tv Documentary RT June 15, 2013 11:29pm-12:01am EDT
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at the hilton rather than a tapering ate the same thing as raving and just great if that makes sense to you please do feel free to leave a comment on facebook about it and add another scandalous development and dependent foreclosure appeal to the bum looks like a top bad boy or got alvarez got his hands dirty with this one and we're grateful to our big coin buddies trade and dre as for helping us reflect on security issues as they relate to the security state and finally to our viewers thank you for helping us realize what's important to you and we're going to meditate on this week the best make sure to come back on monday from everyone at prime interest i'm parian boring have a great week and. you
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was. was. was. right. there are your question transition for coercion began to shoot can for the area i guess right where i'm going to come and. powell was focused on september first and two weeks ago they put a note on my property saying that it was abandon and vacant and that they were going to ten of the water showed up here and chosen two days august they can
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because they would never need to put a note to let me know on the door for bitumen the first floor the main tool and is a slow day. that he's not go reporting until his sets up states. have a view. see i did the lip dialing myself also and. like apartment upstairs this is like four bedroom on this floor this is. there was another gradually at that destroyed there was one here in the back that they took down i bought it in one nine hundred ninety seven for eighty thousand dollars. and now. their land under the house is worth half a million because it's rezoning. and
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it is very typical. when we have been for clothes we feel guilt we feel shame. we feel inadequate and inferior thinking gee how come i couldn't take care of my finances knew better how come i didn't learn why did the. brokers made more money steering borrowers and to loans that cost more to risk your loans made for a better return and so there was no reason for them to give someone a decent loan when they could make so much more money giving them a bad one a lot of us do not understand their needs trade language. defined prints especially you know people we counted what is able like. this like i am
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be and i'm not i don't think it'll be a cell phone like that before dad kind of the crash we have a good gap and we pay out of me it's like everybody has like you know would you guys have an x. ray take out but when the climate crashed i lost my i have and i had dad and i may have enough money to pay my bills so i came here i think a. couple bought a week or so before christmas and that was very interesting too because it is christmas and we're going to present for my son i didn't think i would a good trip because i might follow we not called on the street because we want to astoria right around a corner you've got you've got people on the ground that's homeless to me that's saddest cold outside so i might sound we bless we we but you know we hope was that really we got it we got to still be here don't but you
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know what what have the we lost the family hope i would if they were brother for the wow did not you know company here so. i'm here you know i had two kids are. kind of tired of this situation dave really wants to have their own place. and. i do my best to get in a. dinner when i go back to another shelter in the us saying dad is getting up around here. everybody because he's not i want to get a house for them around is now that is syrian army you know. it's you know. i'm like someone's gonna love it i don't want to move no where i was going. on move for my kids. i still believe in the american dream because without
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a vision the people will perish. so i still believe in in the dream i'm living the dream i'm back in my home and i'm fighting for others to stay in their homes assassin cisco they have a waiting list of twenty seven thousand people i'll say that again they have a waiting list of twenty seven thousand people you know i have a nothing but respect for president obama but you know. it really needs to provide some real hope and some real alternatives to people that have done nothing wrong i don't do drugs he doesn't do drugs you know we're clean we're respectful we're intelligent human beings so why didn't you clean respectful intelligent human beings have to live in one room for the rest of their life for the majority of
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their life rather than our own you know i'm upset and i just say that they are you know i don't know if you haven't heard of the plantation then a mix when people have been reduced to slavery and then exploited and all their life some of them sway away from war and i mean that's what we suffer from in all poor neighborhoods of color in the in the in the nation is the deep psychological trauma that the plantation mentality as in is that actually part of them what they call the matrix of willie brown the wizard former mayor who was. a black mayor back to totally sold out to the system as soon as you were elected in no book no hard play trust fact t.v. because when he was elected my son was a black man did a block party here to celebrate the first black mayor of the united states and as
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soon as he was sworn into office he made the statement i do think that gentrification is a bad idea for san francisco and he sold us out to the developers right thing and. they were a man is doing things that are not to me the class people are so like everybody says when the people who work in our government or is going to stay . in two thousand and eight thousand cards collapsed. we learned that mortgages had been sold to people who couldn't afford or understand. banks and made huge bets and bonuses with other people's money. regulators had looked the other way or didn't have the authority to stop the bad behavior. it was wrong. it was irresponsible.
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and it plunged our economy into a crisis the put millions out of work saddled us with more debt and left innocent hardworking americans holding the bag for years jennifer fried inbox has been assisting in organizing the new poor created by the ambition of a financial system without rules she's the director of the coalition on homelessness a center for the protection of social rights so typical day we might be you know having meetings with homeless people do it outreach in talking to folks working on media communicating with people via e-mail maybe trying to go down to city hall and try to you know like right now are working on legislation that they're really teaching them on. this is the richest country in the world of me or. just feel like. we're against poor. or like you know we are the poorest and they don't have we're just really i mean.
