tv Breaking the Set RT July 4, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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e.u. flags burn after the bolivian president's jet is diverted grounded in the search an act dubbed by latin american leaders as a kidnapping and a humiliation for the continent. the opinion does seem to do the bidding of the united states of america which infringes on national t.v. and does leave the country to be a cold in a great of the cool power days after europe expresses anger over america's surveillance seen allegedly complies with washington's orders to divert able morales's flight. changing of the guard terrier celebrates the former egyptian leaders fall from grace and are arrested as a stand off between the islam is and the army results in new clashes. right now this is live video from tahrir square in cairo where the opponents of ahmed morsi
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have gathered to celebrate the islam is president's ouster. two am in moscow good to have you with us here on r t our top story latin american countries are angry over the e.u.'s decision to ground in reportedly searching jet carrying the bolivian president over rumors whistleblower edward snowden could be aboard almost a whole continent rallying in support of bolivia artie's alexei he has more. things are not looking so good for the diplomats european diplomats accredited in latin american countries some of them may actually be expelled in particular those working in believe the that will be more clear after the emergency summit of they want us to organization which unites most of the latin american countries which will be held on thursday some statements will be produced there but following this nightmare flight of ever more or less through europe last night we've seen an
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unprecedented solidarity from all that american countries on the matter they've all been very critical of what happened with the believing president now the president of argentina cristina the commissioner said that this was the humiliation of the entire south american continent a joint statement coming from the colombian government stated that the airspace denial is an act of aggression and last but not least the president of venezuela nicolas maduro said this was a dangerous disproportionate and unacceptable aggression and. europe is the main victim of america's economic policies europe is the main victim of america's espionage and yet it's precisely europe that's insulted one of the presidents of south america it's unprecedented what the spanish government is done are we latin american citizens your slaves the slaves of that elite that kneels down before the c.i. a before the u.s. and no it's ridiculous we've also received
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a reaction coming from the russian foreign ministry which was also far from have happy about how things pan out for the bolivian president suzy because somebody out there you are at peace. with that as we showed you to the failure of european states to give permission to the aircraft of the bolivian president to fly through their airspace and is forced landing of this special flight in vienna the following should be noted the activities of france spain and portugal could hardly be regarded as friendly towards we live here as well as russia from where president morales was traveling after his visit. moreover the refusal to grant the right to fly the aircraft could have endangered the safety of the passengers including the head of the silver instate well europe received the lion's share of criticism for their actions in regards to the bolivian president with some latin american officials saying that despite europe is criticizing what edward snowden has actually revealed still that acted as
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a colony of washington but of course the united states have also been criticized on this matter because of reports that they may have had a hand in this particular incident in fact the united states never made secret that they contacted countries in europe about snowden possibly traveling through their territory and that she should be handed over to the united states authorities for charges and to trial so this story is definitely far from over we are anticipating this summit and believe the emergency summit of owners who are and what steps will be taking next and as long as edward snowden reportedly remains at moscow's sheremetyevo airport will be definitely seeing more crazy twists and turns to this saga international affairs analyst prepares kabar thinks south america's anger at the u.s. and e.u. means snowden's chances for asylum could be increasing all short get that what you what twenty four well four hours before what happened is they were outraged in serious it were being spied of all in a b.
