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tv   Headline News  RT  June 23, 2013 12:00am-12:48am EDT

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the week's top stories. despite a chilly start. but there is skepticism sticking to. the u.s. . government. and its approach. to the streets of brazil's major cities.
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even. with the top headlines of the week today this is the week. the war in syria may be a painful stumbling block splitting the international community the. northern ireland showed. focused on peace efforts in the embattled state and never mentioning any inforced regime change but this looks highly unlikely from. reports. eight wild lead is about press and an army of police watching that this northern
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irish g eight went smoothly but inside the fortified resort where the talks are being held a split over syria i don't think we should we should this ruler since we do this is to seven plus one in the run up to the conference the us had claimed that the syrian government had used chemical weapons and pledged to provide the opposition with arms i think it's right the americans have said what they have said and i wanted to back that up with the information in the involvement that we've had in that assessment and assessment of russian side said didn't find convincing. on the eve of the g eight putin said that peace talks could be the only way to solve the crisis and cautioned leaders considering arming the rebels and. as regards who has the blood of the children and peaceful citizens of syria i believe you will not deny that the blood is on the hands of both parties i believe you will agree one
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hardly should support those who kill their enemies and it's not at all great for the public and the media to see during the talks and what meeting between the leaders of pressure in the us that produced no breakthroughs we do have different perspectives on the problem but we share an interest in reducing the violence securing weapons during the night or used or. other subjects of collaboration. that we want to try to resolve the issue. through political means a possible and so we will have instructive to continue to work on the potential of . geneva followup. to the first lady. to lead us couldn't even agree on how to wave in their family photos it looked like seven plus one was ringing true but then at ten around after an informal dinner between all the participants that sources said when better than expected
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a joint statement on syria was issued it called for an independent investigation of chemical weapons use in syria something the russian side had been insisting on and it turned out that not all the beat as a convinced by u.s. claims that the syrian government used nerve gas. to be i'm sure my colleagues will confirm this it was a discussion somebody would agree some who would argue about certain issues but it was never a case that russia was alone defending its position on syria. the focal point of the statements. a peaceful resolution to the syrian crisis but it didn't mention what chemical weapons cache our side stepping down or military support to the opposition the journalist used to david cameron's rhetoric was stumped why was it so vital in your view to keep president putin of russia board and why were you prepared to pay the price of abandoning
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a declaration that syria's president has said should go one thing that everyone agrees on is that the only way to solve the syrian crisis is through diplomacy and peace talks and that's exactly what this has been talks about more talks more than a date for geneva two penciled into the calendar leaders might well be leaving a lot and wondering what it is exactly they've achieved twenty boyko r t northern ireland. foreign ministers from a syrian opposition umbrella group that includes the us as well as its european and arab allies they have signaled arms shipments to rebels will increase in the gulf states are thought to be funneling weapons straight to the opposition with fighters now saying they've received a fresh batch of ammunition and he walked us jim brown he says this casts a massive question mark over the agreements of the g eight. different parties have different interests and without giving up those interests you cannot
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resolve the situation when i mean there is the fundamental question of sovereignty which those who wish to arm the rebels violate recreate themselves and set our concoct a you might say a coalition that wasn't even concocted in syria itself so the intervention in the into for internal affairs of syria is quite blatant and not the fundamental principle nevertheless it is of course perfectly possible that international cooperation could solve help to solve the problem. but i don't think that's what's happening i think that what's happening. both intervention then there is arming of a rebellion and so on and that has to be fundamentally addressed. now the g eight in the u.k. was overshadowed by revelations of british and american intelligence spied on world leaders under fishelson a broader meeting in london that was four years ago now some g twenty heads of
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state including the president to return to fear death had apparently had their computers monitored and their phone calls intercepted at the evidence which came from n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden also suggests that fake internet cafes were set up to gather the data this however hasn't surprised the glyn ford a political analyst and former i mean the end of the one nine hundred ninety s. he raised the issue of a secret us project targeting e.u. citizens called echelon he believes the u.k. has long been america's tool for harvesting information. in the past we we've learnt that. military friendship can more easily arash if there is to be irish sas and some of these spots throughout grade with france or by britain's position of the european union absolutely could be expected there and there are going to be military with the g twenty is. a good balance to support as such the
