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tv   Headline News  RT  June 24, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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i'm in question n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden apparently missing from a cuba bound plane thought to be is take it out of russia toward eventual safe harbor. is refuge it may be granted by ecuador which is mulling over the thirty year old request for asylum all orchestrated by whistleblower groups leaks. will chase him to the ends of the earth just as washington on the set the white
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house warning the western hemisphere against helping the runaway days after leveling the full weight of the espionage act against snowden. three pm in moscow. good to have you with us here on r t our top story cuba bound flight from moscow which was thought to be edward snowden snowden the ticket out of russia has taken off with passengers saying there is no sign of the whistleblower aboard he's reportedly to have arrived in the russian capital sunday having fled hong kong with washington in pursuit let's cross now to our t's paul scott who's been at the airport where the plane took off paul give us the latest. yes. snowden might be the name who deanie because reports came in. around five o'clock
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on sunday afternoon that he was in the moscow's sheremetyevo airport where it was believed that he was greeted by the ecuadorian ambassador as he said he was meant to be a report suggested that he was going to be taking a flight towards savannah towards cuba left in the last hour or so aussies corresponded eagle pissed off is on board that flight say what he had to say during takeoff. the last three minutes i'm sure that the full plane was still expecting snowden to stay up there was the increased security schoolwork built up by the police when they moved passengers sort of away from the cage seems to me to the very last twenty even the airport officials themselves and the staff of the airplane were not sure whether or not this was happening. so all evidence seems to appear seems to point to the fact i should say that.
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flight to leaving someone social networks and blogging websites in question whether it was indeed in russia a tool to get this into some context we have to look at what's happened over the last twenty. weekend because it was on friday where the charges against him were made public by the us government and the charges under the. prison sentence if indeed he ever does. is found guilty in the united states and it was on saturday when the white house confirms that they had indeed open negotiations with hong kong about extradition proceedings now hong kong had said they had indicated that they would be keen to talk to the u.s. authorities about extraditing edward snowden has. come under the legal framework and they want to guarantees that the charges against him were not politically motivated and it seems that those guarantees match we are led to believe that he
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traveled from hong kong to moscow. he was not alone during that journey he was with a representative a legal representative we are told from wiki leaks and it's wiki leaks who claim that they have really created the smooth passage for edward snowden from hong kong to his eventual destination where maybe it looks increasingly likely that it is where he has appealed for asylum. points between. at the moment it's anyone's guess. the mystery checking in with you to get more information. since he set off to expose the extent of washington spying will mark a whistleblower as odyssey of sorts on may twentieth he. it is true flying from hawaii where he was working as an n.s.a. contractor over to hong kong over the next month he was in the headlines with revelations about the true scope of u.s.
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surveillance in compassing different countries across the globe sunday without warning he boarded a flight to moscow apparently just a day after washington requested the extradition from hong kong next he's reportedly set to fly to the cuban capital of vanna and there he plans to continue on to venezuela on the last leg of his journey to ecuador though the plane would cross the u.s. airspace close to new york and some fear that's when washington may try to get their hands on edward snowden ecuador saying it's considering snowden's request for asylum a plea reportedly organized by wiki leaks are he's losing friends as more from ecuador's moscow embassy reporting on quito stake in the matter as we have reported earlier this morning the foreign minister did confirm twitter that edward snowden has officially. but that case is still in process right now now it's no secret that ecuador does shelter whistleblowers julian assange has been sheltered within the four walls of the ecuadorian embassy in london for the past year so it's
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no surprise there that as noted is being assisted by wiki leaks that ecuador would be a target for his final destination now the united states has made no secret that it has warned western hemisphere governments likely to host snowden they should engage in no way allow him to travel even over their borders unless it is to return him to the united states and also the united states and ecuador do have a joint extradition treaty although it does not apply to crimes in offenses of a political character the justice department though does say that will not prevent it from seeking snowden wherever he may be including ecuador it's been reported by wiki leaks that sarah harrison a very close advisor to julian assange himself and a staff member for the last two years with wiki leaks is accompanying edward snowden on his trip but wiki leaks it says has offered legal counsel and getting
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him safely out of hong kong into russia and then on to his next destination so that's it that is one reason why wiki leaks says it has brought to someone being sarah harrison along with snowden and wiki leaks has really flexed a lot of muscle in this situation its leader julian assange has been holed up within the ecuadorian embassy in london for the past year it's had funding blocked members prosecuted but it's asserted itself in this situation and it has really drawn a very close relationship with edward snowden and made itself very very known in this situation which is not characteristic of it in the recent past so it's really shown what an agile organization this really is and what the u.s. government is going to end up having to deal with when it comes to getting its hands on snowden if indeed ecuador is his final destination. well the u.s.
