tv [untitled] June 27, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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the. if they. want to do about it and there's a league or edward snowden and the countries that seem to help them out it's a headline grabbing challenge for the obama administration my guess that they are a great advance us drone representative jerry connelly of virginia and former r. and c. chairman michael steele it's all ahead on politics with larry king. i . i we welcome our growth of ancestor and host of barks news are they rated on the record with bret of ancestry and we're talking politics historically many presidents have ever rocky second term home is obama doing well so far pretty rocky he's got these got benghazi questions still not can he has an answer the questions
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and he certainly seems like he has the answers so that's number one he got the i.r.s. mess well i don't think he was in the midst of it i think he was ordering the that it be the tea party groups and conservative to speak target but it is his job as head of the government should be doing something at least working on that we have got to get scandals that are sort of you know you've got this n.s.a. problem so that you know he's got problems plus the money was his plus. the public likes him yes i think that that's that's his plus but i think you know this this expensive trip to africa i think is is not going to help him because sixty two hundred million dollars for what a century is a vacation and maybe some business out but this trip to africa sixty eight sixty one hundred million dollars at the cost i want my presence be protected don't get me wrong i want a full protection but you have that and yet the if you walk around the white house you see students looking in on the gates into the white house grounds who can't take a tour of the white house but they're peeking at the white house that costs profoundly
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less that's not going to you know how it doesn't like that kind of stuff we're using gallup polls those emergence confidence in congress has been a. all time low i thought i said all the time yet we keep reelecting our congressman they always like your old car so explain that you like your own congressman the i kill you i like my but i like yours so we have no faith in congress but we keep bringing them back yet the recent n.b.c. wall street journal poll seventy fifty five percent of americans say the i.r.s. scandal makes them doubt the overall honesty and integrity of the white house fox news poll shows only forty eight percent of america thinks obama is honest what's going on. he had come out and spoken to the american people you know come on tell us explain these things and i always explain our as well not as happened and we're cincinnati right but he but the thing is is that he you know he went off to speak to the german people last week in germany and he wants to talk to them but he needs to communicate the american way but i don't have the answers for you but at least you show us that you know that you're talking to us you know that you have
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relations do more press conferences you know relate to us we usually people have disagreements because they don't the chance to talk to each other communicate if he's off talking to others and i'm not saying that that's an unimportance trip but so are so the american people on these issues explain them answer questions how to explain it since no one would say he is not a good communicator. i i actually would say if he's not talking is not a good way to torture go do something right he. whatever and i'm not saying is good communicators i think he i think is a brilliant orator i think a speech beautifully like that i think is you know you see it's very inspiring his speeches but in terms of actual communication telling us you know what's going on and why i know i think and i think the reason is not that he can't do it but that he doesn't have similar press conferences you know talk to us more talk to the white house press crew press corps more seems obvious yes it does. what it is boggling putting. immigration it's the simplest solution
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i can dive a one page bill on the ground a wired up with here to seal the border to is issue green car gray you take green cards to the other eleven million given here because all the eleven million here they worry about being picked up in the middle of the night by ice and deported that's what they worry about their good neighbors the good citizens we like them there and. they're friends of ours are there but give them protection don't want to be citizens though because you can't reward them for for violating the law but if they want to become citizens have go back to their host country and go through the normal process of becoming a citizen and as for the people who overstay their visas every time we pick them up toss them to the group of a bill press. you know if we are it's going to be two thousand pages in comprehensible and another great reason for all of us to fight and argue and special interests to get everything they want and it's going to be another ugly situation this should be a simple solution fair. since i mean it and hand handling the problem it's got to
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be it could be one or two pages it doesn't have to be two thousand pages or twelve hundred one again a very there's been more agreement or won't i you know it is a diverge groupoid here but here's the example of how how the government complicates these you take the health care the first thing that. they called it a public option and you had people say oh you know what a public option if people with age seven sixty five say i don't want the government in mind turns out a lot of public option well ma'am what do you have for health insurance why if medicare well that is a public option but so no and so and so what they did right from the get go is they they stick in this new word public option and they scare everybody they just they go about doing everything so dumb way it should be simple and honest senator graham lindsey graham says the republican party needs to be pro-immigration prose or it's facing a demographic demographic death spiral true yeah that's a political reality so why do. the republicans keep living the tea party have their
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way on this only bets on immigration i think that the tea party gets demonized unfairly by the right and the left by both and i think if you look at them they're interested in economic sound economic decision as for immigration i suspect i don't know but they would like a simple thing a simple solution one that's fair and solves the problem they want the border sealed and they want to figure out what to do with the eleven million people here and in exchange for still in the borders you do the eleven million as i suggested give them a permit was there are a good team party who in the republican party is opposed to doing something about immigration it was the tea party you've got the low most i don't think they're opposed to doing to i think they're posed to the proposed solutions and any time i'm opposed to anything that's over a couple pages i'm suspicious when the government goes out of its way to build a bill that's this thick you know that this much someone's getting some deal and i don't think
