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tv   Headline News  RT  June 30, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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it's. the week's top stories here on r t aquittal worst president says the fate of the whistleblower edward snowden rests with russia while america's pursuit of the former cia man test his diplomatic relations with all countries involved in his global movements. saddest snowden's latest revelations point to a massive u.s. snooping operation targeting european officials in brussels and washington and at the united nations in new york. and you're looking at live pictures now in egypt's president faces a tough challenge to his leadership was grounds determined to oust him flooding the streets of cairo on the first anniversary of his inauguration capitally deadly political riots once again these are live pictures from tahrir square.
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and the first part of a much anticipated addition to russia's navy set sail for france and a joint project expected to revitalize ties between the two nations and. this is r.t. coming to you live from the russian capital i'm marina josh and welcome to the program. now the president of ecuador says it's now up to russia to decide were edward snowden ands up stressing that the south american nation is unable to process the whistleblower's request for political asylum unless it can reach ecuadorian soil the man behind one of the biggest intelligence leaks in history is believed to remain stuck in the transit area of a moscow airport artie's medina carcinoma has the details aqua door and president
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that a fire in an interview to the media said that the final destination off mr snowden now lies in the hands of russia ascii is still in the transit zone at the shaman to the international airport base here in moscow now this announcement comes in the wake of for recent telephone conversation between the aqua door and president but if a got out and u.s. vice president joe biden where app would work was asked to reject snowden's asylum application now ecuadorian president said that they would listen to the u.s. authorities but still the final decision rests with the aqua door the travel document issued for him mr snowden is now invalid and moreover the diplomat that issued the travel document adds the ecuadorian embassy in london worked closely with that weeki leaks juliana songe now ecuador and president on friday got an asset that it was julian asuncion first recommended mr snowden to seek the asylum
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in output door so it really seems like a quid door is now trying to distance itself away from the situation and certainly makes things look quite controversial now when it comes to russia russian president vladimir putin sad that mr snowden is a free man and that he hasn't crossed the russian border and that he is still in a transit zone at the airport and that the u.s. government has revoked his passport that's why he is now on the table to get a russian visa and. leave the airport but still the u.s. a story to have asked russia to actually dice mr snowden but there is no absolute dition treaty between the two countries now many russian human rights activist and now stepping up in support of adverse no wooden and urging not to actually dice of the form or anise a contract or meanwhile the hide of state duma foreign affairs committee aleksey push both wrote to his twitter that to the x.
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tradition of political refugee is morally unacceptable now as the story develops of the human as well in president nicolas maduro will arrive in moscow on monday and venezuela is considered as a nother possible asylum just a nation for mr snowden so you really sense that there might be a new twist in the story. artist yvonne would say reports on the whistleblowers complicated movements and the diplomatic route that has triggered. bunnings and snowden i'm twenty nine years old as soon as edward snowden revealed himself as the with a woman he set off a catch me if you can hunt by the u.s. government want to get him caught and away is he now guessing game for the media after a tip off that snowden was on board a flight from hong kong to moscow the media started speculating as to his next move edward snowden slew from hong kong to moscow say that he will be able to have on
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a flight. the situation descended into a fall when a crowd of journalists boarded the flight from moscow to have bene only to find that the whistle blower was not on board a presumed to be stuck in an airport transit say so we took off without it so we committed to a twelve hour plus flight that was essentially a waste of time the global public city has turned one of america's always wanted men into heroes responding to others i think is a traitor i think he has. committed crimes in fact by. agreements given the position he had several countries have been tangled up in this case so with the veiled threats from washington and bag and forth rhetoric we've registered our strong jepson objections to the authorities in hong kong as well as to the chinese government through diplomatic channels and we know that such behavior is death detrimental to us hong kong and us china bilateral relations. as
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for the possibility of extradition we do not have any such treaty signed with the united states but what could be a potential asylum destination because snowden things have moved beyond india rhetoric countries move to scrap a trade agreement with the us but risking economic losses for standing its ground in the face of america's pressure added his government is also said to be divided the safe passage document dated twenty second of june obtained by weekly leaks was snowden from the ecuadorian embassy in london was not authorized meanwhile the. the mystery continues as to snowden is the next move he's now waiting at present korea to make a decision on the asylum application without a pressure from the u.s. are asking him not to granted the dorrian president also said that the media attention surrounding snowden has actually diverted from the real story that of the n.s.a. surveillance documents but by snowden's own admission this was never going to be
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a story with a fairytale ending you can't come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be completely free from risk to bungle day r.t. moscow. and human rights activist peter tatchell says america is showing deep apocryphally in its hounding of snowden this is spying by a rogue state i mean if it was edward snowden had been an iranian whistleblower who exposed global snooping by the terran regime i think he would have been hailed by the united states as a horowitz whistleblower he would have been lauded and pray i think the united states has incredible double standards it is pursuing a man who is motivated by hatred of his country not by any financial gain he's not out to aid any enemy country he is motivated by idealism and
