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tv   Headline News  RT  July 4, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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president's jet is diverted grounded. it's an act. leaders as a kidnapping and a humiliation for the. revolution redux for egypt as the overthrow of the country's first democratically elected leader mohamed morsi. exploding in celebration but elsewhere violent clashes only lead to more deaths. but currency bitcoin major financial figures from the world of big business looking for an alternative to that of traditional cash.
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it's just after one pm here in moscow you're watching live with me roll received welcome to the program latin america is seething denouncing as outrageous the e.u. is decision to ground a jet carrying the bolivian president a furious leaders are equating the kidnapping with almost the entire continent rallying to believe he is cause by the president's plane was reportedly even searched of a rumors that the whistleblower edward snowden was on board let's get details now across live to watch more on this. it's not no not looking pretty for any european envoys if they want to visit latin america at the moment. well indeed things are looking grim for european diplomats working in latin america some of them could be expelled following this incident with the bolivian president steps like these will
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be more or less clear after the with us or countries the organization which unites most of latin american states will gather for an emergency summit on thursday and probably they will will enlighten us on their next steps but clearly after ever more honest suffered this nightmare flight from moscow to believe you're having stayed for twelve hours in vienna airport having. plane surge which is deemed as a violation of international law the reaction coming from latin american countries has been needed most and there's been so much so solidarity in the criticism of what exactly happened let me just quote several several statements coming from latin american leaders so you can understand the magnitude of their anger now the president of argentina cristina kirshner said that this was humiliation of the south american continent president of readers where the nicolas maduro said this was dangerous disproportionate and unacceptable aggression joint statement coming from the colombian government described this airspace denial as an act of
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aggression and last but not least air space denial was deemed fascist by the vanessa williams foreign minister clearly the most offended side in this incident war was the bolivian or where they believe in all of a in fact compared this incident to an attempt of kidnapping of the bolivian president let's listen to what some of the bolivian diplomats have to say on this matter. i think this is an unprecedented situation this goes against international conventions and treaties this goes against international law and all the rules that have been established over a long period of time this shows disrespect of the country's independence by. the countries involved in hijacking president morales his plane and making a mistake they think that others steal attack invade territories wage wars impose embargoes and go back on their room would just like they do the current policy of
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the usa and their allies in nato aims and ensuring their role in security at the expense of somebody else's. so a lion's share of criticism coming from latin america is directed towards the united states will reportedly have had a hand in this incident in fact the united states never made secret they contacted the european countries on snowden's possible passing through their terror. the u.s. spokes spokesperson of the u.s. state department said that these contacts were in fact made so this is the one of the reasons why the latin americans have been angry towards the united states but also europe has received its portion of the stick as well in particular some calls coming from latin american officials as well that despite that europe has been criticizing what edward snowden revealed still that acted as a colony of washington so definitely this story is not over we are anticipating this summit on thursday with probably more strong rhetoric coming from here and until snowden reportedly stays at moscow's sheremetyevo airport we will definitely
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be seeing more crazy twists and turns to this hollywood style saga i think is far from over alexy could say here that all these attacks at a show ski thank you well the united states has admitted it contacted a wide range of nations imparting on them the dangers of allowing edward snowden the pass through it will go into an attorney and author says the e.u.'s actions show clearly where its priorities lay. despite the fact that the united states basically is demeaning those european nations and violating their own rights and treating them as second class citizens at the same time they do share these collective military and economic interests and so i think that a lot of the response mainly from some of these european countries heads of states condemning these actions of the united states and calling for further investigation was mainly merely to satisfy their their constituents and their people and it's not
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something that they're really going to follow up and we see that played out in the case of a more dialysis airplane i mean these same european countries that were just criticizing the united states for this espionage program they were willing to act on u.s. instructions to violate the rights of this latin american leader so i think we see clearly there the double standard and hypocrisy in what is being said virtually out of the government's european union and what actually they're doing in reality and in reality they are just going along with the u.s. agenda. dr james boyd is a professor of politics at king's college london he says the atlantic trade zone talks between the u.s. and you do for edward snowden's quest for asylum. as nation after nation denies him the right to a safer boat is national interest committed before these countries that he's applied to and being rejected from in terms of safe passage are recognizing that whilst they may sympathize with him this degree of naivety to his perspective and
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position and that none of them none of these nations can afford to fall out with the united states least of all europe who of course are very interested in pursuing a transatlantic free trade zone for example and that's something of course which is being held over the head of british prime minister david cameron who desperately wants a european trade negotiation but it comes at the exact moment of course whereby here in london is all talk about getting out of the e.u. so there's no doubt that transatlantic trade is a very hot topic at this moment and is being continued into the area of ed snowden and how how national leaders must wish this individual just disappear and allow transatlantic trade to get on unimpeded. thanks for joining us here on r.t. today and the building projects planned for the square have been cancelled by a court in turkey that brings an end to the issue that sparked weeks of violent protests in cities across the country are those details for you right now online. and the mayor of the russian city of his being dragged from his car searched and
