tv Breaking the Set RT June 17, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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on larry king jesse ventura the outspoken former governor doesn't hold back we are fascist already we are the fascist states of america muso we need be proud of us today on the political parties we are identical to a street gang only i like to see where brooks brothers suit conspiracy theories the real defining moment of the country was when the birth of john kennedy because if you can kill the president and get away with it what can't you do and why he never flies would fly larry because tired of being treated like a criminal at the airport next on larry king.
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welcome to another edition of larry king now we present one of the great guests of all time the very shy and afraid to be outspoken jesse ventura the former independent governor of minnesota minnesota the former navy seal bestselling author is new book is demo crips and bloods blood akins no more gangs in government he's the host and executive producer of tru t.v.'s conspiracy theory which jesse ventura if there ever was a man truly independent it is jesse ventura with a lot of things to talk about good seeing and thanks for sharing thanks larry explain the title of the book well the democrats from the rib love look of the show and i heard that term probably back when i was governor and it just kind of stuck with me and then when i decided to write this book on the two political parties and how corrupt they are and how they're completely own corporate money from top to bottom. you make the comparison larry between the crips and bloods the two should
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meet gangs and they're identical i mean it's even to the point where they've stolen their collars because what's a blue shirt. date a democratic state where blue is the color of the crips you on the street blogs are naturally red what's a red state that's the color that will help us to see is that different on the different no difference in little different one lives out plan one doesn't want to know no difference between members far as being a gang because if you're a member of a democrat or republican party your loyalty just like a gang has to be to the gang first loyalty ghost of a gang first second loyalty to the money and how it's produced with him again vieira demichelis to a street gang only i like to say they were brooks brothers suits that's the only difference a book points out examples all tremendous examples it's all factual biju no major corporations in the united states now spend more money on lobbying the may do taxes . now what does that tell you. trying to buy influence trying to avoid paying
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taxes when you spend more money on lobbying that means you're going to get tax breaks out of the deal too like general electric two years ago paid zero fourteen billion dollars of profit and they paid zero wouldn't taxes you said before we went on that you believe that this supreme court decision that corporations are people was a bad one it's an extremely bad one and you top that with their second decision which was that money is free speech it's a form of free speech well as i told you larry i'm waiting for the next bank robber to use that as his defense i robbed the bank because simply i was looking for some more free speech that i wanted i'm protected under the first amendment you know i believe that the supreme court's decision that corporations have the same rights as people and money is free speech will destroy the evidence and it isn't all that you're not in favor of the party anymore oh i'm afraid i'm for the abolishment of
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all the political parties well what do you want to what do advocate what do you i know i have if you read chapter two where you'll find that i have three tremendous allies who agree with me one hundred percent george washington thomas jefferson and john adams you should read what washington wrote about political parties where we said it would destroy the united states it was and you are the first thing you could do is so simple it's so simple in all elections don't allow gang symbols or gang names on the ballot only the candidate's name when she gets done for a purpose larry if you're conservative you don't have to know the name of the candidate you just walk in and look for that word republican if you're a liberal again you don't have to know the candidate just look for the word liberal let's remove those then it becomes a. up to the voter to educate them but i need money to so the name john jones on the bow down i have to tell the public who john jones is they can still be the same
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you demote them to being like political action they can still indorse like the teacher's union you could still get the republican party indorsement you could still get the democratic gang indorsement if you want to call them gains which is what they are but they would be demoted to do the same as any other like the teacher's union the fireman's union they could indorse but get them ob of the system if we don't do that our country is going down the drain we all was angry now i've never had not even angry no no i'm just passionate about things that i get into it's not a hanger it's passion it's a difference but it's going down in the nest it's all good conspiracy you don't have much for you no use say we're on the brink of fascism we are fascist already we are the fascist states of america we don't need to be proud of us too you don't have a hitler we don't have all the silly me yes we do over two gangs pick your president
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you don't. yeah those primaries people go to the polls and all the polls have nothing to do with it you want to know how i know that look at right when barack obama won the presidency four years ago what started airing on t.v. immediately after obama's win all of these bore my dad's where they showed a regular person member need smile at the camera at the end and say and i'm a mormon that they knew already romney was going to be the gang pick for years before it even happened why do you think those ads were out there they were to give to us people accustomed to mormonism and acceptable love it because let's face it mormonism isn't exactly been fully mainstream to his father's religion do you see conspiracy everywhere no no he's this book has no conspiracy of it it's all facts she people are now pigeonholing me just because i wrote a book on conspiracies and i did a show on it they act like i believe everything's a conspiracy i do not but i will tell you this think of this when the government
