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tv   Headline News  RT  June 18, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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g eight summit ends with leaders backing a peace conference on syria but they failed to mend differences as president putin slammed the u.s. decision to arm the rebels saying there's no hard evidence the regime crossed the line used chemical weapons. reveals forty six names of guantanamo bay detainees they said too dangerous to release to transfer or to prosecute as washington stumbles again on its way to shutting down the camp. and police raids in istanbul and ankara result in more than eighty arrests as the turkish government boosts its tactics against the protests that are gripping the country.
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at nine pm very get even sure of you watching around the world it's kevin owen here at th q. tonight in our top stories in the g. eight summits just drawn to an end in northern ireland with syria as predicted one of the most pressing topics up for discussion despite major disagreements the leaders did manage to come up with a joint statement end of the day russia's president commented on what's been achieved and what differences still remain. following the news conference at locke and for us. from all the g eight leaders is being presented as somewhat of a triumph they managed to come together and issued a statement on syria from everybody one thing about amir putin said in a press conference is that everybody agrees that the only way forward is diplomatic and a diplomatic resolution to the crisis in syria they want to see all the sides around the negotiating table and they want to see the need for to. happen as soon as possible for it as i didn't see that yet and of course really development which is
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right about a number of giving the point remains. russia's a point of view on the syrian crisis and everybody else is one of them is chemical weapons. and reiterated that russia doesn't find the evidence provided by the americans very convincing so the russian government doesn't have any proof that chemical weapons have been used in syria and he also mentioned that a number of other g eight leaders also question the claims that have been made by the u.s. government it wasn't a case of seven against one of the leaders have been questioning that information as well he said that there needs to be a full investigation into the use of chemical weapons in syria and that needs to be in order to establish the truth and that needs to be presented back to the u.n. and of course the u.s. has already said that because a result of these claims that bashar al assad has used chemical weapons they are now have pledged to provide military support to the syrian opposition now and
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speaking just now in a press conference reiterated that he thinks that sending weapons to the syrian rebels will further escalate and destabilize the bloodshed taking place there already and when questioned about russia's arms sales to the syrian government this is what vladimir putin said in response. contracts to the legitimacy government of president assad you know when the possible weapons supplies to syrian rebels by european countries the british people recently witnessed an outrageous tragedy when a soldier was butchered in broad daylight in the streets of london many in the syrian opposition not all of them of course criminals like the ones that conducted that violent killing do europeans want to supply arms to be used people what will happen to these weapons where will these arms and because end up back in europe
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that's why we call in our partners to think twice before they take this extremely dangerous step. one of the timea putin dances abroad to aspire to polly now less than twenty four hours ago for a week he was writing that the russian leader was isolated at the summit but different images apparently emerged to saving r t s news editor of across seas with ministry you know about that you were watching your son but i've run out of the last twenty four hours or so what i am to russia is supposed to isolation i was just talking about this rhetoric here is you know kind of seven against one if up aerated a little didn't it well i think you've got an event like this you've got to look at the choreography yeah so yes at the canadian prime minister observed that putin seemed isolated or spot we ran out a line that was isolated at the at the summit and i think if you look at the choreography of the the press conferences and the communique that they've issued today i don't think that whole hold any water in fact my read on it is that putin didn't blink on syria and the others did the point being if you have
