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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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yeah i will keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream had stated it's in your . blog i'm here take my take a live our phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on the air give us a call at two o two and i don't four twenty one thirty four a caller from outside the united states at one for the number of start out with our first video question of the night kevin from kansas of studying in new zealand. hey tom my question is more concerned about liquid fluoride army in nuclear reactors and why they are not being explored basically it's a different type of nuclear reactors that was discovered in the one nine hundred sixty s. but was not utilized due to its byproduct being plutonium to thirty eight rather
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than to thirty nine which means it cannot be used for nuclear weapons furthermore that the way these nuclear reactors are designed is inherently extremely extremely safe the liquid floride and the army has a negative key coefficient rather than a positive heat coefficient which means it has a natural tendency to want to cool down as energy is removed if the sheema would have been one of these they would not have been pumping seawater in to try to cool down the reaction because of the negative heat coefficient it would have frozen with all these benefits i do not see why they are not in the news more talked about more and i'm really concerned. ok thanks for the for the question whole bunch of issues here with regard to this but i'll just tick through a couple of them really quickly these kind of reactors first of all there actually are companies in the united states to say that they're exploring this companies in japan although i suspect in japan they've lost their enthusiasm for it but there are a number of problems with number one they require a large dose of u two thirty three uranium to thirty three to kick start the
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reaction process finding refining making of it u. two thirty three is fissionable it's you can exploded and it's poisonous and there has nuclear byproducts number two the primary ways as you point out is is plutonium two thirty eight and so to thirty nine as i recall or vice versa they are equally poisonous plutonium is the most deadly substance on earth a. pound of plutonium a baseball sized piece of plutonium if distributed appropriately evenly around the earth would be enough to kill every person on earth and so you get a small problem nuclear waste plus a lot of the other nuclear waste in these kind of reactors in the form of salts of chlorine fluorine salts that yeah they may have made you know gold solid freezing they may turn solid between three hundred sixty degrees celsius now you know and they only melt above that but as solids they're highly water soluble and so they
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can get into the water table they can they can cause all kinds of problems so there's still a lot of work to go with that technology bottom line there is no such thing as safe nuclear technology it's time for us to look at the sun if you want to nuclear energy your nuclear reactor we have one ninety three million miles away it's called the sun and we can harvest the energy from it with solar panels and with windmills and wave power and pretty much everything else chris in trenton new jersey chris what's on your mind tonight. john now the gun i'm twenty two years old and i just wonder need your thoughts on mike my generation and you know it seems like nobody you know if you just didn't look going on in the world really and. you know it's one of the get your thoughts on not sure ok you know chris i think it's gary yeah i it is and chris your generation and frankly your generation plus about ten years people under thirty are the first generation in american history since the one nine
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hundred twenty s. so basically in the living memory of anybody around why to experience throughout their entire lifetimes reaganomics also known as hard enough mix the the the policies of war and of president harding when he came in in one nine hundred twenty s. he ran on a campaign of campaign platform less government business more business and government and he dropped the top tax rate from ninety five percent to twenty five percent it was basically reaganomics and what to do it kicked off a huge bubble that burst in one nine hundred twenty nine just as reaganomics kicked off a series of bubbles larry beinart stunts really great research on this and found that if you look at the history of the last century and a half in the united states every time the top tax rate on very wealthy people after you've earned your first two or three million dollars a year is over fifty percent the economy is smooth unstable whenever it drops below fifty percent you get booms and busts booms and busts because wealthy people are able to pole lot of money out really fast from their sources of wealth and they're
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go off you know high stakes gambling so you're the generation that is experiencing reaganomics full bore kick in the teeth ronald reagan's war against labor ronald reagan's war against free education colleges to be free in the united states or in much large parts of the united states so it was in california before reagan became governor there and on and on and on so my hope for you is that as this economy continues to disintegrate people enough people will wake up and particularly enough young people and say this reaganomics stuff it doesn't work and then there will be a reform because the reagan revolution was a genuine revolution and it's going to take another revolution like the f.d.r.'s new deal revolution to reverse it stephen latham new york a steve what's up. com how a great. attorney. didn't a long time is a big fan of your show. you do such a great job with the pro unions and how they're being attacked in michigan and ohio
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and here in new york. union member and cover cuomo is threatening already take away our binding arbitration rights and h.r. twenty one and i was wondering if you could. possibly look into it because there is a local media does nothing for us. and i think that. ok i will look into that i don't know the details of that particular piece of legislation but i can say i can tell you that it is a manual as demonstrated in chicago just because somebody is a democrat doesn't mean that they're progressing and just because they're democrat doesn't necessarily mean that they're fully in support of labor and labor rights i don't know the situation here with governor cuomo so it would be proper to really comment ron in analyst bill virginia iran with its serranos want to comment on the
