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tv   Headline News  RT  June 28, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden remains hidden in the moscow airport because the cross for asylum in ecuador is still up in the air while relations between the u.s. and ecuador appear to be souring more on that story just ahead. it's now the twelve in the bradley manning trial still facing prosecution under the espionage act bradley manning speight remains unclear he is at fort meade for another day of testimony details just ahead. be careful where you charge her if you're going to do the perp walk in the u.s. there's been several activist arrested for chalking on sidewalks to express their concerns look at that issue later in the show.
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it's friday june twenty eighth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm margaret how well you're watching our t.v. we begin the show with the latest update on the ad word snowden the man who leaked confidential national security agency documents to media outlets he is at this moment still holed up in the transit area of the moscow airport meanwhile edward snowden's father speaking out saying he believes his son will be willing to return the unit to the united states if certain conditions are met in an interview with n.b.c. loney snowden said that he had not spoken to his son since april however artie's lucy kavanagh is in moscow and brings us the latest. above edward snowden continues for yet another day of course he still presumed to be somewhere in the transit zone of the sheremetyevo airport behind me although he hasn't physically been seen since his arrival as far as we know mr snowden has been accompanied by a woman named sarah harrison she's a wiki leaks researcher now the two had flown to moscow on sunday they were
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supposed to fly to have van the following day but never ended up boarding that flight now edward snowden is facing several problems as a result at the moment number one his american passport has been result revoked so he can't technically buy a ticket to go anywhere that also means he can't get a russian visa to get out of the airport transit zone now could get perhaps special papers from ecuador that would allow him to theoretically travel but no indication at this point that this is something that will actually happen on top of all this while ecuador has seemed generally supportive of mr snowden's actions officials aren't exactly bending over backwards as of yet to protect him a spokesman for the government have said that snowden would physically have to apply for asylum on ecuadorian soil which could include an embassy or the country of course at this point since he can't get out of the airport there's simply no way for him to do that but it should also be noted however that ecuador has also ramped up its defiance over the united states by canceling preemptively a special trade deal with the u.s. to thwart what it called blackmail by the united states of the country in another
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cheeky move they also offered a twenty three million dollar grant to the u.s. supposedly for human rights training and was in response to criticism over its own record now the so-called transit zone where snowden is free to roam is between the airport terminal gates and passport control and i was actually there just yesterday having returned from a trip abroad and this is basically not the kind of place that you really want to spend that much time and time in there's a t.g.i. friday's restaurant several coffee chains including one where a cappuccino will cost you a grand total of twelve dollars there's also a small hotel where you can book a tiny little room which basically comes with a bathroom and a night stand it's been thoughts the. that snowden perhaps might be in that room but officials haven't confirmed that we have to keep in mind that there's a number of porters who are also staying there in hopes of catching sight of edwards and they have not been able to do that for days so really a lot of mystery about where he is in the meanwhile we did hear from snowden's father he gave a t.v. news interview even though he hasn't spoken to a son since april he said that snowden he's confident at least that snowden could
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return if certain conditions are met that would include knox detaining snowden before trial letting him choose the location of the trial and essentially not subjecting him from a gag order that would prevent him from making public remarks he also expressed concern that snowden may have been manipulated by others he named wiki leaks as one example he criticized also the group for essentially saying their focus isn't really on the u.s. constitution but on releasing quote as much information as possible so at this point it looks like it's just a father who wants his son back the hunt for edward snowden continues. it was artie's lucy cavanagh in moscow. how many people have been viewing the stories coming out of the guardian newspaper regarding the n.s.a. surveillance scandal there's one group who can't even look at the leaked documents u.s. army admitted on thursday if there is an army wide bloc in the guardian news website r t s political commentator sam sacks has that story and there is nothing that
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struck us because there is nothing on this story if you wish. big tanks big missiles big guns the u.s. army is strong the strongest in the world when it comes to firepower but today the u.s. army strength is questioned after news that it's censoring internet content from its soldiers and we're not talking censorship of pornography or extremist websites which would still be pretty troubling but we're talking censorship a very important news stories stories that the rest of us who have access to a free and open internet can view anytime we want we're talking a full army wide blackout of the guardian's reporting on edward snowden's n.s.a. leaks yes while the rest of america has been able to view the multiple classified documents released on the guardian news's web site from secret pfizer court orders to power point slides depicting mass domestic data collection to even internal
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n.s.a. regulations governing snooping our soldiers and bases across the world cannot access this information and a letter to the monterey herald a spokesman for net com which is an agency within the army cyber command confirmed that quote yes the army is filtering some access to press coverage and online content about the n.s.a. leaks the department of defense routinely takes preventative network hygiene measures to mitigate an authorized disclosures of classified information on to d.o.d. unclassified networks. by network hygene the army means restricting access to any classified documents that may be found on the internet and that haven't been properly disclosed by the appropriate officials so that basically means all the articles based on snowden's leaks that have appeared on the guardian after all imagine the chaos if our army strong soldiers actually start reading about edward snowden or reading about the n.s.a.