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a belief in the human right that we all have a right to privacy and our snowden's latest revelations about u.s. surveillance point to a far reaching spying operation targeting the european union with institutions bog and computer networks hacked the story broken by the news magazine der spiegel is based on a classified n.s.a. document from two thousand and ten e.u. officials have demanded an explanation from washington artist peter all over has the details. what's the the the documents the spiegel says that they received through edward snowden we're able to see part of says is that the national security agency were well spying on the e.u. just about everywhere they could that they were targeting phones they were hacking their computer networks at the un in washington d.c. also that they were booking premises in brussels and carrying out the same type of . phone tapping and computer hacking there as well germany came out as one of the
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countries that was most on as part of this prism operation by the n.s.a. one interesting part of this article says that you were a target a definite target for this type of surveillance and also says that five years ago the e.u. itself had looked into phone calls that had been made to them had traced phone calls apparently back to a n.s.a. office that was based inside the nato compound in brussels so they certainly had suspected that they were under surveillance but it's a very different thing suspecting that somebody is watching you to then finding out through these type of leaked documents that they certainly were watching you and just how closely they were watching you indeed the revenues former japanese speaker of the belgian parliament explains why he thinks the united states chose the e.u. its close ally as a target. my educated guess is that the having to do with economic spying
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on the e.u. the e.u.'s for example is stronger than ever militarily even technologically i mean the internet is an american invention but on the economic level it is losing ground everywhere you see what the brics countries there are doing the e.u. is adding stronger ties with russia to africa with latin america and the us doesn't seem to get its economic. priorities imposed as it used to so i would a syrian here is a big risk for economic spying is our us government maintains that it's controversial prison surveillance program is essential for national security but as artillery reports the electronic snooping operation is not as powerful as it might seem. and there is the pose a quest for preventing terror attacks and increasing security prism only gathers data from the internet big players such as google facebook and so on but most of
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those who look forward to hottest or terrorist related information can find it only on the appropriate forums which are hidden deep within the so-called under web none of these resources in that realm are actually indexed by the major search engines in fact google how that one point admitted that it indexes a tiny fraction of just one percent of all data that's available on the web if you imagine it as an iceberg that you can understand that prism only covers the very top the very tip of the iceberg the rest of the information is actually not covered by prism according to dutch intelligence service but sensual terrorists go to these core forums which are highly encrypted and hidden deep within the web so one really needs to know what they're looking for and where to find it a case in point could be the brothers they have turned to one of the war known radical sources sometimes referred to as the vanity fair of al qaida though the web sites existence is no secret for some reason u.s. security services failed to track down the brothers activity even after
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a tip off from russia and thereby they failed to prevent the boston bombings so although the cia and the n.s.a. say their surveillance programs are directed at protecting people it seems like they're too busy reading innocent people's emails well a sea of for a task serves as a goal central cairo in the anniversary of president mohamed morsi is rise to power . and right now you're looking at live pictures of the mass rally on top where you're square which was of course the epicenter of the revolution that ousted the former regime two years ago opponents of president morsi are so far unwilling to make any compromises saying they're determined to oust the islamist leader all this demonstration follows days of deadly clashes between pro and anti-government protesters archies bill true man the people at the grassroots of the dissent. every day bt artists mahmoud paints a new anti-government year old justin cairo's tahrir square his latest to mock
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nationwide protests sunday is in support of tomorrow to meaning rebel a grassroots campaign collecting signatures calling for the resignation of president mohamed morsi. at the model as a citizen i just want food health services and education we don't have the instead morsi gave us just three pieces of bread a day if you can see by his belly he eats ten in one meal. frustrated like many threw his support behind tomorrow which has gathered over the eighteen million signatures they hope to install a transitional government and coup early presidential elections tomorrow a person's ideas can be found in across the capital not everyone believes that president morsi step down however the campaign has highlighted the problems in egypt's economy is in freefall as a questioning fuel and water shortages and the bread crisis on the horizon rights groups say that abuses and torture are rampant meanwhile the government continues
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to restrict basic freedoms has sentenced to prison for working for pro-democracy ngo in egypt says the explosion of post revolution groups involved in civic engagement like tomorrow it has been matched by government crackdowns you have activists being arrested to moderate campaign and and other areas you've had bad buildings you know ransacked or and it's sort of. with this conspiracy that's pushed by the by the government and by state activists against the people to imply that the civil side to where they should threaten our national security muslim brotherhood officials for their part have said that many of those coming out on june thirtieth of talks and the proper visit egypt predate their president it's a conclusion of thirty years of dictatorship of prism all records corrupt and still we are suffering so we need to go to most of the restrictions time of these four years that people can judge really if he could really deal with these troubles alone however millions agree that morsi should be blamed over they still have to
