tv Headline News RT June 17, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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satellite bugging fake internet cafe's and a blanket surveillance of diplomats are exposed by new leaks showing even former russian president was targeted by american and british agents. releases in the occupied golan heights fear a dramatic military escalation on their doorstep as america moves to arm the syrian rebels and iran reportedly pledges troops to help president assad. and the german entrepreneurs are turning their back on europe's largest economy for being hostile to healthy businesses.
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and broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r t i'm john thomas glad to have you with us now a global leaders and even close allies we're all spied on by british and american intelligence according to n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden he has leaked new documents showing that the g twenty summit in two thousand and nine it was a surveillance playground with u.k. and u.s. agents attempting to bug senior figures like the russian president at the time dimitri medvedev that's now cross. who is at the summit venue in northern ireland thank you very much for being with us now what's being read into the timing of this exposé. hi there sean well this really is the worst possible timing for a story like this to come out where just kicking off the thirty ninth g eight summit here in la and today now we know what we know from the documents that edward snowden has revealed is that the british security agency was spying on
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foreign dignitaries at the last g twenty summit that the u.k. also hosted back in two thousand and nine so not setting a great precedent as host of a summit we had even reports that they set up fake internet cafes in order to intercept the e-mails of the whole delegations foreign dignitaries and even tapping into the phone calls of the then president of russia dmitry medvedev so not a great atmosphere for the start of the g eight summit i think that some of the world leaders at the summit here today might be a little bit more careful about what they say over the phone or write him a e-mails in the light of this information now we know that david cameron in response to the news has already said that the u.k. just doesn't comment on security issues or masses of intelligence but there's already been a bit of a response from one senior russian official i think we can take a listen to that now. this is not only an act of inhospitality
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but an actor that could seriously complicate relations between russia and the u.s. how can we trust president obama's promise of a new reset how are we to know that u.s. intelligence services were spying vladimir putin to suit their purposes well that the g c h q story has somewhat overshadowed what had become the main headline of this summit which is the escalating crisis in syria now we know that russia and the u.s. approach the crisis extremely differently and we know that there have been tensions raised over the last week over u.s. the. says' pledge to provide military aid to the syrian opposition now the british prime minister david cameron speaking yesterday after talks with a lot of athletes and downing street well he also called for bashar assad to step down he said that britain will continue to provide support to the syrian opposition we know that russian president vladimir putin well he his view is somewhat
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different he questions what will happen once these weapons are provided to the syrian opposition and he spoke about it in the press conference in downing street yesterday we can have a listen to that now as well. the work i don't think you'll deny that both sides are responsible for the blood including of children there's always the question of who's to blame i don't think you'll deny that we shouldn't support people opening up other people's bodies and eating the entrails on camera do you want to support these people do you want them now paul it looks like the g. eight leaders just can't get to terms with each other on this but how is the general public's reaction to this been at the gathering. well there has been an unprecedented amount of security at the summit had just driving through from belfast to dhaka and last night just going through all the checkpoints there's
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police standing everywhere and they're guarding obviously the security of all these foreign dignitaries the world leaders that are here but they're also trying to guard against any potential protest as a massive fifty million pound ring of steel erected around the resort itself where the summit is taking place and of the protests while there were forty been a number of them we've had a misty international marching through belfast in. calling for the closure of guantanamo bay talking about the hunger strike that's been taking place the breach of international law or the inmates being held without charge for years on end and it's not just sort of human rights cause as we've there's been a lot of global lists there have been trade unions taking to the streets talking about economic issues the g. eight summit was that it did come about initially as an as an economic summit and
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people talking about world hunger and poverty and questioning why world leaders on to addressing these issues why. put them really that this represents this summit represents the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a very small minority shown. his political reporting for us live from northern ireland appreciate you being with us as this story develops thanks a lot. hong kong has launched an official investigation into the extent of united states cyber attacks against its citizens alleged to number in the thousands in the u.s. dozens of lawsuits are being filed against the government's surveillance practices that washington is trying to downplay their reach. when it comes to telephone calls nobody is listening to your telephone calls. that's not what this program is about lawmakers themselves though are contradicting president obama it was earlier
