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tv   Headline News  RT  July 5, 2013 2:00am-2:45am EDT

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dozens of detainees being force fed and fresh claims of sexual abuse by guards at guantanamo bay where a mass hunger strike is now entering its sixth month. bolivia's president in american leaders to condemn what he calls u.s. intimidation tactics threatening to close america's embassy after his jet was refused access to european airspace. and part of egypt exploded in jubilation after the sting of mohammed morsi some of the deposed president's top aides are arrested but fears of clashes between the army and islamist.
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a very warm welcome to you from all of us here at r.t. moscow. with this hour's top headlines the u.s. government is fighting a legal effort to stop the force feeding of hunger striking detainees at guantanamo bay lawyers for several prisoners have appealed to a washington court to intervene but the administration says federal judges have no say in what happens at that camp now the mass hunger strike at the notorious military facility now entering its sixth month and nearly two thirds of the inmates have joined in the protest against alleged mistreatment and detention without trial is the largest strike in the camps eleven year history military doctors are now force feeding forty five detainees to try and keep them alive for the highly controversial practice though has been condemned around the world but it's still
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being defended by u.s. officials as artie's guy in a chicken reports. the u.n. calls for the us to stop force feeding guantanamo hunger strikers the practice is against international law and is seen by many as a form of torture and here is one first the guards strap the detainee down to a chair like this one then they put a mask over his face so that the detainee can't move bite or spit then the nurse snakes the feeding tube into nasal cavity the feeding tube which is roughly the size of a pens incorporates or this or this is not an actual feeding tube but it gives you an idea and this area is very rich in endings and patients report extreme pain during the procedure and the nurse pushes the tube further down the throat creating a tightness that makes breathing difficult at that point patients typically feel pressure on their chest along some say it feels like they were drowning then the staff taped the troop to the detainees nose so that they can bite
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or swallow it and then two cans of nutritional substances are being funneled through the tube now we wrote to guantanamo and asked whether they use an anesthetic for this seemingly painful procedure here's the response typically not however it is so very low ball if the detainees were quite sick mostly tenney's prefer to use standard all of world to lubricate the truth. you are still officials are trying to make it sound like it's not as bad but here's how one of the detainees a yemeni man some near nadji office on the bell describes what force feeding actually feels like i will never forget the first time they passed a feeding tube up my nose i can't describe how painful it is to be force fed this way as it was thrust it made me feel like throwing up i wanted to vomit but i couldn't there was getting in my chest throat and stomach i had never experienced such pain before i would not wish this cruel punishment upon anyone we also asked
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the kuantan officials how many detainees resist the procedure and how many give their consent to it and he won't buy. saying the majority of the days when his report compliantly and do not resist detainees are given a choice to eat a hot meal drink the liquid near trained or be entrails fit all the detainees see the choice differently take a listen. when they come to force me into the chair if i refuse to be tied up they call the team so i have no choice either i can exercise my right to protest my detention and be beaten up or i can submit to pay in full force feeding for most people these detainees are out of sight out of mind as sudden as it is they see physical suffering as the only way for the world to draw the world's attention to their plight we can't hear their voices but here's what they write i'm doing this because i want to know my destiny i cannot abide not knowing anymore i just hope that because of the pain we are suffering the eyes of the world will once again
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look to guantanamo before it is too indefinite detention is the worst form of torture respect us or kill us it's your choice the u.s. must take off its mask and kill us the obama administration doesn't want inmates to die but neither is it in a rush to give the detainees their lives back in washington i'm going to check up. on the way medical personnel treat the detainees virtually amounts to malpractise and that's according to dr frank on old. the regime which the joint task force for guantanamo has written for the cleveland of these people requires truly abusive care and also is involves the use of medicines which are dangerous they are not allowed to behave like door and are compelled by the military hierarchy to behave like jailers in particular several of them have