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a look at david cameron's press conference that he gave as president of the g. eight as a sitting president of the g. eight cameron went through some points on foreign policy that they had decided one of those was a libya that the g. eight was going. stores resolve and strengthen his stance in trying to bring the militias in libya under control he then went on to syria and issued a seven point declaration which. is signed by the all members of the g eight including some balance on the issue of chemical weapons there's not much finger pointing going on there and there is no train that assad has no role in any future government of syria there is a call for a roadmap towards a transition government in syria and this may or may not include assad and putinism people and on that issue anyway he's not insisting that as out has to be there one way or in iraq but a couple a couple of statements that cameron made suggest that it was they who blinked and quite considerably cameron used the expression we need to learn the lessons of iraq
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before we get involved heavily in syria and then went on to explain how syrian needed and this is backed up in the in the geo communique that syria needed a functioning police government institutions health care institutions an army the rule of law a political system all of which by. libya lacks and i think putin probably went into the g. eight and said look at look at what's going on in libya and we're not going to repeat that i think there was an acknowledgement there around the table that none of them wanted to repeat the mistakes of the past thanks i've across the room with us tonight thanks. also to john steele is a columnist for the u.k.'s guardian newspaper told me the biggest challenge of the proposed geneva two talks will be bringing the syrian opposition to the table which the west seems to have no clue how to achieve. president putin at one point did say casually that we have agreed that all sides will put pressure on the people to attend the conference and i think that's really important because up till now we've heard very little from the western side about pushing the rebels to attend the
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conference so all the talk in the west has been about getting the syrian government to come as though that is the main problem the syrian government has long said it would attend the conference that the rebels have been divided they had a disastrous meeting with few weeks ago in istanbul where they couldn't agree on coming and they said new conditions for for attending they can't agree on a negotiating strategy on the leader of their delegation so it's a real shambles and the only way the conference can get going it's of the rebels. get themselves together and come to the table on the summit sidelines eurocrat said the u.s. officials laid the foundations for a mega sized free trade zone little later the privately report on how the plans pitted european nations against each other and why watchdog agencies are bringing the alarm bell. the g eight summit is taking place just as the n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden core stops and other information bombshell leaking documents to prove the u.s. and the u.k.
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were spying on the delegates of the g twenty summit in london back in two thousand and nine snow has promised even more revelations to have predicted more whistleblowers will follow his example now german internet q. and a session r.t. what important followed that online chat. snowden referred to washington's war on whistle blowers as a draft pony and campaign he believes will ultimately escalate the scale school and skill involved in future government leaks in short snowden believes that u.s. president barack obama is actually building better whistleblowers by targeting and punishing all those that aim to expose government wrongdoing as for the website that served as a strong platform for whistleblowers snowden referred to wiki leaks as a legitimate journalistic outlets on the topic of obama snowden accuse the president of entering the white house and slamming the door on many campaign promises such as in vesta gating systemic violations of law instead snowden says
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the u.s. commander in chief is deepening and expanding several abusive programs that began under the bush administration the former booz allen hamilton employees says the u.s. government destroyed his possibility for a fair trial at home by openly declaring him guilty of treason and his acts as criminal unconstitutional and unforgivable snowden now reportedly hiding out in hong kong claims he did not reveal any u.s. operations against legitimate military targets he says his leaks pointed out where the n.s.a. has hocks civilian infrastructure such as hospitals universities and private businesses covert operations that snowden claims is aggressively criminal and dangerous now even if the u.s. government ultimately catches and in prisons him snowden believes that it will not prevent more people like him from coming forward reporting from new york marina r.t. . what i was snowden's revelations in the ready led to some tension between the u.s.