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alleged that thousands of n.s.a. analysts could listen to any phone call without a warrant but other government sources say official authorization is required and it has also emerged that the scope of the surveillance operation and the help it received may have been underestimated here's our washington correspondent damages you can with more. what edward snowden revealed could be just the tip of the iceberg we're learning that in addition to internet giants thousands of u.s. technology finance and manufacturing companies that include software and hardware producers banks internet security providers satellite telecommunications companies thousands are working closely with u.s. national security agencies according to the people familiar with the exchange the cooperation of some of the company says helped the u.s. government infiltrate computers worldwide so this certainly adds to edward snowden's account note and said he believes that the n.s.a. has carried out more than one thousand hacking operations globalise note and said
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he was leasing the information to demonstrate quote the posse of the u.s. government when it claims that it does not target civilian infrastructure unlike its adversaries he also said quote we hack network backbones like huge internet routers basically that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands. of people computers without having to hack every single one in these sources who speak on the condition of anonymity say u.s. companies help intelligence agencies do exactly that and they say it's not subject to any oversight now it's all done of course on the national security but there's some very obvious discrepancies here robert muller director of the f.b.i. for example he said the massive surveillance program that the u.s. has now could have prevented nine eleven then what about the fort hood shooting in two thousand and nine the perpetrator of that one needle molly costs on had been exchanging e-mails with anwar locky for
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a period of time or time alonso are now if multiple warnings over several years radical content on his you tube web page. one may ask the question then why this massive collection of information when all of that was missed. the unwavering support of many u.s. companies to the government surveillance program is raising questions among experts and to the public to use news accounts and i've looked at what might be in for the firms this story certainly raises more questions than it answers as my colleague reported earlier we know now that thousands of companies have been sharing sensitive information with the u.s. government in exchange for various benefits now this raises concerns about the extent of the private sector collaboration with the u.s. government not to mention questions about what exactly those benefits were now the details may be murky at this point but let's go over exactly what information we have now companies who did hand over data to the government got
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a big thank you that's according to michael hayden who used to head the cia as well as the national security agency which runs of course the prism program and mr hayden told bloomberg this if i were the director and had a relationship with a company who was doing things that were not just directed by law but were also valuable to the defense of the republic i would go out of my way to thank them and give them a sense as to why this is necessary and useful all right well what kind of thank you exactly are we talking about here well again not a lot of details but anonymous sources did tell bloomberg that leaders of the companies who handed over data to the government were showered with attention and information by government agencies in fact in some instances that meant quick warnings about the threats that could affect their bottom line for example serious internet attacks and who's behind them of course this exchange of information is supposed to be voluntary and while at this point we don't exactly have evidence that this is not the case but while most of the companies seem to have participated
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simply because the government asked them for help one former c.e.o. paints a slightly different picture in two thousand and one when some telecom giants allegedly were asked to participate in an n.s.a. information sharing program one company qwest in. they refused to play ball and according to court documents filed by its then cabo joseph nacho as a result of that decision the company was denied lucrative n.s.a. contracts he believed to be worth fifty to one hundred million dollars which allegation he says for refusing to partake in the government's spy program so to sum it up companies that share data earned government goodwill information about threats possible classified information and of course there's concern that those who did not play along could could have been left out of lucrative government contracts course we don't have more information on this but that's person i see the point the lack of transparency about this data swap is
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a major concern now it's done in the name of security but at what cost and to whom this is reporting for our team in moscow. the bug bear of the west mahmoud ahmadinejad is about to hand over the iranian presidency head to argue dot com for all the peaks and troughs of his time at the helm from standing firm to get nuclear energy for the country to being alternately mired in the throes of an economic crisis. plus a trigger happy in the us where a gun maker is reporting record sales during the year of deadly shootings as americans react to the president's push for stricter weapons controls. for years germany has seen a steady flow of immigrants from crisis wrecked countries like greece and spain but its own citizens especially successful entrepreneurs are heading for the exit leaving europe's largest economy to capitalize on their business opportunities as peter all over explains. packing up for
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a new life elsewhere yes and his family are joining a growing number of germans seeking a future away from home is here germany is a nice place but right now the future looks very dark so we're getting out and that's why his software business and plan tire company off the sale and he setting up a new business in canada away from what they see is shortsighted policies by german and european politicians. all they're doing is taking the debt higher and higher and by breaking their own rules it's something the family has been planning for a long time after one and a half years their paperwork is now in the final stages as well as his family yes is also moving almost two million euros worth of business to canada people of always move to new countries in search of opportunities but last year saw over one hundred thirty thousand jet off from germany the most in a generation an increasing number of making the move to to concerns over where the
