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tv   Documentary  RT  June 21, 2013 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

11:30 pm
there's a story. playing out in real life. on earth this vehicle was picked because usually all policemen undergo control there are police officers that are connected to a legal activities. there
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might be traces or someone might have taken drugs so there was a smell left over but it's we have to investigate. any possibility that he might be carrying drugs. personnel began being active in urban areas there was rose three hundred percent but it's still. it's a fifty caliber machine gun it can penetrate and it's one of the most powerful guns
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we've confiscated from crime. right now in the warehouse. we have. guns with these guns. some military units two to three battalions of five hundred. this is a fifty six caliber machine gun it takes run belts and it's function is automatic. small machine gun you know. this is the ar fifteen. this is a high precision. this is
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a short. in one hand here's a rocket launcher the gangsters use it. and here we have confiscated. twelve tons in total money one way of cocaine heroin different substances for the preparation of crystal meth materials for the purpose of synthetic drugs but why is the army responsible for the safe keeping of narcotics. because the civil authorities trust us that the drugs here at last to or end up in someone else's hands. and not the us there have been cases in the past when some other authority was keeping them so that criminals would get them back.
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the first thing the army did when it reached here was to disarm the city's two thousand three hundred policemen. the army was appointed head of the police and public safety secretary. went to get them so we got here it was commonplace for cops to be receiving double salaries in dollars where the. they were boasting they were full of themselves they felt like bosses. they were even slapping their superiors. they were yelling because they had this power.
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but respect me or i kill you tomorrow. and the chiefs were afraid they scared them . if it turned into a weakness for them. because i started to locate them when i got here with you. if i thought it was easy at them at the minute all this guy lets go and i started busting lots of people. look at him we managed to expel three hundred sixty police offices. some went to prison others ran it. and others were killed in conflict with us and for the group. but all profit police offices.
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those that iris did. really winning say that the first time the bad guys came into contact with me that they offered me five thousand dollars a week because you don't single middle of summer jam and imus and five thousand dollars is a tremendous amount of money. only to give them information with the minutes and money but the first week they gave him five thousand the second three thousand and one thousand years and the full faith they don't pay them any male female. the fourth week they tell him you have to do it otherwise we kill you and your family. if that's the procedure. so they turn into prisoners in prison as of the maffia but as the.
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lord will surely read to compose how can the one on it even when he's on supply mailing. gotta come into the community. does your son is busy when a sales. soprano in a south wales took with the. general consumer. as to putting whiskey. gapers on the mend i think with a number of solo pork stoke on the was on this program most of those. booms gave. us a little bit of the role of the v.c. on his down if we can to leave. that up workers here in the sport this. year got us to one of them the tickler was a look we had i don't know when god will. as the.
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only man who is someone i think is sad of his innings of global member that in a full media into labels in windows don't play much of his hero was he a new kid a old dog give. us the link is it an. equal most of us is on the yes i listen to all guy persona software company on a woman. who was just dishonest. used to. keep me on those. a while. we've seen it with the news because of the.
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whole i'm not going to for a moment you will forgive. me. if i looking for a moment. when over and over again that my we were arrested now that i don't know why they arrested me i don't know what's going on. how long have you been working twenty years. with the for the number how long have you been with the police twelve and a half years. and you get twenty eight years you're both rosarito police and the rosarito police. opened up the new did you watch with him did he have a professional relationship now. you were you aware of his illegal activities you know neither was i interested in or knew of them but for you they let me.
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know. that i can. get a. little bit of a lot of. i. which of them are from me. all. of them have. been either arrested babyface and twenty six members of organized crime or their
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bowl of gumbo in the butt all of whom are in the front. lawn. i feel. twenty nine years old from a very close look. was otherwise a. bit of a think when somebody comes from the core of organized crime with. his arrest he was carrying a nine millimeter pistol with a gold plated handle and the image of the grim reaper remember of course as well as the initials. on the sides of the barrel. it was gems. of that but it be a bit off but it's yours as well as the image of a skull it would have been caught on you.