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. picture you just have in the i was. with the boy scouts as my son was whatever we were both eagle scouts and we are. considering sending back the eagle badges but that was not a boy scout uniform that going back was wearing it did have a strange resemblance to the brown shirts that the nazis used to wear and i just wanted to make that clear yeah it was highly militarized you had all these little things on the on the corners of his lapels and. his shoulders and. i was like no boy scout uniform i'd ever seen thanks for clearing that up but i appreciate that now in. how do you say that you cut your. california. you got it you gotta listen to your phone now watch your t.v. there's a delay between the two frank in philadelphia hey frank what's on your mind of a town here to be on with the dearest dearest savior in this nation i just want to
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say that the other two minutes ago the millennialists are called stanley i tell my daughter i have a twenty one year old and i hear all the time i call generation. you know it lovingly i say that because they when they read the always of each other and. million times never having seen each other in three months now i've changed a generation to generate. father because i think that's been happening to. our society for writing this whole generation off. just think about it i agree with you that he we have to talk thanks frank thanks for your comments and. this is you know as i say it's the only generation alive right now that has experienced this you know this this punch in the gut of reaganomics we have over a trillion dollars in student debt i mean historically people who go to college with no debt at all. my wife worked her way through college we're going to waitress
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in howard johnson's i did so i didn't graduate when i went to college i was i was filling tires in a gas station i was a. dishwasher a bob's big boy and i was working part time of the d.j. i mean you could you could do that can't anymore this is this is reaganomics it is devastating to this generation and i hope i believe that that that in of itself is going to produce some really substantial change because young people are not stupid they're figuring out what's going on and they might not remember the arc of time the way that some of us who are older do they they can read up on it they've got parents that will tell them and friends neighbors and so i think that we're going to see a change sam in chicago a sandwich on your mind that. i'm just going to throw this out there i think part of the problem is that we especially with our youth culture are to stick
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we are even mystic as a society and we're too wrapped up in partying and we're too wrapped up in just getting laid and we're too wrapped up in selfish and materialistic means and then we you know we start to moan when it. i think we're not hedonistic enough you've got if you look at the number of hours worked on a per capita basis the united states. as number one in the world we used to compete with japan on that but now we're way ahead and it's because people are making so little money and they're having to work so hard you've got people working two in three jobs eighty ninety hours a week and i think that frankly people should be saying you know hey i'd like to work a forty or fifty hour week you know a reasonable week and have some spare time it's. you know i respectfully disagree and if you're going after people who are unemployed because the economy sucks because of thirty two years of reaganomics you're blaming the victim monte in new york city emadi what's up. i don't want to talk
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a little bit about some of these laws have been put into effect like fracking in the pharmaceuticals where the parties cannot be punished because they've been put into law that they cannot be punished right we have thanks money for raising that topic there there are a whole variety of people who are a noon by by virtue of regulation two to the consequences of their actions and mike papantonio was talking about the pharmaceutical industry you're correct with the fracking industry when the legislation was put through during the bush and this during the george w. bush administration that base actually legalized fracking by by regulating it dick cheney went down and put in a loophole that basically the fracking companies because halliburton is going to be the big one right that the fracking companies didn't have to reveal the chemicals that they're injecting into the earth in contaminating our water tables similarly during the george herbert walker bush administration the companies that were manufacturing genetically modified foods and other products they they wanted to be
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regulated because their products there was no legal basis for their products they could be sued if their products are people so george herbert walker bush made sure that the that the genetically modified organism the g.m.o. industry was given an opportunity to come into being and so these are examples of people say government regulations bad loser examples. when it is but it's there because the government was bought off by by the big corporations and wealthy people we've got to say money is not speech corporations are people move to amend or that's it for your take my take live thanks for all your calls we didn't get to your calls but i try as back next week and keep the video questions coming it's easy just grab your phone record your question or comment and e-mail it to us your take my take g.-mail dot com coming up nearly three decades later america is still paying the price for the failed policies and agenda of ronald reagan is the time we close the book on the reagan revolution and finally admitted it was
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a late and utter failure. the same story doesn't make it news. no puff pieces question thank you. and. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else or see some other part of it and realize everything. i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. i would rather i asked questions put people in positions with instead of speak on their behalf and that's why you can find larry king now right here on r.t. question more. looking pretty tough in the field that while we won't find it here if you're