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in frankfurt and over the nato headquarters in the moments outside of belt twenty four hours later he did what they did against a leader of a small south american nations and now the united star so merrick i guess you were asked i guess this ridiculous but benteke role all the european markets so just open source old and last of all. in south america. french interior minister said if snowden applied for diplomatic shelter in his country there's almost no chance he'd get it this after the whistle blows revelations of the u.s. spying on european allies would spark a wave of fury around the block including paris or he's worried if an ocean reports what we see is actually a curious evolution of france's position over america's spying activity from an extreme outrage to an even more extreme tolerance and even support we all remember
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that france has become furious after it was revealed that america's intelligence services had been more natori in high ranking french and european union officials even abroad and also at home and then the angry at france's president has demanded washington to stop spine immediately and has even threatened to reconsider economic partnership with america and delay the talks over an ambitious project with america over the world's largest free trade zone america france and european countries have been working on for years to work. we cannot fix this kind of behavior between partners in an alliance we are immediately stopped because they can be no negotiations or transactions in all areas until we have obtained these guarantees for from. all of the european union or sexual but what we saw next has actually indicated a radical change in the country's position the european union countries including
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france have first agreed that the talks over the free trade zone should go on then later france has not allowed believe this president's jad to enter it's as praise because an undesirable person adverse norden could also be on board the same plane and that allegedly following america's request to do so so why we see this change in the position of france people here on the ground are saying that that's been an act of populism for from french president francois hollande his ratings are among the lawyers in the history of his presidency and of course. he planned to gain some points by saying exactly what his people what his electorate wanted him to say that only proves that france has not been able to go beyond words in its accusations of america's behavior and will not actually openly spoil its relations with washington and actually instead of gaining some popularity here on the ground a french president has in the opposite end or at the public people say the shamed
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with this it paul crecy from their leader talking about europe's role in the scandal robert alls chair of the burj group think tank thinks europe's being colonized by u.s. policy use not really independent in terms of its own foreign policy european union follows what america does it really does seem to accept american foreign policy goals rightly or wrongly but that's not an independent voice any but i and other countries within the european union under the common foreign and security policy so really it does mean that the cherished principle of a nation state having its own foreign policy is undermined and that then does leave the country to be be a colony of greater political power which of course country to democratic legitimacy the leaks of the n.s.a. surveillance program of spar region against the obama administration not only it's a targeting of europe but among the people of the us to a campaign called restore the fourth movement was born on social networking sites
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like reddit and has gained support hundreds gathered in cities across the u.s. and even brought in a broad in support of the movement argues marine important has more. on the birthday of america's independence day hundreds are taking to the streets in new york city and throughout the country to take part in the restore the fourth rally this is a campaign that watched last month in the aftermath of edward snowden's revelations about america's foot spying program a program that a shock to those living in the united states and those around the world another story to work against you off if you were still worried the fourth bill of rights which protects us citizens from the not lawful search and seizure is the purpose of this rally organizers say is to spread awareness and spur political action against unconstitutional spying by the u.s. government press freedom out advocates that we spoke with say that these protests
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are crucial because mainstream media is not adequately covering the n.s.a. leaks and their importance to everyday citizens i believe that the fourth amendment is being breached by only the government but by the police with search and seizure with the n.s.a. leaks and everything has been coming out and we i feel lied to i feel you know betrayed by a government that's supposed to uphold the constitution even though they say that there's laws that make everything they do legal it seems like legal gymnastics to me i voted for obama twice i donated twice but i'm tired of the expansion of these programs that seem to violate our rights and focus more on keeping us safe in the name of fear it really frighten me that the director of national intelligence lied to congress and i haven't really been any repercussions he issued a written apology but people have lost their jobs over less and it seems like he really nice and i we are living in the midst of the of the largest. you know an
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unreasonable search and seizure system we've ever seen in the history of mankind is completely suspicion list search and seizure of our information and that people should be infuriated that. a crowd has marched more than called lawmakers down in the windy. federal hall where the first congress passed the bill of rights in addition to this event more than five hundred thousand people have signed an online petition stop watching daughter demanding full disclosure of all n.s.a. programs now although this rally may be over those participating in it say that their campaign is just beginning from new york marina parties. kelly bike an organizer of a rally in los angeles thinks democracy is under threat from the government surveillance program we want just an actual democratic judicial review of these programs it's important for americans to permit and allow these programs why are we
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why are these programs being enacted without the voice of the people terminating this to happen we just want an open debate we want to know what exactly is going on how these programs are being implemented and we know we want to know what our government is doing and either approve of it or disapprove we just want to be democratic i don't believe i have anything to hide but i believe that my privacy is a basic right is a basic right for everyone states i don't think that terrorism program should be snooping on american widely secret government i'm sorry that does not equal democracy that is not america. click away live updates on the restore the fourth campaign click on r.t. dot com for pictures and video from the marches and after a short break as egypt celebrates the end of president morsi is will we take a look at this with the change of power and what it could bring to the country stay with us. one of the greats stayed blind to what is happening in their country. the american
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dream is disappearing. the poor are left hopeless the streets are full of angry crown's fighting against. the stole the american dream. download the official. language stream. and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just. now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. led.