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they are of course by leaving. us to. their cost that she. is asleep on the street all right we have thirty six thousand men do you need to be good to be like i'm on the list public housing twenty two thousand people a mom. really believe housing right now that you know who these people are because i don't know what iraq is because it's more important. i think that's ridiculous though there's no exact numbers on how many people exactly are homeless in san francisco but the latest homeless count showed there was around six thousand at a point in time count but it undercounted families there's probably another two thousand families on top of that another couple thousand news so we know that there's about twelve thousand every year that are trying to seek shelter in san francisco so we don't have exact now. first but you know somewhere between six and fifteen thousand people without
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a free video dog r t dot com in. the highway builds on the bones of its maker it's the winds through one of the wildest and most beautiful regions of russia a place that's home to less than a million people on the campus of the great frost's. join me james brown as i travel to the coldest inhabited place in the world. and meet some of the toughest people and hardest on amiss on the planet. just make sure that you keep your eyes on the road well for our heart. race to the poll of polls only on three. well. this month high tech means could help with the latest laser cutters
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. however at the break of the recession we had this huge surge where we had a tripling in the number of families who were on the wait list for shelter and that reached the highest point ever about a month ago we had a increase in the number of people who were single adults who were homeless about a fifty percent increase there we have about sixty percent of all the people right now seeking shelter are homeless for the very first time in the united states especially of plays a very central role because it's this very much this culture where if you just work hard you can get ahead and that there's this idea then that if they if people
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aren't able to get ahead that it's their own fault. but they have missed a lot of processes that there's been cases where people we've talked to where people are even given a foreclosure notice and they get evicted or the house is sold an auction they don't know anything about it and so you know that's illegal however there are none
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of these laws unfortunately. are there all civil violations so there's no regulation around them and the banks do whatever the hell they want it's about a month behind at that point with the rural loan services and i really approached them with the little effort to find out what were my options so what they told me i should do is to they offered me a loan modification of september it was a friday it was about two thirty after you know never forget it actually was two thirty four to be exact i remember. i would call thirty the lawyer. and i said where is the paperwork that you're supposed to be sending me that says that. the cell date was stopped.
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and she told me. that the sell date was solid now september thirteenth q. . and tell one day i was getting ready to leave the city for a few hours and my phone rang and they told me are you justifying tolbert as the i am a we are the new owners after you what they say we are the new owners i thought it was a bad dream us up that i would try to get myself to wake up here they sold the house to. the new owner and the new owner. when i had left to go as i said i'm a day care provider i went to drop all of my granddaughter to school when i came back of i saw a lot of people standing in front of my gate where they had changed the locks on my gate i could not get into my house. with the increase of insolvency procedures
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coming on to the desks of bankers credit institutions decided to take a much shorter and easier way to deal with the amount of paper robo signing with this method they were able to fake signatures needed in documents to proceed with foreclosure practice they can do all this without even looking at the papers every bank when they're going through foreclosure have to go through a process right in their laws that actually. they don't monitor but there are laws that they're supposed to abide by however most banks are. followed by that because there are so many foreclosures that they're killing at the same time one of the big ones is something called robo signing.
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what they fam. there were potentially thousands of foreclosures that were simply just being rubber stamped with no evaluation of the documentation or. the note maybe the foreclosing party didn't even have a right to foreclose so when that broke in the fall of two thousand and ten when that story came out everyone said whoa we've got to stop the foreclosures because we don't know if these are right or want to foreclosures because no one's reading the paperwork. so we're here to defend the right to housing which is why we've had
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a campaign against wells fargo in the big banks have been foreclosing on people. was going to. work here today is january twentieth and we're out here in san francisco with lots of people protesting for lots of different reasons it's part of the occupy movement but also a lot of people are out here that have been organized in struggle here in the city for their rights for housing rights for tenant rights for all sorts of things
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before the occupy movement really coalesced like last year. the crime of false witnesses in economic fraud linked with the scandal of robo signing was acknowledged by a government agreement it was altered in a fine of twenty billion dollars to be paid by the banks a subsidy of only one thousand eight hundred dollars was due to those who had seen their houses illegally foreclosed. and now we've got and there was an investigation and
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a recently announced the national mortgage settlement which addressed it was a as a result of the ruble signing scandal. and. it's it's tough to think about. all of the homes that have been us. and to know that some many of them may not have only been lost due to loans should have never been made but there are also do different closures that never should have happened. after the wave of junk loans new forms of debt have arisen. you can find payday loans are everywhere in the poor areas of the city these are small loans to be repaid within two weeks and are backed up by a salary or welfare check. the annual interest rate is more than three hundred percent they're more than twelve million americans trapped in this form of loan
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advertised as a simple and quick solution. but i think that payday loans are particularly. attractive for people who are living paycheck to paycheck because they're everywhere they're easy to get you don't have to go through a credit check and it seems very simple but the problem is that the entire mountain is borrowed is june in two weeks and so our problem with payday loans is that interest rates are extremely high three hundred sixty percent four hundred percent four hundred sixty percent really high numbers. well paid and some payday lenders get financing from banks and what we've seen
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happening lately the last few years is banks actually offering payday loans themselves so wells fargo which is headquartered here in cisco u.s. bank third bank these are all banks to offer should cool digit interest loans to their customers and essentially it works the same way as a payday loan you go where no credit check they put the money directly into your account and then as soon as you get a direct deposit they take everything out. and if it looks like a you know we say in this country that looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck it's a duck and so you know these banks are offering essential when an arm to a payday. or.
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