so people
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are swimming in their own fecal matter paying huge taxes and watching the price of water go up for the thames which is as you see right behind me a flowing river through the city of london for thousands of years it doesn't require privatization and financial rape but nevertheless that's what britain gets well a few things here first of all ok they paid zero tax zero because of the way that corporations are allowed to put their income through the caribbean no u.k. citizen could do that they would in fact be thrown in prison if they attempted to do so so these corporations can do it and they did loaded up with debt there was a lot of debt they said they intercompany loans they call it so they were able to write off the interest they paid on those loans to themselves but in terms of what you were saying about the privatized they should in a corrupt way in fact. everybody in the united kingdom was involved in it they were complicit in the corruption because as the headline in the mirror talks about
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thames water pays no corporation tax despite making five hundred forty nine million pounds profit so the water industry was privatized in the late eighties by margaret thatcher how did she do it well just like she privatized british telecom and these others she gave the people shares so all the water companies were immediately floated now only three of those companies are still listed all the rest were bought out by private equity in the case of thames water so by mcquarrie this trail you guys who own a lot of the toll booths by the way the private roads inside america this is basically selling the care and buying the mill technique that now the prices are going higher the generation after the fact your generation of course is going to be paying through the teeth and their standard of living is now less than it was the first time in a hundred years here in britain current generation standard of living is dropping underneath the previous generation so continuing on this theme of margaret thatcher
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where she started with this privatization of various things and the big bang the deregulation this is another thing why we are row row row your boat not so gently up the stream because we are as you said up bleeps creek because when you look at the global financial system what has happened is we have a totally deregulated global financial system derivatives and fraud and stuff were allowed to happen now the least regulated of all the financial markets by the way is the four x. market the foreign exchange market this is where four point seven trillion dollars per day is traded on the global four x. markets traders said to rig currency rates to profit off clients traders at some of the world's biggest banks manipulated benchmark foreign exchange rates used to set the value of trillions of dollars of investments according to five dealers with knowledge of the practice so what has been happening here is that employees have been front running client orders. breaking w.-m. reuters rates by pushing through trays before enduring the sixty second windows
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when the benchmarks are set so the current and former traders who requested anonymity because the practice is controversial dealers colluded with counterparts to boost chances of moving the rates oh i've talked about this before that no price on any market reflects supply and demand there's no price discovery we live in what i call the price holy ground these are prices every single price on every single market is generated by manipulation and through this type of n.s.a. prism enabled whole graph generating pseudo economy which is beneficial only for those who are running the simulation it's a simulated economy it's not real and people are falling out of the out of the whole ground the price hologram and those people are not being cared to or thought about anyway they're just being rolled over by this and they their lives are meaningless this is why i don't understand this this incredible duplicity coming
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out of america because you hear the leadership talk about. insinuating that they care about our lives that's not true they don't since the crisis began in two thousand and seven what we've been told over and over is that we must move forward we must not look back these banks are too big to fail we need them stop banker bashing so we're always told to continue forward and day after day after day after day after day after day since then they are constantly taking half a fraction of a penny there another fraction of a penny there another fraction of a dollar there and it adds up to trillions over the years and everybody wonders why there are so many people living on food stamps why so many of the global financial markets have been destabilized why that why we need quantitative easing people don't understand this. because over and over we keep on looking forward and not wanting to look back and trust that the governments and central banks are taking
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care of us whether they're spying on us or printing money that it must be for our own good you know interest rates once they start ticking up as they're doing now you're going to have a lot of bomb damage on the balance sheet and moretti rating the bonds they're remaining too big to fail banks are going to be entering into a period of consolidation so we're going to have these too big to fail banks become even much bigger and of course all the abuses that come with that will become much worse because of all these abuses which you see over and over that not only are people on food stamps but americans and people around the world are having to work longer and longer longer seventy's eighty's ninety's you're going to see ninety year old people working out walmer doing the checkout because they've been ripped off over and over and over their pension funds have been. defrauded and inflation has destroyed their purchasing power so we're going to look at this headline here bank seen as eight and fraud against older consumers so there's
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a civil lawsuit being brought by federal authorities and a consumer law firm against science bank which is one hundred forty year old bank based out near the n.s.a. i might say up a new top and first bank of delaware and what they've been doing is basically aiding fraud they've been aiding fraud targeting over sixty five's so how they've been aiding is that they look the other way so what these marketers have been doing are targeting old people calling them claiming they're from medicare and that they need to re new their health insurance card and the person then says ok i need this new health insurance card here are my bank details and then they immediately take hundreds of dollars out of their bank account well the old person then calls the bank and request a refund because this is they've been defrauded and when they have these charge backs usually if it's over a certain. i'm like five percent it's a sign that this is a fraudulent marketer this is
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a fraudulent merchant and they found instead looking the other way what they found was that. bank case for example one guy sent an e-mail saying wow this this account is so fraudulent there's over fifty percent case of charge backs and his boss wrote back turning them off and send them somewhere else is not an option you know a few years ago banks are getting. compensated for the bad bets that they made in the derivatives markets and there would be given the tarp bailout funds in these types of things for their shoddy management now you know to take it a step further they're just not taking reckless bets and getting reimbursed they're targeting people like elderly and they're committing massive fraud knowing that any losses are generating in the system will be more than paid back by their friends in the government and the n.s.a. and prism that they all share in the loop of the of the fraud and that's why washington d.c. is now the wealthiest zip code in the world not l.a.
