tv Prime Interest RT June 28, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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today i'm larry king now it's true blood star joe man getting hello what's in store for true blood this year i could tell you a little bit without getting fired ok and shedding his clothes in the head film magic mike is a bit like being a swimmer it's kind of cold you know outside of the pool and you're kind of maybe anxious but once you get into the water you you know what to do and what his job make of all the attention it gets for his looks you know my career started out and in classical theater but over the past four years if you knew nothing about me before that you'd think ok he says that naked guy running around in the woods it's all next on larry king now. welcome to larry king now our guest today is joe mann danell joe you know him for
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his role as the often untold well wolf al seed in the h.b.o. supernatural series true blood and as the often unclose stripper big dick richie in the hit film magic mike next joe is taking on the legendary role of stanley kowalski in a streetcar named desire for the ale repertory theater this fall on top of which he has a fitness book coming out of the end of the year title joe man yellows man get mellows evolution where were you when he won why you're so busy and when do i sleep i know it's just that you know when it rains it pours i guess is it a little contradictory to be stripped down on a true blood show and then do co all ski. i think stanley takes his shirt off in one point and he does in the place so yeah. i guess you know it's interesting that you know my career started out and in classical theater but over the past four years if you knew nothing about me. for that you'd think ok he's just that naked
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guy running around in the woods so it's funny to my to my former drama school teachers and my drama classmates that you know there's a school in the carnegie mellon school of drama because one hundred you come to true blood. it's a long crazy path. you know at the time i was i was you know making my living as a guest star and recurring actor on a bunch of you know random television shows this kind of this journeyman from project to project and you know i really thought that my career had plateaued and then it you know i was just going to make my career that way and that was going to yeah and i thought you know that's going to be ok and you know most of my career isn't set com up to that point and then along comes this role they needed this big wolf like you know you know kind of violent sort of dark guy who also was very sensitive and protective and romantic and you know i went in for the role and you know afterwards alan ball so they're just there wasn't anybody else you are that
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guy so it seems like that part kind of met me as much as i met you when fred won were you excited and to just think it would be a hit. i knew the show was a hit it was going into its third season at that point to joining it i was joining a hit and there were a lot of fans that you know the series is based on some novels this line of novels and the fans of those novels were creating blogs online where they were kind of fantasy casting the characters that hadn't shown up on the show yet that occurred in the books and there were fans of these books that started this blog saying that i should play this werewolf when he showed up and so i was brought to my attention and apparently it was brought to castings attention and that's how i got called in for the role was the casting. you know saw these blogs and called me and you think people now see you so much is this role that they don't look the issue is a good child and has the news to talk to a total
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a lot about this he said how can i be anything else but six foot five and look like this. no but i'm a serious actor. you know my job is to you know explore and inhabit different characters so if people only see me as this character i think i think i'm doing my job to an extent that there are a lot of my cast mates on the show you know to get effect of the parts of your career and i don't think so you know it's the overnight you know the ten year overnight success and i've been doing this this for about twenty years now and you know all of the roles that i played before true but i think about all of those you know i understand that on new schwarzenegger is running the forward to your book is you know we became good friends on this movie was shot last year my movie it's called sabotage comes out in january david a are great writer director and of watch last year he also wrote training day which is my favorite genre owner so this is his movie about the d.a. and their fight against mexican cartels in the drug war and great cast sam
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worthington terrence howard mirai you know livia williams harold perrineau max martini josh holloway great cast and i met arnold on that on that shoot and told him i was writing this fitness book and he offered to read the forward and he give you anything in stips sure. would you be willing to lose weight for a role like you imagine my costar matthew mcdonough he did. well i would lose weight i would and you know in the past for different stage roles i lost weight i i do know that every single actor that's ever lost lots of weight like that says that they've suffered permanent health issues between i was a drop a lot of it you really mess up your whole again no others didn't eroded share the boxes. there's a lot of nudity into blood right yes are you comfortable showing skin i am now was it hard at first. i think it's it's a bit like. it's a bit like being
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a swimmer but i think you know it's kind of cold. you know outside of the pool and you're kind of maybe anxious before you you know before a race let's say but once you get into the water you you know what to do i mean once they yell action boom you're in there you're you're being a werewolf you're not thinking about you not being self-conscious is the fan base illuminati i mean i'm in the best respect their little wild right i love our fan base and yes they are wild but i think that's what makes it so much fun and i think that's what's made the show so successful and so you know such a long running successes is there is such a wild fan base and i frown young and young and old i mean it's you know spans i know you know grandmothers that watch it with their their daughters or their daughters whatever their as we shoot it. pretty much one hundred percent in los angeles so there's only been i've been a crazy thing a fan is done if you all the time you know like like. you
