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tv   Headline News  RT  June 18, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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i. told smiles and handshakes at the g. eight is the u.s. and russia admit they are not on the same page on how to solve syria but pledged to move towards a diplomatic solution. plus a somewhat icy atmosphere at the summit after the revelations that british and american intelligence spied on g twenty members back in two thousand and nine. there are more u.s. surveillance leaks to come as pledged by whistleblower edward snowden in an online q. and a where he also said that he is honored to be declared a traitor by washington.
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hello there good to have you company you're watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow with me andrey farmer. now syria's unending bloodshed is once again proving to fracture relations between moscow and washington at the g eight summit in northern ireland. and barack obama had to admit they don't really see eye to eye on the matter but agreed that peace talks should take place more now from artie's party boyko the gathering in last. the g.a.o. has been criticized in the past for being a bit of a talking shop and it seemed to have lived up to its name but it had made putin and barack obama reiterated that they want to see a peaceful solution to the crisis in syria they aim to get both sides in the conflict around the negotiating table in geneva but of course at the same time we know that they come from very different positions we know that last week the usaid
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pledged to provide military assistance to the syrian opposition leader mir putin on the other hand is against this he says that providing more weapons to the syrian opposition can only increase the bloodshed already taking place in syria so of course syria looked like it would be the main headline of this summit but rather unexpectedly these revelations of the spy scandal taking place back in two thousand and nine at the g twenty summit that britain hosted have come out we know from the documents that edward snowden has revealed is that the british security agency was spying on foreign dignitaries at the last g twenty summit that the u.k. also hosted back in two thousand and nine so not setting a great precedent as host of a summit we had even reports that they set up fake internet cafes in order to intercept the e-mails of the whole delegations of foreign dignitaries and even
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tapping into the. president of russia dmitry medvedev so definitely tensions raised and at the same time it's all happening against the backdrop of protests with a number of anti globalist trade. you know human rights campaigners marching through the streets demanding that these world leaders address issues such as world poverty and. world hunger but a lot of people saying that the protests have been largely contained because perhaps the police presence has been a way of intimidating the protesters and keeping them at bay while on paper at least the g eight summit is supposed to be a chance to discuss a number of vital social political and economic issues and we would like to know if you think it is chivas anything the lion's share of those voting at r.t. dot com at the moment believe the gathering is
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a high level platform to talk but with few real results a third of you are a little more optimistic saying that it reveals powerful nations agendas for the rest of the world and the rest split between those who are convinced the meeting is vital and actually brings positive results in the rest thinking that the g eight does help catalyzed responses to global crises you do have a chance to tell us what you think or do you have to do is go to r.t. dot com. forward a political analyst and former euro m.p. says the revelations of british and u.s. surveillance at the g twenty four years ago sound familiar at the end of the nine hundred ninety s. he raised the issue of a secret u.s. project targeting e.u. citizens called the shillong believes the u.k. has long been america's tool for harvesting information. certainly in the past we we've learned that two military friendships in military are if we deserve to be
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irish peace process and some spots throughout britain with france or by britain's position of new york and union absolutely to be expected there are going to be military with the g. twenty in g.h. events to use economies such operation why the stunning use of j.c.h. can sometimes even get to see what it downloads for the americans some of the similar material downloaded from satellites i actually just fed directly to fort meade in the united states and we get so little bits of it back so we're working as a connoisseur contractors' cleaning up after us and of course it will give the green light to the worst of the world to do the same thing why won't you join your or anybody else be insured next time member has complained that maybe some was going to be acting under the information for him or it's all the bullshit industrials go where the chinese are actually it is crawford is the best there ever . it is a taxing time for g eight has stated cameron the british prime minister wants the
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other world leaders to join him in nabbing tax evaders i'm plugging the link post later we'll tell you why it is such a big deal plus israel's bunker mentality details of why top politicians get to go underground at great cost of serious conflict breaches its borders. former n.s.a. contractor turned whistleblower edward snowden is hitting back at washington and the onslaught from the lawmakers gunning for him fielding questions online snowden promised more leaks to come and derided days defending the global surveillance web that has exposed our correspondent reena portnoy followed b.q. and. snowden referred to washington's war on whistleblowers as a draft clooney and campaign he believes will ultimately escalate the scale school and skill involved in future government leaks in short stowed in a believes that u.s.