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strike in the cold as to what exactly they want to replace him with tomorrow maybe people or idea around that today as those are called the thirtieth of june front they decided that they want to go with this political map that involves an includes the military for instance for internal security and this is something that others like me and other movements as well totally disagree with so you will have these two different view coming up and in the future what ever the president's reaction to the mass protest movement it's clear that it's not going to update with june thirtieth set to become one of the biggest challenges yet to egypt's beleaguered leader boccieri from our team. president morsi enjoys strong support from the united states and has no intention of giving in to the opposition that's according to political analyst and author william. this is like a a festering boil that's that's been boiling as long as morsi has shown that he's
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done nothing to improve the fundamentals of the economy the economy has he generated the youth unemployment bulges explosion and that i think is a lot of the kind of box that you seen on the streets right now he's trying to ram a sharia constitution down down the throats of the gyptian people and that goes against egyptian cultural tradition ninety or eighty percent of the population are sunni muslim the other thing is the military hasn't yet weighed in as to whether they continue to back morsi as they have done under washington or his washington pressure so much i think this is to make and break situation the obama administration continues to back the muslim brotherhood which is a very unfortunate thing but that's part of a larger geopolitical agenda that washington and the state department have built up morsi has already indicated he's going to take a year to one kind of brute force state power reaction to try to terrorize the opposition and do the disbanding but that's not going to work at this point and
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morning is coming your way right after the short break stay with us. they were ready to do anything for their country. is to love the country more than yourself if you join the military for any other reason that you're probably not going to have a good day they were in the state now they live remembering the past which is impossible to get rid of. the war. but i'll ever good people get hurt. but i've heard good people. silent.
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but would prefer not to be sometimes i feel like. i should have died over there are. those. i saw some people who died. there is cheaper than therapy. on our. welcome back here with r.t. this week saw a new milestone in relations between moscow and paris as a stern of russia's first mr all class helicopter carrier was launched in st petersburg the first part of a long awaited addition to the country's navy will now travel to france to be completed artie's mori if it was a launch. you. said
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it would come. out that they would find. a court. into the deal signed two years ago this shipyard in st petersburg will play a vital role in the fabrication of vessels the section built here will soon had to france for completion before making the return journey to enter the service and russia's navy although there's no champagne available to celebrate here today because a bottle of it was just smashed on the new ship or rather on this section of a new ship it's still a big day for a big ship it was law on the mistral class warships have enough capacity to carry sixteen helicopters up to forty tanks or armored vehicles and around six hundred troops and a range of around forty thousand kilometers they will end over a single trip around the entire globe and what's even maybe more important it is a multipurpose vessel it. should pass like a swiss knife it can be used both for military and civilian purposes it's
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a hospital it's a command point it's an assault and it's a headquarters we would be great for each of our four sleeps to have the ship however the purchase of the two ships is not without its critics some of russia's own ship builders complain that frons put a huge order to sort of the mastic shipyards they also say the deal has more political than economic benefits it's just a recently emerged that the two miss truck lost warships will not be able to operate in russia's bison winters without special lubricants that means more expense for the navy and dependence on a foreign supply chain but others argue it's a win win situation for both countries france gets an order worth over a billion euro which will keep many of its shipbuilders and business more important now than ever because of the ongoing euro zone crisis while russia gets a warship that'll considerably boost its military capacity and also gains access to a very latest naval technology the first ship is expected to join russia's navy by
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the end of next year with another want to follow and as to whether this one deal will lead. closer ties with perry's most will simply have to wait to see which way the wind blows. st petersburg. and america's list of most wanted terrorists just got a little shorter as we reported an hour website find out how a somali group was a link still qaida lost its top commanders one of them with a five million dollars u.s. bounty on his head without american forces having to lift a finger. video game magic comes to the aid of real life rescuers it's been used to create cyborg cockroaches and we explain it how they could be vital helpers at disaster sites on r.t. dot com. the u.s. president who's on his first visit to africa since two thousand and nine has
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pledged seven billion dollars to help strengthen the shaky electric power grids of subsaharan countries the moves being seen as an effort by washington to step in and rival china as a key investor on the continent bob rock obama's been met by protesters angry at unfulfilled pledges he made last time around washington has slashed aid to africa and recent news while stepping up military activity in the region of anti-american protests birol out of control and john is burke stone grenades and warning shots were fired by riot police hundreds have also been demonstrating in pretoria and cape town over what they call oppressive u.s. foreign policy are just going to as more. right now africa is in the center of america's so-called war on terror we hear about new drone base is popping up on the african continent in countries whose governments we see aid from the u.s. in one form or another we hear about the u.s.