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know there was a fan who approached me and said that she had heard that wolf wolf saliva when they lick each others wounds the wounds will heal quicker and then she looked me kind of this dead eyed stare and asked me to licker. and fearing the mike douglas disease if he had to decline. security escorted her away from me quicker than i could give my response to what's in store for true blood this year well might hear you tell us i could tell you a little bit without getting fired. my character has killed the master of the pack and now he has accepted the role of pack master of this pack of shreveport werewolves so you're going to watch my character have to alpha the rest of these dogs the multi-talented and very busy joe maddon going elo is our guest
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true blood premieres sunday june sixteenth at nine eastern on h.b.o. you get fired for spoiling you can get in trouble for spoiling yeah i you know i spent a lot of time with with live wolves preparing for my role and i went to a ranch where they took care of you know wolves that they use for the movies you were with the law i will now spend a lot of time with them and observe them and talk to the handlers and trainers and things and i had a picture taken of my friend took a picture of me with wealth and he posted it on his facebook page. within twenty minutes we got a call i got a call from h.b.o. on my cell phone my manager got a call this guy was contacted and to take the picture down because it was considered a set photo even though it wasn't on sat it was me up on this ranch with a wall on it is so bugged about that they don't want secrets getting out. so the guest is warned yes that's true blood change your life very much in what way. well there's there are
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a lot of directors and producers the only industry watchers true blood so you know there's a lot of fans out there you know i mean with direction producers and things that. that you know have either offered or wanted me for roles be familiar with the show i was yeah i watched the first two seasons never missed an episode now you will see or if they are in the book and you read the book i read the books because these fans were blogging online that there was a werewolf showing up so i wanted to become familiar with it in case i got called in for another hunching are hoping that they would call you for this hoping so when you went in it was not a surprise that you were doing this you were to do was really want to get on this definitely definitely i was i was definitely bugging my agents and my manager about getting that they warn you that the show would be led on customs did they know you knew that i knew that there was a shapeshifter on the first two seasons and of course season two there were a bunch of orgies there was this like magical creature that was forcing all of the townspeople to have these huge elaborate orgies so i had
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a pretty good idea that being the werewolf meant i'm going to have to get naked a measure of the future of the show you know. i definitely know what happens in the finale of season six but past that i'm not sure what happens next how do you how do you explain the success of the show. miss someone did knowing about it and watching as this is sounds weird it sounds weird would live wolves to train me and make it was so it would have but i think it there's a lot of metaphor to it. you know there's a lot of you know vampires represent you know oppressed people people without rights so i think there's a there's a social aspect to it but i think further than that i think if you go into you know the writings of joseph campbell and you know when you talk about mythology and you know these the greeks and romans had these very human gods that had sex with each other killed each other they had very you know negative human aspects and through through those human like gods and demi-gods it became easier for us to talk about
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the human experience and i think that that's why the show resonates so much as it allows us to kind of talk about who we really are in a deeper way than we can on a on another show do you think joe that all of this empire's all of his religion everything is just based on the fact that we die i think so yeah i think it's all trying to find a way to explain that and what is the purpose of our experience the show's creator alan ball if this season has been without him well you know brian buckner has taken over a show runner he was meant to take over the show in season two allen was only going to be around for one season and leave but the show was such a runaway hit and allen was having so much fun he stuck around so it's you know brian had to wait another five seasons that take over but you know i think for him it's been a long time coming so i think he's had a lot of a lot of ideas and you know excuse the pun but i think it's breed you know some fresh blood to the good line colleen harris who wrote the right to both of her me
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she's written the last one right you know number thirteen just so will not affect the series any well i think the show is so far different from the books now i think they both started out very similar but then around sees the end of season one season two they're sort of growing apart and i think by now the show is completely separate so. you know that there may be ideas that they give zorra zero notice it's on its own why do we have sex with vampires you think probably this the sexiness of it you know sexual yeah i think there's a special. aspect to it i think you know there have been essays written that. you know in times of recession these fantasy creatures become popular enjoyed character sexual. acts that are a yeah to really graphic sex scene last year on the show that my mother had to get up and walk out of the room on so definitely much as a terry not a lot of joe takes on the art of male stripping and what major role was joe considered for that's next stay with us.
