tv Headline News RT June 21, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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million people rally against the government in one hundred cities across brazil with an eighteen year old becoming the first fatality reported among the activists . a recent poll says euro skepticism is on a dramatic rise in france we look into why people in one of the founding members of the twenty seven nation blog think they'd be better off and today. and the u.s. using gauged in the disposal ethic destroying expensive military hardware in afghanistan we asked why the billions of taxpayers' money is ending up on the scrap paper.
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international news and on the watching r.t. coming to life from the sky. now one hundred cities across brazil have seen a fresh wave of mass protests while the first death has been reported among the demonstrators in the state of. reports say the anti-government rally amassed a staggering one million people when activists read as you near a attempted to approach the city hall they were met by police to take gas and rubber bullets dozens of people were left injured following the clash crowds that gathered in the capital brasilia received the same treatment from the authorities and president. has canceled a visit to japan to deal with the crisis arctic national reports hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets all over brazil in an unprecedented public protests the whole just force of the arrests remains follow with tear gas has been fired at protesters who tried to take over the local government building in the
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capital brasilia clashes rocked it when riot police faced off with protesters trying to break through towards the crowd. as in rio de janeiro local police resorted to tear gas to disperse crowds marching towards city hall police say some three hundred thousand people have rallied but organizers claim it's twice as many there are reports that around thirty people have been injured earlier around eight thousand security officers have been deployed near the city stadium ahead of confederation cup football match between the spanish and eighty football teams such rallies are believed to be the most violent in a decade the protesters say they're angry at the government's excessive spending for the two thousand and fourteen world cup another point of discontent is the increase of public transport fees in several brazilian cities the country's health authorities later reversed their decision to increase the first but this doesn't seem to have a peace demonstrators they say they are also angry over the underfunded health care
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and education systems the rest come six months ahead of elections in brazil and as we can see there are plenty of complaints to worst president dilma rousseff government the protesters say they will remain until they see change and promise a fresh wave of rallies to take place for the next day's political analyst adrian sound pinching pennies since ultimately the colossal gap between the rich and the poor that's in writing the paper. brazil has very serious problems social problems it has to cope with probably poverty it has to cope with grampound government corruption even though president dilma rousseff has done a relatively good job in the sense that as soon as she came into power she threw out her. labor minister she threw out her sports minister her defense minister staff amongst others because of corruption something much better than what is being done in argentina will corruption is being ignored by the government so in spite of
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that people are becoming very angry over the huge divide between the very poor and the very rich which just continues decade after decade and the fact that all government action to have it's always insufficient is just not enough they usually when the international monetary fund and the major bankers poor money into countries whether it's brazil spain italy argentina or even the united states it goes to the wrong pockets and that is a global phenomenon so in a way what people are demanding is for more real president a representation and not this so-called democracy which is merely money sloshing whereby the really powerful and the really rich and sure that their candidates always get into power and do their bidding it's the same old story in country after country and in different continents me ma france is growing increasingly frustrated at the european union that's according to a new poll held across the twenty seven nation bloc so let's take a look at the numbers now sixty two percent of french people think the e.u.