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postal blowers awaiting his asylum verdict daily bread over in the free bradley manning support network explain why ecuador has become such a popular destination for those being persecuted politically very large. numbers of asylum fifty some odd thousand not necessary political refugees but i think also that the genus on has also helped make a safe haven for those that are persecuted politically and i think it's a wonderful watershed moment were there was a big concert effort to protect edward snowden i think it's a very good initiative is a great deal an irony of this whole story normally during the cold war they would be traveling to the u.s. and not via russia to countries like cuba and venezuela but this might perhaps set a couple things into motion and inspire ecuador to become more of a safe haven for press freedoms i just don't think that you're going to silence this generation these these people are from the internet they're born they're the data digital natives and i think that this is
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a very very interesting trend very courageous young people stepping up and speaking truth to power and i think that they're just not going be able to plug the leaks you know us doing its best to derail students' quest for asylum as washington makes its moves on the chess board american officials confirm the whistleblowers passport was revoked before leaving hong kong in the absolute for his travel plans archy's gaiety chick yard has more on the steps the u.s. is willing to take to put snowden trial on its own soil. u.s. officials confirm that they have in fact revoked edward snowden's passport to stop him from traveling it didn't stop him from flying out of hong kong as we know not clear whether it was because hong kong officials did not receive the notification in time or because they made a decision to overlook it we know that the u. was has put a lot of pressure on hong kong to arrest in the days and not to let him leave the country but in a statement the government of hong kong says u.s. documentation did not fully comply with the legal requirements on the hong kong law
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but also in the same statement the government of hong kong that they want more information about the hacking of computer systems in hong kong by u.s. government agencies something that was part of snowden's revelations so in this official statement we see how hong kong shifts the focus from the messenger edward snowden back to the message to the revelations that he has made demanding an explanation for the uighurs because these revelations show that the u.s. ally that it has been doing the same as what he to accuse is china of doing policymakers here in the u.s. are doing everything to shift the attention away from snowden's revelations by focusing on snowden himself or even by attacking other countries like russia is the freedom trail is not exactly china russia cuba venezuela so i hope we'll chase him to the ends of the earth bring him to justice and let the russians know there will be consequences if they harbor this guy then i was listening to a former director of the cia saying over russia and china are going to use this
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meeting snowden to embarrass the west and what would argue it's his revelations that embarrass the u.s. not china or russia the u.s. government is clearly afraid of more revelations from snowden i want to get him caught and brought back for trial and i think we need to know exactly what he has. he could have a lot lot more the debate in the u.s. media has shifted to this chase mode to this captain. mouth game it's not all about how we're going to catch him so right now the media is unsympathetic to edward snowden although just a week ago some of the same journalists who were almost cure leading for his capture now were grateful for snowden's revelations which were indeed eye opening for all of us as far as the prospect of being caught here's what edward snowden himself said i could be you know rendered by the cia i could have people come after me or any of their their third party partner you know they would they work closely
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with a number of other nations and that's that's a fear i'll live under for the rest of my life however long that happens to be you can't come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be completely free from risk because they're such powerful adversaries the no one can meaningfully oppose them. if they want to get you they'll get you in time edward snowden also said it's not government persecution that he fears he said the greatest fear that i have about the outcome of these disclosures is that nothing will change we spoke with attorney and historian gerald horne to explain why he thinks the u.s. attempts to put a spoke in the wheels of the whistleblower and most likely prove unsuccessful will if you listen to the congress persons appearing on sunday check shows do united states mourn with thinks so they're breathing fine threatening measures just short of nuclear war because mr snowden is not speedily dispatched back to new york or
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washington united states for example routinely excepts on its territories citizens fleeing cuba without passports i would also say the united states routinely receives on its soil those it deems to be political dissidents who do not have passports so i don't feel that moscow is hands are tied with regard to mr snowden not having a passport. u.s. attempts to get custody of edward snowden are actually turning against washington and helping do support for the dissidents according to media benjamin co-founder of the path is a pacifist group code pink the way the government has reacted to this is making snow isn't a hero here out there are countries around the world they're making a huge deal out of this and they're giving him a platform to to new to expose what is supposed to be this great open free
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society has really turned into something very different so the government reaction is actually feeding what i hope will be the growth of the movement to pressure the u.s. government to. kind of activity. after the break a look at what edward snowden did to deserve the attention of u.s. prosecutors plus what about the whistleblowers predecessors whose lives have been shattered by the espionage act more than a couple of minutes stay with us. download
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the. publication. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. thanks for staying with us here on our t.v.