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commented to me through their lawyers that when they are doctors for example to stop the environmental manipulation which leaves them freezing. or weak you know you for various stories the doctor says they have no power to do anything and as one of them is one of the hunger strikers what is the point of a doctor like right. now one of the detainees has written a letter to his lawyer claiming he and other inmates are being sexually assaulted by the gods during full body cavity searches everytime they leave and enter their cells a form i get most god terry holbrooke says some stuff i've been mistreating the detainees in revenge for nine eleven qur'an should be either thrown in a toilet or thrown on the ground or mistreated in some other form and cetera that happened often and aggressive searches of detainees person that happens while if there are motivation behind it i would say that that somewhere in the bridge
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occasion of the american society we led the soldiers to believe. in abusing detainees it's going to somehow even the score for nine eleven there are soldiers in the army in the navy air force marines and cetera who think that if they kill an arab they mistreat a muslim if they abuse a detainee it's going to somehow balance the score for nine eleven and it's not really difficult to step back and realize nothing is going to bring those people back to life. and amid mounting public and legal pressure barack obama has appointed a new envoy in charge of closing guantanamo bay a cliff at sloan has there ready to it the prison it made no details statements on how or when he had tends to shut it down and meanwhile barack obama's come under fresh fire for not using his own authority to end the notorious history of good as ati's are going to go to school now reports as president i have tried to close gitmo i transferred sixty seven detainees to other countries before congress
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imposed restrictions to effectively prevent us from either transferring detainees to other countries or imprisoning them here in the united states. these restrictions make no such this statement coming from the person many referred to as the most powerful man in the world may sound sincerely frustrated but many believe it has little honesty to it president obama has been blocking obvious he's been claiming that he can't do anything but that simply not true he's operating a droll assassination program claiming he has the power to do that is present the united states and yet somehow he's claiming that he doesn't have the power to close down a military prison and he's the commander in chief of the united states armed forces it's not a bit strange they fishel and most often cited reason for not releasing prisoners even the eighty six cleared of all charges they have no place to go especially the so-called indefinite detainees terror suspects considered too dangerous to read go
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but impossible to try in either civil or military court largely because the evidence supporting claims of their terror activity has allegedly been received through torture and interrogation which cannot be used as evidence in court the very existence of these men was shrouded in secrecy with the u.s. officially revealing their identities only several weeks back after they'd been entertainment for years another sign the u.s. isn't really considering starting down the prison is the amount of money poured into good loam the jail is a record setter dubbed by some as the most expensive jail in history annual cost of the base operation runs a just over one hundred fifty million dollars it means nine hundred thousand dollars per prisoner every year eighteen times the average yearly income of an average american household the latest innovation at the base of fiber optic cable to connected to the u.s. mainland for the sake of better internet service for military personnel stationed
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on cuba will set the taxpayers back another forty million should the congress approve it hardly sounds like a necessity if the prison was to be shut down then again there are still those who believe being held in guantanamo is tantamount to staying at a luxury resort in tropical paradise one of those is the house speaker john and the mint opponent of get much closer. i don't know that there's a terrorist treated anywhere in the world than what's happened one time and we've spent hundreds of millions of dollars to build a facility that has more comforts than a lot of americans get but those who know what this movie is like back to differ well maybe they should go and try it you know they think it's such a fantastic place they should try twelve years of indefinite detention and see how much they enjoy it and perhaps force feeding and confinement i mean we know that it's prison conditions in the united states which has the largest prison population in the whole world a far from ideal we see the force feeding going on at guantanamo bay the solitary
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confinement the the invasive physical searches of prisoners we have these journalists you have various other people who are allowed to visit guantanamo bay but they never meet the prisoners they never see the actual conditions that these people are being held and what the prisoners say about why she happens as probably a lot more accurate since they've been subject to this but this wife claims that guantanamo is just sort of a vacation camp perhaps of its exotic location it remains one of the world's most notorious prisons where people are held without trial for years and the conditions are such that inmates choose to go without food for five months rather than accept the conditions they're being held in cuba r.t. . going to turn in for one of the detainees being forced. he says the protesters are simply trying to get hold by obama and house the authority to put an end to war . they find it very painful they find it very degrading they find it humiliating.