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country's economic. among the most popular destinations were switzerland the united states australia and canada away from the e.u. and the bureaucracy of brussels he clobbered does the feeling. we are going to see intrapreneur as leave europe it's one hundred times easier to shut down a business here than create one of its still easy to block you. are on the side of the job creators. dr roth is a lawyer in bavaria heading to new zealand he sees the current system in europe is almost comical the team get bored look at the ten commandments there are probably around five hundred no words here then i think the relations on something small like production can i mean that you know it's over ten thousand words most of the nonsense this will leave you running like a non-republican and so many laws no one can follow them. with dissatisfaction in
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. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just. now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. and you're with r t going to have you back with us iran is reportedly gearing up to send thousands of troops to syria to beef up government forces against of the rebels that also went as far as proposing a new military frontier in the israeli occupied golan heights and coupled with american intentions to arm the syrian opposition israelis living in the area fear that they are in for some big trouble as reports. iran's it just got that much
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closer amid reports that iran is sending some four thousand iranian revolutionary guards to help the syrian president bashar assad israelis living here in the golan heights are worried because now for the first time at least officially iran is on the border the ranier wants war. there were iranian warned the finisher. him to do it. like syria this is an israeli bunker on the israeli syrian border less than a kilometer from here is connecticut that has been the scene of fierce fighting between assad's forces and rebel fighters with the american decision recently to arm the rebels one of the groups that will be most directly affected are israelis living here in the golan heights any increase in hostilities in the area will impact on their lives you know to be. jewish.
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to understand too. you need to fight for your place in the last few minutes i've heard three explosions the united nations chief banking moon is warning that the ongoing military activities in this area have the potential to escalate tensions between israel and syria and jeopardize the longstanding peace treaty between both countries and this is one of the questions that israelis who are asking if assad was to be overthrown would the forces that were placed in be interested in maintaining the cease fire israelis unfortunately seeing. arms and weapons they're going to be used against in as a threat from iran. in this board needs to be friendly these bunkers have been here for years but for decades there's been
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a sense of tranquility and predictability now all of that in situ change with america's decision to arm the rebels. kind of an a what i mean you know probably it's good for them and it's good for america otherwise they wouldn't do it maybe it's for the purpose of helping themselves and it's not about if it's good for israel or not there is fear we are afraid the rockets will hit us and it's already happened this is a fight that attracts tourists but many fear it will soon attract soldiers and become active once again point on the israeli syrian border syrian troops have been advancing in recent weeks while the leader of the opposition's free syrian army says it is in urgent need of weapons let's have a closer look now at the balance of power at this stage now amid reports that iranian squads could join president assad's forces it's lebanon's hezbollah which openly admits being engaged on the government side the rebels are reportedly being backed by mercenaries from the gulf states and al-qaeda linked jihadists such as
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the al nusra front now the opposition enjoys widespread diplomatic support in the west and the prospect of lethal arms supplies from the u.s. and some european allies despite warnings of dire consequences. the most optimistic analysis of the rebels would have to admit the right of people not only fighting sad but also fighting each other the whole idea that we can be confident that with weapons we supplied even if we give them to people we train will stay in those have some of those homes will turn against ours it seems to me to be extremely naive in practice i'm afraid the risk that the sort of people who would actually break use of these weapons may initially be probably against assad but we've seen from afghanistan over the last thirty years to the present day we can see from the chaos in libya where american diplomats and been killed british attack it's a very young one has to think we really do control these people on the ground. washington has voiced skepticism over north korea's proposal to launch high level
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talks between the two states to soothe tensions on the korean peninsula the obama administration says any negotiations should come with concrete actions from north korea including denuclearization specialist dr tim mcbeal now joins me live thank you very much for being with us now the u.s. hasn't made its decision yet but it seems reluctant to enter negotiations without precondition why do you think that it but i think they would probably have made it and that is the precondition preconditions of there so that the negotiations both get off the ground and where if you don't want to have negotiations. simpers wait to do that they don't go she actually so this way is. the man preconditions of the other side. so that i think it's well. then the question of course is why they don't do that why don't they. you know that that's the
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difficult one and i think basically the number of reasons for them lately is as china wants tensions on the korean peninsula are there going to. and of china so they're very loath to and. salute do you use the situation now why now why is a pyongyang offering these talks after a chain of events where there's been war mongering and saber rattling why is the timing now for these talks. well i mean we had the. great increase in tension during march and april joined the american south korean exercises and we know this year the americans really up the ante increasing the threat to be choosing cetera et cetera no i think basically that was to.
