tv [untitled] June 26, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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org. both the reverse of the bible. it was. going back to the liberal level joining me tonight heather servo and horace cooper let's get back to it in a speech at georgetown university yesterday president obama laid out his plan for fighting global climate change using executive authority reminding his audience that now is the time to act the most important part of the president's plan are to direct the e.p.a. to institute new carbon standards for power plants by twenty fifteen two years and setting new goals for efficiency in buildings and vehicles as well as setting new targets for renewable energy production other parts of the plan include goals for increased renewable energy production directing the department of interior to allow
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solar and wind projects on public lands creating new efficiency standards for buildings and heavy vehicles using e.p.a. powers to reduce hydrofluoric carbons these are the things that destroy the ozone layer as well that reduce methane emissions and reiterate budget proposals to end subsidies to fossil fuel industries so isn't this common sense. it's costly commonsense well cost maybe actually i think the larger question is why is it that the only industry in america that doesn't have to pay to keep take out his trash is the fossil fuel industries i mean i you know i have a radio show we are trashing today i tell you that i. probably am not going to own a conservative line here by saying i do believe we should invest our lineup on fossil fuels i do believe that we need to be looking at different sources i definitely believe that you know we need to wean ourselves from that but good but at the same time we can't do it during our economic. situation and that is definitely not favorable should we be investing
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a lot of money to improve the lot climate that's not but it might actually operate as our you've got you've got a fossil fuel industry this is getting tens of billions of dollars of subsidies and at the same time we're paying to take out their trash there with their waste and it has been defined as that but even by the supreme court of carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas pollutant and also. is acidified our oceans and doing real damage to our oceans is a. subsidy let's cut a lot of subsidies well let's let's get rid of a lot of carbon dioxide let's do cap and trade like george herbert walker bush did to get rid of sulfur and stop acid rain let's put a carbon tax on a horse is the church session over now this stuff is all religion this is all faith based and there is no work to science behind this junk whatsoever if you try to resume your set on this nonsense it would operate on so i'm talking wind power solar power geothermal power if you tried to run this show you couldn't get it to run five nights a week now you know right now because the fossil fuel industry is taking the money
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all this money at godric's hollow and say you know all these subsidies out to talk about taking up the garbage we pay for a million government bureaucrats or more that you progressives make us have at the federal level and we take their garbage out every month we pay for their pensions we pay for their retirement we pay for their health care and they do nothing to help the rest of us they see nothing but a great about heart so you're going to effect going to try and turn the pollution the manes you know my atmosphere civilization two hundred will satisfy it is going to do so so i have learned some lessons should those who are a part of having her you know literally four hundred perhaps the learning of the whole race has fallen apart no it has zero and not as you know absent workers are falling the editors are not faulty and we deserve our actual on the last fifty years or twelve our time others have it's all the mystery of all the island and you are not able to show scientifically you have community has fallen apart in the community of scientists that said that they were unified on this they have
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completely fallen apart since just absolutely not issues whatsoever when the harder it is to help their hard line is this who does the show when i'm a problem or a beer and well the coen brothers in the oil industry they are when they buy all their air get out of the horse watch scientists come in and they testify not the preachers not the event science is like the scientists used to. really bad code doesn't cause lung cancer i'm a scientist i know are going to say i bought off the government types put those cigarettes packs in every single soldier's military pack as a result go back into strollers well know all the time but the point here is not going to get just what they wanted the fossil fuel industry makes what happens in america possible and we would be ridiculous least stupid stuck on stupid if we said we want to go forward with this now the security of your argument is just the windows anyway need the heroin that they've been supplying to us we should be bowing down to them you know the are you know saudi arabia you know lol doesn't care if you have sleep where those rigs are that's where own power doesn't work
