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tv   Headline News  RT  June 22, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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breaking news this hour on r.t. fresh clashes and its stumbles texans square police are using water cannons to disperse the rallying crowds on rest as lasted more than three weeks and shows no sign of ending. the cia whistleblower edward snowden is charged with espionage in the u.s. washington is now seeking help to get him from hong kong where he's in hiding. at u.n. skepticism about washington's claim that syria's government used chemical weapons doesn't stop the u.s. secretary of state pushing for coordinated military help for the rebels fighting a set of top stories this hour.
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international news and comment live from our studio center here in moscow this is r.t. with the twenty four hours a day so first to our breaking news story this hour turkish police are again cracking down on the thousands of demonstrators inside istanbul's tex in square we'll get more now from tom barton he's on the line now. more of the same it seems what is happening there at the moment where you are. correct its capital and career at the moment but resignation what's happening in taxi driver in istanbul very much as well at the moment from where i am we've seen some of the latest developments from taxi in a lot of. cross turkey very interconnected and we've heard reports. police have
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moved in with water cannons on the around ten thousand protesters there trying to break up those crowds those crowds sort of trying to lay a memorial for four protesters killed during the course of three weeks. of protests here in the capital the moment quiet they have been ongoing protests here though for the park for the past week clashes nightly between between police and protesters just last night i was reporting from one of those streets that's a scene of nightly clashes when a police water cannon vehicle decided to iron my cameraman game and shot me in the back with a water cannon nearly knocking me off my feet so it's. really every night we've been subjected to to take gas clouds in the streets so very much a tense situation but it's been here kathleen has been quiet.
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but today obviously not the case very much more aggressive listed from the government from prime minister reject. to his party today to and to supporters in a northern turkish city that he thinks that these protests aided turkey's enemies saying that foreign interests he identified as financial ones have benefited from the turmoil here. on the on the other side protests to say accusing him of all voluntary in rule and accusing the police of brutality increasingly entrenched positions on both sides just briefly tom i know you're in anchorage but the scenes we're thing there in istanbul at the moment the but what are the chances of the situation getting seriously out of control clearly a lot of anger it's built up now over the last three weeks and just how the authorities going to be dealing with it because it looks as if it's getting pretty
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tense moment from what you know. well judging from what has been happening in the last three weeks and judging from what i've seen of police responses there is very much the potential for a lot of recrimination on both sides protesters convinced for example that the police are adding certain irritants to the water in their water cannons they. be happy to fire tear gas canisters into people's faces and generally behaved very badly the government very angrily rejecting those claims saying the police have been very restrained and have not been doing those things that they've been accused of in fact saying the protesters are some of those causing trouble and that some of those protesters have been described as extremists. and his plan is coke's people the potential there for people who have died hundreds of
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thousands possibly injured in these clashes obviously very confused situations when the when these clashes happen but very very very much for the possibility that there could be clashes and injuries both in taxes and in other cities across turkey tonight salma leave eleven moment thank you very much indeed for that live update r.t. tomball on the phone there from ankara and we're closely following the unrest in turkey on air and online as well in head to r.t. dot com for intern updates and live pictures from text in square. the u.s. government has filed criminal charges against edward snowden the man who told the world about the scope of america's global surveillance network washington now wants help from hong kong officials because snowden's been hiding in the chinese territory since unleashing the revelations about the national security agency that he's going to china has the details. word snowden has been charged with espionage theft and conversion of government property now the u.s.
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justice department has also reportedly asked hong kong to address that word snowden the united states has an extradition treaty with hong kong and snowden could fight extradition if he's arrested there but the treaty has an exception for political offenses so snowden's defense team in hong kong may potentially invoke that part of the extradition treaty edward snowden's revelations as we all know have shed unprecedented light on the u.s. government's massive spying program he revealed that even if you're not doing anything wrong you're being watched and recorded the obama administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers under the espionage act than all previous administrations combined but edward snowden. says it's not government persecution that he fears he said the greatest fear that i have regarding these revelations is that nothing will change. julian assange meanwhile published a speech in which he severely criticizes president the bomber for his handling of
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whistleblowers that we could expand to believe that obama ultimately betrayed his promises of hope and change you also criticizes the u.s. president for going after whistle blows and lacking transparency while playing judge jury and executioner by doing whatever he wants across the world china has meanwhile stayed silent on the issue of extraditing edward snowden to the u.s. . political analyst and founder of stop imperialism dot com eric draitser spoke to me learned he thinks that snowden has got more leaks of his sleeve. diplomatic problems could arise but we also know that glenn greenwald along with snowden have not released all of the information it's entirely possible that they're holding something back to use as leverage particularly in that situation and i would also just like to add that those people who are demonizing snowden who are finding conspiracy theories within this they are the ones who are in fact tacitly supporting the police state the n.s.a.
