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tv   Headline News  RT  June 20, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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live from moscow at eight pm don't break up with britain the charm offensive to keep scotland part of the u.k. is all with giving a keynote speech to lure the scots out of their independence referendum. test as in brazil gear up for they promise will be the biggest rally yet after the government fails to curb the rest but reversing public transport fare hikes. and stop the force feeding of hunger strikers in guantanamo doctors from around the globe now call on president obama to allow the prisoners independent medical care live comment coming up on that.
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however good even if you just joined us just past eight pm now here in moscow kevin i mean this is international and first the new k. government campaigning to win hearts and minds in scotland right now ahead of its historic referendum on independence i say right now because foreign secretary william hague has given a speech in edinburgh to persuade the scots that they're safer stronger and better off with britain but as r.t. sarah firth reports he has his work cut out with the u.k. risking the loss of scottish oil assets if the yes vote prevails. with a full day here. in the century the brits around one hundred fifty delegates from all walks of life in it he said the wife the scottish independence around the world he said his uncle in the pool says he's laying out some of the negative implications of independence. in the yes campaign we want thief justice
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independent of this relentless campaign of negativity and they say they want to break the economic language let. it be. the cool if you will coming up time and again and easily divided on how they. would be worse to become independent you're going to be a day that twenty forty a week nearer but what do the people of scotland think continually in the polls say for you see the yes campaign is calling a bit lower because they still think that everything's the playful what is interesting a lot of the people we were speaking to saying that the debate on the east side takes a little less on the school rhetoric a little more on the little bit of back to what i think the independents with me down for the hague the foreign secretary with it's a day to try to lay out a very clear turn white people still be safe as hard as you can take or
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recent polls show most a third of scots would like to break up with britain with the yes vote support reaching its highest level in almost two years although sixty percent would still vote no they say we want to ten scots on the side of the scottish m.p.'s macneil who says he's certain scotland could go well without the u.k. . london should be well practiced in this the empire has gone the colonies have gone about fifty nations have become independent of london london's an old hand at this and ireland moved on doesn't want to come back even the tiny island man of the coast of the uki doesn't want to be ruled from london either. you know they're going through a process of the really good for a learning curve the find it difficult yet again but of course the practicalities to consider as well one how you going to fund yourself is the can you book the balance the books the u.k. government's releases this paper warning scotland will suffer a banking collapse just like cyprus or ireland if it becomes independent what's
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that the united kingdom government should be well aware that they haven't funded themselves in two thousand and one is twelve years they haven't balance the books scotland is actually eight point four percent of you keep a relation being nine point nine percent of the taxation of the u.k. we're very confident we can pay when we are but incidentally we also believe england can too one thing is certain in this independence that scotland is going through like the other hundred forty two more that went through in the past scotland is probably the best planned ever i can think of another nation that's gone through so much planning and so much cross-examination in the lead up to its independence so all bodes well for the future on the scaremongering story such as hell could scotland pay for itself for goodness sakes it's just absolute nonsense. well while the u.k. if you want to scotland could suffer a financial collapse if it goes along british banks appear to be struggling to balance the books we'll talk about that soon the need to raise millions of pounds to cover their risk according to a new warning from the u.k.'s financial regulator reporting about just a few minutes time. free time as
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a rest continues to rattle brazil the country with or it is the reverse the decision to increase public transport fares but the u.-turn seems to have come to be too little too late to appease demonstrators they're angry over the government's high spending on hosting next year's football world cup while health care education remains severely and the fund that rallies are believed to be the most violence in a decade but the biggest day of protest so far is promised for first. artie's ignacio joe miller reports now on the unrest. brazil is still under pressure due to the unprecedented public protests which have been taking place all over the country for the past ten days conflicts more to sport itself bhalo where there have been recent by human rights as the demonstrators try to take over the local government's main building where they faced off with the police the brazilian government said it will deploy the national public security force in five cities hosting the fee for football tournament in an effort to contain the own going protests in the city of
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four to listen at least two people have been injured near a city and were riot police attempted to prevent them from entering the site the demonstrators fled after being tear gassed by the most traitors main grievances thing freezing public transport fees in several brazilian cities and also the extraordinary public but for the two thousand and fourteen world cup a.t.t.'s including cell paulo and rio de janeiro have been forced by the demonstrations to abandon the transport free rights however thousands of people that have been joining the protests have introduced new complaints towards president dilma rousseff government such as what day defined as the poor conditions of the education and health care systems president rousseff started that she was impressed with the demonstrations which according to her are taken into account by her government says they represent the country as a working democracy however protesters have decided to remain on the streets and