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those who are going to sleep there just get china spending more money than anybody like you want and china though because where there climate restrictions where are they doing they're creating the just put a carbon cap and trade program into place that some lasted only in shands ok that's when the body of the one little thing is a city and so your masters are i mean and we trust our main competitor on let's play let's look at it you're going to shackle the committee that has built one of the nuclear power plants worth of solar power in the last ten years look at denmark this is producing a third of their electricity as i made in the program we talked about this before in europe you have the highest prices for energy of any place on the planet and it's precisely because if they are using these kind of failed frederick fossil fuel industry paid for their own waste the fossil fuels would be more expensive for them and always had not to do with your president trying to change the subject if the fossil fuel industry paid for their own waste then instantly solar wind geothermal
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york shabby come mainly to economics of carbon dioxide being exhale not necessarily true and they sit on the out of em out right then you should be paying a tax on the city you can buy green electricity you can specify that you want to green electricity you can buy a large fine because right now on the list you pay extra for cleaning the environment stucco. stupid people do that so your argument is hey it's cheap this doesn't we need it so it's a distraction but it's not growing the economy is it is drawing the insiders mostly political as a way to try to avoid the scandals that he's in the midst of it is not going to go for angles yes why are you talking about this thing the darrell issa now we find out darrell issa actually went to the i.r.s. through the treasury department said ok well i don't know me about only tell me about the tea party that's all about don't tell me anything else they said ok here's the stuff of the tea party and he goes hey we're going to spam we go to the burning turns out that they've been examining double examining the applications of everybody i just gotten up and they got in
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a knot ways and means committee and it turns out that statements falls they flagged progressive's they hailed the conservative applications flagging and holding only are two different. other me this is me and this particular nominee for us to be this is the office which is to be so. i don't think it's i think it's right now it is an unwise thing to do and vest in as far as sweeping changes to our climate when we have an economy that needs to be improved housing is really part of the electricity in texas now being produced by by wind in texas twenty percent no i think capitalism that's what i call no it's only capitalism. i don't think you want to read one aspect of this whole climate discussion we're talking about twenty percent i would be coming from for a huge investment of money that we don't have to do this or thing that is going to cripple us and that's my point simply said to the fossil fuel industry pay for your wait what you call a way always the exhale was only air but they're going to win being out of that
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what is the waste that is that is arguing over that is what we're exhale is carbon dioxide and there are plants that are inhaling the carbon dioxide next selling oxygen and that's a cycle and that carbon is already above ground when you dig down deep into the ground and you pull out carbon the i mean there's something under there when you are really just burning or don't really hear us. part of the science that is not science that side that is not that it may make it all wrong i know it's a reality you can you can try denying this and you could all you know right here at this rally all daily but the earth is not flat and the world is and this is religion for you guys and i want to impose it on the rest of us ok i think that you know i would like to see you president obama do something like that that would increase gas prices at it again but it will as i'm saying his approval ratings are down the dumps right now that would be catastrophic that's what this is about i would imagine i can do that but i would like to that's that is why i have the climate he should do that i'd see how america's response is why he's what he said
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and this is to my disappointment he said this is what i'm going to do in the next twelve months and figure out how i'm going to do it and then twelve months after that i'm going to do it so that i'm going to hear it over to the next person who comes as straight as years down the road it's going to be at the very end of his term and so i don't think that i don't accept this whole thing ok yesterday republican lawmakers and lone star state learned what the phrase don't mess with texas is all about is that states. is that's states it was about how to vote on one of the nation's most restrictive abortion bills say senator wendy davis began a talking filibuster she spoke for eleven hours before the letter the lieutenant governor basically shut her down and said ok we're going to vote at midnight they had the vote at midnight the republicans afterwards look at those we pulled it off but the computer said everybody could see no it was after midnight it wasn't a legal vote the republicans tried to say oh yeah i use a legal vote no it was the legal vote and so now it's like they blew it so where are they going with this what does all this mean let's not forget that main reason
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that texas is addressing this right now is that they have a kermit gosnell their own name the name douglas karpen who has been shown to be just as bad or perhaps even as worse than gosnell was put in jail yet also it was illegal we're not debating what's illegal no but what i'm saying is that what this bill would have done is it would have. pretty much eliminated abortions after twenty weeks which is well they're already largely illegal after twenty nine is no that's not not in texas and this is the point that i tried to make with you the last time we talked about this there are a number of jurisdictions in this country where they don't have bands in place and leaves guns no i'm talking baby killers the growing the way the court's ruling said you can't restrict before it didn't say you must restrict afterwards. you know that it works and so i bet it's you know he does every day and that you know that i text you know that has to it's law so that it isn't filling the backyard. so as you're sort of i have seen that there is some abortions after six months except