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detained on suspicion of attempted bribery. dot com right now. well it's back to the revolution drawing board for egypt after the army moved in and toppled the country's islamist president after just a year and more seasoned to arrest along with many other members of the muslim brotherhood and the coup has been hailed by crowds of anti islamist protesters in cairo's tahrir square but furious confrontations between supporters and opponents of the deposed leader claimed at least fourteen lives overnight details from cairo and true. the situation rapidly developed overnight so off to the announcement from the minute three of the oust of mr brotherhood president mohamed
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morsy just one year into his term we had reports of hundreds of arrests of missing brotherhood officials this was quickly condemned by rights groups here in egypt who said they didn't want to see egypt to send back into the dark days of the mubarak and former presidents where the missing brotherhood was which hundreds if in addition the president the former president himself morsy was put under house arrest the video came out overnight showing how this actually happened officials on the twitter accounts were tweeting as it went on saying we keep being separated from his presidential aides in addition the missing from their heads own television channel mr twenty five was a shutdown and the people the president percentages were arrested also on top of that al jazeera arabic local channel here in egypt their offices were run sacked by members of the organization were reportedly also arrested meanwhile we've seen an army deployment in the streets particularly focused around rallies in support of the former president i was there last night there's a lot of military
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a lot of armored vehicles and what they put forward is their broods amount to egypt they are saying that now egypt will have a new president the head of the constitutional court will take over today in addition we will have the current constitution will be suspended there will be a committee set up to look into changing some of those articles and the technocratic into a council will be formed to really manage this moment of transition will be kind of one sign the anti-government protesters who've been calling for this ouster celebrating in the early hours of the morning people with dancing and singing and banging drums setting off fireworks they were holding up showing the faces of major military figures here in the military with a hearing to the hours to do a lot of chances the people in the army of one hand they were ecstatic they said to me they finally their voices being heard. supporters of the president remain in the sit ins calling for him to be reinstated they say he is in the distant president's
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missin brotherhood organization is one of the largest organization here in egypt they have a significant support base i was in the city in late last night speaking to those people they said to me they felt isolated and the minute she had surrounded their encampment they feel they would be likely to talk to if you can you see officials were being targeted so what you're seeing is a country divided and particularly as we've already seen during the lead up to these demonstrations mass movements of violence for the country this time and again last night we had clashes between supporters and opponents of the of the next president so really we have to see you know how this situation develops. true in cairo and we did speak to former u.s. diplomat john graham he believes that egypt's future is up in the air but it's the deep divisions within society that could see the second revolution causing the nation to crumble. question now is whether it works he's supporters even though the
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army seems to have cast their hand. and will start a civil war that would be in many ways going up against the army so fewer hours a few more days should be clear but right now it's total chaos and there's more players as well and you see all the mubarak supporters you know regime there is sort of in the background but they're waiting opportunistically for for a moment perhaps then to to gain something of a say you've got the christians the cops who are not anti muslim but nonetheless they're not muslim as either so you've got a lot of different players. on the on the on the secular side you have not one party or true or perhaps a dozen or maybe fifteen different parties none of whom agree totally with each other so you that's where the chaos comes from. are you watching live from moscow where actually we can try and punch through the live pictures for you here coming
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out of cairo the do you suggest that we're now getting a top judge being sworn in of course this in the wake of over the officials being taken down mohamed morsi now being under arrest and many members of the muslim brotherhood as well these are live pictures out of cairo with the top judge being sworn in right now now let's let's get over to our web site poll the moment you always invited to get involved with stories here on the program particularly this one with egypt ultimately now twice in two years the military has taken control what does that spell for the future or from the website we can take your vote right now and still the vast majority saying well the army will try to run the country until it's got some peace and quiet in order to stage some elections though there's about twenty seven percent that's up from last hour saying no all we've got is a future of chaos down to fourteen percent saying it was a power grab by the military and now a three percent saying watch the morsi could with the members of the muslim brotherhood try to get back to power we're still gauging your reaction here at odds he particularly dot com that's where you can cast your vote right now. and while
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leader of fires who is an advisor to the u.s. house of representatives he says he isn't surprised by the way events have been playing out in egypt you know i published a book the coming revolution in twenty ten in which we've projected that first of all civil societies as a whole will rise against the papers that was what happened in january when you have been in egypt then they're going to depart the seculars on the one hand and the more organized islam is on the other hand the islamist won the day in that election then the seculars are going to realize that the islamists are not going to drive egypt into what they wanted initially counter revolution this is what happened now and i do anticipate that the islamists and i go back to the opposition organize themselves all of this will be ok short of having violence if you harness are going to take advantage of what's happening with these divisions and conduct violence then we may have a scenario closer either to algeria in the ninety's or unfortunately it would be to
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syria today and if you've missed anything at all you can always check out our live updates on how the egyptian coup started and proceeded to talk more analysis and of course images from the iconic career square all lined up for you there right now and more news to come for you after a very quick break hope you can stay with us here not. so basically when the saudis or the iraqis or the. thirty's when they provide for their own said that the same d.n.a. their cousins if you share a language to share with a faith who share a culture and tradition now what you're saying is that because you are an arab because you are a muslim you for some reason have the same right to protecting the syrian people but to me it sounds just as you know condescending as the bushes claim. you know supposedly kyra responsibility it.