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operation why the standard is that g c h q sometimes doesn't even get to see what it downloads for the americans some of the so look you're downloading from satellite so i actually just fed directly to read in the united states and we get sort of bits of it back you know so we're going to suck you dry truth came up with us and of course it will give the green light to the rest of the world to do the same thing why won't you join your or anybody else be sure and next time neighbor has complained that maybe some was be attacking the information for him or it could be a little positive industrious you know where the chinese are actually it's crux is the best there everybody. and in the meantime the united states now threatening serious repercussions of hong kong doesn't of rest and extradite and they say we'll still below it edward snowden the man that exposed washington's colossal spy network is believed to be holed up in that city but as the hunt for him gets under way in earnest some question of what it is that he's actually done wrong he's gone
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a chicken and filed this report america's split on edward snowden traitor hero mix in between but regardless of what anyone thinks about snowden his revelations have shed unprecedented light on the u.s. government's massive spying program even if you're not doing anything wrong you're being watched and recorded a former n.s.a. employee william binney was prosecuted as a traitor when he blew the whistle on the government's sweeping collection of data and communications it's setting up a tele tarion state. when the government has that much information they can do those things they can use the i.r.s. to intimidate people or anything else they can send the f.b.i. . what they did to me and some others bradley manning too is being prosecuted as a traitor although it's still his war logs that the public learned about the. collateral murder was committed in iraq the obama administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers under the espionage act than all previous administrations combined but it was a lower say it's not government persecution that they fear the greatest fear that i
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have regarding the outcome. for america of these disclosures is that nothing will change the administration is not trying to convince the american people that government secrets programs are a trade off they have to make in the name of national security they always have the same stories about you know science manning is known you know psychological stories what is wrong with these people cause them to do this i mean the real question is what is wrong with everyone else from who doesn't see what they can see but whistleblowers are not the only targets there is an obligation both moral but also legal i believe against a reporter that was the chairman of the house committee on cutting teligent and terrorism peter king calling to punish the journalist who exposed the government surveillance programs in its hunt for meeks the obama administration has already targeted its it's trying to set the precedent for the communicating with the media
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is the same as communicating with the enemy and it's a death penalty offense the administration doesn't have to go after each other or he certainly it's enough to create an environment of fear but will that fear stop information from coming out here is that we're snowden to answer that question. conan response is simply build better whistleblower. in washington i'm going to take on. as the u.s. is warning hong kong of severe repercussions if indeed it doesn't hand those. there's so whistleblower edward snowden we're now hearing here on our see that officials in hong kong say that they will not turn over snowden if they determine that the u.s. charges are politically based well edward snowden he revealed not only that u.s. telecom giants were targeted in this massive spiral peroration but chinese ones as well charlie mcgrath the founder of current affairs website wide awake news he believes it's time to take action they're worried about more information is coming
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out more information coming out so i have absolutely no doubt that there could be more leaks but what else do we need you know what else do we as a people of the planet need you know we have our government collecting phone data collecting electronic data on its citizens all in the name of prosecuting a war on terror that has been going on for over a decade i you know will more information come out absolutely because we are marching steadily towards a tyrannical police state do we need any more information to come out to be outraged i say absolutely not we should all be furious at what we know already. you're watching the weekly on r t with me rory sushi and in the past seven days also marking a grim anniversary for america's other whistleblowing nemesis that of wiki leaks guru julian bond she's now spend an entire year holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in central london and he's been given asylum over concerns that sexual assault allegations against him a trumped up and there are a front for a united states which answering questions on giving interviews appeared upbeat
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though he said he didn't expect to leave the embassy any time soon vaughan smith gave a songe refugee his mansion in the past and this after he was released on bail in late two thousand and ten things washington's actively looking to make an example out of the most prominent whistleblower. the mistress function you know hasn't be as unseen a ray of sunshine in a year i mean most prisoners will see sunshine most days so he might as well be in a prison and he's also been there for a year and the you know unfortunately it work he sent to sweden. for some reason and proof of guilt alleged to have done something but you know if that materializes allegations materialize he would be very ill likely receive the imprisonment and believes in effect. if you think there's no risk of actual action then there's very difficult to see why mr assad can't go to sweden i believe there
