tv Headline News RT June 16, 2013 5:00pm-5:29pm EDT
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smoked out with tear gas flushed away by water cannons turkish police resort to harsh methods to keep defying anti-government protesters out of his temples taksim square. leaked information revealed american spies based in the u.k. intercepted top secret communications that dimitri medvedev who was then russia's president during a visit to the britain for the g. twenty summit this is world leaders are meeting in the u.k. for the g. eight. other news shaping the week after exposing the u.s. secret surveillance programs at cia whistleblower edward snowden remains holed up in hong kong awaiting washington's retaliate. iran's new president hassan rouhani promises a new moderate course what the west hopes for major shift in the country's nuclear ambitions and the stance on the syrian conflict.
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one am in moscow a mattress a good to have you with us here on r t our top story at the moment is temple's taksim square remains deserted but police have intervened on crowds gathered in on her as avenues according to local media throughout the day there were clashes with protesters across the city that left up to seventy arrested earlier taksim square the end the symbol of anti-government unrest was sealed off after special forces drove out demonstrators and destroyed temporary camps now are seeing the opposite effect there crackdown as angry protests are flaring up across the country in response to go go has more. this point there are more of confrontations between the police and protesters taking place in other parts of this goal they have been going
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on really throughout the night and the entire morning they're lesser numbers but it doesn't mean they're less intense than the were last night when clashes erupted after police decided started clearing out taksim square and gezi park an hour after prime minister erdogan has made another announcement that his patience has run out and he said the protesters have until sunday to leave but like i said just an hour later the police began their operation with tear gas water cannons even rubber bullets all of this was used in taksim square and in gezi park literally bulldozers are brought in to get rid off the tents in the gezi park at this point it's completely clear as well as taksim square gezi park is not open to any public whatsoever no media no medical staff no no one is allowed there the protesters have congregated in the streets really close to talks and square last night adjacent to the square they were also dispersed by police pushed back into the city at the same time where the hearing about this thousands of people have marched on to talk to
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the side of this but they were stopped by police on the bosphorus bridge again clashes erupted there again tear gas and water cannons this is written in turkey remains quite tense at the moment because a lot of people are saying that there is an increasing chozen between the protesters and those people who support prime minister erdogan and a lot of people believe that he is a matter of fact is the one who is creating that she hasn't as we show in our report. clashes turmoil blood smoke and even death this has been to cause reality for the past two weeks as protests show no sign of subsiding prime minister erdogan shows clear indication he won't budge neither on the prospects of gives you the demolition nor on other requests coming from taksim square. made the. more serious than he was before. he travelled to support his talent is spreading some do some information about
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people drinking in mosques or people attacking house car for men and the like the people or killing policemen and most of those information is very incorrect looters alcoholics extremists foreign agents all bound to wreak havoc in turkey and this is the reality of protests according to our don and those some may believe him authors remain critical of the prime minister. i'm against the protests but i think these protests come from foreign forces from other countries which are not happy with the success and development. but i'm really angry with the government i think the one acts like a ticker tape he does have a he wants he didn't hear what other people think. i'm against the protests are the pork because things are getting out of control also the foreign press show it like a big event and this made the protests even bigger but the government wants to make this work. so far however these efforts appear to have resulted in
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more clashes in istanbul than in karate throughout the week with numerous reports of police brutality we spoke directly to officers to try to find out their side of the story. from day one we were for three days without sleep or food when you can't eat and afterwards we can think about is sleeping we slept on the pavement on the grass or on our shields maximum one hour. i didn't get face to face with the protesters but i had no access to any information my phone battery died so i had no idea why the protests got so big the only things i heard were orders from our commanding officers. the pressure on police has been so great that according to their union six officers have committed suicide while nearly a thousand resigned because of the protests as the protests continue with all participants of the conflicts girly increasingly tired and desperate and the
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government making no clear effort to ease the tensions some begin to wonder where prime minister don prides himself on a building boom in turkey has actually destroyed the very bridges within society in the country in istanbul that. for a second day in a row turkey's prime minister is gathered in army of his supporters for a counter rally this one also held in istanbul where over and i mean government demonstrators were forcefully dispersed by. minister erdogan again labeled protesters traitors and accuse the foreign media of painting an accurate picture of what's going on world affairs journalist neil clark thanks erda once taken a combative stance against the protesters feeling he'll get away with a crackdown thanks to strong western support and one hundred feels emboldened really trapped in a very harsh way against the protesters at least emboldened because he's a member of nato and a u.s. ally and i think it's very interesting to see just how muted the criticism of the don has been over the last week in the west john kerry made some mutterings about not using too much force but william hague for example has been cited the french