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they are on hunger strike in order to express themselves in the only way available to them to speak out against certain definite detention many of them are being held in solitary confinement is it becoming increasingly difficult for them to communicate with their lawyers they do not want to die that's not the reason why there are now under strikers they want to be heard they want to speak out against air force feeding and you want to be either tris or released president obama himself as the commander in chief the united states he has the power to stop it we're hoping that he does very soon. what's going to be with us here on r.t. today do stay with us if you can throughout this friday our special coverage of the mass hunger strike and one time obey continues the strike now reaching its one hundred and fifty eighth day. this is not a surprise to me that we have problems and one time during a time of budget cuts we spend one hundred fifty million dollars each year to
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imprison one hundred sixty six people get more it's become a symbol around the world for an america that the rule of law. thanks for joining us here on r.t. latin america has put on a joint show of outrage over what they call political terrorism by washington leaders met after a number of e.u. countries refused the president of bolivia as jet access to their airspace of course it was forced to land in austria and searched all amid rumors that the u.s. whistleblower edward snowden may well have been on board latin american leaders echoed president evo morales while meeting in bolivia venezuela's leader said it shows how an american elite rules europe the argentinian president suggested it's odd that morale is plane was diverted by those who usually talk about upholding human rights ecuador's leader has said that the u.s. is trying to colonize the region and even more allies himself stressed that an
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apology is not enough for what happened. but. we will clearly examine it and if it's necessary we will close the u.s. embassy in bolivia we do not need the american embassy we don't need their cooperation or diplomatic relations with them while they conspire against us from within our country and from the outside my hand won't shake to close the u.s. embassy we've got dignity we've got sovereignty with the u.s. we're better politically and democratically without the i.m.f. and world bank we're better economically so we do not need them but in the meantime policy and development specialist paolo a foreign aid he says latin american countries are revolting against what they see as the dominance of one global power. these rules of international law have been totally. shaken. i would say since nine hundred eighty nine on.
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a level that even among the western powers now there is a situation where someone is more equal than others and the possibility of a sovereign state to adopt decisions regarding the side or protection of a certain individual are completely put aside. to favor the major interests of the center of the imperial system which is washington in this case and here at r.t. we are closely following reaction to washington's moves across latin america and monitoring the developments of the case of whistleblower edward snowden who of course sparked this ongoing diplomatic spat. well i saw. the former cia employee given citizenship to save him from his. just a couple of minutes before writes scores of americans u.s. independence day. the national security agency and the practice of illegal searches
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and seizures that details just around the corner.
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the official. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from. devices you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. with. the ousting of the egyptian president brought. to the streets but stability is yet to follow. after mohamed morsi was toppled the army is widening its crackdown shutting down pro islamist media and arresting those close to the deposed president let's cross live now to our true who's standing by for us in egypt and good morning to you belle of the muslim brotherhood valley in retaliation certainly sparking fears of a violence after the friday prayers do you think we could see
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a major backlash from other mohamed morsy supporters. well egypt is reeling after the ouster of the missing brotherhood president mohamed morsi by the military yesterday the supports is of the president to a largely spearheaded by his islamist group that mr brotherhood and their political parties are saying that he is the legitimate president he must be reinstated and they will not move from that position they are still holding a sittin in a mosque in the center of the capital that's currently surrounded by the military vehicles the main stage of this is and yesterday one of the speakers and now wants to march from the mosque to the defense ministry and this is where people fearing there's going to be violence because the supporters of the now ousted president will have to battle through several lines of soldiers past armored vehicles including tanks and then marched to the main headquarters of the army which is a very difficult place to protest in front of and have seen you know several
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clashes and deaths in the past you know people are really fearing that the military will crack down on the islamist group particularly in the end with the announcement of at least three hundred arrests or arrest warrants of muslim brotherhood officials i spoke to a senior member of the missing brotherhood he's the moment hunkered down in this in he said he conquered he claims he can't go home because there's a police car outside his house his wife he said has been given been sent to his parents he lost contact with the president he's been removed from his presidential aides and he's saying other senior members of the mr brotherhood group their political party the freedom justice party such a sad look at that me have already been taken into detention charged with insulting the judiciary so speaking to the supporters they say they've outlawed and they feel targeted by the military. rights groups responding to this saying they fear that this could be a crackdown on the mr brotherhood which is something that we've seen in the past under hosni mubarak and former presidents when the group was banned this could push them underground and push them to be more violent as they feel that they really
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backed into a corner to really were saying you know quite a lot of tension here in egypt with expected clashes today evidently a very fragile time right now there in the egyptian capital what about the future tell us about the political future for egypt now. well we are in a very tentative situation here in egypt we had the interim president adly mansour who is the head of the constitutional court sworn in yesterday he made some reassuring sounds the nation that he would have a as a technocratic. council to be the country he even extended a hand out to mr brotherhood saying they would be included in the map and it's going roadmap of the future however really we are. do we have the supporters of the deposed president who say they are reeling they don't understand what happened there extremely confused they maintain the president is still the president and they are not backing down on the hands as you know we had jubilant scenes when the president was ousted contestants feel that the army has you know really listened to