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for the life of the mother are now going to be banned in texas because they were not illegal before and also the hospitals are the places where these abortions are performed are no going to have to meet the same requirements that plastic surgeons meet and that all kinds of other medical practice want to just say you know this is legal hospitals have to perform well in hospitals used to do d. and c. is routinely they were they were basically abortions they called by your letter i get my callers you a little hospital i do they want to they don't they don't have to but i think i think it's important to understand as i talked about before when i was on this program is that hearts are being changed it comes to abortion we're understanding of why don't want to have one i absolutely think what the job or even the hospital better understand what an abortion is even the name abortion what i have and mean while we're understanding more and more that that is terminating the life of a human being i go back to what the public is and i disagree no i don't think i
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don't think there are human beings can disagree about that but i want you guys kohli's draconian a lot of it was going at six months not to what we you know i am one as you know everyone is a monster we are i am with you and with roe v wade that once a fetus is viable it. was a bit random and rush and the interesting thing about bio. bill that even this message this wasn't just twenty to twenty four weeks that you know that was in there but this was this was there was all kinds of awful stuff and also it was a ban on late term and a restriction on the poor practitioners themselves they were basically saying is a lot i want to say to these to planned parenthood you've got to become a hospital and you know they're not going to be able to meet them but the plastic surgeon but the rehab lockdown the hospital but it's ok because he's made their money out of. course you get the last word or thanks for coming up president obama said during a speech at georgetown yesterday the time to act against climate change is now but is the white house's plan really enough to stave off global catastrophe.
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they were ready to do anything for their country to me is to love the country more than yourself if you joined the military for any other reason that you're probably not going to have a good day they were tools in the hands of the state now they live remembering the past which is impossible to get rid of. the war. but it all ever good people get hurt. and i've heard good people empty silent. but would prefer not to be sometimes i feel like. i should have died over there. because. i saw some people who died. there is cheaper than terrifying. on
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our. let me let me i want to know what all let me ask you a question. here on this board is we're having a debate we have our knives out. to do this right to spank sting never get your. in a situation where being i don't mean to talk about your name and where. i would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right
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in tonight's green report in a speech at georgetown university yesterday president obama laid out his plan for fighting global climate change using executive powers reminding his audience that now is the time to act. so the question is not whether we need to act. the overwhelming judgment of science of chemistry and physics and millions of measurements. has put all that to rest as a president. as a father and as an america i'm here to say we need to act. president obama went on to outline a broad range of measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote the development of clean and green forms of renewable energy but was this speech enough to turn the tides when it comes to america's efforts to fight the biggest threat our nation and planet has ever faced joining me now for more on this is sarah van
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gelder coeditor coal founder and executive editor of us magazine sarah welcome. thank you so much for having me tom glad to be here thanks for joining us what were your immediate thoughts on the president's speech well what the things i was really impressed by is that he made really clear that climate change is an issue that we're going to have to deal with there's no more sort of making it a side issue or maybe even throwing it into an inauguration speech and then moving on he really spent forty five minutes in that hot sun in front of georgetown university college students saying this is the time we have to act i'm not going to wait on congress the climate won't wait on gridlock politics we have to do something about climate change ninety seven percent of the scientists who study this are in agreement on this we can't afford to wait so that's a big change i think that's very important but he also said that he's going to wait until a year from now to lay out his specific proposals and he's going to wait for a year from then to implement them when he's been in office for six years has the a guy that's come up with a bunch of specific proposals and i thought frankly when i heard that the speech