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president barack obama is actually building better whistleblowers by targeting and punishing all those that aim to expose government wrongdoing as for the website that served as a strong platform for whistleblowers snowden referred to wiki leaks as a legitimate journalistic outlets on the topic of obama snowden accuse the president of entering the white house and slamming the door on many campaign promises such as in vesta gating systemic violate instead snowden says the u.s. commander in chief is deepening and expanding several abusive programs that began under the bush administration the former booz allen hamilton employees says the u.s. government destroyed his possibility for a fair trial at home by openly declaring him guilty of treason and his acts as criminal unconstitutional and unforgivable snowden now reportedly hiding out in hong kong claims he did not reveal any u.s. operations against legitimate military targets he says his leaks pointed out where
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the n.s.a. has hacked civilian infrastructure such as hospitals universities and private businesses covert operations that snowden claims is aggressively criminal and dangerous now even if the u.s. government ultimately catches and in prisons him snowden believes that it will not prevent more people like him from coming forward reporting from new york. r.t. . that recently emerged that the n.s.a. may be running not just the prism spying system but a whole series of secret programs designed to try and public a fact that america political commentator believes holds dangers of its. over the weekend the washington post's kind of published an article showing that not just as their prism but we have nuclear on and we have marina and we have maine where there's all these major programs prison is by far provides the most intelligence for the president but it takes you know there's about five million
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people now with security clearance and that's going to be a problem moving forward when now that the secrets of started to come out others are feeling more and bold to tell secrets it's going to be a matter of not just how bast the surveillance system is but which which countries in which governments can keep their secrets safe with this with all the security clearances out there. all hope is lost to some of the guantanamo bay detainees later not to report on the official release of inmates who most likely never they because the u.s. considers them too dangerous to release but denies them a trial. of a new syrian rebels have killed sixty governments which is near the city of aleppo in one of the deadliest single strikes a suicide bomber detonated a truck supposedly filled with six tons of explosives in an attempt to the tide of the conflict i said assad troops have made a strong push in recent weeks and rebel leaders say they are in dire need of support they've already got al qaeda linked militants and foreign ministry
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responding on their side and are now set to start getting weapons from the way meanwhile government forces have the backing of lebanon's hezbollah may seeing get a four thousand strong troop reinforcement from around the british national party's nick griffin missed part of a european fact finding delegation that's just returned from damascus he told us that any third party involvement only aggravates the conflict. wayne cameron in the american psyche that we should on the rebels what is saying is that a lot of people are being killed in a war so the solution is to send more guns like it's madness unfortunately the the americans the british the french and especially the saudis playing this with a strike by their interest isn't in sorting out the syrian problem it's overthrowing the assad regime which is rid of the last secular tolerant regime in the whole of the middle east and replacing it with will be extremism the vast majority of rebels liberal democrat state respect america west
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a value of jihadists you know the first invasion of syria by foreign forces is the fact that at least forty thousand of the so-called syrian rebels are in fact jihadist terrorists from north africa central asia and even western europe there's an estimated six hundred western european born jollity is fighting against the syrian government right now. well serious conflict ling's large over the israeli occupied golan heights where the border is already troubled by fighting the prospect of having war on its doorstep is a worry for israel although not perhaps for the country's elite who have been revealed to have an expensive and impenetrable hideout poor islay looks at what the rest of the country thinks about it. when the missiles come israel's leaders will be here deep underground somewhere on the road between jerusalem and tel aviv about a decade ago news broke that the government was building a bunker here in the hills of jerusalem to the tune of some two hundred million
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dollars criticism at the time was that the country had survived for fifty years without one and could for another fifty but back then the threat of a nuclear iran was nowhere near israel's prime minister netanyahu claims it is today. i am not exaggerating when i say the threats are greater than ever it is quite possible they are the greatest since the declaration of independence and even since the harsh times during the first decades of this country. no one seen the bunker and it's been very little media coverage of it all that's known is that it can withstand an earthquake biological war or atomic attack it's rumored to have living quarters and command facilities able to accommodate several hundred people it's. important that we have such an installation so as to make sure the government is really in shape and can actually operate under any circumstances but gideon spiro doesn't buy the hype he's one of only a handful of israeli anti nuke activists who've been calling on the government to
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disarm nuclear. both of the corruption. in their home but the whole going through. the proper for a career. which means that while netanyahu rants and raves he can do so knowing full well. he has a hideout to sit out the nuclear winter should it come but it's not so simple for the person in the street in case of an extreme situation of a nuclear attack or a severe attack on israel and they're all protected afterwards who are going to be ruling who's going to be left around for them to govern on is the question is if they receive can have a bunker not a bunker and that's exactly how dime a tire is what we he doesn't have a shelter nice home and has to rely on this public bunker which is almost always knocked it's always simple people on the street that pay the price of wars and not
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you know the generals that lead us into them there's very little you can do i mean the instructions given by the army to israelis are staying home in a room that does not look towards the east that's the best they can do but it's well known that many of israel's bomb shelters are run down and neglected about twenty percent of the population doesn't even have access to one we still have a problem with those that were constructed in the eighty's and seventy's etc etc some of them being strengthened right snow by the special project to enable us to be more protected but that hasn't stopped it on yahoo turning up his rhetoric in recent weeks the irony is that should will begin the man who called for it will be safe in a bunker while his fellow citizens will be lifted face it head on policy r.t. in the hills of jerusalem. north korea's offer to take part in peace talks is falling on deaf is in the u.s. washington is demanding pyongyang to arise a shunt is the starting point but critics suspect america is not really that cain
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on easing the tension on the pinning sure that's coming up in a couple of minutes time as well as europe's gas guzzlers hounded by high fuel prices and inefficient motors drivers they're looking for a cheaper way to get from a to b. we're back after a quick break. wealthy british style. market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's culture the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report. we speak your language. the.
