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tv   Documentary  RT  June 26, 2013 9:29am-10:01am EDT

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loss' thoughts on you come back and do this all night. it's fine it's fine person and you know. i we're going to pass the baton. and i'm about to actually go to afghanistan here and you know i got i got that very much time to have fun out here so that's why we try to do it the way you want to go drag us are going to have you been deployed before yes ma'am tire was pretty good nothing bad happened we lose any advice so those are good good hopefully this year is the same day things are starting to calm down here not so much ok day you know but that's how i know exactly everything is now i still got some work to be done but i'll make. so it's just what i get paid for you know so i get so i head after a long table for the wife and kid you know. how. three weeks. it's only four to your dad now they'll be able to pass my
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truck down as well so if you and you have to do it because. i'm glad. for. the year. we got about fifteen or twenty now my phone calls. all within just a minute or two of each other or you know there's a gunfight and there's a huge gun battle taking place in the courtyard between all the buildings where.
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there's kids and there's people and of course you know lots and lots of folks live there and it was still in the middle of the day. like almost lunchtime. when we found him. he was obviously taking a lot of medication and he had he had a little bit of alcohol. this guy had come back from iraq. he had a an assault rifle. and he said that he just he just needed to hear he was he was stressed and in order to relax he just needed to hear the sound of gunfire. first or kicking down doors going to. kick down a door in their own scared and i was kind of exciting. you know no problem with it i just kind of just go back in the swing of things but i
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think hopes. someone says something to me. like a ball or something more i may get more fights and i can still. spend it. but i never knew anything about his you know that p.s. t.v. year p.s.t. as they are. so i never knew we had all those those problems or nothing and. some people come back from four or five deployments they're just fine. no unless
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they're. they're hiding they're really good like him that all of a sudden just. you know they're in the you know he's out. in the afternoon and i came home and it's like i his truck was in the driveway parked getting crazy and everything else they got only went out last night or something and they come in and unlock the door and you know you've usually just locked the bottom on. the top it was like to a lock it walk in through the door. it happened right here. and i walk in. you know what i see is is feet. you know laying in plain in the hallway and then i see like little red and brown spots and stuff from my first thought is you know oh he he got drunk last night and
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he's passed out on four or he was moving something heavy any tripped and he hurt himself. and i come over to arm and then i see my forty five pistol laying on the floor and just you know out the side of his head and everything in just blood blood everywhere blood all over the floor blood all over the couch so i you know just kind of touched him and kicked just. like. you know like i i seen dead before but not dead people by their own hand in my house so. you know he's a bad looking guy and he's at there and smile all the time and everything in israel outgoing.
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thirty you know i got some in the face kind of. you know yeah that really yesterday was a lot of us just don't don't have you know the exposure to actual combat like i've been through combat a couple of times but mike is also driving the truck was kind of hunkered down in pushing us but so i never actually shot in war. a lot of us don't but we like to. be exposed as soon as we get basic training they use all kinds of different things to shoot. a lot of fun this is fun shooting a war is not a song you have to do to stay alive you know when the war when the bubble it's just one. person so this issue allows you to target these are paper so it's it's different but they're shaped this person.
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is not you know and i thought all the targets are safe they were. the soldiers treat. installed in a more new member of the team sure the people. being. always placed mission first will move which their feet move with almost aloof fallen comrades and just one physically or mentally tough tranquil fishing warrior test and rules. always maintained all my equipment and myself. a standard age deploying gauge and destroy the enemies united states of america in close call but only guarding our freedom and american way of life i am an american soldier. do you know that my heart my heart their freedom it's called an m.b.a. graham it means is this way. and also that way.
