tv Headline News RT June 21, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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weapons in the wrong hands president putin the u.s. plans to supply arms to the syrian opposition well known terrorist groups are fighting within it. riots broke brazil the million protesters vent their anger at the government in major cities across the country with a teenager becoming the first fatality of riots that show no signs of abating. the french are getting increasingly frustrated with the european union recent polls revealing over sixty percent believe the block is going in the wrong direction.
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from moscow twenty four hours a day you're watching r t. now president putin has criticized the u.s. planning to send weapons the syrian opposition warning that the arms are ending up in the wrong hands is one of many crucial statements coming out of the new international economic performance and petersburg not to share scheme is there for us and joins us live now alexey will tell us a bit more then i'll give us all the details. of the russian president has once again been very critical of the latest developments surrounding the syrian conflict in particular the calls coming from across the atlantic to supply the syrian opposition rebels with weapons this is something. believes should not happen especially considering that syria would not have been in the say in this position
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if the without the. arms shipment coming from abroad saying that you know having talks of installing a peace conference to have both members of the syrian opposition and the syrian government at the same table at the same time talking about arming the syrian rebels or one side of the conflict is just plainly wrong especially considering that some parts of the syrian opposition are in fact terrorist groups let's listen to what the russian president had to say. i can't imagine why weapons should be supplied to illegal militant groups in syria when the us recognized that one of the key opposition groups al nusra is an officially recognized terrorist organization linked to al qaeda how can they give weapons to that part of the opposition where will those weapons and. if you know. one of the newest concerns voiced by the russian president we haven't heard this concern before was that he believed that if weapons hypothetically are supplied to the syrian rebels
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they may in fact and up in europe and even in russia because what he reported stated it is a firm fact that around six hundred mercenaries from russia and europe are fighting on the side of the syrian rebels so as long as the composition clear composition among. the syrian rebels these weapons might end up in europe and create huge problems in the region he also told talked about the recent g eight summit saying that there is no single position on syria among the g eight countries some of the countries of the g. eight are in fact against supplying the syrian opposition with more additional weaponry but one thing that every side every country agrees on is that edge leave it to conference a peace conference must be held at the soonest time possible despite that we haven't moved anywhere close to actually establishing the date of this much anticipated peace conference in geneva so that's the political side of things that came out today but what about the economic stuff we understand some particularly good news for russian business. well clearly the st petersburg annual
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economic forum is all about economy of politics came here. as a supplement to the economic subjects and let me put in a fact about several infrastructure projects worth billions of dollars but one thing is very important news coming from from russian president today is that he urged the russian parliament to implement in the quickest time possible a law which would provide amnesty to those who committed minor economic crimes for the first time we're talking about fourteen thousand people here who may walk free if the parliament adopts this law before it goes on summer holidays which is in several weeks from now so this is definitely good news and probably the biggest economic news coming from the economic forum in petersburg regarding the russian economy. ok let's hear thanks very much for that and we understand that president putin and the german chancellor angela merkel holding a press conference let's see been listening to this.
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hello. and russia was a key partner. fair in germany and indeed we have invited now go merkel as an ornery guest you think because the national coming for our trade turnover has reached a high a new high. around a billion us dollars. so. we have set a new goal with merkel. and the targets a hundred billion years of those parts in order to achieve that new joint projects and after the press conference together we don't go merkel google meets with c.e.o.'s of the major companies from countries we will consult them on what needs
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to be done further including in the innovation sector in germany the leader in the foreign direct investment it's about twenty five billion u.s. dollars. more than six thousand prizes with german capital. operating in russia and of course the energy sector is the traditional. and in. the supply the supplies of oil in. germany account for forty five percent and twenty five percent of all supplies respectively. german partners. russian partners developments of the. deposits. of course we all are interested. in from
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a future calls even energy and other sectors. gene simmons has helped to. produce new trains faux wagging is building a new plant in the region into. german technology is very needed to. optimize. the construction of venues for the social and medical sector and of course this will help to. to not only for the german industries to and which will help to create new jobs and we very much. it's will help. put additional momentum to the economic development we've also discussed so our cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian spheres we have. germany russia russia and germany been more than three hundred events scheduled
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to take place and so we will. visit the exhibition in shows we agreed to the evening we'll see what spin. the counterparts german russian counterparts. spheres. we talked about. the year of german language and culture in russia and the russian and the russian culture and literature in germany in two thousand and fourteen and that's a new ball project. and i'm sure that the goshi ations that we've just conducted will help to promote the german russian cooperation thank you very much for your attention.
