tv Breaking the Set RT June 18, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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today on larry king now it's piers brazile he may be turning sixty but he's at the top of his game if you say when i was going to do studio films then you're short changing yourself as an artist the star on why is les this film hits close to home and emotionally connected to me as a man as a father is a man who. lost a wife to cancer and he's out on bond james bond i grew up with connery connery was the one for me he was he was the be all of the end all of bonds as all next on larry king now. welcome to larry king now very pleasure to welcome piers brosnan i haven't seen him in a long time three years we know he saved the world as james bond and now he's back
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on screen a terrific new romantic comedy love is all you need to get to the film in the set and going to be sixty going to be sixty just around the corner and how does it feel great it humbled since it is those that at the table it's the old forty isn't it good that's what they say nevertheless i mean it comes with its own kind of pressures of life it comes with its own. well it's embarrassment of riches what can i say i got lucky in the youth obsessed society which we were in. where does that put you when they put they look at you you're not the thirty year old leading man and. no i mean i realize that you have to be aware of your own time and space time pos time present time future i don't really think about it yet i'm confronted by it it is what it is it is what it is so you have you have to you have to be strong i mean as you get older you have to get even stronger you have to have a sense of grace under pressure as it were and enjoy it i love what i do not love
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being an actor i am i buy it i love what. what in the future will bring there's an act performance and. i've done all my life and they have loved admired about you is us election about you with the world's going to take smaller movies you do independent movies to do major films what's the process. i'm just a working actor and i've always considered myself a working actor i've always had nothing but just the joy of doing the job and some kind of realisation that you cannot if you say when i'm just going to do studio film studio films and deny yourself the opportunity to go off and work with a young guy or a young woman who's got a great text then you're short changing yourself as an artist. i like to walk so when you get the script. what's the first thing you do it do you look at the whole
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seemed you get your part in what you do read it i mean you did the job like the love is all you need my agent called me up and said suzanne of their worries you a danish director i knew this woman's work i knew the work of the danish filmmakers from the dog mao films which was a title that was given to the the danish filmmakers their number of years ago so i knew suzanne his work the piece was called the bold had his head reza originally and when. i read it i turned page one and i kept turning the pages in it emotionally connected to me as a man as a father as a man who who lost a wife to cancer that this carried to the plane lose away from the terrible accident i know what it's like to be a single parent so there were many emblems within this. story that also played out connected and i thought great and susanna bear is fantastic tonight but the woman
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you're in love with in the film has cancer screening at their home plays this beautiful character she is. a working mom a hairdresser there in copenhagen and she has. breast cancer this is sick the me she has weighed at the owner is getting married in sorento with her son is all from the iraq war. husband as. is not quite right he's out and she has set sail two for her daughter's wedding so mento and she bumps into me so to speak physically emotionally it's funny with calling it a romantic comedy about it but cancer is involved and we laugh at lots of things. i think you have to really if you can have the if you have the heart to do so. you know because life is life is really hard it's always a constant suffering somewhat and then moments of happiness and you kind of squeeze
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the best out of the happiness and hope you have the strength to meet the you know the misfortunes of life that will be for you and they certainly both of you now in this film you playing a widower you are a widower reburying was a widower you know was a little. how did you deal with the loss. face faith you know i'm not i'm irish catholic the church has been a big part of my life prayer has been a big part of my life. and so that's just in grained in my own being i suppose i had good family around me i had my children. and i knew how to work i knew how to. find a job as an actor and plow forward or the maze me about people with faith and there you are and how do you keep the faith when if there is this or inspiring god i would not take this away from. your god i don't know what you do acknowledge do it
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when you lose it sometimes you lose it and you have to be strong enough to lose it to find it again. i don't know i mean that's lose it for a while. oh lose it that was lost was adrift in this within my own heart of life and where i was going and what i was doing and how i was going to carry on but then you look around when you have children and they look to you for support. and you go to strive not to fly right and just be there for them and put on a brave face and made the day did the director's shoes and know that you were a widow or no i don't think she had health and she didn't we never even spoke about it i mean i just read the text i said guys it how do i i don't i fit into this i'm an irishman this is a danish film i don't want to rock the apple cart here and she said oh my bills speak english and make it work for you but we never discussed my own background we