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for dishonor. the shotgun and two zero three because i would rather die before i disarm i'm going to. really really like a really. whether you like better country so much that it's the best country in the world and got to be good at it. well. by actually what happened in the world are not the way. they were seven confirmed in two thousand and three five in two thousand and four nine in two thousand and five three in two thousand and six six in two thousand and seven fourteen in two thousand and eight and eleven in two thousand and nine to. one thousand confer the suicide at fort hood in two thousand and two. i guess i
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should say the number of suicides of soldiers assigned to fort hood because he's happened on an off post. the soldier killed himself and. temple one of the neighboring towns in a public restaurant. you know this guy was in a park and around drug town near austin next to a school i mean obviously they all have issues that they couldn't get help for they didn't seek help for. so this is the story about the soldier too was found at the memorial on post. where he did it yes that's the first time that someone has. taken their life or portably taken their life and place like that on post but this is the first time that it was at a. public and very recognizable place smells very symbolic obviously some people
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were happy to talk. this has been a lot of you know on the surface it seems simple just want you. all to our forces here. are the. strongest anywhere. because it's a volunteer all. everybody in the army wants to join the army. or at least doesn't have any other options. there is a huge amount of soldiers coming going here at all. it is the biggest base. it's also a main deployment base. they train here for a couple of months. and then they be placed on here.
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and we have soldiers here that have gone five six seven eight times it's crazy. home of the free because of the. brave sometimes our society forgets that. isto i think i can. find a cause worth fighting. to feel on and that. the . matter of no one would hear him or think i thought of something like that and them live that way before he was out for all for forty but that when i got over an hour a man ok got up. looked over the path on the clover and went on the floor he's moving a little bit before me you know he caught a bit of a make. believe it was one of the blow him over the last one ok.
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ok been a very long korat will be a great day now ok very glad everywhere yes ma'am the last one to go a lot of blood on the go go home and not on and they are out in the rain overnight were they don't know where i got a contract got a bill and a hand and a gun with on the floor in your mind memory mine down there on the bar about on monday night the line on the on the way of. the interview. of the. two until the problem.
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the hospital and there were things started to come back home. and are out for some reason i just had to go. and when i walked in the restaurant there was
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a young girl there. and add this asked the girl i said i need to know. did they got a soldier. commits suicide here and she goes i can't same thing i just looked at her and i said the mother of this soldier and i want to thank you for what aid did but he didn't. and she started crying. i'm so sorry i hope you and that they were in god can forgive me. for. this but that was it. and he has sent that to me at five forty three on the sixth and they said it ten minutes after six is when he said he wanted to follow family traditions. and there's military pretty much all in all for the whole both sides of
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the family for the man army and air force and he said he wanted something to challenge him and make him a man. after basic turn and was changed a lot i could tell that he really grew up the second tour is when he came back a mess he was having nightmares really bad he said he would see things and he would he would think about it a lot. of that time they didn't really know that this was going on with us because he didn't tell. because he had been talking to some other people that were having problems that they were being looked upon like they were me and workless army ashley told them that they would tell my son that when he told him he had problems they told him that he was worthless and would never amount to anything in the face and straight in the had to be. stronger or he would never be in.
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i love my country i do. to be patriotic is to love your country more than yourself and not many people think of it in terms like that but if you join the military for any other reason than that you're probably not going to have a good day. if i could have stayed in the army i would have. as i did enjoy being an infantryman. i feel for my country like generations of my friends was done. hundreds of years i enjoyed it. there are good parts of it that
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is the army species you how to become a casualty how to be killed they teach you how to deal with facing death. you know teach you how to deal with being. and once you are wounded in your no further use to the army they get rid of you they warehouse him until you get your medical discharge and go away. when i get stressed out and i feel better. simple as that in iraq i'm bad day go to the range in iraq and i just dumps around feel better. it's steel. it's a piece of shrapnel that's
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a dug out of my spine it's a piece of the. the bomb was i'm sorry more all over the place a pipe basically a huge pipe bomb made with homemade explosives so it was and it wasn't like a mortar or artillery round or anything it was entirely homemade. and the iraqi police helped put the bomb in place so i don't want to get into the details of what happened in the attack of the system which are you mean the things i saw on. because that's what it's not so much the nature of the attack and the aftermath it's the reasoning behind making as vulnerable so that we were attacked in the first place that's what bothers me so much it's just so stupid.