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their voice and delivered on this and meanwhile people are worried that the military troops are on the streets right now are looking for power with lots of people discussing whether or not this is a military coup they're waiting to see if the military will deliver on their promise of this just being a transitional period it's a boy it's a great if you ship egypt with a technocratic government and a properly and a popular democratically elected president at the moment people are very nervous and worried about the future of egypt this huge divisions that clash is still continuing between supporters and opponents of the former president we don't know where the president is we've got all these arrests happening every day with t.v. channels being shut down the brotherhood's so it's very very unstable really on edge here in egypt about waiting for the future to see whether it will be better and do all right live in cairo true thank you. now for the meantime egypt's foreign minister has assured us secretary of state john kerry that the overthrow of mohamed
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morsi was not a military coup but the will of the people but war correspondent and columnist eric margolis he doubts that he says the ousting of a legitimate leader has little to do with democratic principles. it is nothing to do with democracy you've seen the children the elected critics. overthrew. his shameful the lister needers are closely footing around. it is not this is an old fashioned military coup the army for forty thousand. trained for a domestic control. and. egypt police forces were. she. in the tories for the
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new crush this sense street demonstrations so. it's going to be very difficult for the brotherhood to assert itself you know as i log on to our website r.t. dot com to get more news updates and videos let's check out what's lined up for you there for this hour of dot com you can read the story of a teenager who was not only incarcerated but also beaten up for his online posts because none of which remark to landed him in such hot water. and scientists getting rather excited about a new out of this world discovery the existence of space where. paul has the right. before we get to the. hundreds of rallied across america and abroad against the n.s.a.'s massive global surveillance program restore the fourth movement initially emerged on social networks and has quickly gained support with its calls to respect the fourth
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amendment of the bill of rights that protect citizens against illegal searches and seizures that marina portnoy visited one such protest in the big apple. on the birthday of america's independence hundreds are taking to the streets in new york city and throughout the country to take part in the restore the fourth rally this is a campaign that watched last month in the aftermath of edward snowden's revelations about america's spying program a program that has shocked those living in the united states and those around the world another story the war aims to offer if you are store the fourth bill of rights which protects us citizens from on the lawful search and seizures the purpose of this rally organizers say is to spread awareness and spur political action against unconstitutional spying by the u.s. government press freedom advocates that we spoke with say that these protests are crucial because mainstream media is not adequately covering the n.s.a.
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leaks and their importance to everyday citizens i believe that the fourth amendment is being breached by only the government but by the police with search and seizure with the n.s.a. leaks and everything that's been coming out even though they say that there's laws that make everything they do legal it seems like legal gymnastics to me i voted for obama twice i donated twice but i'm tired of the expansion of these programs that seem to violate our rights it really frighten me that the director of national intelligence lied to congress and i haven't really been any repercussions we're living in the midst of the of the largest. you know on unreasonable search and seizure system we've ever seen in the history of mankind is completely suspicion less search and seizure of our information and that people should be infuriated that this crowd has marched more than kilometers down manhattan with andy here at federal hall where the first congress passed the bill of rights in addition to this
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event more than five hundred thousand people have signed an online petition stop watching dr demanding full disclosure of all. and i say programs now although this rally may be over those participating in it say that their campaign is just getting ready for me or marine up for tonight or it's. not some killer in the meantime of the organizer of the rally in new york he says current government surveillance is undermining the legal values of the country is necessary for surveillance to occur however the problem with the way that it's being done now is that it is only unconstitutional and i would say that many people feel that way the fourth amendment says the government can search and seize any information without a warrant and although warrants can be issued through the eyes and amendments act
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they're usually done after the fact after the search has been done and they've had a almost one hundred percent approval rate of these winds after the fact we hope to be able to make those programs constitutional by explicitly prohibiting surveillance of americans without warrants backed by probably probable cause ok well the time here on the program let's go to syria where the fractured opposition coalition has now met him to try and elect a new leader of the opposition wants to reassure their backers they can be trusted with more weapons and with the syrian army's recent advances the west now considering sending more to the conflict zone despite many five is being directly linked to al qaeda islamic extremists. and support group where police have fired tear gas at hundreds of students on civil servants rallying against tougher laws introducing annual assessments for government workers and university professors and
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critics say the reform will cost jobs and jeopardize the independence of universities the president says no it will improve the standards. and south africa's former president nelson mandela is said to be in a critical but stable condition and he apartheid hero has been receiving treatment for a severe lung infection he's now spent almost four weeks hospitalized mandela is said to be facing quote impending death but doctors are denying earlier reports the ninety four year old is in a vegetative state. no more news for you in about half an hour's time up next though these interview program so fico.