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and the government essentially the argument goes that because we want to prevent the destruction of our open society and our democratic way of life we should therefore allow for the destruction of our democratic society an open way of life it is a circular argument and it makes no sense rather what we should be asking is why is such rampant criminality taking place in the united states all the way up the chain of command literally into the white house why is it that such a cohesive system has been created and the dialogue that comes out of that the discourse after the revelations of snowden is not about the legality it's not about the privacy issues it's about snowden it's about glenn greenwald it's about leakers and whistleblower this is mr direction and a distortion of the reality of the situation the reality is that the united states and the u.k. and its various partners have evolved into surveillance states. and with the f.b.i. busy hunting whistleblower on the run edward snowden it's now got
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a spying plot to investigate as well chinese dissident chen guangcheng received a whole pile of high tech gifts when he arrived in the u.s. last year but little did he know his new gadgets were loaded with bugs a report on these allegations is coming up a little later here on r.t. . well revelations about global surveillance programs has the u.k. spy agency in the spotlight at the moment it's been collecting and storing huge amounts of sensitive personal data from online and telephone traffic and sharing it with its american partners artie's test looks at the latest leak. certainly a new twist and it reveals a vast and compassing program operation in place by the few here in the u.k. it shows that they have been a collecting and storing vast quantities of information ranging from facebook posts to phone calls as well as internet even internet histories basically they have had
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access to fiber optic cables that carry the world's phone calls if you remember you can the n.s.a. said that they did not record phone calls but according to these latest revelations by edward snowden that up to six hundred million quote unquote telephone events last year were recorded a day by you can imagine the vast amount of data that they are now able to tap into to store and to analyze and share with the u.s. as a national security agency or the n.s.a. if you look at the document that snowden had provided the titles of some of the main components were mastering the internet or global telecom exploitation clearly there's no doubt as to what the objectives of these programs were having put them in the place and also the fact that the technology exists right now and that there have been in place for the last eighteen months is really a terrifying thought for private citizens because this kind of vast and compassing kind of technology does not distinguish between innocent private citizens and
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targeted suspects and that has more of the concern of course of security versus by the sea and also there's another point to be made here that the guardian believes that reported that about the people what access to the. database were about eight hundred fifty thousand and it's a employees and private contractors with a top security clearance that's a lot of people with access to private information of u.k. citizens and beyond and also according to edward snowden. have been even worse than the u.s. in their spying efforts here. cilia there in the expose any of the british spy agencies data collection has been cause for you to debate you can make sure that you join the conversation on our facebook page and some of those already there accuse the u.s. and the u.k. of conducting what they call illegal and just wars others see these global spying revelations as another step towards an all willian society certain users consider the surveillance to be organized crime on a global scale but many more are told surprised by any of those revelations about
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the collecting of masses of data take part in this debate and share your thoughts the address is facebook dot com forward slash r t news and also on our website at the moment r t dot com in our home page we got an online poll finding out what you think about this online data collection where we can see the results so far this hour seventy two percent a majority says these methods of surveillance of totally unacceptable meanwhile just under twenty percent don't have much of an opinion because they think we're being snooped on anyway and even just responding to this website their responses are being tracked and the seven percent believe that it is justified if it does mean catching terrorists and preventing them from carrying out atrocities and two percent think this is absolutely no problem at all it's got nothing to hide then why are you worried about your data your online content being surveyed so anyway those are your thoughts at the moment r.t. dot com be good to hear from you logon soon as you can.
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he is he it's. fifty feet. you need. a phone still ahead for this hour here in altie the voice of the streets in brazil becomes too loud to ignore the government promises new reforms or more changes in an attempt to end the days of violence which engulfed the nation all the details coming up. but almost over my language of what i will only react to situations i haven't read the reports so i'm like you know fortunately no i will leave them to the state
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department to comment on your latter point of the muslim sages mr carryin a call is all you're talking no god. no more weasel words when you have a direct question simply prepared for a change when you troll upon should be ready for a battle for the speech and a little bit on the freedoms of caution. news
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continues here in r.t. the friends of syria group of nations meeting in qatar have defended their efforts to rebels and the u.s. secretary of state said america will increase political and military support to the syrian opposition john kerry said that president assad has escalated the conflict by seeking help from iran and lebanese fighters he did not address though the fact that qatar has been supporting syria's rebels and pledged to continue doing so on the free syrian army military command on friday claimed opposition fighters have received weapons that can change the balance of power meanwhile the un has rejected washington's claims that the syrian government used chemical weapons saying it wasn't convinced these accusations were followed by a u.s. decision to provide weapons to the rebels. paula slim reports.
