tv Headline News RT June 17, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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this is our take tonight and foreign leaders are under surveillance the latest leaks from the n.s.a. whistleblower reveal how delegates of the g twenty summit in london four years ago a former russian president among them were targeted by u.s. and british intelligence. the bombshell disclosures feared to been some tension to the g eight summit convening right now in britain against a backdrop of anti your stereotype protests. but it's syria that takes center stage for world leaders at the g. eight in northern ireland looking to narrow the differences amid fears the conflict to set to escalate even further.
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along a very good evening shift just joined us kevin owen here tonight live with it just after eleven pm here in moscow this is our first the british and american intelligence spied on world leaders and officials new evidence from n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden puts the recent surveillance scandal on a new scale delegates the g twenty summit in london back in two thousand and nine among them russia's then president dmitri medvedev apparently had their computers monitored and phone calls intercepted the leaked documents emerged as the u.k. hosts another major international gathering right now the g eight summit in northern ireland where police reports. this really is the worst possible timing for a story like this to come out where just kicking off the thirty ninth g eight summit here in la today now we know what we know from the documents that edward snowden has revealed is that the british security agency was spying on foreign dignitaries at the last g twenty summit that the u.k.
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also hosted back in two thousand and nine so not setting a great precedent as host of a summit we had even reports that they set up fake internet cafes in order to intercept the e-mails of the whole delegations of foreign dignitaries and even tapping into the phone calls of the then president of russia dmitry medvedev so not a great atmosphere for the start of the g eight summit i think that some of the world leaders at the summit here today might be a little bit more careful about what they say over the phone or write in the e-mails in the light of this information now we know that david cameron in response to the news has already said that the u.k. just doesn't comment on security issues or masses of. intelligence the g c h q story has somewhat overshadowed what had become the main headline of this summit which is the escalating crisis in syria now we know that russia and the u.s.
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approach the crisis extremely differently now the british prime minister david cameron speaking yesterday off the talks with a lot of it between downing street called for bashar al assad to step down he said that britain will continue to provide support to the syrian opposition we know that russian president vladimir putin well he his view is somewhat different he questions what will happen one of these weapons are provided to the syrian opposition well there has been an unprecedented amount of security at the summit here just driving through from belfast to law and a lot. just going through all the checkpoints there's police standing everywhere and they're guarding obviously the security of all these foreign dignitaries the world leaders that are here but they're also trying to guard against any potential protest as a massive fifty million million pound ring of steel erected around to be the result itself where the summit is taking place and of the protests well there are forty
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been a number of them we've had amnesty international marching through belfast in. calling for the closure of guantanamo bay talking about the hunger strike that's been taking place to breach of international law the inmates being held without charge for years on end and it's not just sort of human rights cause as we've there's been a lot of anti globalist there have been trade unions taking to the streets talking about economic issues the g. eight summit was it did come about initially as an as an economic summit and people talking about world hunger and poverty and questioning why world leaders aren't addressing these issues for them really that this represents this summit represents the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a very small minority. before the political analyst and former member of the
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european parliament who told me the g twenty civilians revelations didn't come as a surprise to him at the end of the ninety's he indeed was the first to bring up the issue of a secret u.s. surveillance system targeting you citizens it's called echelon you told me the u.k.'s along with american subcontractor for getting information. so in the past we we've learned that their military friendships in military are if it's sort of the irish essence on spots throughout britain with france or by the brits position of european union absolutely to be expected there are more there are going to be military with the g. twenty in the g. eight events to kind of subcontracting operation on my understanding is that g c h two sometimes doesn't even get to see what it downloads for the americans some of the some of the material downloaded from satellites i actually just fed directly to fort meade in the united states and we get sort of bits of it back and there were a cave that got a subcontractor who was cleaning up after us but i was james woolsey at former cia
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had in the united states and still i couldn't say i actually saw the relationship to american companies so we could we were only the correction gauge does feel espionage as well and then the u.s. has the the goal actually in play to the chinese that they might be doing the same thing all of a far smaller scale disclosing documents proving surveillance on the g. twenty that isn't the only thing that's put edward snowden the spotlight today the whistleblower on the saving took part in an online q. and a session hosted by the guardian newspaper but there's really disclosures on the scale of america's surveillance program on its own and foreign citizens being the main focus of her spring following that live chat for us. the debate around days answers still raging a hugely fascinating insights and a very fitting forum i think for the whistleblower who is behind the biggest leak in n.s.a. history of the u.s. agency said you know systematically i've been gathering these vast amounts of phone