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is not a surprise to me that we. were in a time of budget cuts we spent one hundred fifty million dollars each year to imprison one hundred sixty six people did most become a symbol around the world for america but the evil. part before we get to the. currency bitcoin it's inspiring some serious financial players to open it up to the world of big investment the winkle voss twins known
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for suing facebook found a bug for allegedly stealing the social network idea of planning to float a bit of trust. big coin repairs a parallel trying to cash just a man and an alternative to traditional currencies has had its fair share of controversies this is introduction four years ago and it's now being backed by the infamous facebook suing twins tyler and cameron winklevoss if the proposal for a big coin trust fund is given the go ahead by the securities and exchange commission the twins will contribute their own ten million dollars worth of big coins into the trust and exchanges shares in the virtual currency because it was created in two thousand and nine by an anonymous web developer and can be exchanged for other currencies and used to pay for goods and services but it doesn't exist in physical form now the big coin is seen by its users as an alternative to traditional currencies especially during the euro zone sovereign debt crisis as
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more people began distrusting the central banks but leverage a coin has been linked to money laundering and accusations of drug smuggling which has made the value of the bitcoin extremely volatile since the start of the year rising from thirteen dollars in january to a peak of two hundred sixty six dollars in april and right now it's at around ninety dollars now their release is also tightly controlled member king essential banking systems control over the minting of money which means there can only ever be twenty one million created right now there's around eleven million is circulation this factor has led to some to speculate that there may rise. the facebook feud between the when cost to end a mars like a bug was protected in the twenty to movie the social network eventually resulted in a sixty five million dollars settlement so i wonder if they'll be updating their facebook status quo a new venture i think not. it is us all
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a cash injection to make placing money into big point even easier opening up to more mainstream investors possibly but as our. new york the rebel chorus the still has a strong grasp over those drawn to is anti establishment tom. it's happy hour in midtown manhattan dozens of bars are filled with after work crowds but here ever. this. is where you'll find the big apple's expanding community of the cooling investors think it seems to us it's the first new york city establishment to accept the digital currency a monetary system free from government and bank control as well as credit card processing fees i would rather everyone pay with a coin than i would with a credit card twenty three year old charlie shrem is co owner of ever and founder
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of bit instant one of the first big queen payment processing companies when i first came into the space. i was the only person new york city had heard even heard of the coin i was last out of every v.c. firm in the city and now fast forward to two years there are so many startups that i started meet ups we're all friends of the each other there's kind of like a culture as i'm referring to your own good are you build a culture of young financially savvy new yorkers determined to build an unregulated financial system i'll buy a bit coin or hold a moment a big josh rossi hosts a weekly pick queen meeting in union square where people can buy and sell the digital coins a gathering data tracks even hedge fund and high frequency traders you can finally opt out of a system that you don't agree with like bernanke you can keep printing as much money as he wants to corn users are in effect here holding declines it only makes our big points worth more dollars it's a natural hedge against inflation in
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a city that serves as the global headquarters for most of the world's largest banks the big quite economy is slowly being embraced by respectable businesses domino's pizza the howard johnson hotel chain and a new york based limo service now accept the digital currency fair to say that new yorkers are able to eat sleep and commute without spending a dollar online popular sites like reddit and ok cupid except to be queen cars furniture and tech gadgets have been put up for so. well on the trading web site craigslist with dollars or digital coins equally accepted and for the anti prism privacy defenders the big b. will soon have purchased power with these burner phones which feature disposable numbers many economists remain skeptical of the long term stability of a currency that lacks backing from a single government but not a problem for big queen believers if they were complete with the monetary system if
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they felt it was fair then they wouldn't be looking for an option like bitcoin so you see already the loss of confidence the loss of commitment it's a sign of where the society is going the u.s. government though isn't too happy with the coins popularity it recently shut down our virtual exchange system for the currency claiming it was of money laundering platform i think we've had one hundred years now of what the u.s. government can do when it gets to manipulate a currency and a lot of people are kind of tired of that and they want to experiment in a space where you can't manipulate a currency just what would that even mean for money and i think that's why a lot of people are really interested in the space growing enthusiasm for an invisible currency presented to rival the printed greenback marina port i.r.t. new york. and to south korea to open up the world update it's once again proposed talks with his northern neighbor over reopening a jointly run industrial zone near the border but this comes amid growing concern