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organize your rallies until definitive solution to day concerns is found. to r.t. dot com a website for pictures and videos of the protests rotating out regularly from for the first rally to the violent storm this gathering as just a click away. the taliban say they're ready to release a captured. u.s. soldier in exchange for five of its members locked up in guantanamo bay the announcement puts the u.s. in a precarious position that as it tries to get the afghan government to join peace talks with the militant group meanwhile there are calls for president obama to hold the force feeding of detainees at the prison under allow them to receive independent medical care as required by the u.n. garnishee can report. you way and the world medical association demand access for independent doctors to guantanamo detainees more than one hundred fifty doctors including from the us have signed an open letter to grow obama urging him to allow
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access to independent medical examinations and advice here's what they write it is clear that the detainees do not trust their military doctors they have very good reason for this is you should know from the current protocols of the joint task force guantanamo which those doctors are ordered to follow the orders they receive or alternately your orders as their commander in chief without trust safe and acceptable medical care of mentally competent patients is impossible the above mentioned protocols describe the procedure for speeding that the doctors are obliged to administer at guantanamo it involves a tube inserted through the nose and down the throat of the detainees on hunger strike and those who are being force fed at guantanamo describe it as a very painful procedure to which they gave no consent actually it is the opinion of the u.n. commission on human rights that for speeding is a lawful and torture when it's clear that it's a protest and a last resort for the detainees because before the hunger strike became impossible to ignore one tunnel was out of sight out of mind and washington was happy to keep
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it that way the un has repeatedly called on the obama administration to stop the practice of force feeding and fix the underlying issue of this hunger strike which is indefinite detention the entire international community has called on the us to either try these people or let them go shopping tubes down their noses doesn't fix the problem. going to. washington says a clinical psychologist in one of the few health professions in. the medical records of guantanamo detainees let's speak to him stephen thanks for taking the time to be with you i'm from your experience first hand experience then just how much for the other way how good the medical treatment for those prisoners. well you have to stand i have seen i was going to fall into several cases there i've seen the medical records for one case so it is a limited sample and the government fought us to the mayo to getting access to
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anything and they were able to restrict us to only a couple of years of record so we we did not get the earlier records. the medical care that i saw and i'm not a physician i'm a psychologist so i'm when i look at those medical and mental health care the medical care from my way i as a physician did not look terrible but these were for relatively minor issues where it mattered for good for the person i was in a lot with with the mental health care and there i thought that the b. care was decidedly substandard in fact i could not believe as one is working in inpatient units i could not believe the level of care they seem basing only concerned about it was the person going to commit suicide and not at all about the distress but also roll over into this current debate is the fact that people in the health system there where no one with the official story that this prisoner was
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just acting out to get attention and get some benefits which there was no evidence for but this was the story that they were giving in order to. ignore is severe distress apparent severe distress which they were themselves acknowledging by having him evaluated every few days ok you know to do it but you're involved in the in the realm let the doctors looking off to people making sure people are as well as well as they can be with us mentally worth it whether it's physically thinking about those those medical doctors they're those military medical doctors i guess they abide by hippocratic oath the usual thing that doctors do. always saying that they are incapable of doing a job as well as medics outside or they have been prevented from doing a job by somebody else as well as that would be the point is it their capability or they being prevented from giving the proper care well i think and i think that the
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major problem is that they are not independent they're part of the military system over the last decade or or fifteen years or so for the specially since nine eleven there has been a corruption of the military medical system so that the autonomy of health personnel to follow their professional ethics has been soon really eroded. they are subject to the pressures of command in non medical command who have their own issues and motivations in this case probably your heart to the chase just to cut to the chase you are saying your understanding is that not doing as good a job as they should be doing. no there also so well only those physicians and nurses who go along with force feeding which is against medical ethics are sent there they select those who do not agree with the world
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medical association the american medical association that force feeding of hunger strikers is an effort to send them there. and then they're not independent in the exercise of their professional judgment but even if they were. prisoners do not trust them they cannot trust them they've had such horrible experiences with health professionals over the years that they don't trust them in this fundamental issue you need people who are independent say from the right cross or other things. can i just size their independent professional judgment and build trust with the prisoners steve thanks for your time there's a lot more we could speak about this obviously all night the psychological effects i hope we get back on the program again sometime soon so your stephen selves and thanks very much appreciated. just ahead we report on the risks facing the u.k.'s financial health that's coming up after the break it without.