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is moving in the wrong direction and they are stressed by the rise of germany as a political force and feel that brussels has mishandled europe's financial crisis i mean unemployment in france continues to rise this also comes amid some dire approval ratings for president francois hollande which have decreased almost two fold in the year he's been in power french right wing political leader marine le pen believes the french want to break free from the concept that ruined their country's economy. but the if. first of all you need to understand that the french do not really talk about the both e.u. and the euro before a common currency virtually imposed on us the show religiously defended here or in other words there is no diversity of opinion the more anything you say against the euro alice will be equal to blasphemy what i'm asking for is a referendum both are a good thing but i do remember the polls promised that when asked about the
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european constitution france would vote for it at the end of the day fifty five percent of french citizens said no to the constitution that's why we need a wide public debate a referendum to ask the people what they think about food border transparency with the shrinking countries and about this currency that killed our economy we need to ask them how come the e.u. guidelines are more important than our own constitution suit which in shrines the will of a sovereign nation to limit the essential topics. from subject to public debate and silence and i'm sure if they were discussed today the french would opt for freedom . political analyst alex corbell believes many french people now think the whole structure is fundamentally wrong. i think there are so you could list a lot of arguments against the you could say that it's not really did look to
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because the e.u. divisions under the elected by the by the european citizens stupid said that it's too expensive. because some member states give a little credit to the belgian who don't receive as much money and where the euro as stephen to europe actually is a way for specific member states to postpone structural reforms and so she's clearly a good example of that word a lot of people are concerned always with think is the door to greet on the very idea of the you that the three disagree on what form or should the e.u. . be shifting if you will. while many in the you believe their voices are not being heard by brussels our taste test a seller when turned best to gauge just how much citizens of the bloc are involved or even familiar with his politics this is brussels the capital of europe and hold
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to the european institutions that make laws and decisions that affect the lives of five hundred million citizens the question is how much to the citizens really know about europe do you know what the european flag that stands for. the iron man. who is the president of the european council their plan turns. into the in one room how many countries in the e.u. another thirty. seven and who is a twenty eight country. after that matter. what does the flag of the stars on the flag mean what do they mean. i don't know it's a new it's an appalling. there's nothing in the middle of it. but what do the stars on the flag mean on the european union flag. those are the member states now here
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and for the european parliament there's this exhibit which showcases some of the key moments in the history of the european union will certainly some of these will be more familiar to citizens of the country where it actually took place when it comes to e.u. institutions how they function how they work service and showed that most europeans know very little about what actually goes on that would want to serve me but your barometer it shows that the knowledge of of that europeans have with us is just three point four points out of ten of this survey also shows that a majority of e.u. citizens think that the e.u. is a good thing however a majority of them also think that their voices do not count fifty four percent in fact now in this report it also says that only twenty five percent of europeans know that there's even an upcoming election in two thousand and fourteen to elect their members of the european parliament right behind me there's no democracy neither in the u.k. nor in germany or in brussels we need more advance developments for stronger involvement of citizen well there are officials
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a very you see institutions calling for a more democratic europe in order to do so they will need to get people more involved and interested in the first place if they are to achieve this reporting from brussels i'm tests are cilia. after three weeks of street battles authorities in turkey now you say they are prepared to allow one form of protest that is people standing still in the street meanwhile in ankara riot police have once again rang tear gas down on the protesters. was in the thick of it. i've just taken off my gas mask for a minute the air is heavy with the smell of tear gas these two police water cannon shot into the center of this street are non-corrupt dispersing random remember. anything that mean in mind the police response heavy handed police response in the eyes of protesters that protesters have been so i'm going about in the past weeks
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past saying the. prime minister earlier wants government to authoritarianism and the police that are all supporting that government all as well and they will do nothing to try and ease their concerns will this affect the politics in turkey upcoming local elections is very much yet to be seen no anger on the streets it's very much continuing on a day to day basis this protect this particular crossroads has become a scene for nightly confrontation between the police and protesters. however earlier in the week protests went on until a small out of the morning without incident yesterday and today. the police response very different with these vehicles charging in and chasing protesters down side streets liberal use of water cannon which is stripped the bark off trees and
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left deborah over the streets. really not the kind of response people were hoping to see from a police force but has really come in for a lot of criticism from a lot of corners of turkish society in the last two weeks. time both reporting from turkey then i coming up turning on each other as now qaeda linked group kills fighters from the free syrian army for on the same side we ask what could happen if more weapons flood rebel brigades which are torn by thousands and squabbles. like a. development is. a critical lack of energy resources and explain how the struggling state is being. a shortfall. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then. you hear or see some
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again you're watching welcome back as the u.s. army rushes to complete its pullout from afghanistan parts of the country are already turning into huge junkyards the pentagon is now destroying state of the other military equipment that despite the war already having cost the american taxpayers more than six hundred. billion dollars. invested. by the end of two thousand and fourteen the u.s. military will have seven billion dollars worth of military equipment in afghanistan u.s. officials say they're getting rid of what they no longer need to or what would be too costly to ship back home the list of items that will be shredded. and crushed to be sold to scrap includes around two thousand mine resistant ambush protected vehicles or more a.p.c. they were designed to counter this threat of roadside bombs and cost around a million dollars apiece. and are very busy dismantling expensive equipment u.s.