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army training security forces in a number of states in africa then we learn how some of those forces commit most horrible the trust. and get the us doesn't stop to take a second look at who they empower just a few most recent examples say you when we poor found us train troops in congo guilty of mass rape and other trustees human rights watch released a report documenting the abuse rape and torture of at least one thousand somali refugees by u.s. backed kenyan police forces this follows a report by the open society justice initiative that connected u.s. counterterrorism and influence to systematic human rights abuses in kenya and uganda then you have secretary of state john kerry himself expressing quote deep concern around human rights abuses committed by the nigerian military a major u.s. counterterror partner his statement says gross human rights violations committed by nigerian security forces only escalate the violence and fuel extremism in washington sees what's going on but doesn't really change their calculations i
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spoke with the editor of pan african newswire by you know me as they may say that they are there to enhance the african states national security capacity but we know from the history of the united states that they do nothing i regard their foreign policy if there's no real strategic interest for the united states. or maintaining a relationship with all these different states and at the same time to edge out the people's republic of china which is pretty considerable amount. in africa just over the last. few years that china has become the number one trading partner of the african union africa is an extremely rich continent the chase for terrorists may not be the only reason the u.s. wants to have as much presence as possible there take a listen to what mr as he was said about that many of the countries in west africa
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a large oil producer for example nigeria which is the largest u.s. . importer. of oil into the united states so massacre in east africa they have been a huge findings as well as natural gas. along the eastern coast of africa from somalia all the way down to tanzania so this in my opinion explains why we have this escalation of u.s. military intervention on the african continent so backlash in the form of extremism on the one end of the scale and ten jubal benefits on the other that could be the dilemma that the u.s. is weighing in africa now but as we've seen reports about gross human rights violations haven't stopped us from partner up with the government in washington i'm going to check out what britain has signaled a change in its attitude to the taliban in afghanistan is now urging the militant
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group to answer the political process prime minister david cameron made a surprise visit to the country on saturday afghan president hamid karzai says he still willing to talk to the taliban despite an attack on the presidential palace earlier this week the incident on tuesday once again undermine peace negotiations washington is currently preparing for a troop withdraw at the end of next year having failed to bring stability to the nation after almost twelve years of war. former t.v. correspondent and television expert believes the militants are unlikely to seek a compromise originally we went into afghanistan solely to destroy to dismantle to destroy if you will the taliban government and to destroy the. this war has morphed into has evolved into a war against the taliban the taliban as the military will tell you are on the ascendancy they are not losing they're willing to they're willing to continue to go
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forward tell men announced proclaiming to the world that they are a sovereign nation by calling themselves islamic emirate of afghanistan that they will not negotiate as long as any troops are left any foreign troops are left in afghanistan so how do you say you're going to win if you're going to leave and you haven't won the war so you have two governments you have the government of afghanistan and in the eyes of the world this is a separate government of the taliban the president of afghanistan and the people do not want this all right. well just to add we investigate the alarming suicide rate among young us war veterans status. i love life but there is a lot of sick stuff going on on this planet for example according to bloomberg
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a hospital in chicago has been accused by the f.b.i. of cutting the throats of patients for big bags of cash a tracheotomy is a procedure to get air directly into the windpipe of someone who can't breathe by cutting a hole into it an f.b.i. affidavit based on tape recording says that the hospital knowingly and purposely sedated patients to the point that they couldn't breathe properly and would need tracheotomies and as you know in the u.s. health care system nothing comes cheap trick out of his own days cost about one hundred sixty thousand dollars a pop this alleged conspiracy between doctors and management is not the first of its kind at this hospital an administrator and five doctors have already been charged for medicare fraud for giving and receiving kickbacks not only is having a hole punched in your neck for money discussed thing but it may also be lethal because patients at that hospital in chicago are three times more likely to die than patients at other hospitals from tracheotomies throughout the state now how
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did the f.b.i. find out about this with three employees ratted out the hospital and worked with the f.b.i. to make a lot of incriminating voice recordings these people risk their jobs and possibly much more to do what was right and i salute them reading out evil is no wrong deed but that's just my opinion. this is fred. as for sleep this is a tranquilizer too if i have any episodes xanax would cause blackouts caution just announced. because of which is present nightmare because. i can't get off of it. and vilified it is going to be very cooperative for me because sometimes i have episodes where i won't be able to. i think something will trigger me which i'll just keep on working.


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