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maybe they'll get some ideas maybe they'll turn into little whistleblowers themselves scary stuff i know if you think it's odd that the fighting force that's out there defending our american ideals is also engaging in very un-american rampant censorship well you're not the only one as the netcom spokesman said in the letter quote the d.o.d. is also not going to block websites from the american public in general and to do so would violate our highest held principle of upholding and defending the constitution and respecting civil liberties and privacy. well that's a relief but really the u.s. army won't have to worry too much longer about what sort of stuff its soldiers are reading on the internet after all drones are becoming the preferred weapon of choice and as we all know drones are not serious they do not read and they do not think for themselves and isn't that exactly what we want defending our freedom in
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washington same sex. now for another instance of the army cracking down on the release of confidential documents the very latest in the trial of private first class bradley manning manning at the end of the fourth week of trial fans accused of violating the espionage act as well as giving aid and comfort to the enemy among other charges here you can see exclusive footage obtained by our t.v. of manning leaving the courtroom for after a day of court spinning allegedly leads hundreds of thousands of classified government cables to wiki leaks or to lose wall has been covering the trial from fort meade and brings us the latest. wrapping up the fourth week of bradley manning's trial we have heard some of the most compelling testimony we have heard yet throughout the month that this trial has been going on today colonel david miller took to the stand he was the commander of manning's unit in iraq and he spoke about the impact he believes these leaks had on the brigade and the
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prosecution asked what was his reaction when he found out that about these leaks and he said quote i was done the last thing i anticipated was an internal security breach from one of our own the prosecution went on to ask ask him about them or rather how these leaks impacted the morale among the troops on the ground there in iraq and he said quote my read of my staff a funeral like atmosphere fell over the crowd went on to describe the anger and frustration among soldiers there. and the brigade want to talk about what this brigade was tasked with doing they were trapped tasked with this transition this drawdown of troops in iraq and the transfer of responsibility to iraqi security forces the colonel said that the transition was going smoothly until this the scandal he says just came out of the blue and he spoke about what he believed manning's leaks did to the trust among soldiers they said trust is the foundation of what we do he said quote i got you you got me that's how we roll he says is
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that's how he described. this cultural culture of trust among soldiers and then he said the whole thing started to on the rabble now this is the prosecution's witness what they're trying to do is prove the fallout of these and anything and what effect they really had what effect they had on the morale and trust of troops there as we know manning admitted to leaking these documents but the question now is how damaging they really were. so gal very compelling testimony animated lively testimony a little bit different from some of the testimony we hear in this trial a lot of a very technical sometimes dry and glance of today he really colonel miller really brought some character during his testimony also notable today the judge admitted as evidence to tweets believed to be sound from the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks the first tweets requesting military addresses the second tweet saying they
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have this video of that airstrike in afghanistan there's been a lot of time spent throughout this trial debating on whether or not these tweets can be authenticated and today the judge ruled that they can be admitted as evidence. it's a board to know that this evidence is circumstantial evidence to show that wiki leaks was out there out there trying to get ahold of this information and this all relates back to that the most serious charge alleged by the prosecution this charge of aiding the enemy trying to show the prosecution trying to prove that bradley manning and julian assange and were working together and getting this classified information onto the internet important to note also as the defense points out that there is no proof that bradley manning actually saw these tweets here in fort meade maryland little arties it turns out that even u.s. generals can face investigations over leaking classified information the former second highest military official in the u.s.