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never really discussed. the film that much it was it was such a stick job to do with the company of these marvelous i was a shoot. was shot in copenhagen and then we went to denmark and we went to sorrento. one of the critics said brosnan delivers every new weapons in what's possibly the finest role he's ever add. is it. i would say this is. a turn has been made here in the in the work i'd like to think that has been and that comes with age that comes with the acceptance of turning sixty it in a breath and looking down the road and how you perform i use it front of the camera you. know you know at this point you there's nothing to prove really and yet there's everything to prove this is this still warm some desires burning desire to work and to get better but when you're with someone like suzanne
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a band whose such a such a new one step back and as such should manatee and you're in the company of actors like this and the dealing with the story about cancer about infidelity about. finding love again is you've you know a little bit about the road so you just leave yourself alone and. play yourself. browsing as our guest the film is love is all you need it opens friday will be right back. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call i don't know. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot of my country music stars are you know what kind of mind they're terrorists and you probably know that i don't want to give us
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a defeat terrorism on the on the ball and the crystal publicans. kids usually get out of the. you know the corporate media distract us from what you and i should care about because they're a profit driven industry that fell over from face was that garbage you call that breaking news i'm abby martin and we're going to break that.
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michael michael get a copy of paul's. compass that says cross the border remember you've been there just barmak to get on the plane we clear. good luck to you. i really don't understand why anybody will work for you. when you're so awful it's to pick and nothing pipes. up and good money. bad larry king now our guest is pierce brosnan for years you know him as james bond and now he's back on screen the romantic comedy love is all you need it opens this friday it's already gotten advance rave reviews. how did the bob things come to you it was sean turner is franchised and excited and you reinvent that as you get it with my late wife
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cassie because the heresy was in a james bond movie for your eyes only that was the first contact with the family the broccolis barbara broccoli cubby broccoli was still alive and he was that he was the grand master of all of this brilliant franchise and so we joked about it my wife and i that i would play james bond and lo and behold in eighty six remington steele the canceled and they came to me and offered me the job all of the you do. in the end i did i did four movies where they fun. other great fun it's a huge challenge for any man to step into such a role and especially after mission to sean connery and this. what he did the whole those years back. it was fun it was hard work if you talk to him about it now talks when he them about it really you kind of get home as you're on your own perspective on the edge of you about when you play someone who is so we
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can control who is a killa right who now we don't know much about is that crowd at all. oh he got to be what he is that's a difficult one to answer the it's it's it's it has its own complexity it has its own simplicity at the same time it's right there try to keep it as honest as possible i was so influenced by sean connery i was so influenced by roger moore and the takes that was before me was such a hybrid of those two players that you have to be you have to let the men and you have to push them aside at the same time because i grew up with connery connery was the one from a he was he was the be all of the end all of bonds and you have to find your own pass within that and your own kind of sincerity and honesty and reality you read the books read the text and usurer imagination then they try and keep it as simple
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as possible at the end of the day people forget that john kennedy made that carried to fame by saying that's the books he reads yeah he stood up and said this is my bedtime reading and lo and behold he while the world just went ballistic what do you think of daniel craig williams. quite brilliant gives it a different touch that it's a different time i mean it's a different era and i think they had to they they they they wanted to win had to make a change i think with the advent of paul greengrass and the bourne identities once i saw that on the horizon. stakes of copy so close it was dr i saw skyfall at skyfall i was in london last year i was making this movie and every time i walk out my hotel a bus would go by daniel will be there every which way i look skyfall was there and i thought well i better better see it i try to watch the first one that daniel did on the plane and it broke down three times. maybe thirty seven so hard for his own
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to do it as i view it it was be interesting you've played it you what you had my jordans on or you done yes self and now you're watching this gentleman. it so how do you view it as an actor do you say this is what i would have done no no no i just come to it as a member of the audience and do you have to there's a was it a little turn you inside out trying to play that game with yourself i just sat back and reveled in what daniel did what do you think of judy dench who she would with if that was her first time and bond was with you you know i think goldeneye goldeneye. was a great exit what a great acts of what a great actress someone a wonderful time to be able to what wonderful closure for how to play em and then to be able to go out in the blaze of glory so to speak last breath lost love what is will these hold up. why do they hold up well that is.
