tv Keiser Report RT June 22, 2013 8:29am-9:01am EDT
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possibly one day maybe out in the far distant future perhaps face jail for reckless misconduct in the meantime that same state today right now treats those protesting the ongoing crime wave of those same bankers behaving badly like this in oakland pepper spray any stumble all pepper spray in brazil pepper spray no court no charges just summary execution of pepper spray to the face this year the global insurrection against bag rocket patient has spread to east on board but as do stacey. max indeed as we are in the city of london when you see all these protests going on around the world whether it's been in athens or cairo or now istanbul in brazil you see lines of riot police perimeter fences and pepper spray and tear gas why are the bankers able to show up at work every single day without
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a gas mask on without pepto bismo all over their face and trying to protect themselves from the tear gas but the crimes of the bankers over the past five years in particular have resulted in the mass wealth confiscation sometimes outright as is the case in cyprus term of global resulting in poverty people on the streets protesting to not get pepper spray in the face that's the direct result of the crime wave the u.k. is saying well maybe some days we'll put some of these guys in jail they don't make the connection between what they've done they don't see the connection between their actions and their results and that's the biggest crime of all and of course i want to show an image here that i think really captures what's going on around the world it says brazil woke up and you know in the past few weeks in brazil we've seen up to two hundred fifty thousand people out in the streets protesting and they're protesting transportation health services education and security despite
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a heavy tax burden that those are all declining for them because of the banks or occupation because the crime wave over the past few years the past few decades by the banks years has gone on punished right on this stacey we introduced the idea of the global ensure erection against banker occupation we saw the arab spring we saw it in wisconsin we see it in detroit we see it in europe we see it in greece now we see it in brazil and south america now it is truly becoming a global and sir action this is the first global insurrection in history we've had other revolutions but this is the first global in. against banking occupation and that. in the u.k. it's hard to ground zero banks or occupation by the way this is where all fraud happens through here and as you said at the top of the show the u.k. banking commission urges better standards british bankers could soon be facing
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harsher penalties for behaving badly this commission was formed and the aftermath of one of the largest conspiracies and financial history which was the rigging of global interest rates through lie bore hundreds of trillions of dollars market and they form this commission to see what they should do and these are just recommendations for the u.k. government is that they should possibly consider throwing these people in jail for reckless misconduct right this is the way a move barrack thought before a revolution in egypt this is the way the leaders of brazil thought now they've got a revolution on their hands this is the way people around the world think better and entrenched kleptocracy is like in the u.k. so they are feeding this sense here in the u.k. with this very minimalistic approach to banking terrorism and the result will probably be similar some type of insurrection i will say that this is a bit of a change from what has been the rhetoric up until very recently remember folks like
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boris johnson up until recently the mayor of london whose office you see behind me would say we've got to stop the banker bashing we need these guys to contribute to the economy at least you have gone off that and realize that there is no limit to the banker bashing appropriate when you're dealing with a wave of financial terrorism as they are dealing here in the u.k. and if you look at however at the rhetoric coming from downing street or the press compare how they did treat the rioters in the streets of london as we covered and birmingham in manchester a few years ago two years ago there were riots across the u.k. here they say after a year which have seen major scandals involving rape. rigging money laundering and rogue trading rock the u.k. financial industry and influential parliamentary committee recommended that senior bankers should be held more accountable for their bank's actions one measure is said should be a new criminal offense of reckless misconduct one that could carry
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a prison sentence so there are all these qualifiers and they also say there are major scandals not major crimes of money laundering rate reagan except you're right again they don't want to make the connection between the results which would be the london riots of the last couple of years and the rate rigging and the criminality in the city of london they've refused to make the connection or so i say to them doughboy cameron or blitzkrieg boris or a nincompoop george osborne don't be surprised when you wake up and flip on the b.b.c. one day and there's one hundred thousand britons on the street with torches looking for the perpetrators of this financial hole the cost well in fact the treasury minister greg clark told the b.b.c. that the report was them press of piece of work and its recommendations would be carefully considered dismissing the notion that it would be shelled once