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that was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little league. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news we need. alexander's family cry tears of your wife and your great things rather than your. brand organic or a wall around a line there's a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. is
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it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his diction misinformation and media hype to keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream headlines stating it's in your mind. but with joe maddon going l o o two blood his fitness book at the end of the year is titled joe man good knows evolution involves the change. yes you know it's all the workouts the got me physically prepared for true blood in magic mike and you
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know some of these other projects but it also goes back to you know i was a kid in high school that couldn't do one pull up couldn't do one dip so it's not even like i was in the middle i was dead last and it's kind of the motivational things and things i had to grow over and get over to get to your grow up i grew up in pittsburgh pennsylvania higher than pirates steelers stealing i mean it's penguins it's all about the steelers and we have a magic mike how did that come about for you magic mike was a surprising hit it was a surprising hit yeah. but it's steven soderbergh so i mean it's not that much of this male nudity yes but i think if you look at the time when it came out you know that was the same year that fifty shades of grey was really popular magic mike i think drafted off of the popularity of that book there was such a you know i think women's fantasies were very much in the news and there became this kind of conversation about you know male objectivity but in the sequel
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possible i think so yeah be in it we had so much so i had i had the time of my life on the movie i'd love to go back and work with all those guys like you like bolo people all those guys it channing and mcconaughey and you know matt bomer and i went to drama school and soderbergh was amazing so i love to go because he like soderbergh sort of are. very smart very funny very witty very quiet he says own camera man so the whole movies in his head and he doesn't have to translate that to anyone it's a trick of male scripting. what you learn. while male stripping is very different than female stripping you know men want to see women take their clothes off and that's it and women want a fantasy they want to know that you've said you've spent a lot of time on your routine that you've spent money on your costume that you've rehearsed this thing and then they want to go on this this ride with you know so i
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think you know the movie really was an exploration for me at least in theme about you know the differences between men and women and what they find out they so male stripper have to be well and. is that it helps. did you expect that hit to be the thing to be a hit it did a hundred and thirteen million dollar mistake. we thought we were making this little experimental indie and that's the way it read on the page so when warner brothers bought it and wanted to make it their fourth of july movie we all i mean it was wait all these people are going to see what we're doing here you know when we really thought it was just going to be this this little thing that flew under the radar and turned into this huge cultural phenomena there's only about the coming streetcars yale yale rep that area new haven and you have been you know going to go i think the show starts previewing late september and runs through october you still like theater better. there's nothing like it and it's tightrope walking without
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a net and as bitchiness is once the curtain open it ain't the director's art anymore that's true and you're doing you know this three hour play this epic through our play every night as opposed to you know three and a half pages of dialogue now what do you like about it's three hours and it's it's certainly not laughing it's certainly not it's certainly tension filled sure. you know it's every scene in that plays apic i think it's probably the most epic female role ever written i mean even when blanche is offstage she has the saying from the bath up and then as far as you know stanley go i just think those characters are so they're so true they're so real like you know those people were you affected by the way brando did it sure and i think is as a young actor he was one of those people that i you know i saw streetcar first lot probably saw the godfather first thing my father sat me down a fire sicilia and so he sat me down and said he said what i'm about the you let me
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sit in his chair which is a really big deal you know you can't sit in dad's chair you know we let me sit there and he had that this videotape he said are your society and this is your birthright and he put it in the godfather so i think that's how i was introduced to brando but then after that i saw streetcar and after saw streetcar i had to see everything the god so you know he was a big influence on me wanting to become an actor i wanted to do i want to do that i want to be that and so to get to play this role which is you know part of my favorite plays is you know is it a hard row. it's very language beautiful i'm it yeah it's it's it's challenging you know people always joke and say oh you know stella but i mean what's really behind that is. you know this man's gotten drunk and beating his pregnant wife and he has that has to be from your gut from the depths of your soul that as an apology to her i mean the hair on the audience's neck has to stand
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up when you do that and so to find that place to come from there's no way to to fake that so i think the play is very true very true to human emotion and i think that that's the challenge is is finding that place every night and blanche is certainly complicated very complicated we you up for superman. the director is a huge fan of true blood and i think when he was watching my you know one of my first few episodes on true blood he noticed me and this is even before he was signed on to to direct. and then you know one of the producers of superman is one of the owners co-owners of the pittsburgh steelers so i was on their radar they were making a suit for me to screen test and. stepped in and stopped it from happening because you know when you when you get when you sign a t.v. contract it's six years and you're signed and you belong to them for these dates and they were due the play which so it's in my off season so they they were willing
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to give me up for half a season to go shoot superman and come back with your family supporting the society and family say it's ok to be an actor my mother did my father want to be a college football player you want to go on and play sports high school football play football basketball volleyball and you know colleges were looking at me and it looked like that was a good way to go why didn't you. i was always an artistic kid growing up and i just knew that i had that thing in me and if i want to go play college sports and focused all my energy on that i think i would have left a huge side of my personality i developed when we announced that we were going to take you today we got females as king for your hand in marriage have you gotten this on and is it embarrass me react to it. not so i don't necessarily get marriage proposals i get proposals for other things but not necessarily marriage. i would have a girlfriend i have a girlfriend serious yeah serious. i mean not if you know at all french or another
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she react to well she was a fan of true blood when we met so you know i think she knew the deal she knew that we have some say twitter questions social media questions for you donna on twitter wants to know how many charlene harris books have you read and when you read the final one well. in preparation for my audition i read three four five in about half of six so you know once the show runs its course i will probably give it some time and then a few years later go back and start from the getting in the good books are there fun crystal d.l. us on twitter as what was your favorite true blood episode so far my favorite true blood episode so far was probably. she's. probably my first one i think it will always stand out in my mind because it was a bit like being sucked into the t.v.
