tv Headline News RT June 30, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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protests rage in egypt are reports of at least four people dead and dozens injured as supporters and opponents of the president clash amid furious calls for morsi to step down. european states are outraged at the u.s. placing a key trade pact in jeopardy after the latest leaks from n.s.a. whistleblower snowden show america has been bugging tapping and cyber monitoring you offices. meanwhile snowden is still stranded in a moscow airport with ecuador pointing at russia to decide his fate while the kremlin says the n.s.a. leaker's case is not on its agenda at all.
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and broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is r t i'm sean thomas certainly going to have you with us now we begin with egypt where the latest reports indicate four protesters have been killed in clashes between opponents and supporters of president mohamed morsi the army estimates that millions have taken to the streets across the country with the opposition demanding a morsi to step down offices of the muslim brotherhood and freedom and justice party have been attacked across the country belt true has the details from cairo. we're seeing violent scenes a ruckus across the country during nationwide demonstrations against president obama will see on the first anniversary of his term in office he just had reports that three have died in the southern governor it's overseas i reportedly a.n.c.
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government protest was attacked by a drive by shooting who gunned down the tree in protest as he also had another reports of a death in betty street meanwhile back in the capital we've got sick clashes happening outside the missing brotherhood's main had school today so apparently hundreds of people turned up at the building attacked with mona talks on rocks and there were only in fact had to intervene at throwing take acid because if it's a clear then the military for their products said a few things going they didn't own one to get involved in politics however if situations did become bloody they would have to step in the police back on a new way to be seen by being on the street so they have seen a single police officer they on securing the buildings we had to pull it sounds that president obama knows he has said he left the capital. for security reasons as these protests continue and potentially violence escalate through the evening hundreds of thousands all from texting is chanting against the president's here
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they came here today cool for him to resign and this was overnight by a grassroots initiative to muddle through the rebel cuchulainn to he managed to gather twenty two million signatures they say looming for the ounce of the president's resoundingly chance here which means leave old gets out so people here are waving the red cards like a football pitch a symbolism that they want the president to step down the opposition process for their cause saying they don't want to have any more dialogue and that this is a make or break moment however that the president just found a base of supporters he she is a group of islam is proxies who are backing the president including the muslim brotherhood's freedom and justice party. they say the president was democratically elected three fair elections the country chose same and therefore the only way to move him from the base is through the budget folks they have slammed cross streets campaigns like tomorrow as thugs and illegal i'm have said that a lot of these protests and not just cements and they don't represent the voice of
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the country the president for his part said he would have signed up with the opposition he called on protesters not to be findings we're really seeing here is to find it egypt and then he was opposing the president and those who are against the president's neither side is willing to back down and really the tensions are rising which is why we're seeing at these episodes of finding it's very difficult to see why this is going to end parties beltre reporting for us there now hugh miles a journalist based in the middle east who is in cairo right now says egypt may be heading towards another revolt. we're all of my age by the balls so the crowd is coming out. which is i think the biggest yet throughout this long leash i'm going to say this is an enormous pressure on the muslim brotherhood i just found out. he said he is going to mention in doing so i will see how many he stands. whether you look for patterns. like they did on the
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barracks in which case in a matter of weeks we might see morsi has no other choice but to step down completely on the show territory and the fact is there is no time to sit to president morsi that he didn't win the election to rule. the muslim brotherhood is one of the only. solutions in this country so he didn't stand down it would be very unclear who would run the country presumably me in a short time at least running the country the last time since revolution in two thousand and eleven. they want you to ride which raises the question is egypt beyond. anyone's old problems in this country. and of course as always we're asking you online at r t dot com how the situation in egypt will develop let's take a look at what you guys are saying so far breaking it down the famous pie chart
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forty two percent of you in blue say that morsi will continue his rule suppress the opposition and basically be a dictator for the country and then almost a third twenty nine percent say that the government will collapse and is in for a political catastrophe twenty two percent in gold says that there will be a military coup and that will bring stability and then a tiny small percent this little sliver seven percent here says that mohamed morsi will step down and former mubarak officials will be taking power have your say online and catch up with the live pictures from egypt's a top three a square at r.t. dot com. what happened to the arab spring dream. first freely elected president bring any change fear poverty economic failure and violence remain egypt's attempt to escape chaos leaves blowing even deeper. egypt
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a year in chaos. the n.s.a. spying scandal continues to grow fueled by fresh leaks from edward snowden revelations of european union offices being the target of u.s. snooping have set alarm bells ringing across the block with its leaders demanding an explanation from washington berlin continues to express its anger with the u.s. is spying with germany's justice minister slamming washington for its cold war tactics putting a bilateral free trade pact in jeopardy the head of the e.u. parliament described the situation as a huge scandal pointing out the necessity of a thorough investigation the belgian prime minister called for an immediate stop to the n.s.a. surveillance program while luxemburg foreign minister said that the u.s. should monitor its own spies rather than snoop on its allies his french counterpart said paris wants an answer from washington as soon as possible artie's that peter