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have been silent and i think the shin bone and i had to come down hard on protesters putting the police putting water cannons that the plastic bullets etc i think go to heinz field really there's no room pressure on him to actually negotiate to meet with the protesters why should he is thinking because he's got the backing of nato and the u.s. the u.s. will do everything to stop him from falling from out the other thing is of course elections are here in turkey for two more years the opposition is divided so he thinks he's in a very strong position. while the confusion over the u.s. sweeping surveillance program is gaining momentum another revelation is coming from the u.k. according to the guardian newspaper former russian president dmitri medvedev was ease dropped on during the g twenty summit in london back in zero nine the report says other foreign politician communications were intercepted as well the
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surveillance program included monitoring telephone calls and setting up fake internet cafes to spy on delegate computer use the leak comes on the eve of the upcoming g. eight summit which kicks off monday in belfast yes a surveillance program exposed by former cia officer edward snowden has sparked global outrage. and head of the g eight summit syria dominated talks between russia's president and british prime in the british prime minister in london the two leaders said they shared common ground on the need for a diplomatic solution to the crisis but as artie's polly boyko reports from london differences remain. well the leaders very said that they are committed to having a diplomatic resolution to the syrian crisis they are committed to organizing this so-called geneva two conference which will see both sides come to the negotiating table in order to discuss a peaceful way out of the quite says but at the same time they both admitted that they have very different approaches and analyses of the situation in syria at the
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moment while david cameron says that bash our last sad is to blame for everything that's taking place and that he must go to me putin says it's less clear and he thinks that both sides are to blame now you know that david cameron has supported the idea of lifting that you arms involved all but it's sending military aid to the syrian rebels the first person hasn't committed itself to that yet however they have definitely been discussing it with the last taking that step now jim a person isn't sure about what will happen if on this are sent to syria and if they fall into the wrong hands. but still. when it comes to selling weapons to our says government who's responsible for the blood including of children i don't think you'll deny that both sides are responsible there's always the question of who's to blame i don't deny that we shouldn't support people opening up other people's
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bodies and each in their entrails on camera do you want to support these people you would see them live near putin in response to a journalist's question about why russia provides arms to syria he was quite frank he said russia provides defensive weapons to the syrian the legitimate syrian government it's not breaking any rules while it does so and he calls on every other government to act within the framework of international law so while we've got burrs leaders talking about. seeking out a diplomatic solution on the face of it on the other side we've got some very different action from the british government so at the moment it's unclear how successful even planning this peace conference is going to be at the g eight summit over the next two days meanwhile in syria itself according to state television
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a powerful blast has struck a neighborhood in the capital damascus preliminary reports suggest the explosion could have been caused by a car bomb the video allegedly shows fire in the area that houses numerous embassies and a military airport witness accounts indicate there have been injuries at the scene but that has yet to be confirmed meanwhile syria's civil conflict could soon enter a new phase with washington deciding to arm rebels this week and possibly put in a no fly zone. the white house said the assad regime has crossed a red line allegedly using chemical weapons damascus called the evidence fabricated moscow express skepticism earlier i discussed developments with artie's alexei. this week washington confirmed it has ample proof of assad's troops using chemical weapons against the opposition but the timing seems to be rather strange for that the incident in question allegedly happened in december last year but it's been brought up only now when the government troops are winning the battle after battle according to the russian foreign minister this makes no sense at all from the
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military point of view and the follow up statement by president obama that he wanted to see the balance of power is restored in the country and possibly even the syrian rebels is creating even more grounds for concerns in russia and europe as well so we have russia being skeptical about it are they the only voice or are there others were skeptical about the u.s. evidence not everyone is buying it the e.u. the main allies of the united states they are asking additional checks from the u.n. investigators russia says that the proof gathering process itself was done with violations of international regulations you. know there are certain rules of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons which suggest that samples of blood urine or clothes and soon can be classed as evidence only if these samples were collected by the organizations experts and if these experts controlled the samples and ruta weren't tories are u.s. colleagues will to surance that these procedures were here to. so why do you think
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there's been a lot of resistance to accepting this evidence that the u.s. says it has well just let's look at the history let's go back ten years ago to two thousand and three when the u.s. state secretary colin powell was shaking a vial with allegedly anthrax in it suggesting that iraq has weapons of mass destruction chemical weapons we'll wear this when so the u.s. clearly don't want to step on the same break again the same time another rather concerning statements coming from the u.s. that they are considering implementing a no fly zone over syria which in many cases is the first step for a military and to venture and has certainly a striking resemblance to the iraqi scenario almost a decade ago and so as we've seen the rebels themselves are kind of a very diverse group a lot of interest in a lot of different groups as part of the so-called opposition that they have in the syria are there allegations against them as well i've heard words of regret coming from the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov that all claims and allegations coming from the syrian government that the opposition used chemical weapons against
