tv Headline News RT July 2, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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a russian rocket with three satellites crashes at the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan seconds off the blast off fears of toxic contamination could lead to a total evacuation of the area. wiki leaks files twenty one asylum requests on behalf of edward snowden a surveillance whistleblower whose odyssey of leaks has left many nations either fearful or reluctant to get involved. president obama deals with the european outrage over america's spying on the e.u.'s politicians on citizens saying the tactic is nothing new and everybody's doing. and gives president mohamed morsi takes five from all directions as the army takes
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the side of antigovernment protesters and several ministers resigned in solidarity with the opposition. a pleasure to have you with us here today. live in moscow straight to our breaking news for you this hour. unmanned russian space rocket has crashed to earth just seconds after launch it was carrying three satellites meant for russia's global navigation system just a bit earlier in the program i discussed this with our. she's been following the story. well it was quite a shocking morning for those at the baikonur cosmodrome and as you can see here on a breathtaking video now a russian product on rocket which was carrying three. just went out of control
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moments after launching from the qassam drone now here you can see well on some of that yet here you can see as horrific explosion is really now is the rockets out of control descents agree to it and the main part of the rocket just in dropped it into a massive fireball than split it and two different pieces and lenses on to this inhabited area now of course we are talking about a massive accident and it is a rocket carrying three satellites if you only did you bring up you bring up the point i mean not just these three global satellites but also the fact that ultimately this rocket is absolutely full to the brim of rocket fuel just a couple of seconds into launch it blasts off as you can see right here the trajectory goes or rice seconds of into the launch for you talk about the environmental impact to me do you know i mean there are spectators within a kilometer or two all of the larger area what can you tell us about absolutely
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robbery we're are talking about a massive environmental impact from this accident just imagine this rocket here just a couple of seconds and so launching exploding so fast afterwards and it was filled with fuel now some experts say that in total it was carrying up to five hundred tons of fuel plus three sad lies also fueled filled with the fuel but toxic fuel ultimately though when you when you talk about of the history of the russian space program all in all for the most part it's very very successful however this is not the first time it's happened that was yes andy the sad news is that it is not the first failure of this type of rocket. now the problem has suffered a number of failures and the past two and a half years and i have to point out here two accidents now first back in two thousand and ten there were as there was one failure also connected with three
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other navigation satellites and these navigation plates were lost they disintegrated into the pacific ocean now x. rays of blame at that time the fail if you will a miscalculation that prevents it the machine from reaching the orbit and of course there was another failure back in two thousand and eleven here i'm talking about the failure of the progress rockets now when parts of the progress rockets reach the earth now witnesses said at that time that the explosion could be heard within one hundred kilometers i would just give you some figures the single launch of the product on products on rocket cost one hundred million dollars and now x. princess that the failure of this project the one that we are seeing right now in this video cost up to two hundred million dollars and loss. you can do because of a right there though edward snowden's quest for asylum appears to be hitting
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a wave tip of the nation's apparently reluctant to get involved ecuador support has been lukewarm at best and russia now says he can stay but if he stops leaking information some of those leaks of the need to be even washington's closest allies and he said no way has the story. well it's now clear that snowden along with the help of wiki leaks has applied for asylum in some twenty one countries but it's becoming even more clear that more and more governments are very reluctant to reach out and help snowden president putin has said that snowden is welcome in russia if you quote stops harming our u.s. partners he added that russia will not be giving anyone off that they've never given anyone up and that the u.s. has never given anyone up to them pointing out that snowden needs to choose his final destination and go there the problem is that his options are certainly narrowing down he has made a statement after
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a long silence in which he says that he believes the u.s. is illegally pressuring other countries not to help them and it looks like if that's the case it's working the consensus seems to be worldwide mostly is that to avoid snowden really at all costs rafael correia which initially was sort of a ray of hope possibly for snowden has now said that it was a mistake that his country made it possible for snowden to travel from hong kong to moscow and that now he's russia's problem in fact he said he wouldn't even want to meet snowden that he's a complicated guy and he's been a spy for a long time this is certainly a shift in tone that we heard just last week where he was speaking about how ecuador would bend to u.s. pressure or blackmailing that they would do what they believe is right we don't know why but we do know that last thursday there was a phone call from the u.s. vice president joe biden to korea and since then his sentiment has certainly changed but let's remember that it's easy to forget in the midst of all of this
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scandal noise searching for snowden the question of where snowden will go to lose understanding of the scale of what he's done the scale of these leaks they've already had recent cautions worldwide they've shaken up geo politics and that mixed with possible pressure from the united states is not making it look good for him in terms of options where he. norman solomon the co-founder of the hands off snowden campaign believes the n.s.a. whistleblower is accusations towards towards out of washington fully justified. the conduct of the u.s. government including statements made publicly by president obama and vice president biden from the very beginning several weeks ago intended to deprive edward snowden of basic rights innocent until proven guilty first amendment are and the freedom of speech that he had isn't total to you as are all american citizens
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so i think the statement put out today by edward snowden is quite reasonable quite accurate and the united states from a tactical standpoint as the government has attempted to use the calling of stones past were i as a weapon and that's just wrong and currently president barack obama is in damage control mode after the latest bunch of damning revelations from edward snowden suggesting washington has been spying on its e.u. allies obama said well this is how things are usually done when it comes to big politics and european states are doing exactly the same even the u.n. chief though is trying to distance himself and the international body from all of this scandal as are his more important higher explains. united nations secretary general ban ki-moon is urging nations to protect the integrity of diplomatic missions on their soil the u.n. chief's comments come amid allegations that the u.s.
