tv Cross Talk RT June 21, 2013 7:44am-8:01am EDT
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and increasingly important therefore abstract figure the g.d.p. or the industrial growth. even though they're very important. i were ultimate girls we should be interests. concrete improvements in the lives of our citizens and we work in thank you very much. about. president putin speaking there to the world business elites at the international economic forum in scent petersburg where president has announced that russia's ross snifters to boost oil supply to china in an unprecedented two hundred seventy billion dollars deal will bring you more on this and other news just ahead stay with r.t. . welcome
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to teal one out here you can feel it's home. to there are three choices in life i first used to work in a mccullough dora live on a miserable way like a slave. for a second just to jump the wall and catch the american dream because most of the cars and lose that a lot of. the other choice is to become a number of an organisation and get inside the drug trade.
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time now for some more international news in our world update santiago riot police suppressed a rally by students demanding education and clashes reportedly broke out when some of the protesters tried to march on employees and stones were thrown a place to respond with water cannons and patterns so he has experienced a recent wave of education protests costs loans money train teachers. two people have been killed in a powerful explosion the fireworks factory montreal a massive fire and the blast followed reducing one of the buildings to rubble accident forced the evacuation dozens of nearby homes and businesses of course is currently being investigated. by security forces of clashed with protesters in beirut after blocking their way to the country's parliament lawmakers was fueled by than by please extend the current parliament for
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another eighteen months the government has already postponed an election planned for june concerns the conflict in syria main flame tensions come to the vote in the . on the russian state duma has been debating a new law that would ban adoptions by foreigners same sex marriages the low comes amid the high controversy surrounding gay rights and brush it. off as details this is the third reading of the draft and usually they are more formality since most of that this debate is done in the previous two and well in this case concerning this draft banning couples from adopting children makers of already approved it so the chances of the state duma giving the green way to the ball drop. in general are very high no earlier russian lawmakers passed another draft banning homosexual propaganda to children raising lots of criticism both from gay rights activists in russia and from abroad but when it comes to the general population then actually
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the majority of russian citizens they support these measures since according to a recent opinion poll conducted by the water center thirty eight percent of its responded it's believed that gays have to be treated by doctors while thirteen percent believe that they have to be legally prosecuted so clearly the society in russia here is still very conservative and perhaps that's why most of the public advance or rallies organized by gay rights activists in russia usually end up with them basically being physically attacked by eighty gay rights activists usually they are radical orthodox christians now if we compare the situation to western europe for instance the obviously very societies much less conservative but issues like allowing gay couples to adopt children still raise a lot of debate there as well for instance we do remember the recent mass protest
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in france when tens of thousands or perhaps even hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets against allowing gay couples to adopt children. after the u.s. decision to arm the syrian rebels against government troops powerful anti tank and anti aircraft missiles are making their way to the war zone and those same shipments have already sparked feuds among parents rebel factions dominated by radical islamist fighters some reports claim fighters from heightening this one front assassinate and large number of officers from the free syrian army to contribute tashan or tensing thinks it only highlights the dangers of sending more arms to the region. the rebel ranks were in a stanwell recently could make no. type of agreement between themselves and now they're actually killing each other so there is that power struggle it's been going on for months and months and presumably president obama and major powers are saying
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yeah we'll give it to the free syrian army well if the front murdering members of the free syrian army presumably they take some of those arms and destroy it they probably use it to disunity in the rebel ranks is reaching fever pitch the dangers are are very they're all they're all to be seen in iraq neighboring iraq and beginning to be seen in lebanon as the al nusra front becomes the key defacto lead faction in the opposition no amount of the so-called moderate rebels is going to work against the hundreds of thousands billions millions we don't know coming from qatar and saudi arabia the american allies in the persian gulf so the dangers are everywhere to be seen and of course the other dangers of the blowback which may be currying even now some of these militants returning to their home countries in europe and perhaps to the united states to fight their jihad on european american