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oliver has more on the story. what's the the the documents that says that they received through edward snowden were able to see part of says is that the national security agency were well spying on the e.u. just about everywhere they could that they were tapping phones they were hacking computer networks at the un in washington d.c. also that they were booking premises in brussels and carrying out the same type of . phone tapping and computer hacking there is well germany came out is one of the the countries that was most spied on as part of this prism operation by the n.s.a. something that raised a few eyebrows and certainly posed a few questions when chancellor angela merkel met with president barack obama a little while ago now what we're also seeing is that the same type of thing as
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this came out regarding the the booking of then president dmitri medvedev so it seems that no matter who you were wherever you were you were subject to why it in computer hacking and having your premises bugged by the n.s.a. now one interesting part of this article says that it quotes saying that the e.u. were a target a definite target for this type of surveillance and also says that five years ago the e.u. itself. looked into phone calls that being made to them had traced phone calls apparently back to a n.s.a. office that was based inside the nato compound in brussels so they certainly had suspected that they were under surveillance but it's a very different thing suspecting that somebody is watching you to then finding out through these type of leaked documents that they certainly were watching you and just how closely they're watching you indeed. artie's peter oliver reporting for us
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there now germany is at washington's main target in the e.u. and according to the latest reports to an even larger extent than previously believed around half a billion phone calls emails text messages and chant transcripts are being monitored by the n.s.a. every day earlier my colleague was a cafe off spoke to intelligence expert dr. who said the roots of the snooping conflict are closely tied to money. between friends between allies it's not absolutely new we have the group off into some incident to solve one from the european parliament that we've we'll go over and it came up oh it was to be discussed but then came september eleventh. from that moment on the intelligence service that we need we need to spying on allies this is just to protect you against terrorism you just mentioned terrorism but i mean these
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aren't these kind of trance can cooperate openly on terrorism they don't have to spy for terrorist purposes exactly you're absolutely right but it's sort of this is spying for economical reasons mainly it is economical espionage as that might seem to steal national secrets from companies to destroy jobs and to import jobs to their own countries so what the americans would like to do is to destroy jobs in countries like germany and concrete select from there to the reality of what we do with the public is just to say hello it is the chinese to spy for economical reasons it's a russian. south korea or whatever but in reality of the biggest enemy this is the choose the united states is the united kingdom so it's elyse spying against all odds. ecuador's president meanwhile says that snowden's fate is out of his hands
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and of the whistle blower's next move depends on what russia does u.s. vice president joe biden urged to ecuador not to grant asylum to snowden but they cannot do it yet anyway because he's not on ecuadorian territory moscow though insists that they will not be discussing what to do with the thirty year old any time soon for a look back at the whistleblowers journey so far here's our tease about malta. names and snowden twenty nine years old as soon as edward snowden revealed himself as the with the set off a catch me if you can hunt by the u.s. government want to get him caught and away is he now guessing game for the media after a tip off that snowden was on board a flight from hong kong to moscow the media started speculating as to his next move edward snowden flew from hong kong to moscow say that he will be on the have on a flight the situation descended into a fog when a crowd of journalists boarded a flight from moscow to havana only to find that the whistle blower was not on
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board a presumed to be stuck in an airport transit day so we took off without it so we committed to a twelve hour plus flight that was essentially a waste of time the global public city had turned one of america's most wanted men into heroes for some to others is a traitor i think he has. committed crimes in fact by. agreements given the position he had. several countries have been tangled up in this case the with the veiled threats from washington and back and forth rhetoric we've registered objections to the authorities in hong kong as well as to the chinese government through diplomatic channels and we know that such behavior is the detrimental to u.s. hong kong and us china bilateral relations. which as for the possibility of extradition we do not have any such treaty signed with the united states but for ecuador a potential asylum destination because snowden things have moved beyond mere rhetoric
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that countries move to scrub a trade agreement with the us risking economic losses standing its ground in the face of america's pressure added his government is also said to be divided the safe passage document dated twenty second of june obtained by weeklies will snowden from the ecuadorian embassy in london was not authorized meanwhile the mystery continues as to snowden is the next move he's now waiting at present korea to make a decision on the asylum application without a pressure from the u.s. also in him not to grant it the door and president also said that the media attention surrounding snowden has actually diverted from the real story that of the n.s.a. surveillance documents but by snowden's own admission this was never going to be a story with a fairy tale ending come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and completely free from risk to bang with a r.t.