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with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. health is at risk with its top banks in need of billions of pounds to fill a hole in the balance sheets that revelation by the country's financial regulator come shortly after report calling for criminal punishment for bankers reckless misconduct. in london to look at the troubles of britain's banking sector. this twenty seven billion pounds that's about forty two billion u.s. dollars that banks need to find to fill in that gaping hole is what financial regulators had found the basing it on the new guidelines that was agreed upon by international central banks after the two thousand and eight financial crisis if we remember we saw then the collapse of some of the world's biggest financial
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institutions some of the meeting bailouts taxpayers' money getting involved there and this report that we know that the guideline says that now two percent previously two percent equity that banks should have has been reduced to seven percent thereby creating this hole in the balance sheet of what concerns financial regulators most right now is the world bank of scotland r.b.s. having a thirteen point six billion pound a hole to plug and let's not forget r.b.s. is already eighty one percent old by the government after having received a bailout so this is certainly a sensitive topic when it comes to the bank banking or performance and how they actually manage their finances and this is again on the back of that report coming from an independent commission set up to investigate behavior of reckless behavior as you pointed out called changing the banking of for good at this if it is passed into law could mean that some baxter's bankers that are accused of reckless behavior could be sent to jail it also questions puts accountability of governments
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and regulators to implement these laws so as not to render all of the useless and trying to find a twenty seven billion a palace the question there is will the measures that the banks have already put forward r.b.s. and barclays saying they're confident they will be able to plug this hole will those measures be enough or will there be a need to go again to external funding and once taxpayers' money gets involved it will certainly hurt a few hit a few nerves that once again the question is who is going to be footing the bill at the end of the day. well if you miss something on a we'll see what you catch up with the headlines of course a lot more online look at some of the stories we got lined up for you right now hunted by maker upload founder kim dotcom now reverse his roles now is accusing the u.s. government of what he calls the largest massacre of data unless it's really internet find out what's got up in arms a dot com our web site also there to the world's fastest growing economy goes to extremes for a cleaner future now china has introduced the death penalty for those who dared to
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break the nation's environmental protection law. the kremlin democrat move will business from some petersburg looking for ways to boost economic growth form the global financial system and strength and trade artie's katie pilbeam then is at the forum for us where she caught up with russia's deputy prime minister at a card for cordage. bear this in petersburg international economic forum we are talking about international prices on the domestic market here in russia and because we have the g eight summit taking place this week a lot of those topics that domino in that way here to st petersburg so right now i'm joined by the deputy head of the russian government walkabouts to talk about the g eight and the topics it was spoken about there and as far as the economic agenda was concerned what did you take away from it as well as usual when i was working the sherpa for
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a printer to ensure proper leaders have discussed in detail how the global economy stations the challenges of all the major countries are facing and one of the challenges is. transparency or for global finance this money being used by institutional investors by banks by large companies for their paying taxes so how this affects us to station to particular countries in need of skill are going to take some primacy requirements and i see that's where it's important development coming down on offshore as was a huge topic calking russia do this and is it possible to get this money back to the home economy major. challenges to improve the station in the russian it's a key instrument to bring money back to you know going to use law enforcement most or something like that it just requires it to. make influence
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on the investors and we're committed to do so and in reality how much money are we talking about dozens of billions of dollars of new investments to create new more than jobs in the rushing all the surplus are starting from the traditional and the very. nature resource development to innovate in the right of sector strike aircraft to fielding. data communications space middest medical services from pharmaceuticals more than agriculture. recent comments from senior israeli cabinet members expressing skepticism over a two state solution prompted angry responses palestinian president mahmoud abbas accused israel of trying to avoid peace while israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu tried to distance himself from the comments but this war of words means little to scores of suffering palestinians of course these homes are being blocked off by walls of thick concrete paula slee a report of the walls might be coming down in the race to the world but here in
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israel they're going up this one along the country's border with egypt there's a fifty one kilometer one around gaza is one in the pipeline next to jordan and the newest find here is being fortified along the lebanese and syrian borders and then there's the most famous the controversial so-called separation wall that encircles the west bank of course it's of us the for. defending itself and preparing itself for possible future attacks towards the borders of israel and the society and also it seems from attacks even closer to home it's not only on the borders but also here inside israel twenty minutes away from tel aviv jews and arabs have lived side by side in the israeli city of large for generations but in one part of the city they're now living on opposite sides of a concrete wall we met a time the horn on the jewish side he builds wars for a living but they usually the decorative type used for exhibitions and parties in