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fourteen minutes past the hour a day after a military coup toppled egypt and president country's new leaders showing a little mercy to mohamed morsi and those close to him a judge from the mubarak era has been sworn in as interim leader and a general prosecutor as the had it be as long as a brotherhood supreme guide and his deputy arrested. but this with change of power has triggered a new clashes in the streets artie's power smear has more from cairo. have might have. had some pretty hours after the president mohamed morsi of approach in what has muslim brotherhood which is forming a military coup now as we zoom into the crowd to see that they are you sorry they constitute you walked in cheers they were waving the egyptian flag they singing patriotic songs every so often
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a little fireworks in the sky and they keep aiming these green and laser beams of all the buildings around that i wanted to mention that government that they're watched and watched for good but these days of not being repeated up egypt you need to realize that the a very divided society and bearing the brunt of this new interim military is first and foremost the muslim brotherhood there have been some we rented everest to shoot the brotherhood members and amongst those who have been arrested are the government leader of the muslim brotherhood and the time and supreme guide and his deputies we understand that many of half a tablet have nothing to change the generosity to. interestingly enough to have president morsi after the revolution back in two thousand and eleven he was part of mubarak's team now only on thursday and interim president was sworn in
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as the man stood he is the head of the country's constitutional court it's just a position that he had for only two days and in that swearing in ceremony he said that he was going to pay homage to the chance to have the egyptians have the constitution and to have the final in terms of who will be the new prime minister of this interim government it does seem as if i have it all fired is the favorite and it was just the foreman headed up at a mash up tommy into to indicate that it is a position that is willing to take refuge in nothing but terrorists as well as army . that if indeed he because he did next time as to why rugby and not the proper time for the united states the time here's where it is rang me to put to what is going on in the race to egypt because they came this is a very very divided society and there are real concerns that they could be clashes and violence between the army and promo s'sopoaga the muslim brotherhood leaders have issued a statement saying that they are calling for nonviolence they don't want to see any
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kind of armed struggle that they were having statement coming from the cross was muslim brotherhood supporters not wanting to jihad a holy role the question is whether or not in leadership will be able to control the congo and the frustration on the streets the army is talking about implementing a road map it has dissolved the parliament it has abandoned the constitution it's going to be calling for any presidential the parliamentary elections that there is some kind of timeframe have some kind of system that has been put in place but there is again a real fear a fear of clashes they were clashes optimistic kinds of prior university there were also clashes not far from have higher office and this is something that people will be watching perhaps. egypt's foreign minister as a cue as a sure and u.s. secretary of state john kerry that the ousting of mohamed morsi was not a military coup but the will of the people or correspondent and columnist eric margolis thinks that the overthrow of a legitimate leader in egypt will have little to do with the market democratic
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principles oh it is nothing to do with democracy to anything you've seen legitimately elected. overthrow. but you with your new leaders are pussyfooting around. it is not this is the only thing you should lose your cool. disguise. at this point but i didn't see the muslim brotherhood orders the cheap will go. against the army who are. who are to. train. a domestic control. and. egypt's police forces. who are yours from the crush this sense street demonstrations so. it's
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very difficult brotherhood to assert its. turning out as some other global headline syrian opposition figures meeting in turkey to elect a new leadership as president bashar assad claims his opponents have failed to overthrow his regime the main goal of the opposition to reassure anti-government backers that they can be trusted with weapons in syria more than ninety three thousand people killed since the crisis started in march two thousand and eleven the conflict started as peaceful protests against assad's rule and then turned to civil war after opposition supporters took up arms to fight a brutal government crackdown on dissent. a top female police officer has been killed in afghanistan's southern helmand province two armed men riding a motorcycle shot dead thirty seven year old islam bibi who is known as a role model for other women in the conservative province her death comes as four girls have also been killed by
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a roadside blast in helmand according to authorities girls between ages between seven and twelve four at a wedding and had gone home to fetch some water from a stream when the blast happened at least one hundred eighty civilians have been killed in afghanistan last month with violence in the country reaching near the highest level in the last twelve years. former south african president nelson mandela getting treatment for a severe lung infection and remains in critical condition doctors advised mandela's family is to turn off his life support machine as he has entered a so-called vegeta vegetative state and though it was rushed to a pretty hostile a month ago when his health deteriorated the anti-apartheid hero is ninety four years old prospects for the alternative cyber currency known as a bit coin have brightened somewhat with some serious financial players ready to open and invent ready open to investment the winklevoss twins best known for suing facebook founder mark zuckerberg over claims he stole their social network idea or planning to float float a bitcoin trust archy's katie pilbeam has more. bitcoin the peer to peer electronic