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as a person who lives in russia i get asked very often why i oughta be at a console for yet well are americans actually fat or is this just a myth from some hater countries the centers for disease control have declared obesity to be a disease that's a twenty point nine percent of adult americans are obese and that is an all time high people blame the sedentary lifestyle as the cause yes if you were out all day at work and then all evening after driving home sure doesn't help your waistline but problems can have multiple causes and the authors of the book rich food poor food believe it could be tied to eight foods that are allowed in america but our band and many other countries across the globe some of these chemicals and techniques and foods that are banned by some other countries are a less strong which is in many snack products which lowers carol worries but kills your. body's ability to absorb minerals brought me to flour which saves tons of time for the baker but beats up your internal organs and of course our good old friend synthetic growth hormones which are in livestock which have been linked to
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cancer big problems really have simple solutions you can run around and exercise as much as you like but if you're being pumped full of these chemicals that are illegal in much of the world well your chances of fitting into that bathing suit are ironically slim but that's just my opinion. it's technology innovations all the developments around russia. the future are covered. i want to welcome to sophie and co i'm so three shevardnadze and today we're
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looking at what's going on in the arab world including egypt where the president has just been forced out of power. the egyptian revolution cycle has moved on and turned on itself morsi is forced from power by a popular coup was the people and the army celebrating unity. political islam is egyptian presidency lies in ruins drowned by the voices on top hear. how the arab spring zouaves broken on egypt what will be exposed if they roll back across the arab world where the arab spring is demonstrably worst. what chances do multi-faith societies have under politically we speak to a woman of arabia a princess of the east. our guest today is her royal highness saudi prince says best mob in south activist a writer and
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a businesswoman and she joins us live from london your world and it's great to have you on our show today thank you so it's nice to be on your show and on the russian t.v. for the first time so was that from the latest news we're witnessing a coup in egypt where military have taken power but how will the population and that's millions are celebrating is this really a military coup or the victory of the people. now i think it's actually both. the victory of the people is the victory of the army itself because. maybe it's very foreign to other people to know that the army and egypt has for so long protected the people and it has been so you know sworn on protecting the people rather than the government so it's not actually something unusual for the army. to
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buy by the people. and since most he has. and power by a democratic election. the army has fold very hard to be independent and mr mercy has fought very hard to have the army under his power so i think it's just a very normal reaction from from the army to to be where he is and. definitely celebrating that there are. certified his identity and kept away from from the political game and what about the muslim brotherhood i mean it's a very well organized political machine well entrenched in that region with millions of supporters how do you think they will react to a coup the overthrowing of their man well actually it's nothing i have to mind you and i have to remind everybody that the muslim brotherhood up to ten years ago was
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considered a terrorist party and it's hasn't been recognized by the. slavic . community in egypt or an arab world except recently so we've not actually as if we're talking about a very great party that has been in power for such a long time it's really it's been considered as a as a. terrorist party for a long time since i've been nasser so what i'm saying is that the muslim brotherhood shouldn't be very surprised about their short. power being in power. because there were not supported by the egyptians observe since a long time it's not the short notice. alarm the egyptian people it is the word because the world doesn't know doesn't know the egyptian culture doesn't know the egyptian history doesn't know the egyptian the muslim
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brotherhood history so rather. than really said a big thing the muslim brotherhood failure i don't think by any means that this brotherhood. is a political movement it is rather just small part of this size by other powers in the world ok so what's not just muslim brotherhood in egypt political islam in general we see taking up the vacuum filling in the vacuum of the overthrown dictators of the arab spring states why is that guidance could never be tired and not backed by big powers. systems cannot survive on its own and this globalized world. and the fight over the middle east and its gas and petrol has been going on for the last let's say two centuries we're just seeing that as. who want smaller right now rather than actually. meaning which is superior and divine
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which everybody has been singing in the last. two to three years for spring it has nothing to do with with god it has nothing to do with equality it has nothing to do with humanity it has to do who has more power on the ground you take it you put another nothing changes if we don't change the systems themselves we can never actually change whatever is happening in the middle east more than in ten years of the twenty years the people will still be a rising like in iraq because. it was brought down. in the name of democracy and ten years after the fall of saddam what do we see in iraq destruction wars bombs bloodshed on democracy. fighting over your day to day bread people and secured goods being great and this was never and never happened in