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was coming that this you know the this week was going to be the week that he was going to drop the stuff on the table and say ok this is what we're doing starting tomorrow morning not two years you know i agree with you on this this is late and it's too little frankly the some analysis by professor forrester that was quoted in the guardian says that if all of this is implemented it what it will do is essentially delayed by three to five years the time it takes for us to sail through the two degree temperature rise that scientists. we need to be striving for so this is not the climate plan that we need the question is is this the first step is president obama taking the first step towards really getting serious on climate bring the whole country together you know saying we're not going to wait on the what he called the flat earth society to have their meeting we're moving forward is this the first step or is this it visit its way of adequate if it's a first step then congratulations to him and we need to give him a lot of support to move that forward yeah i'm all in favor of that and i'm just
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concerned that this is this is going to be a rough road to hoe here it's if he is a doing it so slowly if he's if he's slow walking this thing like like i think he is and be obvious he's not going to get any help from congress you know doing it by executive action makes a certain amount of sons but where. where is he where is he going to go with this i mean for example he doesn't seem to bring up fracking actually another question and i'd like to ask first before we get to fracking the u.s. the the the various television networks the most ever see gave his speech about two minutes i think fox gave it five or six minutes c.n.n. might have given a tour three minutes i the numbers are all over the wall they're all over the internet actually the only the only network that actually played the entire fifty eight minutes of the speech was the weather channel how can he marshal the support
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in the nation for a serious change in direction strategy and. an effort on the part of his administration if the american people don't support it because they heard you know a great speech and got all pumped up about it. well a majority of americans do want action on things like renewable energy i mean if you ask people whether they would like us to subsidize big oil corporations as we are now out in the in the billions of dollars every year or whether they would like a tax credit for wind energy which comes and goes and gives when developers a great deal of difficulty in making plans now the american people are behind renewable energy for by and large so there's part of this that he that the case doesn't have to be made it just has to be acted on and the good news is that there's a certain amount that he can do within his powers as executive the united states and he's taking action and he's making clear that that he can move ahead do that not wait again for the gridlock but there's much more that needs to be done just
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like he did with with his jobs program and just like he did with obamacare he needs to be talking about this over and over again it's not going to be something that can just be said of as a throwaway line now and that he has got to keep coming back to it he's got to visit those you know renew renewable energy sites he's got to be visiting the places that the storms have been have been damaging making the link to climate change and rallying the american people to come together as he as i. and he started to do to prepare our communities for the kind of kind of damage that's going to be done and to think together about how we're going to get through this extremely difficult period that we have set up for ourselves through to nailing to control the emissions of carbon dioxide so that so far in the middle we have love sarah two of the things that he said that he was going to promote were a clean coal which is a scam there's no such thing it's that and in fact he said he's going to give billions of dollars to the coal industry to try and find it and nuclear power which you know is rife with greenhouse gas emissions how do we go down that road how does he gather support from his progressive base with those kind of things. well he's
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got he's got to do things like block the k. excel pipeline that's absolutely essential you know the kind of side to say if the pipeline goes through and we start burning a call doesn't is going to be going to strip him self of political power to accomplish the rest of us and well he might i mean i think ben jones has been saying let's just go and call that the obama pipeline and you know if you want to go in the lab that happen let's put your name right on it and that will be your legacy mr president so i think he's got a real big choice to make on that count that's something he can do on his own he can simply say no they can't sell pipeline with you and i suspect he's i am very concerned about this because he said you know the two criteria he gave that it's in the nation's interest in that it doesn't increase carbon both of those criteria have been explicitly stated know by the state department they you know in the preliminary report so we'll see where the report was yeah the report was done by a consultant who has a lot of pies to the oil and gas in the. survey and i already decided to go with that that's really a saying yeah i agree sir we have to wrap it up thanks so much for being with us
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today thank you tom enjoyed it. crazy alert we've told you before on the show about people having sex in the air but you know there is a whole competition devoted to air as in air guitar sex every year for the past four years men and women of all body types and from all walks of life and gathered in sixteen cities across the country to participate in the national air sex championships all you need to do in order to compete is sign up for your local tournaments and get ready to simulate your best love making moves on stage in front of hundreds of people as you can see from this footage recorded at the d.c. tournament performances can be quite suggestive and involved and who is the winner of this year's national competition you might ask why that would be the defending
