tv Prime Interest RT June 19, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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today on a special larry king now already a view with the richest man in the world carlos slim it was the same response how he didn't compromise i'll get his take on the state of the economy in the u.s. do is he's very important not only for the americans but for everyone in the war and how america can catch up to china i think. is a great example of what you need to do plus how do you avoid spoiling children i gave them the investment account of they've been there for years why because they don't this time that they should not have things just to have things that's next on larry king now.
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welcome to larry king now very special edition tonight were my home in beverly hills and our special guest is carlos slim to slim is a dear friend a self-made entrepreneur he's been named forbes magazine richest man the world's fourth year in a row his latin american mobile telecom outfit american mobile remains his most valuable holding his many ventures include mining banking real estate restaurants hotels and of course a digital network called for a media so he said he's comfortable in this setting. why why did you why did you invest in me and this we invest in larry king which is clear that the internet is a very important tool of the new civilization the most important every one of the most important. and the future is just beginning i asid today whether the internet is tomorrow and you said it yesterday. yes if you
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remember internet begin many years have all. they were simple minded like brother you that was one of the people in the years in the eighty's and the in the ninety's all of the internet was very important by the was dial up that means that was in the line of telephone with copper and the speed was very very very low and now we're talking like usual of least one hundred five faster that's what is called broadband and broadband is going and and to the connectivity for all the people to universal access to broadband that is one of the targets that they were recalled which will be or why and will be a big tool for many things for education for for business for all matters for learning for teaching and for government
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operation and it's changing the world i'm honored to be associated with you and we're very proud to be larry king now we are very happy and on the road for to run away with you with larry a couple of things what is a good question that my producers want to know what is a typical day like for you. what happens in a typical kahlo slim day very confused. i used to have a program. but you get up early and i get an early a wark my work with the times one is to know what is happening around look at the news but also talk with people and of with them by phone. as your business is all over the world right yes but my phone you can talk with everyone i
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mainly i go with the people in mexico that is in charge of the operations sometimes they are traveling and i made with them you know travel a lot right yes i've ever loved but not necessarily by work. on the side of my work i go to some conference or do some make some basic some quandaries but not necessary and for a special work you're in so many businesses are you hands on. i try to know about each one of the businesses and then looking the fee nationalist statements on the reports i know what is happening is like a doctor would be the instrument you can always doing the business. the revenues how are they doing the role the market share and sales and cost that a you can look at by the numbers did you have all those unnatural ability to
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make money you think it came to you easily and i think i have a training with numbers for all my life and when you work a lot of time with them and you can read many things in the numbers that you are looking you can find. many times. the problems in advance which are the ten this is all or to find out they wait a better way to do things just looking at the numbers the numbers talk to you you see it they come alive to you yes why would you describe wealth. what else is wealth to you or i think wealth is a kind of instrument to create wealth for. it's a a two went to great welfare in a society i think all these societies need to create well to the
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ripper are those the way to make what more went well and the fruit of the world that is the income carry would distinguish. trade to be a little more clear i think is the this different when that income really well could be managed with efficiency. so somebody that's already and great more wealth is like a tree a fruit tree welded like a fruit tree you the brotherhood of the three are the fruits and the fruits should be is the income that you need to do to give away but they can part of the fruit to grow the more trees more free is the wealth yes and the fruit is the income you need to create more wealth more fruits more trees and to have a bigger for the crime of wealth and of income how many businesses do you own
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a crime when the sectors i mean are many things are you involved in on me in sectors. well you use private. you know on one occasions. telecommunications with many things a you know because of the convergence means maurice means that that means but mainly it's a network where things go well they're not like a highway where you have transport for many things you try to transport that many other things for jobs retail that they have married they are in mining very true shown in real estate in financial i always looking for new things. well what. we get out of many activities we sell sell many activities that we were involved many years. science
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a beginning is sixty five seriously with corporations with companies i get involved in many activities many activities most of them i am not we have not been well know now but the challenge that we have is to look the development of i work on priests and i think i am talking about that in america as well and i am interested in create new companies new corporate can't do this to these challenged like the ones that create he first the housing already that creates employment i had the honor of interviewing carlos a man i admire and i'm proud to call my friend and business partner in front of hundreds of people including world leaders politicians and entrepreneurs so what motivates you if not to be known as the richest man to see the front cover of forbes magazine that's not what motivates him what does motivate. i think that.