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a lot of these problems that we have we have serious problems need to be in that i don't like this part because why are people get special deals because we have done k. street we have lots a lobbyist lots of special interest every congressman every senator has a special you know nobody's really truly into the look at sort of a global solution for our government or for our nation they will give us and the republicans are waging a war on. women and the justification for that sin the taliban so it's like i say like you know i got you know. i added what's the war on women what are we what are the what are they mean by the war on women or what do they build so very poorly the women did very poorly i think i was in the right to go to war i don't really know my status and it was a very effective political. decision by the democrats to say that whether they wanted to accuse the republicans is very fair but if you're talking to me it's a you know. and i'm willing to look at whether there's a war on women but you also stands that i have seen what the taliban does as a real war weren't there are a lot of inequities here for women in this country
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a lot is a good a lot better a lot of inequities for a lot of people and but war women seem cycle a little bit loaded to me. going through some of the seats in congress i think that's going to keep increasing hopefully i see more women do that and i see a woman in the white house too that's coming don't you think i hope so but you think gay marriage i think that it's you know it's a nother good social issue to divide the country for looking for a fight and i have an opinion that i think i think people ought to be able to you know look here's the problem the government has been in marriage the you know the government marriage if they had simply stayed in civil unions and let the government the government give some heterosexual. religion should be in marriage i mean i you know that's that's the hope is that there are really good solutions there are really good solutions here so that we don't have to fight but we don't look for solutions we look for reasons to fight and that's the problem is that to
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do it over the border you know you think. well i don't think they have one daughter i can think of who is the head of the republican party. i think jeb bush is a walk through the rooms. to get the nomination yes but i think there are a lot of dark horses out there you know i have my eye and a couple dark horses and i've said for the very maybe i'm wrong but i think the governess governor susana martinez could be a surprise in the public eye she's she's been on the r g a for a long time she's a governor of a state with a democratic legislature and she's managed to you know and the state has done you know better under her she's hispanic she was a democrat national public and so if you look at resumes she's an interesting candidate whether she can move that i don't know if you larry runs or any one challenger in the democrats you think i think that people like governor martin o'malley would to to get it was well you know you position yourself for v.p. you know you run against someone to position yourself or vice president point well
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taken thank you darling thank you. my do you did great in washington is an incredible city each week on politics you know i want to show you a part of washington most people don't see this week's inside washington look is my personal favorite places to go up to. our first stop is here in all of virginia this famous he would boil the pics this side of the battle of the wood jima when we were raise that famous flag and those four soldiers all of whom would lead a tour of the united states raising money for the war up there is the prospect got to live in that building when i was sitting. there for days. hour at one of the most famous corners in washington wonder of wisconsin and in historic georgetown georgetown university is two blocks down president john kennedy live reeboks up the road is the famous shopping going to a lot of restaurants
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a lot of bars and on hollow we you can move on the street see all the young. in washington dressed in the weirdest costumes congregating here. are now at the historic vietnam memorial and the brilliance is that all the names of those who died are on this wall and when you walk by you see yourself in the wall as if to say were we to blame you can read anything you want into this i always read it as kind of a blend many people read it as kind of a tribute and i have a special memory of this because when they broke ground for this they did a special on p.b.s. and i host of that special and i remember when they put the whole b.x. into the ground and shovels one of the ground to build a small moro i had no idea it would come out looking like this on the side of the
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road this is. a very heartfelt very warm very human very sad very important one of the vietnam memorial. so many palms in america i dine at the palm in l.a. the palms and the palm and natural fall in miami but this is off the palm in washington that already elite meet. the. announcement invite on the judgment might be made in the in a while married to a kid from brooklyn. and they have been changing thirty five years of the executive saying. how did this start pictures on the one in new york in new york last night eight newspapers in new york and it was very morning paper there can only mean freedom and all the contours are coming your photo candy maker pictures and every president's pictures on the right are worse still the up and pessimism is amazing i
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think forty years until my fortieth anniversary last month and then in my book i'm going to be nobody knows a travel guide. coming up next is democratic congressman gerry connolly on politicking don't go away. that was a new alert and a big scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears
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of joy and great things out there that had read in a court of law thrown online is the story made for that movie is playing out in real life. is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details it's text and misinformation and media hype will keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream state it's in your right.