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looking for relevant stories you need respected from top my scans. it's thursday let's get geeky living and breathing ocean side as a long known that oxygen circulates through our oceans and that allows our oceans to breathe at levels of the gas but now but now scientists have discovered the deep sea creatures they come to the surface of the ocean at night to feed have a major impact on the levels of oxygen and the movement of oxygen within the ocean since there's little to no food at the bottom of the ocean deep sea creatures rise to the surface at night to feet then head back to the deep depths of the ocean according to scientists is through this procedure that the creatures carry large
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amounts of oxygen from what is commonly referred to and to what is commonly referred to as the oxygen minimum zone since a number of animals that live in the deep depths of the oceans quite large scientists do their oxygen consumption would probably be pretty large to determine how much oxygen was being consumed they produced a global model of oxygen depletion and a model of the migration of deep sea creatures. they also use the cruise ship acoustic oceanic data collected between one nine hundred ninety and two thousand and eleven to see how many animals ascended and decent did up and down the elevator the depths of the ocean after analyzing all the data scientists found that oxygen consumption globally is about ten to forty percent of the total amount of oxygen at the deepest depths of the ocean they also found that the deepest depths of the ocean can barely repro to replenish the amount of oxygen consumed by the migration the deep sea creatures so when they move up and down they actually move the waters around and move the oxygen around if global warming and climate change continue to
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worsen they could affect this elevator like migration of the oceans deep sea creatures the levels of oxygen therefore would be damaged and could wreak havoc on the ocean habitat as a whole bottom line here is that the findings of this study are crucial for understanding more about the deep sea habitat and the negative impacts that climate change could have on our ocean if we do nothing to stop it. just. the good the bad and the very very. sure area and really ugly. for good barbara nelson immediately after the supreme court announced its decision striking down the defense of marriage act yesterday morning in new york immigration judge halted the planned deportation of colombian national
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steven brooks to yesterday's ruling the federal government couldn't officially acknowledge stephen's marriage to his partner sean so he was unable to get residency like many straight partners that u.s. citizens usually can't get judge nelson had responded so quickly to the supreme court's ruling sean's deportation proceedings would have started on plea at ten thirty in the morning now he and his husband can live happily ever after together in the u.s. good work judge nelson and congratulations to the happy couple bad neil cavuto even though we now know that the i.r.s. scandal was nothing but a creation of darrell grand theft auto i says cynical mind fox business host neil cavuto still wants to blame the white house. i'm wondering about that so the words that apparently did come up in this database search or whatever it was included occupy. groups with that type of terminology you know these groups were not
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friendly to president obama so cynically i could say that they did indeed target groups that were not let's say pro white house. correct me just give it a rest and you know you may not like the i.r.s. but it's pretty clear by now that it's agents were just doing their jobs but maybe just maybe you try hard enough. well let's hope you can't wish the ski trip and the very very ugly zombie industries that california companies already natori is for selling an ex-girlfriend zombie gun target at last month's n.r.a. convention in houston texas it's too news products won't do anything to help its reputation though the gun control lobbyist whose name doesn't need much explaining is advertised as joe's begging to be put down while the alza be shown here on the right is supposed to represent and this n.b.c. talk show host al sharpton both are available for purchase on the company's website
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it's bad enough that this company sold its hateful products in the first place but the fact that it continues to have a market for them even after we all basically out had them less just very very. in the forty eight hours since the u.s. supreme court got hit section for the voting rights act and that's the entire voting rights act six of the nine states that have been subject to that laws pre-clearance formula have already taken steps to restrict voting in texas just two hours after the tuesday supreme court decision came down that
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state's attorney general issued a statement saying that texas' voter i.d. law voter suppression. and gerrymandering plan could go into effect immediately and similar actions are being taken in mississippi alabama arkansas south carolina and virginia right now. but this war against voters did not begin on tuesday or last week or last month or even last year. the contemporary war against voters started in one thousand nine hundred eighty when ronald reagan took over the presidency in fact it started before he even stepped foot inside the white house reagan's first public official speech of his campaign for the presidency took place at the next show about county fair in the show but county mississippi it's just down the road from philadelphia mississippi at that time this was a white supremacists long hold here's reagan shaking hands with some of the twenty thousand people that were estimated to be at the fair to hear him speak reagan's