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because it's such a good product because the man has all the ingredients of which you've already spoken the mystique the great hero the tuxedo he has the women he has the gadgets he has the fos cars for the guys it's everything that a guy wants to be you could be and have a tire of it so you don't tire of it and the music is i mean what monthly norman did was the music was it's in the d.n.a. now and it's passed on from generation to generation fathers takes on them you know the girls go along to see the guy out there and if this is all the ingredients of such a. beautiful. romance mystique obviously that the movie should be about love is all you need opens friday i guess is pierce brosnan will be right back. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so whole anxiously you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman are going to the big picture. let me let me i want all let me ask you a point. here. is where we're having a debate we have our knives out. if that's right i think they're getting married at the rate we're being idle are you talking about the nailing. the bad with pierce brosnan a wonderful guy and a terrific actor is no film his love is all you need it opens wide on friday it's
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a true you'll gonna be a painter. i i jumped out of school at fifteen with a combo of folder of drawings and i was it that was my pos part of i guess where i am now but i wanted to be a painter what i still paint what happened i was in my code up and then i was talking to a guy from the photographic the pop mint and he said we're talking about movies i love movies and he said you should come along to this arts lab colistin i mean this was in london. and was the oval house theatre and i was all of seventeen eighteen then and i went to this and into this beautiful theater. which was just a big black box of a room and did workshops and it was the bomb cretonne ski and it was experimental see as. i was be dazzled by it and. i would go there every evening off to work i was a trainee commercial artist basically drawing straight lines watering the spider plants and making cups of tea for the guys in the studio and i gave up my job i decided i
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want to be an actor than i did experimental theatre for three years and. let you break the deal of the t.v. show or remington. i done a miniseries. for a.b.c. t.v. called the manuals of america which was about the irish potato famine and my late wife said we should go to america i said how we're going to do that she just come for your eyes only james bond movie she was an issues in that capacity was and we bought a house in wimbledon and she said find a way to get the money and she did we took out a second mortgage on the central heating and hitting up on freddie lake a few remember freddie no freddie fifty quid for bring your own sandwiches got to hollywood got a confirmation direct drove across laurel canyon that an agent called jerry windsor and got remington steele. was for the lake very late and it was one of a kind how long did you do steal. for years and six episodes
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and still lead the bond still lead the bond and after they cancel the show they offered me bond the living daylights i couldn't get out of the contract timothy dalton did it and then they came knocking on my door and i was six seven years later and you know others said as in your life the red if a business at this you've lost a loss i lost and lost a wife to cancer and i was that was a deep deep pain it's a plus and you know no one escapes the pain but you carry on i have wonderful children i thought a shot at christopher and now caylee who's my wife of nineteen years. we have two beautiful boys dylan and erosion what was very important now obviously she spurred you on let's move she was a great one i mean she was the one who had the you know the wherewithal to say
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let's go to america i would never have done it i would have stayed the same place and i was on my path of going to the theater and working in the theater and maybe someday i'll do movies you know that romance you did radiator again i. who would have thought that ice if it's the offer came in the right form and the right play with the right director i've never i i was talking about of the other night with someone and i'm very excited by the possibilities but i love to make movies and love what i do but the theater was where i started i would think theater is the actor's and al pacino my good friend always comes back to be at it he was when the opens it's yours is yours indeed that's the terror that's the glory. i used to love doing it and i was there i was there for barbra streisand just the other day at the lincoln center and i went out at all and she got that award and i had worked with bob and i walked out on the thing consent stage so this is good but
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is it too little i did a film called the. mirror has two faces. jeff bridges and my some i was glad it was me thanks long time to become a good actor sometimes the some of them have just got the gift right from the beginning but it just takes constant work you know like what the amazing about i just i love actors like being of the people i love this. movie that appears brosnan and they'll figure out one more segment with him but don't forget that love is all you need opens friday will be right that. the pumpkin amount within story doesn't make it. tough.