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good to despair when. something good will come along. as a little you have to be a little patient that with god's will you'll soon get another job full of people. like you lives in the violence can't solve your problems on them or the woman must there be anything it causes says death if. you put all the trouble with the law on the with you with. it. is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his diction
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misinformation and media hype you up to date by decoding the mainstream status if in your right. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images of world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are all today. please.
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to. look for.
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something that is one thing for to prove something. here comes from something to consider but some. close to group just to get. them in the clear from. the see them in a pub a little. less .
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gates is the richest persones. is cool who can't be. ignored is the. cave where the money. she said was when. it was said when she cried you. want to suck on things. asked him when she was thrilled to see. the oval room haunting him couples you can see i don't know. charlie as. you don't. suppose someone i'm here just doesn't goes in the water. is suddenly out of the sorta. believe in god part of the earth and goes on in kind of. the rule of law
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what. the metaphor london city colonia. guy he. put on the moon because on the one that is exclusive. kidnappings are somethings you until one. besides getting rid of unwanted passons there are so. income to the cartel. this man was just released after an army intervention. was held by taylor's men they'd given
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a four day deadline for his brother to bring half a million dollars unfortunately the family didn't have the time to get the ransom if only they came and asked for explanations about the agreements not being kept that we shouldn't play with them that they could kidnap all my relatives for me and they named them one by one. they told me to choose whether faired them to kill me and throw me on the streets to show they weren't joking or to cut off my fingers to send them but i know obviously i chose my fingers to be cut off we're going to boo . and they did it yes. two. more were they held me down. by the legs if others by the arms.
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they brought a doctor. who started working on my arm. he gave me an a seizure. because he cut off my finger. they put it in a bike and left. me so i tolerated it i accepted it so. it's ok it's just a finger better than taking my life. but the new sympathy as in all of them is as long. islanders among us.
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who are some of the is that he only. has to. pull out the race he own. the little man. all told him he's a c. on. and on and on and there's a mule meals. you dishonest consequences it'll. be all over and i'm ok with that i'm not one. of those cool school to come to your orders and marketed at all hours of the moment ok as early as up and even said yes at least income for missiles no map no mickey's a compliment that canonical not. the can i give him paul. when were you on dollar where. you're most of the stunts donaghy. in one of the film i don't know from media to start to be an honest little trust anti gun kill star in little over us and not
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a must the new moves it was to the south. and then a colossal learn your account is william curium a consider this. to me only you can look on the screen from sony who. see it the consistent hola to my last one the colors on the. new way are you at the way out of your league. as a life and when the button is on when there's. some noise for us to sell it is not evidence and soon it could have been would run an open book a little a little less. dunes delusion don't worry we're. yesterday told. the hit told in no way as in me they are you. sure stands for position is concealed and not in the money is a good. a just the gist of one the ways that i see. casey is
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under the guise that look if you don't do you was with the news he summa then ok cicutto know you are getting this but as a one who followed us again the youth conformists was again a lived in cinemas either tell them and then he nods. yes because into me and. another person in the seat book is to rely on the boy's plot. to if you feel. good kill him when you know you. know me or annoy you want to know it as i know it until i know casey all or can all . get a star in camille me and. kill her as the on the one on one of the
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course. curial human to celine pia. get off the sun. killing him paul. simon can this cure you don't pull.
11:55 pm
the way it was a child i never had toys in the world same i'm thrown away i started collecting them one by one about the first three years they would steal them from my children grown ups all of them because they go used to it's an now they don't steal and nothing. like toys. and this was the first one.
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mistery bear this one. i've had it for seven years. yet almost twenty years ago they threw the bodies of matt hill. now they toss them from this size. lady come lately mutilated. pieces from up there to down here. an arm here. i can get in any place everyone gets along fine with me my toys are like all kinds of people. i get there by
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car. and the tough guy to see me and give me toys they also like the car.
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12:00 am
the u.s. charges whistleblower edward snowden with espionage pissed off that he revealed to wolf that america has been spying on millions of people around the world. but it turns out the british intelligence agency has trumped even washington and the author of snooping it's revealed a few case of violence operation reportedly extends even further than the american one. and u.n. experts say they're not convinced the syrian government used chemical weapons putting a damper on washington's. the rebel forces.


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