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general james cartwright resigned in two thousand and eleven after the vice chairman of the joint chiefs of. staff will now he's at the center of an investigation over his alleged leaking of information about a u.s. and israeli led cyber attack on an iranian nuclear facility the virus's hold stocks and it's temporarily disable a fifth of iranian stener fuchsias they were used for ritual radio back in june of two thousand and twelve the new york times wrote about stuxnet in an article in president obama's acceleration of cyber attacks that article included detailed information for meetings in the white house situation room will and b.b.c. news were killed last night that general cartwright is being targeted by the justice department probe into the release of classified information about stocks and the highest level government official he's being accused of leaking information to the press well to discuss these developments i was joined earlier by michael cohen president of the national whistleblower center i started off by asking him
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what we know of general cartwright as a whistleblower. no there's no way of determining that right now what we have is a leak investigation in fact what you have is a leak of a leak investigation where the justice department is saying that they're investigating general cartwright which you find a little i find little disturbing because all the sudden with the snowden investigation going on it gives cover that the administration goes after high and low level people at the same time but this is a very different situation it's very different than mr snowden to say that general cartwright is a whistleblower. there's no indication of that at this point you do have an individual who had access to information sharing it with the news media maybe it was authorized maybe it wasn't authorized to be shared what to authorize and not annoying from the administration potentially i mean so at some point. the facts
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have to come out and what you the problem is where's the investigation of the leak from the justice department are you saying that they're investigating the the general ok well would cartwright be the highest level ok if we can call him a whistleblower at this point what he'd be the highest level that the obama administration has had gone after today i would think so ok ok so general courageous thing investigated yet has to he's not been charged with anything yet what with the charges the like that he would face if they find anything well the same thing that you see with mr snowden i think another issue that you have to look at when the obama administration first came in into office there were a lot of potential investigations that were ready to go forward dealing with the iraq war vice president cheney and others were associated with leaking potentially false information to the news media to justify the war so the first thing president obama did one of the first things he did in office was say let's with that all
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under the rug. let's start off with the with the new clean slate well that's very interesting when it's a prior administration asleep you know that was done for political reasons so the question is is the real problem you have is these investigations can become very political and just announce the timing of the announcement when they're going after general cartwright is maybe a political move on the administration's part to give cover to the snowden investigation it's too complex and too difficult to cut into soundbites and say this is why this is happening this is why this isn't happening you have to have a level playing field and you have to have an opportunity with whistleblowers in federal government and around the world to have a place to go where they can safely provide information one thing that's important is the news media can be a very importing vetting outfit when this information comes to light the new york times they just don't release it wholesale they call the administration up will
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this compromise any ongoing programs will people's lives be put in jeopardy they don't report this information unless they know that the some assurances of what's going on and in fact. the ministration would typically also have the opportunity to go into court to stop it if they had a legitimate right reason to try to stop the publication so in this case you also have this other issue of pre pub clearance high level officials in the government who have access to this material can go and get pre-publication clearance which means the government looks at it i you can publish these you can't publish that's why general cartwright would have done it in this case i don't know. that was michael cohn president of the national whistleblower center. a member coloring on the sidewalk as a child an american favorite pastime could land you in jail the color in front of a bank or politicians house san diego activist jeff olson age forty is facing up to