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comes out with the oficial story of something rest assured larry that's to protect officials that's why it's called deal fishel story so you don't trust easy i don't trust the government at all why should i let's look at recently they lied to me about weapons of mass destruction in iraq there were not that they lied about iraq being tied to al qaeda even the nine eleven commission said there was nothing they lied about the rescue of jessica lynch and worst of all they lied about the murder of pat tillman now what gives them any credibility after all they do is constantly lie to me and what i find interesting larry is that when the government lies to us nothing happens when we lied to the government we go to jail. now the hell is out all in all so. you believe presidential candidates have to wear nascar suits i believe they should have to research that when we use voters will understand who
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owns them and i call the gas car drivers they have all their sponsors and dollar value and that way when we watch them talk we'll know who owns that bill have to wear a patch but only i got half a million dollars from this person three million from there the ones government your government yeah that's true but i won't but larry. my father who was a world war two veteran and i'll tell you this story one day i came home in the high school and my father said to me you know all politicians are crooks and i looked at my dad i said come on dad you can't make a blanket statement like that they can all be crooks he said yes they can i mean we went to the eighth grade you know what his reasoning was he looked at me said there are crooks because they spend a million dollars for a job that only pays one hundred grand why would you spend more money than what the job pays almost as you spend and i spent three hundred thousand to become governor
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and i made four hundred eighty so if my father would have been alive i could have looked him in the i'm sure your son is not a crook because i tell me anybody else who's ever been elected to a major office that spent less money to get the office than what he made do we get by the way you do i found politician you like ron paul yes because ron paul believes in the constitution they would be nominated in the of course they won't because the palms to sion bill of rights are in shambles no they don't even exist they violate them on a daily basis when did you in your opinion your country start to go bad if you're a paid you're a navy seal may i believe the war ties are on if there are some again you're going to call me a conspiracy theorist but i believe the country the real defining moment of the country was when they murdered john kennedy. because if you can kill the president and get away with it what can't you do and for anyone i mean on my t.v. show i had a full confession from e. howard hunt got no mainstream media whatsoever hunt confessed to his son st john
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hunt audiovisual enlisting what he said that the cia killed kennedy he even maim the guys william harvey and david sanchez morale us if you look at the history or find harvey was the head of the cia's assassination unit at that time they were attempting to kill castro on multiple occasions what they simply did was turn around and went to dallas instead you also question nine eleven yes i do the implosion well there's a lot of there's a lot of unanswered questions about nine eleven if someone can give me an answer to them i'll be happy to concur and here's the simple list. there were over twelve hundred cars on the streets of manhattan that day they were toasted and burned as far as five blocks away at the f.d.r. please explain to me how a car can be toasted and burned five blocks away from where the buildings allegedly fail and they didn't fall they were disintegrated here's the well what was here's
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another point when you bring a building down with conventional demolition ok when they took down the king dome in seattle it when it was on the ground at the end it was twelve point five percent of its original height was in debris on the ground the twin towers less than two percent of their original height was on the ground where the big go where do they go if the audience is that siren there are they have been jesse wise because i get them remember when the government comes out with an official story you get paid put out you're not allowed to question it you're not allowed to expect any answers from them anymore even though that official story may be riddled with holes that ask us something did you do special ops did you guys all discuss anything i did larry because when i came back from my deployment my commanding officer brought us all if
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it was right when meal i was breaking and he brought us into the briefing room and he said you're under direct orders not to talk about anything you did do all deployed overseas i still respect that so i don't discuss everything did i do any special ops i might have but not much because i got in on the tail end of the war i was one thousand and sixteen i was used to be a seal. dangerous because i was a competitive swimmer in high school there was no professional swimming except in the navy and then they pay about five hundred bucks a month plus you get to blow things up larry that's fun you know i and chloe and friends up and you know i was. scuba diver i was a competitive swimmer souls who it was a natural transition for me to go into the frog man or the navy seals honest question when you got all on the square and you were governor general live your constituents not that i know of never said i never took one dollar of pac money
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special interest money and i appointed seventy three judges when i was governor i never knew one of them before appointing them i had a screening committee that of great lawyers that screened out and they would send me the three top finalists tell me about their governor that never appointed one person that he knew to be a good judge we'll be right back with jesse ventura this is the book you'll want to read it don't call it. the worst year for those. white house because. four minutes from the. close to as you've never seen anything like this. oh are all. guilty.