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moscow norman solomon author of what war may be easy says whistle blowing is the only way people can protect their rights from the u.s. government. he's really a hero to so many americans but rather than the labels is that he has brought truth to the necessity of a democratic process and is a curse people in the white house and many in congress are not happy about the illumination of they have been engaged in survey all of this which is direct violation of civil liberties of the citizens of the united states as well as a violation of the privacy of people around the we're so naturally the obama administration and the bipartisan security state fans on capitol hill want to grab edward snowden so it is a fundamental conflict between those who are dominating the us government now who
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want to suppress the bill of rights and resistance nonviolent resistance from many of us who say no way we do not accept the suppression of our rights and of course here with our team coming up later in the program a frosty welcome for the american president in south africa whose three nation tour to the african continent has sparked furious protests. but the ongoing instability in afghanistan casts a shadow on u.s. taliban negotiations stay with us and to find out how far away the sides are from reaching a compromise. you have been using all three to see a friend i would even say a story terror in methods like spying and persecution and restrictions indefinite detention for being on the rise how do you explain these paradox one thing we do
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and welcome back you're with our today president obama has pledged seven billion dollars to combat frequent power blackouts in sub-saharan africa this comes as the u.s. leader is on the second leg of his three nation tour to the african continent to boost trade ties however obama's trip has been marred by protests in south africa riot police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades into angry crowds here on this burg of johannesburg rather ahead of his saturday visit to the city there were more demonstrations against american foreign policy in other cities across the country as well american aid to africa has been cut severely while washington has built up its military presence in the continent move yes any new organizer of the no bomb a protest across africa says america's only approach to resolving conflict is through violence. the legacy to be
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a friend as long as you don't hold it up for him to do in terms of its actions else would then be increasing that demi chips as they see the clinton as i'm concerned is a local government is supposed to be opposed to the and so it doesn't cease to. in terms of the very deep. that must conclude that african countries must be able to be independent in the war on terror if he has to learn from. that conflict in the world has to follow through a negotiated process and that's the biggest lesson of the countries intraday obama and his administration and many of his successors in the rest of them have. and the case in point is libya the obama campaign in. many progressive organizations is opposed to precisely the ways in which the united states thinks of . letting this military presence has to do with precisely. and not only on air but online as well here's just a taste of what we have for you on our website. despite attempts to hold peace
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talks tensions between the two koreas remain high the north has begun upgrading its artillery on front line military units on the border with south dot com for the full story. also online a sarcastic comment or a terror plot violent threats over a computer game could land a teenager in jail for eight years even though he did say he was just joking dot com for all the details. this week british prime minister david cameron visited kabul and afghanistan and of the capital of neighboring pakistan this comes after a recent policy shift towards the taliban in afghanistan afghan president hamid karzai said that a recent taliban attack on the presidential palace would not prevent the negotiation process from going ahead despite ongoing instability in the country caused by twelve years of war the us is preparing for
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a troop drawdown spoke to one man who has had personal experience in dealing with a television journalist jerry van dyke was kidnapped by the insurgent group and held captive for forty eight days while reporting in afghanistan in two thousand and eight he believes the taliban will not compromise. originally we went into afghanistan solely to do to dismantle to destroy if you will the taliban government and to destroy. this war has morphed into has evolved into a war against the taliban the taliban as the military will tell you are on the ascendancy they are not losing they're willing to they're willing to continue to go forward. proclaiming to the world that they are a sovereign nation by calling themselves islamic emirate of afghanistan that they will not negotiate as long as any. troops are left any foreign troops are left in afghanistan so how do you say you're going to win if you're going to leave and you haven't won the war so you have two governments you know the government of
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afghanistan and in the eyes of the world this is a separate government of the taliban the president of afghanistan and the people who know what this all right now let's take a look at some other international news making headlines around the world this hour a fresh strain of an across iraq fifteen people including nine in a bombing at a football pitch in the capital most of the victims were boys under the age of sixteen violence also struck the towns of mosul dollar shark and hill iraq is in the midst of its deadliest a wave of violence since the end of the country's civil conflict in two thousand and eight with fears sectarian charged bloodshed could continue to escalate more than two thousand people have been killed by attacks and fighting in iraq since the start of april. hundreds of demonstrators marched near mark stadium in rio de janeiro head of the final game of the confederations cup in