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most of us some locations. many have to be quite patient we are interested in many things before everything and i think the most important issues flow for life on europa life you have to look for many things and you have a. book a showman for numbers all the publication for not for letters and i would do a couple question for numbers you have many activities where you are going to develop yourself professionally and that's why i stall the engine area and. i like investments i like the business i like. to warping the creation off. of investments and economic activity is also very important that come with the investments and i think the realisation of different projects and being in
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the economy being in the markets is. interesting and does your family still come first true my family aid called forth the first always. you were asking me about the new business that i get the ball sized more than ten years that i lived for most of my boards maybe twelve years i lived most of the wars most of my activities to focus more in the foundations and. med the working on that. you find that the end of the day the important issue is the creation of jobs the creation of work and that's why the last companies that we create our focus today with already you created jobs true true as part of the joy you get right that's the view. of communication the award
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is very aware of a lot of love will be created that. information technology. the audio create the real creation of we're all fields of new jobs and skilled jobs you didn't force your children to go into the business right they wanted to go and yes sometimes people think that if you have a business and you were going to be that you forget your family and do it out of that many years i wore when i was going to get involved in a b.b. is this i could do that to my three children and i yes then how would they see that we get involved in something bigger it was my youngest past twelve years old and he was the one who could tell me if we are going forward to seeing you yes we're not going to see you know that well yes so you you you involve them in the company there's no i involve them in the decisions in the points of view as some people who
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think that it's bad to have family work for you because it's a different kind of pressure you know it's best to have family go their own way some people believe that was. not right because i think that if they went to get them bode very well if they went. they think i'm fine he's he's way not necessary be that they can be doctors will feel awful first but they were they light but if they were to get the mall the in my case to make it west they select to be born we'd be in the in the company for daughters are all married right yes we do have lived if they had gotten into business do they like they have important activities one was the the c.e.o. or the president of the museum and need to have less time and she's the busy chairman instead of being their own full time because she begin to have children
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then and that other by the authors follow the from the when they show and war that make my wife that was best on the development he went up to him and president of the vellum and. and the other has the school for early education oh really and they're working on the many grandchildren the twenty just twenty. one are you a good grandpa. i think so yes they're all blessed children how do you avoid spoiling children. because they know first of all that while it is a responsibility and compromise that we are a kind of already by the use of words we cause at the end of the day we don't take anything with those. you are making them the madness of these well and the world is
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not only you but is from the society where you were living and science when they were young they understand things he know that they can have things he didn't give them what they wanted yes he did know you didn't know i gave them he important that count but they never use it. you gave them a check like money accounts and they didn't use it as a investment account but then they never used. why. because they your this time that they should not have seen just took up things so we'll be back with carlos slim after this. led mission and free slick cretaceous three cents for charges free the arrangements three risk free studio time free. download free blank counseling videos for your media projects
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other classmates when they westing in basic in the kitchen if you make money from this no but they make. a bet with carlos slim on larry king now we'll who is so great to have him with us and so very to be partners with him in this exciting adventure my wife often called something you said in a speech in new york when you receive the eisenhower award that it's not this is their read to make the world better for your children to make your children better for the world and i say that it is important to cut them through to make the war to have a bit the war for our children but these more important or important but the children for the war and worry well said all right we're going to talk some economic things roy does recently polled four hundred economists worldwide and they said twenty
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thirteen is unlikely to deliver much improvement in the world's growth they were not very optimistic you share that this is very good and in one way they are yes does that surprise you it does no not at of what does america need to do. i'm a. i know you love america well and i think. u.s. is very important not only for the americans but for the war why for everyone in the war is important that thinks he's he's problems. i think there are many many areas to be correct to to try to avoid a long term problem why these if he's got. the trade deficit is important to try to look how he would be the fix is important
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but the ration of the. of the of corporations that. can be able to and is important to change the the benefits that are very high and if you do run this a big thing and that. is i think is important to have a low a higher. time to retirement unless job today you said you people should work three days a week eleven hours a day and be off for days is sort of more jobs are created yes more people working retirement should be age seventy five not six i think so in one of the call bodies we have that they retired very early because it was a they combine that with a contract that. they retired very young we are offering them to stay in the company and work only four days eight hours and forty five percent of their virus