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and web data and the biggest question on everyone's lips was why hong kong that's left for the travel to shortly before these surveillance this information surfaced and the answer to edward stating gave was that the u.s. government just as they did with other whistle blows immediately and predictably destroyed any possibility of a fair trial at home openly declaring me guilty of treason and that's not justice and he went on to explain that actually needed to travel to a country with the cultural and legal framework he said to allow him to work without being immediately detained in hong kong had provided that but as he said a huge response there were a huge number of questions asked very directly the question that a lot of people put to him about the u.s. government's response that he's a traitor but also that he might have possibly candidate the classified u.s. information to the chinese government and he gave he was pushed on that point he
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gave a flat nose saying that he hasn't candidate or that information and that he works his journeys he also talks about his disillusionment with the burma administration and the government calling it a predictable smear that he'd anticipated before going public that have to be said there were few number of answers that he gave his response to what the media response is being saying that initially he was very encouraged but unfortunately the mainstream media now seems far more interested in what i said when i was seventeen or what my girlfriend looks like rather than say the largest program of suspicion less surveillance in human history and in another answer he said the truth will out. so when the revelations over g twenty spying come as the scandal caused by snowden's early disclosures on the extent of u.s. surveillance after its own and foreign citizens is gaining momentum dozens of lawsuits are being filed against the government's practices while many lawmakers continue to defend the operation to and it's also emerged about the scope of the
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surveillance and the help it received from corporations that may have been underestimated is a washington correspondent guy and she can. what edward snowden revealed could be just the tip of the iceberg we're learning that in addition to internet giants thousands of u.s. technology finance and manufacturing companies and that includes software and hardware producers banks internet security providers satellite telecommunications companies thousands are working closely with u.s. national security agencies according to the people familiar with the exchange the cooperation of some of these companies has helped the u.s. government infiltrate computers worldwide now this certainly as to edward snowden's account snowden said he believed the n.s.a. that carried out more than sixty one thousand hacking operations globally snowden said he was releasing the information to demonstrate quote the hypocrisy of the u.s. government when it claims that it does not target civilian infrastructure on like
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its adversaries so on and also said that. said this we hack network backbones like huge iran et routers basically that gives us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one and these sources who speak on the condition of anonymity say u.s. companies help intelligence agencies do exactly that and they say it's not subject to any oversight now it's all done of course under the umbrella of national security but there are some very obvious discrepancies here robert mueller director of the f.b.i. . said the massive surveillance program that the u.s. has now could have prevented nine eleven then one may ask what about the fort hood shooting in two thousand and nine the perpetrator of that one need dog haasan had been exchanging e-mails with anwar larky over the over a period of time or time or launch or not i if there had been multiple warnings
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over several years radical content on his u two page under his own name all of this was obviously missed despite this massive collection of information. it's not just the u.s. government that's under fire for the extent of the surveillance many wonder why so many companies supplied the n.s.a. with data artie's lucy caffein off looks at what might have been in it for the firms. the story certainly raises more questions than it answers as my colleague reported earlier we know now that thousands of companies have been sharing sensitive information with the u.s. government in exchange for various benefits now this raises concerns about the extent of the private sector collaboration with the u.s. government not to mention questions about what exactly those benefits were now the details may be murky at this point but let's go over exactly what information we have now companies who did hand over data to the government got a big thank you that's according to michael hayden who used to head the cia as well
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as the national security agency which runs of course the prism program and mr hayden told bloomberg this if i were the director and had a relationship with a company who was doing things that were not just directed by law but were also valuable to the defense of the republic i would go out of my way to thank them and give them a sense as to why this is necessary and useful all right well what kind of thank you exactly are we talking about here well again not a lot of details but anonymous sources did tell bloomberg that leaders of the companies who handed over data to the government were showered with attention and information by government agencies in fact in some instances that meant quick warnings about the threats that could affect their bottom line for example serious internet attacks and who's behind them of course this exchange of information is supposed to be voluntary and well at this point we don't exactly have evidence that this is not the case but well most of the companies seem to have participated
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simply because the government asking for help one former c.e.o. paints a slightly different picture in two thousand and one when some telecom giants allegedly were asked to participate in an n.s.a. information sharing program one company qwest initially refused to play ball and according to court documents filed by its then c.e.o. joseph nacho as a result of that decision the company was denied lucrative n.s.a. contracts he believed to be worth fifty to one hundred million dollars retaliation he says for refusing to partake in the government spy program. so to sum it up companies that share data earned government goodwill information about threats possible classified information and of course there's concern that those who did not play along could could have been left out of lucrative government contracts course we don't have more information on this but that's person i see the point the lack of transparency about this data swap is a major concern now it's done in the name of security but at what cost and to whom