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brazil riot police blocked the crowd from getting close to the stadium the protesters are angry about the billions of dollars the brazilian government is spending on hosting global sports events social problems plaguing the country including a high crime rate high taxes and increasing transportation fares. this week saw the first piece of russia's revamped maybe take to the seas the stern of a mistral class helicopter carrier built in russia's st petersburg shipyard is now awaiting its trip to france where the entire vessel will be fully assembled notion i was at the milestone launch from moscow and a pair. of us if you really. believe it. was a really fine film. according to the deal signed two years ago this shipyard in st petersburg will play a vital role in the fabrication of vessels this section built here will soon had to
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completion before making the return journey to enter the service in russia's navy although there's no champagne available to celebrate here today because a bottle of it was just smashed on the shaper other on base section of a new ship it's still a big day for a big ship. with a mistrial call small ships have enough capacity to carry sixteen helicopters up to forty tanks or armored vehicles and around six hundred troops and a range of around forty thousand kilometers the equivalent of a single trip around the entire globe and what's even maybe more important it is a multipurpose vessel if. this ship is like a swiss knife it can be used both for military and civilian purposes it's a hospital it's a. point it's an assault and it's a headquarters it would be great for each of our four fleets to have that ship however the purchase of the two ships is not without its critics some of russia's
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own ship builders complained that frons put a huge order to sort of the mastic shipyards they also say the deal has more political than economic benefits it's just a recently emerged that the two mistrial quasi warships will not be able to operate in russia's bison winters without special lubricants that means more expense for the navy and dependence on a foreign supply chain others argue it's a win win situation for both countries france gets an order worth over a billion euro which will keep many of its shipbuilders in business more important now than ever because of the ongoing euro zone crisis while russia gets a warship that'll considerably boost its military capacity and also gains access to a very latest naval technology the first ship is expected to join russia's navy by the end of next year with another one to follow and as to whether this one deal will lead to closer ties with paris mosco will simply have to wait to see which way
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the wind blows. in st petersburg coming up after the break it's worlds apart with host of. south carolina is playing around with the idea of using shame plates which are license plates that can display special messages the department of motor vehicles would have complete access to all these plates and be able to display text on them like suspended uninsured amber alert or stolen you know i actually don't mind the idea of using shame as a punishment i guess it could be a real deterrent to have drunken loser written over the license plate of someone who drinks and drives in fact drugged driving plates have been in place in some
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states for a while but the problem is that more often than not shame penalties aren't the punishment for a crime but just a bonus one in my native ohio you can go to jail for three to thirty days and have your license suspended for one to three years for driving which is a brutal punishment in a country where everyone drives to work you see people are already punished for drunk driving and in america when you pay your debt to society i.e. you get out of jail you're supposed to have a clean slate but the bonus license plate suspension and possible punishment plates make this a triple sentence ignoring the fact that the government will be able to practically display words on your person like a brand on cattle is bad enough but multiple punishments for the same crime seems like a bit of a she think to me but that's just my opinion. hello
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and welcome to all the parts of northern continue cities around the globe live from the land of the green but what we should. build remains a mountain to discover them joined by we can be found here on the baby's body thank you very much we answered now first of all i would like to ask you a question about shame i know that one of the reasons you named your party the pirate party was because some of your critics really tried to put you to shame and i guess to undermine what you were doing at the time and i think in the coverage of the snow than a fair shaming and ad hominem attacks are very very prominent we've already heard all sorts of supposedly compromising details about his personal life that he hasn't finished high school that his former girlfriend was
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a stripper and so on rather than focusing on the substance of his revelations why is that anything. that is very typical when a scandal like this surfaces rather than trying to answer the questions. very much raised by snowden's revelations about what the united states is actually up to the. surveillance hawks in the united states security. is doing everything it can to divert the attention from what's really important here and instead talk about the personal details of edward snowden what is it issue is that the united states has been betraying the trust of pretty much the entire world now what do you think what do you think is so significant about his revelations because in the words of one commentator we haven't really learned anything that we didn't suspect before right.
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