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united nations experts say that they do not confirm the claims put forward by the united states britain and france that the damascus regime used chemical weapons against the syrian rebels they said that despite the fact that these three countries collected evidence on the ground such as blood tissue and soil samples it is inconclusive and that they would have to send their own investigators to conduct a personal investigation inside syria this is what the u.n. had to say we cannot say what. we cannot see what the agent you know about weapons we can see who used them and we cannot say how they were even delivered we cannot say anything concrete so you are casting serious ground into work the west has supplied the un. the us the british the french supplied what they say is verifiable proof they have they haven't but it's important to note that based on these unsubstantiated claims and by the united states britain and france that aside used chemical weapons last week the american president barack
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obama ordered the cia to start supplying weapons to the syrian rebels he said to quote him that the damascus regime had crossed a red line sit by washington now the russian president vladimir putin has reiterated that any supply of weapons to the syrian rebels is in violation of international law and he has warned that it will only for a bit destabilize the situation on the ground there. if i can barely understand why one would supply arms to the rebel groups in syria when we don't even know who those groups consist of if washington acknowledges one of the keyboard keys of the opposition forces refer and as a terrorist organization officially and admits its links to al qaida how can they then debate that same opposition where would those weapons and up. to the point that the russian president makes that we do not know who composes the opposition
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and where these weapons will end up is a point that is raising concern in the international community for twenty seven months this conflict has been going on and at this stage it seems to be showing no signs of letting up paula see our team on the israeli syrian border. let's get more on syria. who writes extensively about the middle east in his blog cole it looks like a deal has now been sewn up with the backers of the syrian opposition agreeing to supply arms so will lists no change the conflict. i don't think so i mean if there is a change a bit then a change towards more escalation and transforming the syrian uprising further into voting it down into a civil war and increasing obviously a donation of conflict dynamics and probably beyond down the international conflict dynamics because we see you know different sides the west and russia are taking different sides in syria so i think it was it really undermines move and there have
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been enough. policy within policy circles within both britain and the us warning of such moves and but i think the group collectively didn't pay attention to these kind of warnings about the possibility of going to the conflict further and obviously more loss of life and extending the conflict isn't something that syria needs now after two and a half years of intensive civil war or cut as prime minister he would disagree with you he said that providing arms may be the only means of achieving peace why is he so keen to pursue that route militarily. i think a tie has actually. kind of from from very early on taken a hardline stance on syria where it's their system it's an incident recent understanding is dependent on the outcome in syria and i and some of the reason for that this had tried to very very early on to kind of preclude convince president
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assad to pursue a more softer response and broadly to the opposition and that didn't happen but i think what we really need to look at here is. the constellation that used to be in the west and come which probably twenty years ago used to be very clear about how it operated within the middle east and now we see the tensions within the us or for example between qatar and saudi arabia but even there's a big discord between the way cairo parades and how much qatar is going to. kind of escalate the military situation is that there's some reluctance on the side of the obama administration to actually do that and some don't and of doubt this you've got an incoherent on one side that specifying all this sort of contradictory of all this is a band of the day being arming rebels there are still not clear who they are or what their aims political aims would be if they do take power in syria so you've got greedy without exaggeration or recipe for disaster all we're doing at the
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moment is risking and it's a very serious risk inflaming the conflict further and further and intensifying its magnitude by putting oil on the fire by sending in more weapons well let's talk more about those regional implications the friends of syria group into monday but lebanon and iran speight out of the conflict but of course with arab gulf states already deeply involved just how realistic is that. i don't think it's realistic at all i mean let's just look at lebanon that have been his government obviously doesn't have any a power to stop neither hezbollah nor does it or groups that are fighting on the side of the rebels in syria iran i mean let's not create clearly about the involvement of iran within the syrian conflict in response to western move which are not going to create and i'm going to further kind of deep end our involvement in the syrian conflict and maximize the political potential of them might come from the outcome over there so i think again let's say that through western companies