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has been spying on the european union and other allies over port by german weekly speak goal says that the national security agency bogged at the e.u.'s mission in washington d.c. and also hopped into its computer system to be able to access e-mails and other internal documents the e.u. delegation at the united nations was reportedly subject to similar surveillance citing classified documents leaked by n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden the weekly says that france italy and greece are among the thirty eight u.s. surveillance targets now while the news has blindsided and shocked many european leaders u.s. president barack obama has downplayed the surveillance story saying that it's basically political protocol between friends they're going to be trying to understand the world better and what's going on in world capitals around the world
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. from sources that aren't available through the new york times or n.b.c. news. that they're that they're seeking additional insight beyond what's available through open sources. and. if that weren't the case then there'd be no use for an intelligence service. and i guarantee you that in european capitals there are people who are interested in if not what i had for breakfast at least what my talking points might be should i end up meeting with their leaders but not everyone is seeing the circumstance so casually greece's foreign ministry says it will be investigating reports that its embassy in washington and the un mission in new york were being spied on by the n.s.a. according to the guardian newspaper the eavesdropping. mission was known as the
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operation against its embassy was known as wanda and snowden well that's just the name of the american that leaked the surveillance information that the world is now talking about reporting from new york marina more nine r.t. . and the spy leak has left a massive trade agreement between the u.s. and the european union now hanging by a thread a german politician and member of the european parliament rebecca homs she believes a lack of trust between the two powers and could ultimately kill the deal. this is a huge spying attack from the united states help especially by the united kingdom against against their friends in the european union we have certain instruments as least i remember of the european parliament see those instruments we have two agreements. in between us and also europe d'etat so
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this is the swift agreement and also the agreement of. data in the international flights p n r we could stop almost agreements and. i really i am convinced that we should not opens the negotiations on teeth to this internet this united states trade agreement because this is also very very sensitive when it comes to data takes there is a complete different concept of privacy and predicting citizen freedom also in the european union compared to the united states and the sheer scope of u.s. surveillance is leaving others no choice but to prepare themselves to fight it according to bolivia's president evo morales he visited r.t. spanish studios on monday and is in the russian capital for the gas exporting countries forum. i know that the empires have an
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espionage network and are constantly conspiring against the so-called developing countries and in particular against those which are rich in natural resources of bolivia as well as venezuela and ecuador are exposed to constant surveillance from the us empire now and when we hear the espionage claims we have to get well prepared to resist any sort of political military or cultural aggression so if. it is good to have you with us here about to today i'm over sushi in moscow a more global news for you the top world headlines in just about. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see
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a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture. please speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots the v.o.i.p. interviews intriguing story for you. then try. to find out more visit our.
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real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker c. it's a step forward for oligarchy carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spraying and. it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent on. this bills. wealthy british
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style. that's not on. the. market why not. can they. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report on our. thank you for sharing your time with us here on our. show in moscow the islamist back to egyptian president mohamed morsi is drastically losing the support of his cabinet along with the sympathies of the public at least five ministers resigned amid anti-government protests which were joined by millions in the military
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promising to deploy square but this time they're promising to guard the demonstrators true has this report from cairo. in the early hours of tuesday morning the tipton president finally responded to an ultimatum by the minute tree giving him forty eight hours to fill the demands of the people otherwise they would intervene the president said that they admitted that he didn't know about the military ultimatum before it was released and slammed the language of the statement as confusing and fake he emphasized that he was working towards not sure national reconciliation and the greatest thing to come out of the journey to deprive evolution was a democratic a civilian states however he is losing support within his own administration in the early hours of tuesday morning we had that there was the final resignation all the foreign minister this following school other resignations of his cabinet old saying they're in supports all the protests against the president meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people returned to the streets of egypt for
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a second day pulling for the ouster of morsy like those behind me at the presidential promise this happens across across the nation people off fearing there will be more violence there already was a bonding that the military will intervene in the background of the continuing violence the military for their part obviously released this ultimatum to have said that they will not get involved in politics meanwhile is mr putin's all the president's are saying that he was legitimately elected and therefore he can only be removed from office through the ballot box they are saying that many rejecting calls actions the missing mother had spokesperson for his part said that they will not have any elections and that the president must fulfill his four years in office this comes against the backdrop of a lot of violence towards the muslim brotherhood group number of their headquarters have been run sacked and fire bombs and leading to several fatalities they have instead said they will have that they will have their own counter protests across the country in the coming days and they've been pools for them to come to the
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streets so what we're seeing now is a divided egypt to be supporting the president's maintaining that he is legitimate they will come to the streets and back him and even though the military has really . this is a controversial ultimatum meanwhile the opposition figures are saying they will storm into the two most see is ousted the cross he's campaigning. with these protests tomorrow the rebels they've said they will have mass stages of a city disobedience if he stays in office she really was seeing a continued good luck with the military getting involved as well. life in the russian capital this is r.t. with a second gas exporting countries forum and now wrapped up here in moscow hereabouts here we've been given the chance to speak exclusively to iran's outgoing president mahmoud ahmadinejad i will research it here in the off the studios but i'll hand it over now to want to use a sophie shevardnadze. from
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what happened is that the iranian president thank you very much for sitting with r.t. today. mr president coming to an end after eighty years of your rule iran finds itself in great economic difficulty it is also isolated to politically what would you say are your presidents his main achievements. in the name of the most benefits and the most merciful let me start with my usual prayer or lord hasten the reappearance of a moment mattie dalton a savior of mankind granting good health and victory and make us among this knowledge believers who attest to his rightful in this at the outset i would like to say greetings to all the viewers of this program and i would like to ask god almighty to grant. good health and success to all nations in the world.