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his jewish neighbors battled hard even dipping into their own pockets to build this wall our neighbors next door. they are making a lot of trouble to us there are people here there are farmers and they have land growing. with or something else and they used to. burn everything. drugs they come to our house steal from them to. drugs they want a lot has the highest homicide rate in israel police say it's because of infighting among arab families but the families say that's nonsense. there's no reason to build this wall besides racism they built it because we are arabs it bothers me they did not leave us any room and they do not even on this land. abdullah is one of those who now finds himself on the wrong side of the wall i already knew of the
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my juice fear arabs and always build a wall if there are no arabs they don't build a wall that israelis argue they was all meant to keep terrorism and illegal infiltration out both dropped ninety percent after the barriers went up but palestinians insist the wars keep them under siege and are used as an excuse for annexing palestinian land. in the name of the game of his. virtual wars and real wars the feeling is that it's the israelis more and more getting into the ghetto there is terror will be there war there are immigrants from africa will be there war every single be solved by building a war and above all the world is against us let's build a wall israel's physical isolation gets clearer by the day a country that could soon be completely enclosed by steel concrete and barbed wire policy are forty in large city israel and like the majority moscow international
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film festival kicked off with hollywood legend brad pitt still in the show on the red carpet in exposed to the premiere his new movie here in the russian capital by mob saves that. what breed of the bullet the back and see the glad my here after the break up it for the forty fifth that i knew old must the international film festival way spectate around a five hundred four and gets a hero walking this red carpet with all the fans behind a legacy sorry for poor families yet if one of their favorite actors or actresses i'm hired oh i wrote the man on the out today was brad pitt who made here that saddling up here is who the saw me at that but other what about it wasn't only him we also had christian slater and i was able to catch up with him early on and this is what he had to say it's great to come out and i get the opportunity to say hello to some people and they're all great just they're beautiful so i'm thrilled and this is a great film festival so i'm thrilled to be here well you know what what's the one
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thing that you looking forward to in terms of being here in moscow we just want to get you to come back a little bit more wow you know i got to go to the underground that says that they said the underground is really beautiful and i know that's something i have to go do so before i leave on going to take a nice metro ride with a run of three hundred sixty four old films a day through in the next ten days and i want to the we have to bring it all into a job an expert martin and lucy thank you done for us on how this is going to work out monson we've been seeing a glamour and glitz on the red carpet you're looking so obvious out there see everything all the crowd a little bit of how important is it this film festival first of all i have to say that russia knows how to do a glamorous occasion day and i mean the russian women tonights of just being sensational of course we've seen brad pitt himself in all his glory and it's quite interesting to see how he took so much time with the fans as well when it comes to your question the answer to that is will obvious the film festival began all the
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way back in one nine hundred ninety five in fact is when the oldest film festivals in the world rated was into its prominence until nine hundred fifty nine when it alternated every year until nine hundred ninety five when it became an annual. annual events i know we know the importance of law a russian ballet around the world but others also quite a significant. importance in school and of how he was in there i mean just have to mention the names of course the famous method actor and director and of course check off the two names and indeed you've got a russian classic stories like anna karenina which recently on the big screen and it's also important to note the the award which is given out every year which is called the i believe that his best you would helen mirren when of course the claim british actress jack nicholson is also given to up and coming acts as well so really even though the russian theater scene and cinema scene is a separate language assessment is very important to world wide or disability and
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says and indeed the acting industry big names that cause a reform of others in the world's financial players smith because rico than ready to go when we come back.
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could you take three. three. three. three. three. three. video for your media projects free media don carty dot com. welcome to the kaiser report max kaiser it's come to my attention that a u.f.o. was recently spotted flying past the kaiser report window.
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yes kaiser report is officially the most watched financial news show in the milky way galaxy and beyond following my abduction i can advise you that the visiting aliens aren't interested in speaking to our leader go bald dave cameron no go balls for them and stead there were concerned with the credit derivatives bubble here on earth apparently the great debt ball of china can be seen from outer space. max well partly responsible.


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