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is a real risk of extradition i think america wants to make an example of people like a songe as it is doing of other whistle blows that we know like bradley manning who's clearly being tortured. and the highlight of julian assange is later is that if you use available for you right now at mit dot com there you can also read more on the progress of washington's war continuing on whistleblowers. artie's very own crew in turkey felt the full force of protest police this week after it became the target of a water cannon and the government unrest has been plaguing the streets of the country's biggest cities as police unleashed their nonlethal arsenal to quell public anger artie's tom barton filed this report from the capital ankara. resistance that's the word demonstrators are using in turkey as protests continue three weeks after they started resistance to a government and police force widely accused of war for
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a tarion ism and brutality ersin is still recovering from the early days of those protests we went with him to the very spot in central ankara where as the crowds fell back to what he describes as a raid of gas canisters he found himself trapped with only a flimsy wooden board to protect him from poison be it was not twenty or thirty meters distance you know. they fired the tear gas capsule on a barricade and have explored. face. doctors had to operate to remove splinters from his eye and fix his broken nose he spent days waiting for the swelling to recede but sin was lucky compared to etem status killed in a protest in the same square a preliminary autopsy found a metal fragment likely a police bullet lodged in his head at a memorial gathering we spoke to at thames grieving brother we are sure we can find
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no meaning in all of this this feeling of burning inside but what hurts the most is that nineteen days after his death the authorities still have not even tried to arrest my mother's murderers there has been internet condemnation the police crackdown on the protests that initially started as an attempt to save istanbul's gezi park here in the capital ankara parliament is only a short distance from the more raw politics of the street that jip tired urged one's governing a.k. party is keen to defend its actions if you attack police forces but with stones. out of multiple cocktails you force you will get a response they have been incidents of excess by some protesters the government condemns vandals adik streamers dozens of buses burnt shops smashed and police officers injured but i as a reporter wasn't doing any of that the turkish police decided to turn on my camera and me to come the police to break up another night of protest here in ankara and
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here's the water cannon just coming in as well it's not known whether these protests it's not know whether these protests are up for the government also says the situation is now calm not what we witnessed as we tried once more to record our report water cannon and gas vehicles have just charged into this square if we look down at my legs now not even the media safe i just got nearly knocked off my feet by the water cannon but just moved on there it's not known how long this kind of to and fro between protesters and the police is going to go on in ankara in turkey in general or whether it will change the political situation here but it's one thing's for certain it's souring the mood around his party tom barton r t ankara turkey. in the meantime. one of the protesters and gives you park in istanbul it's where the demonstrations first began she says at a certain point the police ignited the vaal and so by themselves i've seen
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a lot of violence i've seen police being brutal in terms of arresting people in terms of tear gassing people and in terms of using water cannons on them and there's been no kind of softening on their stance until gezi park was actually taken by the people by the protesters or police actually retreated from gezi park over about ten days it was quiet it was it was almost like a festive atmosphere and gezi park and it was nice not to have the police and not to have to your gas even though everybody was joking that o two net we missed a little bit of tear gas maybe tomorrow we'll have some more but eventually one when the violence broke out again on tuesday and then erupted again on saturday and sunday it was it was it was certainly a one sided show of force because police was obviously they were outnumbering the protesters. gallup daily. politics thinks that security forces had no other way but to resort to extreme measures in order to attempt to contain the violence at the initial stage the protests were mainly were mainly peaceful and were focused
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for environmental issues however at that stage that the excessive use of force by the plays has turned this issue. and the us has been criticized and recognize. the turkish. political establishment as well however after a while we also have to recognize that the whole process has not been a peaceful so you've seen all of confrontation which has been violent. at that stage intervention by police was necessary in order to you know make sure that the public is in. this is our team still to come for you on the program british foreign minister william hague launching a charm offensive this week calling on scots to reject independence for the economic future for the visitors poured fuel on an already fiery debate on the future of scotland that's on the way for you here. also barack obama shows
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a change of heart towards the taliban washington plans to work out a peace deal following a decade of devastating. builds on the bones of its makers. through one of the wildest and most beautiful regions of russia a place that's home to less than a million people and the keepers of the great fruits. join me james brown as i travel to the coldest inhabited place in the world. and meet some of the toughest people i'm told these tunnels. just make sure that you keep your eyes on the road. race to the poll of polls.
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this month high tech means good help with the latest laser cutters or lifesaving. innovators are working hard to keep you healthy for some companies it's been a winding road from car simulators to cutting edge training systems for others it's been a lifetime of work along the mysteries of the cell. phone technology we've got the future. a lot of news to cover for you today in the weekly including for example of the u.k. government doing all it can to get people in scotland on side in the lead up to its historic referendum on independence william hague has given a speech. warning even the famous whisky industry could take a hit if it splits from. reports the foreign secretary has also.