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soil. well close look at that story's available for you on our website and also there today shame and disgrace you experts reveal the ugly truth is really on the tactics including using palestinian children as human shields and military operations online store these house. also on the you tube channel stunning pictures from the paris air show cutting edge examples of russians military aircraft the skies. terror attacks constant drone strikes and vicious sectarian strife stuns newly elected government faces many ugly challenges amid the outbreak of violence many other issues such as in advance lack of energy left on the sidelines and over even when the government starts looking for answers to the shortfall it stands on a whole host of hurdles. business is far from booming at this textile mill in
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pakistan several times each day the machines come to a halt there's simply not enough power to keep them running forcing them to sit idle for up to fourteen hours a day the mill has resorted to burning wood to keep up production but for a factory employing four thousand people it's an unsustainable solution this is to be affecting the number of people you can employ you must provide jobs and job creation can he have been if you have energy and energy is personally what pakistan lacks the country of almost one hundred eighty million people has been plagued by power cuts that have grown longer and more frequent in recent years about two thirds of pakistan's energy comes from oil and gas but there's not enough fuel to go around most cars here are run a natural gas but widespread shortages often leave drivers queuing up at the pump for hours the power crisis has also played a major role in helping industrial take two and now was sure we defeat the ruling party in the recent election. it's a tragedy that
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a country with atomic weapons is deprived of electricity and has no electricity for even twenty hours a day. how can a country develop in such a situation so called load shedding means people and businesses can't function those who can afford it turn to a battery run electricity by using a device called u.p.s. it's enough to keep a few lights and ceiling fans on but just barely across pakistan countless people are struggling to get by because of the energy crisis businesses large and small are desperate for an increase in energy supply in hard hit areas like this one the geopolitics of where pakistan turns to in order to get those supplies is hardly a top concern q iran these lawmakers public has plenty of natural gas reserves which pakistan is eager to consume and after nearly twenty years the two countries inaugurated a gas pipeline that would let pakistan do just that the project aims to bring a million cubic feet of gas to pakistan each day from iran's offshore southpark field in the persian gulf this is the single best thing which has happened to box
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on the last sixty four a few supports existence it would be a major step towards providing cost effective solution and a solution which would allow pakistan to be actually connected to the global energy gas reserves but there are serious doubts about how pakistan could finance the one point five billion dollars needed to build its portion of the pipeline and there's another hurdle washington has threatened to slap islam abroad with sanctions over the project if this deal is finalized for a proposed iran pakistan pipeline it would raise serious concerns under our around sanctions act we've made that absolutely clear to our pakistani qana parts the americans are pushing for a rival plan for u.s. backed pipeline from turkmenistan instead the us opposition isn't the only hurdle realistically i don't think that's ever going to happen because if you look at the geopolitical you look at the forces that are opposed to it it's not just the united states that's opposed to it it's also saudi arabia it's also the it's also got the
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. new prime minister is. you know. at least historically has been i don't see the pakistan going through it remains to be seen whether the pipeline will be sidelined by geopolitics but for the people here there's little choice but to put up with the inconvenience and wait in line. r.t. pakistan. back with more news after a short break stay with r.t. . i would rather ask questions for people in positions of power instead of speak on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t.
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question more. welcome to teal one out here you can feel at home. there are three choices in life the first is to work in a mccullough doris come and live on a miserable way like a slave. the second is to jump the wall and catch the american dream because most of if there are cars and lose their lives or. the other choice is to become a member of an organisation and get inside the drug trade.
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to buy something cool never forget. a. book with a celebrity who did it by paid for what i've done that would never stop a. well into the future this month's high tech means could. help whether it be the latest laser cutters a life saving heart russian innovators are working hard to keep you healthy for some companies it's been a winding road from car simulators to cutting edge training systems for others it's been a lifetime of work along the mysteries of the self check it all out on technology update we've got the future cover. wealthy british style. time. for.
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riots broke brazil almost a million protesters spent their anger at the government in major cities across the country with a teenager becoming the first fatality of riots that show no sign of abating. the french are getting increasingly frustrated with european union recent polls reading over sixty percent believe that is going in the wrong direction. president putin announces an unprecedented two hundred seventy billion dollar deal with china russia planning a massive boost to its oil exports to the country.
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