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if in your bank. city in the field that block the one find it here if you're looking for relevant stories you need perspectives on top of my skills and talents. back with jesse ventura who just i think said he's a pacifist absolutely in fact i will tell you this larry i'm sixty one years old now and i would today be a conscientious objector you know the world war vietnam nope because i haven't seen one war in my lifetime that threatened my country and i haven't seen one war that's ever been worth it they're all done for the they're all done for corporate world corporations they're not done for the people of america or what to you give em well i wasn't alive then ok i was born in fifty one i said the wars during my lifetime
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and some names. so young during our folks it's very hard but i'm working that is obama that you're the best leader of the only one that gets this out of obama what about him what do you think of him i think he's a nice person but he surely hasn't brought any change we got this i can't tell the difference between him and bush except the color of their skin bill clinton bill clinton one of those movies talking presidents we've ever had joe biden joe biden congrats to him for his son one of the few politicians who had a son go to war. that is they are still the man who succeeded you tim bolen. he's ok i guess but he's definitely not presidential material in the fight of sought reelection you wouldn't even know his name what do you make of the voter suppression concepts going on people have to bring id it's awful there's no there there it's a red herring land it is racist it's all of that it's a red herring in the fact that there is no voter fraud it's so minute that you have
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a better chip i heard a quote the other day you could get hit by lightning more times than voter fraud so if there's three voter fraud in election how is that going to swing an election this is a red herring to get rid of minority poor people voting i mean if you're a poor person it would cost you thirty five dollars to go get a government pictured i.d. what do you choose that day eating or the id. i think you'll choose to eat right if you don't have a car you don't have a drug that's right there's a cry of a rag in afghanistan as contract wars yes you mean this these are the first wars that we use mercenaries in. contract war so we're hiring cowboys were hiring mercenaries to go fight our wars in the dangerous thing about that is they don't fall under the uniform code of military justice they don't fall under any of the rules they can do anything may want their cowboys out there with guns and they can
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kill innocent people and there's no repercussions from it we're taping this program in new york jesse came here from minnesota who wanted to fly in the city didn't fly any took the train no he's not afraid of flying i got thirty four parachute jump sodaine afraid i'd jump out of them or i want you to i won't fly larry because tired of being treated like a criminal at the airport i have metal in my body so when i pass through the metal detector from that point on i'm treated like a criminal and i brought a lawsuit against the t.s.a. and homeland security over my fourth amendment constitutional rights and the key word is reasonable search and seizure how is it reasonable to believe jesse ventura is a threat i've been a mayor i've been a governor i'm an arm or a blue discharge navy veteran and i've been flying for thirty years that they have to you're going to says certain people apart you test everybody what he got against that they're only looking to protect well when he got
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a hip surgery when remember what ben franklin said to us ben franklin said those that will give up their liberty for security shall have a deserve neither because liberty is security so therefore you would have no examinations at the airport no you can have examinations at the airport fine do it like the israelis do they don't do any of this nonsense and they're under far more danger than they are questioning you though there's not everybody they just question certain people that look. b.v. a stew them or whatever so because so file a little bit of courses you refuse to fly well because i refuse to fly because they want to allow me to go to court i want to jury to make a determination of whether my fourth amendment is being violated it gets in front of the federal judge she throws it out and says she doesn't have jurisdiction while hot as a federal judge not have jurisdiction over a constitutional question that nobody does larry is it all is the patriot act
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basically saying in times this is all nine eleven since nine eleven we are a troubled worried nation therefore we might to step out of bounds no you don't step out of bounds you don't feel you don't have a constitution of convenience you don't have a bill of rights of convenience they stand all the time where you mean nothing we mean nothing today because of bill of rights and constitution or shredded i got a chapter in there called the shredding of the constitution and bill of rights you don't like using god in campaigns right not at all i'm an atheist so you don't like when people say god bless america i don't mind it that's up to them that's their choice just don't require me to do it you know i put god on the same level as i do the tooth fairy the easter bunny and santa until there's a shred of evidence i don't have to believe in can anyone come up with any evidence there's a god no it's all
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a belief you pledge allegiance i haven't since grade school would do pledge allegiance if asked probably not because it says god and or because you just don't want to be being tampered i would lead one to pledge allegiance to these two political parties under any circumstances and they're the two that run our country so no i would pledge no allegiance to democrats or republicans and they run the country. do you even musky and you know you're a maverick. you know i you guys who are large i think i'm kind of mainstream really and you know you march to a different drum burgess or you drum range of the drummer in the band i mean you you you don't trust how can you larry i've been lied to so often isn't it interesting when we lied to the government we go to jail when the government lies to us oh yeah we go to war seems we're getting the wrong end of the stick on both