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them have never been investigated there have been scenes and footage of the opposition testing chemical weapons on rabbits more recently twelve people from al nusra front the syrian militarized opposition brigade were detained in turkey by the turkish police allegedly carrying vials of the reading gas on them so definitely there are no saints here but these claims are not being investigated for some reason more news still to come here on r.t. after a short break a detailed look at the spy scandal in the u.s. and its implications stay with us. when the national security state is given an inch would always take much more than
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a mile three years we were told the government is not spying on citizens now we know this is not true we're spied upon in unbelievably massive way do we need a super computer to keep track of all the ways we are deceived. download the official application to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. or to our n.s.a. surveillance story edward snowden the man who exposed the extent of the u.s. secret global surveillance program remains at an unknown location hong kong waiting
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washington's next move against him he willingly revealed his identity after leaked documents showing the u.s. national security agency has been keeping keeping tabs on americans and foreigners hundreds marched outside the u.s. consulate to show their support for the whistleblower activists said there were air raids by the level of spying the obama administration is conducting amounting to tens of thousands of packing operations worldwide artie's marina portnoy reports. last weekend the u.s. president and his chinese counterpart met for a private bilateral summit. focused on cyber attacks and virtual espionage washington blaming beijing for being an online outlaw today the tables have turned courtesy of the n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden as the n.s.a. leaker told the south china morning post of the u.s. has been hacking chinese and hong kong computers since since zero nine snowden alleges that the u.s. national security agency's targets included the chinese university of hong kong
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public officials and students allegations that give weight to claims by officials in beijing that the country has been the victim of u.s. hacking efforts america's turned into the world cop they think that they can basically set the standards for everybody else to follow their own paranoia global paranoia and outrage has been rising ever since one of america's best kept secrets known as prism was revealed the n.s.a.'s clandestine electronic surveillance program records digital communications and allows for real time online surveillance of citizens both foreign and domestic prism gives u.s. intelligence agencies direct access to files stored on the servers of nine major internet companies including google and facebook to identify and target potential terrorist suspects officials in italy britain and germany the most spied upon country said the program was both alarming and encroached on privacy politically to
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some extent i think it's the united states government but rather because despite all the claims from the white house from the congress the reality of that astley excessive valence has been documented by the material the authentic material from the n.s.a. there were snowden has released revelations about prism has prompted the american civil liberties union to file for lawsuits against the obama administration more than one hundred and fifty. thousand american citizens have signed an online petition calling for an end to washington's and massive spying apparatus a clandestine program which the president who promised an unprecedented amount of transparency ironically defends you can't have one hundred percent security. and also then have one hundred percent privacy and zero inconvenience.
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you know that we're going to have to make some choices as a society the obama administration finds itself losing not only the war on leaks but enormous credibility at home and abroad with the oversell a school of watching everyone in the name of national security one may wonder if the u.s. government has become its own worst enemy reporting from new york marina port r.t. . we're closely watching developments on this story log on to our web site r.t. dot com for the full timeline of events expert analysis and the latest updates. iranians have voted to replace the outgoing hardline president mahmoud ahmadinejad with a program for most moderate assad rouhani took more than fifty percent of the vote after promising among other things to open dialogue with the west sardi's marie if a notion explained some of the most sensitive issues will be out of his reach them . people have taken to the streets of tehran to celebrate the victory all of us on
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the hot hand that is. that hot victory has provoked mixed feelings a man who ran into this is known as a reformist and so carries the hope of many specially in terms of greater freedoms boiron and surrounds diplomatic isolation the country has been under the top sanctions for years now over a spencer version of the nuclear program during his campaign rouhani has promised to prepare a civil rights job to respond to the economy and to improve your relations with the west his criticize let him use as many times making remarks that cost the country its privileges but at the same time assertively value here and there on realize that what the iranian system works with major power held by an elected supreme leader of the present can do little to change things dramatically. the supreme
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leader has the final say on big issues like terence disputed nuclear problem on syria for example set those safe bets that the next president can at least takes the time out of iran's dealings with the outside world moment chief nuclear negotiator has never told his consulting approach. a hottie comes to iran but he'll have plenty to deal with left over from his predecessor here's my report on that let me just legacy or leaves a baseline of her public eye for has been in real estate business for years in iran when we ask him to summarize the legacy of president and. he talks about it so if you compare the price increase by one hundred percent since last year we have no hope for the future of the economy is better than it's getting worse. one of the president's promises after taking office in two thousand and five was to make