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president putin speaking at the international economic forum in cent petersburg with the german chancellor angela merkel as well more on that the next few hours here r.t. as we get it. other news now on the mass on the rest in brazil has turned deadly an eighteen year old demonstrator has died in the state of south park after a car crash through a barricade what started as a rally over transport fares is now snowballed into a one million strong protest engulfing more than one hundred cities across the country president dilma rousseff is cancel her trip to japan to hold an emergency meeting with countries key ministers in the most violent night of rioting over eight thousand police officers have been deployed to rio de janeiro head of a football match when activists attempted to advance to the city hall and were met
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with tear gas and rubber bullets leaving dozens injured crowds gathered in the capital brasilia receive the same response more dorothy's auntie's enough we have reports. hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets all over brazil in an unprecedented public protest the hottest sport of the unrest remains sell paolo where tear gas has been fired protesters who tried to take over the local government building in the capital brasilia clashes have erupted when riot police faced off with protesters trying to break through towards the congress in rio de janeiro local police resorted to tear gas to disperse crowds marching towards city hall police say some three hundred thousand people have rallied but organizers claim it's twice as many there are reports that around thirty people have been injured earlier around eight thousand security officers have been deployed near the city stadium ahead of time for the ration scottish football match between the spanish and eighty football teams such rallies are believed to be the most violent
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in a decade the protesters say they're angry at the government's excessive spending for the two thousand and fourteen world cup and another point of discontent is the increase of public transport fees in several brazilian cities the country's health authorities later reversed their decision to increase the first but this doesn't seem to have a peace demonstrators they say they are also angry over the underfunded health care and education systems the unrest come six months ahead of elections in brasil and as we can see there are plenty of complaints to worst president dilma rousseff government to protest say they will remain until they see change and promise a fresh wave of rallies to take place for the next days. you see china is causing focus some of the images of the brazilian protest there right now to check out the pictures from the country's cities in the grip of the unrest.
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today. these are the images the world. can. hope for asians are all. the e.u. is heading in the wrong direction more europeans are feeling according to recent polls and it's fronts the blocs founding member and traditional driving force with disenchantment with a united europe is rising fastest. two thirds questioned by gallup this month so they were unhappy with where the e.u. is taking them they are concerned by the rise of germany as a political force for that brussels has mishandled europe's financial crisis and soaring unemployment is fueling french your skepticism comes as president francois
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loans approval rating plummeted almost two fold since he took the top job last year french far right politically than marine le pen says france needs an open debate on its relations with the. but the bow if with but the bell first of all you need to understand that the french do not really talk about both the e.u. and the euro a common currency virtually imposed on us a religiously defended here in other words there is no diversity of opinion on anything you say against the euro this will be equal to blasphemy is what i'm asking for is a referendum polls are a good thing but i do remember the polls promised that when asked about the european constitution france would vote for it at the end of the day fifty five percent of french citizens said no to the constitution that's why we need a wide public debate a referendum to ask the people what they think about food border transparency with
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the shrinking countries and about this currency that killed our economy we need to ask them how come the e.u. guidelines are more important that our own constitution which in shrines the will of a sovereign nation. we're going to go back to the international forum in st petersburg to hear more from president putin russia has not violated a single international regulation the second point you made that mistake has used this weapon against. lation it's i think it's an exaggeration. because. the people of syria who are fighting against mr millet's and competence who are well trained and who were given. a clue gene by terrorists morgan is ation was the core of the military opposition has been
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recognized by international community by needs i think you should tell your people subjectively information these. is the core of the military opposition it has been recognized by many countries including by the u.s. state department as a terrorist organization linked to al qaeda so. we're going to supply arms to you i talked to. the northern ireland we are aware of the. al-qaeda to. beheaded. in the mountains and it's these kind of people who are fighting mr. you would you supply arms to these people that's our concern or secondly we're also concerned with the fact that. if you take
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a decision on a regime change we are very much concerned with the political vacuum this will follow was a very straight forward during our discussions at the g eight summit and mr merkel can confirm this by use the same words ok facet goes. there's going to be political vacuum that is going to stir maybe it's these terrorist organizations there will step in when you know once this but how can we avoid this because they are armed and they're very aggressive belligerents parts i don't get an answer to this so what do we do i don't get an answer to this either there's only one reasonable idea that has that has been supported by everyone i would like to voice it once again. we need to all of the conflicting parties to geneva to take part in live geneva peace conference to sit down at the negotiating table to end violence and to find