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officials are not explicit as to why they're not leaving the gear to the afghan military one of the reasons that they gave is that they provided forces with lighter tactical vehicles which are presumably a better fit for the country's roads to quote one u.s. military official he said we don't want to live with a lot of equipment that they can't handle and that could compound their challenges as the u.s. is packing to leave again is that will at least the bulk of the forces the obama administration is trying to find a political solution with the taliban there are quite a few roadblocks on the way to that as you can imagine but after years of fierce fighting u.s. policymakers have arrived at the idea that only a political solution can lead to a sustainable peace in afghanistan and in some way the scrapping of military gear is symbolic to how little all that machinery has achieved their. model author and activist david swanson says this massive disposal of arms in afghanistan
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will not even raise an eyebrow in washington. that's the you know the small coin in terms of the corruption of the u.s. military which is just beyond measure remember while they're destroying seven billion dollars worth of vehicles and so forth the united states congress has just dumped another over eighty billion dollars into the ongoing occupation of afghanistan for the next year virtually the same amount as last year and as we talk about it winding down and ending at rushing to a close we're talking about at least another year and a half which is longer than most wars in world history have taken from beginning to end and this one's been going for over twelve years still terry budget in the bill just passed by congress is increasing from last year and increasing in violation of the famous sequester limitation that is being used to eliminate money for food and health and housing and all things good and decent in the united states military
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budgets seems immune it just continues to climb and of course it is easier to buy more equipment when you destroy the old equipment you know that private car dealers would just love it if we all destroyed our cars and when i knew once. well if you take a closer look at this story on our website and also there you will find shame and disgrace you're an expert and we will be ugly truth of israeli army tactics including using palestinian children as human shields in military operations go online for more details on that and also on our you keep channel more of these stunning pictures from the paris air show where cutting edge examples of russia's military. craft have decorated the skies. after the u.s. decision to arm the syrian rebels against government troops powerful anti tank and anti aircraft missiles are making their way to the war zone yet those same shipments have already sparked feuds among various rebel factions dominated by
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radical islamist fighters and latest reports say fighters from the al qaeda linked front have assassinated a large number of officers from the free syrian army r.t. contributor action of the town see things that only hot that only highlights the dangers of sending more to the region. the rebel ranks were in a stanwell recently could make no. type of agreement between themselves and now they're actually killing each other so of course there is that power struggle it's been going on for months and months and presumably president obama and major powers are saying yeah we'll give it to the free syrian army well if the front murdering members of the free syrian army presumably they take some of those arms and destroy it they probably use it disunity in the rebel ranks is reaching fever pitch the dangers are very clear of their all to be seen in iraq neighboring iraq and
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beginning to be seen in lebanon as the on the store front becomes the key defacto lead faction in the opposition no amount of the so-called moderate rebels is going to work against the hundreds of thousands billions millions we don't know coming from qatar and saudi arabia the american allies in the persian gulf so the dangers are everywhere to be seen and of course the other dangers are the blowback which may be occurring even now some of these militants returning to their home countries in europe and perhaps to the united states to fight to their jihad on european american soil. terror attacks constant drone strikes and vicious sectarian strife pakistan's needy elected government faces a lot of challenges but amid the outbreaks of violence many other issues such as an immense lack of energy are left on the sidelines however even when the government
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starts looking for answers to the shortfall it stumbles upon a whole host of hurdles. business is far from booming at this textile mill in pakistan several times each day the machines come to a halt there's simply not enough power to keep them running forcing them to sit idle for up to fourteen hours a day the mill has resorted to burning wood to keep up production but for a factory employing four thousand people it's an unsustainable solution this is to be affecting the number of people you can employ you must provide jobs in job creation can he have been if you have energy and energy is personally what pakistan lacks the country of almost one hundred eighty million people has been plagued by power cuts that have grown longer and more frequent in recent years about two thirds of pakistan's energy comes from oil and gas but there's not enough fuel to go around most cars here are run a natural gas but widespread shortages often leave drivers queuing up at the pump for hours the power crisis has also played
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a major role in helping industrial take two and. defeat the ruling party in the recent election. it's a tragedy that a country with atomic weapons is deprived of electricity and has no electricity or even twenty dollars a day how can a country develop in such a situation so called load shedding means people and businesses can't function those who can afford it turn to a battery run electricity by using a device called u.p.s. it's enough to keep a few lights and ceiling fans on but just barely across pakistan countless people are struggling to get by because of the energy crisis businesses large and small are desperate for an increase in energy supply in hard hit areas like this one the geopolitics of where pakistan turns to in order to get those supplies is hardly a top concern q iran the islamic republic has plenty of natural gas reserves which pakistan is eager to consume and after nearly twenty years the two countries inaugurated a gas pipeline that would let pakistan do just that the project aims to bring