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now joining us representative jerry connelly democrat of virginia serves on the house oversight and government reform committee great pleasure to welcome what do you make of this old thing. well you know it raises so many questions about. the keeping of secret security clearance is. who gets hard and how they get hired. you know you it's chaos if everybody decides that i don't like these particular national secrets and so i'm going to reveal all of this is to you. i know. it true i don't know that he is a villain he certainly broke the promises he made and the polls he took i think he sees himself as a crusader for justice and was. according to his own testimony are morally bothered by the scope of what was happening you think he's damaged national
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security i don't know the answer to that larry i think we need to know more before we can intelligently answer that question those who are on the intelligence committee have asserted that he has. and at the moment i'm going to have to sort of rely on their testimony i want to get some of it is your reaction to the president's decision to supply our own stew syrian opposition groups i have you know i also serve the house foreign affairs committee and i've been more on the president's side of this conflict and say john mccain's i frankly think john mccain and lindsey graham have been way too quick to call for the arming of the rebels who is it specifically we're going to arm. how do you separate the good guys from the not so good guys how do you know the weapons you are providing will not get into the hands of ji hottest elements who have a very different agenda about post assad syria than we do. i think that's
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a very difficult thing to sort out. and i think the president has been understandably and to get in to syria in the arming of insurgents without some real code to answers to those questions getting the public support we sending troops you know i think there is absolutely no appetite in this country for another on the ground military intervention you criticize the media for using the word scandal when talking about. or the i.r.s. targeting of the tea party what's your problem with the you don't like the word scandal what do you call it well i think that the media frankly has been all to come pliant and repeating. republican talking points on these matters benghazi i was in libya may before the big guys the tragedy the year it happened it's a very volatile situation it was a tragedy but larry you've been around long enough to remember many foreign policy tragedies and you know involving
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a bass's and embassies and military units in lebanon under ronald reagan the democrats didn't jump on that and call him a compromiser of u.s. interest and u.s. security it was a tragedy a national tragedy the bother all of us and this insistence that there's some kind of scandal behind the tragedy of benghazi that involved four dead americans including the ambassador to me is reckless and frankly un-american it really breaks with longstanding tradition of you know coming together in the event of that kind of thing so your fellow democrats in congress when i say has overreached and is probably should agree i do he has come to a conclusion and now is seeking facts to shore up that conclusion he has cherry picked testimony he has he has released things prematurely to the press out of context and then has objected when the ranking member of the committee decided to.
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release the entire transcript so that everybody including the larry king of the world can sing the entire context of the transcript and i think you know darrell issa has has spent two and a half years trying to do in this president he hasn't got a single thing to show for it and as a matter of fact quite the opposite has overreach is such that he's actually called into question his own credibility rather than that of the presence of this administration let's examine the immigration bill passes the senate passed the house well i don't want to be a pessimist but the dynamics of the two bodies are so different. this is where redistricting and safe districts and the role of the tea party really are going to make a difference in the house in a way they don't quite work in the senate the senate you're going to run statewide and you've got to worry about that whole you know set of voters an interest at a statewide level in perspective when you come from a safe district that's been carved out for you it's seventy percent seventy five
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percent you know of a certain persuasion you don't need to worry about another point of view you do need to worry about going astray such that you're going to attract a primary challenge in your next primary and that is a palpable fear on the republican side of the especially in the house of representatives that dominates everything and i believe that when the right wing. think tanks and the p.r. machinery get cranked up they are going to come out against immigration reform in a big way and it will have a real serious impact on the republicans of the house of mystery. here's my hope my hope is that boehner speaker boehner will recant and will throw aside the hastert rule and allow before house to work its will if you do that we can pass immigration reform thanks to my great pleasure larry thank you i love where you live thank you northern virginia nothing like it we will. michael steele former general public
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anational committee of polling or analyst for m.s.n. b.c. and a partner with lanny davis in the purple nation which is what. political consulting and messaging for crisis management we try to help people get out of the mess they find themselves in atlanta and i know a little bit of i'll get the numbers that it probably was are democrats bonding together how's your volume initiation handling this thing i think you know they're kind of hand off a little bit which is interesting they haven't really defined the conversation here in the u.s. the way i think they should if he's done it abroad or them as we saw last week but i think really kind of looking america in the in sort of explaining not just the history of this yes is easy to go back as it were at the start of the bush administration but talk about what it means in the context of what is it ministration has been doing particular in the area of national security interest where you talk about the drone program get more on all these other things can texturally how does this fit in and the relevance of it you have also the