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the time of saddam i'm not saying that saddam was a good one but i say what is the alternative we are making wars and revolutions we don't we're not thinking about the consequences what is the solution what what can we put instead of morsi and more but all these tyrants because they're all the same for me as a human being that all the same they're all exercising the same power what i'm saying is if we don't put the system in place we are looking for a long term out of revolutions in the middle east that will never quiet in the end the country it will be another it will be another iraq. the next one is syria so we're just creating. terrorism as we go along down down the way in the name of democracy so you think this code that just took place in egypt could actually spill over if that region i think it's one of them and i think it's not it's not going to
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be the end in egypt. it's going to spill over the whole the whole. the whole region and it's not only the whole region and it's the whole globe that is undergoing a shift and economy europe spain greece the states. south america north america brazil look at look at the globe look at what's happening you have to connect things together you cannot just talk about egypt without talking about syria with that but talking about. brazil without talking about europe the economy everywhere is driving that evolution's and. this is what nobody i have seen we name actually it evolution is by a litigious shouldn. but basically it's economic it's unemployment it's it's not giving the proper human human rights the social human rights security social security environmental security child security government security border security
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this is all our issues which are very important to do today person and we're not actually really addressing these issues we had at that are seeing issues and looking at the very secular way which is the political way which is you know naming religion is the cause of reform of the order of illusion it is not it is economic and this is what you are seeing you know qatar and saudi arabia today expressed no objection to the military coup in egypt but they are supportive of hardliners in syria i mean they're pouring huge amount of money in weaponry into a country that's ripped apart by a savage war why such a dramatic difference in dealing with those states well i would like to ask that question myself you know that it has so many contradictions even the states i mean you know when we look at president obama's remarks about bringing
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down a motor city and seeing a democratic well you can say you know you can't say anything except it contradicts every single via bird and the human being in the middle east who should be seeing what's democratic and what's not if i do not actually exercise them democracy in my country if i do not exercise the thing in my country how can i ask it from other countries there's a lot of contradictions on the scene on the political scene and everybody is confused and confusing the masses by the messages they're sent. from the top p five security. club what i sallied i call it the club but would you agree that the two countries qatar and saudi arabia are actually competing in exporting hard line islam to the region and thus you know it all comes out to control who will control the region through hardline islam well let me tell
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you something actually decided it be a lot but could not do anything on its own there is support from different parts of the word for these things as russia is supporting syria so that it is a gaze so it's so it's like a game it's like a football game everybody tends to put the ball in the other. person's field all governments feel it's a game of power and this is blankly. naming get down to the core and distilling every single. agenda and the region to the core it's not that did it because it's about this other but it's not about it's about who has more power and and whether it is by islamic agenda or by democratic agenda and what evidence you can put to it it is a fight for power. all right so we're going to take a short break now coming up next what's up for lebanon and saudi arabia how watertight is it when it comes to revolution stay tuned.
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in. the u.s. and its findings on just about everyone in the world including its so-called friends in washington seek information dominance and this is being done we're told to. fine care wouldn't be petter if the us monitored its intelligence community rather than snoop on the rest of us choose your language. calling me kevin though if. someone. chooses to use the consensus you can. choose the opinions that. choose to stories that entire life
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choose me access to often. wealthy british style says it's not time to. find. the markets find scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two crimes a report on. i'm not used to the tundra to freedom i am my dear. in second grade i ran away from the boarding school with to my friends around to
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the tundra. of the tundra is just miskito the traffic and i don't know how people can live there to get in there no t.v.'s in the tenth how can i send my child to boarding school i won't be able to sleep at night after that. they enter a life without knowledge of how to do basic things they don't get that in school. real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us warming.


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