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not really calculating that it's deepening involvement as every step of the way led to further involvement by the other side and you could say who started it at this moment but the bigger picture is every step of escalation is going to be followed by escalation from the other side there isn't going to be a magic moment when all the sides supporting the syrian regime are coming just saying well yes if you're going so intent on arming this unit rebel intervening in syria well we're going to walk out of this tuition that's just not going to happen what they would do is they will try to kind of course saturday their gains over there prevent the collapse of was really mean ultimately far more damaging the region and war and further involvement for all sides ok cal thank you very much and if your thoughts on this culture are alive to an r.t. thank you. brazil's president dilma rousseff has announced a slew of reforms and televised address to the nation a number of people protesting about her economic policy and the high cost of staging the world cup swelled to over one million a speech which broke
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a weakness on its proposed reform public transport and use or oil royalties for education however this wasn't enough to competences and there are calls on social media for more rallies in twenty major cities now bodies ignacio juba reports from brazil. reports of a second day in massive protests all over brasil adding more anger and violence to their ongoing rallies the first victim an eighteen years old demonstrator died in the state of southbound after a car crashed through a barricade and the driver frames at least sixty people have been injured brazil is witnessing historic rallies taking place across the country and some estimates say from one to two million people flooded the streets of more than one hundred cities what started as a rally over transport first house turned into a violent mass demonstrations and police crackdown police used tear gas pepper
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spray and rubber bullets some of the protesters threw stones torched cars and pulled down loved those in real crowds marched against corruption police brutality poor public services and excessive spending on the world cup their banners called for change saying like stop corruption and government failure to understand education will lead to revolution crowds could gather in the capital brasilia try to torch the building of the foreign ministry where also met with a harsh police response brazilian authorities agreed to make a step forward and drop they are moved over but first increase but protesters claim it's too little too late with protests fevers creating fast across the nation demonstrators promised in the next days there will be more protests. well chinese dissident chen guangcheng is allegedly being spied on electronic equipment he received as a gift from a rival in the u.s.
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was done with tracking devices he got it from activist group china aid which denies responsibility there's also the f.b.i. to investigate what he's made a point not as well. just a few weeks following revelations about america's prism spying program on another surveillance story is on folding this one surrounding chinese activist chen guangcheng the blind dissident moved to the u.s. last may with his family after reportedly escaping a dramatic house arrest in china treated as a hero and symbol of democracy chen received a fellowship at n.y.u. new york university he also received an apartment in greenwich village and many tech gadgets that were donated by his supporters right now while corning the two warders a smartphone an i pod that chen received upon arriving to new york was loaded with even the spine software allegedly used to spy on the self-taught lawyer and why you
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technicians inspected the electronics reportedly finding software that allowed a third party to secretly connect to a g.p.s. that was able to track him according to reports also there's been published reports indicating that there was a hit in password protected software that backed up all the contents on his i pad and or i phone and that allowed the contents to be remotely access to buy a server according to reports at least three other electronic devices given to china also included suspicious software but it is not clear who is responsible for the allegedly spying software however what chen supporters say is clear is that a man who gained international recognition for standing up for human rights in china comes to america where he allegedly finds himself living under a veil of surveillance reporting from new york. this is ulty in
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mosco breaking the set is next. you know what's worse than a crap bureaucrat a crook bureaucrat who sucks at being corrupt a scumbag bureaucrat in veronese russia just couldn't help himself and put some very hefty charges for services contracts for road repair and construction in just three years hughes able to take enough of a percentage off of these contracts though investigators raided his house he had the equivalent of over three million dollars in russian money all over his home news not mail dot ru claims he had entire laundry hampers and twenty five kilogram sugar sex filled to the brim with box first off when someone is this flagrant that means that he thought rather comfortable and not getting caught so there are plenty
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more of these guys out there but second this is an absolute slap in the face to russia taxpayers who are hungry for new roads i think for instance it's a flagrant in your face obvious crush corruption russia might need to reconsider that moratorium on the death penalty but that's just. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how badly when. i mean. really necessary. and we're all very so personally apologize.
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worst we're going to go right out of the. radio guy for a minute. what we're about to give you never seen anything like this i'm telling. you guys welcome to breaking that over fat cat bankers who made headlines again for all the wrong reasons again see five former bank of american ploys recently came forward in federal court to say that they were instructed to mislead customers who are on the verge of foreclosure they said that they were ordered to give bad advice and to stall applications for loan modifications of course b. of a is the nih that claim up and down but forgive me if i have trouble believing them after all bank of america is the worst of the worst when it comes to helping people keep a roof over their head.


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