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not new york. not washington d.c. and it's all generated by. a langley cia barack obama from a from a front fraud fraud that's all they do in your. hey guess what it might be easier to just top yourself and that's the message of obama yeah and they've been continuing to do this for this fraud by the way bank they effectively let between two thousand and seven and two thousand and nine once the crisis was well underway they were assisting in this fraud were eight hundred they allowed three thirty nine million dollars taken from hundreds of thousands of accounts to be transferred to canada india and the caribbean this is where most of the money went so at first delaware however they said return rates for some merchants exceeded eighty percent yet the more questionable the merchant the more fees a bank stands to collect prosecutors say every time victor. flag an unauthorized charge and demanded money back banks collect fees to process the return those fees
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are far larger according to banking documents than the ones charged for processing the original transactions so they make more money on the fraudulent charges then they make on just plain old familiar utility style banking mostly in the war zone you know a lot of money is made by selling the helicopters and the guns there's no ideology certainly in america for america and their current wars and in the banking sector is the same thing there's no ideology in terms of providing a service they're just they're mercenaries they're predators they're looking to kill people rip them off and they and they go to these conventions whether it's build a burger somewhere else and they hold up their scalps and they get make it and sit in the sweat lodge and have all you know jolly good old time about all the people who have murdered and raped and destroyed what their financial terrorism. j.p. morgan and barclays you are the best financial terrorists in the world you're engaged in a financial hole with your moms are proud of you all right stacey over thanks so
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much being on the kaiser report thank you max stay tuned for the second half we'll be talking to comedian the lead. will. technology innovation all the developments from around russia. the future of covered. i wouldn't be here. to. give. you. you.
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you know i think. you disagree. you. do. not. need to be. given. the. ok.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax guys are time now to turn to comedian lee
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camp who hosts the hit crowd funded website moments of clarity which you can find online at his site league camp dot com league camp welcome to the kaiser report. thanks for having me actually it's lea cam dot net. all right well for those of you in the audience it's leaking dot net right now lee camp you were recently on to or in the u.k. with your comedy act called transatlantic see year e y the theory. it's the same reason that you talk about every day it's you know the same stuff i talk about of my web series we're in the middle of a drop down drag out bloody freakin war and a lot of us are too dumb medicated or blissfully on educated to realize it and meanwhile i love that in america they tell us we're in a recovery why why. we have than most homeless people in new york city since the great depression and we're in recovery you know looking at stock prices and
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deciding that's the health of a society is like looking at a dying man and judging his health on how the leeches look you know well they look pretty healthy there's a good leeches are going to be fine and i'm going to ask a question transatlantic comedy that you're doing if you can give me an idea of the difference in the audiences because here in europe where you've just finished a tour you're in ireland and you're in britain in scotland and of course there are having a real experience with austerity and other things versus what's going on in america just from the audience perspective late you can fill me in on that i'm curious. i mean in terms of what's happening in the world i don't think there is a lot of difference i think kids see you know corporate raping and pillaging of the world that it seems like a lot of people have say excepted like it's a katy perry song we just figure it's going to be around for a while might as well try and pretend like we like it i mean the difference is not that huge i mean sure there's little subtle differences but due to globalization
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we're all in the same crap storm here. all right now i caught your act with nick were valid who you're touring with who's a local all british comedian who's doing a lot of political humor and there seems to be an upsurge in political humor now finally and you have something in your act that i like very much you talk about a new way to look at billionaires in terms of hoarding and i thought this was very interesting if you can talk about that right one of the things that that infuriates me more than anything is not that billionaires have that much wealth you know not that the six heirs of the wal-mart fortune have the same amount of wealth as the bottom forty percent of america but if you were told to respect them and look up to them like they're there some kind of heroes there's psychopaths they're freaking psychopath they're no more fit for society than the guy who kidnapped neighborhood dogs and has a peanut butter office. alas for society because at least mr nutter butters make and dogs happy so i think we should view them as the same way we view those people