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the dems almost look like arses from yeah yeah they all are i mean the true back there i was in the orange tree for a hundred years before it was proven that the lemon i mean most of the trees you see here were oranges so they have to be nurtured the whole time so they don't grow back and zoologists it's a very. time consuming and ongoing process. so the tree can make both lemons and oranges. and like me. but you know lemons they are my favorite fruit oh i think i mean you can't imagine the quote without the. no.
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no no can i. and you know that tonic and speaking the mammon is a better me. no. oh bad pierce brosnan love those all you need opens friday before we get to some social media questions with a little game called if you only know mama mia. if you only knew he was doing it well so they say since his home people don't think so joe join them all i loved it it was criminal how much fun excuse me we had on that it was just really much. somewhat it's just the gift that keeps giving in many respects i mean when you know you have a film you have an actress the thank meryl streep and such a beautiful company of players but i think it was it was beyond everyone's wildest
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dreams just i can see now is yes she's cut from the heavens and the glory of acting we have some social media questions we'll tell barely we may have asked already when did you first know you wanted that when you went that i was seventeen eighteen alicia gowns wants to know did you get rejected in the acting world before making it do you have many rejections constantly always hear you but it's part of an actor's actor's life you're going to be judged on you're going to be rejected and you just have to keep going you have to be as tough as old boots so that victim to you asian the question was how do you persevered through you know is it a lot of no it's right. it just makes you want to just make you want to more and just makes you sound like a show i'm going to do it i'm going to do it because if you can take that nose get out it get out you know you know and this is just the nature of the base ah there's a little fun here if you only do first person have
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a kissed carol count bevan's our whole widgery ago i thought i said i was about fifteen or something like in ireland it was in london where. on her doorstep. whatever happened to her i don't know. if it's hers is a thing that scares you the most. guying me to. not feel around is kill it says is if you want to resist really annoys me it is there's really not exist it's like there will be will be fire will be fired i had rather i had good luck the. unusual talent the paint thank you said that without moving my lips is there a person inspires you the most. because oh favorite place in the world a visit. who. i think you'd most like to change about yourself.
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like that more confidence really. favored bond beside yourself sean connery. favorite film of your own. this one love is all you need. i love this film it's a really beautiful home i think it touches people's hearts and i think it's a warm embrace of a movie that has come to me at the right time in my life and i think it will. i think it will do balancing for those who have a seize it'll be a healing wonderful evening at the theater if a guilty pleasure we don't know about. ice cream ice cream of the night ice cream. gilt worst edition you have a been on fourth edition common member oh my god he has a bow i know yeah mutiny on the bounty david lean i really wanted it so badly and i just blew it i couldn't speak i mean what would you want to play. you
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today or the captain oh come in the whose voice was in front of the big leads economy of the council now i gave mossad to work with. the nero. if you were came to what would be. painter social worker something no one else knows about you. it's my secret. of the idea that good years jill have a strong catholic believes. i have a face no it's my own faith i like going to church to do and to like on the sunshine i love mass i'm on the road and on the tuesday on the road somewhere in the world and find a church on french arches that like the face i think the celebration of mass. it's just private it's my own it's not like they got the guinness can only the way they greet the person next to you in the remembers of the peace be with you and the
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priest usually has something important to say. to why don't i like the sermon either i love the jewish faith and love the buddhist faith and of faith i think you know we got to respect each other's face in life from celebrated sort of this face and not be so critical so much pain so much pain i have a lot of faith that this movie's going to do to this from your lips piers bra's in the film is love is all you need it opens friday we thank him another you can catch me on king's things on twitter thanks for joining us. were you going to say going to the white house to have a day radio guy in fort lauderdale any profit on what you watch to
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if you live on one hundred thirty three possible for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so many i mean ten pounds i believe that i'm still really messed up. in the very slow motion leopoldo the. worst chipotle in the white house of the day a radio guy and four mateo minutes from a cricket office i want to watch quite good you never seen anything like this i'm told. you guys i'm not be walking a break in the set some americans are probably rejoicing today i.
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