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just added fuel to the explosive debate over the issue of scottish independence. sounding the battle cry of. scottish independence seven era politicians and campaign is a like a cranking up the volume on the debate this is your room if you think you could carry on thursday and it was the turn of british foreign secretary william hague foreign secretary william hague in edinburgh today to give his speech outlining why in foreign policy terms the u.k. is. nothing it's like good afternoon. the talk was given to an audience of around a hundred and fifty people it's the foreign secretary said that he was not in scotland to issue di a predictions and dark warnings and he laid out the clear
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reasons why he felt scotland should vote to remain in the union they were saved by the audience high unemployment and tough economic times have meant the many in scotland are becoming more receptive to the message from independence campaign is that being that westminster is maintaining a stranglehold on scottish resources and the scots would benefit from taking back control before against its independent. chinos or my party for me you see. richard you would say. this thing. you can go there unionist party you know i think the freeing of ignored scotland for a long time. and it's on the way now when they're scared they're going to break up the green river and they're actually worried every despite the fact that those
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calling for independence the polling significantly lower right now the s.n.p. and yes campaign is say far as we can see can people you'd be better off on that in the pendant. in scotland not just go all. life. so wealthy country so far as we can see as long as that well she had very evenly and more evenly just and working class people the majority in scotland just as we are and i am one of the determination of the probably independence campaign is and the great uncertainty about exactly what an independent scotland would mean when it comes to valuable resources like oil have some in westminster perhaps feeling a little uneasy that the country that's been part of the united kingdom for more than three hundred years could seen be down thing to a very different. and a companion for. scotland being run into the
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ground by a government that's lacking a mandate. says a measurably entertain that the tories intervene into the debate i mean there's a reason there's only one elected but we have just knows we have to count in a million years unleashing the most brutal package of a state that this country's ever seen so our public services are being decimated. being privatized and there's a democratic question is will i mean no one has given the monday to basements to to do this and to school when given the tories the mandate to count the sorts of measures the. scotland we want to put forward a progressive agenda which actually puts people at the center of the to be rather than the millionaires in the tories and the people who've been running our society into the. order online the. supporters of president mohamed morsi have made their presence felt in egypt amassing in the center of cairo with us. it was
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an emotional call to the revolution. trying to undermine it to find the pictures right there online for you right. and as brutal fighting continues in syria weapons flood into the conflict from another country has seen its unfair share of military up evil and out of libya that story also on the web site right now. and in the meantime the police have used tear gas and rubber bullets at crowds of anti corruption protesters and to brazilian cities hosting a new defense to next year's fifa world cup the clashes came against a backdrop of nationwide demonstrations against the expense of the football showcase and that of the country's economic policies in general the government's pledge to carry out reforms has done little to quell the anger artie's ignacio has more and howard transport free protest in some paulo snowballed into a nationwide movement. the week of protest in brazil saw its biggest rallies in
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a day kate ending up in two dead what started us protests over transport first has seen more than a million take out to the streets across the country the government later reverse its decision to increase public transport first but the u. turn seemed to have come too late to appease demonstrators protests how far stern into cow think street battles those scenes were in certain two people died in the unrest one of the big teen son eighteen year old man has died in the state of south paolo after a car crashed through a barricade people vent their anger at the government for high spending and hosting next year's football world cup while health care and education remain civilly and the fund it isn't too good. we are fighting for a country that is more dignified more honest less corrupt this country was better hospitals and decent patient schools safer security and safety has.