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stop the new government in south korea to me also carrying out to election promise to to reengage state the north so we saw a lot of a lot of tension there and that naturally die down with the end of the exercise is that without that was predictable now we've had to know what it was the. overture from the north to the south to start negotiations fortunately for reasons which are not merely very clear have fallen over. and i guess it's americans i think we have to remember the point from the north koreans side is to force the american into negotiating peaceful coexistence that's what is really all about from their point of view now do you think the north do you see them at all by any stretch abandoning their nuclear ambitions well they say yes now that they this is
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a difficult one because. they they say that they are and you fear weapons state they will remain a nuclear weapons state until two conditions one is that the. the clincher crimp an interesting new car ride and that includes not many then but also . no american. like in town but the more difficult one is to remove all those threats now very difficult to see how that can possibly be. implemented and verified we have to remember that just a few years ago the americans made the same offer to libya. and the libyans can be daffy straps nuclear weapons and various other weapons of mass destruction the american said if you do this we will guarantee your security we won't talk to your
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government and then they put the promise so if i'm assessing him. i'm ready you know what i would wonder how. the americans really convince the koreans that. trust is very difficult to see how that can be done unfortunately we've run out of time it's very interesting to hear thoughts on the subject after tim bill thank you very much for being with us on our tonight. all right now a round up of some more international news for you this hour turkish riot police have taken down barricades in taksim square opening it up. again for public access five labor unions say they will march there during a day of nationwide strikes over the government crackdown on demonstrators that's after a nineteenth night of street skirmishes in east on bowl on sunday prime minister at a rally to tens of thousands of supporters in central east on bull in
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a show of strength even as the central square was being clear. wiki leaks editor julian assange has met ecuador's foreign minister ahead of the diplomats meeting with the british foreign secretary the two are expected to discuss the whistleblowers fate was granted asylum at the ecuadorian embassy in london last june but britain said it won't let him leave the country. violence has erupted for a second today in the brazilian capital as police rounded on protesters calling for more government spending on health transport and education they say too much money is being wasted on sporting events with football's world cup to be held in brazil next year officers fired tear gas to disperse the six hundred strong crowd that had gathered in front of the national football stadium in brasilia i now the week's big stories in sports are here next with richard knox after a short break here on r.t. .
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technology innovations all the developments around russia we've. covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. we speak your language. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little tuna to anglesey kids stories. so you hear.
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spanish. visit. hello and welcome to the sports show good to have you with us and over the next half an hour we'll bring you all the latest news from russia and further afield so stay tuned. up for the challenge russia's world olympic champions flex their muscles of a moscow challenge event the capital hosts the first ever athletics world championships in august. while the top dogs new tricks former tennis great smile like a selfish martina hingis roll back the years later exhibition torment in moscow.
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last points in talk where you can shop with the american a mixed martial arts is john jones has been on this ever you have to see champion holds a master class in moscow. but let's start with athletics where sprinter king was saying balls was back to his best so in the two hundred meters at the diamond league meeting in norway just a week after missing out on one hundred hundred metres victory in rome of the six time olympic champion made a number of entertaining entrance dissolute stadium in oslo and the jamaican shrugged off the relatively cold temperatures and the false start by dutchman trail of the martina to blow away the remaining field of finishing in time of nineteen point seven nine seconds to break the track record of a twenty six year old as the only man so far this season to walk on the twenty seconds sending out a warning to his rivals as he prepares to plan is two hundred metres crown of the world championships in moscow in august.
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