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epting these are used to change i worried about china law i think. is a great example of what you need to do. and what they're doing china is what makes it go to from thirty three to eighty two is to move from a poor rural out to consume shown society. the way induced normal society these change was done by all the developed countries in the one thousand nine hundred they are doing down in the twenty one but into any we all shine on money and why that's our problem that's the problem of it of us not the problem of china and china china is google today with china they moving from for a bit they were very poor in the one nine hundred seventy s. they begin. to move from how to consume shown in full rural areas to the induced and run ideas do so how much consumption they do want people is
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working how they make the factory of the war they are producing most of the things for the war that they but they still have the six or seven hundred million people working in a living in rural areas and living in the consumption that they are getting out of poverty maybe thirty million a year and having the i'm getting to the to the more they're late and say you respect them yes you're makes google that from one three one hundred thirty three to fifty two eighty two we grow six point two fifty year schools they could be going from the rural. i recited to the industry and say what do is need to go to do. they are having a big three deficit because most of the population and the american economy is working in services they are not producing we don't manufacture yes and you are them on the factory you are buying for other place that's good you need to do the
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side which of these goods trilby don't us because of it's not that you grease on so high by the aggregate by you. should be bought while by outside and work to buy them do you think it's a gift we ability. to just do business well you succeeded in so many things you think you're born with bad i think always you think combination of genetics or more like sports or like you like eight and the activity you have the combination of of born with that and. in the case you're not training and wark it's that experience soup with dances that you haven't met you but you love business right don't you love i love i love him best to create economic upheaval and you you could read a balance sheet. or. you think you were lucky oh absolutely
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not until i was independent this i don't understand why in one side what the same of the other. in the balance have to match what they want to underlie understand that quite thing what is going to happen what are you with that and the difference is what is real is only arithmetic simple simple. anyone to do this. i ask carlos slim early today i just want him to repeat it or save for the benefit or you were orleans i actually was happy and your answer was. to recap is not the static is not that you are right to some point and you stay there like in the histories and they were happy you will always know they know and they get happy always i think is a way of living happiness is a way of living in
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a positive way that believe in positive that believe that you are living in a happy and positive i've got it but it's a process it's a process how do you say it is not the process to write to some point. is more a way of living is to leave impose it if there's never a point is there a point how did you do you have an option down i'm thinking of downs how did you deal with the loss of your wife. that life is likely the where you have a very difficult moments and the only way that do get. ahead is loving life and time loving life if you look at what they were life give to you how beautiful is life. you always follow and life give you an edge and eastern europe the eastern way of thought is that too when you open your eyes in the morning be grateful for the day
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. and love life. is a miracle that overdue so many things it is a miracle is a miracle and you sitting here it's a miracle said mary to be born as a male and because they were not sold from the. yankees. baseball as a love of you was right but you would not buy the yankees you said that to me today i was shot if i had your money i would buy the dodgers and what you think you will make you will enjoy more oh i would love forming a baseball team you will change them do we know i would just the thrill of being an owner to own a team when you're on the team and you had to will do it you will pay more them and you win the man as the more you will leave the manager to decide to manage is the side but i'd sit in the box and i feel that you are the only then you don't feel.
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that you're the owner and that's the same thing feel that way anyway i think getting on a right. do you have a favorite all time yankee. well this is a good route and larry rutan character willing to look great is the other favorite places to visit in the world no i have any place to. be i think is important where you go but the more important we weave whom you go. more important who you go with. what gives you some birds on the do doesn't matter where you are what would you change about yourself or would you like to change but aha thinkingness. what but kill us but one of your childhood. was your biggest regret regret i forget it what's your biggest success. i think my my family.
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what scares you. that scares me i think to live with theories you put the worst feeling that human beings have and have the right not to have. these these feelings i don't. make a masterpiece reading or looking what can be negative do you get down. that's what i do have a little down on the review with the op faster stronger i even less people must come to you would deals all the time. how do you handle it i don't hear them you know i live in these places. they give me a lot of guys out there. i know they have them i got time cards a great think where you could give you mines. if you got fifty thank you i would think you larry. we thank you very much you can find me on
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i hold it up it's called the i'm guessing as i write the guinea pig zero direct you know explain the title i write about the history of human experiments and news stories about sometimes abuses and things that go wrong in experiments and so not only did you do the experiment but you're the investigative journalist as well within the industry you could say that i keep him honest keeping them honest because they have to because the guinea pigs themselves can't do it and although they all doped up. you know bill. you start are all. going to have to sort of. aviation. as a person who gets more work done when they take him from age. the scientific definition .
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