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been inspired by the new york occupy wall street movement by wall street real circular marches against corruption and excessive spending on the world cup police years. do your gas and rubber bullets to quell the andress some of the demonstrators torch cars and threw rocks at police use harsh response also in brasil when demonstrators tried to torch at the building of foreign ministry president dilma rousseff broke a week of me or silence on friday i'm billing a serious of reforms in an attempt to end on to government protests she promised to drive to blunt to benefit public transport and that all oil royalties would be used in education however protesters say it's not enough promising more rallies to show how angry is brasil and political analyst adrian sal bucci says brazil's leadership should take the protest seriously as he believes there's a high chance they could be hijacked by outside influences and seeking to weaken
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the latin american stand brazil has very serious problems social problems it has to cope with probably poverty it has to cope with the grandparents government corruption even though president dilma rousseff has done a relatively good job in the sense that as soon as she came into power she threw out her. labor minister she threw out her sports minister her defense minister staff amongst others because of corruption just as we saw arab spring quote unquote which is the wave of the global power elites have of engineering social strife and even civil war as they did in libya and in syria over the past two or three years they have learned all they are now i think bringing in latin american spring which will have more localized tropical ised characteristics which would seeks to to achieve the same goal to weaken powerful states especially powerful slaves like brazil that might go their own way against the world government of projections of
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the global power elite. fancy joining us here on r t today president obama made a diplomatic surprise wrapping up the g eight summit this week saying that he is preparing to work out a peace deal with the taliban this comes after a decade long war against them which chance left afghanistan in pieces. reports on obama's change of heart. president barack obama has described the prospect of talks with the taliban as an important first step towards reconciliation now that is in contrast to this statement in two thousand and nine when the president declared it's impossible for us all for pakistan to have impunity with folks who kill women and children over sixteen thousand civilians are estimated to have lost their lives in a five year period from two thousand and seven to two thousand and twelve now despite this figure and the thousands of nato troops who have also been killed it appears the objective of the invasion to rid the country of the taliban has not been met
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and that raises the question whether the lives lost have been in vain now this quote from obama last year highlights a shift in thinking we're pursuing a negotiated peace in coordination with the afghan government and with the taliban we made it clear they can be a part of this future but it's not just president obama who has had a change of heart over dealings with the taliban four years ago then secretary of state hillary clinton said the taliban poses a mortal threat to the security of our country i'm of the world however before leaving office she also decided that talking to the taliban was the way forward we committed to afghan reconciliation our only goal is to open the door for the afghans to sit down with the other afghans so that they can work out the future for their country the taliban have their own choice to make but the united states is prepared to work with all afghans so what sort of country will nato be leaving behind while at the moment it's an extremely poor one over forty percent of the population thought to be living below the poverty line and with such
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a high rate of poverty the illicit production and sale of opium has become a major problem afghanistan sells more of the stuff than any other country in the world it pumps out three hundred and seventy five tons of heroin every year now that is ninety percent of the world's entire supply the booming black market leads to accusations of vast corruption estimates suggest afghans pay to. five billion dollars in bribes last year that's the equivalent of almost one quarter of the country's entire economy the question now for america is whether the six hundred thirty five billion dollars that it spent on the afghan war so far and the thousands of lives lost of all been worth it. the u.s. president calls for help global stops. with skepticism. and captains of industry and financial.
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in the course of just three days. welcome to. here you can feel it. there are three choices. first used to work in a. bar
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. of an organization and get inside the growing trade. sound thing will never forget. the. never stop a. speech or language. news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you. a little turn to bangalore story.
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or you hear. the spanish. visit. good morning from moscow it's now eight thirty five am on sunday here in the russian capital wrapping up to the children of three hundred billion dollars this year's gathering of the world's financial elite has now come to an end though energy dominated the event with a plethora of deals and agreements signed over the course of just three days. reports. it's been a jam tads three days it's not just been the temperatures that have been blistering but also whole topics on the agenda really the boston economy has been full of focus right now we've been talking about how to really improve the investment
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climate market volatility infrastructure as well as the russian ruble is it the newest coins joining the so-called currency war off the pounds to have it depreciated all of those topics have been discussed and also international ones as well we've had some big names here we've had the onery guessing treating the top floor of germany. really it wasn't about your appeal is all about east we had a multi billion dollar bill two hundred seventy billion dollars that's how modest the role snapped in china dillon is what about a quite suit three hundred sixty eight million metric tons that's going to be delivered over twenty five year contracts that was one of the deals were all about we also got some science coming into it too we had two very happy man going home with over two million dollars he's the chief scientist that won the global energy award for their work with rechargeable botches as well as dynamics jason couple
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guys it was that a nice shiny metal to economics and science really right now it's time for the attendees and the protests about to run x. and enjoy this gold just city that is that is the pieces. on the belly. of the world's largest company you told me they're doing business in russia is not as hard. to predict. poor can russia who has experience in the russia and they have been there in a completely different here from source one who just in the got to know some information from international media or internet if you walk in russia understand you know what's advantage to be here what's called qualified people who read through sources throw away the bull you know the infrastructure in reality what's real in the story about the russian called system world russian justice system plus we have a lot of thing to do in russia tried to you know you know tried to improve you know
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all in all they said and if you walk here you can make a profit and you can make the create sustainable business this is a reality for the big companies it's called swag and for your. it is a reality for the small company which come from russia to provide you with service and. you're watching the weekly on r.t. and u.s. president barack obama called for a mass reduction in nuclear weapon stocks in berlin this week during meetings with his german counterpart angela merkel on the podium though a wall in front of four thousand hand-picked listeners in the center of the capital he also repeated he's doing all he can just shut down guantanamo bay a claim not yet backed by concrete actions in this report to ati's peter off. one of the major points though that was made by the u.s. president this keynote speech in front of the historic brandenburg gate was that he wants to see a third one third with duction u.s.