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complication of the a.p. story the i.r.s. story in terms of the government intrusion and extra curricular activities as a moderate republican which i think the term you. actually i'm a conservative but i they say things that are when people get that impression that you know moderate. how you. look at how obama's ratings are gone and how he's handling these well you know for for all of the the energy that was put into getting him elected in two thousand and eight and it was phenomenal political structure and organization there the governing piece the poll the politics of governing they have been woefully i think someone inept i mean putting the president in very very difficult positions not understanding the dynamic to be in the white house and in the hill whether you're talking on budget or cap and trade or other issues certainly now we're looking at benghazi and things like that that are have scandal inferences attached to. them the inability to to really manage
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that and the message that to me has been politically astounding for this administration republicans ready to take advantage of while republicans will try to take advantage of it but the problem with republicans is they very often overplay their hand you know they they think the joker they've got is an ace and so they've got to get a look at the facts on the ground as people perceive them and recognize how to begin a new narrative how to turn the argument in the direction that they like to so in this again another vacuum as we are going into the summer months the economy seems to be strong for some not all jobs are you know one hundred seventy thousand one month eighty thousand the next month this is in equity or imbalance in opportunity is something i think the party should speak to and spend less time with the saber rattling on on other issues going to an immigration bill well you know i i was i
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was very strongly in favor and thought that the idea of having an immigration bill was something that a lot of republicans wanted to have happen before the end of the summer. more skeptical that it will happen now simply because of where we see things forming and how they're forming in the house i think they're going to come out of the senate with a fairly strong vote doesn't a party need it they absolutely need it and i think at the end of the day they will get it the question is whether or not certain house members will will you know stand there in the well in squeamish out about what it should be and then let the bill go through even if they don't get one hundred percent of everything that they want look at the end of the bill is going to have border security and it is absolutely going to have that because i think that's something that both democrats and republicans know the american people want to place we don't want to repeat of the one nine hundred eighty six bill. i think all the other pieces pat the citizen ship work visas and things like that are not problem as problematic as some folks would think they are or would like them to be and can be easily negotiated it is
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that one quick capstone of border security i think that's going to be there and once that's in place i don't see the i don't see the harm couple of things what do you make of this turn to a favorable rating for president bush well you know i think that is something that makes sense i think with with distance in time comes the ability to look back and see what the president was about and what he tried to do and there is a level of appreciation of for that i think a lot of it's out of respect for the president's respecting obama and not getting in his face on some of these big issues and so i think there's a little bit of i wouldn't say love but a little like coming back into play for him and i think that that's fine i mean the president president bush was a phenomenal president in that i have been told in this administration particularly look at what he did on the african continent. aids an economic development i mean he were recognized at the cut there was more than just aids that there was there
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was this economic engine here that the united states could could develop a relationship with american businesses with african businesses could do some good things and i think those dollars have got a long way to the launching the interest that china and france and india and other countries have now in africa going to run for governor we're taking a long hard look at it is a me one time or again i know it's going to run well no it necessarily it's obviously family considerations but it's also mellons a very tough state for republicans it's a very democratic state so you want to look at where the voters are look the voters didn't blink an eye when this administration ministration raise taxes and fees over the last eight years so when they got a chance to say no we don't want any more of that they kept the same at minister. ration of play so the question going forward is you know are they ready for something different are they ready to look at real economic development if they are ok already an outstanding candidate i appreciate if you're in trouble the purple
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nation. that's all for this week's politicking thank you for joining me and thanks to all my guests credible and so congressman gerry tonally and michael steele what do you think about edward snowden the hero or traitor so i'm a downer sation on my facebook page we've made kings things using the hash tag politic to see you next time. could you take free. free. free. free. free. old free book video for your media project. dot com.
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good afternoon and welcome to prime interests and hereon boring broadcasting. live in washington d.c. and let's get to our prime headlines today. citi group is heading to iraq after ten years of war and one point seven trillion dollars spent by the u.s. the too big to fail bank is going to take advantage of an estimated one trillion dollars and infrastructure spending this will be the first adventure into a new country and its sixth year and according to a city executive a business in iraq will come from rebuilding roads telecommunication networks electricity and water infrastructure but violence continues to escalate over one thousand civilians and security forces killed last month alone in.
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