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thirteen years in jail and thirteen thousand dollars in fines for scribbling anti big bang chalk messages in front of three san diego san diego bank of america branches where he isn't the only activist arrested for writing in chalk on the sidewalk just yesterday harrisburg pennsylvania man was arrested for chalking the words corbett has health care we should too on the sidewalk in front of pennsylvania governor tom corbett mention the kicker his charge was an action that served no legitimate purpose for how many of us have violated that law today around the country other cities have seen a crackdown on chalker us from austin texas to minneapolis minnesota to discuss this with me with me i was twenty earlier by artist alex shaffer from the l.a. studio i first asked him if chalking is a free exercise speech sure if it's vandalism. it is not vandalism this this olson case i think is i think it's good in that it's going to get people upset
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again. and if you're following the if you're following the trial there's just unprecedented moves by the judge gag order and the lawyer can't bring up free speech during the trial i mean this is ridiculous well alex even if it does amount to vandalism after thirteen years in jail for chalk on a sidewalk what are your thoughts on that. well i mean it just exemplifies this kind of two tiered justice system that we're living under you know if you're a if you're a big of a too big to fail bank you get one of these signed right here eric holder get you get out of jail free card but if you're just an average joe and you're pointing out the problem then you're going to get the book thrown at you and i think americans are finally realizing how insane this is and why i really like your product there that man i like my job there that is ok ok so i want to take you back to olson's
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case i understand that in a recent twist of events the judge in his case issued a gag order saying that he can't even talk about the legal proceedings against him and to the media it is ok if what he's saying that. again insane this this story. i've actually called and talked to the the city attorney or at least one of their in their office whoever answers the phone and i think that they did not realize the blowback that this was going to have. and how quickly it was going to get out there i feel sorry for jeff olson but i'm glad that in. the people that this issue is being discussed it's on reddit you know. well as i understand it san diego is not the only city issuing punishment for chalking out a street would you call these chalk related erast is there a trend happening. well i hope so i mean if you look at the timeline of protests
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and you know two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve is pretty good and it feels like we've kind of fallen asleep again at least it's dropped off the media's radar or maybe everyone's just too for scrambled with student loan payments and mortgage payments to actually be upset you know which is a good strategy but. i hope that that this will cause more i mean when i first did it year ago i just thought it was a perfect form of protest and jeff olson did exactly what i did and the city never pressed charges on me rightly so but i hope we see it more well if this trend of a rasper talking continues you know could we see a five year old neighbor girl being arrested for chalk on the sidewalk if this keeps up well again it points out the selective enforcement and the arbitrary nature of who's going to get arrested for chocking you know i just think they're going to have an impossible time trying to get a sympathetic jury to get
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a conviction on this i hope it just boomerangs in the city attorney's face i hope it boomerangs and bank of america's face and and just becomes a another p.r. nightmare for them. well move your money if you're not out of bank of america by now and you know it i don't know alex i really appreciate you weighing in we have to leave it there that with artist alex schaffer. thank you but the united states isn't else to its intentions to begin arming the syrian rebels but the question remains who are these rebels artie's honest brings us that story. of bloody conflict raging on for over two years violence to get the syrian president to step down versus more violence from a leader refusing to do so at least ninety thousand lives taken and counting from the get go washington supported the opposition the u.s.