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nuclear weapons now he said he would be contacting the leaders leaders in russia to try and coordinate some for the plan and there he did praise the the work that's being done with the new start treaty saying that that would limit the amount of nuclear weapons in the world to two nine hundred fifty s. levels however he said he wanted to make that go further and wanted to try and push it on a little bit more by one third and be speaking to the russian leadership about that now fred thank you very much for talking to us just what type of reaction has. received from people here in berlin i think people were disappointed as you already mentioned five years ago there were two hundred thousand people listening to obama this time there were like four thousand people most likely to be american that's just like two percent of what he could gather as a senator people are disappointed with obama being a president a lot of people from the left to pick hopes that obama will clean up the mess of
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the true presidencies of george bush jr. bring in more transparency into government and actually the opposite happened were consumed with the n.s.a. prison scandal. probably one of the biggest intrusions of people's privacy not only in the u.s. but also in europe demonstrators here on the streets of berlin claiming that the n.s.a. our stance the two point zero i mean feelings pretty strong isn't it oh it's very strong especially in berlin it's the come it's the fifty's on aversive of j.f.k. speech back then divided balloon and it's just now a company by this scandal actually freaking out that the n.s.a. is much more effective from spying than the starving stasi could ever have. fredrik rode it from european students to liberty thanks very much for talking to me that's all we've got time for. our next hero not see we discuss how the invasion of libya shaped the country we see today our exclusive interview with professor you who did ronan that's just ahead for you.
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wealthy british style. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our.
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welcome to the truth this month high tech means could help whether it be the latest laser cutters a life saving heart felt rushing innovators are working hard to keep you healthy for some companies it's been a winding road from car simulators to cutting edge training systems for others it's been a lifetime of work along the mysteries of the cell check it all out on technology we've got the future covered.
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i have professor who did for men of the political science department of bahrain one university she's an expert on libya and the middle east region professor thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. my pleasure looking at libya today which is your field of expertise is libya a failed state it's approaching this status libya
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today enough in libya is it took all and violent state. out political stability. our internal security for its people out security in its border could have been different if we rewind to just after gadhafi is overthrowing who knows nobody can say yes or no course about the think of the the the western intervention in libya was not necessary i think of that is khadafi was still there under the circumstances of the arab spring libya could reach quite different conditionals why what was it about the international intervention that was so wrong the fact that it happened or the fact that it left a vacuum in its place i think it was premature to intervene in the libyan in
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turn. comes to. this internal catholic should have been. shaped by its own people out in the foreign intervention article is not such a military our take that eradicated the few regime with out having the time. to act for preparing alternatives for his regime to live in society he is absent are of any civil societies there is no organized communication system there is no military now in libya there is no police now in libya it didn't bring. the results the western countries saw wished on the
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contrary it brought a lot of damage professor i was in that way at the time and i remember when those first nato planes bombed the argument that was being presented was that they felt that the people of benghazi were under a real threat of being completely annihilated so was that not a good enough argument and that was the argument at the time that they were coming to the rescue of people who were able to risk people is always a sacred mission no doubt about it so this logic should have acted also in the syrian case which is march march it's it's really bloodshed and there is no military intervention of the west so there are there were other motives what were those motives economic libya is a very rich country with oil and as are thought the duke and other considerations which relates to internal affairs and political circumstances of the
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western states actually rules libya today it's a good question i would say that the armed militias they have the last ward and. the ruling. institutions are helpless and because of this has libya become a center for jihadist terror today so power. fall khadafi salt against them trying to make the power and he succeeded to extent but it's doing that the arab spring a rebellion in libya they empowered the strengths and became a leading power they have a charisma thick leadership they have the militaristic utils they have a lot of weapons they are. upset.


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