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on the t.v. show hoarders all right these people you don't respect anybody else who collects a million of something you know if someone tells you they've got a million shoes you're like what's the matter with you so we should view them like orders you don't make fun of hoarders but when you don't go to them for advice no one walks into their houses and there's like wow you've got a room filled with eighteen years worth of yogurt containers and another room filled with old coca-cola cans and expired parakeets this is really impressive but what struck me about this act this retain is that it just is so true and that the the billions of dollars being accumulated by individuals whether it's larry ellison or bill gates or jamie diamond are these bankers in the corporate chieftains they are not circulating in the economy in any productive way the unemployment numbers are horrible wages are horrible the economy is stagnant and you have huge problems because of these hoarders people who just stack up money in their basement they
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don't do anything with it and it's really a disease now many of these arranged tours are also hard core criminals and gays and ongoing criminal banking conspiracies against the population and yet the department of justice in america has said that they won't prosecute what's going on there lee yeah i love they say they won't prosecute because that could hurt the economy well don't you think it could hurt the economy and hurt the people of the world when you tell the biggest criminals in the world that they're never going to be prosecuted prosecuted what what i heard someone hurts us more than that and furthermore i love that the f.b.i. does a report every year with a list all the crime all the street crime and it amounts to these are old numbers but amounts to about four or five billion dollars a year of street crime now white collar crime you know the top corporate crime amounts to four to five hundred billion again old numbers i'm sure it's much higher now but and it's not mentioned it's not mentioned in the report. you know that's like that's like listing all the oil spills and leaving out the exxon valdez it's
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like listing all the terrorist attacks and leaving out gangnam style you know it's like it's like listing all the greatest sports heroes all the greatest hockey players of all time in leaving out muhammad ali i don't know sports i don't know sports i might be wrong but but you get the point yeah well let me ask you about this prism n.s.a. scandal because here's really the worst crisis in a constitutional crisis and history of america it violates everything in the constitution and the bill of rights put forward by corporations working with government. to effectively. they've done a coup there's been an overthrow in government as to most tehran and all. that we've seen and yet you've got media outlets like the new york times and commissary by the name of david brooks who justifies these actions is it because he's corrupt is he stupid is he
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a propaganda meister. how does how does he face absolve you've seen this what's good about it yeah i think they've got a prop up the status quo i mean you have to whenever there's a threat to the status quo you have to jump in there if you're one of these guys who's making his living who's making his entire career and everything based on the status quo you have to jump in there and say no no no it's fine it's fine ignore the ignore the man behind the curtain and you know this is this is horrific this this spying scandal because look you could you could believe just suspend disbelief you could believe that obama and congress right now are the last people in the world they're all angels and they all out to help us and give us a better society you can believe that and you can still understand that they have put in place obama and bush and put in place the the easiest system of surveillance infrastructure for a tyrant to use if the next president is not mr angel and comes in all he's got to do is turn a key and it's the most horrific surveillance infrastructure we can't we can't fix
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regular infrastructure we can't put money into a state bridges or a roads or anything all of bridges are about to collapse over here in the united states but we can put billions and trillions of dollars into spying infrastructure on our own people in the camp let me ask you about a tweet that i saw from a friend of mine alec baldwin who is tweeting that and i find a stand his tweets correctly he was saying that there's nothing barack obama can do against tyranny against prism in the n.s.a. because he would end up like john f. kennedy. it is the only thing the left in america has to offer in terms of a comeback or a push back against open tyranny that the president can't do anything because of potential of another. nine hundred sixty three event well it's yeah the obama apologists are just insane look i'm on the left too but i you've got to look at the facts are right you know he has obama has choices even if you can't do everything