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frustration with the banks had died down well for me it's heartening because it means that the timeline of the global insurrection is going to hit the u.k. . in the time that i a believe it will with this is why we're here doing our show because we want a front line on this insurrection and revolution against the banks are certainly a case of the fact that they've come out with this report shows that the timeline is in place you know they're beginning to smell the the the the fires burning at the ramparts so game on so here we see this polite language and when dealing with massive hundreds of trillions of dollars fraud and conspiracy and crime and theft. if you think that banks are in any way afraid of any of these actions by any parliamentary committee here in the u.k. look at what they're have doing in the us with the department of justice theoretically has a lot more power to incarcerate people for one hundred plus years former bank of
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america workers allege it lied to homeowners six former bank of america corp employees have alleged that the bank deliberately denied eligible home owners loan modifications and lied to them about the status of their mortgage payments and documents so the bank allegedly used these tactics whereby people would submit their documents for two for this this whole modification loan from the federal government and they would call and call ask where's the doc when they would resign the doc when every time the bank of america employees were instructed to throw them in the garbage pretend they never received it and the bank would then foreclose and receive a lot more fees than they would from the home modification program from the u.s. government but the bankers these whistleblowers also testified under oath that bank of america also lied in their documents falsified information to give to the government which is you know any normal schmoe would face decades in prison for that right well the banks are is an individuals are committing fraud the banks
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whether it's h.s.b.c. barclays lawyers while bank of scotland j.p. morgan goldman sachs or citibank as an institution they're committing fraud but i think really the deal breaker here the deal clincher if you well would be on an institutional level of the central banks including the bank of england they're bringing in mark carney who's a fraudster from the moment of the you say go from the bank of canada and i think this will light the blue paper of complete insurrection in the u.k. because he's going to start printing money with reckless abandon inflation is going to start raging and wages are stagnant and dropping and if you thought the poll tax riots were hot and. what we're going to. but it would go over there were government to let your guys work or don't want to go over your job or. so in the united states if say some occupy wall street protesters were going to be
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meeting in front of bank of america to protest these crimes these ongoing crimes those protesters would be met with pepper spray to the face gas tear gas thrown at them so why are these bankers allowed to walk calmly in there and continue committing these crimes and so you mentioned that part of this criminality is covered up by the central bankers through their quantitative easing in various cover ups for banking crimes so i want to go to this final headline with this federal reserve bank governor this was really eye opening for me raskin shocked low quality of work at local job fair so this is federal reserve governor sarah bloom raskin and she was speaking to the roosevelt institute recently and she said that she went to a local jobs fair and she was shocked at the quality or the lack of quality of the jobs available to being offered to this local community college there were a number of restaurant jobs some military jobs the worst slew of jobs from all
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places swimming pool companies i thought that was kind of interesting when i inquired about what these jobs were they were a lifeguard jobs which i thought also was quite telling because back in the day to be a lifeguard i didn't think quite required in an advanced degree these were the kind of jobs we got in high school summers i thought so here's the federal reserve governor one of their mandates their dual mandates is to increase employment and all they're doing is pumping money pumping money pumping money giving money free money to the banks there is these very same banks years who might one day in the future face a jail sentence if they commit reckless misconduct and she's finding that the lower and lower paid. solace being offered for more and more expensive debt inducing education oh no that lifeguard jobs are good because you familiarize yourself with being underwater so whether you're underwater on your mortgage or underwater in your stock portfolio underwater in your bond portfolio being a lifeguard is a good job to have you try to save yourself from being drowning to death under
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quantitative easing but you know and word snowden the whistleblower said that what the government is doing is that they're creating better whistleblowers. so i would posit that what the government is doing by allowing banks are to rip people off is creating better revolutionaries basically because it's a good job they're saying there's no jobs the jobs are not paying their junk jobs there are the horrible horrible low when the low paid jobs because the government is only son of god to putting people in prison or they can profit from them they they might make a few tax dollars giving a job or somebody make them sixty or seventy thousand one hundred thousand pounds a year but they make double that if they get him into prison yeah so anyway finally you're saying that there are jobs available as a pepper spray or because if they're creating revolutionaries then they're creating a demand for more pepper spray or as well said stacy ever thanks for being on the kaiser report thank you statin for the second half i'll be speaking to zeus'.