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is making a terrible mistake in giving this undifferentiated very oversimplified black and white picture that the rebel opposition really good guys and assad is the bad guy it's a very very dangerous mistake. dangerous because the opposition is not even close to being a unified political force in reality made up of an array of groups you find fundamentalist groups factions of various sectarian armies many of them affiliated either with al-qaeda broadly or with the ideas the jihadi ideas that they espouse the free syrian army is a network of thousands of militias and maybe they they come up to about eighty thousand people what's scary is how many of these people want you know an extremist government and i think it's more you know it's at least half horrific videos such as this one have shown that in the uprising the enemy can not only be killed but
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eaten too. there's ten thousand fighters with the else or of al nusra front which is al qaeda in iraq reconstituted in syria they might as well call themselves you know al-qaeda in syria but you know they want to rebrand while the west and russia remain at odds on where u.s. support of the opposition could lead. washington has its mind set on providing vetted roots of rebels with small arms and ammunition they are deluding themselves they think that they can cherry pick which factions of the opposition to support they think that there's a quote clean free syrian army apparatus that somehow or other we can control the flow of weapons because we give them only to select people. which indicate that american politicians are kidding themselves if they think the arms flow can ever be managed by a line in the united states with forces that have been conspicuous terms of their
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own human rights abuses including the use of chemical weapons according to a u.n. investigator you asking for trouble and that's what we're going to get and this question of how to give arms to one group but keep them out of the hands of another can likely never be answered i don't know if i've even heard a clear and unambiguous answer. the obama administration or any foreign policy about where those weapons are going and how we can actually secure in the fact that they're going into the right hands but you know who are the right hand russia which has been sending arms to the assad government under a contract that began before the violence says that the united states arming the diversified opposition would kill not only more people but any hope for a peace settlement potentially turning the syrian crisis into never ending chaos like of galveston i don't think americans ever have a clear understanding of corn policy there's a lot of catching up to do to even understand the social fabric that's in place and
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the political. the political history out what has come to be in syria even if assad is pushed out after years of bloodshed there are no assurances that his departure will bring peace moreover the u.s. goes ahead with any shape or form of involvement in syria which the opposition will . embrace the tie could turn much quicker than american officials may desire loyalties are temporary and guns and weapons like diamonds are forever so today they may be your friend and tomorrow they're pointing to sting your at you a recent pew poll showing that as many as seventy percent of americans like you let's stay away from syria out of their mouths after a decade of warfare in the middle east some while some are free from foreign oil and the fire from the left and right it might be high time for the us to rethink its. weeks to citric and work see. what can be said that president
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obama seems quite natural of the spotlight and now it looks like he will recruit some serious star power to help relieve americans of any fears they may have over the affordable health care out the residence for harvest with more of. them like officials have pretty serious jobs particularly our president who was tasked with all timidly representing us in matters that deeply affect our everyday lives so when we see obama treating us as mine with math as to be manipulated we should question it which is why i am questioning why is obama now recruiting
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celebrities to sell us on buying into obamacare. trevor nielsen is a man who represents celebrities including eva longoria and john legend and he's confirmed he's in talks with the white house to science his clients to help advertise obamacare the white house is also one talk with the n.f.l. and the n.b.a. to help promote the new insurance option. apparently officials working to implement the health care program recognize that they need to create a buzz to draw people into the new health insurance exchanges. so get ready to be bombarded with ads starring people like oprah jay z. the omphale and le bron james telling you how all the cool evil i need to obamacare . the whole point of obama recruiting professional support and hollywood stars is to reach today's youth and to try to get them to sign up for coverage just like he
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used to them to get elected just like is why he used to be on say for her let's move platform he could choose to air a t.v. commercial where he looks into the camera and says look everyone should sign up for this new house care program it's going to cost you more probably but in the end our country will be better for it because all of our citizens will no longer have to worry about medical expenses. or he could heiress t.v. commercial where he explains how obamacare will not just be a giant profit machine for our crappy insurance companies instead he's going to air t.v. commercials where even longer oriya of desperate housewives dave is all made up and read the teleprompter is filled with obamacare propaganda while probably banking millions for it why because obama is the glamorous president he constantly use a celebrity's to push his legislative agenda onto the masses because he clearly
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thinks we're all a bunch of mindless idiots who do everything great entertainers. tell us to do this guy. the only thing more disgusting. probably right about a lot of american tonight talk about that by following me on twitter at the resident. does a for an l. for more in these stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america check out our website at r t dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter m underscore j underscore how will please don't forget tonight at nine pm for a larry king now a special guest joe manchin yellow one of the star faces and the hit h.b.o. series true blood for nell have a great night. wealthy
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british style. time to. go. around the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my extremes or the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our.


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