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our brigade commander was concerned that we would scratch the iraqis furniture i'm not kidding they went on public record saying that. that was one of his major concerns because they complained to him that us where all our gear having our weapons we've scratched their nice furniture and they did live in pretty nice we saw a lot of brand new b.m.w. is brand new ford brand new mitsubishi was driving around our back yes. the army decided to have key leadership and what they meant by that was anybody above the rank of the six like myself would remove their body armor and weapons and leave them in the vehicles and this wasn't optional it was mandatory it was an order and what does it mean to take your body armor off what do you are left with. this way and i don't know how much you need your confidence and maybe if you put extra
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starch and therefore it's about. we're talking about. scratch furniture and poor little iraqis hurt feelings i don't care i don't care if it comes to if is a choice between my safety and making iraqis feel comfortable i'm going to choose my safety every goddamn time sorry if that if that's not politically correct or whatever i don't care this is ambien for sleeping it's. a muscle relaxer flexeril my muscles twitch when they get aggravated which is basically all the time with just the what's left of my back twitches and that doesn't feel good so i take this. i have a prescription for a low grade dosage of zoloft and that keeps me from getting to i still unable to feel things emotionally but it doesn't get out of control so it's just enough to help me get through.
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so i got nothing good to say about their army. were product they literally use that word in official documents product not a cheeseburger not a tax cigarettes. just for the money. tax free kimonos like thirty five thousand. just not that much but depends if it is worth it if you come home alive and with claims. we have seen the beginning of the iraqi war. we've seen many go. and we've seen less come. they are all excited about going and they get these wartime tattoos and they are
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ready. and then they'll come back a year later and there's such an emptiness such a force they convince in their eyes. sometimes the top and sometimes i want. we don't problem to talk. well ask you know what is this for who is this war. you want to talk about what happened and sometimes they do. most of the times they don't. there's the boat. that's my favorite coach says you know in a war there are no one hundred soldiers. everybody's affected. and they're just in different degrees. and i work with soldiers so i now i am
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helpless as i understand the way. it's always been an anti-war coffeehouse. i'm. i am anti-war my politics are pretty to the left. people have called me a traitor and you know protestors are evil especially in a town like alina where the brass has a very strong hand the only chairs around. i decided to make it more like a house because a lot of the soldiers need human contact so this is somewhere they could come and feel at home. i. mean.
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i joined because i had problems at home my mother had just been admitted to a psychiatric ward and i was sixteen and then. when i turned seventeen i took my mom to the recruiter and she told me she was she was the real luke issue no she was doing but she signed for me and the recruiter was cool and so i went off and my dad was in korea at the time that's why otherwise you know i don't have anybody here my i'm a military brat so my extended relatives are halfway across the united states and the only reason why i'm here is because my dad was in the army and you know and then he went to korea i'm here with my mom my mom goes crazy i have nothing but but the army is an option. this is. i knew i was going to go. when i joined there was no like i'm not going to
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lie to myself i had expected to lose a bit of my mind myself you know it was it was constant like it was. so far removed from reality and it was such a bombardment. for me. my young mind or whatever. i came home and i couldn't get back in sync with anything you know living a normal life and worrying about parking tickets and you know bills and these things and i thought if i go back to iraq i could get away for a year. so i volunteered for my second point. sometimes i feel like. i should have died over there. because
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i. i saw some people who had died and i saw people. get blown up and stuff and being so close to it it doesn't make sense that i should be so close to this and it shouldn't be like what was the determining what's what is it about you know what is it why it doesn't make sense but. more often i'm just afraid. just fraid of things i've seen even though i know them probably won't like they're not going to come get me. and just. what if they did have.
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10:00 am
edward snowden remains in moscow for now sitting tight in airport transit zone after president vladimir putin rejects u.s. threats and demands for the whistleblower to be extradited. he will watch news or trying to shoot the messenger by presenting snowden as a dangerous fire while ignoring follow from the revelations of its spy program. making sure we are. but r t looks at those at the bottom of british society who say they're really bearing the burden of the austerity as the chancellor announces billions more in budget cuts.


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