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to go to los angeles speak with zeus' young mcginnis author of the new book transforming economy from corrupted capitalism to connected communities is website well it says welcome to the kaiser reporting tell us about your website ok well my main web site is citizens dot com citizens iii us dot com and the website for the book for those interested specifically in the book and economic issues is transforming economy dot com so this you write up of the ten shocking practices of the u.s. in global economy it does sound like a tough list to put together but what was the worst so far in your opinion the
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worst max is fraud closure the the scandal around robel signings and the hundreds of thousands of proven. forged documents that were basically approved of at the highest levels. and i don't like tronic system that was set up to go all around title transfers and your basic property reporting and transfer requirements are strictly against the law and again there are hundreds of thousands of instances of these and not a single significant prosecution in any of this in fact not much investigation whatsoever and you know there was this funny attorneys general that was supposed to be twenty five billion to help out only eight point five billion of that was in cash and as it turns out as early as the beginning of this year not a single dime has actually made it to a homeowner and i mean i find that absolutely scandalous not only that the homeowners themselves are not getting anything but the fact that there aren't any
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investigations or prosecutions on this i just i'm it's a slam dunk and in both cases the getting around property reporting requirements and the clear forgeries and yet nothing has happened so zeus here in los angeles california and why not some kind of academy awards type show for the fraud of the year and it could make it so the oscar could be the eric holder you know i mean i'm afraid of closure i think should be nominated for the fraud of the year but there's a library scandal there's a miss on all masonic scandals there's you know all the various bubbles and pops and all the crimes committed on wall street what about something like that you know an academy award for fraud in america you know turn the turn this heinous criminal activity into something more entertaining well i have to tell you if not at least entertaining shine some light on it get people to see it you know it is so it's such a farce it should be should be definitely win best oscar for either horror picture
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or comedy picture or a comedy horror picture one of the two i think it would i think it would win with a long shot it might be a unanimous selection. of course we now know from prison menace and a s. and s. and s. a scandal that the results of a. academy awards are known before hand so that is another lie that people tell us over the accountant is for them i think it's price waterhouse cooper they're lying about that as well ok so you also talk about toxic assets as part of the top ten running for the academy award for fraud in america tell us about tack toxic assets first of all look at the term toxic assets toxic things are never good and toxic things are one hundred percent bad there's never a toxic think that doesn't do harm that's a very definition of the term assets on the other hand are under present good i mean assets by very definition are something that they're an asset they are something that adds value there's something not good how can you put the two of
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those together and have a meaningful term they cannot co-exist and so one has to look deeper into what that term actually means and what it serving and what that team term means and serves is we have an asset that's not an asset but it really means is fake asset that ends up destroying value when it's introduced into a system precisely because you pretend as if it does have value and that's really what fraud is all right let me make another nomination for fraud of the year to consider for your consideration out there in los angeles goldman sachs they are having relationship with their clients where they essentially gift them billions of dollars that they borrow from the government as zero percent interest that they then use to engage in fraudulent schemes like the facebook i.p.o. or market raking libel or raking energy market rate going and they go buy a lot of wine and chateaus with those ill gotten gains and now the client of
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goldman sachs is using fifteen thousand cases of overinflated wine prices to collateralize another loan does this qualify could this be the winner for fraud of the year this year in los angeles do you think. i think that was a pretty far up there i mean they've said they've gotten so good about taking and sensually either things that the minimal or no value and then blowing them up into the latest hot thing that absolutely everybody has to have art that's worth billions of dollars in the book i compared it to me valuing my kitty litter box at a million dollars and then leveraging that into a billion dollars to buy up companies it's basically the same thing there's nothing really behind my claim either and there's certainly nothing behind their claim with this wine it's something they assign to it and then they profit from it the only way a market can work is if other people are essential and their demand is input into
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what something is valued for what is basically that max fraud is taking value essentially assigning value or creating value out of nothing which is what they're doing and then passing it off as something i mean that's a very simple way of putting it and it doesn't take too much to scratch below the surface to see that the more and more essentially outrageous they become with their leveraging and so forth the more outrageous these examples like these mind boxes and so forth come forward and the more it shows how out of touch they are with what it really means to work what it really means to produce what it really means to give well speaking of kitty litter let's talk about eric holder for a second because of course on the face of the the award for biggest fraud of the air it's a it's actually a statue of eric holder and of course he's completely naked because this has to work with the n.s.a. prism environment where everyone is completely naked before the database why disney prosecute is it because he wants to go after so much excess in los angeles or is he
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just plain corrupt or is he just stupid what do you think i've been i just i have to say the place holder which is his nickname is perfect for him i mean he has done nothing i mean what i mean i can't i can't name of. ingle enforcement action this man has been involved in i don't even know what he's doing now what he's doing with his time on the side when he's not doing his job i have no idea. that you know the ones that you come up with i don't think is stupid you know out for i don't it i just don't know what he's doing i mean he comes from that corporate environment so it's possible that he's just simply protecting his friends but it just doesn't seem that he has any consciousness about doing his job you know it's just amazing to me it's like they could put a crash test dummy in for his position and he would be doing just as good a job yeah i don't see him he doesn't appear to have any street smarts like a barack obama you know the guy doesn't appear to have any street smarts i mean