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and being on my favorite show amanda hauser on twitter wants to know word on the street is that because true blood is going to be given the true death meaning it won't we're turn after this season i don't think that's true back to ny that rumor that is not true we're definitely set up for another season so mary ann on twitter wants to know will you be required to shave off your bit of cut you had to play stanley in streetcar sure known in the one nine hundred fifty s. had a beard and hair like mine that worked the job that stanley works so it will be coming off yes c.n. brewington on twitter what are your plans as far as acting goes after trueblood any upcoming roles we should know about after true blood will you know. that's only some action movies. about the sequel to the magic mike yap that if they get a script in a director share and then a definite want to do a plan broadway just to go limp on instagram wants to know where do you see is open ten years running my own studio oh really yeah i'm directing
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a documentary right now on course with the book and my brother and i started a production company has been you know working as a producer for the past eight years so we combine forces and we've got a few things going right now so developing projects for me in not for me it would get back to business where i do as much as i can you know a lot of the great down low you know great baseball stadium great the best to be the best and the best you know we showed a little thing we called if you only knew just quick question a person you'd like most like to meet the. person i'd most like to jim morrison. i interviewed him. he was the best loved and it was so my life ok i would have to say i never met a bit a little bit of mars die when he was what twenty seven seven i think is the magic number the first person you kissed yes and it was your name. kelly o'connor ellie o'connor it's word right pittsburgh out very very low ball practice one day
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a whole year i was so it's beginning at sixth grade. oh you're playing football pop warner yeah. if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be. and i clone myself so i could be in two places at once and get more sleep tell me something no one knows about you no one knows she's there little thing no one knows something nobody knows you know my eyes are so bad that laser surgery can't really cure them so i will either were glasses or contacts for the rest of my life would contact you know work on the chair or to my mother what is your prescription mine's over five hundred what is what's it's a minus eight plus as they went in and both us so if you had glasses they'd be horn room there but super thick each other like crazy crazy thing and the lasers didn't work they can't and i don't have enough microns to do the the the flap the flap the
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lens up and they just can't get the lasers in because my eyes are so oddly shaped person you most lives up to person and most look up to. because now that i am that i'm getting older i realize how much for spy and a whole a new homeowner i realize how. how difficult the probably was for my dad so i think i respect him more and more the older that i get i'm letting him you know the subtle statement i thought my father was so stupid and amazing on a couple years he got so smart thanks joe thank you letter thank you job and going oh great guy catch him sunday june sixteenth on the blood season premier nine eastern only on h.b.o. and be can find me on twitter at kings things see you next hour.
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download the official publication to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's if you're away from your television or it just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares an awful lot of my songs are
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you know what kind of my sound but i don't want to give us a defeat terrorism on the on the liberal and the chris jones can securely but it's . going to corporate you distract us from what you and i should care about because they're a profit driven industry that falls within facials to. garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break this but it's. more like. sleep.
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good afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm parian boring and washington d c here's the prime headlines that are out today. john coridon is being sued by the u.s. which will get to end in minutes but edward snowden can't pennies to languish in airport limbo as he attempts to seek asylum in ecuador and preparation for blowback by the u.s. the president a backward or preemptively we now see
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a trade package up for discussion in congress with his representatives saying it was a new entertainment a blackmail economic impacts could be surveyor i mean we have a backward or export market depends on the u.s. but the pact already facing up here at home battle for renewal according to usa today snowden is purported to be any moscow. airports after flying from hong kong on sunday no need to shrug this off as a one off whistle blower as they are we have an interview with the producer of the atlas shrugged movie john actually a lauro to share in just a bit. ok back to me a show of the european sovereign debt trade one john corazon detained at the brokerage firm m.f. global just under two years ago and the futures and history regulator the c.f. you see finally decided to bring charges civil though they may be but in a damning complaint filed and federal court.
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