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news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you. is a little tonnage of angola's stories. here. the spanish to find out more visit actuality. again the u.s. government has released a list of forty six current guantanamo bay prisoners who can forget about freedom officials say they can't be prosecuted even though some of them were recommended
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for trial but they can't be released either because the government considers them too dangerous to be left khalid shaikh mohammed who is already on trial for masterminding the nine eleven attacks is one of those on the list which consists of mostly afghan and yemeni nationals is a blow to the campaign to get the jail shut down activists had been boosted by the appointment of a vet. as an m. boyd to push for the closure of the camp over one hundred of guantanamo detainees have been on hunger strike for months now i read a indefinite detention. is an attorney for one of the inmates and she told us that sometimes lawyers are powerless to defend their clients there is evidence against many men that has been deemed classified and the attorneys for the men have never seen and may never see and they will not be able to challenge the detention of the men or the evidence that's held against them and so some of the men who u.s.
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has deemed. to be are able to be indefinitely detained we won't ever be able to see the evidence that they used to support that claim what the administration is saying at the camp is that they are searching for contraband that may apparently be stored in the general area of the men and keep in mind these are men who are in solitary come by night now as of may they are in a cell all alone for twenty two hours and contraband that they could possibly store is limited to what the guards provide them so it's literally nothing that could possibly be hidden and this area by these men who are in solitary cells for twenty two hours a day. now there are plenty more stories online for you to look at including the latest on wiki leaks whistleblower humaneness aren't you says he's prepared to spend the next five years in the confines of the ecuadorian embassy in london after high level talks to break the asylum impasse bolted and
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a bloody weekend across chicago in the worst violence so far this year even as the city desperately tries to shed its deadly reputation you can get all the details to the stories at r.t. dot com. britain is trying to rally other g eight countries to share financial information to crack down on tax avoiders but is thought some of these suggestions go a bit too far for some of the leaders to help because the list has been published naming and shaming some of those jumping through loopholes r.t. shaun thomas discussed this with our business presenter katie building. well the international consortium of investigative journalists has come out with all these details and exposed people that are using tax havens from thirty countries literally hundreds of thousands of people have been exposed right now and this is all for a timely considering these are the people that exposed politicians rogue nations
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that religious leaders oligarchs and we know that david cameron is using the g eight to really put tax evasion at the forefront and get international support for his laws that he wants to enforce he needs everybody to jump on the same ship so that everybody else that wants to avoid tax can go to another country and get away with it so the taxes are all important because these are tough economic times in the u.k. you know exactly we know that britain is dealing with stagnant growth at the moment it has been since the financial crisis but there's a bit of criticism going on because britain actually created the tax haven and is actually in charge of ten crown dependences an isle of man isle of wight and there's a lot to talk about and he's got to get those countries on board he's held the fact that he has already done that but nothing has been put on it all of this is easier said than done as in all things with politics right this is actually tough it is a tough task just because it's so secretive but that secrecy. because of exposé
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he's like this is making mr cameron's job that much easier and i got expert analysis on less than air is he is the editor in chief of business new york magazine i said to him how realistic is it that we could have a tax haven for a while. because it means you have to police the entire world think about the system is necessary international that means every country one tiny little country who chooses not to abide by this can do you know offer is. as i say convenient services for people trying to hide money. means that the whole thing becomes a mockery there's no way of controlling it so you can work towards it you can it will take time and probably it's a good idea but you've got several countries like cyprus obvious example but luxembourg still switzerland before they were offering the services as a business it becomes a big part of their economy and very difficult for a small country like somebody to tell them they can't do it because they have
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a lot of it making money so i think that one thing that can be avoided at the g eight summit is the topic of tax evasion. away from the g eight offshore issues motorists in europe have no choice but to keep pumping their hard earned cash into paramedic cars but as tess arcilla now reports the cost of getting it back can be greater than the car dealers claim and the expense is soon added up. when i went to the store that told me that's a very economy car it's only five point seven liter. on you know one hundred kilometer. and i never. i never make that consumption i always make more and in a time of crisis when every penny counts the difference doesn't go unnoticed i pay more because i use less or more feel that i'm expecting. car ads in the