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so edward snowden a plane packed with journalists but nobody sees him aboard apparently missing from the show he's reportedly not turned up for the flight to cuba that everybody expected him to take by the whistleblower trying to move on and avoid extradition to the u.s. where he is wanted as we've been saying for espionage charges so how did it all start to arrive in hong kong may twentieth june sixth he revealed about the prism program that the n.s.a. was using to spy on people globally he goes public with his revelations on june ninth to the guardian newspaper and then on g g twenty tapping scandal where on june sixteenth. he revealed that people at the g twenty summit were spied on including heads of state and world leaders then on june twenty first the us filing espionage charges orders and g.c. h.q. accessing world phone calls a leak that's another word bread crumb of information rather that edward snowden revealed and then he also revealed on june twenty third that the u.s.
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spied on chinese phones and starting his journey to a democratic state wajir russia with the help of wiki leaks where he goes next we don't quite know but allegedly said to be as we've said on a plane bound for havana while british human rights activist peter tatchell thinking that it's the u.s. government and not edward snowden who should be held to account for the revelations and she will deny the states will be doubling its efforts to try and intercept him and get an extradition from whatever country they can i think the context of this is that the united states spies on its own citizens it also spies almost to dozens of millions of all the countries it's a millions of people in other countries and this is done without the permission of those countries it is technically illegal and what is extraordinary is that it would snowden was employed by the united states as
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a spy yet now they are seeking to arrest him for spying it seems complete enough to see when the united states is spying on its own citizens and citizens around the world on a massive scale without governmental into strict oversight that within the united states over all the countries around the world. now edward snowden has got his name on a list of well known to u.s. whistleblowers but he's absolutely not the only one there's a few others who are worth taking a look at starting it all off u.s. army private bradley manning a us army soldier and military intelligence analyst who leaked classified data to wiki leaks that exposed the u.s. controversial tactics of conducting war in iraq after that thomas drake former senior executive at the n.s.a. the national security agency he revealed sensitive information about the agency's illegal data gathering services a court proceeding is working against him john kerry after already serving
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a prison sentence for leaking details about u.s. interrogation techniques enhanced interrogation techniques that are being classified as torture next steve in jammu kim a nuclear proliferation specialist who is currently awaiting trial after allegedly telling a journalist about north korean plans to test out a nuclear bomb after that its liebowitz a former f.b.i. hebrew translator who revealed to a blogger. information about u.s. israeli conversations he got a prison sentence for that and finally whistleblower jeffrey sterling former cia officer facing trial after leaking data about u.s. efforts to sabotage iran the nuclear research well what are people doing in order to protect themselves if they want to leak sensitive or classified data artie's marina porton takes a look at that. in a post prism world some are losing and others are gaining google arise in facebook
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apple and other u.s. technology companies have lost credibility and the trust of their customers encrypted communications services on the other hand are seeing their businesses boom oh it's going crazy the. you know a lot of people suspected these. the government u.s. government was spying on americans but now we have this confirmation and so everybody is contacting us now when we've had a huge surge in orders phil zimmerman is the co-founder and c.e.o. of silent circle a global encrypted mobile service that protects users' privacy from the u.s. national security agency and big data companies we have created an architecture that doesn't share the keep cryptographic keys with the servers the servers that we control so. if the government tries to persuade us to hand over something that we might have on our servers. we can't give them the keys and we can't give
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them the decrypted messages we don't keep logs of the of the connections between people so a court order can make us give them something we don't have however privacy doesn't come free and annual membership to silent circle cost one hundred twenty dollars the newest kid on the block is secret the mobile app encrypts voice calls and text messages the south african company has clients in two hundred countries with skyrocketing demands recently coming from the u.s. and u.k. i mean it's not growing every day percentage of. growth. the application essentially allows you to create a new identity with a secure phone number. needs to be every day and. going forward not just. of the. other countries.