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we seek out an over boarding for our tea in moscow. well as we say the g eight summit kicks off in northern ireland but later in the program we'll look at the agenda and where tax savings have targeted the money matters of the spotlight with the west beefing up its crusade on tax evasion that's going to be talked out there on the spillover from the syrian conflict means large to was a helping hand now and washington meantime campaigning to provide lethal aid to the rebels there's a couple of stories just ahead. from the national security state has given an inch would always take much more than
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a mile three years we were told the government does not spying on citizens this is not true we're spied upon in unbelievably massive way do we need a super computer to keep track of all the ways we are deceived. download the official publication to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. about the g eight in northern ireland where british prime minister david cameron is keen to push forward the issue of tax evasion of a colleague showed thomas in artie's business presenting katie discuss the details
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. well the international consortium of investigative journalists has come out with all these details and exposed people that are using tax havens from thirty countries literally hundreds of thousands of people have been exposed right now and this is all for a timely considering these are the people that exposed politicians rogue nations or religious leaders oligarchs and we know that david cameron is using the g eight to really put tax evasion at the forefront and get international support for his laws that he wants to enforce he needs everybody to jump on the same ship so that everybody else that wants to avoid tax can go to another country and get away with it so taxes are all important because these are tough economic times in the u.k. yeah exactly we know that britain is dealing with stagnant growth at the moment it has been since the financial crisis but there's a bit of that criticism going on because britain actually created the tax haven and is actually in charge of ten crown dependency is an isle of man i love whites and
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there's a lot to talk about and he's got to get those countries on board he's held the fact that he has already done that but nothing has been put. in all of this is here said than done as in all things with politics right this is actually a tough task it is a tough task just because it's so secretive but that secrecy is coming to a light at the moment because of exposé is like this is making mr cameron's job that much easier and i got expert analysis on their spend areas he's the editor in chief of business new york magazine and i said to him how realistic is it that we could have a tax haven for a while. because it means you have to at least the entire world think about the system is necessary international. every country one time. who chooses not to abide by this. is. as i say convenient services for people trying to hide money. means that the whole
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thing becomes a book readers are we going. you can work towards it you could it will take time and probably it's a good idea you've got several countries with obvious example but luxembourg still switzerland who really services as a business becomes a big part of me and very difficult. to tell them they can't do it because they're ready so and i think that one thing that can be avoided at the g eight summit is the topic of tax evasion and syria's civil war is expected to be one of the main subjects to at the g. eight summit was underway in northern ireland meantime the conflict is expanding a sad troops have made significant advances in recent weeks where the leader of the opposition's free syrian army says it's in urgent need of weapons iran is now reportedly gearing up to send thousands of troops indeed to beef up the syrian government forces but it's lebanon's hezbollah which has been openly gauged on a sad side now the rebels said to be back to buy mercenaries from the gulf states
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and al-qaeda linked jihad is such as the l. ners read front as the opposition enjoys widespread diplomatic support in the west and the prospect of lethal aid then jim brann of the stop the war coalition told us that any third party involvement will only fuel the conflict. there is the fundamental question of sovereignty which those who wish to arm the rebels violate the fact is that there is a government of syria and there is international law in these matters and it's not the right of any other state to intervene in. a rebellion in another country the opposition coalition in syria is extremely weak it's extremely fractured and it was actually set up outside of syria itself so if they can't even find a suitable party to support in syria because of thing is unreliable how on earth can they guarantee to get the weapons that they supply i think the only serious
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possibility is if those who are pressing for intervention. to very definite extent give up the precondition. shall not the president of syria i think without such a fundamental principle i think that. the it's extremely unlikely that the talks go ahead a couple stories on launch and i did r.t. dot com so you were revealing tomorrow's technology at the paris air show we've got more pictures of the story indeed of russia's next generation fighter jet there it is it's already been labeled a u.f.o. for its outstanding performance say its critics. more plus trigger happy in the united states god make of this reporting record sales during the year that seem deadly shootings as americans it seems are reacting to the president's push for stricter weapons controls.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world is seeing from the streets of canada. america's voice skepticism over north korea's proposal to launch high level talks between the two states to try to soothe tensions on the korean peninsula the obama administration says any negotiation should come from concrete action from north korea age especially stock to thinks that america is reluctant no because it won't benefit from peace in the region. preconditions and there so that negotiations won't get off the ground and where if you don't want to have negotiations. simples way to do that they don't go she actually soldiers way