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you mention two points. about iran's regional position international position also about economic difficulties let me give you explanations on each of the points . first of all let me let me return to economic issues economic issues or international ones as well doesn't wash i have economic woes what about the us new europe every variant of words. in their words is facing economic recession and. economic crisis is an international one and it is adversely affect the over countries also iran let's not forget that iran has been on there a unilateral one sided unfair sanction and this has been on president it so severe. and despite the two problems i just told you we have
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made a lot of economic advancements nothing short of a miracle and i can say. that economic and this is all of them are improving. per capita income is going up. and also the human development index is on the rise. and our distribution of income in the world this is also improving a lot of industrial that vastness which are which have been very huge. i remember that. river producing steel a little steel but now we are exporting is steel to the world is also exporting cement. also exporting power and electricity the capacity of manufacture automobiles has doubled and also the capacity for production overall has doubled. exports. i mean the oil exports.
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has increased seven times. the diesel our and take it to all our production power and liveliness of course we have problems just like everywhere else in the works. but scientifically iran was ranked thirty second now we want is rank fourteenth. in terms of scientific progress. also speed and the pace of scientific growth is eleven times more than the average in the world. this means that we are moving forward very fast in the last eight years iran so we came into this space iran as a launch. manufacture a satellite and launched into orbit iran became a nuclear power in nanotechnology in biotechnology a lot of advancements significant once. and in many fields
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related to technology we are among the top ten in the worlds. these are all huge significant advancements which have occurred in the country and under my presidency in the last eight years yes there are problems just like everywhere else in the world i think the world for the level of the social has increased. so let me give you about one and they cater. to this in the last eight years the number of the cars in iran has increased three times. the car i mean that is used by ordinary families for the first time in the history of iran number of housing units has has actually become more than the number of families. many of. us nationally we have economic problems just like other countries of the words here. regarding
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iran's geopolitical positions. why do you say iran is isolated are we isolated isolated from what. western governments from to beginning of the victory of the revolution have opposed to us. they never. ever wanted to have interactions and cooperation with us they're doing the same thing after thirty four years we had a great victory because before the revolution to ever dominating our minds are all but now. they cannot do this there is no domination by the therefore they are angry with us but now we have some of the strongest ties with the rest of the world we are we are now the seventeenth largest economy. but before that before my presidency we were twenty second the twenty second
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largest economy of divorce and in the next three years we will be. of the work we have here we have economic relations with more than one hundred eighty six countries of the world political ones as well comings and goings. exchanges of delegations cultural scientific and technological relations our volume of trade on oil one has increased seven times. more important than everything. is that iran has become more influential on the international arena. if we are isolated and why i say. there is all this propaganda against us if you are in significance. why are they going into a lot of trouble. because they are doing this because we are influential because we
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are affecting. that is why they are putting pressure on us iran is like a culture. persian persian it's like a conjurer dating back seven thousand years nobody can isolate this culture it is based on justice and he him and it's syrian issues based on friendship peace loving it wants welfare and happiness for all its favors technology for him and these are the demands of all nations in. iran is is a popular name around the world amongst the nations yes there are several countries that are against us they don't want to recognize the rights of the iranian nation yes of course therefore. we have thirteen neighboring countries because we maintain good relations with all of them and lots of exchanges of delegations. so every year twelve million iranians travel abroad.
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if so this shows our interaction this proves that we have interactions we have sustainable lasting scientific relations with more than one hundred countries of the worlds. yes there are a couple of governments in the world they think that they are the whole word wrapped up in them they call themselves the international community. and so they are under the impression that if you want doesn't have a relationship with them then iran does not have a relationship with the rest of the world no that's not true. but we believe that all the seven billion people living on the planet earth are all equal. they have they should enjoy equal rights they should all be respected it's more than two hundred countries in the work they should all be respected.
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