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a solution with that providing security for all the years you can religious groups that's what we're going to do. i want a clarification of this. that would get it you're right yes this is you want that if you. want that's good sounds well can you imagine any government without. well. you might want to make it absolutely clear that i think our stance he's a balanced one and appropriate. whether he stays or whether he go what kind of political structure we have. it's not for us to decide we're foreigners it's the sea assumptive the syrian people we need to provide conditions for the political process and the conflicting
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party this need to sit down and negotiate the future. and it's only then that these architecture will be long term and stable. and i would laugh on my part. but i would like to. clarify the situation with the exhibition. cheering our negotiations we agreed. that we will attend this exhibition. together with the media. has been solved as to the second question and the peace conference on syria i think that. we need to see with the. outcome of the g. eight summits and creative framework for
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a solution. you're in the g eight summit we've agreed. that there might be a lot of barriers convening this conference with everyone signs up to it and if we convene this conference we might get a slim chance to start a political dialogue. we have a lot of problems as you can see plainly beer. there i'm bigger problems than you can see problems in other countries of this region is it not enough. what about. forcing consequences we need to learn the lesson we need to see take a more cautious approach. a more balanced approach and we need to rely on the will of the people let's look at the record of previous years and the consequences history teaches something these regionals can turn into tall good
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zones like the one we have between on the border between pakistan and afghanistan it's not controlled by any well what will we do with it six hundred people according to our rough estimates are fighting on the side of the armed opposition and these are russians and europeans so they will get say they will gets weapons. where will they go next these are not silly games this is not always you need to be. practical and have down to earth approach to these issues. that i would fortunately. the meeting with the business leaders we have to. we have to allow only for the final question re a novice to news agency yes please. you
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know we still in the bush. i. would like to say that there were three questions. and maybe we were here for covered all of these issues. of course we will let the german. media ask a question well. please i'd like to have the floor thank you very much. of a question to you or a reporter at the forum i think you made a very important point. you talked about the four economic crimes and you asked me to do that by the end of the spring session what kind of categories of people should. should be pardoned well as i
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said. the people that. conducted crimes including violence should be pardoned it's one of those who forged. banknotes. including their cash those who. steal the property of others. the group of the people that will be part of the. people who have committed crimes in the past that are not considered crimes today so they need to be set free thinking.
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now a question from the german side. can i have the mike microphone please. mr president another question of the exhibition. because the exhibition will feature what's called in germany the trophy arts that's been transferred from germany to russia after the second world war do we have any progress. in the return of the. artifacts there was a demand by the previous governments it's a very sensitive issue and the forests a civil society or on both sides if we need any progress we do need to conflate this the should we need to find a way to meet each other halfway i don't think we need to start a debate right now because i wish some of the russian people might start
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calculating the damage was inflicted to the russian art. cheering war two it's not the right track we need to follow another tract that's been followed by our historians have worked hard to do spline aid to the general public the arts which you can see the hermitage today that was done by specialists from both sides by russian and german specialists and all the final question by the news agency from the russian side. if you're a new current. news agency i've got a question to both leaders since it's common knowledge that the goods turnover is really huge but quite one sided i should say and we see the.
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supply is accounting for the majority of. do you think there will be diversification any time soon we distilled discuss the sea she to die happy c c that the structure for our mutual turnover is changing they have been transformation is an adjustment to this and i talked about this earlier but our german partners are investing into car industry into aircraft petroleum chemical industry in pharmaceuticals industry. the mutual cooperation he's improving is picking up. it means that we will be changing the structure of our turnover. like to say that germany is open for other goods to russia can supply.
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be other energy related. also the german enterprises provide all german institutions that provide education to the russian people they can also help to diversify our turnover and we are open to any proposals we will not set up any barriers for russian enterprises we will cards suing. reach a balance in terms of diversity of. goods and norry guest i would like to see you know with the ancient gift to you this lethal graffiti dedicated. dedicated to the signing of the german russian treaty. and there we have a little ceremony at the end as president putin flanked by chancellor anger merkel
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at the international economics for an instant it is been that as we get up next our reports on the drug wars in mexico stay with us here on r.t. . sigrid lumber tour. was able to build the world's most sophisticated robots which unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything. to teach the creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should care only.
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