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among business owners in the area of economic losses caused by the closure of the idea of talks of most about three weeks ago led to nothing because of bickering. the white house has rejected the mission demanding a recount of the twenty twelve presidential election results in response to a document signed by more than seventy thousand people basically the arts there was no evidence of fraud activists claim the ballot was rigged citing the state of ohio as an example of cheating. american drone strikes could be responsible for ten times more civilian deaths the normal weapons but president barack obama who has taken the deadly technology under his wing still maintains that more accurate than fighter jets. reports but it's no secret that drones are becoming the military's aircraft of choice we've been told they're more efficient and precise than fighter jets but a recent study says otherwise the study was conducted by larry lewis a research scientist for the center of naval analysis lewis took
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a close look at the number of air strikes in afghanistan during mid two thousand and ten and mid two thousand and eleven he got the figures using classified military information and what he found was that drone strikes were ten times more deadly to civilians than traditional manned aircraft now these findings seem to be at odds with what we've heard from government leaders back in may president obama touted the benefits of drone warfare as i've already said even small special operations carry enormous risks. conventional airpower missiles are far less precise than drones. and are likely to cause more civilian casualties and more local outrage. other high level government leaders have claimed the benefits of drones long before president obama addressed the issue of civilian casualties in drone warfare here's john brennan back in april of two thousand and twelve at the time he was an assistant to the president for national
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security and counterterrorism we conduct targeted strikes because they are necessary to mitigate actual ongoing threat to stop plots prevent future attacks and to save american lives but quantifiable data are proving this has been scarce due to the secrecy of the drone program exact figures of drone strikes were not disclosed in the latest study because that information is classified but it calls into question just how much more precise drones really are compared to man their planes the researchers that conducted this study have an idea they told the guardian quote these findings show us that it's not about the technology it's about how the technology is used drones are naturally better at avoiding civilians than fighter jets when pilots flying jets were given clear directives in training on civilian protection they were able to lower civilian casualty rates also important to note the latest study only takes into account
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civilian deaths in afghanistan and places like yemen and pakistan it's harder to obtain figures on the number of deaths because the only way to get data is from the drones themselves so as the drone debate comes into that the national spotlight this study points out that the benefits of drone technology and training of drone pilots should be included in that debate in washington liz wall r.t. are just a member of the program worlds apart that's coming your way in just a sec. as a person who lives in russia i get asked very often why automatic console fat well are americans actually fat or is this just
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a myth from some hater countries the centers for disease control have declared obesity to be a disease as if twenty point nine percent of adult americans are obese and that is an all time high people blame the sedentary lifestyle as the cause yes if you were out all day at work and then all evening after driving the home sure doesn't help your waistline but problems can have multiple causes and the authors of the book rich food poor food believe it could be tied to eight foods that are allowed in america but are banned in many other countries across the globe some of these chemicals and techniques and foods that are banned by some other countries are a less strong which is in many snack products which lower scale worries but kills your body's ability to absorb minerals brought me to flour which saves tons of time for the baker but beats up your internal organs and of course our good old friend synthetic growth hormones which are in livestock which have been linked to cancer big problems really have simple solutions you can run around and exercise as much
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as you like but if you're being pumped full of these chemicals that are illegal in much of the world well your chances of fitting into that bathing suit are ironically slim but that's just my opinion. hello and welcome to all the parties and take it up to the war in iraq it is difficult to find a single analyst in the middle east who would argue that it is life and what one. undertaking was commentator is a much more blunt calling it a war of oppression or even a genocide of the iraqi people is the same community that condemned the use of force for political goals in the case of bush and blair appears quite accepting of violence of the method of regime change in syria and to school in boston the west
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for ruining your right ultimately advocating a similar approach in syria to discuss that i'm now joined by an asshole to critique president of the cordoba foundation mr al-tikriti i really appreciate your being here now my first question may sound provocative but i find much of the pro-democracy and anti assad rhetoric really similar to what we heard from george w. bush about a decade ago people like yourself who at least at some point for in support of armed rebellion argue that since assad is a dictator or syria would be a better place without human therefore all the measures to get rid of him are somehow justified even if it is a war and to me that is the very asons of the bush's case to launch a war in iraq there are some stark differences. between iraq and between syria and iraq there was no revolution in iraq the.


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