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as you call it is it as you were the day meanwhile the daily traffic at the search engine start page has doubled in less than a month jumping to nearly four million queries the netherlands based company doesn't store ip addresses search history or use tracking codes and it's not subject to us jurisdiction we strip out anything that would identify you and then we submit the search for you to google on your behalf and then we get the results back from google we strip out any kind of tracking cookies or anything that might be included with that we serve the results to you privately and then we delete all records of your visit so we delete your ip address we delete your search terms and at the end of the day we have no record of anyone even having bet on our website while the global push for privacy is accelerating experts say encryption alone won't be enough the n.s.a. surveillance has is worse than mine were somebody's thought and. i
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think that the technology we provide is only part of the solution i think we also have to try to push. with public policy debates in the u.s. and get the laws to change the exposure of america's global electronic surveillance program has also revealed alternatives to all those who want to secure their privacy however in most cases people will have to pay to protect their communication from a government that's been accessing and story data for years reporting from new york . and your activist don de bar things that have to be a major overhaul in d.c. before anything changed and it abandoned spying techniques. well we should look back to the church hearings back in the seventy's when all kinds of illegal activity by the cia and the f.b.i. came to the light there were hearings there was legislation and then after that of course they continued to do with it upgraded their capacity to do so. unless
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there's a fundamental change in the actual power of the united states and unless there's a press that develops in the united states that's critical and interested in investigating what goes on we're going to know about it but it's going to continue . and the snowden leaks have shown governments have an insatiable appetite for personal data on our website we're asking what you think about personal information being collected by security agencies now this is a poll we've been running for several days now so this is kind of like a big final tally so far and overwhelming majority thinking spying on people is unacceptable in any circumstance that amassing private data should not be done sixteen percent say they don't want to give an opinion because they worry that their responses are being tracked and they don't want to be tracked by any government surveillance apparatus seven percent saying it is justifiable to look into people's personal data because it would help solve terror cases it could help track down the bad guys and they're ok with that three percent saying there's
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nothing wrong with it whatsoever they respond if they're saying that i don't have anything to hide or should anybody else if i'm not doing anything wrong what is there for me to really care about what do you think we've asked people to log onto our web site and give their answers this is how the tally is up so far but we have a new poll online that we're also asking you to go on and vote on that question is it do you think that edward snowden will make it to his final destination wherever that may be could be venezuela ecuador cuba at this point it's anybody's guess but will he make it so far the results in that poll looking like people say he will but what do you think you can change that log on to our t. dot com and castro. vote on that there is apparently a segment of the voters who are saying that he should even stay in russia well we'll just have to wait and see stay with us for the day here on r.t. for more on that next though crosstalk looksee looking at the so-called new normal of the global economy peter lavelle talks about that next.
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and you lived in the us knows that the i.r.s. does not play around one honest or dishonest mistake could get you in a lot of trouble even a longtime friend of mine got his entire life savings destroyed due to some simple honest error you think that workers in an organization that could punish you for your financial failings would be very sharp with their own money but that's sadly not the case according to an audit report from the treasury inspector general for tax administration at the very least one thousand iris employees have abused the charge cards they were issued to cover their official travel expenses some of these people are very high on the ladder including an executive level official a criminal investigator and multiple ploys with security clearances much of the abuses related to a place writing checks for big purchases which later bounced due to accounts being
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empty yeah the people who could ruin your life for one little financial folly seem to have no problem over drawing while they are living it up on taxpayer funded travel to keep things in perspective the iris is a huge organization so one thousand abusers is a minority but in the spirit of fairness i think these card abusers should be punished just as harshly as normal people who run afoul of the i.r.s. but that's just my opinion. it's the perfect material it's a lie you make just a small change and you get a totally different result. but a pretty. little complicated. it's like geometry we start by mucking out the incision lines as a guide. it's very intricate work. my life has changed a hundred percent. it's
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a field operating table here more than just a very small table as long as i had a flashlight and a working battery and i had a good enough environment to work it. was among them along with some other terrorist leaders. he's reminiscing about the past. looking at you at the same time he's somewhere else. when i watch this. doesn't feel like me as a whole and. it's someone totally different someone i don't know.
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hello and welcome to cross all things considered. what is the state of the global economy and where is it going and why are economists using the term normal. welcome to my guest today here at the st petersburg international economic forum they are charles roberts and he is the global chief economist and head of macro strategy at renaissance capital we also have robert may he is managing partner at robert may consulting group and we have. is the chief economist and head of research at deutsche bank russia if i go to you first we just had at the end of last week g. eight they were announced.


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