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iran's vast oil revenues felt at the dining table of every single family was he leaves behind is a country hit by the worst financial crisis illyria's but there are some who say it's not what it is just who's to blame for the downturn a hundred sanctions were tough recently and it's hard to keep afloat but the president of the people and sure that iran is able to resist international pressure the iranian economy has been hit hard by strain of ever tougher sanctions imposed successively by the e.u. the u.n. and the u.s. over accuse ations the countries trying to develop nuclear weapon something which was never approved as autonomic dinner jad has been able to stand up to the whole world over iran's nuclear program and the country is better off for it and other battle the departure in libya will be remembered for is his rhetoric about israel and iran six president relations reached the point when even war seemed very
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possible and while ahmadinejad has not exactly been friendly towards israel the way facts have been gentle devout him has done more damage to his reputation than his own wards years ago a statement was mistakenly streamlet it to him which was in the curtly translated as israel must be wiped off the face of the map an actual words were that israel must vanish from the arena of time and didn't even belong to one ishant any way other than the objective is to make up with the knee jerk a villain he stands for universal rights where every country would have an equal say but some powers want nothing but dominance and they focused on blocking the name of our president one of this year's presidential candidates doesn't agree say korea during the two thousand nine hundred eighty to size does it by says they were after a race that's not the best and most honest way to get the power but in. the deadly protests that raged across the country after they were. actions are also thought to
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have undermined many john's image the result many people were frightened of other let me not talk about i mean gentle. even those who don't totally support us when i say the reason little he can actually do here according to our constitution the supreme leader has much more power is in this country almost every step the president takes should be supervised and blessed by the ayatollah so despite all the controversies surrounding president definition it looks like iran will continue to be a force in the region and therefore will remain the foolish side of the us and its allies mahmoud ahmadinejad's eightieth presidency provokes mixed feelings a very controversial leader he was equally hated that he or she in iran has been lazy he doesn't send them both home defend over any policy today if iraq is hopeless but his legacy will cost a shadow over the next president some time. race nationality technorati iran
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a man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder in the u.k. city of birmingham after four people were stabbed at a local mosque the thirty two year old reportedly attacked a worshiper with a machete one policeman was also injured while trying to arrest the man all victim is said to be in stable condition at a hospital journalist said big tells r t that the roots of attacks like this why within britain's policies we can live in the people that carry out the attacks but also there's a climate of hatred that's been created over years by politicians in this country and on even the media for islamophobia to take root the physical act the violent act is only the last step before that there's the convoy to logical attacks that take place there's a language of hatred that's become mainstream and i think that the first the government has to acknowledge is that they wars in iraq and afghanistan have radicalized people i think that's the first issue that they have to accept. that foreign policy right to close is i think the other issue is about equal
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opportunities acceptance as to the question of identity so there's so many things that the government can do but unfortunately politicians are unwilling to accept even the first thing which is that foreign policy is a radicalizing for many young people and until they accept that there won't be any change. after the break we meet the first woman in orbit valentino a terrorist coven here inspirational story stay with us here at our new. you know what's worse than a crop bureaucrat a crook bureaucrat who sucks at being corrupt a scumbag bureaucrat in veronese russia just couldn't help himself and put some very hefty charges for services contracts for road repair and construction in just
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three years he was able to take enough of a percentage off of these contracts though investigators raided his house he had the equivalent of over three million dollars in russian money all over his home news not mail dot ru claims he had entire laundry hampers and twenty five kilogram sugar sacks filled to the brim with blocks first off when someone is this flagrant that means that he thought rather comfortable and not getting caught so there are plenty more of these guys out there but second this is an absolute slap in the face to russia taxpayers who are hungry for new roads i think for instance it's a flagrant in your face obvious crush corruption russia might need to reconsider that moratorium on the death penalty but that's just i mean.
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she might never have made it. to the top of the candidates shortlist but eventually she did shouting triumphantly. as the flight began. she was unable to switch to manual control but after three days the world greeted the first woman cosmonaut. six years later as a motorcade passed through the kremlin gates a man opened fire and nine bullets she was untouched. valentyn a biography read a little like a fairy tale a soviet cinderella. a girl from a poor family in
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a remote province rocketed to such heights that only the stars were above. the first woman. was the vostok six spacecraft which she first tried on in june one thousand nine hundred sixty three it immediately elevated her to the soviet elite. their official call fine was sego the name was to stay with valentino forever long after the triumph it's still followed her around the world. even in childhood valentino had dreamed about adventure and travel although her earlier ambitions were confined to the. live goodness there was a real way track not far from our house. and my biggest dream was to become a train driver. i wanted to drive those huge trains. i thought the train driver was the happiest purse.
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