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cash system and an alternative to traditional currencies has had its fair share of controversies this is introduction four years ago and it's now being backed by the infamous facebook suing twins tyler and cameron winklevoss if the proposal for a big coin trust fund is given the go ahead by the securities and exchange commission the twins will contribute their own ten million dollars worth of big coins into the trust of exchanges shares a virtual currency because it was created in two thousand and nine by an anonymous web developer and can be exchanged for other currencies and used to pay for goods and services but it doesn't exist in physical form now the big coin is seen by its users as an alternative to traditional currencies especially during the euro zone sovereign debt crisis as more people began distrusting the central banks but the verge of coin has been linked to money laundering and accusations of drug smuggling which has made the value of the big point extremely volatile since the start of the
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year rising from thirteen dollars in january to a peak of two hundred sixty six dollars in april and right now it sits at around ninety dollars now their release is also tightly controlled may be king essential banking systems control over the minting of money which means there can only ever be twenty one million created right now there's around eleven million is circulation this factor has led to some to speculate that their value may rise further the facebook feud between the win cost to end a mars like a virus protected in the twenty ten movie the social network eventually resulted in a sixty five million dollars settlement so i wonder if they'll be updating their facebook status with their bit corny venture i think not the new multi million u.s. dollars cash injection to make placing money into big point even easier opening up to more mainstream investors possibly but as artie's maria port meyer found in new
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york the. stay with us special report heist coming up after a short break. as a person who lives in russia i get asked very often why automatic console fat well are americans actually fat or is this just a myth from some hater countries the centers for disease control have declared obesity to be a disease that's a twenty point nine percent of adult americans are obese and that is an all time high people blame the sedentary lifestyle as the cause yes if you were out all day at work and then all evening after driving home sure doesn't help your waistline but problems can have multiple causes and the authors of the book rich food poor food believe it could be tied to eight foods that are allowed in america but are banned in many other countries across the globe some of these chemicals and
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techniques and foods that are banned by some other countries are a less strong which is in many snack products which lower scale worries but kills your body's ability to absorb minerals brought me to flour which saves tons of time for the baker but beats up your internal organs and of course our good old friend synthetic growth hormones which are in livestock which have been linked to cancer big problems really have simple solutions you can run around and exercise as much as you like but if you're being pumped full of these chemicals that are illegal in much of the world well your chances of fitting into that bathing suit are ironically slim but that's just my opinion.
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real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker see it's a step forward through oligarchy carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spraying in vietnam it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent on.
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a devaluation. lost retirement savings. the mess we're in today did not begin on wall street long. before the financial collapse the dismantling of government regulation was well underway this has been the greatest loss friends in the history at least of the american kind if not mankind. this is class warfare. in a real life development dwarf in the most elaborate conspiracy fiction all of these consequences are the end result of a brilliantly executed. every day human lives the common dreams of people everywhere were never a factor all that mattered was profit who did it how are they able to pull it off
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right before our eyes this is the story of the biggest fights in american history. see my grandmother was born into the world of boom and bust boom and bust as it had been from seven hundred ninety four until the great depression once upon a time we knew in this country we had a great depression and we had a stock market crash in one thousand twenty nine followed by several years of twenty five percent unemployment of corporations declaring bankruptcy of people in the streets on bread lines. oh a narrow. gun safe. in the depths of the great depression president
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roosevelt's new deal put millions back to work provided unemployment insurance created social security and made it easier for workers to join unions and bargain collectively. what f.d.r. in the government and the balls to do was enact legislation that really took command of the wall street environment and said you know what you can't speculate with other people's money. coming out of the great depression just three laws fundamentally altered the course of america's history the first one f.d.i.c insurance make it safe to put money in banks the second one glass steagall try to separate the risk taking on wall street from your local community bank and the third one ses the regulations provide some cops to watch the robbers out of that what we got was fifty years of economic peace no financial
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panics no meltdowns and during that fifty years we built a strong and prosperous middle class in america after world war two the new deal evolved into a great deal with the american people growing prosperity and social justice seemed to be everyone's destiny as the u.s. economy exploded into the greatest economic machine in history. the new deal was stablish that ordinary people had the right to protect themselves against corporate abuse the early seventy's expanded those safeguards the creation of agencies like the occupational safety and health administration whose mission was to protect workers the environmental protection agency created human health and the environment. regulation is nothing more than the imposition of a set of rules to prevent the.
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