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campaign chose the event and the area for his first campaign speech because it was a great way to shout out to the racists in the show because a fair is nearby philadelphia mississippi for civil rights advocates james chaney andrew goodman and michael schwerner were lynched and murdered in one thousand nine hundred sixty four they were shot to death by racists who were raged by the idea of african-americans having not only will rights but the right to vote during his presidency reagan openly opposed the voting rights act of one thousand nine hundred sixty five he said the voting rights act was humiliating to the south. in the years since reagan took office and the reagan revolution has swept across america. americans have lost their faith in the notion that everybody has a voice in the american democracy but besides losing faith in the very foundations on which our nation was built what else have we lost since the not so good old days
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. to start we've lost our ability to keep corporations in check and prevent them from stealing millions from the working class thanks to reagan corporate theft and illegal behaviors have skyrocketed because he did away with government oversight and regulation of corporate america reagan's policies led to one of the greatest financial scandals in american history this the s. and l. debacle which cost taxpayers billions of dollars and set the stage for weakening bank regulations like we have today and of people like senator phil gramm following reagan's philosophy hadn't done away with regulation and oversight of america's big banks back in ninety nine and two thousand the financial scandals that have taken place over the last decade probably never would have happened. meanwhile as reagan was helping out corporate america he was waging an all out war on average working people in labor unions in the united states is a tax on organized labor in america and his attacks on the national labor relations
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board drove down employee wages is all out assault on labor and stop staunch opposition against the minimum wage help contribute to three sources three decades it's a flat wages while c.e.o. and executive pay went through the roof to in one thousand nine hundred three and one nine hundred eighty eight reagan's policies led to ten million americans losing their jobs through an epidemic of plant closings and layoffs under reagan the number of families living below the poverty line exploded by a third and these same families were then hit by reagan's cuts to social welfare programs like medicaid and food stamps and since reagan took office sure of total before tax income flowing to the top one percent as doubled. the destruction of our economy since reagan took office is largely thanks to his failed theory of trickle down economics one that's been debunked over and over and over again and since
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reagan was so obsessed with this notion he didn't do anything to reduce the levels of poverty or the growing income gap in america. but a strong economy and government oversight of corporate america aren't the only things america has lost since reagan stepped foot inside the white house america has lost perhaps most importantly our trust in government and we continue to struggle to get it back. after all the reagan administration was one of the most corrupt in american history it included by one estimate thirty one reagan era convictions including fourteen convictions in the iran contra affair sixteen in the department of housing and urban development scandal david simon and stanley i write in a lead deviance one hundred thirty eight a point appointees of the reagan administration by the resigned under an ethical cloud or were indicted criminally reagan's government isn't the solution it's the problem entre which is essentially saying america is bad continues to cause record
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levels of distrust and dislike among americans in our government. as a result civic participation has collapsed and americans are skeptical of best about participating in public service. meanwhile how can we trust a government that through thousands of citizens hundreds of thousands of citizens onto the streets in the early one nine hundred eighty s. in an attempt to cut costs the reagan administration directed the social security administration to pare the s.s.i. and s.s.d. i rules for social security administrators responded by conjuring up definitions of mental illness that were different from those used in the past and from those used by mental health professionals in the united states and in one thousand nine hundred one the omnibus budget reconciliation act repealed the provisions of the national mental health systems act cut federal mental health funding and substance abuse funded by twenty five percent and converted them to block grants headed out
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to the states with few strings attached and fewer dollars therefore going to the states as a result states had to cut a number of mental health programs since they couldn't afford them and thousands of mentally ill americans were forced onto the streets causing the homeless population in america to its low make no mistake about it from devastating the economy to gutting social welfare programs to helping to send thousands of americans onto the streets the america the reagan revolution was a complete disaster for this nation no matter what conservatives will try to tell you it's time to move away from the days of the reagan revolution once and for all those days represent a giant failure and some of the darkest hours in this nation's history and that's the way it is tonight thursday june twenty seventh two thousand and thirteen and don't forget democracy begins with you it's about a spectator sport get out there occupy separate your.
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lead. player. that was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears
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of the war and it great things other that had to be either read or get a quart a wall around our lives there's a story made sort of movies playing out in real life. stories of. the world. to sleep.
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coming up on r t new developments in the n.s.a. surveillance scandal along with phone met a data government agencies also tracked e-mail metal data on american citizens for over a decade or more in a moment stuck in limbo n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden is still grounded in a moscow airport and american politicians are putting pressure on any country that might offer him asylum an update from moscow coming up. president obama starts his africa trip in the nation of senegal but he might not have star status that he once claimed to have their critics are questioning america's interest in the region more on this story later in tonight's show.


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