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and china who demanded that washington explain its surveillance program on cyber spying to the international community judge colbert's editor of independent news website the colbert report he says for the damage to relations between the two countries is now inevitable. there will definitely be further fallout in terms of the relations i don't think this comes as a surprise to anybody in the audience let alone the chinese government or intelligence services especially given the fact that it was admitted earlier this year that the general in charge of the n.s.a. who also happens to be a u.s. army general in charge of cyber command is head is ready to deploy forty cyber battalions in u.s. cyber comm by two thousand and fifteen thirteen of which are going to be specifically for preemptive cyber attacks so is it any surprise that the n.s.a. is actively targeting and conducting cyber operations against u.s. enemies in cyberspace of course this is no surprise to anyone but now that this is been put on the table and made quite explicit i think there is going to have to be
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some sort of reaction from beijing and this is going to complicate already complicated relations between the two when especially as this was just it the topic of the first meeting between president obama and president xi jinping since took office california just earlier this month. we're closely watching developments on the story of well you can log on to website dot com for the full tama ventus also expert analysis on the latest updates to. now the world's largest free trade zone may soon spawn the atlantic that encompassing they populations of the u.s. and the european union lobbyist spirit and executive the heart of what prepared the ground but critics point out in some mountable problems with a business present the capability has got the thing to. france is expected to oppose the deal because they are demanding that their industries get certain protections and continued subsidize asian a point that's not sitting well with other e.u. nations plus our whole bunch of consumer watchdogs and food safety organizations
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are concerned that washington is caving in to pressure from u.s. farm and food industries who want strict food standards rules removes a why example of this is greenpeace which is already concerned that standards will slip as a result of the deal if this trade agreement does go through it's not what year it will have to relax its attitude towards genetically modified crops to the first thing that comes to mind is the monsanto a highly controversial company and i just recently we saw global protests erupt against a company with thousands expressing anger towards it and its practices other european consumers organization also expressed serious concerns fearing that this would this deal was watered down the consumer protection rules they have already been fighting to protect the years now the trade with a merging economy is the brics the countries brazil russia india china and south africa is predicted to declined sharply by thirty percent america has already
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raised europe's hackles over breaching standards especially when it comes to data of course there's the world publicised u.s. surveillance scandal which could come into conflict with the e.u.'s reputation the strict data protection standards and they fall and out before over america demanding europeans private financial and banking transaction data in twenty ten although washington adventure they got its way on this one. right after this quick break.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought. i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. speak your language or not be in. the news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little tentative angles stories. here. to. find out more visit.
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the u.s. government has released a list of forty six quantum obey detainees who they say will remain in prison indefinitely washington claims these men are too dangerous to be moved but also come be prosecuted now he's got a choice you can look at the stumbling blocks on the way to closing the cup. so that's a list of forty six men that the u.s. government has no idea what to do with they've been stuck in this legal limbo for years and even with the president's renewed promises to shut down the prison the government indicates that they will still continue to hold people without charge according to the u.s. government these men are too dangerous to be released but they cannot be tried either in military or civilian court because of inadequate or tainted evidence many of these men were tortured which would make evidence against them inadmissible in court the list includes twenty six yemenis twelve afghans three saudis two kuwaitis and libyans a kenyan moroccan and a somali there were two indefinite detainees both afghans who have died in the camp
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one by suicide one of a heart attack so the administration releases the names of these forty six labeled as indefinite detainees the same day as the state department announces the appointment of its special envoy to guantanamo has expressed mission is to say to see if they can close down with the administration is now trying to do is to live the bad on transfers to the united states so that maybe they can close the prison but still hold the men behind bars now some argue that even if the congress lift the ban on transfers to the u.s. that could mean just a change of address not a solution to the problem right now more than one hundred detainees are starving themselves begging for a solution eighty six of them have been cleared for release by the u.s. government itself a long time ago and yet they're still there before this hunger strike both the administration and congress has shown that they would rather have one ton of model site out of mind they were basically waiting for these men to die it just a few months ago the administration was asking for nearly two hundred million