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is. the man preconditions of the others by. so that i think is what the american. view that the only question of course is why they don't why don't they. you know that that's the difficult one and i think basically a number of reasons but the main is is china wants tension on the korean peninsula as are low containment of china so they're very loath to increase in goshen oceans when do you choose to do that the situation. more stories in brief now this hour rounds newly elected president hassan rouhani said the country isn't ready to suspend its enrichment of uranium despite the sanctions and pressure from the e.u. in america that statement came during his first news conference where he expressed a strong wish to rebuild relations with western nations behind a one friday's presidential election with just over fifty percent of the vote. also
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headlining tonight in turkey the government's vowed to use the military to break the nearly three weeks long protests in the country's capital this would be the first time the islamist ruling party would resort to the army which is seen as the backbone of secularism in turkey you know this one comes amid a strike by unions over the crackdown on anti-government demonstrators. drenching rain and floods of rip through northern parts of india has killed at least twenty three people fifty more reported missing tonight rescue teams are trying to supply drinking water and food to the region it's been cut off the roads are washed away both of those and to wrench downpours officials are warning to more casualties and destruction they say those downpours are likely to continue for at least the next three days. germany has become a magnet for many immigrants in recent years seeking work outside their financially struggling homelands did a report by the paris based organization for economic cooperation and development shows the number of newcomers from greece and spain alone is more than doubled since the beginning of the crisis in two thousand and eight but as artie's peter
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over explains next some successful germans are now looking for a quick exit to. packing up for a new life elsewhere yemen's and his family are joining a growing number of germans seeking a future away from home is here germany is a nice place but right now the future looks pretty dark so we're getting out that's why his software business and plan tire company off the sale and he setting up a new business in canada away from what they see is shortsighted policies by german and european politicians. all they're doing is taking the debt higher and higher and by breaking their own rules it's something the family has been planning for a long time after one and a half years their paperwork is now in the final stages as well as his family and there's also moving almost two million euros worth of business to canada people of always move to new countries in search of opportunities but last year saw over
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one hundred thirty thousand jet off from germany the most in a generation an increasing number of making the move to to concerns over where the country's economic. among the most popular destinations were switzerland the united states australia and canada away from the e.u. and the bureaucracy of brussels he clobbered does the feeling. we are going to see intrapreneur as leave europe it's one hundred times easier to shut down a business here than create one i still easy to block you. are on the side of the job creators. dr roth is a lawyer in bavaria heading to new zealand he sees the current system in europe it's almost comical the team get bored look at the ten commandments there are probably around five hundred no words here then i think the relations on something small like production can i mean that you know it's over ten thousand words most of
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the nonsense this will leave you running like a banana republic with so many laws no one can follow them. with dissatisfaction in the e.u. on the rise. germany runs the risk of seeing more and more of its job creators taking off to find new opportunities elsewhere peter all of a. so great typical conversation coming up all the way soon in the wake of the latest u.s. agency leak cross-talk looks at just how much security american citizens get for the freedoms they're forced to give up its next. you know what's worse than a crop bureaucrat a crook bureaucrat who sucks at being corrupt a scumbag bureaucrat in veronese russia just couldn't help himself and puts
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a very hefty charges for services contracts for road repair and construction in just three years he was able to take enough of a percentage off of these contracts though investigators raided his house he had the equivalent of over three million dollars in russian money all over his home news dot mail dot ru claims he had entire laundry hampers and twenty five kilogram sugar sex filled to the brim with box first off when someone is this flagrant that means that he thought rather comfortable and not getting caught so there are plenty more of these guys out there but second this is an absolute slept in the face to russia taxpayers who are hungry for new roads i think for instance it's a flagrant in your face obvious crush corruption russia might need to reconsider that moratorium on the death penalty but that's just. a mission. could you take three days for charges free range of
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three three. three. freeboard the video for your media project free video down to our t.v. dot com. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle when the national security state is given an inch would always take much more than a mile for years we were keenly told the government is not spying on citizens now we know this is not true we are spied upon in an unbelievably massive way and it's not just surveillance oversight of the intelligence community has been shown to be cavalier this is also true of torture kidnapping detention assassination by drones
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and death squads do we need a supercomputer to keep track of the many ways we have to see. to cross out the national security state i'm joined by catherine marr in washington she is director of strategy and engagement at the digital rights organization access and a fellow at the truman national security project in new york we have michael kelly he is a defense reporter for business insider and in philadelphia we cross to dave lindorff he is an investigative reporter author of the book the case for impeachment and a founding editor of the online newspaper this can't be happening dot net all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want katherine if i go to you first in washington d.c. when we look at the size of the national security state now is it manageable and is there any way we can reign it in over considering all the things we have heard of the last few weeks and months.
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