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a million cubic feet of gas to pakistan each day from iran's offshore south park's field in the persian gulf this is the same. best thing which has happened to box on the last sixty five years of his existence it will be a major step towards providing cost effective solution and a solution which will allow pakistan to be actually connected to the global energy gas reserves but there are serious doubts about how pakistan could finance the one point five billion dollars needed to build its portion of the pipeline and there's another hurdle washington has threatened to slap islam abroad with sanctions over the project if this deal is finalized for a proposed iran pakistan pipeline it would raise serious concerns under our around sanctions act we've made that absolutely clear to our pakistani counterparts the americans are pushing for a rival plan for u.s. backed pipeline from turkmenistan instead the us opposition isn't the only hurdle
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realistically i don't think that's ever going to happen because if you look at the geopolitical look at the forces that are opposed to it it's not just the united states that's opposed to it it's also saudi arabia it's also the it's also got that also that new prime minister is you know quite a poor soul saudi at least historically has been i don't see the year on pakistan pipeline going through it remains to be seen whether the pipeline will be sidelined by geopolitics but for the people here there's little choice but to put up with the inconvenience and wait in line to see caffein of r t pakistan. the cream of world business is in st petersburg at the moment looking for ways to boost economic growth reform the global financial system and strengthen trade artie's katie pill being is that before looking into the most burning issues dominating the agenda on the event second. is it messed economy that very much in
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full focus today we're going to be talking about market volatility how to address that as well as making masa almost friendly place to come and spend your cast improving infrastructure and something about investment into the country i'm now joined by tim does then you can walk you must buy the twenty years of the t five president all that so all the oil companies that we cut to find face this hit what would you like to see in free to make it easier for you but as you say we've been in russia for a couple of the case we have a small producing the interest on shore. as of today i think yes we recognize that russia has a resource potential both oil on shore. and offshore. you're aware of the strategic cooperation we have with all snuffed. and that's you know sort of is the next important step in establishment observation and in russia and how big is this deal how much money it we talking about with russia yes. you know we don't discuss
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in money terms with we have we have worked on it which will disclose that will be entering into offshore positions around about one hundred thousand square kilometers sold from tier expiration date which we have a commitment to drive six wells in the period from two thousand and sixteen to two thousand and twenty one to get about two and a massive almost struck yesterday between china ross s sixty billion dollars what what do you make of the design just prove what's changing in terms of trade relationships on a global scale but i think you're on the lines of the potential that russia has this would be the major supplier of both gas and oil given many many many decades ahead. and also moving on i want to talk about we all say because at the moment everyone's trying to get involved on the even countries such as china do you see the competition is really getting out as we get more energy demands from countries well they did this many say you know two thirds of the defined reese. sources on
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the planet that's been they all take and positions of being be it being taken now including in russia and we're very fortunate to be part of that together with that with ross that you know minds you know so even though you know sort of be a lot of the production from the all to come in the longer term the positions are being taken now so it's now is the talk to take you'll take a position on health hope to come to see get to see that getting a little bit now they are you confident it will be fairly out of office but they wouldn't have used that aside there's a lot the call to action for the fall for new acreage including in the in the altie even though the respect is all long term as i said the positions in the ultimate being taken now russia russia is a good example of that with the awards which. have received at the last the last two years and fairly quickly deal with this on south africa that the feature of that it takes a while so i think we need both show gets on the complex all show on the all take resources into the future thank you very much indeed to that datsun that thank you
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for joining me today this morning hit the simply because the international economic forum i'm going to be hit over throughout the day for exclusive interview. yes i stay safe for that some it's approaching twelve here in moscow and up next the controversies of online spying come under the microscope in. secret laboratory to mccurry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything. to teach the creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should care only.
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you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food because you know how fabulous i got so many i mean. i know that i'm sitting in the same thing really messed up. and we're all very so personally apologized and said. the worst you're going to see a flight out of a. radio guy in fort lauderdale is minestrone they want to watch closely or a politician because you've never seen anything like this i'm cold.
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