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he has joy says he he can choose to go after all whistleblowers more than any administration before him he can choose to surround himself by goldman sachs advisors and chase bank advisors you know he can choose to to do these things and and so he has plenty of choices and you look at his choices and you say this is not the guy of hope and change you know there's a great video circulating of obama two thousand and seven debating obama two thousand and thirteen and it is night and day these are two people of separate political parties debating each other it's absolute just apollo you know apologies for something that is an apology you know you can't you can't really defend this this insane borderline fascist spying infrastructure that has been created now we can't buy i've been following your career you know i follow comedians now for twenty five thirty years and i must say i really think you are one of the brightest the coming on the scene at the moment i know if i'm correct me if i'm
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wrong but you came out of the occupy wall street movement to some degree there was a lot of rage that was generated during that period you started doing videos. started touring you start making a name for yourself but that rage in society and there and the occupy rage seems to have diminished somewhat do you feel of like you're like the wiley coyote you've run off the edge of the cliff and there's nobody there to support you because the rage is gone it seems or my missing something well yes. i mean i've been doing this for years and i think the rage is still there i think for one thing occupy still there occupying was a technique it was a tactic and tactics have to change and so you know tear gas is an acquired taste and it was a tactic that it had to change but but the people that that became activated by occupy are still there and they're still doing great work you know things like strike debt where they buy up like health care debt and get in
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a race it's because the banks are destroying people's lives those type of things are still around in the still working very hard so i don't take anything from those activists but on top of that i think the rage very much is still there i think we're in the middle of a dropdown really bloody war and you know a lot of people need to need to realize it and need to need to not accept i mean the plutocrats have to come up with a way to make sure we don't point the finger at them you know and the way is is this ideal which we love in america of pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you want to if you want to get yourself up there you can do it you know if you want your bushwhacked you've got to do it yourself all those things and it's not it's not people's fault it's not twenty eight million americans are either out of work or of give up trying and it's not their fault you can't say there's something wrong with twenty eight million americans the c.e.o. to worker pay gap has gone up a thousand percent since the one nine hundred fifty s. that's not the workers' fault like i think people need to realize it's not their
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fault and this defeatism. you know i read various things to test ics again on twitter i guess my main source of information these days but they were saying that the poorest in america are still better off than eighty percent of the world's population so this sets up an interesting question about the apathy of the typical american because even though they're getting screwed horribly by this government and spied on they're still what they're measly chicken salaries able to buy a pizza sit in front of a big screen t.v. pop open a beer and hang out and do nothing which is better than eighty percent of the world's population how do you what's going to happen either america falls down to join the rest of the world into abject poverty or there's going to be what more of
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what we're seeing in turkey that is a say a joining up with this global insurrection against banker occupation what do you think well yeah it's very much true that the the wealth we enjoy the relative wealth we enjoy is on the backs of these workers in third world countries that are working for pennies so that they can make the plastic trinkets and the crappy t. shirts that we get to wear on a daily basis and so we do need to realize that yeah it's people aren't standing up i think largely because we do have our movies and we have our crappy t.v. shows that keep us asleep in anesthetized against it all but i don't think you know you said what's the what's the alternative do we all go back to addict abject poverty but i don't think i think there's there's very much enough resources around there's enough water for everybody and bad t.v. for everybody and food for everybody and shelter the problem is like you said earlier the dollars that are being hoarded in little households around the planet and you know i've heard the analogy that view saying something can't be done
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because we don't have a. money to do it like feeding everyone and giving everyone water is like saying that a builder has enough wood nails and hammers but not enough inches he's using up all the inches i mean dollars are numbers on a screen they are a measurement and we have allowed that measurement to corrupt our entire system of thinking all right that's all the time but thanks so much for being on the kaiser report. thank you max good fine ok that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser a par with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guest comedian les cap you can find his work at leat camp dot net if you'd like to send us an email please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot are you saying bio.
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