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dollars to renovate the prison and it really did look like they were taking any steps to fulfill the president's promise we should make twice running for office. more than sixty people to be detained in turkey's largest city istanbul after police swooped on the city targeting protesters and the twenty three were arrested in the capital ankara and desire to really explains next truce isn't the only dish of the government's anti demonstration methods either. the protests in taksim square last night were in fact started off as a lone protester simply standing there for hours on end it was a performance artist. who found that as a good a great way to show his protests towards the violent dispersal of those who were in gezi park in taksim square just days earlier by the police he was soon joined by about a dozen of other protesters that he left and the rest of those who have joined him were arrested by police they were however released a last night we know of at least seventy people were arrested allegedly for their connection to the protests for the turkish authorities put it for instigating
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violence and basically calling on people to go to the streets and instigating also civil unrest those people should be released within four days we're being told but at the same time just talking to protesters people who were out in gezi park you have to understand that they may be gone off the streets not all of them of course a lot of them are actually regrouping right now of course you have your labor unions coming out also showing their indignation at the situation in the country the way that the government has handled the rest in the country which have been going on for more than two weeks at this point they're extremely unhappy with the way they're showing their solidarity with the protesters and by the looks of it it's just we're right in the middle of the eye of the hurricane and now what does the government do aside from arresting people they believe are somehow connected to the protests there are now beginning to closely monitor the social media websites such as twitter and facebook and they're actually they actually have drafted
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a law which is soon going to go into into examination by the turkish parliament on restricting some of the functioning of this social media which move may be the newest and possibly the most interesting developments in lieu of recent events considering the fact that a lot of protesters actually are being organized through twitter or facebook there was the statement that if there will not be enough policemen to quell the protests they will bring in the dharma and if those will not be enough then of course we will be seeing the army also working on calling the protest in the country. in brief a suicide bombers blows himself up during a funeral in northwest pakistan has left at least twenty seven dead and wounded dozens more police say the blasts of might have targeted a politician who attended the procession is affiliated with opposition leader imran khan is the worst attack in the region since the may eleventh elections and highlights the security challenges facing the new government of prime minister now a showery. riot police a clash of protesters in brazil's biggest cities after mass demonstrations people
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are venting their anger at the government spending on staging the twenty forty world cup a crippled social and health system as well as a rise in transport fees the rallies of no end of the second week with more expected to become. one of the founders of the file sharing resource pirate bay got three told this to be extradited from sweden to denmark over hacking charges he's accused of stealing information belonging to the danish police including data on people wanted change in the states if convicted he faces up to six years in prison the exact date as far as extradition is known as he's standing trial in sweden right now for alleged fraud and hacking. the u.s. will open talks with the taliban on afghanistan and cattle within a matter of days after washington dropped a number of preconditions about it the state department long pushed for negotiations but wanted the taliban to cut links with al qaeda first political analyst and a former afghan m.p. the told us the afghan war wasn't worth starting in the first place. this is
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a question that we all asked all so many people died they lost their lives the country has been. in a state of war for so many years so many troops from all over the world were here so much money was spent at the end of the day today of course we are seeing a historic moment where the taleban are now seeing the opening of the emirates the office of the emirates of afghanistan with the flag so the question is a lingering question what is this war what was this war fought for what is going to happen after this this is a very very important turning point and if the americans were the taleban and on one hand they will be talking on the other hand the people of afghanistan will be dying this is going to be a very very devastating situation for our nation online our t. dot com we've got a lot more analysis and more of the stories the world's news makers including the latest on the wiki leaks whistle blow to the sun she's now says he's prepared to
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spend the next five years in the confines of the ecuadorian embassy in london after high level talks to break southern parts of fulton also to russia's foreign minister says iran's new directive president is ready to partly hold the radium enrichment but that's only under certain conditions at home to learn where the west should make compromises as far as they're concerned that. until he ran its new leader a promise is from system of nuclear transparency don't seem to convince israel that the alleged threat will be lifted anytime soon promise and yahoo's said that the president elect rouhani will have no say in the country's nuclear policies israel's in the meantime is well prepared in case of any possible attack with an expensive and impenetrable hideout at the disposal of his pulis lee looks at what the rest of the country thinks about. when the missiles come israel's leaders will be here deep underground somewhere on the road between jerusalem and tel aviv about a decade ago the news broke that the government was building