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e.u. advertised they expected the fuel consumption of their car models whatever recently published report shows a discrepancy of up to twenty five percent on actual fuel consumption of motorists on the road the study by the international council on clean transportation notes the disparity between real world carbon emissions and what drivers get accounts for an average of three hundred euros more per year but this three main reasons for the discrepancy the first is that the test is very out of date over thirty years old the second reason is there was lots of loopholes that they can introduce the furred main reason as they do the tests but the lights are switched off the air conditioning is all heating would be zero so it's not being driven like a protocol taken together the end result leaves motorists across europe choking on the cost of their fumes many of whom are already struggling to make ends meet one trend that's taking shape as a steady continues to bite is more people opting for two wheels rather than for the
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european cycling federation claims that sales of bicycles across the continent now outnumber cars by two to one italians for one have already been actively making the switch thanks to a sturdy but there's a financial incentive as well the more money people have the more they can spend which did later the economy the fuel the people above boeing for their cars is a big part. all of their disposable income so if we can reduce the costs to consumers of filling up their call by having more fuel efficient cars then that puts money in people's pockets which is exactly what our good costumers they believe they will buying into to begin with the low to me it's. it's it's not fair so still your r t brussels. a quick look now at other stories happening around the world this hour turkey's protesters have returned attacks in the square despite police efforts to clear the plaza but demonstrators now have the support of labor
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unions that's despite the government's threat to bring in the army to tackle the unrest that's engulfed parts of the country for more than two weeks the key demand is for prime minister erdogan to step down as the biggest challenge to his leadership during his ten years in office and a powerful blast on a convoy carrying an afghan m.p. has left at least three people dead in cobol on the day nato hands over security to national afghan forces police say the attack happened to the west of the capital near the national parliament the security transfer is a significant milestone towards the full withdrawal of coalition troops planned for the end of next year. america is skeptical over north korea's proposal to launch high level talks between them to reduce tensions on the korean peninsula the obama administration says it wants actions not words asia specialist him below says america is unwilling to negotiate
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because it won't benefit from pace in the region. preconditions are there so that the negotiations won't get off the ground. if you don't want to have negotiations. simplest way to do that. so this is why is. the man preconditions of the. set so that i think it's well. then the question of course is why they do that why didn't they. you know that that's the difficult one and i think basically it was the number of reasons but the main reason is is china wants tensions on the korean peninsula is the containment of china so they're very loath to increase and go. to the do you choose the situation. makes the kaiser poll finds out more about
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those who are shaking their fists at the global leaders holding their summit in overnight. you know what's worse than a crop bureaucrat a corporate crash who sucks at being corrupt scumbag bureaucrat in veronese russia just couldn't help himself and puts a very hefty charges for services contracts for road repair and construction in just three years he was able to take enough of a percentage off of these contracts though investigators raided his house he had the equivalent of over three million dollars in russian money all over his home news not mail dot ru claims he had entire laundry hamper and twenty five kilogram sugar sacks filled to the brim with box first off when someone is this flagrant
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that means that he thought rather comfortable and not getting caught so there are plenty more of these guys. out there but second this is a absolutes left in the face to russia taxpayers who are hungry for new roads i think for instance it's a flagrant in your face obvious crush corruption russia might need to reconsider that moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my. max kaiser this is the kaiser report so the central planners are here the
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activists are here. of course belfast northern ireland over the road. stacey herbert max yes people are protesting against the central planners around the world here is the photographic proof of it this is not however anywhere in northern ireland in fact it's in china and these are ten thousand people in china a lined up to buy gold in front of a gold shop the buyers are lined up during this three day dragon boat festival so i thought to juxtapose this to the protests happening here against the same exact financial and monetary crimes how much more effective it is not to buy gold to be lining up like that instead of holding.


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