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champion jam out with my clam and i don't even want to know how she got that's. their allies as been shown to be a liar and a fraud. yesterday afternoon congressman darrell a mr grand theft auto sent out a flurry of tweets describing his plans to reignite the benghazi investigation and his intent to subpoena state department officials and one tweet i saw wrote but was it up to eric i have issued four depositions a period of those at state department officials as part of at g.o.p. oversights investigation. minutes later i situated that all four subpoenaed officials lead bureaus where state departments review found efficiencies
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contributed a lack of security during benghazi attack so why would i as a suddenly do a three sixty and start of the benghazi investigation again when he's been so adamant about getting to the bottom of the so-called scandal i saw the sudden change in which any direction may have something to do with the not surprise so surprising revelation that the entire i.r.s. whatever you want to call it has been one large manufactured scandal that was manufactured by one guy their allies say himself according to the inspector general of the treasury department whose report help drive the ira's political targeting controversy examination into conservative groups was limited just to conservative groups because of a request from republicans in the house of representatives that would be their allies a spokesperson for the treasury's inspector general for tax administration george
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said that the i.g. the inspector general's office was asked by congressman darrell isay himself quote to narrowly focus on tea party organizations and quote. or in other words the i.r.s. is and should be targeting all sorts of political groups of course regardless of their filiation but i say told the office to only look for tea party groups that were being affected by the i.r.s. as practices so the ids office only reported on tea party groups because their allies and told them to only report on tea party groups this revelation comes as top congressional democrats have produced new information showing that liberal groups were also flagged for extra scrutiny on the so-called be on the lookout list the ball lists the same lists that are targeting conservative groups the treasury is acknowledge that there are audit included other watch lists that may have contained liberal political groups with said that we did not review the use disposition purpose or content of the other bolos that was outside the scope of our
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audit that being the audit that they're all i suspect suffice does with a little bit a little help from the treasury department's i g.'s office congressman isaiah has been allowed to play everyone in america for fools especially the media i say has also been actively manipulating congress and has been using his misinformation laden witch hunts to sway public opinion in his the republican and the republican party's favor and against our president. what should we really expect of them else from this modern day joe mccarthy wannabe militia forget the congressman darrell issa is the same man who oppose funding for nine eleven first responders who attacked families who were injured working in iraq and was in the middle of the bush administration's politically motivated removal of eight u.s. attorneys people like congressman ice it should not be able to trick and mislead us and spend countless hours and countless tax dollars i'm politically motivated which means more importantly circus clowns like i said shouldn't be allowed to run around
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washington disguised as elected officials and become the centers of national attention and media firestorms where they have the power and the platform to misinform the entire american public we've allowed daryl eyes that is politically motivated which wants to fool us too many times it's time for once to listen to george w. there's an old saying in tennessee i know it's a tax should probably have to stay there just blew me once. shame. shame on you. can't get fooled again and that's the way it is tonight wednesday june twenty sixth two thousand and thirteen don't forget democracy begins and you get out there get active take your.
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time as a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and they are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears and so why great things other than. in a court of law found alive is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. mission free cretaceous free in-store chargers free arrangement three. three stooges free. old free broadcast quality video for your media projects
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a free media dog r t v dot com. today on larry king steve austin the former wrestling star on the life of the ring and finally i woke up one day and i said you know what you're forty years old you need to be productive you need to go find a job. just how stone cold is the real steve austin you like being the good guy in lies yes i like to think that i am and what made him the biggest wrestling star in america i was never the best look and i was never the best technical wrestler but i worked my hands solve and enough things that i became the best it's all next on larry king now. we're going to larry king our special guest steve austin you know i'm a stone cold steve austin six time world wrestling federer.
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