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a bunker here in the hills of jerusalem to the tune of some two hundred million dollars criticism at the time was that the country had survived for fifty years without one and could for another fifty but back then the threat of a nuclear iran was nowhere near where israel's prime minister netanyahu claims it is today. i am not exaggerating when i say the threats are greater than ever it is quite possible they are the greatest since the declaration of independence and even since the haass times during the first decades of this country. no one seen the bunker and it's been very little media coverage of it all that's known is that it can withstand an earthquake biological war or atomic attack it's rumored to have living quarters and command facilities able to accommodate several hundred people it's. important that we have such an installation so as to make sure the government is really in shape and can actually operate under any circumstances but gideon
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spiro doesn't buy the hype he's one of only a handful of israeli anti nuke activists who've been calling on the government to disarm nuclear. both of the corruption in. high ranking official and their home but the whole country. clipper for a conventional power which means that while netanyahu rants and raves he can do so knowing full well he has a hideout to sit out the nuclear winter should it come but it's not so simple for the person in the street in case of an extreme situation of a nuclear attack or a severe attack on israel and they're all protected afterwards who are going to be ruling was going to be left around for them to govern on is the question is if every citizen can. every banker cannot have a banker and that's exactly how dima times when we he doesn't have a shelter in his home and has to rely on this public bunker which is almost always knocked it's always simple people on the street that pay the price of wars and not
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you know the generals and leaders into them there's very little you can do i mean the instructions given by the army to israelis are staying home in a room that does not look towards the east that's the best they can do but it's well known that many of israel's bomb shelters are run down and neglected about twenty percent of the population doesn't even have access to one we still have a problem with those that were constructed in the eighty's and seventy's etc etc some of them being strengthened right snow by a special project to enable us to be more protected but that hasn't stopped netanyahu turning up his rhetoric in recent weeks the irony is that should war begin the man who called for it will be safe in a bunker while his fellow citizens will be left to face it head on policy r.t. in the hills of jerusalem. you story developing here in russia tonight some details coming in we're explosions of munitions being reported from the somalia region in
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southern russia police have called off the area nearby settlements been evacuated these live pictures through officials say those blasts happened because of a technical failure is that putting it in the disposal of shells that according to two preliminary reports the warehouse can tell you about thirty million rounds of ammunition and keep you up to date on that could be potentially more serious than what we're seeing here at the moment we'll keep posted to throughout the night. our programs continue after the break out his prime interest tonight sift through a wealth of information to bring you the financial facts. you know what's worse than a crap bureaucrat crash who sucks at being corrupt
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a scumbag bureaucrat in veronese russia just couldn't help himself and put some very hefty charges for services contracts for road repair and construction in just three years he was able to take enough of a percentage off of these contracts though investigators raided his house he had the equivalent of over three million dollars in russian money all over his home news not mail dot ru claims he had entire laundry hampers and twenty five kilogram sugar sex filled to the brim with blocks first off when someone is this flagrant that means that he felt rather comfortable and not getting caught so there are plenty more of these guys out there but second this is an absolute slap in the face to russia taxpayers who are hungry for new roads i think for instance it's a flagrant in your face obvious crush corruption russia might need to reconsider that moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my. wealthy british style sun. time.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's guns or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. good afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm parian boring broadcasting out of washington d.c. and here's the prime story for today. the fed is getting it wrong that's the charge the level of by john health and. rath of the wall street journal he korea correctly states that the fed has overestimated how fast the economy would grow and every year since the financial crisis the implication is that the fed might not wind down
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q.e. as to this thought and that's not the only indictment from the def you j. they serve a survey to forty economists on why long term interest rates recently spiked twenty six of them said as chairman bernanke and cohen is tapering talk the survey also found that recent hands of scaling down of the eighty five billion dollars per month q.e. program has kept a few market participants the average survey grade for communication on a scale of one to one hundred sixty two nearly half a by most academic standards and the latest housing data released this morning by the national association of home builders was the strongest sense two thousand and two and the first time it's been positive a since two thousand and six when the last housing bubble was and effect the bottom line home prices are getting more expensive and so are mortgages thanks to rising interest rates.


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