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he's edgy he's institutionally he knows the rap that's been forced into him from the crooks you know at the various ivy league universities you know but for a couple of brothers they seem remarkably ignorant about what happens on the street bad i mean they need to go uptown and like live with the people for a bit and understand how things work but of course that'll never happen we have these guys who're. cap on the country club and actually apply justice whatever that concept means eric holder you disgraceful blome anyway your new book is called transforming economy so i assume that there is some hope in this in this book of course none of it will make it to the light of day because we live in a clip takhar city but what are some of the ideas well i think i mean if i were first of all i mean i think that most of it is shifting the way that we way that we look at the economy and for me i mean i'm trying to shift from this taking exploiting economy to a more giving contributing and producing economy and really requires two things
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from people and just outlined general form one is you need to find out the ways in which you're contributing to the this phony economy and you've got to stop doing that and in on them that simple example of that is just removing your money from these too big to fail banks and putting them into local banks and local enterprises but the other more important thing is developing a notion of economy be based on productivity and producing really means giving to the future instead of taking from it so any kind of practice that is borrowing from the future in wasting it or consuming it now is kind of the old way and so i mean there are many ways that we can do that as a society we can begin to start sharing our resources on the local level we can do circle lending cutting banks out we can start doing crowdfunding also and beginning to use our own power in our own initiative and on creativity sharing that and developing our own modes of economy and i think that that's what the book does it
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first part is a critique of our present corrupted capitalism the second part section has to do with how we are in the transitional part right now transforming the economy and then the third the third part really has to do with how can we engage in things like debt forgiveness how can we engage in things like stopping our own the collusion with these people and then also creating grassroots level efforts to create enforcement and create an alternative way of actually producing and giving to the future instead of taking from it and i you specific examples and i also use . in doing that right zeus i just had your answer analyzed by n.s.a. prism computer and the results are in there's a drone heading your way with a weaponized rocket. you got to be careful buddy you can't talk about a thing like that you'll be droned a definite bum bum of the america ok so finally let me ask you about gold silver
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and bitcoin these are three currencies that people are you know trying to move into because they're no county party risk they've got thousands of years or in case a bit going at least it's got some real integrity there and an intrinsic value. will this will the establishment be able to come down as hard and bitter gold silver bitcoin forever as they're doing now all these survive once again this period this dark ages in america well it's interesting i mean because of prayer in particular is interesting because it is signalling that not only i mean a lot of our values are moving into this much more non-material realm but now with bitcoin you actually have monetary systems moving into the cyber realm i think really what gold silver and bitcoin share is a desire for people to take autonomy and that and power themselves against a system they know is corrupt and they know it's manipulating and exploiting them i mean any time you're going to have the kinds of scandals we had like with fraud closure and there is no prosecution and then we have to pay the liabilities for
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these things people are looking for at least especially in the transition period a way to say i have actual value and whining physical gold and silver i think is an effective way to do that on an individual and family level and developing the system of bitcoin as a way to have a challenging competitor to essentially an empty money system created from nations that's based that sense they are nothing just on money printing so i'm in i'm in favor of of of those developing going forward because the way to get democratic capitalism is to have effective people based grassroots based competitors to this phony top down one percent system that we have right now and that's really what we've got to look for is we look for the things that we can become can. use and become available to us now. and then use that to begin to make the transition into a more globally aware locally based economies that take value and share value and
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cut these parasites out of the out of the cycle well said all roads is right a time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you very much max i appreciate it ok and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guest zeus' yami yanis citizens zeus' dot com if you'd like to send us an e-mail please do so at kaiser reported r t t v dot argue until next time mexicans are saying. they were ready to do anything for their country. to love their country more than yourself if you joined the military for any other reason that you're probably not going to have a good day they were tools in the hands of the state now they live remembering the
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past which is impossible to get rid of. the war. but oh ever good people get hurt. and i've heard good people them to be silent. but would prefer not to be sometimes i feel like. i should have died over there. i saw some people who were tired. there is cheaper than tariff. on our. download the official publication so choose your language. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just. now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v.
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n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden charged with espionage in the u.s. washington seeking help to get him from hong kong where he's in hiding. the. leaks from snowden pile up with the latest revelation showing the u.k. has been tapping phone calls and internet traffic around the world to secretly collect and store huge amounts of data. mining experts skeptical about washington's claim that syria's government used chemical weapons saying evidence falls short of conclusive proof. five pm in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on our t.v. our top story the.
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