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do you remember when you started to change. i mean you you went into service you were a navy seal. you were a governor a maverick where you were and this i think that is i think it probably happened right after the military when when i started to realize what a fraud vietnam was in the vietnam was based upon lies and going to course was confirmed to do thousand and four when i was teaching at harvard robert mcnamara kid through right before he died and admitted the gulf of tonkin incident didn't happen well that was the incident that put us into the vietnam war we're fifty eight thousand of my generation were killed and probably a million vietnamese killed who knows and so i would see i started to about the time of richard nixon. i think is when i started to become the rebel and started to really doubt and question and i also believe what jefferson said and jefferson said dissensions the greatest form of patriotism and i agree with that if you go along
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to get along you have bad government if you hold their feet to the fire and scrutinize them for this anything they do you will have good government i'll never forget what general wallace greene who is the commandant of the u.s. marine corps told me once this was during the war and i said what do you make of all these protests is a o.b.j. of any cases and he said thank god for them the opposite weiss's because that's why marines are dying we're dying so they can protest that's right if you stop them from protesting while we are fighting that's right would you run for the know what center i asked this of for once and look what happened under what circumstances would you run for president to criteria's would have to be met to get me to run for president number one it would require a grassroots movement throughout the entire nation to get me on the ballot in all fifty states same thing bro said word for word i want to grassroots movement where don't cos i'm about he got on the low cost money a grassroots movement to get me on the balconies spending of the money is obscene
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we can do far better things with money than pay for all these bozo elections and these guys to put these phony ads out i would need a grassroots movement to get me on the ballot in all fifty states and am i would need the movement to be vocal to guarantee me i could participate in the debates because without the debates you're dead no water you have no chance with the debates you can do as i did minnesota larry at the point of the primary which was seven weeks before the election i was polling ten percent i was allowed to debate seven weeks later i was the governor of minnesota so i had to be guaranteed the debates and guaranteed ballot access in all fifty states if they do that out there jesse ventura will give see. consideration to running you defeated by the son of one of the great americans hubert humphrey and i also defeated senator norm coleman so what's it like to lightweights that i'd be headed for san humphreys names on
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half the buildings in minnesota isn't that illegal during election he was a great guy but i know but isn't that illegal by the way that you think it is in ventura on half the buildings they debate in fact they made me leave my radio show i was the only candidate that had to give up his private sector job and go with no income while these other two guys continued to collect their government paychecks all the time they were running against me in your name on a building in minnesota you know no no not some i mail box. i think i have one street i think there was a new development where a developer could name the streets and i think he put venter avenue did not go to college i didn't go to college yet you or a visiting fellow at harvard university's kennedy school of government so before you take him lightly folks we're not dealing with a lightweight here well the one thing great about harvard that i walk found out really liked was that harvard as a quota system where they take so many students from public school by quota and i
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salute harvard for that because it means it's not always the rich boys that are going there you know they are there they're bringing regular kids from regular public schools if you qualify you have the grades and you have what they're looking for you could go to harvard and many things so anything interesting about you you'll have the time in minnesota but they have to have you live in mexico in a place without electricity yeah i live an hour from electricity an hour from pavement. why flush your brain out find out what real life is again last year i went sixty days right didn't see television by choice. sixty days of not see in the boob tube pm live without the electricity though it's called surfing t.v. . swimming in the ocean going out what you have where i live you have two ecosystems that collide had the ocean beach the desert it's one of the greatest
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battles you'll ever see miss government sometimes i miss accomplishing things and i miss the excitement of it and i miss taking on the democrats and the republicans because i'm always up for a good fight and when you've got two opponents like that it's you can swing either direction a school or a nobody i don't larry thank you and it's good to have you back good to be back there when people like you is really good to be back jesse ventura the book is demographics and grow broad broad look and. fight with what happened let me finish that i couldn't see i would challenge anyone to read this book cover to cover and if you still vote for a democrat or republican then you are the problem not the solution see again on larry king now don't forget us on twitter right up i.
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if you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food. if you know how. i mean. i know you can't seem to really mess up. in the spirit so closely apologize to the sack. worse you are going to go lie down to the. radio guy for a minute. i want. to give you never seen anything like this i'm telling. you guys i'm out in martin and this is breaking this side so i don't know if you guys have heard the news that broke on friday but it turns out that there.
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